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Everything posted by adam4adam

  1. I have a gate keeper this time around. When i did this on my own it was hot but when i started to get a few guys over. I was a little nervous and i stopped with wearing a blindfold. Dark room was fine i could still see the other person without making out the details of their face.
  2. I tried this last week for the first time. I didnt go so well. First I picked a bad location kinda far from everyone. Secondly...no one wanted to come unless i had a load in me, other people present, had a a lot of cum in my ass and i was kinda far. In the end I got four loads but probably 30-40 people responded to my cl ad. So i am going to try again sat. I picked a hotel this time within the city, its a motel so people don't have to walk through a lobby...any advice you guys can give me?
  3. Neuropathy could be caused by numerous things unfortunately
  4. Since prep started a few years ago there has been only one case of someone getting hiv. Other than that after 7 days there is a 99 percent efficiency rate. I am assuming this would be from guys who have hiv or not on medication or prep would kinda be pointless. So if anyone here got hiv while on prep you would know. That other guy was studied and was briefly in the limelight.
  5. How did i get so lucky. My doctor just gave it too me.
  6. Thanks for the advice everyone. I am on the 3rd and i am doing better already. The first day was rough
  7. I am surprised to see so many people having a hard time getting prep. I live in a rural area i asked my doctor for it and he just prescribed it to me. I am concerned because he didnt mention anything about followup tests and gave me four refills
  8. I just started truvada. The side effects are awful started out with diarrhea and now bad stomach pains.
  9. I asked my doctor for truvada today. After telling him i tested negative last week he just gave it me. 3 refills, take it once a day and nothing about coming back for any type of test in 3 months. I live in a small country town so none of the pharmacies carry it so have to wait until it comes in tomorrow. My insurance covers it 100 percent, it requires no authorization either. I am excited to go back to being a cum slut. But i live in the country now its so hard to hookup.
  10. i will be in chicago for a few hours in a few weeks. I always heard of steamworks. Is it even worth going there for about an hr or should i just come back up for a weekend?
  11. this thread is so disturbing and some of you guys are so far removed from reality its not even funny
  12. Hello, I have been posting and lurking around here for a while now. A few months ago I was outed, (not my choice). Now that my family knows that I am gay i kinda feel like i shouldnt be getting fucked raw. I cant even do it anymore lol I think of my mom and how she would respond knowing i was getting fucked raw especially after she told me that she didnt care who i had sex with as long "as i wore a condom" I went from getting bred by 2 or three different random dudes a week, i havent taken a random load or been fucked raw by a random in two months, i only got bred once raw once by a guy i knew fairly well. I am glad my family accepts me but is this just a phase or something more permanent? what does this forum thinks? Has anyone else been in this situation as well.
  13. all i want to do is suck as many cocks and possible and get fucked by many different dudes but everytime i try to get a group together it always falls apart because of this -Lots of guys want to come but they will only commit if other guys will come -since i cant tell how many guys will come because no will will commit -no one comes therefore the group fails because of this stupid cycle that always happen
  14. Those who have HIV how do you really feel? there seems to be a disconect between what i read here and what i here fron HIV positive men offline I was a bug chaser until i met my first HIV+ postive man from there not only did i stop bb but gave up bug chasing...i did mess up once and got bred but i went from getting bred by different men about two 3 times a week, from just poor judgment and once within the past two months...for me that an accomplisment but i still struggle with the wanting to be poz. i feel once i get it i can finally stop worrying but my questions are 1. Do you regret it? I talked to several poz men over the past month all of them regret it. One guy wants to poz me but he is realistic about the medications and what they do to his body. The medication is expensive (in the united states) 2. Is it really sexually liberating. I would imagine the pozzing fuck itself would be intense. There is someting powerful about truly giving your ass up in the ultimate way. But what about the day after? 3. What happens when a cute neg boy is interested in dating you? LIke i am in this position now. there is a chance that i am poz. So i kinda been putting him off until i get tested again and know for sure. I have so many other questions but i dont want to bother this forum since i am no longer chasing. I do miss my slutty days but like someone here said i alone can control my destiny, but the thought of taking a charge load still turns me on.
  15. wow really how do i let him know discretely i am interested
  16. have you ever had a straight crush? i have one now. its kinda surprsing because i always thought i wasnt attracted to black men. He is so hot, there is so much i want him to do to me...i dont know if he is into guys even though he was in prision for like ten years..........
  17. this case is entirely different i am actually afraid to have bare sex now but i am here tho out of habit
  18. i have stopped BB completely and I only play safe only
  19. I was a black total bttm with a above average cock. for years i heard vers men i beg me to fuck them....as bttm the thought of it never arosed me. I fucked a guy last night, the condom was too small and I easily convinced him to let me fuck him raw. He kept crying that it hurt and it made me want to fuck him harder. I pretty much told him to shut the fuck up. He didnt want me to cum inside him. I told him I was going to anyway you already let me in ur ass so dont be a bitch. I gave him my load man i am getting hard again thihink about it. I am pretty much the worst top ever tho, i am too aggressive and I am way to easily excited when fucking ass. fyi: i noticed when i get my dick sucked alot i dont feel like slut but when i suck alot of dick i feel like a slut. can anyone explain why?
  20. srry my topic title is very misleading he didnt shoot at all...he just put it in. i am at risk there is no denying that
  21. @rside wow i am somewhat impressed i havent gone that far yet...so far i have only hooked up with on poz guy, i dont regret it but my reaction to it like others had said allowed me to know its not for me. The thing is if i didnt cum as soon as the top put his dick inside me i would def be poz now
  22. @german thanks for the advice for now i am just going to abstain from sex and get tested in about 3 months and from there think about what i want to do
  23. german thanks for the advice its something i fantisied about for a long time, from this website it would seem like its easy hooking up with poz guys but in reality for me its difficult because they are rare in my area. i get tested every 3 months anyway.I wish i could stop bb its so hard. I use to be one of those judgmental type person i never understood why people would bb. around this time last year i took my first cock bare and i have been doing ever since. its actually almost a miracle that i am still neg. this is someting i know i have to deal with soon but this is something that is so taboo i just feel like no one would understand me
  24. i would not be allowed in certain countries
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