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Posts posted by funpozbottom

  1. On 8/12/2021 at 8:37 PM, Frank92cm said:

    hello, i have a problem with my after. I often have diarrhea, often with fatty foods or dairy products.

    today i rode my bike for 2 hours and my whole ass was sore. my ass generally gets sore quickly. what could be the problem? what's the best way to treat a sore ass? thank you for answers!

    here a picture from my ass

    [think before following links] [think before following links] https://postimg.cc/bGLC2jwL

    After having my gallbladder removed, I had problems eating certain foods.  Two things I found helpful were an acidophilus supplement, and a digestive enzymes supplement. Acidophilus helps to balance the ratio of bacteria in the digestive system. Digestive enzymes help break down various fats, dairy, proteins, etc so they are digested properly.  There are different brands around and should be easy to Google to see if there's something you think might help you and find what is available in your area. Also be sure you are eating enough fiber -- fiber helps to bind things together and regulate water content in the intestines.

    If you have frequent diarrhea, that redness around your hole could be caused by contact with digestive acids. The condition is commonly known as diaper rash and can be aggravated by sweat from doing things like being on your bike for 2 hours. It's sort of common for cyclists and other athletes with sweaty butts. If you think that may be the problem, just be sure to wash your hole (not just wipe, but use soap and water) after every bowel movement for a few days to see if it clears up.    

    If you don't see improvement, check with your doctor for other recommendations.


  2. It may be a lie for some people but if you wanted an indicator to put in your profile or a way to "gently" turn someone down, you could say you have a "latex allergy".   If you're asked about non-latex condoms you can say they affect you too. 

    Personally, I've found that latex burns my ass and won't use them. I can use non-latex if I want.  I'm also allergic to supposedly hypo-allergenic silicon lubes which sucks since they were my favorites.

    Anyway, allergies to the materials used in condoms do exist and it's not something you'll be asked to prove to be believed.

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  3. When I put my mouth on a cock my favorite things to taste are cum, stale piss, and ass slime. (I can get into tongue cleaning a dirty cock 😈)  As for commercial lubes, I haven't found any that are good long lasting lubes and also good flavor-wise. Artificial flavors taste ... artificial. Also, flavored lubes tend to have a lot of glycerin to add sweetness. Unfortunately glycerin tends to dry quickly and get sticky/gluey instead of slippery. As mentioned by others, Swiss Navy has one lube with clove oil so that's one option if you like clove. Coconut oil is another option but oils do go bad so it could make that cock smell and taste like rancid french fries. (I know that from experience with a brand new, unopened jar -- yuck). 

    Another option is, instead of looking for a flavored lube, try flavoring your ass. After you have cleaned out, insert a small amount of something like a banana puree, for example. It will be safe, easy, low cost (or free if you already have a banana in the house), and won't interfere with your regular lube -- probably won't be noticed at all except you'll notice the flavor when you lick the dick after a fuck. You don't need to fill your ass with it (unless you want to). If you have one of those "lube shooters" it would be easy to insert and less than an ounce would do.  Try it, see if you like it, and if it works you can use your imagination on what to use to make your own flavors.  You can also experiment with inserting chucks of banana and letting the top mash it up inside you. This adds a a little mental aspect to it because you know your hole is clean ... but not empty. You can have fun with that too. 

  4. This is difficult to answer because I like them both, however I think I'd give a slight edge to piss because I drank it long before I swallowed cum. As a curious young boy, I had no hesitation tasting piss and I liked it from the first sip. On the other hand, it took a while for me to work up to tasting cum; partly because once I'd shoot I'd start to loose interest, and also I thought it had a weird texture which put me off. But once I did taste it, I quickly decided I liked it and by the time I was taking loads from other guys (and not just licking up my own) I was an avid cum and piss junky.   So as I said, I give a slight edge to piss.

    I also wonder which I'd prefer if they were available in equal quantities. If cum loads were as big as piss loads would I be able to chug it all or find it overwhelming? It would be interesting to find out strictly from a scientific stand point, of course.   I'd definitely chug a glass full of each for science because science is cool.

