This must be the place, I thought. Number 67 was in a street of small shops all of which were closed except for the late night convenience store on the corner. Even under the streetlights, Number 67 looked a bit different: scruffy and anonymous with blacked out windows and no sign above. There were two buzzers beside the door, one marked 'Office', the other 'Cellar'. I approached the door then hesitated. Well, I was a few minutes early anyway and, to be honest, I was probably looking for reasons to delay the moment of no return. Time for one more cigarette. I had been smoking almost non-stop all day -- a mixture of nerves, excitement and anticipation. Only three cigs left now, so I went to the late night store and bought another pack.
A few days earlier, a guy on BBRT had told me about the roulette parties they hold at Number 67 -- fuck roulette. I hadn't heard of that before but it sounded hot and after he mentioned it there was
no way I could get it out of my mind. When I plucked up the courage to contact him again he invited me along. He wouldn't say much about what happened there, but he said if my number came up I would be pozzed by the time I left. The chances were one in three. I looked at my watch. Still time to back out, but I knew that even if I did the urge would never go away. As I strolled up and down the street to finish my smoke all the mental conflicts of the last few days suddenly seemed to be melting away. I was ready to accept whatever the wheel would choose for me. Returning to that anonymous door, I took two final drags on my cig, flicked the butt into the gutter and exhaling the last of my smoke into the night air, I pressed the buzzer marked 'Cellar'.
The door gave a click and I pushed it open. A muscled guy with stubble came up the stairs to greet me, with only a towel around his waist. "Hi, I'm Ben," he said. "We talked on BBRT. You can get changed in here." He showed me to a small room where a blond guy who introduced himself as Johan was sitting. Johan looked about 25, slim and smooth, naked except for his jockstrap. "Just waiting for the third one," said Ben. "I'll be back when he arrives." I stripped off down to the leather harness which I had put on before setting out, along with my favourite cockring. As I stashed my clothes in the corner the door opened and Ben ushered another guy in. "This is Steve," he said, adding "We're all complete now."
Steve, in his mid-30s, had a shaved head, tattoed arms and was wearing a rubber vest. Seeing us undressed, he quickly slipped off his jeans and pants, and tossed them on the pile with the rest. Ben came back with three pieces of paper on a clip board. "You all know the score. One of you will be pozzed tonight. You all have an equal chance, nothing has been rigged beforehand, but before you can be admitted into the cellar we need you to sign this, just to say you are agreeing to unprotected sex." Without allowing myself to think about it, I signed the form. Johan and Steve likewise signed. With that Ben led us down the steps to a room that was almost completely dark, with only a dim red bulb glowing in one corner. I could make out the shapes of men, maybe a dozen, and three slings hanging in a line the middle of the room.
"OK, here are your slings. Choose whichever you want," Ben said. I took hold of the middle one and slid my ass onto it. As I positioned myself, gripping the chains holding the sling, I sensed someone behind me. I couldn't see what was going on but suddenly I felt a handcuff click around each of my wrists and then around the chains on the sling. There were more clicks on either side of me and I guessed the same was happening to Johan and Steve. "That's to make sure nobody changes his mind," Ben said with a laugh as more hands worked on our legs, tying our ankles to the other chains on the slings. "I think we're ready now", said Ben talking to the men in the room. "These are our roulette players for tonight. Have fun but remember, no fucking till the wheel decides which one will be joining the brotherhood."
As he spoke, the guys gathered around us. A couple of tongues started tweaking my nipples and a bearded face nuzzled my hole. On either side I could hear murmurs of pleasure from Johan and Steve which told me they were also getting the same treatment. A jizz-coated finger found its way into my mouth while other fingers worked my ass. It must have continued like this for about 15 minutes with the guys taking turns to play with us until I felt something small and solid pushing at my hole then working its way in. "Just brushing your insides - in case you're the lucky one," an unidentified voice whispered. Johan, on my left, was sighing and moaning, obviously also getting a brushing. On my right, Steve was mostly quiet apart from muttering the occasional "Aw fuck!" "Good," said Ben. "All fully prepped. Time for roulette." He shone a torch on the ceiling to show numbers above our respective slings. The number above my sling was number two. Then he turned the torch towards a circular disk on the wall, about two feet across with a biohazard symbol in the centre. It was divided into three sections numbered one, two and three. "No need to explain what happens next," Ben said, "but to make it a bit more interesting we're not going to spin the wheel just once. We keep on spinning it until someone's number comes up for a second time." The red light in the corner went off, leaving the room in total darkness. "Here we go," Ben announced. "Spin number one." I could almost hear my heart pounding. The only thing I could see in the blackness was the glowing cigarette of a guy standing beside me -- which reminded me how much I needed a smoke. Ben flicked the torch on again. The wheel was still moving but slowing down and it came to rest on number three. Steve gasped sayng "Uh-oh, that's my number." The guy standing beside me sucked hard on his cigarette and let out a rich stream of smoke into the torchlight. "Please," I whispered to him, "Give me a drag." He smiled and placed the cigarette between my lips as the light went out for another spin. This time Johan's number came up. "Aaaaaaaaaahhhh", he said, 'though I couldn't tell if it was the sound of regret or delight. A warm hand patted my shoulder and the guy with the cigarette spoke softly in my ear. "Seems its not your lucky night." "Seems like it," I replied, partly disappointed but also secretly relieved. Darkness again as the wheel spun a third time. When the torch came on the number was mine. "Wow!" said Ben. "Still no result -- it's level pegging. Get ready for another spin. This one is going to decide it." Then he switched off his torch.
To be continued