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Everything posted by Slut4anyload

  1. boycunt urges us to make the most of the load through felching and recycling. I love cum-play like that when I can get it but most hookups are 1:1 with one top and this sort of thing needs another bottom in the room. At the end of the day if I am successful in my role I am rewarded with cum in my hole. I should enjoy that cum to the max, but I measure my worth by the number of loads.
  2. That's what I mean - a tragic waste. We need to be better at networking tops like you with bottoms to make sure you do have a cumhole available. I understand the problem of tiredness etc but it's a waste from my POV and I'm hoping someone has a solution. The bottoms need to make it possible for those loads to go where they should go. You will be happier for that too.
  3. I was just musing on the plight of the bottom. We crave cum but there will never be enough. Bottoms outnumber tops and tops have limits to what they can deliver while bottoms are insatiable, the more we get the more we want. i got to thinking just how many loads are wasted, or never even happen. From my bottom's perspective a load should be shot deep into my ass, or at least in my mouth - very much second best for me but valued highly by others. Any other way is a waste of cum. So much cum is wasted in masturbation - somewhat satisfying for the cock-owner perhaps, but no good to me. But much sadder is the cum that never happens. Even the feeblest can generally manage a load a day, most more than this. Every load that doesn't happen is a tragedy for the cum-starved bottom. I'm guessing that the percentage of possible loads that find their way to a hungry hole is woefully small - the wastage is horrifying. My plea to all tops is to consider the needs of the bottom - find a way to make every possible load count. There are ways to hook up and all loads will find an eager recipient, and a few local fuckbuds on all call will always help. Try to shoot as often as possible and spread the seed widely. To bottoms I say - make it easy for the top. - Don't be picky - any cum is much better than no cum. - Keep yourself prepared at all times. - Remember that you are there for the top's pleasure and his cum is your reward. Make it great for him. - Most importantly, remember that you too have a cock. You have a duty not to waste your own loads if possible.
  4. I think you can see what people think of "don't cum in me". I can fully understand why tops get mad at that, or will just go and load you anyway. The bottom is there to take the fuck and to take the load. The top is there to take his pleasure and the bottom should make it as great as possible. Bottoming is highly competitive - so serve that cock as you should do or it will find a better hole.
  5. Of course it's the top's call, but I'm sure hoping he will choose to put that load in my ass.
  6. If you really want to keep the loads in I think you'll need to keep a buttplug handy.
  7. yes yunghungtop, that's exactly why cum and spit are the best lubes. As a bottom slut I know my duty is to clean the cock that has left its load in me. I really don't want to be eating lube.
  8. For a true cumslut all loads are equal. We accept gratefully every drop of mancream and we don't acre about age, race cock size, status. We are there to be used for the pleasure of other men and we love it, and the DNA we receive is our measure of our worth. You see bottoms aspiring to that with "no loads refused" but few have fully achieved this mental state. One of the issues is poz cum. To the completed cumslut poz/neg should be irrelevant but very few negs will ever achieve that state prior to conversion. We turn our fear of poz cum into a thrill because the risk is intoxicating, and eventually the poz load is even more highly prized because of the greater thrill as we accept it into our innermost depths. I believe i'm still neg and that's where I am in my mental attitude to poz cum.
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