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    cum for my ass

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  1. Metropol still exists as well as Amsterdam, but there is always only a small amount of guests at Metropol. It is very hard to get a dick in the ass.
  2. There are no cruising bars, only bathhouses. Check out www.saunawerk.de
  3. At table tennis (Oswald Schumann Platz) the bottom lie on the tables presenting their bare ass. Some get fucked a lot, others less. There are also many guys just watching. You find regular cruising around Löwenbrücke (western side of the canal/lake). The bridge us broken for many years.
  4. I can just confirm what spunkinmyarse wrote. You will get more sex at lab. But you should rather go to boiler, if lab for example has rubber night and you are not into it.
  5. There is only one bathhouse in Berlin: Boiler. I never experienced that anyone was turned away at laboratory. Maybe they were queuing at Berghain or used perfume, came to late or didn't respect the dress code for the day. Doors are only open for 2 hours. No need to go there late. You should slim for your health.
  6. Laboratory is the kind of place you are looking for.
  7. At present, they have an outdoor event in Thursday and Friday at Laboratory.
  8. They do say on their website "+++Closed for the time being, more information below+++".
  9. Still closed. There's no date in sight yet.
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