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Posts posted by daddybear54

  1. Chapter 20:  Life Lessons


    For several months before Daniel and Lazlo’s wedding date, Maile had been torn. She had gone over it all in her mind, over and over, wondering if she should even try to shift their mother out of her intransigence, or if she should just leave well enough alone.

    Of all the family, Maile was the only one who saw her mother with any degree of regularity. Since both of them sat on an inter-church council as representatives of their respective congregations, they were compelled to see each other once a month. At these meetings, they were distantly, formally polite – but nothing more. It was a state of affairs that distressed all the other members of the council, and especially the pastors of both their churches. Everyone at these meetings knew a little about the story of what had happened, but the emphasis on who was at fault shifted dramatically depending on which version each one of them had heard.

    Maile came to the next meeting, less than a month before the wedding, filled with a new determination. She could see clearly, as the family was rebuilding itself since the funeral of her father, that her mother risked being left out in the cold and all alone as she aged. Daniel and Laszlo were developing connections to Malia and Darren as well as herself, connections which didn’t depend in the least on their mother. Daniel never spoke his mother’s name, never referred to her as his mother, seemed quite prepared to go on acting as if she had died years earlier – and maybe, Maile thought, he wished that she had.

    Maile couldn’t fault him if he did feel that way. She understood now, better by far than when it had happened, how brutally her mother had treated her own first-born child – and then her husband and her other children. But she continued to hope that somehow, in some way, if she could just push the right buttons in the right tone of voice, she might persuade her mother to alter her position. She decided to approach the pastor of her mother’s church, the Temple of the Heavenly Host, and ask him to work with her own pastor to arrange and moderate a face-to-face meeting where they could discuss the issues.

    She had told none of the family what she was doing. Her private feeling was that the chance of success was not great – and that this would be her last attempt. If she couldn’t crack through her mother’s hard shell of self-righteous intransigence this time, she would give it up as a lost cause.




    Laszlo, too, was distressed about the ongoing breach between Daniel’s mother and all of her children. His relationship with his own parents had always been a rather cool one, rich in practical matters of necessity and convenience rather than any great emotional depth, but it still seemed to him somehow wrong that his mother and father should be coming to participate in the wedding – and to the rehearsal dinner the night before -- where Daniel’s mother, still very much alive, would not. He wished that there were something he could do.

    He said as much to Uncle Ken on their last meeting before the month of the wedding. Laszlo, no less than Daniel, valued Ken’s advice and wisdom – hard-earned through years of endless trouble and sorrow and stress. For once, the older man had no clear answer. He remembered, all too clearly, the rigid approach to life of Daniel’s mother when she was young, and how the Biblical phrase “a stiff-necked people” always seemed to him to be a peculiarly accurate description of her. He could only advise Laszlo to be patient and let the people most closely involved work it out as much as they wished. “After all,” as he explained with great patience and compassion to Laszlo, “you can’t make people want to change.”




    Daniel and Laszlo had drawn up a detailed plan for the wedding, including vows for the ceremony, and a list of who should be allowed to speak or propose toasts on what subjects after the dinner. For the meal itself, they had opted for a buffet in the Rainbow Room after the cocktail hour on the terrace. This would be a meal which could offer a dazzling array of Hawaiian, East Asian, European, and American dishes with enough variety to tempt all palates present. They had worked closely with the sommelier to pick out a select champagne for the toasts, and bottles of choice red and white wines which would be placed on each table. With the DJ, they had selected two particular songs, favourites of theirs, for their entrance and first dance.

    Maile had put her artistic talent to work designing a swirling, impressionistic logo of two men in tuxedos dancing to act as a background graphic and logo on all communications about the wedding, and on the programmes for the big day. Malia, who was especially gifted in fine work done with her own fingers, had designed and created ten similar but not identical centrepieces for each of the ten tables of eight guests. Darren had used his unique gift at calligraphy alongside Maile’s artwork to create place cards for each guest, and a number card to go on the bottom of each centrepiece to indicate the person at each table who should win the centrepiece as a door prize.

    All of this work was done before the wild weekend of the bachelor party, because Laszlo and Daniel knew that they would only have 48 hours to get home from Palm Springs, unpack, and repack, before leaving for Hawaii and their week-long wedding celebration.




    The face-to-face meeting was not making any progress. Maile explained. Pastor Robbins, the leader of Maile’s church, cajoled. Pastor McEwen, Lehua’s long-time spiritual advisor pleaded, but Lehua remained immovable, only quoting her favourite scripture passages in reply.

    But then, suddenly, the dynamic shifted. Respect for elders flew out the window as Maile’s remaining patience evaporated in two seconds. As if a switch had been flipped inside her mind, she abruptly exploded. The two pastors stared in astonishment at this volcanic outburst, but she ignored them. She was beyond caring what anyone else thought of her.

    “Damn it all, Mother, have you even listened to a word that any of the three of us have said to you? It’s like you have ears of stone! We’re trying to get you to see the ultimate end of what you’ve done, and you just ignore it all and stand rigidly on your own precious self-made, self-righteous pedestal!”

    “Honour thy father and thy mother. Have you forgotten?”

    “The best way I can honour you right now is to try to jolt you out of your stupidity and ignorant, blinkered vision. Now, you listen to me, Mother, and listen well. You may not have known about it at the time, but your elder brother Keawe was gay.”

    “Keawe! He wasn’t! What about your Aunt Lily? He was devoted to her.”

    “He married Leialoha under protest, but he didn’t love her. He stayed with her because he had promised to do so and because he was a man who took his promises seriously. The man he really loved was Kanani Murayama, who also was forced to marry a woman he didn’t love, yet Kanani and Keawe were in love all their lives, for over forty years until Keawe died. But they could never live together openly or express that powerful and enduring love that bound them, heart to heart, and that was because of you and all the hate-filled people like you! Kanani’s love for Keawe now supports his care and concern for your son, Daniel. That’s because Keawe named Daniel as his heir and asked Kanani to watch out for him. Daniel and his partner both name Kanani their uncle.”

    Maile was winding herself up into a veritable tempest of outrage, spitting the words out like a fire-eating preacher of the old school.

    “And now, Daniel, your eldest child, your first-born son, cannot bring himself to speak your name or acknowledge you as his mother because of the way you’ve abused him. Your husband refused to speak to you as he lay dying, said he didn’t wish to see your face, ordered you to leave the room. His dying words were not for you, but for his eldest son – ‘Tell Daniel… I’m sorry. I was wrong.’

    Your daughter, Malia, told me that she could not and would not come with me if I made an effort to try to speak with you. Your son, Darren, after his father’s funeral, said, ‘Thank heaven Mother didn’t decide to stick her nose in’ – and then he laughed.

    “That leaves only one of your four children, me. I came to this meeting in a mood of hope – and you’ve just shot that hope down in flames. I’m walking out on you and giving up on you right now. I hope your pride and arrogance is enough for you to live on, because it’s all you’ll have left, now that you’ve driven your entire family to hate the very sight of you!”

    She stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. The two pastors looked sadly at each other. Lehua stared at the closed door in astonishment, in shock, and then in realization -- and a slowly growing fear.




    Maile wept, disconsolate, despite Malia doing what she could to console her twin. “Malia, I ruined it. I just couldn’t take it any more. I lost control, blew up right in her face, told her off up one side and down the other, and then walked out and slammed the door like a toddler having a tantrum.”

    Malia, who had arrived early for the wedding weekend, hugged her close. “Maile, I don’t blame you at all. I lost patience with our mother years ago. I know I couldn’t hold out for even a minute without blowing my stack at her. I admire you for hanging on for as long as you did.”

    “It’s like I forgot everything I knew. ‘Honour thy father and thy mother.’ I sure didn’t do that today, and she jumped on it, reminded me of it.”

    “That’s just what she would do. Face the reality, Maile. She’s the kind of person who quotes the Bible when it suits her and then promptly forgets it when it doesn’t support her prejudices. Don’t let her devout exterior fool you. You’ve got more Christian charity in your little finger than she has in her entire body, and don’t you ever believe otherwise.” She held Maile close while Maile cried out her unhappiness.

    Later that afternoon, Maile and Malia drove to the FourWinds Resort to try to see Kanani Murayama.




    The afternoon after the disastrous meeting, Daniel and Laszlo flew into Kauai again. As they came out of the baggage claim area, they were met by a uniformed driver holding a sign with their names on it. He led them to a limousine, loading their bags, and then drove them to FourWinds. Getting out of the limo at the front door, they were greeted personally by the General Manager who was waiting for them, together with a butler who was assigned to take care of their needs throughout their week-long stay. A bellman took charge of their bags, while the butler led them along the walkway and across the Rainbow Bridge, up the hill to Chalet No. 3.

    Once their bags arrived, they unpacked the wedding suits and handed them to the butler to have them pressed and ready for Saturday, along with their shoes to be polished. The butler in turn gave them a special phone number which they could use to summon him directly for anything they might need, and then (on request) left them to get settled in.




    Mr. Murayama sat behind the desk in his office at the FourWinds Resort. He’d been concentrating on the backlog of paperwork, knowing that he had no appointments that morning. He wanted to clear the backlog away, so he’d have ample free time to join in the wedding celebrations on the weekend – the wedding of the pride and joy of his later years, his two nephews, Daniel and Laszlo.

    All the time, at the back of his mind, there loomed the image of Daniel’s twin sisters, Malia and Maile. He’d been startled, but not altogether surprised, when they came to see him – nor had he been surprised by Maile’s tale of how she had tried to get through to her mother, and the outcome of that abortive meeting. The whole situation of Daniel’s family truly made him sad, but he could see no way in which he could help to untangle the knot. That was for those who were directly involved to do – if they could find a way.

    When his secretary came in and told him that Lehua wished to see him, his first reaction was extreme surprise. But then, he told the secretary to ask her to wait a few minutes. Next, he sat down and thought long and carefully about what this might mean, and about how he might be able to influence the situation to the benefit of his two beloved nephews. Finally, he buzzed the secretary and told her to bring Lehua in. He stood to greet his guest, and then begged her, in his usual courtly manner, to be seated and tell him what he could do for her.

    “Kanani, I have come to you to beg for your help.”

    “How do you think I may be able to help you, Lehua? I’ve not even met you since we were young, and that’s many years ago now.”

    “I know, Kanani. I… I have been a fool.” He simply raised his eyebrows in an inquiring manner. “I am shamed by what I have learned these last few days.”

    “What have you learned?”

    “I have heard from my daughter Maile about your long relationship with my brother, Keawe. It was a surprise. I had suspected… had guessed that Keawe was… that he preferred….”

    “The word is ‘Gay,’ Lehua. Your brother was gay.”


    “Say it yourself.”

    “Keawe was gay. But I had not realized that you had been the man he loved. And that love… so many years, in secret, hiding, pretending, never able to be open. It is the depth and strength of your love for each other that has shamed me. I have been the worst role model of all, while you and Keawe remained true to each other through all those decades of strain and silence. I am sorry that I helped to force that silence upon you. And now I know that there is someone else to whom I must apologize, someone on whom I forced a far worse strain and a much deeper wound – my son, Daniel. I need to try to reach him, to begin to make things right after the terrible way I have wronged him. I need you to take me to him.”

    “Am I supposed to know where he is?”

    “I think that you do know. Maile has told me that Daniel and his….” Again, her voice quavered into silence.

    “His fiancé?”

    “Yes, his fiancé. She has told me that they are close to you, that they name you ‘Uncle’. And I have already heard from others that they are holding their wedding this Saturday, here in FourWinds. And that Maile, and Malia, and Darren will all attend the wedding. I would guess that they may all be here already.”

    Mr. Murayama studied her carefully. The old lines of rigid, arrogant pride and stubbornness had vanished from her face. Her expression had softened almost beyond belief. This was a different person from the one he had known all those years ago but had only seen at a distance in more recent years. This was a Lehua he had never expected to see in this lifetime: a hesitant, fearful, timid, even humbled Lehua.

    At last he spoke. “I will take you to him.”

    Daniel and his siblings, with Laszlo, were sitting around the small dining table in the happy couple’s private chalet. They were talking about the mechanics of the wedding celebration, of course, and about the role that each would play on Saturday. They had just reached a natural stopping point in their conversation, and Laszlo was heading for the phone to order drinks for all of them, when the knock came at the door. Laszlo went to the door and opened it to see Uncle Ken.

    “Uncle Ken! Please come in.”

    He came in and shut the door behind him. His eyes were fixed on Daniel as he spoke solemnly. “Daniel, I have brought with me someone who wishes to speak to you as soon as possible. You may be able to guess who it is. Before I bring her to see you, I ask you to recall what I have told you about the way in which I have found serenity and peace in my life during my later years. Please call that to mind and remember it.”

    Daniel nodded. He got the message, loud and clear. Forgiveness. He knew at once that the unnamed visitor must be his mother. And more than this – he sensed that Uncle Ken would not be bringing his mother to see him unless he felt that she had in some way shown that she wished or deserved to be forgiven. His uncle was the one messenger from whom he would accept such a message – a man, also gay, who had equally suffered hurt and harm from the hate of others.

    “I will see her, Uncle Ken.”

    Ken opened the door and said, “Please come in now.”

    As Lehua entered the room, they all stood – Daniel last. Old habits of respect die hard. Daniel had instinctively rebelled, but Uncle Ken’s last words still resonated in him, and finally ruled him.

    “Laszlo, bring a chair for our guest, please.”

    Lehua flinched at the impersonal “our guest,” but she sat in the chair when Laszlo brought it and put it down, facing Daniel across the corner of the table. Everyone else then sat.

    “Why have you come?” Daniel’s tone was as cool and impersonal as a judge.

    “Daniel… I am here to tell you that… that I have now realized and regret the pain I inflicted on you all those years ago. When I disowned you and told you never to return, that was a terrible thing to do, harsh and hateful. It was wrong of me, and I kept compounding the wrong for years by remaining rigid and unforgiving. I am sorry, so sorry for the harm and hurt I have done to you. I am also sorry to have brought the same heartache upon my whole family…” and here her gaze swept the entire room. “Please… all of you, and Daniel, you, most of all… please forgive me…” and, after the longest pause yet, and in a voice failing towards a mere whisper, “…if you can find it in your hearts.”

    Everyone in the room now looked silently at Daniel. He got the message. It was to be his choice; the others would take their cue from him. So many ideas rushed through his mind at top speed – memories of the outrage and hate and sadness at being flung away, censure of himself for mismanaging everything, anger at all the people who had manipulated him, joy at having found love with Laszlo and at rediscovering his siblings, sorrow for his uncles and their long sorrow. He was racked by a turbulent, complex storm of conflicting attitudes and emotions. But one sound came through the welter of feelings, loud and clear. It was the voice of his Uncle Ken, a man he deeply respected and loved, counselling him to be forgiving.

    He stood, took his mother’s hand and drew her to her feet. “Mother,” and he heard a quickly suppressed gasp from behind him, “I forgive you. And I ask you in turn to forgive me. I’ve now learned that it would have been better for all of us if I’d had the courage to tell you and Father my truth, but I ran away out of fear and left you to find out for yourself in the worst possible way. For that, I am sorry.”

    She stepped timidly towards her son, and he embraced her. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room.

    Then, he released her and said, “Mother, there’s someone here I need you to meet. This is Laszlo Kertesz. He’s my fiancé, and we are going to be married on Saturday afternoon.”

    Laszlo stepped forward, giving his courtly bow, and then kissed Lehua on the cheek as he took her hand. She in turn embraced him and kissed him on both cheeks. Laszlo glanced briefly at Daniel, raising his eyebrows, got an equally brief nod and smile in reply, and smiled himself as he asked Lehua, “Mother? We would be delighted to have you come to our wedding. Will you come?”




    Kanani was sitting again at his desk, after having survived the hugging and kissing festival which had unfolded a few minutes previously in Chalet No. 3. He now realized, as he hadn’t an hour earlier, before Lehua’s arrival, that he was very much a part of the story of Daniel’s family, and as such he did indeed find an active role to play in helping to patch up the rifts. He was glad and relieved that it had worked out.

    As he thought of that, he opened his desk and pulled out a treasure – a framed photo of him together with Keawe, taken on the beach when they were still in their twenties. It was a pure piece of seventies nostalgia. The slender, deeply tanned bodies, the tight little shorts, the long curling hair and lush mustaches, all of it took him back to the days when he had been young and in love. He stared at it for some minutes, and then he realized that he was actually talking to Keawe, there in his office, speaking as if the man he had loved was still alive and physically present. “Keawe, my love, I have done the best I can for our nephew and his partner. I’m sure you would be as proud of the two of them as I am. Their limitless love reminds me so much of how truly and deeply we loved each other.”

    He knew that it was time. He took down a framed photo on the wall, a picture of him taken at a ceremonial dinner some years earlier, hanging the framed photo of himself and Keawe in its place – right next to the framed engagement photo of Daniel and Laszlo.




    The tall A-framed roof of the Rainbow Room was draped with parallel rows of rainbow-coloured banners, rising in sweeping curves from the supporting posts to the peak of the roof. Bouquets of flowers, also in assorted rainbow hues, filled the urns on stands at either side of the podium.

    Stately music filled the air as the celebrant, an old school chum of Daniel’s from his childhood, gestured to the guests to rise.

    The four members of the wedding party marched slowly down the aisle, one by one, taking their places alternately to left and to right. When Daniel had asked Laszlo who he planned to have as his best man, he replied, “The man who persuaded me that I had to find you and be with you. And for my groomsman, the man who turned to me to help him find himself.”

    Daniel had laughed. “We’ve done it again. My best man is going to be the man who persuaded me that I had to find you and be with you. My groomsman will be my brother.”

    Now, Rodrigo stood on the left, with Darren next to him. To the right stood Miklos, with Silvio beside him.

    The phones were raised all around the room as Laszlo walked slowly towards the front, flanked by his mother and father, and with his sister Danuta walking ahead of them.

    Daniel now appeared, with his mother and his Uncle Ken (in the place of his father) walking on either side of him. His twin sisters, Malia and Maile, preceded them.

    Once they were all assembled at the front, the best men stood beside the grooms, while the rest of the two families mixed and mingled in a semi-circle behind the celebrant, facing the guests.

    The ceremony was not long, but it followed the conventional pattern. At the reciting of the vows, sharp-eyed audience members might have caught Kanani quickly dabbing at his eyes with a handkerchief as Daniel and Laszlo spoke the final line together: “…for the rest of our Forever.”

    At the conclusion, the two grooms walked down the aisle, not just holding hands but holding their linked hands up in front of them to show off their rings for all to see. They were followed in order by their attendants, and then their families. Those present who knew Lehua were understandably a bit startled to see her radiant smile as she walked on the arm of Laszlo’s father, while Laszlo’s mother walked with Kanani. Lehua’s unbounded joy totally outshone the conventional social smiles of Laszlo’s parents.

    The guests were all invited to come out onto the terrace for drinks while the Rainbow Room was being reset for dinner and for dancing to follow. It was only at this point that Daniel and Laszlo had some leisure to take note of all the people who had come – in the great tradition of grooms at weddings, they’d been too nervous during the ceremony.

    There were friends and relatives from all the different periods of their lives. Associates and co-stars from the Hawaiian Nine days mingled with old school friends of Laszlo. Daniel’s surfer buddies, Arian and Brad, were having a field day, chatting with all the women they’d never seen before. Silvio had Malia and Maile in stitches with his ridiculous stories of daily life in WeHo. Darren treated the whole gathering as a checklist of his video idols, trying to meet as many of them in person as possible.

    Even Archer McManus had showed up, a bit to their surprise – he’d indicated that he might not be able to come. More surprising still was his arrival with a sexy Brazilian beach boy named Duarte on his arm. Daniel and Laszlo opened their eyes comically wide on learning that the perennial “never tie me down” Archer had gotten engaged – and was going to be married the following year.

    The longest conversation with the grooms was the six-way marathon with Marina and Lianne and Steve and Jim. Lianne’s boyfriend hadn’t been able to come, so she and Marina made it a double-date with Steve and Jim, since they were all the oldest friends present to each other. Once they managed to corner Laszlo and Daniel, their laughing reminiscences of the old days rolled on and on, ending only when the hotel’s General Manager interrupted, in his politest official vein, to tell them that the dinner buffet was all in place, and they were needed to lead the way inside.

    And so it went, right on through the dinner hour. The whole party was a glorious mish-mash of past and present, of different worlds and different personalities, and they all seemed more than happy to mix it up and get to meet as many people as possible. All around the room, people were jumping up to go to other tables and socialize, tell stories about Daniel and Laszlo (some of which may even have been true), and take pictures.

    After the spectacular dinner, Rodrigo and Miklos took the floor to roast the bridegrooms, with Silvio and Darren contributing as well. Of course, they had to put their own distinctive spin on the love story – “Do you have any idea how much of a hassle it was for us to persuade the two of them that they should become a couple?” – and Daniel and Laszlo laughed louder than anyone else.

    When it was time for the newlyweds to speak, Daniel chose to open on a more sombre note, by calling for a moment of silence and then a toast “in memory of all those who are no longer with us – especially my father, and my uncle Keawe,” before going on with more conventional thank-you speeches.

    Although some of the older guests departed earlier, the dancing roared on until quitting time at 2:00 am, and people continued circulating out onto the terrace between dances to visit the bar, and to take in the sheer beauty of the natural surroundings – the floodlit waterfall, the tropical vegetation illuminated by the flaring tiki torches, and over all the gentle yet forceful shushing sounds of the waves rolling ashore below them.

    The two grooms made their ceremonial departure from the party at 1:30 am, and by 2:00 they were seated side by side on the lounge seat of the terrace outside their chalet. There’d been so much hectic activity, so many words, so much of an emotional rollercoaster ride for the last week. Now, the time was ripe for stillness, for calm, for simply being fully in each other’s presence. No more words were needed.

    Laszlo leaned into Daniel’s side, putting his arm across Daniel’s chest and laying his head down on Daniel’s shoulder, while Daniel draped his arm over Laszlo’s shoulders, drawing him in close. They sat there, quietly in tune with each other, sharing the time and the space, each of them listening to the heartbeat of the other. In the perfect peace of the moment, as in so many other times and places, both of them were thinking the exact same thing at the exact same time:

    “For the rest of our Forever.”



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  2. Chapter 19:  Deep Breaths


    About six weeks after Daniel had rediscovered his family, he and Laszlo were sitting at the sun-splashed dinette table in their apartment, enjoying a special breakfast of cinnamon-raisin French toast which Laszlo had whipped up, along with bacon and fresh fruit. Although the sun was bright, the air outside was cool and crisp, the kind of cool air which spoke of the coming of winter.

    As they were eating, Laszlo suddenly said, “I’m tired of being stuck at home working all the time, in between photo gigs. We’re all caught up on work, and it’s a clear day. Let’s go for a drive. I have a favourite place I’d like to show you.”

    “Okay, Laszlo, you drive, then.”


    Half an hour later, they were on their way, making their way north and east, and eventually onto the Angeles Crest highway. As the road climbed higher and higher into the mountains, they were treated to spectacular views of the city from high above. The combined smog and sea mist which so often obscured the views in warmer weather was completely missing.

    Eventually, Laszlo pulled into a roadside pullout area by a trail marker and parked there. As they got out of the car, he asked, “Have you ever been here, Daniel?”

    “Not right up here on the Angeles Crest, no. We did a shoot once at a backer’s house in one of the canyons, in the house and out around the pool and hot tub, but that was much lower down.”

    Laszlo led the way down the trail. It snaked along the side of a sizable hill, and then wound around to the south side. From this vantage point, the view was spectacular, across the multiple canyons and down into the city. The road was out of sight, and it was quiet and peaceful. There might not have been anyone around for miles.

    “What an incredible view.”

    “I’m glad you like it, Daniel. I always love it up here, especially on mornings during the week when it’s usually quiet. I need this peace and quiet regularly, but especially right at this moment.”

    Daniel turned and looked enquiringly at him – and then his eyes grew like saucers as Laszlo went down on one knee.

    “Daniel, I think it’s time for us to take Maile’s idea and run with it. We committed to each other on that beautiful night when we met again, and over and over since then, and now I would like us to tell the whole world that this is who we are – not just business associates behind, or in front of, a camera, but a couple, a team, a family in our own right. Daniel Nakamura, I love you. Will you marry me?”

    He held out the ring, the engraved decoration on it flashing in the sunlight as he turned it around.

    “Laszlo…” Daniel took a deep breath and started again. “Laszlo, I was just about to ask you.”

    “No! Not really!” For answer, Daniel drew a small box out of his pocket. Laszlo gaped at it. “I don’t believe this!”

    “Trust me, Laszlo, it gets worse.” Daniel prised open the box to reveal a ring, a perfect twin of the one Laszlo was holding out to him. With that, as Laszlo leaped to his feet, they both erupted into endless gales of laughter. At last they recovered enough for Daniel to wipe his streaming eyes and say, “Well, my dear Laszlo, we’ve done it again – getting ourselves on the same wavelength. Come on, let’s kneel down facing each other right here.”

    They knelt, each of them said, “I will,” and they slid the rings onto each other’s fingers at the same moment. Then they stood, kissed each other, and turned to face the city, their arms around each other, feeling both literally and figuratively that they were standing on top of the world.

    Eventually, they heard the voices of other walkers, and turned to walk back to the car, greeting the new arrivals as they went. As they drove back down the mountain and through the city, they talked endlessly about wedding plans: possible dates, possible venues (only one, of course), who to invite (the immediate world), and more. By the time they pulled back into the parking area of the building, Laszlo figured they’d covered pretty much all of it. Just as he switched the car off, Daniel suddenly laid a hand on his arm with a gasp. “Laszlo! We’ve forgotten something huge, and we have to deal with it before we can go ahead!”

    “What? What have we forgotten?”

    “Laszlo, who’s going to be OUR photographer and videographer?”

    Laszlo took one more second for the awful truth to strike home, and then they were engulfed in paroxysms of laughter once again.

    “That was something mighty obvious for two experts in the field to forget!”

    They spent some time taking some sunset engagement photos that evening, out on their balcony – shots of the two hands with the identical rings, full photos of the two of them hugging and kissing with the rings showing in front, and photos of them toasting each other with champagne flutes the golden wine glowing in the sunset light – and then shared them, not on their business-related social media, but in emails with their friends. To that list, they had now added the email addresses and phone numbers of Malia, Maile, and Darren.

    Of course, it took no time at all for the congratulation messages to start pouring in.

    Chief among them was the simple but significant message from Uncle Ken: “Congratulations on your wonderful news – so happy for you both. Should you wish to hold the wedding here, we will hold Chalet # 3 and the Rainbow Room open on all available dates, through end of 2024, pending notification of your preferred date. Please advise me ASAP.”

    “Daniel, did you see that message from Uncle Ken? Wow. Just… wow!”

    “Pretty incredible. Laszlo, that man really loves us almost as much as if we were his sons.”

    “Very true. And the feeling is mutual.”

    “It certainly is.”

    “What’s the Rainbow Room like, Daniel? Have you seen it?”

    “I went to one party there, years ago, when I was a teenager. It’s a function room, with a vaulted roof, upstairs above the restaurant, with tall panoramic windows facing the waterfall and the ocean. Terrace outside with an outdoor bar and tiki torches all around, they’ll light those at sundown. And the waterfall is floodlit in the evening. We might even be able to have dinner on the terrace, depending on how many guests we have. Should be okay for us… adequate anyway, I hope.” He winked at Laszlo.

    “I guess we’re going to have to get married at FourWinds, then. Can’t let down our Uncle Ken.”

    “Just have to swallow our disappointment and roll with it, to keep the poor guy happy.”

    They looked at each other seriously, for one split second, and then dissolved again into helpless fits of the giggles. After they’d held a quick consultation over the calendar, Daniel messaged Ken back by text.

    Would love to come for week of November 27 to December 4, 2024, with wedding on Saturday, November 30. Please confirm if this is OK at your end – and thank you so much. Love, D&L.

    The reply came less than five minutes later.

    All dates confirmed, no problems. Block of guest rooms to be held as well once you have your guest list confirmed. Will send details of deadlines for catering, etc., by email later. Glad to be able to help you. Much love, Uncle Ken.

    Fifteen minutes later, the kissing session which ensued was interrupted by the chime on Laszlo’s phone – an email on their company account. Time to get back to work.

    The months seemed to fly by, with a steady stream of photo/video gigs keeping them busy. Along the way, though, they managed to block off two weeks to spend in Kauai. It gave them a chance to hang out with the surfers again, and Rodrigo even agreed to take Laszlo over to one of the calmer beaches to give him a starter course in riding the waves. Daniel felt certain from Rodrigo’s facial expression that one of them, maybe both, would be riding something else in the course of the day, but he didn’t mind at all. Why should he when Seiji decided to get cozy with him when he was having his morning coffee outside? The slender Japanese surfer was plastered right up against him when Rodrigo and Laszlo were leaving.

    Daniel laughed at Laszlo. “Look at you, so sexy in those long jammers!”

    Seiji laughed too. “Looks good with his long legs.”

    Laszlo grinned broadly, and Rodrigo just said, “Enjoy your day without us,” ending with a broad wink. Laszlo hopped into Rodrigo’s van, and they drove away.

    Daniel looked down at Seiji. “Surf time?”

    Seiji shook his head, dropping his hand onto Daniel’s crotch. “This first.”

    And then they were upstairs, back in Daniel’s old room, now Seiji’s room, and Seiji was down on  his knees, peeling Daniel’s jammers down to release the already boned-up nine inch monster which lay in wait there.

    “Mmm, I’m waiting to get more of this since first time you and Rodrigo did me from both ends.”

    “Stand up and let me get those off you. I never really got a good look at yours, I want to see what it looks like.”

    When Seiji peeled down his own jammers, his cock sprang out to a hefty seven inches, much more than you might think such a small, slender man would have to offer. Daniel’s eyes got notably bigger at the sight; Seiji noticed and laughed at him. “Surprise you? Didn’t expect so much on me?”

    Daniel had to admit that Seiji was right. “I didn’t. Let’s not waste time. Get down here and let’s go at each other.”

    In moments, the two of them were lying down on the floor, plunged into a hot sixty-nine, their cocks sliding in and out of each other’s mouths. At the same time, Daniel began playing with Seiji’s small round ass and the tight little hole in between his buns. Here again, a man who didn’t know might think there was no way Daniel could get his big, thick cock into that slender butt. However, Daniel already knew better, from previous experience.

    When Daniel’s cock began leaking a steady stream of precum, Seiji released it from his mouth, pushed Daniel down onto his back, and straddled his hips. He then swiped up a handful of that precum, added some of his own, fingered it into his hole, and then planted his hole on the blunt head and slowly pushed down until the entire shaft disappeared inside him.