  5. 2 hours ago, Kimberley said:

    I had a weird sittuation yesterday, a guy who was using a condom first, asked me after 5 minutes or so if i wanted that he takes his condom off to give me his load deep inside my ass😆 i was confused why he used a condom in the first place but ok i immedatley said yeah please load it up and he did. later i asked him about it and he was saying that he can fuck longer with a condom on, without condom he just cum to fast. more guys ever experience this?

    Condom manufacturers like to say it feels the same as bare, but we all know it's different. Most guys experience a decrease in tactile sensation with a condom, and for some that means it's more difficult to maintain an erection. But for guys who are quick cummers, a condom can help to prolong the fuck. I hadn't thought about it before but yeah -- a guy who cums quick might insist on a condom at first to make it a longer fuck or to cover any embarrassment they feel from premature ejaculation. Maybe these guys need split condoms so they can fuck longer and still cum deep inside. 😈

  6. Starting slow and holding it deep helps to create a stronger connection and lets bodies and movements sync. Slower movements can let the top edge and prolong his pleasure. When I topped, this usually led to a more intense orgasm. As a bottom, long and slow gives a continual massaging action that stimulates but doesn't wear me out. It makes me feel well used and open but easily ready for more.

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  7. This wasn't memorable because of the sex, but because of how silly it turned out to be.

    I was kneeling on my bathroom floor sucking a guy who'd just pissed all over me. I glanced up toward his face and noticed him reach over and flick a light switch on. ....

    I have to stop here and explain that my apartment complex was built as an assisted living facility that was "decommissioned" and rented out as regular apartments. Because of it's former function, it has a couple "quirks". The relevant one is a "call light" circuit connected to one of the porch lights. There's a switch to activate it in every room.

    ... so, I see him flip the switch -- which does nothing obvious in the bathroom -- and then he continues to play with it; repeatedly  turning it off, on, off, on.  At first I was just sort of confused because who plays with a light switch in the middle of a blow job? But it became a major challenge to keep from laughing at the absurdity of sucking a guy while drenched in piss as he flashes the porch light like some kind of bat signal to the neighbors.

    He eventually shot a load and left. And I finally had a chance to chuckle when I went back to the bathroom and turned the porch light off.

    • Haha 1
  8. My favorite time to play is when I have to piss. I like to lay back, slide a dildo in my ass, and slowly edge as the pressure builds on my bladder. Every so often I'll stop jacking long enough to release a squirt of piss but won't empty myself. This eases the pressure slightly and allows the pressure to build again so it prolongs the session. Plus, I can use the piss for lube. My ultimate goal is to reach a plateau where the need to piss and need to cum are perfectly balanced. The need to piss forces me to jack myself to keep from wetting, but also provides enough discomfort / distraction to keep me from cumming. Eventually, there comes a point of no return where you lose control and get very messy.

  9. Many years ago ... ( yes, I realize I should say "many, many" however vanity prevents me from doing so) ... I had this type of philosophy because I wasn't just looking for casual sex -- I was looking for a boyfriend and didn't want to risk my (or my partner's) health in a one-off situation. So, at the time, I'd always use condoms for a first encounter. If we liked each other enough to meet again, I'd default to my partner's preference. It was a strategy to reduce risk which obviously didn't work for me since I ended up poz and never got that boyfriend. But there are things we say and do to reassure ourselves and allow us to hold the fiction that we are acting responsibly, and safely.

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  10. 8 hours ago, Spunkinmyarse said:

    Tops- do you always find the hole right away, or is there sometimes some fumbling involved?

    I suppose I’m thinking more of dark room settings than one-to-ones... I was in cum dump mode last night, bent over a tree on Hampstead Heath, and was surprised how many guys seem to have difficulty finding my hole first time (and to be clear, at this point in my career, I’m not that tight!).  Admittedly, it was very dark, so guys had to go on feel more than anything else.

    I suspect it might have something to do with levels of stiffness- it’s definitely more of a problem towards the end of the night, when hardness levels seem to wane...

    Any suggestions on what a bottom can do to make it easier?

    As a young top, I learned to feel out the landscape and know the basic terrain before trying to penetrate a hole.  As a bottom, I'm surprised at how many guys have trouble figuring out where my hole is. I've had guys who had fingers of one hand in my ass and still couldn't find my hole with their cock. Sometimes I try to help out; sometimes I just shake my head and think to myself, 'what a dumb ass'.  So, unfortunately I don't have any suggestions for you -- all I can say is you're not alone in having that problem and try not to snicker when that top misses your hole and jabs it in the middle of your back.

