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Everything posted by UseMePlease

  1. Never heard of a place for this kind of fetish in Paris, sorry for you. Hope you're having fun anyway.
  2. I've a pass for the four nights, and some classes
  3. I can't join anymore. Did the discord disappear? Otherwise can you send a new link please?
  4. Sorry, the "young" part was of importance for my search. You are older than me
  5. I'm trying again. I'm looking for a young guy for Folsom. I share my room, I can help you travel if needed. You're only job during this trip is to have as much sleazy fun as you want. Tried last year, I thought I found a nice sub, but they went silent. I hope I can help a young slut dream come true and have fun with them
  6. I live in Paris. I prefer Secteur X personally, but only goes once every other month. I so regret to learn only after you left that you were there. I so wish I could have fucked you and pissed on you, your a live fantasm.
  7. Thanks. I live in Paris. Will probably go.
  8. I’m in SF until the 26th and I love piss in my ass!
  9. Looking for fun. Love piss play, armpit, public places. I'll be at the genderfucker at berkeley steamwork for sure. Any advice of other cool parties? People wanting a dick with 8 piercings in their ass? Or to breed a feminine guy?
  10. do you think you could create a bunch of them in a simple text file and send it by DM to those who'd love to read that
  11. It's Barelin. Everyone will be fucking bb everywhere, don't worry.
  12. I'm in Paris, in front of the Bunker, if you're interested by my load
  13. jardin des tuileries at night Cinema atlas, subway pigale. many bars in the Marais. I prefer Secteur X. My house to get my juice
  14. Jardins des Tuilerie and Ciné Atlas (if it's still opened. I've not gone there since covid started so I don't know) should easily answer your request
  15. I've seen it and actually done that at Kit Kat. Didn't receive a lot of interest sadly. A guy was more inteligent than me and just came with a cup and offered people to piss in it (by literally putting its cup in front of the urinal).
  16. You know you can also get fucked IN tiergarten? No doubt you'll find plenty of top. I'd love to see you
  17. FYI your recon profile CommunityHole does not seem to work anymore.

  18. If you were in Berlin, that would be a dream for me to host you. I love perverting, allowing people to degrade themselves and take more and more risk. I would not care that much about having you to serve me, I prefer to switch partner, but allowing the Berlin community to be served by a sexy young guy and allowing him to concentrate on just being used would be the horniest use of my friend/spare room I could imagine of
  19. I'm in Berlin. Near Kitkat. I can host a traveler if anyone cares to come, especially during Folsom (it seems it won't be as it used to be the previous years sadly)
  20. I'd tell to go to Atlas Cinema. But I don't know how it evolved with covid. In the garden of musée du louvre, you can probably find a lot of fun too during the night
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