    In minutes, this short, slender guy was fucking himself into an ecstatic otherworld, totally going off in a kind of trance as he rode on Daniel’s massive hard-on. Equally amazing, even with his hole stretched (apparently) past the point of no return, he still managed to work his muscles and stroke Daniel’s tool, bringing him closer and closer to the point of exploding.

    It didn’t take long before Daniel was driving straight up into Seiji’s ass, slamming hard into the hole until he convulsed and flooded Seiji’s guts with a massive lava flow of sperm. Seiji kept riding on Daniel’s cock for another minute until he was ready to cum himself, then he yanked himself up and off that cock and planted his own on Daniel’s face, giving it a series of short, hard pulls and then blowing off into Daniel’s mouth.

    After they’d both calmed down, and started getting hard again, Daniel said to Seiji, “You ever fucked an ass before?”

    “No – I’m always the bottom.”

    “Time for you to learn what it feels like.”

    He stroked his cock until some more juice leaked out, then swiped it and spread it on and around Seiji’s cock. Then he fell onto his back, lifted up his legs, and said, “Get that thing into me, Seiji, and fuck me good and hard.”

    It took Seiji a minute or so to establish a smooth rhythm, and to master the trick of not pulling all the way out by accident on the upstroke, but soon enough the instinct to breed took over. He got stroking in and out, reversing smartly just at the key moment – and that let Daniel show him what a really talented bottom’s ass was capable of doing.

    Between the excitement of Daniel’s talented ass working him over, and the incredible feeling of pounding deep into a man’s hole for the first time, Seiji’s second orgasm started building up far sooner than Daniel would have liked. But he kept quiet. He’d put Seiji into the driver’s seat, and he knew it took time for a new top to learn by doing how to pace himself. As Seiji speeded up, his hips rapping out a tattoo of loud smacks against Daniel’s cheeks, and as Daniel kept squeezing his tool, the big moment was at hand. Suddenly, Seiji groaned, drove hard and fast all the way in, and held it there as his dick exploded inside Daniel. Then he began the instinctive sharp repeated thrusts which would force his seed as far inside as possible. Daniel grabbed his own cock, stroked it seven or eight times, and blew his cum all over Seiji’s slender but hard abs and pecs.

    Finally, they collapsed, gasping for air, and then unwound as Daniel licked up all the mess he had made, and then drizzled it into Seiji’s mouth. Then they cuddled. When Daniel asked how it had felt, Seiji replied, “That was great. I have to show Rodrigo what I learned!”

    Meanwhile, Rodrigo had been giving Laszlo some starter lessons at a remote beach, showing him how to time getting up on the board, and then took him out to try on some of the smallish waves rolling into that bay. Laszlo flopped into the water like a dead fish the first few tries, but on the fourth go he suddenly got the knack of the timing and the positioning, and then rolled along on top of the wave for a good 15 or 20 seconds before it fizzled out underneath him.

    Rodrigo followed him in on the next wave, congratulated him, and then flung his board down on the sand, saying, “Here’s another good trick for you to know.” He had Laszlo lie down on the board, face down, and then laid himself down right on top of Laszlo, his firm cock lodging itself in Laszlo’s crack as he slowly humped up and down along Laszlo’s back..

    “Umm, Rodrigo, I think I already know this trick.”

    “And? Does that mean you can’t keep practising? Daniel and I didn’t get to be great surfers by getting it right just once! Regular and detailed practice is essential.”

    By this time, Rodrigo had worked a hand under Laszlo to pull open the drawstrings on his jammers, and then used his other hand to start wiggling the tight, wet fabric down over the swell of his ass cheeks. Laszlo certainly showed no inclination to protest. Rodrigo got Laszlo’s jammers down just far enough to clear his ass and wrap his knees together, then did the same with his own. Once he’d released his cock, he greased it up with a tiny bottle of lube that he’d tucked into his pocket, and then started pushing into Laszlo’s crack, seeking the hole.

    It was a bit tough with Laszlo’s cheeks held so close together, and no chance to spread his legs any further apart, but Rodrigo eventually nailed the target and started pushing in. Once he got in as far as he could go, he leaned down to mutter in Laszlo’s ear, “Surfer Fuck. Most of the action comes from the cheeks and your thighs, before my cock even gets down to the hole. Takes a lot of lube, but it feels amazing.”

    Laszlo, too, was feeling a whole range of unfamiliar sensations as the cock simultaneously rode between his cheeks and worked through his hole. He could feel his own dick getting harder by the minute, and realized that he was soon going to blow, just from the combined feelings of getting fucked like this, together with the realization that they were right out in the open where anyone walking down the path to the beach couldn’t miss seeing them mating.

    “Fuck… fuck… I’m gonna fucking cum!”

    Rodrigo speeded up his thrusts, but Laszlo still got there first, laying a thick layer of spooge all over Rodrigo’s surfboard. It took another minute, but his dick was still spasming a bit when Rodrigo passed the point of no return and laid down a couple of shots inside him, then pulled out to let the rest squeeze out into the crack between Laszlo’s cheeks.

    Eventually he picked himself up, letting Laszlo loose to stand as well. “Sorry about making that mess all over your board,” he said.

    Rodrigo laughed, “Just take it back out into the surf. That’ll clean you and the board.”

    Neither of them even noticed the man standing in the shelter of the scrubby trees, filming them on his phone. They hauled up their jammers and dashed into the water, with Laszlo sloshing water over the board to rinse it off, and the two of them then sharing some hot, wet kisses.

    Back at base, they found Daniel and Seiji acting surprisingly calm – too calm. Laszlo immediately got suspicious, and asked Daniel, straight out: “Okay, how many loads? Who’s the champion today?”

    Daniel smiled sheepishly, and said, “Gave two, and took two – one in the mouth and the other in my ass.”

    Rodrigo immediately reacted in a flare of pretended jealousy. “What? You got him to fuck you? I can’t get him to do that, he just keeps saying ‘bottom only’.”

    “You won’t have that problem any more, Rodrigo. I think Seiji can’t wait to show you what he’s learned today.” Seiji just laughed. “What about you, Laszlo?”

    “Just took one, but it was the most unusual load I ever got in my life.”

    “Let me guess,” and Daniel turned to Rodrigo. “You taught him the Surfer Fuck, right?”

    Rodrigo just laughed and slapped Laszlo’s ass. “Good, tight buns. Worked like a charm.”

    The sex play continued at regular intervals through the rest of their stay. The funniest moment came when Rodrigo came downstairs with Daniel one morning, followed by Laszlo and Seiji a few minutes later, all four of them with that “all fucked out” look on their faces.

    Brad had growled to Arian, “Doesn’t anyone in this house ever sleep alone any more?”

    Daniel simply laughed. “Shoe’s on the other foot, Brad, after all the mornings when you or Arian came downstairs with some chick we’d never seen before, and we had no idea where you’d ever found them all. Payback is a bitch.” Even Brad had to laugh at that.

    The two-week getaway to Kauai also gave Daniel and Laszlo a chance to spend the last several days in FourWinds, enjoying another leisurely dinner with Uncle Ken and conferring with the events and catering coordinators about their wedding plans. As well, they had the usual budget of quiet times in the pool and in their private hot tub – or just sitting on their terrace and listening to the unending music of the waterfall bouncing from rock to rock below them on its way down and out to the ocean.

    The best result of those meetings was the arrangement, through the resort, of a first-rate DJ for the wedding. Right alongside that fix was Uncle Ken’s personal offer to approach the best photographer and videographer he knew in the islands, a couple living in Honolulu. They would come for travel and room expenses only.

    Daniel grinned. He knew that line all too well from his porn days. It meant that “travel and room” would add up to far more than the professional fee they might otherwise expect. But he and Laszlo agreed readily, putting great trust as so often in Uncle Ken’s judgement.

    When they’d arrived home from Hawaii, it was time to get back to work once again. They had a long schedule of destination weddings through the winter, and also some in-person events and a few family photos already booked. Daniel had also gotten a commission to do a 5-minute promotional video and a 30-second commercial for the city’s tourism office, and he was busy planning and writing a shooting script as well as a narration script for these two films. Laszlo was a bit inclined to pout at being left out (although not seriously), but they threw in a package of top-notch picture files, suitable for poster use due to the high resolution.

    The promotional films and photos were a huge success, and the word spread rapidly, leading to similar commissions from San Diego and from Vancouver, up in Canada. “Just think, Laszlo – our first trip out of the country together!”

    Vancouver in the spring proved to be a revelation to them, and a reminder that it was silly to just keep ricocheting back and forth between Los Angeles and Kauai with a whole world out there, waiting for them to discover it. Both of them went completely over the top, filming and photographing flowers and mountains, boats and buildings, parks and beaches and tree-lined streets until they had twenty times as much material as they could possibly use.

    It all went to keep them busy and actively earning their living throughout the year of what might otherwise have been dreary waiting time for the wedding festivities to come around. But then, as Daniel had pointed out, this celebration was more for the benefit of the rest of the world than for them. They’d already celebrated their partnership in more ways and at more times than either of them could even remember – and both of them treasured the feeling that the best of their lives together was yet to come.

    Even though Daniel wasn’t working there any more, except on a very occasional basis, it had become a tradition for Silvio, Daniel, and Laszlo to meet up at Shooting Stars for a drink at the end of the work week on Friday. Silvio had held to his word, making Daniel and Laszlo the first and closest friends in his family of choice, and they all welcomed the chance to chill and catch up. Some weeks, depending on what everyone had been or was doing, it could go further and turn into another hot sexual encounter.

    On this particular occasion, in early September of 2024, Silvio was all wound up to talk about their wedding. He’d been steadily getting more and more excited for the big event, ever since that first email announcing their engagement. Now that the date of the wedding had been announced, and the official invitations had gone out, he had a proposition to discuss with them.

    “So here’s the deal, fellows,” Silvio began. “I’ve been thinking that you should probably have a big pre-wedding bachelor party to get out and fire it up with all your gay friends before you head off to Hawaii to get married. I know some of your friends will be going to the wedding as well. I just figured you should have a gays-only pre-wedding party, so everyone has a good chance to blow off steam and get the energy out of their systems – and then, with any luck, they’ll behave themselves with a bit more class at the actual wedding.”

    “Maybe,” Daniel put in, using his most savage, ironic tone of voice.

    “Yeah, I know. There’s always going to be that one, right? Anyway, I’ve got this whole thing arranged for the weekend before the wedding. We’ve booked an entire clothing optional resort in Palm Springs, from Friday afternoon through to Monday morning, three nights. We can all have a fantastic time, wind ourselves up as much as we want, and really give you fellows the send-off you deserve.”

    “How much money are we talking here?” The businessman in Daniel couldn’t be kept quiet, and Laszlo – now every bit as much a businessman – nodded approval of his caution.

    “ ‘We’ aren’t talking about money at all. The guys who are coming are all kicking in some extra to cover the costs and for a gift, and the gift to you two is this long weekend in the sun.”

    “But we can’t ask them….”

    Silvio cut him off. “You don’t have to ask. I’m doing the asking, and glad to do it. Just relax, we’re going to have the time of our lives. You just give me a list of everyone you want or need to invite, and I’ll run with it from there. November 22-25 sound good to you?”

    They glanced briefly at each other, and then in unison shouted, “Yes!”

    A couple of weeks later, they took advantage of Malia and Maile’s birthday celebration to stage a family dinner at a favourite restaurant, with Darren coming up by train from San Diego to join them. Before dinner, they met at Laszlo and Daniel’s apartment for a family discussion about the wedding celebrations, their plans, and what roles they hoped each of Daniel’s siblings would be willing to play in the events

    After a long and fruitful discussion, Daniel wrapped up before dinnertime. “I think that covers everything from our end. Did any of you have any other questions?”

    Malia and Maile both shook their heads. Then Darren spoke up. “Just one, Daniel. You haven’t said anything about this, but I’m assuming that someone is planning some sort of bachelor party for you two. I’ll need them to have my name and number so they can give me all the details.” Daniel and Laszlo looked at each other a little bleakly. “What? Did I say something wrong?”

    Laszlo looked sideways at Daniel again, and then said “Not exactly wrong, Darren. It’s going to be in Palm Springs the weekend before the wedding. We wanted a chance to party hearty with all our gay friends, because we don’t want them carrying on at the actual wedding. Get it out of everyone’s system ahead of time.”

    “And? You think I can’t party right along with them?”

    By this time Daniel was actually squirming in discomfort. Darren noticed it and got an even more gleeful grin on his face.

    “Darren,” Laszlo tried again, “what we’re saying is this is going to be a private party, all gay guys, at a clothing-optional resort, and it’s definitely going to get x-rated – and maybe add a few more xxxs on top.”

    “Ewww,” Maile threw in, “too much sharing!”

    “Totally,” Malia agreed.

    “Sounds great,” Darren laughed. “I’m definitely up for that!”

    Daniel’s eyes suddenly got much bigger.

    “Wait… what…? Darren, what are you trying to say?”

    “I’m telling you, Daniel, my dear bone-headed elder brother, that I’m gay too.”

    By now, everyone in the room was staring at him.

    “You’re kidding. You can’t be serious!” But Darren was just slowly nodding his head, with a classic gay ‘come and get it’ smile spreading across his face. “Why didn’t you tell me before?”

    “You didn’t ask.”

    That made both the women laugh. “Oh, boy,” Malia said, “I can just hear it now. ‘So you’re my brother, Darren, great to see you again after all these years. And by the way, are you gay too?’ ”

    At that, everyone laughed. And Laszlo pulled out his phone.

    “What are you doing?” Daniel asked him.

    “Sending Darren’s number to Silvio, of course!”

    After they’d gone out for a long and joyous family dinner together, the guys came back to the apartment. Laszlo and Daniel had grabbed a quiet moment to discuss inviting Darren to join them in the bedroom, but Daniel had felt that it might seem a bit too weird for his brother – so Laszlo didn’t push it. While Darren was cleaning up in the bathroom, Laszlo flipped out the sofa bed, added the extra mattress pad they kept ready, and then made it up with the sheets and duvet.

    Darren came out, and Laszlo thought he caught a momentary look of disappointment, but Darren thanked him, hugged and kissed him and Daniel, and then stripped off all but his briefs and crawled under the covers. Daniel and Laszlo retired to their bedroom, talking and kissing a bit before falling to sleep.

    In the morning, they enjoyed a leisurely breakfast on the balcony. Daniel then took Darren to the station to drop him off for his noon train back to San Diego, while Laszlo got on with paperwork for some upcoming contracts.

    And then, almost before they saw it coming, it was November – and time to pack up and head to Palm Springs for the bachelor party. Laszlo and Daniel had heard only hints and rumours, but it was plain to them already that this was going to be the wildest weekend of their lives.

    The resort was too small for the number of guys who wanted to come. Silvio had to agree with the resort’s management to limit the number of guest passes issued, and to have the users of the passes pay a user fee at the front desk. Then he had the unpleasant task of messaging the late registrants who hadn’t made the cut, regretfully informing them that the event was now sold out.

    Saturday afternoon, there were about a hundred hot guys gathered in the sunlit courtyard around and in the pool and extra-large hot tub. Pool and tub were both well-filled already. Some of the guys preferred to wear clothes – as in the most minimal swimwear they owned – while others just let it all hang out, or (as Silvio put it) “let it all stand out.” The music was loud, the drinks were flowing, and the hands were making free everywhere – groping, squeezing, stroking, and more. A number of guys were making out at a hot and heavy level, and a few cocks were already getting sucked.

    Daniel and Laszlo had been led to a deluxe, extra-large sunbed at the far end. The canopy overhead had been decorated with multi-coloured sex toys and condoms, and a huge “JUST (ABOUT) MARRIED!!!” sign. There they lay, watching all their legion of friends winding themselves up. Both of them had swimsuits on, but the fronts were straining – not just because they were watching the show, but also because they were taking turns rubbing each other.

    “Check it out, Daniel – Ricky’s already getting into the serious action.”

    Daniel looked. Across the pool, there was Ricky, the undisputed Sweetheart of WeHo, in his favourite position – on all fours, on a deck chair, and getting slowly plowed from behind by Marcus. “This surprises you, Laszlo? I’d be more surprised if Ricky hadn’t been the first one to get a dick up his ass today.”

    “Now that you mention it….”

    They lay there, watching Marcus slowly accelerate into a full-on powerfuck in front of a crowd of cheering onlookers. “Damn, he’s going to lose the first load of the day if he keeps going at that speed.”

    “Yup. Not to worry, Laszlo, Marcus is just like me: perfectly capable of blowing off several loads in a row and still having more to go on with.”

    Just then Marcus groaned aloud, speeded up even more, and then locked up against Ricky’s lush ass as his cock exploded inside the roundest bubble butt present. A storm of cheering and applause greeted this first breeding of the day, and Ricky stood up, turned around, scooped some cum out of his ass and ate it, and then yelled, “Okay, who wants sloppy seconds?”

    Laszlo groaned aloud as he watched the shameless exhibitionist doing his thing. “Fuck, Daniel. Don’t rub me too hard, you’re gonna make me cum too and I want to save it.”

    Just as he said that, a group of six guys marched along the poolside and stepped into the shade of their canopy. Neither of them could identify any of the six with any certainty – largely because all of them were completely naked except for black hoods which covered their faces and their hair. Six rigid cocks were lifted and pointing at their targets.

    “Well, this looks interesting,” Daniel said, but a moment later he and Laszlo had gotten gags stuffed into their mouths, and two guys were holding each of them down by their legs and by their arms, which were stretched back above their heads. The two remaining fellows sat down on their faces, and then leaned forward to start sucking on the bulges in their tight swimsuits.

    In another minute, those swimsuits had been slid down over their ankles and off while the two studs on top of them ground their ass cheeks into their faces and sucked on their now-naked cocks. Both Daniel and Laszlo were groaning as the top studs worked their tools with real skill while grinding their asses down hard over the feasting mouths of the guests of honour.

    While they were eating ass as hard as they could go, Laszlo faintly heard a couple of quiet clicks, then a couple more. He soon found out, when he tried to move a minute later, that he and Daniel had both been shackled to the deluxe sunbed and were now completely at the mercy of the six mystery men. At first, Daniel wondered why their legs had been left only loosely fastened. He soon found out, when his captors pushed his knees up and apart while his feet remained on the bed. One of them got between his legs and began to finger his ass. Another one yanked out the gag. Daniel began to say something, but one of the six growled, “Shut the fucker up, Number 1.” With that, the guy perched on his face backed up a bit and stuffed his rigid cock into Daniel’s mouth.

    Laszlo was getting the same treatment. But his team had gotten further along, and he now had one of the mystery studs sliding up between his legs and pushing his dick into Laszlo’s hole. When that was all the way inside, he snapped, “Okay, Number 5, he’s ready for you now.” The third man now straddled Laszlo’s hips, lifted his cock into position, and proceeded to sit down on it, taking Laszlo’s dick all the way into his ass.

    Before long, all six were similarly occupied: two guys fucking the happy couple’s faces, two guys riding the happy couple’s cocks, and two guys plunging deep inside the happy couple’s assholes.

    The combination of being massively stimulated three ways while being chained down soon brought Laszlo off, and Daniel wasn’t far behind him. They both struggled to move and thrust as they exploded helplessly upwards into the holes of two of their tormentors.

    Their fuckers were nowhere near done with them yet, though. In another minute, the guy who was face-fucking Laszlo gave a massive sigh and exploded down Laszlo’s throat. At the same time, the two guys fucking them both let it fly, with Laszlo’s fucker breeding him first while Daniel’s top wasn’t far behind, dumping a huge load into Daniel’s fuck chute.

    Once they’d calmed down again, the guys changed places, all getting up and moving around to new positions. Each team stayed on the same guy, though. Daniel wasn’t sure but he thought that the cock now moving into his ass belonged to the same guy who’d just taken a load of his sperm in his butt.

    Laszlo had been trying in vain to identify any of the members of this sexy swat team. None of the faces were visible, all six bodies were ripped as hell, and all six cocks were about the same size. The skin tones were all about the same, too, but suspiciously glossy – Laszlo suspected that some kind of body paint had been used. They always addressed each other as “Number 3,” “Number 6,” and so on – never by name.

    This time, it took a bit longer for everyone to wind up again. The fucking and riding continued unabated, and one of the six pumped a load in almost a matter-of-fact way into Daniel’s mouth as the others were still working their way up. Finally, one of the men growled, “They’re almost there, let’s go for it, guys.” With that the fucking accelerated again, until both of the guys who were riding were slamming up and down on Daniel’s and Laszlo’s tools, while the two fucking them were pounding in and out like jackhammers.

    The guy fucking Laszlo blew first, and Laszlo himself erupted almost immediately afterwards as he realized that he was being bred again. Daniel and his fucker came right together just a minute later, at about the same moment that the sixth guy was shooting a load all over Laszlo’s face and into his mouth.

    Daniel and Laszlo lay there, gasping for breath, slowly calming down after the heavy-duty sex play. The gags went back in, and the six hooded guys stepped away, over to the bar. While they were gone, the two hapless victims actually fell asleep and dozed for a while after the intense action. Neither of them fully recovered consciousness, even when the “sort-of” heard sounds of moans mingled with the “sort-of” felt sensation of big splatters of liquid hitting their bodies.

    After an hour or so, the six came back. Laszlo and Daniel were woken up, and one of the gang announced,  “Okay, guys, it’s time for Round Two.”

    “Thirsty, fellows?” another asked.

    When Laszlo nodded, the guy casually yanked his gag out and started pissing into his mouth. Daniel got the same treatment. Then the six masked marauders got back to work, getting into the same positions as before, and replaying the entire script. Daniel thought that the three guys working him over in Round Two were the three who had done Laszlo before, but he couldn’t be sure. Even the mid-round changing of places was followed. By the time it was all over, call it another hour or so later, Laszlo and Daniel had each taken a total of two loads down the throat, blown four loads into four different asses, and taken at least four loads each inside their own butts – plus the various loads which the onlookers had dropped all over their bodies during the intermission.

    The six guys finally pulled out of the well-used holes and mouths of the happy couple. One of them tossed a key casually to another guy sitting close by, and said, “Give us five minutes head start and then you can unlock them.” With that, they marched away again.

    After five minutes, the guy went around and unlocked all the shackles. The two grooms-to-be stood up, a little shakily, to some ironic cheering and clapping. Daniel and Laszlo gazed around, realizing that the sun was now in a very different position in the sky, well on its way down towards the horizon in fact, and that the entire pool area was littered with satiated guys, many of them sleeping after an afternoon of intense sexual exertions. A few were still coupling – just as Laszlo thought that, there came a loud groan off to their left as a tall Latino guy bred Ryan, the redheaded bottom who’d appeared in Daniel’s last film. Over at the far side of the pool, a food table had been set up and some of the guys were wandering over that way.

    “Hungry?” Daniel asked.

    “Food, yes. More sex, no.”

    Daniel chuckled. “Quick jump in the pool first to clean up.”

    “Like this? With all this spooge all over us?”

    “Might as well. There’s probably all kinds of it in the water already anyway.”

    After they’d jumped in the water, and splashed each other all over for a bit, they climbed out, went to get some food – getting a lot of applause and cheers and back-pats as they went – and then settled back down on the sun bed to eat.

    In a room upstairs, the six banditos had finished cleaning off the body paint in the shower. Silvio, who’d organized the raid, turned to Darren and said, “Mission accomplished?”

    “Absolutely,” Darren laughed. “Got each of them to breed me and dropped a load into each of them in return. Exactly what I wanted.”

    It was Silvio’s turn to laugh. “I guess Daniel isn’t the only one in the family who can keep cumming over and over, on demand.”

    “Hey, it isn’t just our family. You’re no slouch in that department either.”

    They laughed together, remembering their first high-energy encounter a few weeks earlier, when each of them had wound up with two loads inside his butt. Then Silvio turned to the others. “Right, guys, job well done. Remember, back out there one at a time, six different ways – no turning up all at once or in a group. Darren and I will be the last to go out.”

    Meanwhile, out at the pool, the guys who’d gotten some food were drifting away to get dressed, as the air cooled off with the sun going down. With the temperature dropping steadily, it was plain that this was November, not July. Daniel and Laszlo got up with the same mission in mind. As they were going, they passed Ricky, lying on a sun lounger with a towel over his body and looking very pleased with himself.

    “How many loads today, Ricky?”

    “Four here,” and he gestured to his mouth, “and seven in my ass.”

    “Sounds like a good day’s work.”

    “I’m not finished yet.”

    “Sorry, but both of us are.”

    “Yeah, I actually stopped fucking around to watch some of that action. Seeing those guys working you two over – man, that was so fucking hot. I fired off a load just watching them going at you.”

    They walked on, chuckling, and in another moment they met Darren. “Hey, Darren, haven’t seen you for a while. Busy?”

    Darren smiled lazily. “Yeah – bathroom call, took a bit longer than usual.”

    “A bit?” Daniel asked. “Do tell.”

    “Okay, quite a bit longer than usual.” Darren winked at him.

    Daniel laughed and walked by, but Laszlo leaned close to Darren and said quietly, “You must have had quite a day for yourself – there’s still a bit of body paint behind your ear.”

    “Fuck! I thought I got it all off!” Darren looked crestfallen; he’d been so sure that his little scheme had worked to perfection.

    “Easy, Darren,” and Laszlo dropped a roguish wink. “I won’t tell if you don’t tell.”

    With that, Laszlo headed off, laughing aloud as he hurried to catch up to Daniel.




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  3. Chapter 18:  Networking


    Just a day or two after the big party for Silvio, Jim and Steve had left on a long-planned vacation – a cruise from California to Florida via the Panama Canal. After the cruise, they’d stayed on a for a few amusing extra days in Fort Lauderdale. With all of that travel, they didn’t make it back home again for nearly three weeks.

    During that time, Laszlo had reached the end of his college business management program and graduated with top marks and good recommendations from the companies where he’d worked during his two work terms. That weekend, he and Daniel flew to Boston for their first meeting as a couple with Laszlo’s parents. Daniel found them to be very much as Laszlo had described them: laid-back people who didn’t get wound up or lose sleep over anything their son chose to do with his life. They gave Daniel a warm welcome, but in a tone which suggested that very occasional visits would be more welcome than frequent ones.

    When he’d shared that observation on the flight back to California, Laszlo had chuckled. “Yup, that’s them exactly. Busy folk, with busy minds, and quite happy to let the birds fly the nest and not return when they’ve grown. The one thing that might change Mom’s focus would be a grandkid or two, but since Danuta, my sister, is too busy as a surgeon to be bothered, the odds on that aren’t looking too good.”

    Once Jim and Steve returned home and unpacked, they quickly caught up on their long-overdue visit with Daniel and Laszlo, inviting them for dinner as a couple on the next Saturday. Both Daniel and Laszlo prepared thoroughly, sensing that – as always – a dinner invitation with Jim and Steve would likely involve a good deal more than simply a meal and chat. Not to mention, as Laszlo pointed out, that there was no telling what might happen during the relaxing-by-the-pool time before dinner, especially if Ricky was going to turn up again.

    Sure enough. This time, all eyes on the pool deck were on Daniel anyway, his rich natural skin tone contrasting with the tans of the California boys, some of which looked decidedly painted on by comparison. Ricky had his eyes glued to Daniel from the minute the four of them walked out on the pool deck. His eyes were practically popping right out when Daniel walked up out of the water with his brief red suit clinging to his six-inch soft cock. After Daniel sat down again, it only took a few minutes for Ricky to wander over that way, not letting himself be deterred in the slightest by the fact that Daniel and Laszlo had pulled their chairs right together and were holding hands.

    Daniel, though, had a difficult time not to laugh out loud at Ricky, whose come-on lines were so blatant and inept. Finally, getting tired of Ricky’s clumsy attempts to be tempting, he handed the boy the suntan oil and said, “Here, do our backs.” Then he signalled Laszlo, and the two of them rolled over onto their faces, letting Ricky get a thrill out of straddling their backs and massaging the oil into their skin.

    It was destined to be the only thrill Ricky was going to get. After he’d finished that task, Daniel thanked him and waved him off. He walked away, pouting. So near and yet so far. Laszlo asked, “So was he the one you thought he was? The one who had applied to work with you?”

    “That was him all right. About what I’d expected he’d be like, too.”

    They shared the laugh, while Ricky glowered at them from the other side of the pool. Eventually, Jim and Steve urged them to come on downstairs so they could get on with cooking.

    When the four of them walked back into the condo, Jim immediately moved over to Laszlo, giving him a kiss which swiftly caught fire and turned serious. Daniel was getting a similar treatment from Steve, who was already groping and squeezing his nine-inch cock to get it hard quicker.

    “You make all your guests cook like this before dinner?”

    “Most of them, anyway.”

    Daniel laughed, but his laughter swiftly turned to a moan of pleasure. Steve had already dropped gracefully to his knees and now deep-throated Daniel’s thick tool in one swallow. Jim quickly followed suit, swallowing Laszlo’s cock all the way down.

    After a couple of minutes of sucking cock, Steve and Jim stood up and led the way to their bedroom, directing their guests to take a minute to hang up their wet swimsuits in the bathroom. When they returned, Steve and Jim were on the bed side by side, Jim on his back with his legs up and Steve on all fours with his ass exposed – and the two of them busily kissing each other as they played with each other’s hard dicks. That left Daniel and Laszlo with a clear direction to get down there and start eating ass. Again, Daniel plunged his face deep inside Steve’s crack while Laszlo gave full attention to Jim’s tempting hole.

    When the dust settled an hour later, everybody was dressed enough to be decent again. Jim had achieved his long-time ambition of being bred by Laszlo, and then had pumped his load into Steve’s mouth. Steve had his ass filled up by Daniel, and then had his own load sucked out by Laszlo. Everyone was thoroughly tired and hungry – and then the doorbell rang, and the delivery service had arrived with a tempting assortment of wings, ribs, and steak tacos with a monumental side of sauteed Mexican veggies, black beans, and rice. Once the equally tempting delivery driver had accepted his generous tip and left, Jim said, “Remind me next time to save up some energy to have a go at whoever’s bringing the food – just in case.”

    After they’d done full justice to the food, they talked for hours about the past and the future – and it was at this dinner that Laszlo first revealed his Big Plan for his future. Even Daniel hadn’t known yet what he had in mind.

    Now that he did know what Laszlo wanted to do, Daniel’s first step the following morning – after making his offer to Laszlo – was to dig up and register for an online course in social media management. He’d completed the first lesson package, the introductory session, by the time Laszlo came home from his morning practice session up in the San Gabriel Mountains. At that point, it was time for Laszlo to do some online shopping and then to hold more and more practice sessions once his purchases came in.

    Three months later, with some pooling of their combined talents and not a few deep breaths of trepidation, Laszlo officially went live with the website of his new company, Starstruck Eyes Photography – a website designed and constructed by Daniel.

    In it, he included samples of his landscape and portrait photography, aiming to show that he was able to do much more than just the standard portrait photo repertoire. The website included a prominent banner, flanked by rainbow flags:


    Gay Owned and LGBTQ2S Friendly.