  11. 1 hour ago, ErosWired said:

    About ten years ago I had a heat stroke. Long story, too boring, won’t bother telling. Result: I overheat easily doing things like mowing the yard on a hot June afternoon. Like today. No big deal, I’m used to it now, I just have to go in and cool myself down.

    Today, though, for some reason - maybe because the pandemic had got me thinking in such ways - I decided to take my temperature to see if my core body temperature had actually elevated, or I just felt as though it did. I used an infra-red thermometer used for taking a reading from the ear. It read 99.1, which is actually elevated for me. So there’s that.

    But as a part of cooling down, I had also stripped naked, and it suddenly occurred to me to wonder if I would get the same core body temperature reading from my cunt.

    I’m science-y that way.

    Result: 100.3

    !  My ass read over a degree hotter. No wonder all those Tops make those groaning noises when they enter me.

     I wonder, though, whether everyone runs hotter in the ass, or if it varies from individual to individual? I have attempted to Top very few times, and haven’t tried for years now, but distinctly remember feeling in a couple of experiences that the guy felt kind of cold. Anyone have any views on this?

    So, first off I have to say that every time I hear the word 'stroke",  that Billy Squier song pops in my head  .... (stroke me stroke me ) ...  so thanks for that. 🙂

    Now to the issue of body temperature.  You will get different temperature readings at different locations with anal temps being a little higher than oral.  Here's a quick blurb off of uofmhealth.org:

    Comparing temperature types

    You can take a temperature using the mouth (oral), anus (rectal), armpit (axillary), or ear (tympanic). But the temperature readings vary depending on which one you use. And you need an accurate measurement to know if a fever is present.

    Medical research hasn't found an exact correlation between oral, rectal, ear, armpit, and forehead temperature measurements. In general, here's how the temperatures compare:

    The average normal oral temperature is 98.6°F (37°C).

    A rectal temperature is 0.5 F (0.3 C) to 1 F (0.6 C) higher than an oral temperature.

    An ear (tympanic) temperature is 0.5 F (0.3 C) to 1 F (0.6 C) higher than an oral temperature.

    An armpit (axillary) temperature is usually 0.5 F (0.3 C) to 1 F (0.6 C) lower than an oral temperature.

    A forehead (temporal) scanner is usually 0.5 F (0.3 C) to 1 F (0.6 C) lower than an oral temperature.

  12. I've played with piss for years so the fantasy of only drinking piss seems hot, but the reality is that it isn't very practical.

    The first problem is logistics. It's unlikely you'll have your top around to piss on you all day (every day) so you will have to collect and carry a bottle of increasingly stale piss to drink from through the day.  The next issue is that the salts make piss a diuretic so you tend to piss out more than you take in -- unless you take in more than your body can process and then your body just says "fuck this" and dumps it through the intestines giving you a bout of diarrhea. Either way, you end up getting dehydrated even though you are drinking fluids. You are working your kidneys increasingly harder, but if you have normal kidney function they should be able to handle it at least until you are too dehydrated and then the fatigue and body aches would set in. There also could be oral issues. Piss shouldn't be a problem for your teeth, however if you are only drinking piss, you may create an environment in your mouth and throat that allows bacteria to thrive. This could cause or contribute to sore throats, tonsil stones, bad breath, and gum disease.

    You say your top says there are benefits to drinking piss. Unfortunately that is not true. There is a controversial remedy called "urine therapy" where you drink some of your own urine in the morning in an attempt to self-balance the body. It is based on the same principle as homeopathy where a small amount of an irritant is used to cause the opposite effect and thereby bring balance. As far as drinking urine is concerned, it's not really clear why you'd want to drink an irritant that has already left the body -- it's already out of your system so it's no longer an irritant -- until you drink it again. Regardless, urine therapy is based on drinking your own urine. Even if it is a sound practice, you would not get a benefit from drinking piss from someone else.

