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Everything posted by PositiveaboutPOZ

  1. All it takes is dedication 4 I'm not really sure how long I was up there in the sling. So many emotions rushing through my little brain! It's strange, however much you want something you can't imagine what it will be like to actually get it. OK, so I didn't know I was Poz, but knew at the very least, I was well on the way... He re-entered the room, said nothing and just thrust his erect cock into my ass. He was a man possessed, a man on a mission. Whether his thrusts were hard or softer they had a real intensity. But God, was I feeling sore! But then it is no pain no gain. He grabbed my waist and thrusted like a jackhammer, until finally he came. Still silent, he brought his obviously bloodied cock up to my face, before walking away and shoving a buttplug up my ass before leaving me to my own thoughts. So the weekend continued, and each time he fucked me I started sore, and ended much sorer... On the Sunday afternoon my testing was disturbed by the doorbell. I heard talking in the hall, then the door opened and he entered the room with a younger man, maybe just a little older than me - but I am terrible at guessing ages. To be continued...
  2. Absolutely... Felt so good to see pink!
  3. All it takes is dedication 3 For the next 12 days, I was fucked each day. It became something I craved throughout every waking hour. I had never turned down a chance to be fucked, but this was different. It was something with a purpose - though whether I was more driven than my gifter I will never know! Begging him to cum inside me each time was an amazing and liberating experience. On the second Friday night, after another mind blowing fuck, he said, "You should stay, you're getting there." I nodded immediately. "There's a duvet behind the sofa, you can sleep there." He noticed the disappointment in my face. "You're not ready to sleep with me yet, maybe tomorrow - if you're lucky." I didn't sleep much that night. The sofa was comfortable enough, but I was too excited. I had not had any doubts about getting pozzed since we had started. Now I wanted it so badly! I must have dropped off, as I awoke with him kneeling beside me gently stroking my cock. "Ready?", he whispered - almost immediately taking me by the hand and leading up up from the sofa to his bedroom. Hanging from the ceiling was a sling. "Make yourself comfortable", he smiled, helping me onto a chair and into it. "I've got something to show you", he said - undoing his dressing gown. His erect cock sported a chunky Prince Albert piercing, something that he had never worn before. "Beautiful, and effective", he said, "especially as I have run out of lube." He spat on my ass, and thrust himself into me, starting to fuck me hard immediately. The suddenness of it all took my breath away. Feeling the metal inside me was intense, and an incredible turn on. He was so focussed this morning, pumping away relentlessly. After a few minutes, he said, "Beg, beg - I need to know you really, really want to be Poz." I did my best, almost crying that I needed it so much. He thrusted harder than I had ever been fucked, finally gifting me his poison seed. He slowly pulled out, gently wiping his cock with a tissue. Smiling, he brought it up to my face. There was a definite, unmistakable hint of pink to the cum. "Great start to the weekend!"
  4. Yes, we've met up four times since. Would have been more but have taken a little time out after stretching up my PA piercing to help me drive the point home!
  5. Yes, three more times - his cock shows me just how much he likes dancing with the devil!
  6. This follows up on the first installment I posted a few weeks ago. It is a lightly fictionalised version of my Pozzing. All it takes is dedication 2 After the snog that felt it like it had lasted hours, he took my hand and led my to his bedroom. He let go, and said firmly, but softly, "take your clothes off" - which I did, hesitating of a few seconds, hoping my cock might go down a little (some chance!). "Someone's excited", he grinned. I laid down, adjusting myself so my ass was just over the edge of the bed - that uncomfortable wriggling is always the most embarrassing part of the whole sex thing. He lubed his cock and my ass, and gently entered me, causing my cock to twitch frantically. He broke his silence, "You realise, I want to make you Poz, right?", I nodded. "Well, you have to agree to a few things. One, I will be fucking you every day until you test positive. OK with that?" I answered yes in a way that probably gave away a little more of my excitement than I had intended. He laughed, "Good attitude. Two, you must not get fucked by anyone else until you are Poz. Understood?" I nodded. "Three. When you have tested Poz you will be part of my family. We are close, and do everything together if you know what I mean. OK, with that?", again I nodded. He immediately started thrusting, which took me a little by surprise. "Help yourself to poppers if that is your thing", he said, tossing me a bottle. "Don't worry I'm going to start you off gently." if this is gentle I thought, wow! "I used a lot of lube today, but I will be decreasing the amount each time I fuck you." He thrusted harder and deeper, whispering, "beg for my Poz cum". Pleaded, and pleaded - it felt so natural. Right there, right now it was all I wanted. All I needed. "Ah, that was good he", he murmured as he came. "There is nothing as sexy as a guy begging for poison spunk. As one day soon you'll find out!". He bent towards we and snogged me again. He pulled out, and swiftly pushed in a buttplug. "You need to get used to having my poz seed in you. Get dressed, and leave please. See you here tomorrow, same time." To be continued.