    We Welcome All Clients.

    Destination Weddings a Specialty!


    Some saturation advertising on social media outlets soon netted their first few customers. Inside of a three-month period, Starstruck Eyes had an impressive portfolio of Laszlo’s work on display in the website’s “Media Gallery” section, including two gay weddings, one straight wedding, and one especially gorgeous destination wedding for a well-known Hollywood couple at (of all places) FourWinds Resort in Kauai. Needless to say, Daniel went along with the photographer on that shoot, more for moral support than anything else. He’d even overcome his deep-rooted aversion to putting on a suit and tie, a necessity in the wedding trade.

    The two also took the opportunity, once the wedding was over, to have a fantastic dinner and a long evening’s conversation with Mr. Murayama – who insisted at once that Laszlo should call him Uncle Ken, as Daniel did. Laszlo and his new uncle took to each other at once, and another strong new family tie was forged that night. Ken also took the opportunity to ask Laszlo to come back and shoot a whole portfolio of pictures of the property, with all the recent renovations and improvements included, so that the hotel’s website could be updated. Laszlo accepted the offer, on one simple condition which Ken agreed to, subject to his satisfaction with the results.

    Sure enough, in another two months, a new banner had appeared on the FourWinds Resort’s newly revised website:


    All Photos by Starstruck Eyes Photography

    Official Photographic Partner of FourWinds Resort.


    Next thing he knew, Laszlo had half a dozen more commissions to handle destination weddings at FourWinds. Neither he nor Daniel – nor Uncle Ken, for that matter – objected at all. Indeed, Daniel had gone so far as to buy matching tailored-to-measure suits for himself and Laszlo, cut in a very European style which emphasized their muscular builds, and drew even more attention from all the women and at least some of the men whenever they wore them.

    It was at one of these weddings that another idea struck Daniel to up their game even further. It happened when one of the groomsmen shoved his phone into Daniel’s hand just as the first dance was about to begin, taking him for another wedding guest, and asked, “Can you video this for me?” Daniel did, and the groomsman thanked him effusively, both then and later, via an email to the company, for doing such a great job with the video.

    In a few more months, Daniel had practised enough on a new professional-quality camera and editing suite that they were able to add another banner to their company website:


    Complete photography and videography services available.


    With that addition, their business shot through the roof. Their rates were so advantageous that very few clients tried to buy either video or still photography alone; the combined package deal was just too good to turn down. But it did give the two of them a great laugh when Daniel wryly observed, “Back when I was running Hawaiian Nine and appearing in all those hot videos, I never dreamed that I would end up working behind the camera on jobs like this!”

    In no time, as it seemed, the Starstruck Eyes business had become so time consuming that Daniel had been forced to stop working regular shifts and go onto the emergency call-in list at Shooting Stars. His videography and editing work was leaving no time for the bar at all. By now, he’d purchased a second camera and tripod, which allowed him to cover an entire event at distance on one camera while he personally attended to varying close-up angles with the other. That decision to step away from the bar gave him cause for another ironic reflection. “Now that I’m doing this work full time, Laszlo, it’s the first time since I was eighteen years old that I haven’t had to take my shirt off to earn any money.”

    Laszlo’s equally sharp reply: “What, you still don’t want to start that OnlyFans page that all your followers on Instagram keep asking you to share?” When Daniel still demurred, Laszlo pretended to pout. “I hope you’re still going to take your shirt off for me, Daniel. Are you?”

    In seconds, Daniel’s shirt was missing in action, and Laszlo’s shirt was disappearing equally rapidly. Other clothing items soon followed. An hour later, after Daniel had fucked and bred Laszlo and had then sucked a load out of him, he lifted his head up and said, “Well, I guess that answers your question, Laszlo.”

    The following week they were back in Kauai for the third time in as many months. This time, the destination wedding involved Marius, a guy who had worked for Hawaiian Nine in the early days, and his new partner, Luke. Daniel had warned Laszlo (“Voice of experience here”) that Marius was the sort of guy who got hot for every male ass he saw going by, and that his ten-inch dick had a wicked curve which could be painful when he lost control and started hammering. Laszlo’s reaction was simple: “Bring it!”

    They arrived several days beforehand to plan out some angles, since Marius and Luke had booked the resort’s rock-rimmed Hawaiian Heaven pool for the wedding ceremony. Thankfully, the grooms also arrived a couple of days in advance, and that gave Laszlo and Daniel a chance to go over their plans – which the happy couple approved. Luke’s “That will be splendid, gentlemen, thank you kindly,” was given in a textbook English university accent, while Marius approved with a laconic, “Gonna slay, dude.”

    The contrast between them didn’t end there. Luke was a pale, clear-skinned blond with blue eyes and a slender twink build while Marius was a big, beefy, muscular African American – and the height difference between them was almost a foot.

    This planning session took place over lunch in the coffee shop, and that was followed by quick changes in their respective rooms and returning to the pool for a swim. The four of them sauntered out onto the deck to a good deal of attention from other guests – not all of it favourable. After their swim, as they came up the stairs out of the water, each of them appeared somewhat larger in the basket than had been the case before. Just as Luke, last man out, was coming up the steps, they picked up the sound of a male voice not too far away saying, “These goddamned queers are taking over the whole planet.” Marcus gestured to the others, flexed his muscles a bit (as did Daniel and Laszlo) and the four of them walked slowly over to the guy’s deck chair. Marcus stared coldly at him for a good ten or twelve seconds, and then said, very slowly and clearly, “Is there a problem?”

    “Uhh… umm… no, no problem at all.”

    “Good. Glad to hear it.” Then he turned and stalked back to his seat. The man and his wife left in a hurry. A few minutes later, the pool manager came over to them. “Good day, gentlemen.”

    Daniel picked up the speaking stick. “Did a gentleman come to you to complain that we were threatening him?”

    The pool manager recognized him as a V.I.P. frequent guest, the one that the entire staff now knew to be the General Manager’s nephew.

    “Well, yes, he did, sir.”

    “I hope he remembered to tell you what he said that triggered the incident. As we were getting out of the pool, behaving ourselves properly and minding our own business entirely, he said loudly, and I quote, ‘These goddamned queers are taking over the whole planet.’ We then went over, and Marcus here simply asked him, ‘Is there a problem?’ Not much threat in any of that.”

    “I see. Thank you for explaining, sir.”

    “No problem.”

    The pool manager walked away, and Daniel said to the others, in a very satisfied tone, “That’ll be the last complaint we’ll hear from that little twerp.”

    After a few minutes of lying down and enjoying the brilliant sunshine, Marcus started squirming around a bit.

    “Is there something the matter, Marcus?” Trust Luke to put the question in a complete and grammatical full sentence.

    “Suit’s too damn tight. Knew I shoulda gone a size up. Can’t get comfortable,” Marcus muttered as he struggled to somehow adjust his dick in his suit without actually touching it.

    Once again, Daniel intervened. “Well, there’s a place for that, you know. Why don’t you come up to ours?” And he gestured across the river to the chalets. “We have one of the cottages, with a private – and I do mean private – hot tub.”

    The four of them got up, put shirts and sandals on, gathered up their stuff, and walked away, across the footbridge which had the apposite name of “Rainbow Bridge” (because it gave a great view of the rainbow from the waterfall at sunset), and up the hill to Chalet No. 3. Somehow, Daniel and Laszlo always seemed to wind up back here in one of the chalets, usually No. 3, on a free upgrade each time they checked into FourWinds – even when they’d only reserved a basic or run-of-house resort view room.

    Out on the private deck at the back, the four of them dropped into the super-size hot tub – “even bigger than the one down at the pool,” Laszlo joked – and settled in. But they didn’t stay settled for long. Laszlo in particular really wanted to see what Marcus was packing and was soon stretching out a leg and rubbing his foot up and down over the big guy’s bulge, Meanwhile, Luke was exercising his fascination with Daniel’s glossy, brown-skinned muscles by sitting next to him and running his fingers over those firm pecs and abs while he and Daniel made out.

    Laszlo was the first one to skin down his suit, standing up and showing his ass off as the slender brief came down, and then turning again as he stepped clear and took it out of the water so that they could all see his cock, standing as always right up against his abs.

    “Hot rod there,” Marcus commented.

    “It is indeed a spectacular sight,” Luke added, before returning his attention to Daniel, who was now getting a heavy-duty bulge massage from the pale-skinned Britisher.

    Marcus removed his suit next, and Laszlo found his mouth watering at the sight of that enormous dick jutting out into the air. But the next moment he got a real surprise as Marcus turned around, knelt down on the seat in the tub with his ass pushed up, and said, “Here, eat this.”

    Daniel and Laszlo both looked startled. Luke explained, “I’ve taught him how good it feels to be on the bottom, and now we switch back and forth all the time.”

    Laszlo recovered enough to say, “I love switching up,” before he buried his face into that firm round ass and went right to town on it with his tongue. “I want to enjoy it with you both ways.”

    “I would like the same, please,” Luke said as Daniel stood up, dropped his speedo, and sat down on the rim of the tub with his cock protruding well  above his massive thighs. Luke dived right onto it, and soon had Daniel moaning nonstop, right along with Marcus who was getting a virtuoso rimming from Laszlo.

    The next stage wasn’t long in coming. Laszlo had now stood up, and was leaning forward, rubbing his strong dick up and down over the crack of Marcus’ ass while he dug into the hole with a twisting, reaming finger. Marcus said, “Quit teasing and fuck me with that big meat.”

    As Laszlo started pushing into Marcus, Luke was climbing up onto the step, his feet on either side of Daniel’s legs, and then sitting down until Daniel’s pole contacted his hole. Luke had already been fingering his own spit into himself as he sucked Daniel, and now added some of the copious pre-cum flowing out of his tool. He then pushed his hole firmly down until Daniel’s cock pushed right inside him. Then he kept sliding down until he was completely impaled on nine inches of Hawaiian man meat and could wrap his arms around Daniel again, resuming their make-out session as he started sliding up and down on Daniel’s cock.

    Meanwhile, Laszlo had pushed all the way inside Marcus and  was leaning on those big black muscled shoulders for support as he began to fuck ass. Marcus was an energetic, active bottom, turning and twisting his ass around so that Laszlo’s every stroke hit him at a different angle. Laszlo could tell every time his cock rubbed against the prostate because Marcus was also very vocal and would let out an extra loud moan each time it happened. Best of all, he had learned how to work his hole to milk a top’s dick, and Laszlo knew that this was the best fucking ass he’d ever gotten into – except for Daniel, of course.

    Luke, too, was having the ride of a lifetime, since Daniel, although not the longest, was absolutely the thickest cock he had ever taken. He was hissing and moaning nonstop as he slid up and down on that pole, and even making high-pitched squealing sounds each time his prostate got rubbed by Daniel’s dickhead. Luke had by far the most sensitive ass present, and in no time he could feel it getting to him. “Fuck me harder, Daniel, I’m going… aaahhh… going to cum!”

    At that, Daniel took control, gripping Luke’s arms firmly so he could hold the twink steady while he began punching his big tool upwards into the younger guy’s butt. After about a dozen high-speed strokes, things happened very quickly. Luke’s head collapsed backwards, and he let out a loud wail as a fountain of cum shot straight up into the air above him. It splattered back down all over him and Daniel to be joined by four more distinct shots. By the time the third shot came down on Daniel’s face, he had reached the point of no return and was growling, “Fuck… fuck… fuck…” as he spewed a load of his hot cum into Luke’s hole, deep inside.

    Hearing their guys making so much noise set both Marcus and Laszlo on fire too, and in no time at all Laszlo was busily breeding Marcus with a massive load while Marcus was jacking his cock and spraying shots of cum all over the decking around the rim of the hot tub.

    After they’d all caught their breath, the party moved inside to the huge extra-king-size bed. And since they’d all cum once, the second round could be a good deal more prolonged and include a lot more edging.

    Even allowing for a more leisurely pace, Luke managed to pump two loads into Daniel before Daniel finally came again. By that time, Luke had gotten down and sucked some of his cum out of Daniel’s ass, then caught Daniel’s blasts of cum in his mouth, mixed the whole mess together and shared it with Daniel in a glorious snowball.

    As for Laszlo, he’d found out in no uncertain terms what Daniel had meant when warning him about Marcus. There were a number of areas in and around Laszlo’s tormented ass which were aching by the time Marcus had fucked two loads out of him and finally dumped one more inside his no-longer-tight fuckhole.

    That night, when Laszlo and Daniel were in bed together, Daniel was still feeling a bit frisky, but Laszlo waved him away from his ass. “That poor hole has had all it can take for this week.”

    Daniel only laughed. “I did warn you.”

    “Yes, you did!” By this time, he was laughing too. And he was perfectly happy to give Daniel another of his signature five-star blowjobs to drain him again so he could sleep.

    As the weather moved from summer towards fall, the number of destination weddings finally dwindled and there were chances to relax. In this context, “relax” actually meant that Laszlo had time to pay attention to experimenting with new and more interesting tricks and angles for his photography, while Daniel went through their online presence and gave all their social media accounts and the website a thorough refresh. This included highlighting samples of their latest efforts, in both video and still photography, and updating some of the “Satisfied Clients” quotes.

    Before long, though, Christmas was drawing near, and they got a few enquiries about doing family Christmas portraits. Laszlo’s private reaction was a blunt “Yuck,” but he shaded his replies in more tactful terms, informing potential clients that working with small children and trying to jolly them into good humour was not one of his strong suits, but he would be happy to do group sittings with teenage and older family members.

    Shortly after he’d finished the first of the four family shoots that finally booked, he got another enquiry from a woman named Mary Matheson. In his usual manner, he messaged back to arrange a time to meet face to face, to discuss details of arranging the shoot.

    She came three days later, on Tuesday morning, and he met her down the street at Black Gold. He was a bit surprised when she turned out to appear much more exotic than her rather prosaic name had suggested. That was due in part to her svelte, elegant clothes, but also to the look of her face – clearly somewhat Hawaiian, but with a strong suggestion of east Asian about her as well.

    They sat down to talk, and she explained what she wanted. Her requirements were quite straightforward, and Laszlo assured her that what she wished to do would be no trouble at all. Then he proceeded to discuss dates. But she asked, as a further addition to the still photography, if she and her fiancé could also have a video clip shot at their chosen venue, the James Irvine Japanese Garden. Laszlo told her that it could be managed at his end, but a time slot in the garden had to be reserved in advance, and he gave her a paper with the contact information to make that reservation. At the same time, he noticed that she was appearing increasingly nervous.

    “Ms. Matheson, is there something about this that is troubling you?”

    “Well… I had actually been hoping to meet your videographer in person, also.”

    “I’ve left him a message to say where I am. He should be joining us any minute.”

    “That’s good. You see… oh, hell, this is awkward… I mean, my friend Alina loved her wedding photos and showed me some, and they were great but… but it’s really the video man I need to talk to now and not about the shoot… although I still want to do that….”

    She fumbled awkwardly to a halt. Fortunately, just at this precise height of her discomfiture, Daniel opened the door and walked in.

    “Ah, here he is now.” The relief was evident in Laszlo’s voice. “Over here, Daniel.” And then, as he approached, Laszlo went on. “Daniel, this is Mary Matheson. We’re just talking over a booking….”

    His voice trailed off as he realized that neither of them was paying attention to him. Mary had stood up, and she and Daniel had their eyes fixed on each other.

    “Yes. It is you, without a doubt,” Mary said, with a strange, mingled joy and sadness in her voice. Also, perhaps, more than a hint of fear.

    Daniel was fixing her with his most penetrating gaze. “I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean, Ms., um, Matheson.”

    “Then why are you looking at me like that?”

    “Because you remind me of someone else – someone I have tried very hard to forget.”

    “Daniel. Do you know the Hawaiian equivalent of ‘Mary’?”

    “Of course. Malia.” And then, suddenly, he gasped audibly.

    “That is my real name, Daniel. Malia Nakamura. And the person I resemble is, of course, our mother, Lehua.”

    “Malia… I see it now, but of course I wouldn’t recognize you. I haven’t seen you for nearly fifteen years. You and Maile were not quite six years old when I left. Maile, is she well?”

    “Yes. She is living in Kauai still.”

    “And Darren?”

    “He’s travelling in Japan right now, but his home is in San Diego. Daniel, please get a chair and sit here with us. I have some very hard news for you.”

    Daniel went and borrowed a chair from another table, sitting close to Laszlo for support. Both of them had picked up the significance of that “very hard news.” Laszlo put an arm around Daniel and held him close. Malia noticed that arm and its probable significance but said nothing.

    “Daniel, our father is dead. He passed away three days ago, in the hospital in Honolulu. Cancer.”

    Daniel’s voice in reply was toneless, but Laszlo could feel the tension building in him.

    “Were you with him?”

    “Yes. Maile and I were both there. Darren was unable to get home in time.”

    “What about…?” His voice tailed off into silence.

    “Our mother? She came, and she wanted to see him. But he refused. When she entered the room anyway, he promptly rolled over to face the wall, although moving in bed caused him great pain. He said, very harshly, ‘Get out of here, Lehua. I have nothing to say to you and no wish to see your face. Leave me in peace.’ She tried to stay anyway, but Maile and I forced her to leave by threatening to call the security. She was weeping as she left, but Maile only said, ‘Hah! Serves her right!’ It was my exact thought.”

    Daniel said nothing.

    “The funeral will be in Kauai this Saturday, the visitation Friday evening. I know it’s short notice, but… can you come?”

    “Where and when?” His voice was toneless, flat, utterly unemotional.

    “Seven o’clock on Friday, eleven in the morning on Saturday, at the memorial gardens, near the airport.”

    “Will… Lehua… be there?”

    Malia realized that, once again, he’d been unable to bring himself to call her “mother.” She didn’t blame him at all.

    “I doubt that very much. When three of us have told her off, I don’t think even she would be that pig-headed. But if she does, I will order her to leave and not make a scene that would get written up in all the papers and reported on the TV news. With her concern for her precious reputation, that should do the trick.” She laughed loudly at the thought. “Darren will be there; he has a flight back from Tokyo which arrives Friday morning. And I’m flying back tonight.”

    Daniel thought quickly. It was plain that Malia hadn’t been nearly as malicious towards him as he had thought. Also very much in his mind was Uncle Ken’s admonition to set aside hate and to forgive, if at all possible.

    “If I can get a flight, I will come.”

    “Thank you.”

    “Malia, one question. Do you live here or there?”

    “My home is here now. I’m working for a fashion boutique – hence the flashy clothes, I have to go straight on from here to work at one o’clock. I flew down to see Father before he died, then flew back to deal with some issues here. Getting the name and online ad from my friend Alina just at that point in time and seeing your picture on the website was an incredibly lucky break. And I’m so glad I found you!”

    Daniel couldn’t resist the urge to dig in a bit. “Really? I’d had the impression that you and Maile had sided with Father when he blamed me for causing the whole messy collapse of the family.”

    At that, she actually chuckled. “I probably did. But look at the situation, Daniel. Maile and I were not even six years old yet! Do you think a six-year-old can get all the nuances? Probably all we grasped was that you were gone, Mother and Father weren’t together any more, we were with Father, and he had forceful opinions about it all. Would any six-year-old go against her parent in a situation like that?”

    “Lehua probably would have.”

    Daniel’s sarcastic retort set them both laughing, and they stood up, finally embracing each other – and Laszlo, who had been sitting by, watching and listening and absorbing all this time, heaved a massive sigh of relief.

    “Just so you know, Daniel, and because it concerns you more than anyone else. Father didn’t go to his grave believing that you were at fault. His final words, just before he died, were “Tell Daniel… I’m sorry. I was wrong.”

    At that, Daniel’s iron composure finally cracked wide open, and he began weeping, as Laszlo leapt immediately to his feet to hold him close and console him.

    Malia’s face melted into a beautiful smile at the sight. “That’s what I thought. Mr. Kertesz….”

    “Laszlo, please, Malia.”

    “As you can see, Laszlo, we come from a badly messed up family. With your loving care and concern, you are providing exactly the medicine my brother needs to heal. I hope to be as lucky as he is one day.”

    Laszlo turned to face her. “But, I thought you said… your fiancé….”

    At that, she giggled like a little girl, but with a sly grin on her face. “Well, not quite yet – but I’m trying to maneuver my boyfriend carefully into a position where he’ll think that he’s had this marvellous idea of proposing to me all by himself.”

    That made them all laugh.

    On Thursday, Daniel and Laszlo were once again seated together in first class on a flight down to Kauai. The lead flight attendant recognized them and welcomed them warmly back. The lunch and cocktails were delightful, but for all that it was a sombre trip for both of them.

    When they checked in at the resort, they found a note from Uncle Ken in their check-in package, extending his condolences and saying that he would see them at dinner. Once they were seated, the General Manager walked over and asked if he might be allowed to join them at their table. Some of the other, nosier guests began rapidly revising their estimate of the two casually clad young men, wondering how much money they might actually have if the General Manager thought it worth his while to butter them up – which just went to show how often the world’s gossips had no idea of what they were talking about.

    On Friday, they went into town to the visitation, and Daniel had his first meeting in just under fifteen years with Malia’s twin sister, Maile, and with his brother Darren, who had been nine when he had left for Los Angeles. All three of them gave a warm welcome also to Laszlo, and Darren even called Laszlo “brother” when they were saying good night at the end of the evening. Daniel had to do much of the honours during the visitation, as he was the only one old enough to remember some of the more senior relatives on both sides of the family who had come out to share their memories and condolences.

    Daniel and Laszlo were also surprised, and pleased, to see his surfer friends coming up in the receiving line. Rodrigo had spotted the announcement in the online news and caught Daniel’s name in the list of the bereaved. He planned right away to come with Seiji, and then told Brad and Arian. All four of them gave both Daniel and Laszlo big hugs and heartfelt expressions of sympathy.

    The funeral itself on Saturday morning was simple, thoughtful, and served to give some closure to all of them. Darren was right on the same page as his sisters and brother, and proved it when he said afterwards, “Well, thank heaven Mother didn’t decide to stick her nose in,” following his blunt statement with a rough-edged laugh.

    Mr. Murayama came to the service, and extended his sympathy to all of them, in his customary elegant and polished manner. None of Daniel’s siblings knew him or could make any connection, but all three of them raised their eyebrows a trifle when Daniel and Laszlo both addressed him as “Uncle Ken.”

    After the guests had departed, and they had gone together for a final lunch at Maile’s home, it was Darren who asked the question about Mr. Murayama which was in all of their minds. Daniel thought for a moment, and decided it was time to give his family the whole story, at least in outline.

    “I call him Uncle Ken because he was the lifelong partner and true love of our uncle Keith. Both of them were forced into loveless marriages with women by the rigid social conformity of Kauai in those earlier days. Through their whole lives, they would meet whenever they could, in secret, but they were never able to live openly together. Laszlo and I are so grateful that we don’t have to endure a shadow life under such stifling restrictions.”

    Darren nodded. “For everyone’s sake, I’m grateful too that things have changed so much.”

    Maile then changed the subject slightly. “Not to put any pressure, but I could do with some happy news for a change. Laszlo, are you and Daniel making any wedding plans?”

    The two of them laughed. Laszlo fished out a card and handed it to her. “We seem to spend most of our time making wedding plans – but it’s always for someone else’s wedding.” Maile studied the card and then chuckled, getting the joke.

    “As for us,” Daniel picked up and carried on, “which I know is what you were asking, we haven’t talked about that specific step yet. But we’ve committed to each other for life, just as our uncles did.” Laszlo leaned close and they shared a kiss.

    Darren chimed in again. “If you ever do, that would be great. High time we all enjoyed a family party for a happy reason.”

    Malia took the privilege of the last word on that subject. “High time we all enjoyed becoming a family again.”

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  4. Chapter 17:  Building a New Life


    The flight back to Los Angeles was a completely different experience for Laszlo, compared to his last trip. Then, Laszlo had been trying to sleep, curled into a ball to try to hide his misery at having to say goodbye to Daniel. Now, the two of them sat side by side, in First Class yet, hands joined across the extra-wide console armrest and laughing and joking up a storm.

    Laszlo had already heard the whole story of Daniel’s startling meeting with the General Manager of the resort, and he was teasing Daniel about whether he planned to uncover any more surprise relatives on the way home – maybe that cute flight attendant, or perhaps the Uber driver in L.A. Daniel just laughed it off, but inside he had to wonder a bit.

    Laszlo had also asked Daniel about something that had made him curious. “Daniel, just wondering, neither you nor Ken look particularly Asian – in fact you both look thoroughly Hawaiian – but you both have Japanese surnames. What’s with that?”

    Daniel chuckled. “There’s a lot of different bloodlines mixed into many of the people in Hawaii now, after a century of being a mid-Pacific centre of commerce. There were many Japanese families living in Hawaii long before the twentieth century, and intermarriage had already begun even that far back. Just about every nationality on the Pacific Rim is now represented in Hawaii’s population. My father, as it happens, did look more Japanese than any other nationality (mainly by chance) but it was the other side’s bloodline that ended up dominating my looks.”

    “Very handsomely too, if I may say so.”

    They both laughed. Laszlo had remembered what Daniel had said about refusing to name his maternal parent as his “mother” when talking to Ken Murayama, and he didn’t press the issue. It wasn’t the time yet, and perhaps never would be.

    Instead, he went on another perfectly natural tangent. “And then there’s the whole question of getting you to meet my parents.”

    “In Hungary?”

    “Hardly! No, they live in Boston, right where they’ve been ever since they settled there when I was about 3 months old. My dad was an English professor back in Budapest, and my mother taught in a school for foreign children so both of them were fluent in English already. Dad is still teaching at Boston U., now specializing in central European history & cultural studies. My mom is running a daycare centre for the children of university staff.”

    “You told them about us.”

    “I did, and they were happy – especially happy when I told them that both of us had exited the porn biz for good. I can tell you, they were not impressed when I let them know that’s what I was doing to earn money for school, but they’re the kind of people who just shrug their shoulders and leave it up to you to live your own life and do it well or make a mess of it.”

    “Not many people like that in my family.”

    “So I imagine. But Daniel, have you ever thought of it this way? So many guys in our position will tell you that there’s the family that you’re born into, and then there’s the family you choose for yourself – and which one is more important?

    “Well, that’s true.”

    “And you’ve chosen yourself a great one! There’s Jim and Steve, Marina, Lianne, Rodrigo, Brad, Arian, your uncle Ken now….”

    “And you, most of all.” He leaned over to kiss Laszlo.

    “Let’s see about a date to fly up to Boston.”

    “Or for them to fly down to Los Angeles. Although I must admit, I’ve always wanted to see Boston for myself.”

    “Then Boston it is.”

    Just then, the flight attendant came by to offer a cocktail and to take their orders for the main course for dinner.

    After the flight landed in Los Angeles, they claimed their bags – including several boxes of Daniel’s possessions – and then headed out to meet their Uber, pushing a couple of baggage trolleys.

    “I thought you said you’d gotten rid of most of your stuff,” Laszlo accused – but with a twinkle in his eye.

    “So, anything I say can and will be used against me – is that it?”

    “One thing’s for sure, none of these boxes is big enough to hide your surfboard.”

    “I left it with Rodrigo. He was always borrowing it anyway, didn’t have a longboard of his own in the islands – and I sometimes borrowed his boogie board when I felt like trying something completely different.”

    At the apartment, the Uber driver offered to help with all their things. When he carried the last box in, he turned with a rather hopeful smile, like an eager puppy dog, as Daniel tipped him extra – and then his face fell as he was courteously but firmly escorted out the door.

    “Why do I get the impression…”

    “…that he was interested? Oh, he was. No question. But I wasn’t. Maybe we’ll see him again some time after we get more settled in.”

    Laszlo soon found out just what Daniel had in mind, when he set right to work, unpacking boxes and finding places to put his things away. “Do it now” certainly appeared to be his motto. And indeed, when the whole job was at last finished, and they wiped the sweat off their faces, the time was still only 11:30 pm.

    “Not bad. Good to get that all out of the way. Where do we take these boxes to recycle them?”

    Laszlo drew him away. “It’s called Tomorrow Morning. I’ve got another priority right now.” He proceeded to hold Daniel, then looked deep into his eyes. “Welcome home, életem szerelme.”

    “I like that. What does it mean?”

    “It’s Hungarian for ‘love of my life.’”

    That was all it took to trigger the kissing. In a few more minutes they were in bed together, not to get sexual – they were too tired for that – but just to cuddle easily and warmly together, “like an old married couple,” as Daniel put it.

    Over the next few weeks, as life slowly settled back to normal, they were able to fit in some social meetings between Laszlo’s sometimes-weird class hours and Daniel’s new part-time job at one of the classier WeHo bars, filling drink orders and flirting with the cute boys right up to quitting time. He’d gotten the job with a bit of help from Steve, who was working for the holding company that owned the place. The bar job was actually a good fit because it got him out of the condo during the times when Laszlo was most likely to be hard at work at his desk, on research, writing, or reading for his classes.

    But Daniel quickly discovered that there was much about urban gay life which had slipped his mind during the last year and a half of being a Hawaiian surf bum. Now he had to relearn, quickly, that there was flirting and then there was flirting. Some of the guys gave it a light, amusing tone, but some were far too pressing and blatant. To add to his occasional frustration level, there were the ones with extra-thick skulls who kept on referring to him and calling him “Hawaiian Nine” even after he told them – repeatedly -- that he wasn’t going by that name any more.

    Daniel had days when he began to feel as if he should be running an old-style charm school for gayboys, teaching them how to be a little more laid-back, a little more subtle, learn how to listen more and talk less, and not to be in such a damned hurry to get laid as fast as possible all the time. Or, as he put it one night to Laszlo, “I’d forgotten how many of them are already getting themselves three-quarters of the way to a premature climax just from saying hello.”

    Laszlo’s reply was very much to the point. “Speaking of which….” as he dropped to his knees and began pulling Daniel’s pants down. After he’d sucked on Daniel’s dick for a couple of minutes, he stood up and rapidly whipped his shirt and shorts off, then went back to work. Daniel laughed, between moans, as Laszlo worked on his cock with determined zeal.

    “Wow. You’re not wasting any time tonight, are you?”

    “Mm-mmm.” Laszlo’s reply was unintelligible because his mouth was full of nine inches of prime cock, dark and firm and tasty. Daniel took that as his cue to pull his shirt off too. When Laszlo came up for air, Daniel kicked his pants away and wrapped his arms around Laszlo. But Laszlo, to his surprise, said, “Fuck that. I’m not in a romantic mood tonight. I want you to shove that big cock inside me, fuck my brains out, and breed me – as many times as you need to.”

    Daniel said no more. Pushing Laszlo down across the bed, face down, he plunged his face in between those tempting ass cushions and began tonguing and digging into the knot. In no time, he had Laszlo loosened up. Daniel stood up, spat a couple of times in his hand, wiped it on his dick, and then planted the head against the hole and, with one huge shove, buried the whole thing deep inside Laszlo’s ass.

