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Posts posted by funpozbottom

  1. On 11/2/2023 at 2:32 PM, ErosWired said:

    I have always assumed that men would seize upon an opportunity to live out a sexual desire, especially when there was no resistance.

    Even when I’m not in bondage, I offer the same option to whatever man enters my room, and often tell them explicitly: I am for them, and they may do whatever they wish, live whatever fantasy they want through me (subject to a very few certain hard limits), try new things, go all out. Yet I find that many men are reluctant to take the opportunity offered. I don’t really understand it.

    As the saying goes: You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

    I think what you may be experiencing (at least in part) is the fact that not everyone has the same desires, and some fantasies are more specific and can't be fulfilled by just any body.  For example: a lot of guys like, or have fantasies about fisting, but personally, I have absolutely no interest in it. I don't want a fist in my ass, and don't want to slip my fist into someone else. You might be willing to do it, but it doesn't matter how willing you or any other guy is to do it, it's not something I'm going to want to try. Just because the opportunity is there, it doesn't mean someone will suddenly develop interests to take advantage of it. On the other hand, I love piss and certain other filthy kinks that I'm pretty sure would butt up against one of your hard limits. But then, I only want to do that kind of stuff with a particular type of guy. Give me a cute college twink and I'll think of lots of things to do with him, but someone my own age? I've already done that so it doesn't really turn me on so much.

    I guess I'm not as adventurous as I used be, but can't think of anything that I haven't already done that I really want to try.

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  2. I've had a couple abscesses on my scalp this year. The most recent was on the back of my neck, just above the hairline. It quickly grew from the size of a pimple to the size of my palm in a just a couple days. Even after I started antibiotics, the infection continued to spread, causing severe pain and several days of fever.  I still have a slight bump and some temporary hair loss to the effected area.  Having dealt with an infection on the skin, I can see how a generalized Staph / MRSA infection could turn deadly.  

  3. I was on there yesterday so yes, it's still active. If you haven't accessed it in a while, remember that it is a .org - not a .com. (That's tripped me up a few times.)  Also note that they seem to have made a few changes. One is a new verification system that can take longer than usual to respond. Also the default now seems to be the mobile version but you can still access the traditional desktop version by clicking the "Legacy" version button.

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  4. I was looking for the mike that @BootmanLA  dropped but I'm not crawling under the table to grab it so I'll just say, in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with sex work and I don't care what anyone else does 'in bed' or if it involves the exchange of ... compensation.  As long as the parties involved are doing it willingly, I think they have the right to use their bodies however they want. 

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  5. On 9/17/2023 at 3:06 PM, brnbk said:

    Is it ever moral to out a gay man?


    Is it ever acceptable for a gay/bi person to pass as straight ?

    For the first question, in general, no. I think everyone should be afforded a right to privacy and should not be outed for their sexuality. However, there are certain circumstances that might bring a person's sexuality into public view. Using the example of a politician or clergy, if that person was actively engaging in activities that they were "preaching" or legislating against,  it would be valid to point out that person's hypocrisy and show how that deception is detrimental to others. In my opinion, this isn't necessarily outing as gay, but outing as a hypocrite.   

    As for the second question of whether it's ever acceptable to pass as straight, I'd say, yes. There are situations where one's safety could be of a higher priority than a social agenda.


    On 9/23/2023 at 11:09 AM, ErosWired said:

    The difference is that human sexuality isn’t supposed to be a commodity.

    Can you prove that? I mean, when you consider how humans have bartered for marriage through arranged connections and dowry payoffs that may only peripherally involve the couple that is to wed, it could be argued that a transaction between a sex worker and client is actually a more intimate encounter than many marriages consummated throughout history. 

    I think your interpretation of Maslow's Hierarchy is slightly off. While our current society tends to conflate love and sex, Maslow intentionally separated the two. Sex is a primary physical need. Love is a secondary mental construct. You do not need to love to have sex, and you do not have to have sex to have love.

    We all have a limited number of things that we can focus on at one time. Primary needs need to be somewhat satisfied before you have the bandwidth to focus on higher needs. So the need for sex needs to be somewhat satisfied before you can turn your attention to things like love.  For a guy, once he's cum, the need for sex is somewhat satisfied so he can think about things like:  "I wonder what it would be like to do that with a person instead of my hand" ... "Yeah she's a good lay but do I actually love her" ... "I got enough from that trick to pay rent, maybe I can take some time to focus on finding some new friends..."