  7. What follows is a barely fictional account of my pozzing. Things have been simplified a tad, and names have been changed to protect the guilty 😉 Part 1 I had been speaking with a guy who claimed to be poz for a while. Then the conversation slowed, before stopping completely. Was it my fault I thought. I had a magical ability to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. But that is the way things are online, what is hot quickly chills. I just moved on and forgot about him. Just after Christmas, I got a text. "Still interested in getting pozzed? If so call me when you get this message." I had just left the supermarket, and was making my way home. As I did, my mind raced... Who was this? Was it for real. Getting home, I poured myself a beer and sat down. Nervously I looked at the message, but then pushed to call that number I didn't know. My heart was pumping like crazy. In a way I hoped there would be no reply, but after a few rings my call was answered. "Glad you called. I wasn't sure you would.", in a deep, assured tone, "we spoke a while ago, then something came up. Sorry. Anyway, one of my poz sons is moving in the New Year so I have a vacancy. Interested?" Before I could reply he added, "I will send you my address tomorrow. Get to my house by 7pm, and we can talk things through and get started." He then hung up. I didn't sleep much that night, I was wired. Even wanking didn't ease horniness and anxiety I felt. It was a lot to take in. Who was he? Was he for real? Was I sure I wanted to convert? Would he message me as he said? I kept checking my phone way too much the next afternoon. Then, just before 3pm his message came - his address, followed by 'ONLY COME IF YOU ARE SURE ABOUT THIS'. Just after 6pm I left the house, still not convinced, but too intrigue and horny to not go. I arrived early, so did at circuit round the streets near his flat. Just before 7pm, hand shaking, I rang the bell. The buzzer hummed and pushed the door open, climbing the first flight of stairs. The door at the top of it opened as I got to it. The figure at the door was washed in a bright light from behind. He was older than me, maybe late fifties, cropped hair, and a couple thick earrings. He was in good shape. He looked me up and down, then said, "You'll do. Come in." As the door clicked, he grabbed me, and started snogging me. It was quite a shock. But my cock soon told me that that is was also very hot... TO BE CONTINUED
  8. Yesterday I fucked a guy for the first time in over ten years. Since I had exclusively bottomed. Since turning Poz a few weeks ago my mindset has radically changed. Sure, I love being fucked - but I now want to top guys too. Sorry for the intro. So, I hooked up with a guy who was cool about bb and my status. Well, he was until it came to it. He got the jitters. Totally understand that. Reassured him - and told him I couldn't wear condoms as I am allergic (which I'm not - just hate them). He relented eventually. Feel so horny fucking as a Poz guy. Offered to pull out, but he begged me to cum. I was more than happy to oblige. Feel so good to gift my seed. He obviously enjoyed it too - texted my this afternoon wanting to meet up again!
  9. On Saturday, just over a week after I was confirmed to be Poz. Must admit I was a little nervous, I had had such a pozzing sex fetish / obsession I was unsure how turned on I would be after I had converted. My poz daddy fucked me first, followed by two of my poz 'brothers'. Loved it - and have a fresh appreciation of the honour it is to be gifted toxic cum. The virus has made me hornier that I have ever been!
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