    Laszlo let out a yell as Daniel began plowing butt, then kept gasping and moaning and yelling some more as that thick slab of meat ripped repeatedly into him. Daniel was letting loose all the frustration and irritation he’d built up during his bar shift, and Laszlo was egging him on, encouraging him, and (although Daniel didn’t really sense it in the moment) making himself into the outlet that Daniel needed at the moment.

    In no time, as it seemed, Daniel’s cock swelled up and blew a first load inside Laszlo’s tunnel. But his cock didn’t soften at all, nor did Laszlo expect it to. He braced himself, rearing up on his knees and reaching back to grasp Daniel’s body as Daniel resumed slamming him at full force, driving that big nine-inch club all the way, wrenching Laszlo open in a way that no one else had ever been able to match. He wrapped his muscular arms around Laszlo, who always loved to feel those hefty forearms and biceps gripping him like this. As Daniel continued driving his way forcefully inside his boyfriend’s ass, Laszlo could feel the repeated impact on his prostate and suddenly realized that he was mere seconds away from exploding.

    “Fuck, Daniel… keep fucking me… you’re making me cum… gonna shoot….”

    “Yeah, Laszlo, fucking blow that load!”

    Daniel’s deep, animal snarl lit Laszlo’s fuse and his cock contracted, powerfully expelling a huge white spurt which leapt right onto the wall above the bed with an audible splat. Daniel felt Laszlo’s hole seizing his cock in a death grip, and forced his way deep before blasting off, spraying another big load deep inside Laszlo’s body.

    Finally, his cock began to soften and slipped out. Then Laszlo turned around and faced him with a smug smile on his face. “Now you’re ready to kiss and cuddle.”

    Daniel belated realized what Laszlo had actually done for him. “Aren’t you sneaky? I love it.”  Then, as they finally laid themselves down, side by side, and embraced properly, “You always seem to know what I need before I realize I need it.”

    Laszlo laughed. “That’s my job. Now: your job. You have to figure out what I need.”

    As he spoke, Daniel was reaching around to cuddle and squeeze Laszlo’s ass cheeks some more, but then he spotted how Laszlo momentarily winced with pain.

    “Oh, shit. Did I rip you?”

    “Not precisely, I don’t think, but it’s definitely going to be sore for a day or three.”

    “I’ll get some ointment for it.”

    “There you go, Daniel. You’re learning fast! That’s exactly what I need.”

    Daniel got up, found the tube, and opened the cap. “Phew! Why does this stuff have to come with such a foul odor?”

    “Well, obviously, it’s so that you don’t forget and start eating again.”

    That got both of them laughing. But then Laszlo said, “Shit, I’ve got to clean that mess of the wall before it leaves a big stain.”

    “That’s because you haven’t gotten a waterproof, easy-to-wash, faux leather headboard like the ones they put in hotels.”

    It was another matter altogether when Laszlo dropped into the bar the following Friday evening after enjoying dinner with a couple of his classmates. He sat quietly at a table in a corner, waiting for Daniel to finish his shift at ten o’clock. As he sat there, nursing a glass of wine and thinking how hot his man looked in tight black pants and no shirt, his view was suddenly blocked. He looked up to see Silvio looking down at him.

    “Hi, Laszlo. How’s it going?”

    “Silvio! Wow, I never expected to see you here!”

    “Why is that?”

    “I was sure you were straight.”


    “Well, I saw you leaving the office one day a few months back with a beautiful young woman, and you looked very cozy with each other.”

    Silvio laughed, but it was a laugh with no humour in it at all. “That was my younger sister, Laura. She was helping to cover for me. She knows I’m gay, but she also knows that if my old-fashioned parents find out, my mother will rip me apart with her designer fingernails and my father will chop the remains into smaller pieces and feed them to the dogs.”

    Another guy would have laughed at the melodrama. Instead, Laszlo’s mother hen side came right to the surface. “Sit down, Silvio, and for heaven’s sake get a drink. We need to talk.” He waved to Daniel, who promptly dropped what he was doing and came over. “Daniel, this is Silvio. Get him whatever he wants.”

    “That wine looks good – I’ll have one of those.”

    Daniel was back in a minute with a brimming glass. He too had picked up on the young man’s unhappy vibe.

    “Thanks, Daniel.”

    “Join you as soon as I can. I have to get back to the screaming hotties at the bar.”

    They watched him go, and then Silvio turned to Laszlo and said, “Now I know why your face always seemed so familiar at the office. You’re Arpad Nagy, and he’s the Hawaiian Nine.”

    Laszlo laughed. “I was – and Daniel was. Now that we’re a couple, we’ve both retired for good.” Silvio took a big slug of his wine and then stared out at nothing in particular. “Silvio, that sounded pretty heavy-duty, what you were saying about your family. Is it really that bad?”

    “Okay, maybe I went a bit overboard, but yeah, it’s pretty rough. I’d love to come out, but I just can’t without ripping the entire family to pieces. If it was just me, I’d do it, but there’s Laura and there’s my kid brother, Marcello, and I can’t bring myself to inflict all that hate on them as well, I just can’t.”

    Laszlo thought quickly. This man was definitely caught in a trap and needed help. “Silvio, I’d love to help you out. But the guy you really need to talk to is Daniel. Sounds like you’re in the same kind of situation he was in, when he left home over a decade ago. I can’t relate to it myself, but he’ll know what to say and how to advise you. Let’s just hang out here. He’ll be off work at ten and then you can talk with him.”

    Silvio laughed then, the first sign of true amusement he’d shown yet. “When I think of all the times I was jacking off to his movies, wishing I could meet him in person – talking was always the last thing on my mind.”

    That got Laszlo laughing too. From then on, the conversation flowed more easily. Silvio was curious about the behind-the-scenes aspect of the porn industry and how it worked. Laszlo gave him some amusing stories to help fill him in on the nuts and bolts, as opposed to the nuts and cocks, of making porn. And at ten o’clock, Daniel joined them.

    “Finish those up, fellows, and let’s head out. I’m exhausted and I just want to get home.”

    On the way back to their condo, they chatted about everyday stuff. After they got in the door, they sat down in the living room to talk. Silvio filled in Daniel on his situation, and Daniel realized that he was going to have to think through carefully what he wanted to say. He proceeded to explain what he felt was the dynamic of the situation, very slowly and methodically.

    “Silvio, I wish I could tell you that there’s an easy way out of this bind. There isn’t. I learned that, and thousands of other gay men have learned it too. The whole thing turns on the problem that we are human beings, we have feelings for others as well as for ourselves, and we shy away from hurting others, especially those who’ve caused us no harm.

    “Just to show you what I mean: my mother, ultra-religious, threw me out. My father tried to stand up for me and she threw him out too. My brother and my sisters took dad’s side, and the whole family fell apart at the seams. Then my father switched sides, blaming me for the whole mess – and now none of them will talk to me. I just watched it all happen from a distance (I’d already moved from Hawaii up to L.A.) and it was like watching a slow-mo video of a car crash.

    “The thing I realized, years later than the time when I needed to know it, was that I wasn’t responsible for any of that mess. None. Zip. Nada. Silvio, we are responsible for our own actions. In your case, that means the choice to live as the man you are, or to hide from your true self. What we are never, ever responsible for is the way that others respond or react to our choices. Put that way, you need to think about how much you are actually losing if you feel that your parents are capable of treating you in such an abusive way just because you’ve told them you’re gay – especially since you are already sure that they would.”

    He then looked at Laszlo, waving a hand in an “over-to-you” gesture.

    Laszlo took Silvio’s hand, and said, “Look at me, Silvio. Look at me and then look at Daniel. You can see that both of us are concerned that you should be able to live as fully as possible. Would you see such concern from your mother or your father?” Silvio shook his head. “So here’s the other big thing that both Daniel and I had to learn. The family you were born into isn’t always the most important one in your life. There’s also the family you choose for yourself, the family  that treats you as a human being with worth and dignity, instead of demanding that you fit inside someone else’s framework of how they think you ought to live. I hope you’ll always look on us as part of your family of choice, because we care about you and want only for you to be as fully yourself as you possibly can.”

    Silvio spoke, for the first time in minutes. “I’m going to do it. I have to – for me.” And then he put his head down and sobbed.

    Laszlo put an arm around him and held him close, stroking his back and murmuring soothing and quieting tones. Daniel moved closer, too. He put an arm around Silvio’s neck and drew his head down towards his own shoulder. The three of them sat there together while Silvio cried out his frustration and unhappiness.

    “It’s a big decision, Silvio. I just want you to know that we’ll be here, to listen to you, to comfort you, to hold you – afterwards.”

    At last, Silvio pulled himself up. “Is it okay if I stay here and sleep on the sofa tonight? It’s too late to get the bus and it’s a long walk back to my apartment.”

    Daniel immediately responded, “Of course it’s okay, and you can sleep with us if you want to. You shouldn’t be alone if you wake up in the night and get overrun by your fears again. Come on. And no funny business if you don’t want to.”

    That was how, half an hour later, the three of them were snuggled into bed together, with Silvio in the middle between Daniel and Laszlo, each with an arm draped over him in a comforting way. After the emotional nerve storm of the evening, all three of them slept well and deeply. In the morning, over coffee and breakfast, they both encouraged Silvio again, and Laszlo loaned him some clean clothes so he could go right over to his family home and get it done then and there.

    About ninety minutes later, Laszlo’s phone rang.


    “I did it. And they kicked me out. Can we talk some more?”

    “Of course, come right back here. I’m in for the day. Daniel’s here too. Just come right over as soon as you can.”

    In another hour or so, Silvio was back, and the three of them were sitting on the sofa again, with Silvio in the middle. Silvio was a sight for sore eyes, and not in a good way. There were several parallel scratches down his cheek – “my mother’s fingernails” – and he was showing the beginnings of a beautiful black eye – “my father has a heavy hand.” It didn’t help any that his eyes were all red from weeping out his anguished emotions.

    “Silvio, can you tell us what happened?”

    “My father… he talked about me as if I had the bubonic plague or something. ‘Get out of my house, you fucking sick pervert, right now. I don’t want you here when your brother wakes up. You’ll give him the gay sickness too. Get the fuck out and stay out!’ That’s when he punched me. And that’s when I lost it.”


    “I nailed him right in the balls with my knee, hard, called him and my mother a disgusting pair of hateful animals, and shouted, ‘I disown you both!’ – and then I walked out and slammed the door behind me.”


    By this time, they both had their arms wrapped around him, trying to comfort him. Laszlo looked over his head at Daniel with a helpless “what do we do now?” expression on his face. Daniel took the bull by the horns, almost literally. He tilted Silvio’s face up and began to kiss him. Silvio flinched away, slightly. “What…? You want to…? Even when I look like this?”

    There were a million ways Daniel could have answered but they were all summed up anyway in one single word: “Yes.” And he resumed kissing Silvio, running his hands up into that head of dark curly hair. Laszlo caught the vibe from Daniel and moved in behind, wrapping his arms close around Silvio’s muscular body and kissing his neck, then began massaging his nips through the tee shirt.

    Daniel slowly dropped one hand down and found Silvio’s crotch – and the cock that was already stiffening behind his trousers. Silvio responded by dropping his hand and finding the big snake inside Daniel’s shorts.

    Daniel stood up and led the way to the bedroom. “Let’s shower,” he said. The three of them pulled all their clothes off and stepped into the extra large shower stall. There, they stood under the cascading water, taking turns soaping and massaging each other. Daniel and Laszlo concentrated most of their efforts on Silvio, washing away all of his hurt and humiliation, using their touching as a language to communicate to him that he mattered in the world, that he wasn’t all the vile things his parents had called him.

    By this time, all three of them were hard. Laszlo turned off the water, and Daniel stepped out first, getting towels for all of them. They dried each other off, and slowly made their way to the bed where they laid down. Once again, Silvio was lying in the middle, but now with a hand wrapped around each of their cocks, sliding slowly up and down. He looked at Daniel and then at Laszlo, an unasked question in his gaze.

    Laszlo answered the question Silvio hadn’t asked yet. “Whatever you want to do, Silvio. This is your first time as an out gay man. Just enjoy yourself.”

    With a grateful smile to Laszlo, Silvio leaned over and took his cock into his mouth. He’d plainly sucked some cock before, but his technique was pretty rough and ready. Laszlo wasn’t worried. He knew that this Italian beauty would be making up for lost time soon enough.

    Meanwhile, Daniel bent down and took Silvio’s rampant tool into his mouth, giving him one of those signature expert blowjobs which he’d perfected in a couple of dozen film scenes and in dozens more private encounters. Silvio moaned, and the humming sound communicated via his throat muscles to Laszlo’s cock, which surged in response.

    But now Silvio was sliding down, licking at Laszlo’s balls and then spreading his legs farther apart so he could begin to play with Laszlo’s ass. As he did that, his body was turning over towards Laszlo. Daniel took advantage of the opportunity to release Silvio’s cock and bury his face inside that beautiful olive-skinned ass. Silvio cried aloud, “Oh, fuck! Never had that before! It feels incredible!”

    Laszlo asked, “Never had your ass eaten?” Silvio shook his head. “It’s all good. Here, do the same things to me that Daniel is doing to you.” Silvio promptly dug into Laszlo’s crack and began working his tongue along the sides, and down to wash over and dig into the target. Daniel redoubled his efforts on Silvio’s hole, and Silvio – obviously a quick learner – transferred it all to Laszlo, who moaned aloud in appreciation. In no time, as it seemed, he had his tongue penetrating Laszlo’s ring, and was adding a finger for good measure. Laszlo was gasping and quivering in his excitement, now definitely ready for a cock in his ass.

    But Silvio was hesitating a bit, and Laszlo could guess why. He rolled over and looked at Silvio enquiringly. “Do you want rubbers?” Silvio asked shyly.

    “No,” Laszlo answered firmly, “strictly bare only. I want to feel every inch of your cock sliding into my body, and I want you to fuck me and shoot your seed inside me.” Silvio smiled as he reached for the tube of lube which Laszlo had placed within easy reach. A small squirt on his finger to go inside Laszlo, a bigger squirt on his eight-inch cock to get it ready, and he was good to go. So was Laszlo, and he pulled his legs back, reaching to draw Silvio closer to him. Daniel had sat back to watch the scene unfold and was pulling gently on his thick tool to keep it ready.

    Silvio planted his dick against Laszlo’s hole and began to push. Since Laszlo wanted it, the time for his hole to open up and swallow Silvio’s tool hole was only a few moments. Then Silvio began pumping. After a minute or so, the sight of Laszlo getting fucked by this Italian stud had so aroused Daniel that he moved up, straddled Laszlo’s body, and began to sit down on his dick. Silvio paused to watch as Daniel’s ass opened right up and took Laszlo all the way to the root. But Laszlo was having none of that slackness on Silvio’s part. “Come on, keep fucking me. Pound me hard!”

    And there was Silvio, slamming at top speed in and out of Laszlo while Daniel had leaned down to kiss Laszlo as he humped his ass up and down on top of Laszlo’s cock. Nobody could last long at the speed they were going, and Silvio suddenly grunted out, “Cumming…!”

    “Yes, Silvio! Flood me with your seed!”

    He slammed back in, and his cock began flexing and squirting into Laszlo’s gut, all while Daniel kept riding hard on Laszlo’s cock. Finally, Silvio’s orgasm slowed to a halt – but his cock refused to get soft. Instead, after a brief rest, he began pumping again.

    “Fuck, yeah! Keep going and fucking fire off another load!”

    Silvio was speeding up, going faster and faster, his hips almost making a blur between the rapid tattoo of smacks against Laszlo’s butt. Daniel, too, was riding faster and harder, and bringing Laszlo closer and closer.

    And then it happened. Laszlo’s face screwed right up in a grimace of ecstasy as his cock erupted into Daniel’s ass, all while Silvio kept pounding his hole for him. But then, when Silvio roared that he was going to shoot again, Daniel suddenly pulled off Laszlo’s hard dick and bent over, shouting, “Slam it into me, Silvio, and fucking cum inside my ass!”

    After a split second of disbelief (he’d always thought of the Hawaiian Nine as being nine-tenths top), Silvio reacted, pulling out of Laszlo’s hole and driving deep inside Daniel in one insane thrust. Just in time, too. Almost before he even had time to hit bottom, his cock blew up in a second orgasm, not even five minutes after the first. This time, he blew out so much that the juices began squeezing out of Daniel around his fast-moving dick before he’d even finished cumming.

    Finally, all three of them calmed down from that insane final burst of erotic energy. Silvio lay on his back, again in between his hosts, and gasped for breath. Daniel was also straining after more air. Laszlo was not as tired, but certainly feeling all gone with the joy of getting bred by this newly-out gay boy and then breeding his own man just a few minutes later.

    Before long, the three of them had all dozed off in a tangled heap of bodies and limbs. Daniel was the first to awake, about thirty minutes later. He gently detached himself from the other two and headed into the study to make a phone call and to send out a single email. He was just hitting the “Send” button, when Laszlo stuck his head in and said, “There you are! Good grief, can’t you ever stop working, even for a second?”

    Daniel made an exaggerated “Shh” gesture, and waved Laszlo over, to show him the email. Laszlo read it over, his eyes getting big and round as he did so. Daniel again made the “silence” gesture, this time a clear invocation to say nothing about it, and then the two of them headed back to rouse their guest.

    They urged Silvio to stay the rest of the day, and the night, with them, and he agreed eagerly, plainly enjoying the hot sex as much as he valued their company at a time of such huge emotional upset and disconnection.

    Daniel said, “I have to work the bar tonight from eight till close at three. Why don’t you fellows come on down around nine or so, and hang out? Laszlo can use the time to introduce you to a few of our friends who also hang out there – especially Steve and Jim, they told me they’d be coming out tonight. High time for you to make some connections into the gay community.”

    Silvio agreed readily. After Daniel left for work, Laszlo and Silvio went out for dinner to one of the more laid-back restaurants nearby, enjoying a big plate of assorted hot two-bite appetizers with varied meat, fish, and vegetable fillings, as well as sharing a bottle of wine. Then, around nine they headed down the street to the bar and sauntered in the door – to be greeted by a massive storm of cheering.

    After a quick phone call to his boss to approve his idea, Daniel had sent out a group email to all of the old Hawaiian Nine gang and a sizable number of other friends in WeHo.


    If you’re free tonight in WeHo,

    Come on down to Shooting Stars at 8:30!

    It’s a Coming-Out Party for Silvio!!!

    He just joined the tribe this morning, so

    Come on down, enjoy some tunes,

    Dance up a storm, share food, drinks and kisses,

    And we’ll show Silvio a whole lot of love!

    Let’s make this the biggest night of his life!!!


    The bar was packed. Almost the entire Hawaiian Nine gang were present, and many of the people who’d gotten the invite had shared it and invited others as well.

    Daniel’s boss had sent out for multiple platters of fruit, veggies, cheese and crackers, shrimps and dip, crabmeat pate, and more, at his own expense – and had even arranged for another guy to cover on the bar, so that Daniel was free to host the gathering. The DJ had been informed and had put together a special set list for the night. Across the wall above the bar was strung a huge, improvised banner with “Welcome Out, Silvio” printed on it in bright pink glitter paint. All the patrons were briefed to expect him to arrive around nine o’clock.

    When he walked in the door to be smacked in the face by a solid wall of cheering, Silvio turned to Laszlo. “What the fuck, Laszlo?”

    “Look at the banner over the bar, Silvio. It’s a party for you!”

    Silvio stared, dazed, at the banner, and then at the mob of people already bearing down on him.

    “Why me?”

    “Because it’s high time, and more than time, for you to meet your own community, and start to form your own chosen family. Let’s get our shirts off!”

    End of conversation. For the next hour, Silvio was swarmed with hot shirtless guys wanting to congratulate him, to tell him how proud they were of him for coming out, to offer him a drink, to kiss him, to ask for his number, to pull him onto the dance floor, to invite him home -- it went on and on until it was actually making him a bit dizzy. But Laszlo kept close, and stepped in to rescue him when he could tell that it was all becoming overwhelming.

    He led Silvio away from the crowd, over towards a big pair of tables in the corner, surrounded by a gang of mostly men, and a couple of women. Here, he was welcomed heartily by the Hawaiian Nine family, with everyone drawing him into the group. They planted him at a seat near the middle of the table and sat all around him, introducing themselves one by one. As they went around, Silvio realized that some of the familiar faces were performers who had appeared in one or more Hawaiian Nine films which he had seen.

    But he also met Will and Eddie, the faithful camera operators and occasional walk-on performers, Marina, the general of the jockstraps, Lianne, the business administration whiz, and Jim, the quiet background supporter of Steve. Even Johannis and Miguel, the one-hit wonders, had turned up (they’d gotten the word from Marina and drove in from their home in San Diego). It took Silvio a minute to recognize the mild-mannered Steve as the famous Rod Rammer, until Steve took off his glasses with his best Clark Kent manner. Steve in particular took a real shine to Silvio, having spotted the sizable bulge in the front of his pants, but Marina was equally attracted – being Italian herself, she was susceptible to a handsome Italian stud. It was Laszlo who quietly explained to Silvio that Marina was actually a transwoman who had never bothered to have any gender change surgeries and still had her male appurtenances.

    Almost before they’d finished the introductions, several trays of food landed on their tables and they all dug in. Later on, a group of them hit the dance floor all together, with Silvio dancing in the middle of the circle of his new friends. Laszlo watched, with a quiet smile of delight on his face, seeing Silvio forgetting all about his miserable morning as his new community drew him in and welcomed him.

    As the time neared midnight, Daniel took the microphone from the DJ and called for silence. As might be expected in a typical gay party bar, it only took ten minutes or so to get everyone to be quiet at the same time. After briefly explaining the events of the day, Daniel invited Silvio, the newly-hatched gayboy, to say a few words.

    “Last night, I walked in here for the first time. I’d never been to a gay bar. I had no idea what to expect or what to do. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a familiar face – a man I had met when he came in on a workplace term placement at my job. Come over here, Laszlo!” When Laszlo had stepped up beside him, and Silvio had draped an arm over his shoulder, he went on. “The luckiest thing I ever did in my life was to confide in Laszlo about my situation last night, and to ask for his advice. Laszlo and Daniel took me home with them, and they persuaded me that it was time to drop my fears and become openly the man I had always been in secret. It was scary as hell, but they gave me the courage to do it. Then, when the horror show was over this morning, they let me come back and cry on their shoulders until I felt better. And if that wasn’t enough, Daniel then turned around and organized this incredible party for me.

    “One thing we talked about was how we have to form our own families to take the place of the ones who’ve abused so many of us. These two guys are, and will always be, the first friends to take their places in my family of choice!”

    Another huge cheer erupted as Silvio hugged and kissed Laszlo and Daniel, then turned to face the crowd with the tears streaming down his face again – but this time, they were happy tears.

    The party roared on at full volume into the wee hours, and the groan of disappointment at three o’clock when the DJ shut down and the lights went on was at least five times louder than on any normal night.

    Daniel, Laszlo, and Silvio all stayed to help clean up the mess once the other patrons had left. The manager tried to chase them out, but they all insisted. The time was closer to four than three when they finally called it a night. As they walked out onto the street together, Silvio started to ask, “Guys, are you sure it’s okay if…?”

    “Yes.” Daniel and Laszlo answered simultaneously.

    “You don’t even know what I was going to ask!”

    “You think? I know that ‘can I stay with you’ tone of voice now.” Laszlo’s voice had a nicely balanced mix of the triumphant and the sarcastic.

    Silvio had to laugh. “Okay, you got me fair and square.”

    It was Daniel who said, seriously, “And the answer is yes. Of course. We’re family now, Silvio.”

    Back at the condo, they all hugged and kissed some more, as Silvio struggled to find the right words to thank them for what they had done for him – and to him. Daniel and Laszlo waved it off, but it was Daniel who thought to say, “When you get the chance, Silvio, pass it on.”

    The three of them tumbled into bed, still half dressed, and slept the dreamless sleep until well into the next morning, while the cycles of life in WeHo gradually revived, and the city grumbled and growled and roared slowly into life outside the building.



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  5. Chapter 16:  The General Manager’s Story


    “You’re what now, Daniel? Thirty years old? I’m seventy-one. It’s hard to look around Kauai now and remember what it used to be like when I was a child. We did have some tourism, but it was very limited in scale compared to today. My parents could remember the island back to the time when the biggest hotel had 12 rooms. In my childhood, we were still mainly a rural community, a small community, and everyone was a friend. Even if we didn’t personally know every single person on the island, it felt as if we did.

    “And that included your mother. I can remember her as a young woman – Lehua was a beautiful girl, but also a very determined and stubborn one. And I can remember her older brother, her half-brother actually, since his father had died in an industrial accident on the mainland and their mother then remarried. Lehua’s father was the man you knew as your grandfather when you were a child.

    “Her brother – your Uncle Keith, his Hawaiian name was Keawe – was eleven years older, and a completely different sort of person altogether. Where Lehua was tough as nails when it suited her, Keawe was always kind and gentle, a very caring sort of man. I often wondered if that was a heritage from his father, who died long before you were born.

    “Since many marriages were still arranged, or at least strongly suggested by parents, Keawe married your Aunt Lily, actually Leialoha, at the age of 19. She soon fell ill, and from one cause or another was periodically sick for many years. It seemed as if she could never recover completely from one illness before the next one struck her. Keawe was devoted to her. Due to her illnesses, they were never able to have children. He cared for her with love and concern through one illness after another until cancer finally took her at the age of forty-seven.

    “After she died, he left the islands, settled in Seattle, and lived and worked there for the remainder of his life, never remarrying, but living alone until he, too, died at the age of sixty, thirteen years after Leialoha.

    “That, at least, was the way it appeared to the outside world, and to the rest of their families. The truth was both sadder and more complicated. You may perhaps have guessed at it already, if only in part.

    “In reality, under that veil of social conformity, Keawe and I were lovers. We had met and fallen in love in high school. The old society of Kauai was rigidly intolerant, and we had to go to great lengths to conceal our relationship from everyone – family, friends, fellow students, the school administration. We had to figure out a dozen different places where we could meet. Those were snatched, unhappy meetings, the kissing and sex hurried and furtive, where we did our best to console each other for the terrible, crushing silence and separation which society imposed on us.

    “Our relationship continued like that all through the years when Leialoha was so ill. I have never known for certain, but I would guess that Leialoha suspected or had actually learned about Keawe being gay, and she may have known about his relationship with me as well. That knowledge, and the anguish of being trapped in a marriage with a man who loved another man but did not love her was, I suspect, the true cause of her many illnesses.

    “When I married, a few years after Keawe, my family at least allowed me the freedom to choose my own wife. I had always felt a close kinship to another girl in our class, Puanani. As we talked about marriage, she confided in me that her love was actually for another girl, a maid in her parents’ home named Kalei. I in turn explained about my love for Keawe. Having shared our deep, dark secrets with each other, it became simpler for us to marry as a protective cover for us both. Puanani became pregnant very soon after our wedding, and Kalei moved into our home to act as a nanny for our twins when they were born the following year.

    “Our marriage lasted until the twins were old enough to set off into the wider world, and then Puanani left me. We divorced, amiably, and remained good friends as she lived openly after that with Kalei. I have to admit that I was more than a bit jealous.

    “I had no such good fortune. I had tried to convince Keawe that we should also live together, after my divorce and Leialoha’s death a few years later. But he would have none of it. He still loved me, he said, but he owed it to the rest of his family – I assume he meant you and Lehua’s other children – to keep his truth under cover. That was why he moved to Seattle, to distance himself from me and from my urgings to him to reconsider.

    “That lasted for several years, until we began to meet again. By that time I was working at one of the other resorts on the island, and he came there to stay for a holiday – a wonderful reunion for both of us, and a first time for both of us to really explore what it meant to love each other in so many more ways than we had ever managed before.

    “After that, we would meet once or twice a year – he would come to Hawaii on holidays, without telling his sister, and I would go up to Seattle each summer to see him there. We would hike in the mountains, there or here, and share as much time as we could with each other.

    “Then, thirteen years ago, he messaged me to say that he could not come. He was being treated for cancer, and the combined radiation and chemotherapy was sapping his strength. By this time, I had been appointed as the General Manager of FourWinds, three months before it was due to open to paying clients. It was the dream job of a lifetime for anyone working in the hospitality industry. Even so, I again offered to move to Seattle to care for him, but he assured me that he had a good home health care plan through his workplace, and I did not need to bother – and that I should not, under any circumstances, quit my landmark job. The next year, when he was feeling a bit better, he called to ask me to come and see him again, and of course I did.

    “At that meeting, he told me that it was the calm before the storm. His cancer was recurring, spreading throughout his body, and no further treatment was possible. He had opted for palliative care only, and the painkiller drugs were at least keeping the pain tolerable. We wept together for all the lost time that we had never been able to share. But then he spoke of his feelings about you, about your career and your life.

    “I can assure you that, although he disapproved of your career path, that disapproval had nothing to do with your sexuality. It was all out of his concern that your life might never have a chance to develop any emotional depth, that you might become hardened and jaded by endless sex on tap with no deeper feelings to balance it. He knew, of course, that his sister Lehua had cut you off and shattered her entire family by doing so. In Keawe’s mind, the fault was entirely hers, never yours. He could readily guess, from his own tough experience, at the fear which had driven you to leave home as soon as you were old enough, and at the terrible emotional penalty which your mother’s harsh actions had levied upon you, your father, your brother, and your 1sisters. And then he asked me to make him a promise.

    “He said to me, ‘Kanani, for all the love that has been between us, I ask you this one favour. Please do what you can to watch out for my nephew, Daniel. I hope there will come a time when he decides to change the course of his life. When that time comes, please promise me that you will watch out for him and try to help him in any way you can.’

    “His eyes were the eyes of a man in pain, so I agreed and promised I would do it. And that was the last time I saw him. Three months later, more or less, I got a last letter, which he’d dictated to his nurse to send to me. He left no such last message for his sister. But in that final letter, he told me about his bequest to you, and he urged me to share our story with you at any chance I might get.

    “So I watched your life from a distance. In a way, I was very proud of your success, of your obvious business acumen and your reputation for delivering a high-class product. I used to study your company website for hours, memorizing the few pictures that let me see your face. I’m sorry I never watched any of your films; such things are only painful to me now. But I was very proud and even excited when you and your co-star won that unique award on your final film, because I sensed that you might indeed be starting to change your focus in life, and that the time which Keawe had hoped for might now be drawing nearer. I began wondering much more when you sold your company and then disappeared. I had a feeling that you might well return to Kauai to try to reset your life.

    “Since then, I’ve been watching and waiting, hoping that my guess was right and that your path might cross mine. All the same, it was a considerable surprise when you appeared that night in the restaurant and were seated just a few tables away from me. I doubt if you noticed me, but I was watching you attentively throughout your meal. Then your companion stepped away, to be replaced a few moments later by the man I recognized as your co-star. I watched what passed between the two of you… and I was enthralled.

