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Everything posted by Hungbwc

  1. Condom alone can break and prep can be a backup as one may want to use. Also think while one can say is on prep that not know for sure actually on prep or if regularly take as supposed to. I think if one on prep can reduce concern if partner is being open and honest. See as a personal choice one on prep and use condom. Also thinking one can request wear a condom and they put one on. Also can see use a condom until reach time prep protects as one takes.
  2. Figured a while back if one want to hook up will hook up. Otherwise, can find one can mow lawn and app have few messages or no replies so no longer jump up unless meet before, or see actually nearby.
  3. Some can seem annoying in keep insisting or they know not work to meet but keep asking. I had one that not reply and later something about need an hour's notice. I replied as soon as could. However area at is hot and I am not going to be waiting for outside where maybe show up but more likely play games and never show up. I had spent a few days trying to arrange an meeting and figure when only one day said needed an hour's notice that not mention before decided enough and blocked them. I want to sparsely use the block feature, but have used when one seemed too pushy, insulting, a beeping picture collector, block when obviously not work to meet in the distance that unless going to city a risk that flake or can't host or visit at time one visits an city. Nice when can have a meet up and rest of the time can be a headache if not manage.
  4. The other annoying part notice on grindr and similar apps is get messages for websites that not into and think not lead to what looking for. Can seem a limit to apps, websites sign up for that many just want credit card to use to likely talk to a fake profile. I do wonder if some become adult film actors or go to prison or jail to just suck, fuck or be fucked for websites and apps not seem to work. Or if get so bad that any hosting have to be putting up a gloryhole, or host in a darkroom.
  5. Seemed a few years ago that if used app or website that someone stop by where host. Now if put hosting get some interest, and I guess one is individuals not want to drive a short distance. Next is annoying ones that want endless photos. I guess just want photos for masturbation and no interest in meeting. I reduce number of photos to 3. That generally closeups. I not like how some want more photos. I get how individuals Have different kinks, tastes, but not interested in shaving just because want. If want shaved that I be open to if visit that help shave. Have some want more. I figure meet if want to see more or go watch or view pornhub or similar site if want more photos pictures. I find annoying want face pic and if not like to quiet chatting. At least say not interested. Find some not read if share can't host or limited travel in want you to still host or travel. Because of many chat and talk of meet but don't I no longer find want to be waiting for apps, replies. Or put another way can't get yard work done because of the games. The last one find most annoying in one able to host, a slight delay before could visit. They wrote wanted to suck and be fucked. When finally get there talk briefly, and thought do something. Turns out I guess just wanted to watch together YouTube videos. A couple were ok but not why visited. When said what thought wanted that they was nervous. I get that one can be nervous. I figure not interested and estimate after 40 minutes of watch videos that left. They said maybe next time can do something. I be reluctant to go again as traveled and seemed that could be a repeat. The only other annoying part is one ask endless questions when too far away and not answer if they will travel or expect you to travel to then. The whole thing of apps and website can be frustrating where delays some apps that clearly not working.
  6. Great. Hope to read more.
  7. Please share about the fun in Vegas.
  8. My first time bareback was at a glory hole. He started sucking and later back up onto my 8 inch cock. At time thought he was still sucking. While not cum that was my first time. To share a time did cum was with a guy meet on Craigslist. Meet and go in his car to their house. Once inside shortly get to bedroom. He closes the blinds. The bend over onto the bed. I enter and was quick. I cum inside shortly. Would have been more fun but time was limited.
  9. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.salon.com/2020/05/01/alex-jones-appears-to-endorse-cannibalism-two-weeks-into-coronavirus-lockdowns-ill-eat-your-ass_partner/ is story on Alex Jones eat his neighbors. Shocking video and story as been warned. Not know if serious or joking but not seem something say. The video is after the close of story. Not need another Jeffrey Dahlmer.
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