    Fulfilling a basic physical need doesn't create a "deficit" in higher needs, but rather, once a primary need is satisfied, you can turn your attention towards fulfilling higher needs that already exist. 


    Fun fact: Maslow created a list of 15 characteristics of self-actualized individuals.  Three that sort of relate to this thread are: 

    Strong moral/ethical standards;

    Concerned for the welfare of humanity;

    Need for privacy.




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  6. 4 hours ago, lj1987 said:

    I got some silicon toys and for some reason, they seem to have melted. Anyone got an idea how that happened? What do I need to do to make sure that doesn’t happen again please

    That looks like you had two toys touching and one started to melt into/onto the other. 

    To prevent it in the future, store each toy separately so there is no contact between them.  Easy way to separate them is to wrap them in a paper towel or individual paper bags. The best is to keep them in individual cloth bags if you can find or make them. 

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  7. Toy materials can be divided into two broad categories. Things like metal, glass, and pure silicon are non-porous. Pretty much anything else should be considered porous.  This makes a difference in how well a toy can be cleaned. With non-porous materials, anything that comes in contact with it stays on the surface, so they are easy to wash off with soap and water. Non-porous toys can be sanitized by boiling or steeping in hot water for a few minutes. They can also be sanitized with bleach as long as you don't use too much. (You only need like a teaspoon to a half gallon of water to sanitize.) But unless you are sharing toys, simply washing in mild soap and water should be sufficient.

    Unfortunately, most toys are made from porous materials. Since the surface is not completely solid, lube and body fluids, etc, can slowly be absorbed into the toy's material. This is why it's recommended that toys are cleaned immediately after use to prevent any funky goo from infiltrating your toy.  Toys should be washed using mild soap and water. If you want a deeper clean you could try steeping in hot water, however, depending on the material, you may risk melting your toy. Porous materials cannot be completely sanitized, so it's recommended that those materials are not shared. If toys are shared, they're supposed to be protected to prevent transfer of bacteria. (That's right, you might like it bare but your sex toys would prefer a condom. 😉  )

    One more note about materials: Some sellers market toys as being "silicon" but aren't. Unless you are absolutely sure they are 100% silicon, then assume they are something else and treat them as porous materials.

    So, on to the issue of lingering smells. Non-porous materials shouldn't have any strong smells after being cleaned and any light odors should dissipate quickly.  Porous materials can retain odors since whatever is causing the odor is infused into the toy material and can't be completely washed out.  If you have a toy with an odor, I would not use bleach or apply scented oils. You could risk degrading the toy material, or, those chemicals could leach back out of the toy when it's in your ass.  All you can do is try to prevent odors by making sure your hole is super squeaky clean before you play or cover the toy with a condom to prevent contact with odor causing substances.

    There are commercial toy cleaners, however I've never used one so I don't know how well they work or if they have any effect on odors.

    Long story, short, if the toy has an odor, either ignore it or buy a new toy.

  8. It seems a lot of guys on apps are looking for a fantasy and forget that the profile they contact belongs to a real person and not just a porn inspired sex bot.  They expect everyone to be in exactly the same headspace they are and be ready to dive into that one scene they want to play out.

    Anytime someone brings up my poz status, I point out that I'm undetectable and can't really pass on the virus. They usually say they've been curious or turned on by the thought of sex with someone who's poz and then usually flake after that. (I dunno, maybe getting a lecture on U=U and the use of prep kind of turns them off.)

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  9. I am by no means an expert or even follow the subject closely, but, HIV does cross the blood-brain barrier in the early stages of infection and causes permanent changes in the brain. I suppose it's possible that in at least some people, changes to certain areas could increase libido and/or decrease risk aversion.  More research into the type of changes the virus makes would have to be done in order to show more than a casual correlation.  I only skimmed through the article, and while the results may be statistically significant, the means fell well within a standard deviation of each other. Therefore, (as they say in politics) I think the race is too close to call at this time. 