    After seeing the unmistakable love that was born between you that night, I knew that it was time. I prepared the letter, tracking your new partner through his room registration to get his name, and briefed the staff on what to do. I felt sure that you would try to approach me after I had extended the hospitality of the hotel to you.

    “And now, twelve years after your uncle died… here we are.”




    Daniel sat in the office, letting his mind run, as he came slowly to terms with all of what he had just learned. At last, he shook himself out of his reverie and smiled slightly.

    “And now I remember where I have seen you before. It was a photo of you with Keith in a family album when I was young.”

    “I hope, Daniel, that telling you all of this family history has not upset you too much.”

    “Not at all, Uncle Ken.” At that, the older man smiled broadly. “It’s just a great deal to absorb all at once. I have always suspected that Uncle Keith might have been gay, but I never had anything to go on other than my own intuition. There was nothing to indicate that in any letters I ever got from him, even after I’d been thrown out of the family by… by his half sister, and then shunned by the rest of them.”

    Ken frowned slightly. “Daniel, even though she treated you so cruelly, she is still your mother – a true part of you as you are of her. She may still be of the same mind, or she may have felt regret and wished she had not been so rigid. I have no idea. What I do know, from my own experience, is that a grievance clung to can slowly eat you alive as you get older and other priorities in your life fall away. I’ve had to forgive so many people: my parents for forcing my marriage, Puanani for finding her happiness when mine escaped me, Keawe’s family for the emotional prison in which they locked him, even Keawe himself for holding me at arm’s length when there was finally a chance for us to be together.

    “If there’s any reason I can live with some equanimity and stability in my older years, it’s because I’ve managed to forgive them all. It wasn’t easy, but I made myself do it, because I have finally been able to see that all of them did the best they could with the hand of cards they’d been dealt by their life and times. As I also have done. And now, I have another reward to make me smile. I’ve finally gotten to meet my nephew.”

    Enough words had been spoken. The two of them rose, met each other around the side of the big desk, and hugged each other long and fiercely. At last, they parted and sat down. Ken moved the conversation onto new ground.

    “And now, what lies ahead for you and your partner… by  the way, what is his name?”

    “Laszlo. Laszlo Kertesz.”

    “A fine old Hungarian name. Where do you go from here?”

    “I’ve been winding up my affairs here, and we are going back to the mainland on Monday to live together full time – finally!”

    “I can hear the relief in your voice, Daniel. And I’m sure he feels it just as strongly. It’s plain that you two share an extraordinary depth of love, communication, even communion, with each other. In the face of such powerful love, all else must give way. I’m sure you will be very happy together for all your lives, and I wish that for you. For me, perhaps, not so much. I’d been hoping that I might be able to see you from time to time now that we’ve finally met.”

    “Uncle Ken, we can certainly come back here for regular visits. I know Laszlo loves this island as much as I do, and for both of us, this will always be the place where we first truly met. I’m not ready to say goodbye to Kauai for the last time. And coming back will give Laszlo a chance to meet you as well.”

    The older man smiled again. “The good will of all your ancestors go with you.” They hugged once more, and Daniel went his way. He had been left with much to think about.



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  6. Chapter 15:  Keeping the Ball Rolling


    Daniel had been right on target about the gay community and its ways of spreading news. Laszlo had told three people on Saturday. By Sunday night, he had received over two dozen messages of congratulations from various people. Some were involved in the porn trade; others were not. He’d even gotten a few messages from people he didn’t know, but who had gotten his private email address. These had wanted to congratulate him but, even more, hoped that he would give them Daniel’s email address. He wouldn’t.

    The ones he appreciated most were the heartfelt letters from Lianne and Miklos. Miklos in particular sounded a little smug. The unmistakable I-told-you-so tone of his letter was forgivable, considering the key role he had played in getting Laszlo to hustle his butt and go find his man. Laszlo read the smugness between the lines readily enough, but he didn’t let that stop him from thanking Miklos for pushing him into those critical first steps on the road to happiness.

    As for Lianne, she sent him hearty congratulations, but also two pieces of big news of her own – she had left Powerdrill Films and gotten a much better paid position in the online production arm of a major film and TV producer. As well, she had begun a really promising relationship with a guy she’d met through mutual friends. Laszlo certainly smiled at that since Lianne, ever since he’d met her, had experienced nothing but bad luck in her dating life. He immediately fired back that he was very happy for her and added that he hoped her new boyfriend wouldn’t be too upset about her previous career!

    All these messages raised an interesting conundrum for Laszlo. The next night, on FaceTime, he brought it up for discussion.

    “Daniel, you were right – the news got all over town in no time. I’ve had a whole string of the nicest emails from just about everyone I ever met at Hawaiian Nine, and they’re all so happy for both of us. But there’s a small problem. I don’t think it’s right for me to be relaying their good wishes to you at second hand. And there’s the thing: no one except Marina and me knows your new email address and phone number. Is it okay for me to pass those along when I’m answering them, or do you want to reach out to them yourself?”

    Daniel hemmed and hawed for a minute. “I don’t know, Laszlo. I moved here to escape from the porn business…”

    “…and me!”

    “Yes, and you, and I’m afraid to open the floodgates and bring it all down on my head again.”

    “Are you afraid as in fear of changing your mind and going back?”

    “Yikes! Don’t even suggest such a thing! But I know how persistent people can get. I’m not so much concerned about our friends as I am about other people who might get my contacts from them, by accident perhaps – and then hassle the living daylights out of me.”

    “Okay, I can see that. Fair enough. But, Daniel, that’ll mean hiding out from everyone for the rest of your life. You don’t really want to do that, I’m sure. Just mark the line out very clearly. Tell our friends that you’re done for good, and so am I, and then they won’t think of sharing your contact info or mine with others in the industry, where it could raise problems. I’ve had a couple of emails asking if I’m available for projects, and I just replied that I was now retired from the porn game for good and they could remove my name from their lists and plans.”

    “Any feedback?”

    “One producer, who shall remain nameless, sent back a snarky comment wondering if I had found a boyfriend yet, and if so, which godforsaken corner of the world did I have to go to find him.”

    “The nerve!”

    Laszlo belted out a great laugh. “Good thing we weren’t talking in person. I’d never have kept a straight face when I thought about having to fly partway across the Pacific to hunt for you!”

    That got Daniel laughing too. “Okay, I guess it will be all right. I’ll send out a bunch of letters tonight and include my phone number in them.”

    “That’ll be great. They’ll all be so glad to hear from you. But now we have another problem.”

    All this time, Laszlo had been surreptitiously rubbing the bulge in the front of his shorts, out of the line of sight of the camera. Now he tilted his phone down, and rubbed it some more, highlighting the very clear shape of a hard cock through the fabric.

    “A very hard problem. Painfully hard.”

    “Funny you should mention that. I have a similar problem.” Daniel now angled his camera downwards and showed a splendid view of a thick, rigid pole pushing up the centre of his grey briefs into a sizable tent. He wrapped his hand around the shaft, bunching the cloth together into a kind of sleeve as he slid his hand slowly up and down. A large wet spot slowly appeared over the top of the tent pole.

    “I can’t help it. For some weird reason, it starts feeling this way every time we talk.”

    Laszlo groaned and began to untie the drawstring of his shorts. “Same for me.”

    By now, Daniel was sliding his briefs down with one hand, trying to hold the phone steady as the famous Hawaiian Nine came into full view. Laszlo stared at the screen of his phone and gave his cock another good rub before lifting up his ass and sliding his shorts down to the floor.

    “Fuck, that dick looks so good. I’d love to be there right now, getting down on my knees and licking that juice off the head before I swallowed it down my throat.”

    “Nobody’s ever been able to swallow this thing as well as you. Fuck, it would be so great to have you here and working on it right now.”

    “I could keep sucking it and working on it with my hand until you blow your load into my mouth. Then, I could come up and start kissing you and we could swap the cum back and forth between us until I shoot my load all over your abs.”

    “And then?”

    “Then I’d lick that all up and share it with you as well.”

    “No other place to use it?”

    “Well… I said that’s what I could do. But what I’d really like to do is this.” Laszlo had managed, during this, to prop his phone up on the desk against some of his things. Now, he got up, turned around, and got on his knees on the chair, showing his bare ass to the camera, and reaching back with one hand to push a finger into his hole. “This is where I really want that big cock. Deep inside me. Bare, hard cock. Feeling the juice leaking out, using my cum as lube for you. Opening me up better than anyone else has ever done it.”

    “Oh, fuck!”

    “Sliding that big tool right up inside me.”

    “Fucking pushing your guts out of the way to make room for it. Pumping deep inside you, your hole grabbing at me and squeezing down, chewing on me – you’re so fucking good at that – oh, shit, I can feel it now, feel your hole working me over….”

    “Your cock’s getting bigger, I can tell you’re fucking ready to blow inside me. Do it, Daniel! Shoot that big fucking load all the way in!”

    “Drilling deep into you… getting bigger and harder… it’s gonna… I’m fucking cumming inside your ass!”

    Daniel groaned loudly. Laszlo ducked his head between his legs in time to see the screen as Daniel’s big, swollen dick head convulsed and shot a stream of cum two feet clear in the air. The sight made him speed up his own jerking motions. He quickly spun around on the chair, got to his feet, and pointed his dick right at the phone as he gave three or four vicious yanks on it and came in a second monster explosion, just a few seconds after Daniel.

    He collapsed on the chair. The two of them were both breathing heavily. Gradually their rapid gasping slowed down to a more normal rate. Daniel opened his eyes and looked at Laszlo, at first sad but then broadening into a smile. “That’s crazy. Laszlo, I’ve never, ever cum like that from jerking off.”

    “Well, look what you did to me! I’m going to have to go take a shower again to clean up after getting fucked like that!”

    “You’ve got to wipe some of that mess off your phone too. I can’t see the left side of your face any more, it’s all blurry. What we both need to do is get tripods that can hold the phones – so we have both hands free at all times for whatever. What did you use?”

    “A couple of accounting and management books and a paperweight.”

    Both of them laughed. But then Daniel turned sombre. “Pretty damn hot, until you remember that it’s a poor substitute for the real thing. What is it now? Three more weeks? Then we have that long weekend together. I hope you’ll like the place I picked out.”

    “Daniel, as long as you’re there, it’ll be perfect. Sorry, love, I’m going to have to go now. I have to get some sleep – I can’t be late for work in the morning. Daniel, I love you so much.”

    “And I love you, Laszlo. See you again tomorrow night.”

    Three weeks later, Laszlo got the long-awaited text message. “Safe landing, in the Uber now, should be there in an hour.” Daniel had decided to come on Thursday night and stay with Laszlo at his place, and then on Friday a limo would pick them up to drive to their weekend getaway.

    It seemed to Laszlo like several hours before the phone rang, showing the door code. He immediately buzzed Daniel in, and then went to the door to wait, dressed in nothing but a very brief pair of bright red briefs.

    At least Laszlo remembered to check the door viewer when the knock came – and a good thing, too. It was Ricky. He opened the door a trifle on the chain, and growled, “Not now! I’ve got company coming. Get lost!”


    Laszlo let the door slam. But he was pretty certain, knowing what he did about Ricky, that he’d be loitering somewhere outside to see who turned up.

    Another knock. This time he saw the right face when he looked.

    “Well! Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?”

    Daniel walked in, dropped his bag, and had his arms around Laszlo from behind even before Laszlo could finish securing the door again. Laszlo moaned in delight, feeling the big lump in Daniel’s trousers pressing into his crack as Daniel’s hands explored his pecs and tweaked his nipples, all while Daniel was busy kissing his way along Laszlo’s shoulder and up to his neck.

    End of dialogue. Now was not the time for words, but for action. Daniel was already busy kicking his shoes off as Laszlo spun around and attacked the front of his waistband, getting his slacks undone in record time and pushing them down to the floor. He then grabbed Daniel’s shirt and tore it open in his haste to get it off.

    The two of them were in a wild state of excitement, hands all over each other everywhere as they struggled to get at each other as fast as possible. In another moment, Daniel had yanked Laszlo’s briefs down and pressed him up against the wall, dropping down and burying his face in his lover’s firm round ass and going right to town with his tongue. Laszlo moaned in delight at the sensations, arching his back to thrust his ass out even further, and reaching back with his hands to pull the cheeks farther open.

    “Fuck… fuck… Daniel, that’s so fucking good. Eat my ass… stick your tongue in me… get me ready….”

    Daniel complied, working his tongue with little stabbing motions into Laszlo’s hole, opening it, loosening it, getting it wet. Laszlo’s rigid dick was already leaking a steady stream of precum. So was Daniel.

    Laszlo groaned again. “Fuck, Daniel, quit wasting time. I can’t wait for it. Get that dick inside me and fuck my brains out!” As he said that, he reached back again, swiping a palmful of his own pre-cum onto his hole and then fingering it in.

    “You want this cock?”

    “Fuck yes! Quit teasing me and fuck me!”

    In another minute, Daniel had wrapped his arms around Laszlo’s chest and was slamming his hips repeatedly against Laszlo’s ass cheeks, the loud slapping noises echoing in the apartment. Laszlo could feel that he was almost ready to cum, even after just a few minutes, and he guessed that Daniel would be just as close.

    Laszlo was working his hole as fast as he could go, stroking Daniel’s big nine-incher as it slammed repeatedly inside him. Daniel’s breathing was getting irregular, holding in and then gasping for air before holding in again. Both of them knew it was time. Laszlo hadn’t even touched his cock, but it was jumping up and down by itself. Now he had both hands stretched up the wall above his head, bracing himself as Daniel slammed harder and harder into him.

    “Fucking cumming….”

    Laszlo had barely gasped out the words when his cock blew a stream of cum up and out. It shot right up over his shoulder and hit Daniel in the face. And that set Daniel off, blasting a five-day load of hot cream deep inside Laszlo’s ass while Laszlo’s muscles kept grabbing at him as his own cock kept firing.

    Then the two of them collapsed on the floor, gasping for air. Faintly, through the door, Laszlo heard a loud moan and guessed that someone – Ricky for sure -- had been listening in and there would be another fresh cum stain on the wall of the corridor. The superintendent would have to wash the walls down yet again tomorrow.

    Eventually, they picked themselves up and left a mess of cum and discarded clothes behind as they made their way to the bedroom. After a long, luxurious shower together, they got into bed and snuggled down under the covers. At first, they just indulged in a lengthy spell of making out and stroking each other’s bodies.

    Soon, though, Daniel got his hand on Laszlo’s dick again. “Does that thing ever go down?”

    Laszlo laughed, remembering how he had said the exact same words to Daniel when they bedded down together after their first scene shoot. He, too, picked up his cue from that historic moment.

    “You want to have another go and see if you can make it go soft?”

    By this time, Daniel had clued in to the joke. But he then took this scene in a different direction, saying, “Something’s not quite fair here. You got yourself a buttload of hot cum, and what did I get in return for emptying my balls into you?”

    “What did you have in mind?”

    For answer, Daniel turned around and presented his ass for Laszlo’s inspection. “There you go. Do I need to draw you a diagram?”

    Laszlo mumbled something unintelligible. It may have been due to the fact that he already had his face planted into Daniel’s crack, kissing and tonguing his ass to get him warmed up for Round Two.

    When Daniel and Laszlo had first met, Daniel had seen butt-munching as a necessity of the job, something he did because the fans expected it. But Laszlo had changed his mind in a hurry when they had met again in Hawaii a month earlier. Laszlo was an expert of a high order, and Daniel now realized that getting his ass eaten was one of the greatest and most pleasurable experiences in the world, as long as it was Laszlo doing it.

    While he was thinking that, Laszlo had added a questing finger to his probing tongue, and he was well on the way to opening Daniel up completely for his cock. And when it was ready, he moved up on top of Daniel and slowly sank his tool all the way into his man’s hole while Daniel emitted a quiet, long-drawn purr of “Ooohhhh… yeeeaaahhhh….”

    Daniel turned his head over his shoulder so he could meet Laszlo’s kisses while Laszlo slowly fucked him. After a while, though, that wasn’t good enough for him any more. He pulled free for a moment, squirmed over onto his back, and lifted his legs up so that Laszlo could find his way inside again. And there they were, together once more, joined once more, sharing their favourite position again – the position that allowed them to take all the time in the world to kiss each other while Laszlo continued moving, slowly and gently, inside Daniel.

    They continued like this for over half an hour, experiencing anew the never-failing delight of being able to face each other and stroke each other’s bodies while they were joined, cock and ass, into the fullest union with each other. In time, though, Laszlo began showing signs of growing arousal, and Daniel knew it was time to speed up, to stop edging and go for the climax. As Laszlo’s thrusts became faster and surer, Daniel’s moans of excitement grew louder, egging him on.

    Laszlo had now gotten into a full push-up position, raised up on his hands above Daniel’s hard-muscled body with his cock plunging deep inside Daniel’s butt on each thrust. And the thrusts were coming faster and faster. It was time to urge each other to the peak.

    Daniel muttered, “Oh, yeah. Give it to me. Give it to meee….”

    Laszlo replied, “Gonna breed you and seed you. Get ready, here it cums….”

    With one final mighty thrust, Laszlo pumped out his second load of sperm deep inside Daniel’s hole, filling him up to overflowing as his cock kept contracting and expelling more and more. Daniel grabbed his own tool, gave it a half-dozen quick tugs, and pulsed out another geyser of sperm that fell all over his abs and down over the treasure trail to his crotch. Laszlo collapsed down on top of Daniel, and they resumed their kissing with barely a missed beat.

    Finally, though, Laszlo eased out and let Daniel lower his legs into place. Then they snuggled close to each other, each wrapped securely in the other’s arms, and stayed that way until they drifted off.

    Laszlo awoke first, an hour and a half later. It was full dark. He slowly kissed Daniel awake. In the darkness, Daniel couldn’t quite make out anything except the face of the man he loved peering down at him. He muttered, “Watch your eyes,” and reached over to the bed table to turn the lamp on. Then they could look at each other properly, at their broad, happy smiles.

    “I’m hungry,” Daniel said. “Haven’t eaten for hours and I’ve been working pretty hard.”

    Laszlo pouted. “I’ve worked just as hard.” Then they both laughed. “Pizza to go?”

    “Sounds good to me. What do you like?”

    “All meat. Maybe a double hit of spicy Italian sausage.”

    “Sounds good to me. Figures you’d go in a big way for sausage. Here, you crack and pour some wine, I’ll get on the app and put in the order.”

    By the time the pizza arrived half an hour later, they were well into the second glass of wine – but at least they were decently dressed. That didn’t stop the pizza delivery guy from giving them a knowing grin. The smells of man-to-man sex must have been pretty thick in the air of Laszlo’s apartment by this time.

    Laszlo had to ask him. “Why the grin?”

    “It’s my ‘give me a big enough tip and I’ll keep quiet’ grin.”

    Laszlo sniggered. “I’d prefer to think of it as your ‘memorize this address and come back next week’ grin.”

    The pizza guy smiled knowingly again, took the tip, and left them alone.

    “Well, that sounds promising,” Daniel chuckled. “I was starting to worry that you were turning into a complete monk, and you’d forget all about how to function.”

    “Not much chance. Sex is on tap in this building pretty near 24-7, especially on weekends. After all, this is WeHo.”

    They settled down to eat the pizza and finish the wine. After they were both full and feeling mellow, Daniel returned to the theme.

    “So, sex in the building 24-7? Tell me about who you’ve gotten.”

    “Ricky. Cute young blond with an ass that looks like he had a globe of the world surgically implanted.”

    “This sounds familiar. I think he applied for a job with me once. I had to turn him down because he was under-age, but the video he submitted sure made him look experienced.”

    “Oh, yeah. He’s experienced, no question. I met him the day I went to have dinner with Steve and Jim. He lives in their building, and he started flirting with me up on the roof by the pool. Nothing on but a white G-string thong. Everybody around the pool, and I do mean everybody, was watching to see what would happen. Jim told me later that he was the resident slut. I gave him a quick pump and dump in the alleyway down the street on the way home that night. He must have followed me home one day, because he turned up at the door here just before you arrived. But I think he hung out in the hall and listened for a while. I’m pretty sure I heard him moaning after that first high-speed fuck when we were just inside the door. Smart money says there’ll be a fresh cum stain on the wall out there. Too bad, it’s just his bad luck that he picked tonight.”

    “Why? I told you I liked three-ways.”

    “So do I, but not on a special night like tonight, not when we’re finally together again for what feels like the first time in years.”

    That led to some more prolonged kissing. After a while, Daniel resumed the theme.

    “What about that cute guy at your job site. Saverio?”

    “Silvio. Total bust. I was coming out of the office building behind him one day, and he met a gorgeous Italian girl on the sidewalk outside. They walked off together, holding hands, and with her head parked on his big broad shoulder. What about you? I think we can take Rodrigo for granted. Anyone else get the Hawaiian Nine treatment?”

    Daniel turned serious for a minute. “You know, Laszlo, now that I’m your boyfriend and we’ve both decided to exit the porn industry, I think it’s time we put that nickname to bed for good. Being the Hawaiian Nine was a great role to play when I was young, but I’m older and wiser now. I can set it aside with no regrets because I’ve found a different version of myself that I like better.”

    “I totally get it. Arpad Nagy can go into retirement along with him. Now, your adventures!”

    “Rodrigo came home with a sexy young Asian surfer in tow one afternoon. Met him down the beach and was really impressed by his surfing moves. Turned out he was some sort of regional championship winner in Japan. Anyway, I was mostly impressed by his moves in bed. This guy couldn’t have been more than five foot two, at most, and maybe weighed a hundred and ten pounds soaking wet, but he took the whole of my dick without any squawk at all. Actually, he was 100% bottom, so the two of us spit-roasted him, changing ends every so often. Kept it going for three quarters of an hour, and as soon as Rodrigo dumped in his hole, we changed ends once more. After about thirty more seconds, I bred him too. We scooped as much as we could get of our loads out of his ass and fed it to him – and he swallowed it all and begged for more. Rodrigo was done by then, but I gave him another load, deep inside, before we called it a day and let him stagger off home to recuperate.”

    “Fuck, that sounds hot. Think we could find him again next time I cum over?”

    “I’d bet on it. Rodrigo certainly didn’t sound willing to treat him as a mere fuck-and-forget.”

    “Dammit, Daniel, all this hot talk is making me hard again.”

    “Not surprising – but save it. We’ve got the next three days together and we have to pace ourselves, or at least try to. I just want to snuggle down to sleep, holding my boyfriend close to me.”

    “You really love saying that word, don’t you? Happiness just pours out of you in strong waves every time you say, ‘my boyfriend.’”

    “Does this surprise you? You do realize that you are the very first man I’ve ever loved so much that I wanted to call him my boyfriend.”

    Laszlo looked faintly shocked. But he recovered quickly. “Come here. Snuggle and sleep time.”

    They wrapped themselves up in each other, physically and emotionally, and closed their eyes.

    In the morning, they were up in good time, showering together but not playing around. The car was going to be there for them at 10 AM, and they needed to be ready. As they enjoyed their coffee with hot rolls, cheese, and ham, European style, Daniel remarked on the nice view Laszlo had from his little dinette table next to the window. There was a lot more greenery than usual, thanks to the building on the next street that had a cluster of hibiscus bushes around its pool.

    Laszlo laughed. “You should see the view later in the day, when the hot boys who live there come out to the pool and start playing around. I’m sure they get an extra thrill out of knowing they’re being watched.”

    Daniel grunted, “Bunch of porn star wannabes. Oh, by the way, the weather is looking a bit unpredictable so you might want to pack a warm hoodie and a rain jacket as well as your usual clothes – and a good hot swimsuit too.”

    At ten, they were out on the street when the limo pulled up. The driver, a prematurely white-haired Nordic type, introduced himself as Sebastian, and loaded their small luggage into the back after he held the door for them to climb in.

    “Wow!” Laszlo said. “I’ve never ridden in one of these beauties before. Have you?”

    Daniel nodded. “The guy I hooked up with when I first came here from Hawaii – he was a big-shot porn producer. He loved to spend his money on hiring a huge limo like this and cruising around town in it with a bevy of hot boys to take turns on sucking and fucking him in the car. That’s how I met him. Worst $500 I ever earned in my life.”

    Laszlo nodded and said no more. It was the first time Daniel had ever alluded to his more distant past when talking to him, and it was plain that it wasn’t a pleasant memory. They settled back in the plush rear seat, cuddled close to each other, and popped the cork on the bottle of champagne placed there in readiness for them.

    As the limo cruised quietly through the traffic of Los Angeles, eventually getting onto the I-5, Laszlo wasn’t paying much attention to the outside world. The car purred quietly along on the highway, and he simply sat back, absorbed in the nearness and comfort of Daniel being right beside him and holding him as they finished off their champagne and dozed off back to sleep together.

    When he awoke, though, it was a different matter. The limo was moving more slowly, plainly climbing and driving along a road that was all curves and turns and steep grades. Daniel was awake now too, and Laszlo turned to him. “Are we going where I think we’re going?”

    “It’s possible.”

    About twenty minutes later, Laszlo saw a gateway which he recognized coming into view on the right-hand side of the road. The limo turned and rolled slowly into the winding driveway of the Alta Vista Sierra Lodge. As they got out of the car in front of the lodge’s entrance, Laszlo was struck all over again – just as on their first trip here for their final shoot – by the crisp clarity of the mountain air.

    Sebastian unloaded their bags, and confirmed the time when he would pick them up for their return trip to the city on Monday. Then he got into the limo, turned it with consummate skill in the limited space, and drove slowly away. They went inside, got checked in, and were escorted by the owner to the same suite which they had used for their filming over two years ago.

    As soon as the owner left, Daniel turned to Laszlo and said, “First things first. The hot tub’s right outside the sliding door. Swimsuit time!”

    Both of them had new suits to show off, Daniel’s a squarecut in royal blue with yellow flashes, designed with a full pouch in the front big enough to contain his equipment, and Laszlo in a flashy brief of brilliant tropical blues and greens. Laszlo chuckled as he saw Daniel strutting over to the door. “That look is quite a shift from those long jammers you always wear for surfing.”

    Daniel laughed, and then led him outside to the bubbling hot water. They climbed into the tub and sat there, snuggled against each other again while they admired the spectacular view of the rugged mountains towering up around them on three sides. Laszlo sighed in sheer contentment. Somehow, he never tired for a moment of simply sitting close to Daniel, letting their bodies rest against each other. They didn’t have to be doing anything – although it was terrific when they did. Just being so close to each other was everything he needed right now.

    “What was that sigh for?” Daniel asked. Laszlo explained. Then Daniel spoke again. “Laszlo, I just can’t get over how often we’re right on the same wavelength about things like this. It’s a real miracle. I just hope we still feel this way about each other fifty years from now.”

    “Any reason why only fifty years?”

    “Just a random number. All I want is to stay with you for the rest of my life.”

    “And I’m right on the same wavelength with you about that too, my love.”

    That night, the lodge’s chef laid out a splendid buffet dinner for the guests, a regular Friday night feature of the property, and they had a wonderful time picking out all the different dishes they wanted to sample. There was a well-stocked cellar, too, and they shared a choice bottle of wine along with the meal, before finishing with a crème brulée that was to die for and aromatic coffee.

    Back in their suite after dinner, they sat for a while on the terrace, gazing up at the starlit sky, and then turned in for the deepest, most restful sleep either of them could remember.

    The next two days were filled with hiking on the trails in the forest, one of which led to a panoramic view over the entire valley and the waterfalls where the river tumbled down the mountainside into the gorge below them. Then there were more spectacular meals on the terrace outside the dining room, and daily visits to the hot tub. These had to be kept discreet, because there were other guest rooms overlooking their terrace, but they still managed to sneak in a few surreptitious gropes and squeezes, enough to make the business of getting out of the water without showing off their arousal a tricky matter.

    And the sex. Laszlo and Daniel were steadily learning more and more about all the hundred and one ways they could turn each other on, and they were growing into a more and more rewarding sexual relationship with each session as a result. Neither of them had really understood until now how the sex in a relationship could become so intensely personal, although they’d always felt how special it was on an emotional level.

    On their final night, they went the whole hog for dinner, ordering and savouring the spectacular chateaubriand along with a top-notch red Bordeaux, and finishing off with a premium cognac along with their coffee. As they sat outside on another star-filled trip to the hot tub, Laszlo held Daniel close and murmured, “This whole visit has been absolutely magical. Thank you for making it possible.”

    “Magic is what we deserve. Nothing but the best will do for us, my dear Laszlo. But now, and I’m sorry to break the mood, what comes next? Of course, the car will be back at noon. He’ll drive us back to the city, take me to the airport first for my 7:45 flight home, and then drive you back to your apartment. But after that?”

    “Another three weeks of the work site, and then I have a three-week break before my final in-class term. Guess where I want to go for that down time.”

    “Hmm. Would it possibly be Kauai, by any chance?”

    “How did you guess?” They both laughed. “As long as you don’t mind me staying at your place with the other guys.”

    “Well, I guess we could stand the expense of one more mouth to feed.”

    “Smart ass!”

    “So, three weeks in Hawaii. And then, when that time is up, we can fly home together.”

    For a moment Laszlo looked uncertain, and then it dawned on him.

    “You mean…?”

    “I mean that it’s time. Time to come out of hiding, time for me to return to Los Angeles, time for us to become a proper full-time couple. As long as you don’t mind me moving right into your place and then staying for good.”

    Laszlo was so overwhelmed with the joy of the moment that he couldn’t even think up a sarcastic response. He flung himself into Daniel’s arms, kissing him until they were both thoroughly breathless. At last, he relaxed enough to say, “A proper full-time couple. Daniel, I can’t wait!”

    It took several more hours after that for them to wind down enough to get to sleep. Of course, the scramble out of the hot tub to get back inside in the rapidly cooling mountain air revved them up. Then, there seemed to be no limit to either their imaginations, or the ability of their bodies to keep generating erections and orgasms once they got into bed. At last, though, nature had her way and they fell asleep, wrapped in each other’s arms as they always did – and as they would always do.

    They opened the final morning with coffee in the hot tub, yelping again     at the chill in the air as they finally had to crawl out of the hot water and run back inside. Showers, dressing, packing all followed, before they went down to the dining room at ten for a late brunch. And then it was time to check out and walk out the entrance to find Sebastian waiting for them with the limousine. Bags loaded, they climbed into the back and relaxed for a sleepy drive back to Los Angeles. One final quick good-bye outside Terminal 2, and then Daniel walked briskly away into the terminal. Laszlo was left, standing at the curb, looking disconsolate.

    “I’m sorry,” Sebastian said. Laszlo looked at him. “It’s obvious that you are sad to see him leave, and I’m sorry for your sadness.”

    “Thanks. But it’ll be all right. It isn’t for much longer now.”