    As I said, I've played with piss for a long time so I'm not going to tell you that you shouldn't do it. Drinking piss is sooo hot,  however if I was in your situation, I'd modify the terms to allow drinking plain water. You could still drink piss morning and night, but adding plain water through the day would clear your mouth and throat, ensure you stay properly hydrated, and ensure you are able to adequately flush your own system.

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  13. On 6/9/2021 at 6:52 PM, BugBoyEric said:

    I saw the thread on here about pissing in a beer bottle (good idea) and once I drank from a MacDonald's soda cup (bad idea).

    I was at MacDonald's with a guy and he went to the toilet with his cup and brought me back a nice hot fresh cup of piss.  The problem is cause piss is warm it like melted the wax on the cup and it got all soggy and His piss had the taste of the cup.  I drank it all cause, but not the best way to serve or drink piss lol.

     I never would have thought that piss was warm enough to melt a cup, but I guess they are changing the composition to make cups easier to compost and biodegrade. You'll just need to carry an insulated cup or sports bottle to disguise the contents when you're lucky enough to have it happen again. 

    And ... um ... did you get fries with that? 🙂

  14. No one ever has to take a load, however, I think it would be unrealistic to think that it's never going to happen.  Fooling around and incorporating some bare foreplay could be fun and erotic, but once you go beyond foreplay I think you need to be prepared for the possibility of receiving a load even if it wasn't intended. So, personal opinion, if you are going to take a cock bare then you should be willing to take the load,

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  15. If it was someone I was thinking of dating then face pics might be nice, however, all I'm interested in is making a guy cum. I am focused on cock and letting a guy use my body to get off so I'd rather see pics of his cock.  Cock pics make me want to feel it in my hole.  Face pics usually do nothing for me.

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  16. Not exactly anonymous since I was the one that put it there but ... The last time I was at an adult theater I took loads from four guys. It was almost closing time when the last one finished with me, and once he left, I found I was the only one still in the place. It's an odd feeling to be in that situation -- naked, alone, yet public,, surrounded by porn, tired but energized, horny, smeared with cum and lube, and prostate throbbing from the last fuck. Anyway, this particular theater has a small stage at the front. I needed to cum and I was curious how much cum was still in my hole  so I squatted on the stage and pushed the cummy slime onto the floor. I jerked myself as I licked it up, shot my load and licked it up as well.  Over all, it was very satisfying. Doing things like that help to validate my role as a shameless slut.

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  17. Yes, they can be tricky to get in at first. My hole is pretty tight so I had to open up with a regular dildo first before trying to insert the plug. Once I was relaxed and lubed, I could use less on the plug as I inserted it. I have to say it was very comfortable to wear. Unfortunately, it melted by touching another dildo that was in the same box I stored it in. So I give that caution: don't use silicon lube and when not in use, wrap it in a towel or store it in a separate container away from other toys.

  18. 6 hours ago, PlayfulPup said:

    I was stuck in a bad hookup — no chemistry and I drove him to my home!  I’m in the midst of wondering how to end this and get him the $&@#* outta my house.

    That’s when he asks if I’m into role play.  Naively I replied YES!

    ”I’ve been getting into clowns lately.”  He bends down to his backpack and pulls out a red nose from Walgreens, pushing it onto my nose while exclaiming “BOOP!”.  I am not amused.

    he slams his dick in my ass and yells, “ACT LIKE A CLOWN.”  At this point I’m lost...my only frame of reference is Ronald McDonald & Bozo, but I don’t have the hair for either nor 6 buckets nor 6 ping pong balls.

    He yells the order again, to which I respond angrily: “ACT LIKE A CARNY!”

    He’s caught off guard and his cock slips out.  “What’s a carny?” he asks.

    End scene.  The Lyft couldn’t have arrived fast enough.


    That's hilarious. I'd have bought popcorn to see that.

  19. It's funny -- I thought it was "Grunge".  Now I'm excited because I learned a new word. 

    I've always liked getting wet and messy, slippery and slimy.  My favorite is food play since it's edible and it's pretty much guaranteed that you will get some in your mouth if you're getting smeared or rolling around/ wrestling in some slimy goo.  Pie filling can be good for smearing and licking off a playmate. And it goes good with whipped cream. (The type of cream and how you whip it is totally up to you)

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