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Posts posted by evilqueerpig

  1. Like RawPigDad, I find the "n" word highly offensive and I never use it.  While some have chosen to own it and use it as a symbol of power, just as I own "queer", I understand even though I find it disagreeable.  Sexy isn't restricted to race, age or anything else and when I'm with a man, it's the man himself I want to be with!

  2.     "The moment of truth was at hand as Greg and I unbuckled each other's belts and undid the buttons on the 501s we both wore.  'It'll be less awkward if we remove our own pants, so let's do it on the count of three!  One, two, three!'  My pants hit the floor in a flash and a second later, Greg's followed.  Grabbing him around the waist, I pretty much threw the 2 of us on the bed.  As we lay side by side, it was obvious Greg wasn't kidding about having obscene overhang.  Barely visible beneath his thick shroud of foreskin, a drop of precum appeared on his cockhead.  Impressive at over 9 inches, his shaft was heavily veined, his hairy balls the size of limes and his bush was thick and wild.  'Obscene overhang and all, your cock is amazingly beautiful!  Do you know what makes your cock amazingly beautiful?  It's because you're an amazingly beautiful man, so everything about you is amazingly beautiful!' 'Using your standards, you're a sexy, hot men with a sexy, hot cock and I'm looking forward to having it balls deep in my ass!'  'You will, but not before you fuck me and give me your 6 month load!  Right now, I need to feel your mouth on mine, so at the risk of being rude, shut up and kiss me!'  Parting his lips with my tongue, Greg and I kissed eagerly and passionately, holding nothing back.  Greg caressed my chest, kneading and gently pinching my nipples, while I stroked his face.  Both of our cocks were leaking precum as I moved my hands down Greg's back.  When my hands came to rest on his fuzzy buttcheeks, I reluctantly broke the kiss.  'I need to eat your sweet ass!  Sit on my face!'  My buttlust had kicked into overdrive."

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  3.     "As he rose from his chair, I took Greg's hand in mine, kissing it while I led him to the bedroom.  'Our bed awaits!  Lube and maximum impact are on the night stand!  Having you here makes me feel like a kid on Christmas morning!  Would it be okay if I unwrap you?'  'Only if you let me return the favor!  Given our no expectations agreement, this isn't something I thought we'd be discussing, but it's something you should know.  I have obscene overhang!  Quite a few guys have told me my cock is ugly.  Things got so bad, I actually considered going for a circumcision!'  Just the phrase obscene overhang kicked my mind into overdrive, but I thought it best to keep my piggy desires to myself for the time being.  'As far as I'm concerned, there's no such thing as an ugly cock!  Nothing is uglier than bad attitude and those guys are the ugly ones!  Raise your arms so I can take your shirt off!'  Greg complied and I grabbed the hem of his t-shirt, pulling it over his head, revealing lush, tight curls where I hoped to wallow at some point.  Equally inviting were his nipples and I took the opportunity to briefly flick my tongue over them.  'My turn, arms up!'  Once my shirt was off, Greg buried his face in my chest for a few seconds.  'Honestly, I was attracted to you from our first private chat, but your magnificent fur is like the cherry on a sundae!'  'Since we're both wearing sandals, let's just kick them off!'  We did just that"

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  4.     "Wrapping my arm around Greg's waist, I stroked his cheek which brought a smile to his face."  'After your patience and understanding, I felt you deserved to know what happened.  You're the first person I've told this to and I knew you'd be supportive and not see me as a pitiful man.  Letting it fester hasn't been good, but thanks to you, I took my first step to move forward.  On my way here, I stopped in at my local HIV clinic and put an ad up on the bulletin board looking for a room to rent.'  'Getting this off your chest is necessary for you to begin healing and I'm honored that you felt comfortable sharing it with me.  When you find a new place, let me know and I'll help you move.  I'm not a violent person, so I won't punch your ex's lights out, but I would give him a piece of my mind!'  'They say living well is the best revenge, so getting him out of my life will be a good start.  Now that the awkwardness is out of the way, I'm hoping we can go to your bedroom!'  'You read my mind, stud!'  I stood up and cleared the table."

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  5.     "Being a gracious host, I pulled a chair out for Greg and once he sat down, I pushed it in.  I was pleased to see Greg push the other chair closer to him.  Opening the refrigerator, I took out the sandwiches and beverages and set them on the table before taking my seat.  'Dig in!'  'This is a huge sandwich!'  'As a regular customer, they tend to treat me better, so whatever you don't finish, you can take home.'  While we ate, Greg grabbed my hand and placed it on his crotch, placing his own hand on my crotch.  'Since we're both hard, I think we need to scrap the no sexual expectations agreement, don't you?'  'Most definitely!  You're my guest, so what we do is up to you!'  'Honestly, it's been close to 6 months since I even thought about sex, but if you agree I want you to fuck me and I'll fuck you!  Both of us being pisspigs, if you'll feed me yours, I'll feed you mine!  More kissing is required, before, during and after!  'After nearly 6 months without sex, I think it's best if you fuck me first!  Hope you can cum more than once, because I also want to suck your cock!  Just try and stop me from kissing your sweet mouth!  Please tell me you like getting rimmed!  Eating ass is one of my favorite things to do!'  'My ass is yours to do what you want with!'  'Why did I wait so long to come here?'  'You were hurt and I think we both needed to wait until you were ready to trust me.'  'Once again, you're right!  I do trust you and because I do, I think I can tell you what happened, at least what I know of it.  He sat me down one morning and said that he didn't love me and he wasn't sure if he ever loved me and I should move my things into the spare bedroom and do my best to avoid him.  To this day, I still don't know of any reason why he said what he said.  Feeling absolutely worthless, I retreated into myself, only leaving my room to use the toilet and eat my solitary meals, cold cereal, 3 times a day.  We met 2 weeks after I moved there and he became my world, so I had no friends to lean on.  I discovered the chatroom and I felt a sense of community, but you were the one who made me feel like I belong there!'  'As far as I'm concerned, he's a waste of human flesh and he never deserved you in the first place!'  I noticed a single tear streak down Greg's cheek and I kissed it away."