  10. I don't recall ever thinking the cum in my ass smelled specifically like piss, however, I have noticed that cum from my hole will smell a little different than cum shot in my mouth.  And I think it sort of makes sense that it would. Cum in your ass gets mixed with some of the lube and mucus you've got in there. I can imagine that combination could take on an aroma reminiscent of piss.   

  11. I have to say, I hate acronyms. How do they save time if every time you come across one, you have to scramble to look up the definition?  Hearing them on the news is equally annoying as the newscaster says the acronym and then immediately has to tell what it means. It's not beneficial if you continually need to say everything twice. Just say what you mean the first time and move on.  Acronyms can also change in meaning as various people hear it, and make up their own definition because it's not clear what the "real" definition is supposed to be. And I think that is what is happening to BBC. The definition seems to be changing from a specific type of penis to meaning "black guys" or "cock of color" in general.  Most things on the internet don't live up to hype - why should BBC be any different?

    With all the things it could stand for, for some reason this talk about BBC is making me crave Blue Berry Cake ...


    • Haha 1
  12. On 5/20/2023 at 3:36 PM, ErosWired said:

    If this small sampling is representative of the population of Poz men in general, those results are sobering. Either they represent a radical increase in the spread of HIV, and a failure of control efforts, in the last decade, or they represent a grim picture of pre-ART mortality.

    I think numbers might be skewed toward the post 2000 - and post 2010 in particular - partly because of the more recent push to be tested, to know your status, and U=U campaigns. More people are tested regularly which means infections may be diagnosed earlier.


  13. I'm pretty sure crabs are considered merely a nuisance and are not hazardous since they don't carry or cause other illnesses. While they are annoying, they can be eliminated by shaving the effected area and/or using a lice killing shampoo.  A pill would most likely be ineffective since you would have to ingest a pesticide and then exude it through your pores for it to come in contact with the lice. Meanwhile ... you'd have pesticides circulating through your body. The more targeted approach of using a lice killing shampoo only on the effected areas is probably considered safer. If you frequently encounter crabs, you could add use of that shampoo to your after sex shower as a precaution.

    You mentioned as a comparison the flea treatment for dogs. It's been years since I had a dog, however if I remember correctly, I used flea and tick shampoo as a preventative. There was a pill for heartworms that are transmitted by mosquitos. I think there are now pills that add the flea treatment to the heartworm pill. If you are using these kinds of treatments, (and you should prevent heartworms), you are putting pesticides into your pets every month, but in this case, it is seen as a better option as it prevents debilitating illness.  

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  14. 10 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    And there seems to be some confusion, as the OP asked this question almost two years ago - advice on what he should do is unlikely to be of any use to him now.

    Oh No! I got caught in the Way-Back Machine again!

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  15. Personally, I don't think I'd mention it.  Since you said the son "did absolutely nothing for you", I think telling the father about it would just stir up unnecessary baggage.  On the other hand, I definitely would want the father to fuck me so I could compare the two. Hopefully dad is a better fuck that the son. 

  16. It depends how many loads I expect to get. If I'm only getting one, the I want it in my ass. I can finger myself and lick them to get the taste. But, if I'm going to get multiple loads, getting the first in my mouth is best so I have that taste of cum in my mouth as I take the rest.

    Getting fucked while holding the taste of cum and/or piss in my mouth makes me feel like more of a slut.

  17. If you don't want to be treated as a buffet, I suggest turning off the "Free Salad Bar" sign, and putting down the basket of bread sticks.

    But seriously ... It is frustrating to invest the time to get your hole to the perfect stage of sloppy, only to have some jerk come along and wipe it all away.  But I have to say, it's not just bottoms who do that.  I had a top who was eating my ass while stroking to get himself hard ... until he took it too far and shot his load on the floor.  Not only did he strip the lube from my hole, but I lost the load that should have been placed there.

    The saying goes, "there's no use crying over spilled milk", but situations like that are almost too much to bear.

  18. A top pulling out without so much as a grunt can leave me wondering: "Did you cum?" or "Do you want to change positions?" or "Do you need more lube?" or "Did you suddenly remember it's your mom's birthday and you have to rush home to finish her cake?" I can usually rule out that last one (except for the one guy in the chef uniform) but otherwise, some small sign that you came can help a bottom shift into "cooldown" mode without having to resort to asking, "Was it good for you?"

