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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Very hot!! I think you can quantify it depending on your own limits. Lately I've been getting into the kind of kink where the guy puts a rope around my neck or bag over my head and as he cums, he pulls either really tight. Wow.. freaky I guess. I think my thing is for some kind of psycho to be fucking me.
  2. Hot! Love a good piss drenching while my fuck hole drips his cum.
  3. And in case anyone is curious, I love to get fucked while this song plays: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVgBuwM9zcQ
  4. Don't judge me to harshly guys. I love to get fucked. So much so that just thinking about it and I drip cum. Sometimes I wonder if its enough. The kinkiest fuck I ever had was in the back of a cab. The driver was cool about it and I rode this guys cock. It was not easy but he came in me and the cum dripped out and got all over the seat. Here's my thing(s). Fisting? What does it feel like for the guy getting fisted? Second, I have this freaky fantasy of being fucked and its more like a rape/snuff flim scenario. Some stranger with tattoos and piercings and a gorgeous big cock is fucking me in a dimly lit room and there is weird techno music playing-- very hypnotic and rythmic. He's fucking me from behind and we're both really hot and horny and sort of out of it...just into the fucking. As he's ready to cum, he puts a bag over my head and cuts off my air and as he's cumming inside me, he pulls it really tight and won't let me breathe. The freaky thing is, I like it! So is this fantasy normal? Whats it all about and have you ever had a real life experience like that?
  5. Tom


    Cum is so delicious. Love it!!
  6. Tom


    Hot! I can cum without touching myself and when a guy is fucking me just right, as he cums, my cock just starts shooting cum like a cannon. Love that.
  7. Tom


    Guys, do you cum very thick loads that sort of bubble up out of your cock, or more liquid type cum shots that erupt and go all over the place? And, which do you prefer? Thick cum that oozes out, or not so thick cum that erupts big time and goes all over the place?
  8. I love tops that teast and excite us bottoms. I like very sensual play to get me really hot. Teasing my fuck hole, nips, stuff like that. Fingering is the best.
  9. Cool thanks. These suction cup things did make them bigger, but it was only immediate after I had them on. They became much more sensitive. Personally, I like mine the way they were... super sensitive and just a bit tweeked. Play with my nips while kissing me or fingering my fuck hole and I will pretty much do anything the top wants.
  10. So I'm with this guy who is the only one fucking me right now. He likes us being monogamous (sp?) Anyway, he's awesome in bed, so I like to please him. He loves to fuck me from behind and loves playing with my nips, which drives me wild! He bought me these suction cup type things on Saturday and told me to put them on my nips as much as possible. My nips are so huge now! And very tender and tweeking them feels great! He's fucking me tonight, so am psyched to see his reaction. Tops: do you like big nips on your bottoms? Do you like to play with your bottoms nipples as you fuck him?
  11. Thanks, I'll try the Maximum Impact spray!
  12. Hey guys, I met a guy last night and we fucked like mad in every position. I tend to be very tight, so prefer it from behind with me on all 4's and him standing or him behind me on the bed. This guy's cock is pretty big -- like 7.5 x 6. It hurt at times! He losened me up okay, but still, I prefer my hole to be lose and most guys that fuck me like a lose sloppy wet hole. Any suggestions on something that will intensify the sex and make me lose? Poppers worked okay, but not so great. I need something that will make me a horny bottom cunt.
  13. ^ Okay, but listen, I don't know that the angst is self-created. Is it? Sure, I think about giving my fuck hole up to any and all cocks. Absolutely. But there is something in me that stops me. It pisses me off sometimes, but makes me glad other times. Fucked up, I know. You know what I wonder? Is my attraction to older men out of a need for more safety?
  14. And P.S. rawTOP, this was my reply on negsubbottoms: Re: Can True Submissive Bottoms Reasonably Expect To Stay Neg? ^ I hardly think my expressing that opinion is "negative." Hence the IMO. Which in case you don't know, means in MY opinion... and not everyone finds the slave fetish to be appealing. Deal with it.
  15. Thanks. I hear what you're saying. Thing is, I like guys so much, it's rare one doesn't turn me on. I get hard and my hole twitches, yet I know I'm a total bottom. I think I mentioned that some tops find it odd to top me because I have a pretty big cock and they think I would want to top, but nope...never really do. I'm a cum dump for sure, but just not sure I could take any and all loads. Nothing at all wrong with guys that do...nothing. I think maybe I think too much.
  16. Negativity? Don't confuse negativity with someone wanting an open, direct and honest debate. Isn't that what a forum is for? No offence, but if you're going to have a forum, you should be prepared for people to challenge your words. If not and you simply want to control everything, then yeah, you're right, this is not a forum I want to participate in. No offence intended rawTOP, but you seem to have very militiant, almost destructuve views on sex. You seem angry. Yeah, some of the things you post shock the hell out of me and others. So? Thats fine. But be prepared for someone who has different views to debate you on it. You say for me to be a bit more accepting of others views. I am! Perhaps its just your views I challenge. Do you have a problem with that? Now, why don't you post where I attacked anyone. You can't, cuz I never have. You on the other hand confuse someone with a strong sense of view that conflicts with yours to be a problem. Who really has the problem then? So look, thanks for the forum, but this is not a place for me. You want to control everything and shove your views down everyones throat. You seem to have issues...which I think you need to deal with. Bye.
  17. This is something I wrestle with all the time. I've been in LTR's and loved it. I loved being fucked tenderly. Loved the fact that my BF's would make love to my hole and not just fuck it. But there is a part of me that wants to be a total slut. A part of me that wants to get used...get fucked and have piss and cum pumped into me by many men. See, I love Dick. I love men. I love cum and I LOVE being fucked. Bottoms: do you wrestle with wanting to be a cum dump who is fucked and cummed in by many guys? How do you handle it?
  18. rawTOP, I totally disagree with you. Your attitude on this is frightening. Okay, so a workman comes to your home and he knows he has TB. He says nothing and you get TB. How would you feel? I know it's not a direct comparison, but sorry, you do have an obligation to disclose. No question about it. You do. You don't feel the poz top should have to bring it up!? Of course he should! You can't assume that the bottom should or will and you cannot assume because he is barebacking he is poz! Did you ever stop to think perhaps he is on something? Or maybe has bi-polar disorder and is not in full control of his mental faculties? The good advice is that people who know their status need to reveal it HONESTLY and those who don't know, need to ask, need to say "I don't know." Then each person is more responsible for his actions.
  19. Can I be frank? I think that's wrong. If a poz guy fucked you because you told him you were poz too and you were not and then he causes you to be poz, don't you think that's wrong? Imagine if he found out it was he who madey you poz?
  20. Well I think you should. Dont's assume. We're talking about a very deadly disease here. You have an obligation to disclose. Case closed.
  21. Why is it so hard to find a good submissive bottom you ask? Same reason why its so hard to find a good top. Too many tops are too focused on themselves and it's not great sex. Besides, I don't know how anyone could obey those rules above. That's not hot...it's freakish. IMO
  22. I bottomed. It was summer freshman year of college. Came home, went to a party and there was this older guy there. I think he was in his 50's. He lived down the street. Invited me over and fucked me. He's the guy that started out with condom then took it off.
  23. For me tats on the calf are so hot. I prefer simple desights, like a band or barbed wire. But yeah, the calfs. Makes me so horned up when I see a guy in shorts and he has tats on his legs.
  24. Safe then raw. He took the condom off and finished raw. He shot his load all over my stomach.
  25. Dude that is so hot!
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