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  6.     "I first encountered Greg in a chatroom.  While he participated in the chats, he never contributed anything about himself.  The small chatroom pic didn't show much, so I clicked on his profile and saw a sexy black man, with a bushy stache, wearing a leather bar vest over a smooth chest.  He listed himself as single and under looking for, there was a question mark. Bold as I am, I sent him a private message. 'Hope this is ok, but if you don't respond, I won't be offended.'  Less than a minute later, the reply came, 'It's ok' 'Greg, you're a sexy man and while you contribute to the chats, you never talk about yourself.  At the risk of prying, might I ask why?'  'My boyfriend broke up with me a few months ago and since then, I have no life.  Even worse, I'm still living with him, though I'm in the spare bedroom and we rarely even see each other.  I only leave the house to see my doc and get meds and groceries.'  'Of course, this is none of my business, but this ex of yours has left you with some major depression.  When and if you're ready to talk, I'm here for you and while I'm no shrink, I'm a good listener.  Honestly,  we don't have to discuss your situation, we can talk about the weather or dish about the other guys in chat.'  'Just getting this much off my chest has been a big help.  More than anything, I need a friend and in these few minutes, you've become that.  We'll do this again, but I think we should get back to the main room before you're missed.  Thanks, man.'  After that exchange, our private chats became a regular thing and while Greg revealed very little about himself, other than our shared love of kink, I found myself wanting him, but I wasn't overtly flirty.  Patience and persistence paid off and Greg agreed to a meeting with no sexual expectations.  Greg lived in the suburbs, about a 45 minute drive from me and when I offered to pick him up, he insisted on taking the train so it wouldn't be a wasted drive if one of us changed our mind."

        "On the day of our meeting, after breakfast and a cleanout, I went to the minimart across the street and bought 2 hero sandwiches and beverages for our lunch, snapple for Greg and beer for me.  Satisfied that my place was spotless, I sat on the sofa and tried to tamp down my excitement.  Depending on the promptness of the train. Greg expected to get to my place between 11:45 and noon.  At 11:30, I peered through the blinds, nervous as the proverbial long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.  It was 11:49 when I spotted Greg approaching my place and I rushed to the door, opening it just as he rang the bell.  Greg was even sexier in person.  No sooner than I closed the door, I gave into my desire and moved in to kiss him.  Worried that I might've come on too strong, I was relieved when Greg parted his lips, allowing my tongue full access, while he wrapped his arms around me.  Our tongues fought a passionate duel as we swapped copious amounts of spit.  Pressing his groin against mine, I felt Greg's cock throbbing and I'm sure he felt my cock pulsating with desire.  Much to my regret, I was out of breath and just as I pulled back, my watch chirped to announce the hour."

        "I stared into Greg's brown eyes, noting how they sparkled. 'Do you know what that chirp means?'  'I hope it doesn't mean it's time for me to leave'  'When you came inside, it was 11:50 and it's now noon, so we've been kissing for 10 minutes!'  'To be honest, I can spend hours kissing you!  Ever since I left, I was nervous about meeting you.  I didn't know if you'd want a handshake or a hug.  Halfway here, I nearly got off the train to go home, afraid that I'd disappoint you.  All these months, nobody's touched me and it's like I've been dead inside.  Sleeping Beauty, I ain't but like some fairy tale Prince, your kiss made me feel alive again!'  'Believe me, I'm no Prince, just an average man who knows and appreciates the magic of intimacy between 2 men!  That kiss wasn't my kiss, it was OUR kiss and I think it's obvious that you made it wonderful for me!  Granted, it broke our no expectations agreement, but as soon as I laid eyes on you, I had to kiss you, so no, I wasn't disappointed!  Now, am I a disappointment?'  'Hell no, you ain't!  The first time I joined the chat, you showed yourself to be a sweet, friendly man and then I clicked on your profile and I saw hotness personified!  When we had our first private chat, I could see how caring you are.  You don't pry, you don't judge, you just let me be myself and before that first chat, I really hadn't been myself, just an empty shell of a man!  'I did get the feeling that you were down in the dumps, but at the same time, I saw a man worth getting to know and I was right!  If you're treated like crap, sometimes you'll feel like crap!  As you know, I'm not cut out for monogamy, but if you were my boyfriend, I'd make sure you feel like the sexy stud you are!'  'Sexy stud, me?  I'm no troll, but I'm not God's gift to gay men and I don't get how you see it!'  'Maybe you need to see yourself through my eyes.  To use my own fairy tale comparison, I've been with my fair share of toads, but if there's a Prince here,, it's you!' 'Okay, you're my Prince and I'm your Prince, let's leave it at that!'  'Well, my Prince, I think we should have lunch and relax for a bit.'  I led him into the kitchen."

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