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  19. As a bottom, the only time I feel there are too many bottoms is when there is that one guy at a venue who feel he has to suck every cock. It doesn't matter if someone is already sucking it, he'll maneuver his way closer and push the other guy out.

  20. 16 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    If you don’t know in advance what the signals are meant to convey in context, they could mean anything. For me, prior to this conversation, if I had seen someone’s foot conspicuously tapping from the next stall over, my assumption would have been that the occupant had run out of toilet paper and was discreetly attempting to ask for assistance. My response would have been to set a roll on the floor, which obviously would not have been the expected response.

    If I saw someone tapping his foot my first thought would be: "I wonder what's on his playlist." 


    On a certain level I find it hilarious that members of a sex forum either don't know or won't describe how understall sex is initiated, and instead site a 50 year old book based on a student dissertation written by a priest who tracked his 'research participants' via license plate numbers and police connections. Is that really the perfect study guide on the subject of tea room sex? Has nothing changed in the intervening half-century? If not, should I search e-bay for a polyester Neru jacket and platform shoes so I can cruise like it's 1973?

    For what it's worth, that book can be found in the Internet Archive so it is accessible for free.  If anyone does read it though, please post any relevant info so the rest of us can learn the proper way to cruise.

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  21. Before I started doing anal, I had recurring problems with hemorrhoids and fissures. I find it somewhat ironic that the condition seemed to improve after I started getting fucked. But anyway, over the years I tried a few different topicals to alleviate discomfort. I tried the obvious Preparation H, but also tried Butt Paste (diaper rash ointment),  Lubriderm hand lotion, and my favorite, Blistex. (I figured if it feels good on chapped lips it would feel good on sore ass lips). I found that regardless of what was used, topical ointments do little to speed healing. All they do is apply a small amount of analgesic to temporarily alleviate some discomfort, and provide a bit of lubrication so bowel movements aren't as abrasive to your injured hole.  I've never used Bonjela, but I doubt it would be any better than the other products I mentioned. If you happen to have some, it probably wouldn't hurt to apply, but I wouldn't go out of my way to pick some up.

    Besides topicals, you might do a quick evaluation of a few other things that might be beneficial.  Check your diet to be sure you are getting the nutrient needed for faster healing. Also consider taking a little longer to stretch out and relax before a rough session so you are less likely to be bruised. There are some lubes with extracts added to help relax the sphincter and (supposedly) promote healing.  I know that Pjur is made with Jojoba which is supposed to help with that.

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  22. Considering the size of the Blue whale, it's penis isn't all that impressive. If a Blue can reach 100 feet, and has a penis optimized at 10 feet, and we shrunk him down to human proportions, his cock would be fairly average. On the other hand, if you want an ego boost you can always say (relatively speaking) that you cock is as big as a whale's.

    The Giant Squid though, is more of a shower. At human proportions, he'd be sporting between 11 - 12 inches. With eight arms and a foot long cock, a human-sized squid is the one for you ... if you're turned on by "tentacle sex".

    The winner in the size derby is definitely the barnacle with a penis 7 to 8 times it's body length. At human proportions, he'd have a cock over 40 feet long.  That would certainly be great for anonymous sex -- you wouldn't have to be in the same room -- or even the same house!

    Personally, I don't think cock size is the most important thing. There are creatures that are far more erotic and kinkier in there mating. They're not in the ocean, but the hermaphroditic Leopard Slug comes to mind. Their penises can 2 or 3 times their body length and they get covered in slime as they twist and writhe and fuck each other.  That stuff is definitely worthy of an Only Fans Channel.

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  23. If I read the summary of the ruling correctly, the decision goes far beyond coverage of prep.  The federal mandate to fully cover preventive services was found to be unconstitutional. That means things like cancer screenings would also be affected.  The ruling doesn't mean preventive care would be dropped from coverage, however, insurance companies may start requiring co-pays on preventive services. This, of course, undermines the reason the mandate was put in place in the first place. Adding co-pays would make health screenings more expensive and potentially out of reach of some people even though they have insurance.

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