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Everything posted by PigLondonH

  1. If you are in London or near I run a bb what’s app group text me on what’s app 07712473906
  2. I am the bototm slut so want the cum myself 🙂 anyload text me to add your dna in me 07712473906
  3. 28th May taking any loads this Thursday. Will be for complete use for any one wanting to top. Message me 07712473906 just say you want to breed me
  4. I run a BB what’s app group in London. I looking to take loads this Thursday evening 28th May. Any load none refused . Text me 07712473906 just say you want to breed me in message if you are free 🙂
  5. I am the slut . Please message me . I take any load 07712473906
  6. Nothing would happen
  7. If anyone free to do a kind gesture and show me around I appreciate it ... just to look around really .. I am a key worker need to let off steam soon
  8. [think before following links] https://chat.whatsapp.com/IfJvEdmiP6e8dIPckyG0NL the above not spam or any own raw group for London based men. Only join if your in London and load or get loaded
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