    Sebastian gave him a fatherly pat on the shoulder, and Laszlo climbed back into the limousine for the final leg of the trip home. When Laszlo walked into his apartment, he immediately set aside his sadness and began thinking ahead. What could he ditch, what could he store, to make room for Daniel to move in? Then he realized he was getting the cart in front of the horse. First things first. He went online to book a flight, and then sent the details to Daniel.

    Three weeks later, he was sitting on the plane for the flight back to Kauai. He had again gotten a seat on the nonstop flight. Flying back from the island the last time, he’d been grateful to shorten the time that he had to sit there in misery because of missing Daniel. Now, he was excited because it shortened the time he had to wait to be with Daniel again. Those magical words “for good” were ringing in his mind for the entire trip.

    As he exited the security area in the partially open-air terminal, he was greeted by the familiar smiling face of – Rodrigo? “Hi, Laszlo! Daniel asked me to come and get you.”


    “He had a bit of an accident when surfing this morning. Probably nothing big, but he’s in the ER waiting to be checked over.”

    “Well, let’s get over there! I have to see him!”

    “Easy, easy, Laszlo. That’s exactly where we’re going.”

    Laszlo was all fidgets for the ten minutes it took to drive to the hospital. True, Rodrigo had said it was “nothing big” but these surfer dudes used that kind of language to describe waves that would rock a fifteen-deck cruise ship significantly.

    They got to the hospital and walked into the emergency room to be greeted by a fussing and fuming Daniel. Laszlo was reassured right away. If he was only annoyed, and not gritting his teeth in pain, it couldn’t be that bad.

    After he’d hugged and kissed Laszlo, he turned to Rodrigo and blew off some steam. “Next in line. They finally told me I’m next in line. After waiting for almost twelve hours.”

    “What the hell?”

    “Rodrigo, it’s like every pregnant woman in Kauai suddenly decided to have her baby this afternoon, and there’s only one doctor on call. Every time I’m just about to get in there, they page her back to the maternity ward. Babies! The one thing that won’t wait for anyone or anything else, and the whole world must bow down and stand aside because Emperor or Empress Baby is on the way!”

    Laszlo suppressed a smile at hearing Daniel ranting like this. But at last Daniel calmed down enough to turn to him and ask how he was after his flight. Laszlo said, “All the better for seeing you sounding off about babies like this. Rodrigo really had me worried when he said you were stuck in the ER. Probably nothing wrong with you that a good night in bed won’t cure.”

    Rodrigo adopted a portentous, Wizard-of-Oz voice. “The Great Doctor Laszlo has spoken.”

    That made Daniel laugh finally. And then he was called in. He came back twenty-five minutes later with the soothing news that it was likely just a sprain but in a very unusual place, and he needed to rest and ice it for the next few days. With that, they got into Rodrigo’s extended cab pickup and headed back to the beach house. Sure enough, the sprain did gradually heal with good care, and Daniel was back to full form after about five days.

    On the third morning, at breakfast, Brad was mock-complaining to Arian about how they never saw Daniel any more, because his friend Laszlo was seemingly holding him captive in bed – probably had him tied to the bedposts, face down and unable to escape. Arian was laughing his head off at Brad’s dramatics, but then Rodrigo walked in, looking unusually solemn. Brad turned and said, “What’s up with you?”

    “Brad, I heard what you were saying. Just so you know, Laszlo isn’t just a friend, and this isn’t just a holiday fling. Daniel’s gotten incredibly lucky, and we should all be so lucky. He’s joined that short list of people who find the great love, the lifetime love, the one that so few people ever find for themselves.”

    Arian thought for a moment. “Rodrigo, you actually sound jealous.”

    “I am – a little. Not because I wanted Daniel for myself, but because I’ve never seen such a lifetime love in action before, and now I’m beginning to wish I had one for myself. It’s weird. I swore I would never fall into that trap, but suddenly it doesn’t look like a trap any more – and I wish I knew how to make the luck break that way for me. I guess I wish for too much.”

    “You never know, Rodrigo. I’ll bet Daniel never thought it would happen for him either.” Brad’s tone had also become much quieter and more thoughtful.

    While Daniel was metaphorically tied to the bed – by the need to soothe his sprain – he and Laszlo weren’t engaging in nonstop sexual acrobatics. Instead, they were talking nonstop about the future – about how they would handle everything from food shopping and household management to evening or overnight guests and travel planning. Laszlo spoke about the work he’d done to free up space for Daniel to put his things, and Daniel reassured him by telling him about how he’d actually sold off most of his stuff when he left California. At that, Laszlo’s face fell – and Daniel asked, “Now what?”

    “Please tell me you didn’t get rid of that incredible rainbow swirl abstract painting over the sofa!”

    “I loaned it to Lianne. She’s still got it, in her place. We’ll get it back.”

    “Just sign me, ‘Massively Relieved.’”

    Daniel laughed and Laszlo joined in.

    Laszlo, though, did spend some time out and about every day. He’d just treated himself by buying a really good SLR camera, and he wanted to practise with it by photographing everything in sight, from sexy surfer boys (an obvious choice) to tropical flowers and trees. Day by day, he was getting a better grip on how it worked, and what he could do with it.

    By the third week, the whole house had settled into a smooth routine with Laszlo every bit as much a part of the gang as any of the others. He joined right in with the ribald jokes and raucous laughter, showed real courtesy in greeting the unexpected overnight guests with Brad or Arian (or both) at morning coffee each day, and relished the time spent sitting on the sand dunes between coffee and breakfast, watching his man out surfing with his friends. Laszlo had actually amassed a substantial gallery of long-range photos of Daniel and his buddies by the time they neared the end of the three week holiday.

    The other really great thing that happened was the arrival of another new member of the group: Seiji, the slim, small young Japanese surfer who’d very obviously developed what was (at the least) a major crush on Rodrigo. He’d spent two separate nights with Rodrigo during the first two weeks, but in the third week he’d stayed for several nights in a row – and Rodrigo was obviously enjoying his company.

    Brad even picked Laszlo’s brain about it. “Do you think maybe Rodrigo might be falling in love with Seiji?”

    “Too soon to say, but it’s not impossible. I hope so. I know he’s going to miss Daniel when we leave.”

    “We? WE???! Daniel didn’t say a word about leaving with you!”

    Too late, Laszlo realized that he’d stepped into the swamp. “He didn’t? That surprises me. Don’t say anything to him until I have a chance to ask him why not.”

    Laszlo stepped out to look for Daniel, and found him sitting on the bench, staring at the ocean.

    “What’s up, Daniel?

    Daniel sighed. “Just realizing that I’m really going to miss these guys and this place when we leave.”

    “Is that why you didn’t tell Brad you were going?”

    “I couldn’t figure out how to do it. So I stalled.”

    “Well, I just let it slip and now I’m embarrassed, because I figured you would naturally have let them know.”

    “I’m sorry, Laszlo. I don’t know why I find conversations like this so hard to do.”

    “Like when you couldn’t tell me your feelings and had to run away to Hawaii instead.”

    “Yes. Like that.”

    “Come on, Daniel. You’re not that scared, lonely kid getting sucked into a ride in a limo any more. You’re a grown man, awesomely competent at so many things, and you’ve got me by your side so you have no reason to be afraid. Let’s go in together and you can tell Brad and Arian, and Rodrigo, yourself.”

    They did. The guys were startled, but not angry, and that made all the difference. They all congratulated him and Laszlo and wished them well for the future – “and don’t be a stranger,” Brad said, to resounding applause from the others.

    For the last three nights before departure for L.A., they moved back into the FourWinds resort – partly out of nostalgia, but partly because Daniel had an ulterior motive. He was still curious about the general manager’s action in buying dinner for them on their previous visit and hoped to find out more.

    On the first night, they had a different waiter whom they had not met before. But during the meal, Daniel spotted Aaron walking by and flagged him down. He greeted them with a broad smile.

    “Aaron, could you please tell me if the General Manager is here tonight?”

    “He is, sir. He’s actually standing over there, conferring with the maitre d’.”

    “Could you kindly let him know that I would welcome a chance to speak with him?”

    “There’s no need, sir. He’s already on his way over to see you.”

    Aaron slipped away as the tall, lean gentleman with the handsome Hawaiian face and salt and pepper hair approached them.

    “Good evening, gentlemen. My name is Ken Murayama, and I am the General Manager of FourWinds Resort. It’s a pleasure to welcome your back.”

    Both Laszlo and Daniel had stood up. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”

    “Indeed, and a pleasure to thank you in person for hour generosity to us on our last visit.”

    Mr. Murayama’s slightly old-world continental courtesy was infectious. Laszlo even found himself nodding his head in a slight bow, a throwback to his school training about appropriate dignity when meeting Hungarian ancestral nobility.

    “I hope you are finding everything in the resort to your liking.”

    “Very much so.” Daniel had seized the opportunity to take the lead. “I would like to ask a further favour. Could you possibly give me a little of your time to speak in private in your office, tomorrow?”

    “As much as you wish, Mr….?

    “Nakamura. Daniel Nakamura.”

    Murayama’s face broke into a slightly knowing smile. “It will be a pleasure. Would eleven o’clock suit you?”

    “That will be ideal.”

    “Splendid. I will see you then. Mr. Nakamura, Mr. Kertesz (and the names were delivered with a slight but courteous bow), enjoy the rest of your evening.”

    “Thank you.”

    “Thank you very much.”

    He stepped away and they sat down and resumed their meal. Once he was out of earshot, Laszlo commented, “There’s a real gentleman of the old school.”


    “Could you explain what that was all about?”

    “I can’t – yet. But there’s something about him. When I saw his photo on the hotel’s website, it was very tiny -- but the face seemed familiar somehow. I felt that even more strongly when I saw him tonight. I’m hoping to find out more when I speak with him.”

    “Do you want me there too?”

    “Perhaps better not. He might hesitate to open up with another person present.”

    “Fair enough. Can I borrow the Jeep for the morning? I’ll take the camera and go up to the canyon, see what I can do with it up there.”

    “Good plan, Laszlo. I’ve seen it enough times, once more or less won’t do me any harm. Enjoy yourself up there on the mountain!”

    The next morning, at eleven o’clock sharp, Daniel presented himself at the General Manager’s office, reflecting as he did so that “presented himself” was exactly the right wording for a man with Mr. Murayama’s old-world brand of courtesy, and that he perhaps should have gotten some calling cards first. The secretary took his name in, and came right back out, holding the door.

    “Right this way, sir.”

    “Thank you,”

    The General Manager was standing, waiting for him with a smile and an extended hand.

    “Welcome, Mr. Nakamura. What can I do for you?”

    “Daniel, please.”

    “Of course. Ken. Although my actual Hawaiian name is Kanani.”

    “Ken, then. I hope you won’t think this too forward of me, but I can’t help thinking that your face is slightly familiar, in a context which I can’t identify. I’m wondering, too, why you chose to offer the hotel’s hospitality to us at dinner on our last visit. We appreciated the courtesy very much, of course, but I couldn’t help wondering. I’ve had enough business experience myself to know that one doesn’t just give the farm away to every person who walks through the gate. Was there perhaps some more specific reason why you did that?”

    The General Manager sighed deeply, seeming lost in thought for a few moments. Then he roused himself and returned his attention to his visitor.

    “You come straight to the point, Daniel. And you’re quite right. There is a reason. I’ll be happy to tell you the whole story, if you wish.”

    “If you would, please.”

    “Very well. I’m prepared to do so because I was already asked to do so some years ago and because – as strange as this may sound – some people would say that I have a fair right to be considered your uncle.”



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  7. Chapter 14:  Long Distance


    Laszlo sat in his seat on the plane, silently willing it to pull away from the gate and get going. Daniel had urged, and he had agreed, that long goodbyes merely prolonged the agony. So they’d said their goodbyes before leaving the resort, Daniel had driven from there to the airport, and Laszlo had hopped out of the Jeep and grabbed his bag after one quick goodbye kiss.

    Now, as the plane sat through a delay (“to finish loading the baggage,” the captain had said), it seemed almost as if the airline had determined to drag out the process just to scrape his nerves, already raw after saying goodbye so soon after they had finally, truly met. He felt as if he had only taken a first step to go, as if he hadn’t really left Daniel yet, and it was ripping him apart from the inside out.

    Finally, the door was closed, the pre-flight announcements began, and in another minute the plane had begun to roll backwards from the terminal, being shoved clear by the tow tractor. At least, he thought, he had the consolation of knowing that he’d gotten a seat on one of the few nonstop flights to Los Angeles and didn’t have to go through the whole hassle all over again in Honolulu.

    In a few more minutes they were on the runway, and Laszlo found his window was facing the terminal area and the main part of the island. His eyes were getting very wet as the plane lifted and soared into the sky, but he was pretty sure that he could make out, between tears, the grey Jeep parked by the road outside the airport with the lone figure standing beside it, waving.

    Laszlo was so depressed that he even declined the offer of drink or food, and just did his best to sleep the five-hour flight away.

    It was after 11:00 at night when Laszlo finally walked into his apartment. He was tired, jetlagged, and most of all he was suffering from extreme emotional disorientation. For three wonderful days and nights he had been joining his life together with the man of his long dreams, and now they were disconnected from each other again. It was only a small consolation that he now knew where Daniel could be found.

    Laszlo fell onto his bed, curling himself up into a tight little ball of unhappiness and misery. He wanted so desperately to call. Even talking to Daniel would be a bit of a help. But they weren’t due to have their first scheduled FaceTime until tomorrow evening – and after checking the time yet again, he knew that Daniel – the personification of “early to bed, early to rise” – would most likely be asleep.

    In this, as it happened, Laszlo was right on target. The man who was occupying his every thought was sleeping peacefully, a beatific smile spread across his face. His reaction to the end of their first shared time together was sheer euphoria: his fears put to rest, his doubts settled, a lifetime of feeling somehow wrong or insufficient or inadequate tossed into the garbage can, never to return. That miraculous transformation which Laszlo had wrought in Daniel had made – literally – a new man out of him.

    Not to suggest that Daniel was in any way unperceptive or uncaring. When Daniel had awoken the next morning and taken a bit of time to think, he realized himself that his reaction was not what most people would expect to see in this situation. He was also quite sure that Laszlo was going to be a good deal less happy than he was. When it came to their FaceTime, he knew that he would have to dampen down his enthusiasm, just in case, but also be ready to try to use some of his energy to pick Laszlo back up.

    Sure enough, when he ran downstairs to get some coffee, Rodrigo remarked at once on his bright cheery disposition. “I thought you’d drag in here like you were pulling a hundred-pound weight labelled ‘Life’s Tragedy’ and here you are, almost bouncing off the walls, you’re so happy!” Arian and Brad also noticed the unexpected reaction, but they were a bit more tactful about just letting it go by unremarked. Tact, however, would never be Rodrigo’s middle name.

    As the clock approached ten that evening, Laszlo pulled himself together. He hadn’t exactly been bawling his eyes out all day, but he had certainly wandered around in a fog of gloom. But now he had to buck himself up, in case Daniel was even more down and needed his help. So he headed to the bathroom, washed his face in hot water to wake himself up and to clean away any negative evidence, then sat down at his computer and connected.

    Daniel came on right away. “Laszlo! How are you doing?” Then he looked more closely. “You are trying very hard to put on a good face. Is it bad for you?”

    Laszlo just nodded.

    “Oh, love, I wish I could be there to hug you again, just to pick you back up.”

    Laszlo quickly dashed his hand across his eyes. “This is a lot harder than I thought it would be, Daniel. I don’t know how anyone ever survives in a long-distance relationship. It’s barely 30 hours and I’m coming apart.”

    Daniel thought quickly. This was a lot worse than he’d expected. “You need to talk to someone there, in person. Someone who’s been there and knows the score. Do you still keep in touch with Jim and Steve?”


    “Jim’s the man you need to talk with.”

    “Why him?”

    “His relationship before Steve was a long-distance one and lasted for six years. And he’s a good guy, with a caring heart. He’s sure to have some ideas and advice for you, and he’ll surely give you enough support to hold the fort for the next six weeks.”

    “I can try, I suppose.”

    “You should. Moping by yourself for weeks on end is no way to live. Reach out to some of the others. Marina is another one – she has more common sense in her little finger than most people I know can find in their whole body. And she really likes you, cares what happens to you. Why don’t you call her for coffee, first break you get in your schedule?”

    Laszlo was brightening a bit. “That sounds like a plan, both of them.”

    Daniel decided to go for the clinching argument. “Laszlo, trust in both of us, in what we said and did for and with each other. We said the biggest words of our lives: ‘I love you.’” Laszlo positively beamed at the memory. “We said it and we meant it, every word. Now, it’s just waiting time, and that means patience. It’s hard, but we’re strong where it counts – stronger than ever, since we’ve pledged to share our strength with each other. So we have strength and love on our side, and with that we can find the patience we need to get through this challenging time.”

    “Daniel, I love you so much – and I love the way you always find the words to say that I need to hear so badly.”

    “Laszlo, I feel the same about you. During the time since we met again on Saturday night, I’ve found more strength and healing from you than I ever got from all the rest of the people in my entire life. You’ve given me an whole new life which I didn’t think I could ever have. I love you.”

    “I love you.”

    “Feeling better now?”

    “Yes. Much better. I’ll get hold of Jim and Marina tomorrow. And we’ll talk tomorrow night again. Friday, I have my orientation session at my worksite, nine to one, and then the rest of the day off. What about you?”

    “More of the same old for me. Coffee on the beach. Surfing with the guys in the morning before all the incompetent tourists get there and ruin all the waves. More surfing in the evening, after they’ve all gone.”

    “And hot sex with Rodrigo?”

    “Umm….” Daniel was actually caught off guard by Laszlo’s sudden thrust.

    Laszlo laughed. “Okay with me if you do. I wouldn’t mind having a go at him myself, next time I’m there. He’s hot and sexy and he already did a crotch grind and winked at me. I’m sure he’s interested.”

    Now it was Daniel’s turn to chuckle. “Rodrigo? Yup, he gets hot on the turn of a dime, especially for anyone who’s…”

    Laszlo had just a split second to register the door opening behind Daniel’s face before Rodrigo cut in. “Talking about me?”

    Once again, Daniel was left momentarily speechless.

    Laszlo laughed again and batted right back for both of them. “Well, naturally. I knew you’d been fucking around with Daniel, and then you came on to me, so that makes you fair game for both of us!”

    Rodrigo laughed too. “Got me, sheriff!”

    Daniel cut in, his voice a shade cooler, Laszlo thought. “Rodrigo, can you give us a few minutes to wrap this up and then come back?”

    Rodrigo realized belatedly that walking in without warning maybe wasn’t the smartest move in the world after what had happened in the last few days. “Sure. Check back in ten. See you, Laszlo.”


    After he’d left, Daniel sighed slightly. “My bad. I should have warned him that I’d be busy at this time. Sorry, Laszlo.”

    “Look on the bright side, Daniel – at least he didn’t come in to ask for phone sex.”

    “How can you be sure?” That set both of them laughing. Then Daniel went on. “Well, you’re looking a whole lot better now than when we came on here.”

    “I am. Thank you. What you said – I needed to hear that, from you. I’m sure we can make it through this tough time.”

    “So am I, Laszlo. The real miracle here is that we love each other. That makes everything possible for us.”

    “I love you, Daniel.”

    “I love you, Laszlo. See you same time tomorrow.”

    They blew kisses at each other, and Daniel clicked off. Laszlo sat back with a smile on his face. He hadn’t just been talking idly. Daniel really had picked him back up and fixed his anguish, and he could now see clearly how they could and would pull each other through it all.

    Daniel sat back, deep in thought. He could foresee that days would come when he felt like he was hitting rock bottom, just as Laszlo had been tonight. But he also knew that, if and when that happened, Laszlo would pull him back up just as surely as he had helped Laszlo back onto his emotional feet. Armed with that assurance, he knew that both of them would be fine.

    Rodrigo eventually crept back in, knocking first and looking abashed. “I’m sorry, Daniel. I didn’t realize you and your boyfriend would be chatting. Should have thought of that.” To his surprise, Daniel actually smiled, a broad, beaming smile spreading slowly from ear to ear. “Hey, what’s with the smile? I didn’t expect you to happy at me for busting in!”

    Daniel chuckled. “You called him my boyfriend. And you’re right. I’m smiling because I’ve never had a boyfriend. I’ve been a kept boytoy, but that’s not the same at all. My boyfriend!” He followed that with a happy sigh. Then, back to business. “Just so you know, we’re scheduled to FaceTime every night at eight o’clock. The door will be closed, that’s the reason. It’s my fault, we’ve been so used to just walking into each other’s rooms all the time, and I should have told you before that this was going to happen.”

    “Daniel, I’ve never seen you looking like this before. Not just happy, but filled up with enough joy to spread it around the whole world if you could. And it looks great on you.”

    “Thanks, Rodrigo. I’ve never been this Daniel before now, and that’s an amazing feeling.”

    They said goodnight to each other, and soon Daniel was asleep.

    So was Laszlo. In the morning, he texted to Marina, asking her when they could meet for coffee, and to Steve, asking when he could see him and Jim for lunch or dinner. To both, he added that he had some important news to share with them.

    Marina came back first and told him that she could see him on Saturday, at the Black Gold Café, any time after 10 am. He set it for 10:30. Steve fired back not long after and invited him for dinner on Saturday night.

    Friday morning was an eye-opener for Laszlo. It was one thing to learn about all the ins and outs of accounting and business management in a textbook or a classroom environment, quite another to start seeing how people actually used those skills in a real-life, real-time setting. He was assigned to shadow Silvio, a member of the regular workforce, for the first week or so.

    Friday night, he told Daniel all about his day. Daniel picked up on a note in his voice when he mentioned Silvio, and asked, “Is he cute?”

    Laszlo replied, “Yes, now that you mention it. I was too busy listening to pay much attention to that today. Tall, dark curly hair, dark eyes, mmm….”

    Daniel laughed. “Well, if you can land him, have fun!”

    Laszlo laughed in turn, “What, no jealousy?”

    Daniel turned serious. “Laszlo, we talked about this and agreed it was going to be something we wouldn’t feel guilty about if it happened. Not feeling guilty only works if we also don’t feel jealous. And why would I? I trust all those magic words you said to me, and I believe in you – even more, I think, than you believe in yourself. No worries, my love.”

    Saturday morning, Laszlo woke up late. After grabbing a quick bite and cleaning up, he had to hustle to be on time for his coffee date with Marina. He arrived, she jumped up to hug him (sliding her hand slyly down his butt), and they sat down. Laszlo was laughing. “Still the same Marina.”

    “Well, duh, you didn’t expect me to change did you?” They both chuckled again at the perennial inside joke over Marina’s I-don’t-care attitude towards getting her gender change surgery. But then she gave him a more penetrating look. “You, on the other hand, are looking really different. My Italian gramma would say that you’d been to the fiesta, your voice had changed! Come on, spill. What’s the big news?”

    For answer, he took out his phone to show her a picture: a selfie, taken on the beach at the end of the road in Kauai, with that magical panorama of the huge cliffs looming behind the happy pair of handsome men smiling broadly at each other.

    Marina gasped. “You found him! And by the looks of it, you snagged him too! Laszlo, that is just awesome!” He grinned. “How did you track him down?”

    Laszlo explained his process of deduction and his extended manhunt. But then he went on to tell her about the intriguing way the last step of getting them together had happened.

    She shook her head. “Laszlo, you must have been born with a lucky horseshoe up your ass!” That made both of them laugh. She worked on him for more details of what had happened, and then sat there, listening with a huge smile on her face as he told her all about the three special days and nights, culminating in the free romantic dinner on the last night. Along the way, he threw in the way that he and Daniel had arrived, separately but simultaneously, at the decision to quit the porn industry. Marina just kept shaking her head in amazement at the whole story. But when she commented, it was more serious. “You know, Laszlo, I’ve known Daniel for nearly ten years, and the way you’re describing him – it’s like a whole side of him that I’ve never seen, didn’t even know it existed. It’s like he’s been locked for years in a self-made prison – and you found the key, unlocked the door, and set him free.”

    They talked a little longer about other things before parting, but that thoughtful take on it stuck with him as he walked home again. Coming from someone who knew Daniel as well as Marina did, it came to him as a powerful affirmation of the value of his relationship.

    That afternoon, he arrived at Jim and Steve’s condo at 4:00. They’d invited him to come for a swim before dinner, “that is,” Jim had said in a mock-serious voice, “if you’re not the kind of guy who finds it hard hanging around a pool with a bunch of good-looking gay boys all eyeing each other and touching each other and… and so on, and so on.”

    They enjoyed splashing around in the sun-drenched rooftop pool, lounging on the terrace, drinking the canned coolers Steve had brought up in a cold bag, and commenting on the scenery – much of it young, toned to the last ab, and hot as hell. One young fellow in particular, a cute blond with a globe-like ass shown off to perfection by a white thong, wandered by and began flirting with Laszlo, who was happy to join the game. At the same time, though, Laszlo saw out of the corner of his eye that everyone else around the pool was giving them covert glances, as if to see what – if anything – would happen. He made a quick guess and cooled it a bit. Finally, the guy moved on.

    Going back down in the elevator for dinner, Jim confirmed his guess. “Ricky is the resident slut of the building. Twenty years old but acts like he’s sixteen. Has to try it on with every new guy he sees coming by, so we knew he’d be after you. About the only thing that hasn’t been up inside his ass is a Mack truck. Never refuses an offer to get bred by all cummers.” The three of them laughed.

    Over a long, leisurely dinner followed by another glass or two of wine, they spent a lot of time talking about what they’d all been up to, since they hadn’t seen each other for over a year – not since the goodbye party for Hawaiian Nine Films, in fact. Jim and Steve had settled back contentedly into their home life, and Steve was enjoying his new job as PR manager of a company which owned Black Gold and half a dozen other restaurants and bars in WeHo and surrounding areas. Jim was taking a bit of a breather from the work world and acting as househusband, although he had a couple of irons in the fire – “…but I have time to decide, I don’t have to jump at the first offer that comes along.”

    Laszlo told them about his courses, and all about his upcoming work term. Then, in a voice perhaps too elaborately casual, he mentioned his two vacations in Hawaii.

    Steve picked up on that right away. “Twice you went to Hawaii? Once I could understand but twice sounds suspicious. Some hot Hawaiian surfer boy hooked you when he bit your ass or let you bite his?”

    Jim laughed but Laszlo blushed as he replied. “Well, as a matter of fact… yes.” And just at that precise moment, his phone buzzed. “Oh, shit, it’s ten o’clock. Sorry about this.” And he clicked onto FaceTime.

    “Hi, Laszlo!”

    “Hello, my love.”

    Jim and Steve were looking at each other with their eyebrows arched a trifle.

    “Been having yourself a busy day up there?”

    “Yeah. I’m out at dinner right now and had coffee earlier with Marina.”

    “With Marina! I’ll be that was fun. And where exactly are you out to dinner? That painting behind you looks sort of familiar.”

    Steve leaned over and whispered something in Jim’s ear, and Jim’s eyes suddenly opened out along with his mouth like a trio of outsized Cheerios.

    “It should look familiar. Here, guys, come over and say hello to my new boyfriend.”

    As always, Daniel’s face blossomed into a shit-eating grin at that word. Jim and Daniel got up and came over, as Laszlo turned his phone around so they could see the screen.

    Daniel laughed. “Well, will you look who turned up now?”

    Steve was the first to recover from the surprise. “Listen who’s talking. Daniel, where the hell are you, anyway? Everyone’s been wondering!”

    “For the moment, still in Hawaii, but I’ll be coming back before too much longer. As the plans fall into place, the happy guy holding the phone will be able to keep you up with the details.”

    Jim leaned a bit harder. “I want to know why the fuck you ran off on everyone without a hint of a goodbye.” Laszlo cringed slightly. Seeing that, Steve put a hand on Jim’s arm in a “back off” gesture. But Daniel wasn’t fazed.

    “Put it simply – I was frightened and confused by my feelings. Then the guy who was causing all those confusing and scary feelings came looking for me, he found me – with a bit of help from one of my friends down here – and we’re a couple now. And FaceTiming every night, except Laszlo didn’t tell me he was inviting everyone else to join in on the call this time.” And he gave a fake-irritated cough.

    Steve and Jim both laughed at that, and Laszlo decided to recover the phone so he could at least look at his man himself for a bit. “Daniel, one thing I can tell you, Marina was absolutely thrilled to hear the news. I’m waiting for a reaction from these two, they’re still in shock.”

    Steve recovered quickly. “Well, of course, I’m thrilled too! That’s the best news I’ve had all week, and I’m sure you two will make as good a couple as Jim and I do.”

    Jim coughed. “As good as?”

    “Well, almost.”

    They all laughed. Then Jim chimed in again. “It’s wonderful. I’m so happy for both of you. It’s easy to guess that you’ve both been having a rough time for the last year, so getting the chance to heal, and live, and love together is fantastic. Big hugs and kisses to everyone!”

    Then Laszlo reclaimed the phone again. “There you go, Daniel. Anyone else you’d like me to tell while I’m at it?”

    “Umm… I don’t think you need to worry. If you’ve told Marina, and Jim and Steve, the news is going to be all over the WeHo gaydar by morning. I won’t specify exactly who will do the leaking.”

    Laszlo laughed uproariously, and quickly spun the phone around so Daniel could see Jim and Steve pointing accusingly at each other.

    “Okay, then, Daniel. I’ll cut out for now. After all, I am being a bit rude with my dinner hosts. Talk again tomorrow. I love you so much.”

    “I love you more. Until tomorrow.”

    And Laszlo clicked off.

    “Phew! Just in time!” Jim wiped his brow. “That was on the verge of becoming nauseating.”

    Steve chided, “Jim! Don’t be so catty!”

    All three of them laughed again. After some more detailed conversation about Laszlo’s whole experience of hunting Daniel down, and Steve wanting to know a bit about how Daniel’s friend played into the whole thing, Laszlo changed the subject a bit.

    “There’s still something a bit scary about this. I mean, I’ve still got two terms to go on my college program, and it’s going to take some time for Daniel to make the arrangements to move back up here, so we’re going to be doing long-distance for a while. And I think I’m going to have trouble hacking that for the length of time it’s going to take.”

    Jim moved over and sat next to him, putting an arm around his shoulders. “Laszlo, I don’t know if Daniel told you but, before I met Steve, I had been in a long-distance relationship for almost six years. My ex and I didn’t plan it that way, it just evolved in that direction. Yes, it’s tough, and it can feel at times like going through hell, but it is workable if you care enough to put in the work to keep it going. Especially in your case, where you can see the light on the horizon and know that it isn’t going to stay that way for ever.”

    Stave came and sat on his other side. “I get it. For so long, you were pining after him, long before he sold the company and took off. Now you finally got him, and then bang! You had to leave, after just a few days.”


