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Posts posted by evilqueerpig

  1. "Deliciously twisted." Ev repeated. "To hear these words from Wilhelm, my porn god and idol is high praise indeed.  Normal is boring and nasty is much more fun!  Why not be twisted when I'm far from straight?" 

    With a chuckle, Will said, "Fuck, it feels good to laugh again.  Before all this, I described myself as deliciously twisted and it pleases me to see you taking my place.  Unfortunately, Wilhelm is a mere shadow of your porn god and idol.  Look under this garment and you'll see an emaciated shell of a man.  Maybe it's karma for my ancestors disgusting history during the Holocaust, but I look like an Auschwitz survivor."

    Lifting Will's shoulders, Ev untied the laces in the back of the hospital gown and removed it, letting it fall onto the floor.  As expected, Will was emaciated, but instead of being repulsed, he found it quite a turnon.  "There's a new phrase that's come into vogue, AIDS SEXY and that describes you perfectly."  Without asking for permission, Ev stood up and with both hands, he caressed Will's body starting at his feet.  "Your waste, your KS lesions, they're not ugly in the least.  I think of them as medals earned in your viral battle.  As far as I'm concerned, you're still my Wilhelm, just the new and improved AIDS version!"  To prove his point, he bent down and kissed the KS lesions on Will's stomach and chest.

    "Ev, you're a wonderful man and your hands are as talented as your mouth!  Aside from twice weekly sponge baths which are done with gloves, nobody had laid a hand on me since I've been here," Will sighed. "Whether or not that pill works, you've made me feel more like a man than I have in months.  Tell me about yourself."

    Clearing his throat, Ev said, "I also knew I was QUEER, but in my case, I was five years old.  You notice I identify as QUEER and that's because it's bold and in your face, like me.  One morning, when I was seventeen, I woke up and knew it was time to find my first man and since I didn't have fake 'id' I went to the local QUEER, nude beach where I found him.  He was everything I wanted in a man and more.  We had a three month fling and on the night of my eighteenth birthday, he told me it was time to try my wings and suggested I go to a local bathhouse.  Ten minutes after I got there, my slut gene kicked in and I knew monogamy wasn't for me.  I've never had a condom on or in me and like you, when the plague hit. my attitude was 'if I get it, I get it'.  A few years later, I met my ex on the same beach.  He shared my slutty ways and my barebacking attitude and eventually, we moved in together.  Things were good at first, but eventually, I embraced my kinky, twisted side while he remained vanilla.  Ultimately, he broke my trust and that betrayal could never be forgiven, so I kicked him out.  Four months later he calls to tell me he has shingles and tested poz.  I went to the local Health Department and used a fake name for my test.  Of course, I wasn't just poz but full blown AIDS and my counts made me highly toxic.  Funny, but I never got that flu or if I did, it was too mild to notice.  Secretly, I hope I was the one who knocked up my ex, just because it would be my revenge on him.  I never did take meds or seek medical attention.  Would you mind telling me how Wilhelm came to be?" 

    "Since he's so important to you, I'd be happy to." Will said.  "The band was playing a venue in Greenwich Village and naturally, the crowd was a mixture of gays and straights.  After our set was over, this guy approached me, saying he did freelance photography for gay magazines.  'If you look half as hot out of those briefs as you do in them, you can make some money' was what he said.  He gave me his business card in case I was interested.  I called the next day and I went to his studio where he took a few test shots, all very professional.  A week later, he calls to let me know that someone's interested in hiring me for a photo shoot.  At the office, there was talk about my classic Aryan features and would I mind being called Wilhelm, rather than Will?  Wilhelm is my given name, but I've been Will since childhood.  I don't need to tell you my photos were published.  Looking back, it was fun.  Of course, if I'd been on the cover, I might've had a career, but it is what it is and I have you as proof that Wilhelm was indeed sexy.  Now, do you have a favorite of those photos and if so, why?"

    Licking his lips, Ev said, "I most definitely have a favorite of your pics!  The one where you're on that long metal table.  You're crouched down like a panther, about to pounce!  What makes it my favorite is putting myself in that picture.  On my back, arms wrapped around my knees, showing you my hairy hole for you to fuck as I stare into your gorgeous ocean blue eyes.  If there's one thing I like most about your magnificent cock, is when you're fully hard, your amazing foreskin all but covers your cockhead, begging my tongue to get inside and lap up the precum!  Also, your classic Aryan features made my cock throb!"

    "That's the look the photographer was going for when he posed me like that." Will said.  "Funny but that was Greg's favorite photo, too!  He'd never known about that part of my life until someone called me Wilhelm at a bar.  Until then, he never was into porn.  When we got home that night, I showed him the magazine and after that, he'd shout Wilhelm when he wanted to get fucked.  I showed him the photo of my pink pucker and I called myself Wilhelm when I wanted him to fuck me.  Our own secret code." 

