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Everything posted by bacchi1486

  1. So for those long weekends, parties, or just reg fuck session, what are some examples of music you listen to during? Your sex is BB, your drugs are [whatever you dig during sex] now what is your rock and roll? Anyone else love a good soundtrack during sex?
  2. Ok, I completely understand and had similar issues when I started enjoying rougher bb sex. Goin to nursing school and some things that have helped me keep my ass healthy and avoid embarresing situations: 1. NEVER USE MINERAL OIL/VINEGAR FOR DOUCHE!! NO ACIDS OR OILS IN THE CLEANING PROCESS! This eats away at the protective mucas lining in the anus and can lead to drying out, tearing, and infections. (Plus what top wants to fuck a dry hole?) 2. Don't over-douche. There are other ways to keep clean that don't harm or wash out necessary linings... Bttms use some baby wipes instead of tp. 3. Exercise your body? Exercise your hole. If you bttm, you will enjoy it more, and have better control for your top. If they like it loose you can be loose, if they like it tight, you can be tight... 4. If there are anal rips, yes you must take a break from sex. Not only that but Slowfuck is right, no chili spicy while injured. No douching, no picking, and no bearing down. (the highest cause of hemmorhoids anyway) I hope this helps, and I feel for ya. Been there done that, and avoiding it successfully for a few years now.
  3. Between new drugs that specifically target viral infected cells, bone marrow transfusions that seem to be effective in clinical trials, and even preventative vaccine research; I have a question for any Poz guys out there. While I know a certain amount of pride comes with your status, if there was a cure for HIV/AIDS would you take it? Do you think your Chaser/ gift-giver fetish would still be a turn on for you? Just curious...
  4. I agree with HungLat... Ozone therapy doesnt fit in to any known viral pathology that exists... It may improve basic body function by increasing oxygen content but other than that, keep takin your meds.
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