    “Three days. You’re carrying all the euphoria of the beginnings of love, but you’ve got no outlet because the man you love isn’t here. Any time, any time at all, that you need to talk, we’re here and we’ll listen and try to help you in any way we can, because you’re our friend.”

    Laszlo smiled. “Thanks so much, Jim, Steve. I really appreciate your support. You guys are awesome friends – and as a couple, you’re an awesome role model for how I hope Daniel and I will be together.” With that, Laszlo figured it was about time to say goodbye and stood up.

    Steve said, in a meaning voice, “Well, you don’t have to rush off just yet if you don’t want to.”

    Jim elbowed him. But Laszlo just smiled and said, “Not tonight, thanks. I just want to have some time to myself to think my thoughts.”

    They both said goodbye to him, with hearty hugs and kisses, and with extra kisses for him to give Daniel when he saw him again, and off he went.

    Steve was still smiling. “I can’t believe they hooked up at last, but it’s great news. Just to see Laszlo really smiling like that, and after he was so miserable all year.”

    Jim nodded and threw in his two cents’ worth. “And I don’t think I have ever seen Daniel smile like that. Ever! Whatever he’s been doing in Hawaii, it obviously agrees with him.”

    “Surfing. Didn’t you hear Laszlo? He’s dating a Hawaiian surfer boy. What’s Daniel doing? He’s gone back to his roots and started over, and he’s doing it right this time.”

    “Just as you said he would. I love how you always guess right about what’s going on, Steve.”

    Laszlo walked home along the street, a meditative smile on his face. As he went, though, he realized that he would actually have done better to have stayed a little longer at Jim and Steve’s place. He was now aware, and beginning to be painfully aware, that he hadn’t emptied his balls since he’d left Kauai on Tuesday, and now it was Saturday. He was just resigned to having to resort to his right hand, when a voice spoke in his ear.

    “Hey, sexy. Feeling lonely tonight?”

    He turned. It was Ricky. He was “dressed” (if you wanted to be charitable) in a pair of tight, white spandex shorts pulled halfway down his ass, and a crop top that was equally tight and cut off just below his pecs. Laszlo quickly glanced around. No one was nearby, and there was a convenient alleyway right beside him. And his cock was already three-quarters of the way to full erection.

    “Get in here.”

    He dragged Ricky about twenty steps into the alleyway, just enough to get behind a fire escape, then spun him around and pushed him up against the wall. His hand grasped the waistband of those tiny shorts, then dug inside and fingered the younger guy’s crack. Laszlo leaned close, and grunted, “Is this what you wanted?”

    Ricky smiled and said, “Fuck, yes. I want your dick inside me.”

    Laszlo was already hard. He yanked the shorts down, exposing that full ripe peach. His finger went to the hole, and found it was already loose and wet. Sloppy seconds.

    “How many loads have you got in here already.”


    “This one’s going to be as big as two more. Haven’t fucked in four days and I’m loaded and ready.”

    “Ooh, yeahhhh….”

    Laszlo pulled his own pants open, spat on his hand twice, wiped it on his now rock-solid cock, and pushed Ricky’s head up against the wall as he said, “Stick your ass out.” Ricky complied, and Laszlo shoved his big tool deep into Ricky’s loose, wet hole in one long thrust.

    “Fuck, yeah!” Ricky’s response wasn’t a scream of pain, more a cry of triumph.

    Laszlo planted his head on Ricky’s shoulder and began talking. He’d already guessed that the little slut liked it vocal. “You like this, don’t you? Yeah, you’re a good little slut, pulling your pants down and taking my cock in a dark alley. You really like this. Really want my fucking load?”

    “Oh, yeah! Fuck me and breed me.”

    “You’re not going to be able to keep it all in. It’ll be running out of your ass and staining those pretty white shorts.”

    “Give to me. I want it.”

    Laszlo was already getting close. He’d never thought he cared much about these anonymous scenes, but the timing, his own frustration, his overloaded balls, it all transformed him into a back alley breeder, ready to fuck bare in anything that had an ass and would let him in.

    He was grunting now, feeling his load mounting up the shaft and knowing he was about to fire off inside this piggy kid’s ass – and he didn’t care. He was in full rut, and only cared about planting his seed somewhere. Anywhere.

    Laszlo groaned. “Fucking gonna cum.”

    “Yeah! Cum inside my ass. Give it to me!”

    Laszlo blasted off inside Ricky’s ass, slamming in as hard as he could go on each pulse, as if to shoot so far inside that it would take a week to come back out. At least, that’s what he tried to do. When he pulled out, the tidal wave of spooge that followed just about landed on his feet, and he jumped back just in time. He wiped his dick on his shirt tail, ignoring the pleading eyes that wanted to lick it clean, tucked it back in, slapped Ricky’s ass, and growled, “Great fuck. Keep it in you.”

    Walking away, Laszlo felt relieved physically, but also grew disgusted with himself. No self control at all, leaping at the town slut without a second thought like that. He hoped Ricky hadn’t given him anything besides a willing, wet hole to fuck.


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  8. Chapter 13:  New Reality


    Broad daylight was sliding in around the edges of the louvered doors to the balcony when Laszlo awoke in the morning. He squinted against the vestiges of sunlight to read the clock – 7:35 am – and then shook his head and muttered, “Wow, what a crazy dream that was.”

    Then he felt a hand fall gently on his shoulder and twisted his head around to see Daniel propped up on one elbow and beaming down at him like the happiest guy in the world – which he probably was. Laszlo’s eyes opened wide.

    “Holy hell! So it wasn’t a dream!”

    “What happened in it?”

    “Well, I was eating dinner and this guy came over and asked me to go and see his friend, so I did – and the friend was you. And then we talked, you told me you loved me, and I said the same to you, and then we came back here and made ecstatic love for hours.”

    Daniel laughed joyously, and then quoted John Bunyan. “ ‘So I awoke, and behold, it was a dream.’ Is that what you’re thinking?” Laszlo nodded. “Well, it wasn’t. It all happened. We both said the magic words, ‘I love you,” to each other, and then we came up here to your room and proved it.”

    By this time, Laszlo was wide awake and full memory was returning. “I guess I just thought it was a dream because it seemed so impossible that it could be real.”

    Daniel leaned down and kissed him. “I thought so too. But it happened, it was real, and we’ve just slept together for the first night of the rest of our lives – together.”

    Now, Laszlo was positively grinning at his recollections of the night before. But Daniel had an agenda. “I need to get some coffee. You?”

    “Yes, please.”

    Daniel got out of bed, and Laszlo lay there, sprawled against the pillows, enjoying the spectacle of Daniel’s dark-tanned muscular body, totally naked, the muscles working under the skin as he strode across the room, ran the water, filled up the machine, and proceeded to set the coffee brewing. He then turned and walked back to the bed, and Laszlo got another eyeful of the famous Hawaiian Nine dangling in a relaxed state, but easily still measuring six inches long.

    “What are you staring at?” Daniel’s tone was amused rather than irritated.

    “The most beautiful sight in the world.”

    “Okay, that was a bit over the top – this cheesy dialogue is starting to sound like a cheap romance novelist who’s having an off week.”

    “I know,” Laszlo chuckled, “and you love every minute of it. Don’t you dare pretend you don’t!”

    Daniel laughed too, and hopped onto the bed beside him, reaching out to stroke his taut abs. He leaned down, and they kissed some more, wrapping their arms around each other – until the coffee maker gave a loud belch, signifying that its work was done, and the coffee was ready to pour.

    Daniel got up and got the mugs ready. “You take anything?”


    “A man after my own heart.” He poured the coffee, carried it over to the bed, handed one mug to Laszlo, and then reached out to clink his against it. “Here’s to us, and to a beautiful life that we can share together.”

    He planted his mug on the table, climbed back into bed next to Laszlo, and then they sat up against the pillows together, sipping coffee, and cozying up to each other with little random touches and brushings against each other, all very cozy and domestic.

    After a few minutes, Laszlo said, “We don’t have to decide everything right away, but there are certainly some things we will need to discuss – you know, the kinds of things that every normal couple starts going into before they begin talking about it being for life.”

    Daniel gave a little pout, but with a twinkle in his eye. “Are you implying that we aren’t normal?”

    Laszlo said, “No. I’m saying it right out, not implying it. Last night we all but married each other, on the spur of the moment, and without any warning or preparation.”

    “True. And wasn’t it wonderful!”

    “It was. But now, I have to think about the future for a bit. Starting with the fact that I’m due to fly back to Los Angeles in two more days.”

    “Well, that’s a fine way to show how much you love a guy! Kiss and fly express romance!”

    “This is my break month from classes, but the next term begins on Monday. It’s a work term, and I need to report to my work site on Friday for some preliminary paperwork, and to meet the team I’m going to be working with. Plenty to organize.”

    Daniel nodded. He remembered all too well the tyranny of schedules in the real world.

    “When can you come back? Or can I come up and see you?”

    “I’d love to have you come up and see me, but it had probably better be over a weekend because there’s no knowing how hectic things might get on workdays for the next two months. But before you start planning, you should know that I’m in a new place now, actually just along the street from the building where your old condo was before you sold it and flew away to surf.”

    Daniel chuckled. “And this is an issue?”

    “Might be, if you’re concerned about the gossip around WeHo that the Hawaiian Nine has suddenly reappeared out of nowhere.”

    “Hmm. Good point. But there is the one holiday weekend in there. If I fly up on the Thursday, I can collect you from work on Friday and we can go away somewhere together for the next three nights, coming back on Monday.”

    Laszlo kissed Daniel with a smile on his face. “I like the way your mind works.” But then he got serious again. “At the least, we should talk a bit about who we want to tell.”

    “Such as…?”

    “The entire Hawaiian Nine gang for starters. Your friends down here.”

    “Rodrigo will have already taken care of that – trust me. That guy’s as bad as any gossiping old-timer when it comes to dishing the dirt.”

    Laszlo laughed. “My family. Yours?”

    “No. I’ve lost touch with all of them – and it’s better so for my peace of mind.”

    Laszlo said no more, just put down his coffee cup and gave Daniel a fierce hug. He could feel the tears trickling down Daniel’s face, and he knew at once that this was the cruellest heartache his man had ever endured. He moved on from hugging to kissing, and Daniel responded eagerly. Strangely, Laszlo wasn’t at all upset that Daniel seemed prepared to use him to forget the pain of family rejection. Laszlo knew that there was so much he and Daniel could do for each other in a shared life, but for him, showing Daniel that he was valued, wanted, needed, truly worthy of being loved was probably the biggest single gift he could give. It was a gift of healing, of closing up an immense wound inflicted by others, and Laszlo was both honoured and humbled that Daniel had trusted him enough to let him be the healer he needed.

    The kissing quickly became more intense as Daniel reached down to squeeze Laszlo’s cock, causing it to harden swiftly. When it was fully ready, Daniel spat in his hand, reached down to prepare his hole, and then lay on his back and lifted his legs. Laszlo climbed on top of him, slowly sliding his cock into Daniel until it was completely lodged inside him, and their two bodies were joined and merged from shoulders to hips.

    Laszlo lay still, covering Daniel’s face with his kisses, murmuring words of love as Daniel gently stroked his body. “Daniel, you wonderful, beautiful man, I love you so much more than I could possibly tell you.”

    “Show me, Laszlo. If you can’t tell me, show me.”

    With that, Laszlo began to move slowly. It was another one of those amazing times where time didn’t exist, where the only reality was the intense trust and affection they were forging between them. As he moved, as Daniel continued stroking him, there was no room in Laszlo’s mind for anything but the one incredible truth, that the man he loved with all his being loved him just as much, and that anything and everything was possible, now that they were finally and truly together.

    It didn’t take long. Daniel was so stirred by the intense waves of love pouring out of Laszlo to wash him clean of his pain and hurt that he found he was about to cum after only a few minutes.

    “Ohhh… Laszlo… oh, that’s so good… I’m ready. Make me cum, Laszlo, I want to cum right along with you.”

    It was all Laszlo needed to hear. He speeded his movements, his breathing became raspy, Daniel cried aloud, and then they exploded at the same moment, Daniel’s cock spurting up against Laszlo’s chest and falling back down onto his body while Laszlo’s cum blew inside him with a force that he could feel as he was filled up.

    And they hadn’t broken the kiss even once. Slowly their breathing returned to normal. At last, Daniel managed to control his tears of joy enough to say, “I have never felt so complete, so whole, so loved in my entire life. Thank you for loving me, Laszlo.” And Laszlo was not surprised to find that he, too, was getting teary-eyed at those words.

    After a while, they got up and moved to the bathroom, showering together with a great deal more kissing and touching, and then got dressed to go down to breakfast. All Daniel had was the clothes he’d had on last night, but they were passable for the moment.

    At breakfast, Daniel got a text from Rodrigo.

    • what pickup time for your ride?
    • bring my jeep?
    • driving u back here is easier
    • true – 10 am ok?
    • will do

    Then he turned again to Laszlo. “Rodrigo will be here to get us at 10:00.”

    “Where are we going?”

    “For starters, I need some fresh clothes and stuff to move in here for 2 nights – if that’s all right with you.” This was said with a mocking grin. “Then, I have to get my Jeep so I can show you around some of my favourite spots.”

    By lunch time, they had been back to the house where Daniel put together a quick overnight bag, and Laszlo got a chance to meet and talk with Rodrigo, and more briefly with Arian and Brad. All three of them were very happy to meet him because his arrival had plainly lifted away all the clouds and gloom that had been hovering around Daniel ever since he had come to the island. His friends were all immensely relieved to see Daniel looking and sounding so amiable and so jovial, really a totally different man from the one they’d been sharing the house with for the last year and more.

    Laszlo had said a heartfelt thank you to Rodrigo for making the move to get him and Daniel together, and Rodrigo had given him a warm-hearted hug – and a hint of a crotch grind – in response. Then he let Laszlo go, with a suggestive wink.

    As they drove away from the house, Laszlo said, “So, I assume you’ve been playing around with Rodrigo. I can tell.”

    Daniel just grinned and said, “Guilty as charged. How could you tell?”

    “Let’s just say that he wasted no time dropping hints at me too. What about Arian and Brad? Any fooling around there?”

    “Not a chance. Each of those guys has a waiting list of at least 20 females. There’s no room for any of our tribe to squeeze in between. Pretty much every morning, one or the other of them will come down for coffee and breakfast with another girl we’ve never seen before.”

    “Are they good surfers?”

    “Of course – all of us are. It’s no use trying to surf the waves off this beach unless you are a true expert. Though where those two ever found time to polish their surfing skills when they’re always bed hopping….”

    Laszlo laughed.

    Daniel took Laszlo to a favourite little place down the beach, a seafood shack which dished up the most awesome fresh fish that had come out of the ocean that morning. From there, they drove on for something over half an hour to the quiet beach at the end of the road, a beach tucked into a tight little alcove in the high rocky cliffs. There, as expected, they had to park at the overflow lot and walk the last stretch. Once they came to the edge of the sand, Daniel said, “Better kick off your shoes and go barefoot here. I’ve got a surprise to show you.” Laszlo complied, and the two of them set off, walking back along the beach in the direction the road had come from, plowing their way through the deep, soft sand. After they’d walked for perhaps three minutes, Daniel stopped and said, “Now, turn around.”

    Laszlo gasped at the vista that was revealed, rank after rank of towering heights of land soaring up out of  the ocean and stretching off into the distance like the rows of wings in an old-fashioned theatre stage. The air was full of the roar of the surf, and along the base of those soaring cliffs lay a permanent haze of ocean spray flung up by the crashing waves upon the rocks. It gave the whole scene a dream-like quality that matched the feeling of being somehow pulled out of normal time and space which Laszlo had been experiencing ever since he’d encountered Daniel the night before.

    “It’s a magical place,” Daniel said quietly. “So many people drive to the end of the road, rush down to the shore, grab a couple of quick photos, and then drive off. They’ll never see this view, simply because you have to walk some way back along the beach to be able to see past that first headland. And you can tell from how smooth the sand is around us that almost nobody else has made it this far, not since the last big storm two nights ago.”

    Laszlo stared in awe, unable to think of anything to say. And Daniel went on seriously. “It’s a lesson for both of us, to take the time to look for the real beauty and magic in everything around us. And that includes each other.”

    Laszlo turned to look at him. “I’ve never heard you talk like this before.”

    “I couldn’t think in those terms. I had to break free of the rat race in L.A. and come here to learn that lesson, and some other big ones too – like the truth about where my heart really wanted to be,” Daniel said solemnly. Laszlo took him in his arms, and they kissed each other, while the constant background roar of the surf chanted a natural blessing all around them. They walked back to the Jeep hand in hand, in thoughtful silence.

    Back at the hotel, Daniel got settled in and then he and Laszlo went down to the pool for a swim and sit out in the sun before evening. Some of the other guests were struck by the shining quality of the smiles they directed at each other, and by the easy and happy laughter as they played in the water or shared jokes with each other.

    That night, Daniel took Laszlo out to a favourite restaurant in another nearby resort for dinner, an open-air space under a broad, sheltering roof which faced a beautiful tropical garden where torches flared among the trees and a gentle stream of water flowed down a rock face into a quiet pool. The food was every bit as wonderful as the setting, and they were in no rush to finish up and go.

    Once they were back at the hotel and in bed together, Laszlo took the lead in another scene of magical love-making every bit as entrancing as the previous night. When the final storm was over, and each of them had cum twice, Daniel sighed with sheer contentment. “I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

    Laszlo’s reply, devoid of any sarcasm, was a simple, “You took the words right out of my mouth.”

    Again, they snuggled down into the bed together, holding each other close as they drifted off to sleep.

    On Laszlo’s final day, Daniel made him get up and go early to breakfast. “For where we are going today, we really have to beat the crowds.” As they drove along the road, which got busier as they passed near the airport and main town and then thinned out again, Daniel was explaining all about the island’s unique natural environment – the two primordial volcanoes which had formed the island, and which had long since been eroded down into multiple ridges and peaks surrounding the massive bulk of the huge central mountain.

    At the west side of Kauai, they turned up a narrow, twisting road which climbed steadily up and away from the ocean. As they went up, the air got cooler, and the sunlight clearer as they rose above the early sea mist. Then they stopped in a small parking area, and Daniel led the way up a sloping paved path to the top of a ridge – and there, spread out before them, was a stunning natural spectacle: an enormous gorge, carved out of the mountainside, stretching for miles on both sides of them, with multiple bluffs and cliffs and rock-ribbed side valleys. Just as when he had seen the famous Grand Canyon in Arizona, Laszlo struggled to grasp the reality, the immense scale of the scene.

    Daniel helped him out. He pointed the camera at a distant bluff and took a picture at the highest resolution. Then he showed Laszlo the picture, zooming in until Laszlo could see that what first looked like black specks on the ridge were a group of hikers walking along the crest of that bluff out to an overlook point. Laszlo just stared in awe, dazed by the sheer size and majesty of the scene.

    They then drove on up to the end of the road where an even higher lookout point gazed down more than three thousand feet, past the cliffs of the shore to the ocean. “We were looking along this shoreline from the beach, miles over that way, yesterday.”

    “Daniel, this place is just incredible. This entire island – it’s amazing.”

    “It is, but it also has its drawbacks. It’s a long way from anywhere, so to speak, and the cost of living here is very steep indeed. It would be great to come back here for a holiday every year or so, but I think I need to relocate back to the mainland – soon.”

    “Any particular job ambitions?”

    “Let’s sit down here.” Daniel gestured to a nearby picnic bench, and they sat there, facing each other. “Honestly, Laszlo, I don’t know. I’ve been too busy decompressing from my last career to think much about it. One thing for sure, I’m done with the porn industry. No going back for me.”

    As he said that, Laszlo realized – and knew it almost without any surprise – that he felt exactly the same. Done for good. “Same for me,” he said simply. Daniel smiled at that. Laszlo could tell that he had feared a different answer which might have made their future more complicated.

    “What, then?”

    “I chose this business and accounting program because I wanted to pick up some skills which could move around from place to place. Long term, though, I’d like to own my own business.”

    Daniel gave a wry chuckle. “Be very careful what you wish for. Voice of ten years’ experience.”

    “Well, I’m still thinking about different possibilities. No fixed ideas yet, but I want to be ready to jump if a suitable opportunity appears.”

    “Like the way you jumped out at me?”

    They both laughed, and then headed back to the Jeep and down the mountain. On the way back to the resort, Laszlo broached a trickier subject. “Daniel, I’m a little nervous about bringing this up….”

    “Don’t be. If we need to talk about it, then we talk. We can’t ever be in a situation where we are afraid to talk anything over with each other. It’s relationship poison.”

    “So… now that I’m going back to California, but you’re still here… how do we handle the whole thing about playing around?”

    Daniel thought for a moment. “Well, we both know it’s going to happen when we’re going to be apart for that long, so we shouldn’t let ourselves get into any huge guilt feelings over it. Once we’re able to live together properly, we can revisit the question then. One thing I should tell you is that I’ve always been a big fan of three-ways and four-ways.”

    “So am I!”

    “Now, we’ve settled that, so change the subject again. Laszlo, here’s one I’ve been wondering about. Can we, or should we, try to schedule some kind of set day and hour to FaceTime? Or do we just wing it?”

    Laszlo thought a bit. “For now, I think we should do a set time. We need it because of the 2-hour time difference.”

    “Three hours when California goes onto Daylight Saving. Hawaii doesn’t.”

    “Oh, right. Late evening for me, just after dinner for you, or something of that sort.” He hesitated a moment, and then went on. “Daniel – would it be too extreme or too cutesy-romantic if we did it every night?”

    Daniel smiled. “How strange – I was going to ask you the same thing.”     

    “Later on, once I get back to school for my final in-class term it’s trickier, because class times can be all over the map. Have to figure that out once I get my schedule. But one thing’s for sure, you have got to give me your new phone number! Look at what we went through just because you wouldn’t do it before!”

    Daniel shook his head reminiscently, wondering how he could ever have felt that cutting everyone off was a good way to deal with his feelings. But then, just as they were wheeling up the main driveway of the resort, he asked, “Last question – for now. What about dinner for your last night?”

    “In the restaurant here again, if that’s okay with you. I want to max our time together.”


    Back in the room, they did another quick change, and headed down to the pool for some relaxing sun, swimming, and a late lunch from the tiki bar. A family with several small children were sitting across the way, and the children were amusing themselves in the time-honoured way, leaping into the pool, climbing out, and leaping in again.

    Laszlo chuckled. “For such little kids, they sure kick up the water when they jump in.”

    Daniel, not seeing the trap, replied, “Yeah. I bet I did it with more style when I was their age.”

    Laszlo moved in for the kill. “You think you’re a good enough surfer to ride those big waves?”

    Daniel began to say, “Nobody could ride such a tiny little ripple…” and then stopped, seeing the malicious grin on Laszlo’s face. He play-punched Laszlo in the shoulder and Laszlo yelped, causing the kids and their parents to look at them.

    Later on, they went back up to their room to sleep. Even though the super-king-sized bed was easily big enough for three, they curled right into each other as close as they could get.

    Ninety minutes later, rested, cleaned, and dressed, they headed down to the restaurant for dinner. At the host stand, the maître d’ said, “Welcome back, gentlemen. There will be just a brief delay while we prepare your table,” and invited them to sit in the armchairs beside the entrance. After a minute, he returned and escorted them to the same alcove where Daniel and Rodrigo had been seated on the previous visit. Enrique came over, welcoming them with a warm smile, and handing Laszlo a small envelope with his name hand-written on it. With a glance of apology to Daniel, he opened the envelope to find a hand-written card in a most beautiful longhand script. He was plainly finding this elegant hand a bit of a trial to read, and Daniel offered to help. “My mother’s hand-writing looked very like that.” Laszlo handed him the card, and Daniel read:


    Gentlemen: Our warmest best wishes.

    We beg you to be the guests of the hotel this evening.

    Order whatever you wish from the menu and from the wine cellar.

    It will be our pleasure.


    Laszlo stared in frank amazement. “This is for real? I wonder whose idea this was?” He got an inkling of the possible answer a moment later when Enrique returned with the menus, accompanied by Aaron as his assistant, with the wine list. Laszlo detained Aaron for a moment, ostensibly to ask a question about one of the wines. What he asked was something a bit different. “Aaron, what is the story behind this – do you know?”

    Aaron smiled slightly. “The hotel’s general manager was dining not far from you, sir,” and here he inclined his head towards Daniel, “the other night. He is a true gentleman and has a very romantic disposition. As well, he shares our orientation. He left instructions that you should be given this note, and the hospitality of the house, if you returned during your stay.”

    “Please convey our hearty thanks to him.”

    Aaron nodded, and then asked, “Will that be all?”

    “For the moment, thank you.”

    After he left, Daniel asked, “So, I assume you met Aaron the other night.”

    “Yes, he was my server.”

    “I think he’s interested in you.”

    “I’m sure he is. You would be sure, too, if you’d seen the way he and I were flirting over dinner.”

    Daniel laughed. They then turned to the business of selecting their wine and their meals. Two hours later, after another magnificent meal, they departed with expressions of thanks and good wishes from Aaron and Enrique, and with their thanks and a generous tip for each of them in return.

    On the far side of the restaurant, the general manager watched with a satisfied and reminiscent smile on his face, remembering his younger days and the man he had loved and lost. He wished these two younger men nothing but love and happiness for all of their days and nights.



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  9. Chapter 12:  Dinner Party


    Over the next while, Daniel was able to set aside his fears gradually. Any time Rodrigo sensed that his worry was rising again, he’d give another little pep talk. From time to time, he’d add in another form of energizing session which owed almost nothing to words but still took Daniel’s mind right off his worries – as well as entertaining Rodrigo.

    One night, for instance, Rodrigo found Daniel looking sadly at the video of the award ceremony again. He’d whipped the phone right out of Daniel’s hands, and said, “Forget that, here’s something better for you to concentrate on,” as he yanked down his pants and pulled his dick out, waving it right in Daniel’s face. It did the trick.

    Daniel grasped the semi-soft shaft and gave it a couple of good tugs, then opened his mouth and fitted his lips around the head, caressing it with his tongue as he squeezed and released it with his lips. In a mere matter of seconds the entire shaft began to grow, and harden, and in less than a minute it was up to full mast and Daniel was deep throating it.

    At the same time, Rodrigo was leaning forward and letting his fingers do the walking down Daniel’s spine, and over the firm round swell of his butt to begin delving into the crack. Daniel let go of his cock long enough to moan, “Fuck, yeah, play with my ass.” Rodrigo pulled back his finger for a minute to lick it, and then leaned forward again and started pushing it inside. Daniel really knew how to work with his ass, and Rodrigo loved the feelings it gave, whether he was fucking Daniel with a finger or his dick.

    He slipped a second finger in, then, and began twisting them back and forth, around each other, a treatment which always revved up Daniel’s desire to get fucked. Eventually, Daniel let the cock fall out of his mouth and went down to start sucking on the balls, which just let Rodrigo finger his hole even deeper. When Daniel figured he had warmed up Rodrigo enough, he pulled off, yanked down his shorts, turned around without a word, and pressed his ass backwards to meet the hard cock which was coming closer to him. In a few more seconds, the head of that cock met his hole and began pressing inwards.

    Rodrigo’s cock was a perfect size to be able to go crazy inside Daniel’s ass without causing too much lasting pain in the aftermath – and it came at just the right angle to hit his gland right on target with every stroke if Rodrigo fucked him in missionary. Daniel had teased Rodrigo that he ought to go into porn just to become famous enough to have a dildo modeled after his tool, since it would work like a charm on so many guys – and he as frequently reminded him of the dollars he could accumulate as his share of the revenue from selling the toy.

    “You have got to be kidding,” Rodrigo had snorted when he said it for the fourth time. “You come down here as a     complete and total emotional wreck after a decade in that business, and you want me to go to the mainland and subject myself to the same grind? N. O. Fucking. Way!”

    Daniel had, of course, laughed loudly, but then assured Rodrigo that he was joking – but only in part. “Rodrigo,” he’d said in his best business tone, “I never joke about money.”

    Right now, though, those teasing conversations were the last thing on Daniel’s mind as Rodrigo’s cock worked its magic inside his ass. As usual when fucking, Rodrigo had worked right up to full throttle ramming speed in the first minute and kept right on going at that tempo. After about five minutes of this forceful treatment, Daniel pulled away, asking for more lube, and had then rolled over onto his back while Rodrigo obliged. It was time for the magic stick to work on the magic hotspot.

    And work it did, with every one of Rodrigo’s thrusts hitting the target. It wasn’t long before Daniel could feel his sperm rising out of his balls and pulsing up his cock. “Fuck, man, you’re going to fuck the cum out of me.”

    “I’m going to fuck my cum into you.”

    It was Daniel who reached the peak first, his cock lifting up and shooting high into the air to fall back with a splatter across his face and chest. The sudden squeezing sensation brought Rodrigo to the moment as well, and he plunged forcefully inside, erupting strongly in Daniel’s hole.

    Over the succeeding weeks, this scene (with variations) played out multiple times. It all helped to keep the dreaded blue balls at bay, but also helped to relieve Daniel’s stress attacks. By this time, Daniel had clearly fixed in his mind the idea that Laszlo loved him and was working away at breaking down the accursed fears of rejection that were preventing him from acting on that certainty. More and more, though, he realized that this house and these friends were no small part of his gradual healing and reclaiming of himself.

    Among the many inconsequential conversations which Rodrigo and Daniel had shared during the year and a bit of their friendship, one little nugget of information had dropped in connection with nothing in particular – Daniel had mentioned that his birthday was June 14. Rodrigo had marked the date on his calendar and had privately decided to take Daniel out for dinner – since it was, after all, his 30th birthday. Rodrigo debated inviting Brad and Arian and their girls (of the moment) but decided against it, since Daniel did tend to get a bit quiet and tense in the company of relative strangers. Instead, he would let Brad and Arian know, but would just take out Daniel for a quiet little dinner for two.

    He reserved a table in a semi-private alcove at a classy restaurant in one of the major resorts down the road about twelve miles, first verifying that they wouldn’t have to be super-dressy – smart casual clothes would do. He then dropped off a small gift for Daniel, at the hotel, with instructions that it  should be delivered to the table with a bottle of champagne after they were seated – and he made sure that the concierge understood clearly that they were friends and not a couple.

    A couple of days beforehand, Rodrigo invited Daniel. His first question was a slightly suspicious, “Are you trying to date me?”

    Rodrigo laughed. “Hahaha! I know better than to try that! No, I just wanted you to have a chance to celebrate your special day with a friend, since you spend so much time hanging out by yourself. There’s a difference between being alone and being lonely, and you do have times when you seem very lonely. Just a little friendly gesture to make one night a bit less so.”

    “Do we have to dress up?” This was Daniel’s next big paranoia. He hated having to do the jacket and tie thing.

    “I checked. The place we’re going is smart casual only. Neat pants and shoes and a good button-down shirt will do it.”