    "I must confess to being a bit envious of Greg." Ev sighed.  "No malice intended, but he was your lover and he got to be a part of your life.  Would you tell me about him, if it's not too painful?  How did you meet?"

    Will took a deep breath and said, "Greg was a cub and slightly heavier than you, but you do resemble him slightly and I get a similar feeling from you.  We met on the Fire Island ferry where we both planned on spending the day,  From the moment I looked into his deep brown eyes, I knew he was the man for me.  As soon as we arrived, we went to the dunes and fucked.  He moved in with me a month later.  Somehow I feel like he sent you here.  Look at my cock twitching!  Do you think it's a sign?"

    To be continued



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  2. Approaching the building, Everett rang the 'nighttime service' buzzer.  He was buzzed in and walked to the front desk.  "Green salad and a smoothie, Lenny" He said passing the food. "Where is he?"

    "End of the corridor, last door on your left." He replied.  "Just be warned, he's in bad shape."

    The corridor smelled of disinfectant as Everett made his way to his destination.  Opening the door, he saw a gaunt figure in bed with a shock of white hair on his head.  "I know it's past visiting hours, but would you like some company?"

    Looking up, the man said, "I haven't had any visitors in the three months I've been here.  Yes, the staff will talk to me, but that's their job.  Please, step inside and have a seat.  To have such an attractive visitor is more than I dared hope for."  His accent was definitely European, either Dutch or German.  "Please excuse my appearance, I'm hardly looking my best.  I'm Will."  He held out a bony hand.

    "My name's Everett, but call me Ev, there's no need to be formal." He said, shaking hands as he sat at Will's bedside.  "Given what you're dealing with, I think you look well.  Quite handsome, if I might say so.  Would you like to tell me about yourself?"

    Shocked that someone would take an interest in him, Will said.  "I come from a small town in Germany, and aside from knowing I was gay at the age of ten, I lived a normal life.  Having earned a scholarship, I was eighteen when I moved here.  New York was everything I needed to be free and live as a gay man.  While I did well in school, I found it wasn't what I wanted.  I've always had a talent for music, so I joined a band, kind of a punk, grunge thing.  I was the only gay guy in the group, but they didn't care.  Our gimmick was our lack of wardrobe.  We only wore skimpy briefs and mine left little to the imagination.  To be honest, we weren't very good, but we did scrape by.  Around this time, I met my man.  Greg was sweet and sexy and most importantly, a slut like me, so monogamy wasn't an issue.  Both of us were free to fuck and get fucked by others, both separately and as a couple.  When the plague hit, we had a serious discussion and we reached a mutual decision to continue fucking and getting fucked bareback, leaving it to the luck of the draw.  The draw hit me first and Greg nursed me through it.  Big surprise, I was diagnosed with a med resistant strain.  Because I loved Greg, I offered to go for safe sex, but he wouldn't have it.  He had me fucking him five or six times a day until he got sick and I nursed him through it.  We continued fucking around and being honest about our status.  Believe it or not there were many like us.  Greg wasn't as strong as me and he died in my arms five months ago.  I went on a downward spiral and wound up here.  Having made peace with myself, I'm ready for what happens next.  If Heaven is filled with people who hate me for being gay, I'll gladly go to the other place.  Sorry for being a downer, but it feels good to get it off my chest."

    A thought suddenly occurred to Everett and he said, "While we've only just met, if you've ever posed for gay porn under the name of Wilhelm, then I know who you are!"

    He hadn't given a thought to that brief part of his life in years.  To have this man mention it brought a smile to his face.  "Yes, I'm Wilhelm and I just did it for fun.  I hope you enjoyed it."

    "Enjoyed it would be an understatement!" Ev replied. "I probably shot gallons of cum jacking to those pics!  Your face is thinner, Wilhelm but you're still a handsome man!  Would it be okay if I kissed you?"

    His smile broadening, Will said, "Trust me, I haven't kissed anyone since I kissed Greg goodbye, so it would be more than okay.  I'd be happy to kiss such a handsome man, but you're likely to be disappointed as my mouth is quite dry."

    "Let me take care of that!" Ev announced, grabbing Will's chin to hold his mouth open.  Once, twice, three times, he spit into his mouth.  Pulling him closer, he thrust his tongue into Will's mouth.  The spit did it's job and they kissed passionately.

    As they broke the kiss, Will took Ev's hand and squeezed it.  "You can't know how much that kiss means to me.  The intimate contact of another man has always been important to me.  I must also say that you're a wonderful kisser and all this from a photo shoot."

