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Status Updates posted by negNLpuppy

  1. Pffffff 1new post and 2 replies and i am done again for 24hrs. I understand the need to be carefull but 3 entries per 24 hrs isn't really workable. Sorry guys

    1. poztwinksrhot


      It's tough.  I've been here a month and have worked my way up to 'Participant', but am still under the same rules.  I'm hoping that when I hit the 'Enthusiast' rank that will change, but I see others listed as 'Enthusiast' in the 'New Member' category (by using filters in the Online Members page under Others) so I'm not sure if that will make a difference or not.  Maybe it's based on Reputation score.  I haven't figured that out yet. :(

      You can add /badges/ after your profile URL and you'll see your rank history, and click the drop-down by your username at the top of the page and you'll see how far you are from the next rank.  Every post gets you five points, every 'like' gets you one (at least that's what I've noticed).  After 20 more posts I'll find our if I'm right about the status change.

      While waiting, you (and I) just have to be judicious in your posts and replies.  We'd love to hear more from you, but everyone here will understand why you aren't posting all the time.

    2. negNLpuppy


      Ot wont do the job it's pure random. I've seen someone with 0 postst, 1 rank lower then me just 5 followers (but a 10 followers badge LOL) who is a junior member

    3. poztwinksrhot


      Yeah I dunno either.  Take a look at their join date though.  The ops didn't start the restrictions until recently (I think late 2020, maybe October).  There were a lot of people grandfathered in who joined before that.  The junior members with few posts may have been from that group (or not, dunno...).

  2. Wel jmmr dat je al meds doet

  3. You are cute too bro 😍

  4. I cannot seem to contact you. Please contact me on [deleted]: negnlpup4poz or on telegram

    1. BugBoyEric


      Hey, I sent you a message on w1ckr, is that what you meant?

  5. Are you on meds or not?

  6. I have a real concern about someone but i cannot seem to message you or any other moderator. Could you please contact me instead so I can reply??

  7. I will react to any message. Just be patient though. Being a new member i can hardly do anything here. I wont forget to reply

  8. I ben nog new member dus ik kan bijna niet reageren hier. Dus wil je me spreken mijn telegram is @negNLpuppy

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