Never posted before but like the discussions and dialogue on this site.
I started PreP approx 2 yrs ago but I don’t take it regularly I.e. I dose up for vacations and weeks like Folsom etc, taking the meds for 7 days before events/sex, during (could be a few weeks of off and on sex, and then 7 days post last raw encounter. I am 100% top.
Blood work done every 4-6 months. Sometimes more frequently. Each time there was slight elevated liver enzymes. Nothing was made of them as kidney and bone markers were fine. Just told it was from having a few beers over weekend. Though I drink not so much.
Ever before starting PreP I had unknown cause IBS. Attending a gastroenterologist and had a recent liver and gall bladder ultrasound as part of the IBS checks. out of the blue last week he told me that the ultrasound came back with severe fatty liver evident.
going for a fibroscan this week to see level of liver impact/disease. I asked what he thought caused it. But he said he didn’t know. Then I start looking into Truvada/PreP and suddenly see now that elevated liver enzymes, fatty liver disease and NASH are known side effects of these drugs.
During all my discussions with true PreP clinic it was never mentioned as a risk - it was all about kidneys and bone.
Really worried now that I have damaged my liver. What are peoples experiences? Could it be a coincidence and nothing to do with the PreP or ?
concerned Irish!