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Status Replies posted by UseMePlease

  1. Lab.Oratory dance last night was amazing. Possibly the greatest rave I ever attended. Loud booming techno, red strobes, probably 2000 men in there dancing in the nude, fisting elbow deep, piled up orgies, dirt, piss, men of all types, dark cavernous corridors so narrow you have to brush genitalia with every guy that walks past, absolutely no private cabin rooms so that all debaucherous activity is out in the open. Most certainly the sleaziest place on the planet. It is a sanctuary.

    1. UseMePlease


      I know Viagra and Poppers should never be mixed. But in such place, usually, there is poppers all around the room, even if you don't use yourself. Isn't it a concern if you take Viagra coming there?


      I'd have dreamt to see you there one of the time I went. I really loved it there!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. My wickr is gregpoz2 contact me


    1. UseMePlease


      J'ai tenté d'ajouter cette adresse, mais ça me dit que ce contact a été retiré ou est invalide.

      J'aurai bien aimé jouer avec toi

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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