    "Speaking of the photo shoot, there was a certain caption that distinguished you." Ev said, excitedly, reaching under Will's hospital gown.  "There they are!  BULL BALLS!!"  Hefting them in his hand, he was amazed at how heavy they felt.  "And that magnificent cock that goes along with them!"

    "You do remember!" Will said filled with mixed emotions. "Given a no longer magnificent cock that's only good for pissing, my BULL BALLS are pretty much useless.  At least you have your memories."

    Extracting a yellow cialis tablet from his shirt pocket, Ev suggested, "If you agree, we can both have more than memories!  That is if you find me attractive.  Would you have fucked me before you got this?"  He stood up and briefly pulled down his sweatpants to reveal a firm, hairy ass before sitting down again.

    His eyes wide, Will declared, "I would've fucked you before and if this pill works, I might fuck you now!  But you need to think about what you're getting into. or more importantly what would be getting into you!  This is no picnic!  Not just AIDS but a meds resistant strain."

    With a pat on Will's bony knee, Ev reassured him. "Believe me, I've given this thorough consideration and if I had any reservations, I wouldn't be here.  If you need any incentives, think of me as your living legacy, a new version of your toxic virus, fucking as your proxy!  For me, carrying a piece of Wilhelm is lethal icing on the case."

    "You make a compelling case!" Will said, snatching the pill from Ev's hand and popping it in his mouth.  "I never thought I'd fuck again after Greg's passing and it's like you're offering me a piece of my life back and a bit of immortality.  Don't take this the wrong way but this is deliciously twisted!" 

    To be continued

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  3. 41 minutes ago, RawPlug said:

    I don’t like generalising. And I’ve always found that if I treat the people in countries I’m visiting with respect and friendliness, that is what I usually get back.

    Interestingly, I was in New York for the first time last week. I’d heard all about New Yorkers’ supposed rudeness before I went but I found the opposite to be true. Everyone I encountered was friendly, helpful and funny. Still, I fell in love with NYC and can’t wait to go back. 

    As a former NYer, I couldn't agree more.  Back in '87, I spent a week in London and found the Brits to be most hospitable, friendly and right sexy.  More than 1 man suggested I stay, but my father had just recently passed and I felt I was needed back home.  Not one of my best decisions and now, being Po White Trash, dead common, in the King's English, I can't afford to relocate.  You seem to be sweet and sorted and the type to be a good lover.

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  4. While it's been posted in numerous places on this site, here it is again in a condensed version.  I was 5 when I knew I was QUEER, but it wasn't until I was 17, that I did anything.  June of 1977, I woke up and knew it was time.  Too young for a bar, my next choice was the QUEER/Nude beach, so I took 2 buses to get there.  Found a spot near the water and HE emerged, the image of my masturbatory fantasies.  Jet black , shoulder length way hair, full beard and 'stache, a HAIRY beast, his lowhanging balls seemed to sway as he walked.  Staring daggers would be an understatement, but he approached me with the excuse of bumming a smoke.  After a bit of smalltalk, I admitted to being a virgin and that I wanted him to be my first man.  We went to his place and I sucked and swallowed him and he did the same.  I asked him to fuck me and he explained about cleaning out, which we both did.  He ate my ass thoroughly before lubing my ass and his 7" cock.  Gentle and patient, he took his time and there was just some minor discomfort as he entered me.  Because we both enjoyed intimacy, we kissed as he fucked me.  I felt his cock throb as he came in me.  Then, it was my turn.  My first taste of his musky ass was enough to get me hooked.  Lubing up, I entered him.  FUCK, his ass was tight, warm and wet and I had to stay hilted in him to keep from cumming too soon.  When I did cum, it was more intense than ever.  So began our 3 month fling, including a few 3somes with his hot Latino neighbor.  On my 18th birthday, he said it was time to try my wings and he suggested I check out the baths.  That night my SLUT gene became active and directly into overdrive.

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  5. I guess I'm in the minority here but circumstances played a part.  My introduction to piss was 'accidental' pun intended.  Went to wake a guy with a blowjob and his bladder opened before his eyes as his strong, bitter morning piss flowed into my mouth.  Surprisingly, I enjoyed the taste and I developed an aversion to weak piss.  Guys are amazed at my ability to drink a full bladder, but wtf, when you enjoy what you're doing, you do it well!

  6. Being of the generation before hiv/aids generation, I had my 1st man in 1977 and we fucked each other.  Safe sex wasn't even an issue and once 'the plague' was a factor, it was my conscious decision to remain a strict barebacker.  NEVER had a condom on/in me.  "If it ain't bareback, it ain't fuckin and it ain't happenin!"

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