    Daniel thought a moment longer. “It’s a fine idea. Thank you, Rodrigo.”

    “We’ll leave at 6:15. Reservation’s for 7:00.”

    Daniel nodded.

    When the big day arrived, Daniel came downstairs early to find the coffee already brewed, and a cake with a few little gift-wrapped packages around it. The other three sang a classic rendition of Happy Birthday to You – classic in the sense that the three voices were singing in three different keys, and none of them managed to hit the high note in the third line.

    Daniel accepted a cup of coffee in a brand new mug emblazoned with a giant gold star with “XXX” inside it, and that got him laughing heartily. He blew out the one huge candle on the cake, ideally chosen as being in the shape of a rigid nine-inch cock. He then sat down to open the presents – which consisted of one sex-themed household accessory from each of this three housemates, a choice which didn’t surprise him a bit.

    He thanked them for the birthday celebration surprise, smiling broadly. After coffee, the four of them all went out surfing together. Daniel celebrated his birthday by riding two of the biggest waves of his career – and wiping out after two seconds on the second wave, to much hooting and jeering from his friends.

    A while later, after getting some breakfast and diving into the cake, the four of them were sitting on the front deck’s steps, and he spoke.

    “I wasn’t really expecting anything in the way of a birthday this year, but I should have known you three would be ready. You guys really are the best!” They all gave him a big bear hug, and Rodrigo capped his off with a kiss – which set Brad and Arian hooting and whistling all over again.

    “Hey, Rodrigo, save it for your hot dinner date tonight!”

    They all laughed together again. Arian in particular couldn’t help noticing that Daniel looked looser and happier than he’d looked in months, actually ever since he’d come over to Hawaii from California a year earlier.

    Arian and Brad left to go down the road for a brunch get-together with some friends, and Daniel and Rodrigo were left sitting together. Daniel was repeatedly adjusting himself in his jammers, and Rodrigo definitely noticed.

    “Hey, what’s got you so antsy?”

    “I don’t know. Guess it wants to get out and get some exercise.” He looked Rodrigo directly in the eye as he rubbed the bulge more forcefully.

    “Let’s go see what we can do about that.”

    Twenty minutes later, on Daniel’s bed, Rodrigo was sliding up and down on Daniel’s rigid tool, feeling every bit of that legendary nine inches pushing right inside him and then pulling out of him again. As always, Daniel was enjoying feeling Rodrigo’s expert ass working on him, sucking and pulling and twisting and squeezing. It was great to do it with such an active bottom who knew just how to work a cock with his busy hole.

    After a few minutes, though, Daniel was ready to take charge. “Get on your back,” he snapped, and Rodrigo obligingly pulled off and laid down beside him. Daniel got his legs up and pushed right back over his shoulders, and then slid back into his ass.

    By this time, after three days of no action worth mentioning, Daniel found that he was rapidly rising to the challenge, going around the final bend and closing in on the finish line. His pounding got even faster, the smacks of his hips against Rodrigo’s butt harder and louder, and Rodrigo knew that it was time. He opened right up, allowing Daniel to plunge in and out at full speed and grunted, “Fuck me. Fuck me harder, dammit. Blow your load inside me!”

    Daniel gasped and grunted three times, and then slammed right up against Rodrigo’s ass, holding it right there as his sperm jetted into Rodrigo’s tunnel like water spurting from a firehose. After the first four or five shots, he resumed pumping, slamming in again and again at each of the smaller pulses. At last, the pressure in the firehose dwindled to nothing and Daniel slowed to a halt, breathing deeply as he let his big tool slide slowly out, to be followed by a small river of cum.

    “Feeling better now?” Rodrigo asked in a snarky tone of voice.

    “I’m not sure. May have to do it again to make certain it’s okay.”

    Rodrigo pulled a face. “Oh, fuck, no! Even once a day is hard to take when you go all the way into overdrive like that!”

    At 6:15 that evening, Daniel met Rodrigo at the bottom of the stairs, and they set off together for dinner. Daniel whistled in surprise when they pulled into the driveway of the deluxe FourWinds Resort, one of the most expensive places on the island. After leaving the car with the valet, they walked inside the entrance, and Rodrigo steered their steps to the right, where the restaurant opened off the end of the lobby, with its outer wall dedicated to a series of windowed alcoves facing the ocean and the adjacent waterfall tumbling over a rock face to fall into the surf.

    The maître d’ escorted them to one of the alcoves, and Daniel immediately chose a seat facing the waterfall. Rodrigo took the other side, which gave him a bit of view of the restaurant behind Daniel’s shoulders, helpful if he should need to summon a server.

    Almost as soon as they’d settled, the server arrived with the champagne, glasses, and ice bucket, gave his name as “Enrique,” and proceeded to open the bottle and pour. A second server came right behind with the menus, and a small, gift-wrapped package which he placed in front of Daniel. When Daniel opened it, he found a customized glass paperweight with his name and photo embedded inside, and a note from Rodrigo wishing him “the happiest of birthdays.”

    He reached out with both hands to shake Rodrigo’s hand across the table as he thanked him, and then they turned to the business of drinking the champagne and ordering dinner.

    Daniel was enjoying himself far more than he’d expected to do. It had been years since he’d allowed himself the luxury of a night out with anyone that wasn’t tied to business in some way. It helped, too, that Rodrigo wasn’t and didn’t want to be his special man, just a good friend, which took a lot of pressure off both of them.

    As for Rodrigo, he was just happy that he’d been able to do something special for his friend, a man who deserved and needed someone to pay a bit of attention to him, simply as a human being. It made Rodrigo feel good that he was seeing Daniel relaxing and just going with the flow – a state of being which happened for him far too rarely.

    They’d finished their appetizers and the plates had been cleared away. Daniel pointed out the window and said, “I love having this view of the waterfall. Water in motion is one of my favourite sights and sounds.” Rodrigo turned and gazed out with him, and then swung back. Thankfully, Daniel was still absorbed in staring at the waterfall. Nothing could have prevented the shock from crossing Rodrigo’s face as his gaze again took in the restaurant. He quickly mastered himself and said something casually. But in that moment of shock, he knew exactly what he was going to have to do next.




    In comparison to his previous trip to Hawaii, Laszlo was feeling beaten and discouraged. He did his best to enjoy the sun and the water, but he was finding it tough going. His visits to the surf beaches on the Big Island had been just as unproductive as in the winter, although he had managed to score one hot night with a hot blond surfer dude from Australia.

    Back to Maui. There were several more key areas to check out here that he hadn’t seen before because of time shortage. One of these beaches struck him as very much the kind of place where Daniel might have chosen to go to ground. He spent a couple of days carefully studying the local scene, but finally concluded that here, too, he had come up blank.

    Now he had four nights left to go. Where to head next? For no reason other than that he liked its underpopulated vibe, he opted to go back to Kauai. Then flight problems. The plane he was supposed to leave Maui on developed engine trouble and got grounded. The next two flights were already filled right up. As a result, it was past 6:00 pm when he finally checked into his hotel. At that hour, he did a bit of desultory unpacking, got cleaned up and changed, and headed downstairs, thinking he’d just grab a quick burger or some other light meal.

    The hotel’s coffee shop had closed at 4:00. Oh, well, the main restaurant it was then. At least he had the bonus of a very handsome young Filipino waiter named Aaron, and they flirted shamelessly with each other between the courses of what turned into one of the finest dinners he’d had in ages.

    Laszlo was feeling very relaxed and quite a bit happier when the stranger approached his table and said, “Excuse me, you’re Arpad Nagy, aren’t you?”




    Rodrigo and Daniel had just finished a spectacular meal of locally-caught fish and shellfish in a uniquely-scented herb broth, a house specialty, and Enrique arrived to present the dessert menus while his assistant cleared away the dishes. They proceeded to order dessert and coffee. All the time, though, Rodrigo had been keeping an eye on the young man eating alone on the far side of the large room.

    Now that they had finished their main course, Rodrigo laid down his napkin, stood up, and said, “Excuse me – back in a minute.” Crossing the restaurant behind Daniel’s back, he took a deep breath to steady himself, and then stepped over to the table by the far wall where Laszlo was dining alone. “Excuse me, you’re Arpad Nagy, aren’t you?”

    Laszlo switched on an automatic smile and responded, “Yes, that’s right.”

    “I’m here with a friend, treating him to a night out for his birthday. He’s a huge fan of yours. It would really make his day if you could just go over and say hello for a minute. Please? I’d really appreciate it if you could.”

    Laszlo suppressed a slight sigh. “All right. Where is he sitting?”

    “Right across there, in the alcove, with his back to us. He wanted to look out at the waterfall.”

    Laszlo stood, with his usual winning smile, Rodrigo thanked him, and Laszlo walked across towards the alcove. Rodrigo dropped into the spare chair at Laszlo’s table, watching anxiously to see what would happen, and crossing his fingers with a little wish for the good of both of them.

    Laszlo actually began speaking as he was passing the seated figure, before he turned around in mid-sentence and the sight of the man’s face stopped him dead in his tracks. “Hi, there. Your friend asked me to come over and say… to come… over….” His voice ground to a halt like a wind-up toy that had run down, and his jaw hung half open. Finally, he managed to whisper, “Daniel.”

    Daniel, for his part, was staring in stunned disbelief. Then he slowly rose to his feet and took a hesitant step forward. “Laszlo?” Laszlo held out his arms and in a moment the two of them were locked together in a hug that lasted for a good thirty seconds or more, followed by an equally heartfelt kiss. Laszlo took Rodrigo’s seat, moving it closer, and they sat down together at the table. As soon as they sat, Laszlo stretched out his hand. Daniel took it and their hands twined together on the table cloth as if they never intended to let go.

    At the other table, Rodrigo heaved a massive sigh of relief and allowed a smile to spread across his face. Just then, Aaron came along, looking a bit baffled at seeing a completely different man sitting at the table. Rodrigo chuckled, and then said, “The gentleman who was sitting here? He’s over at that table now. I’ll pay his bill.”

    Aaron looked relieved and bustled away to get the bill prepared. Being forced to cover the bill for a dinner which had run into three figures wasn’t something he really wanted to do. As he went, Rodrigo saw Enrique heading for the other table. He got up and intercepted him. “That table where I was sitting. I’m still paying for it, whatever either of them wish to order. Perhaps you could just give them a few minutes – they were kind of startled to run into each other here.” Enrique nodded understandingly and stepped away again.

    Rodrigo sat back down and watched the show for a few more minutes. It was plainly obvious that both of them had forgotten all about him, and that was fine. Everything was fine. His work was done. Once he’d paid both bills and left a very generous tip for the service staff, he headed back out to the car and drove home with a huge smile on his face, leaving the tab open and giving them his phone number so they could text him the particulars of any further charges. All the way back to the beach house, he was chuckling at the unexpected twist of fate that had brought Laszlo to the same restaurant where he was treating Daniel to his birthday dinner.

    Meanwhile, Daniel and Laszlo were negotiating a very unusual conversation. For two guys who had known each other for nearly two years, and been intimate more than once, it was strange to both of them to be actually getting to know each other properly for the first time. But before they could even begin that process, there was one question that Laszlo simply had to ask.

    “Daniel, why?”


    “Why did you just disappear, not tell anyone where you were going or what you were doing? You sold your condo, cut off your phone, closed your email. First-rate disappearing act.” Daniel explained about wanting to leave the entire porn business behind. Laszlo looked at him closely. “Is that all?”

    Daniel looked down at the table for a long moment, and then forced himself to raise his head and meet Laszlo’s eyes. “No. I was frightened. Of you, and of my feelings towards you. I was going to have to let my guard down and be vulnerable, and every time I’ve done that, I’ve gotten burned – badly. It’s a long story, but if you really want to hear it….”

    “What feelings?”

    “I began to realize that I was falling in love with you. That scared the hell out of me. And then, when Marina sent me the video of the award presentation, and I saw you holding hands with that big blond guy, I knew for sure that I loved you – because the pain and the heartache of that moment were so intense, so terrible, and they just wouldn’t let go of me.”

    “So that’s when you knew you loved me.”

    “Not ‘loved,’ Laszlo. I do. I love you.” Now that the dreaded moment had happened, Daniel was amazed to discover how easy it had been to say the words, clearly and simply speaking his truth.

    “Daniel, I was so burned up by the way that you vanished out of my life that I just wanted to give up on you for good. Miklos was a good guy, funny, thoughtful. When I went to pieces that night, he was the only thing holding me together. But it was a doomed relationship. He could tell that there was something big holding me back from going all in, and after what happened at the speech, he guessed that it had to do with you. He was the one who told me off, who made me realize that I couldn’t give up, that I had to find you, because I loved you. So I did that – because he was right. I love you, Daniel.”

    “Laszlo, I am so sorry -- for everything: sorry for messing things up so badly, sorry for not realizing what was happening between us, sorry for just running away like I did….”

    “Sh-sh-shh.” Laszlo hushed him, quietly, putting his fingertips gently on Daniel’s mouth. “We’ve said what matters. The rest is just details. We’ve got a whole lifetime for that – if we still think at the end of a month that we need to bother.” Daniel said nothing, just clutched Laszlo’s hand even tighter as his eyes filled with tears.  

    Suddenly, Laszlo said, “I’ve got to pay the bill for my dinner. I was eating across the dining room there when your friend came over to ask me to come and see you. What’s his name, by the way? I need to thank him for the nudge.”

    “That’s Rodrigo, and I think you’ve met him before. Wait a second, that means you were over here a couple of months ago -- and now you’re here again. I didn’t know you had any interest in Hawaii at all.”

    “I didn’t – until I guessed that the man I love was hiding out here somewhere.” Daniel smiled broadly through his tears at that. “When did I meet Rodrigo?”

    “Not exactly met. You passed him on the walkway by the beach, right in front of our house. It was the same day I tried to call you when I was in Los Angeles.”

    “We were both looking at the same time, then? Shit.” Laszlo laughed aloud. “We’ve really made a royal mess of this, haven’t we? Let’s go and start setting things right. Where’s my waiter?” He spotted Aaron walking by and waved him over. “I’d like my bill, please.”

    “The other gentleman who was sitting here has paid it for you, sir.”

    Laszlo noticed that Aaron looked a little crestfallen, since it was obvious that this customer who had so taken his fancy had suddenly and abruptly been pulled right off the market.

    “He paid for my dinner too, Laszlo. It was a birthday present.”

    “So it’s your birthday? There’s an important detail I needed to know. Good thing I’m here to give you your present in person.”

    “What is it?”

    “Me,” Laszlo said simply.

    Just then, Daniel’s phone pinged. He picked it up, opened the text message, and read it aloud to Laszlo. “Made it home safe. Enjoy yourselves, and Happy Birthday again!”

    “Quite the guy.”

    “I’ll say. That was supposed to be my ride home.”

    “Do you really need to go home?”

    Daniel thought for a moment and then smiled.

    “No. I think I’m there already.”

    With that, the two of them rose from the table, and after Daniel checked with Enrique to make sure the bill was all right (and it was), Laszlo led the way to his room.

    “Sorry about the mess. I’d just arrived from the airport and didn’t bother about settling in before coming down for dinner.”

    “I don’t mind.”

    In moments, they had their arms around each other and were kissing again. The contrast was like daylight and darkness, both compared to their earlier couplings, and compared to all the other men either or both of them had screwed around with. Now their feelings and emotions were ruling them, as they took their first steps towards exploring each other, each with the other’s feelings foremost in mind. It was going to be a night such as neither Daniel nor Laszlo had ever experienced before. This would be a night of love in the broadest and deepest possible sense of two very different individuals learning how to work together to bridge those differences and build a new and stronger unity, emotional and physical, between them.

    Their movements were so slow and measured that it came as a surprise to them to discover that their clothes had all fallen away and their naked bodies were pressed against each other as they continued kissing and fondling under the shower. When had they made their way to the bathroom? Daniel couldn’t even remember. They took turns washing each other down, stroking gently with the shower gel over each other’s skin. At last they turned the water off and took the towels to dry each other. Their arms were around each other again, their mouths kissing each other, their tongues dancing together as they slowly made their way to the bed. Laszlo turned down the duvet, and they lay down on the bed together, wanting to be free to explore each other in every way they could imagine.

    They were so absorbed in each other’s presence that it was a good twenty minutes before either of them even thought of reaching for the other’s cock. When Laszlo finally made that move, he found Daniel painfully hard and dripping wet. Then he realized that his own was as well. How odd that neither of them had noticed that yet. But now that Laszlo had made the move, both of them found they were ready and more than ready for some incredibly intense action.

    Daniel smiled at him. “I guess it’s time for us to do our Big Scene again. You surely remember how it goes. You taught it to me. Who gets to go first and fast?”

    Laszlo smiled too. “I will. I want you to take the main role in the scene. I’ve been waiting, it feels like years, for you to make love to me again – just as you did in that video, only better.”

    With that, Daniel rolled onto his face and raised his hips, giving Laszlo a good clear road to his cheeks and hole. Laszlo plunged his face in and began eating, tonguing the man sweat out of his crack and teasing the tight button with little stabbing plunges of his cock. Then Daniel moaned and told him to get on with it and don’t keep him waiting all night.

    Eager to oblige, Laszlo lined up his cock with the target and began to enter. Daniel was so turned on, so ready, so open, that no other lube or spit was needed. The precum leaking out of Laszlo’s tool smoothed the way, and he sank right into Daniel’s ass and began pumping.

    Suddenly, all Laszlo could feel was his cock and Daniel’s tight hole. Nothing else in the world mattered to him for those moments except cock in ass, the crying need to cum, and the knowledge that Daniel needed him to breed ass just as much as he himself needed to do it. It took only two minutes before he began gasping for air. Daniel said nothing, just pressed his ass higher up to meet Laszlo’s desperately energetic thrusts. With about six more ferocious strokes, Laszlo suddenly exploded inside Daniel, cumming in such a ferocious outburst as he could never recall feeling before in his entire experience.

    He finished and pulled out, bending down to lick up some of the stream of cum sliding down Daniel’s taint, and then rolling onto his back. Daniel straightened up, moved over to straddle Laszlo’s prone body, and then lay down on top of him, letting his cock slide right into the gap between Laszlo’s wide-spread thighs. And then he lowered his mouth onto Laszlo’s, savouring the taste of his own cum as their tongues mixed and mingled it with their saliva.

    Daniel took his time. After all, as Laszlo had said earlier, they had a whole lifetime to attend to the details. Now was the time to immerse themselves in their emotions. Daniel realized that he had never before felt so loved in his entire life. He was sure, too, that Laszlo was experiencing the same emotions at the same powerful level as their hard bodies moved against each other slowly, and their tongues twined around each other.

    Daniel let his hands slide up and down Laszlo’s smooth torso, feeling his way, memorizing every ridge of muscles, every point of bone, the smooth, satin texture of his skin. At the same time, Laszlo was caressing Daniel’s back, with his legs spread to let Daniel lie right on top of him, and his arms locked around Daniel’s body, feeling the strength of his back from buttocks to shoulders as he thrilled to the weight of Daniel on top of him.

    Laszlo spoke, in an awe-struck voice that was barely more than a whisper. “Why did I never feel what an amazing body you’ve got whenever we fucked before?” Both he and Daniel, of course, knew the answer without speaking it. This wasn’t business. This wasn’t a shoot, working against the clock. This wasn’t a scene where they always had to remain conscious of showing their best angles to the cameras. For both of them, this was the first time they had felt free to devote all of their attention, every part of their minds and hearts to their partner, in a place where time had no power and where nothing mattered to each of them except the other.

    The kissing, stroking, caressing, and squeezing continued unabated. At last, though, Laszlo spoke again. “I want to taste your cock in my mouth.”

    Daniel got up onto his knees and shuffled forward until he was straddling Laszlo’s chest, with the thick shaft of the Hawaiian Nine resting on his lips. Laszlo’s tongue flicked out, exploring the head, pulling back to swallow the drops of clear juice that were still oozing out of the head. Daniel groaned, not in pain but with extreme pleasure, as Laszlo slowly worked on his cockhead before opening his mouth wide and taking the whole shaft inside.

    Laszlo was lavishing all his experience and care on giving Daniel’s cock the most wonderful tongue bath that much-used tool had ever received.

    “You’re amazing,” Daniel moaned. “No one had ever taken all of it so well, or made it feel so incredible.”

    It was true. Laszlo had already realized that sucking this big, thick cock had always been a struggle for him before. Now, it was the easiest thing in the world to lower his jaw far enough that the entire length could slide smoothly into his throat. He worked on that big dick for several minutes, listening to Daniel’s quiet moans of pleasure as he sucked his man’s meat deep and long.

    Then Daniel pulled up and away, bent down to kiss Laszlo again, and quietly said, “Roll over. I want to taste your hole now.”

    Laszlo rolled easily onto his stomach. Daniel proceeded to kiss and lick his way down Laszlo’s back until he came to the beginning of the crack. He placed his hands on either side of those firm round cushions, pulling them gently open until he could push his face deep inside. His tongue worked on the sides of the crack, dropping lower until he could start sliding it over the tight little button at the bottom. It was Laszlo’s turn to moan repeatedly as Daniel made love to his ass, giving more and more attention to the hole, poking and prodding it repeatedly with his tongue. Then he redoubled his efforts, pushing his tongue in harder and harder until the hole opened, and he could begin to push his way inside, thrusting and stimulating with his busy tongue.

    It was time. Laszlo’s moaning took on the shape of words, words that went straight to Daniel’s heart and lodged themselves there for all time. “I want to feel you inside me now. Not because it’s a big dick or because I’m horny, but because it’s you. Make love to me now, Daniel.”

    Daniel lifted himself up, just enough to shift position and plant his cockhead against Laszlo’s hole, and then began to push inwards. The first time he had done this, he recalled that he’d had a long struggle to get Laszlo’s virgin ass to open up and accept its first dick. Now, the welcome was instant, and there was no argument. Laszlo opened up and took him in as readily as if he had already been fucking him for half an hour and had gotten him thoroughly loosened. He slid right inside all the way in one smooth slide, his whole thick nine inches buried inside this man he loved so much.

    In that moment, Daniel finally understood. Everything that had happened between them before this night had been a series of false starts, false starts underscored by the business overtones of all their previous encounters. Tonight was their true beginning.

    He lay down again along Laszlo’s back, feeling the curves and planes of Laszlo’s body pressed against him as he began to slide smoothly out and back in again, moving slowly with an almost hypnotic pace, letting himself feel every second of every gentle slide out, every thrust back in. As Laszlo began squeezing his hole slowly and rhythmically in tune with Daniel’s thrusts, both of them fell deeper under the spell, the power of two people who were completely open to each other and whose every move was powered by desire – not the desire for relief of self, but the desire to give the best of themselves to make the experience as wonderful as it could get for their partner.

    Daniel continued stroking and caressing Laszlo’s body as he pumped in and out, and Laszlo turned his head to the side so that they could continue kissing each other as he did. Laszlo then spoke again. “I want to get on my back so we can see each other, face to face, no more hiding, no more barriers.”

    Daniel pulled slowly out, and Laszlo rolled over one more time onto his back, lifting his legs up as he went. He pulled his legs right back over his shoulders until he was folded double, and completely open. He pulled Daniel down to him and into him, holding him close so that he could wrap his arms around this man that he loved, stroking and caressing him gently while they resumed kissing each other and Daniel’s cock continued its slow and easy slides in and out of Laszlo’s ass.

    “Laszlo… Laszlo… all my life… I never knew it could be like this. I never knew….”

    “Daniel… I’m ready… ready to cum. I need you to fuck me hard now, fuck the cum out of me so we can cum right together.”

    Daniel began to speed up his strokes at last, gradually working his way up to full speed. His hips rose and fell in short, sharp movements as he continued to hold Laszlo close to him, his hands gripping Laszlo’s body firmly as they remained joined together. It took only a minute of this sudden burst of energy. Daniel began grunting, then gasping for air, then chanting, “Fuck… fuck… fuck… cumming… cumming…!”

    Laszlo could feel that dick getting even thicker inside himself, the head bumping against his prostate, sending thrills and chills through him, and his own dick swelling up too. “Give it to me… give it to me… cum inside me.”

    And Daniel came. Slamming down into Laszlo with a final series of brutal thrusts, his cock exploding and forcing out cream at every thrust, and that final vigorous action triggered Laszlo, setting his fire ablaze and causing his dick to squeeze out an immense load of seed that spread between their bodies as they joined themselves together forever.

    Gradually, Daniel’s thrusts slowed to a halt, and he lay still, both of them still breathing heavily, their mouths still working on each other. Both their cocks were still rigid, dripping with sperm, one between them, the other inside Laszlo. He loved that feeling of fullness, of Daniel’s long, thick cock deep inside him, and never wanted it to end.

    But the rest of Laszlo’s body got a vote too, and he finally laughed – and that broke the incredible spell, the loving magic which they had woven together.

    “I need you to get off me now – dammit, you are one heavy guy now that we’re finished.”

    “Think I need to go on a diet?”

    They both laughed, and Daniel started to lift off. But Laszlo stopped him.

    “Think you can get off me without sliding out? Stay inside me. Maybe fall off to one side and spoon me.”

    Daniel negotiated the tricky move successfully, and then leaned close and said, “Now, why did you want me to do that?”

    Laszlo in turn maneuvered himself around until he was lying on his side, his butt pressed back against Daniel’s hips, with Daniel still firmly lodged deeply in his hole. “Because I want to fall asleep with you inside me tonight.”

    Daniel didn’t laugh. Both of them were drunk on love, high on each other. It was a far more powerful drug than the usual fulfillment of lust which was what they’d both had in their lives up until this night. He snuggled Laszlo closer, one arm thrown over Laszlo’s body, the other serving as a pillow under Laszlo’s head, and then he planted his head on Laszlo’s shoulder where he could whisper right into Laszlo’s ear. “I love you, Laszlo.”

    The answering murmur, so quiet but so clear, was the last sound he heard as sleep took them both. “I love you, Daniel.”




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  10. Chapter 11:  The Search


    Laszlo sat, practically quivering with suppressed excitement, for the entire six-hour flight to Honolulu. He had a lot of ground to cover, and only a week to do it. Realistically, he had to admit that with so many good surfing locations to cover, it could easily take more than this one trip to Hawaii to run his quarry to ground. But he’d already passed the most important test of all – he’d parked his doubts for good. He was going to find the man he loved who also loved him and failure was not an option. The rest was just details: time and money. Fortunately, like his mentor, he’d invested his income from his adventures in gay porn shrewdly and the money wouldn’t be an objection. The time? Well, he knew that he had the patience to prevent time from becoming an obstacle.

    One thing he had figured out right away was that he had to look at the more challenging spots, not the beaches with little waves which were to the surfing world what bunny hills were to downhill skiing. He clearly remembered Daniel speaking about taking on some hefty waves, so he reasoned that those skills wouldn’t have deserted him entirely during his years in California.

    On his first full day, he headed around to a well-known surfing beach on Oahu. Here, he realized that he was actually in for a bigger challenge than he expected. These guys in their long, wildly patterned jammers with their epic tans actually looked almost all alike from a distance. To make it worse, half or more of them were wearing those reflective tinted glass plate sunglasses that covered not just the eyes but most of the face like a mask. The only ones to stick out were the ones with blond or sun-bleached hair, and he knew he could rule those out because Daniel’s hair stayed a rich dark brown, almost black, no matter how much sun he got. Also, he’d often spoken with some scorn about guys who coloured their hair. Even concentrating on the dark haired guys left a very broad field. After a few hours, Laszlo had to consider and reject a couple of dozen possibles who came and went at all hours of the day.

    A few of them gave Laszlo some long, considering looks as he sat up on a sand dune, studying the scene. At another time, he might well have responded by unmistakably cruising one of those hunks, but now he had much more important matters in hand.

    After three days casing out the surfing beaches in Oahu without any result, he flew on to the island of Kauai. Here there was a much quieter, more rural vibe outside of the tourist areas, and Laszlo’s spirits rose, sensing that Daniel might well have headed here after the high-velocity life of Los Angeles as a perfect place to decompress. In that thinking, he was right on target, but his search was doomed to fail – at least on this trip.




    Daniel walked out of the office block a couple of miles from the Los Angeles airport after lengthy interviews with his financial manager and tax accountant. With the investment manager, he’d gone in great detail over the contents of his investment portfolio, and the returns were very satisfactory. Less pleasant was his meeting with the accountant, disclosing the size of his pending income tax bill. He grunted in disgust at this peril of being wealthy. Truth be told, it had completely slipped his mind during his idyllic time as a Hawaiian surf bum.

    Daniel had gone directly to the office block from the airport after having a good filling breakfast when his overnight flight landed in the predawn dead zone. Now that his business was done, he hauled out his phone and called Laszlo’s number. He was nervous as hell, but he was ready to talk.

    The phone rang a couple of times and then diverted to voice mail. Daniel swore articulately and vehemently under his breath.

    “Hi, this is Arpad Nagy. Sorry I wasn’t able to pick up your call. Please leave a message and I’ll call you back as soon as I have time to get out of bed!”


    “Laszlo, hi. This is Daniel. I’m in L.A. just for the day, flying out tonight, and hoping we can meet up and talk. I have something really important I need to tell you. Please call me back as soon as you get this message, my flight home leaves from Terminal 2 at 7:15 tonight. Really hope to hear from you.” He disconnected and put the phone away, a little dampened but not overly discouraged. No doubt Laszlo had just put it on silent mode while talking to someone in person. Daniel remembered that Laszlo never allowed a phone to interrupt his face to face meetings, no matter what kind of meetings (or meatings) they were.

    With that, he shrugged philosophically and walked back to the street corner to catch a bus to a favourite restaurant not too far from the airport. From there, he could just go directly back to the terminal and wait for his flight there – but outside security, in case Laszlo called and could come to see him.




    Laszlo was spending the day out on one of the north shore beaches of Kauai, scoping out the crowd of surfers. It was a much smaller crowd than he’d seen in Oahu, but he still faced the same difficulties of sorting out all of the many guys looking just like each other. By about 3:30, he’d had enough, and decided to head back to his hotel, have a nice lazy swim in the huge pool, and relax over a drink and dinner.

    Walking back along the waterfront to his parked rental car, he realized that a handsome Latin guy walking towards him was checking him out pretty intensely. He’d flashed his signature smile at the guy but kept walking. When he got to his car, he turned around to see if the guy was following him – but he’d kept on going. Oh, well. As he was driving back, it occurred to him that his phone hadn’t been buzzing at all that afternoon and he idly wondered why.

    Rodrigo kept walking along the beachfront walkway. He was wondering about that guy who’d smiled at him -- he had looked so familiar, but he couldn’t place the man. It took a couple of minutes, and then the penny dropped. He spun around, but he was only just in time to see the dark-haired young fellow hop into a car in the distance and drive away.

    Back at his resort, Laszlo enjoyed a nice leisurely swim and a cocktail, and then planned on heading back upstairs to get some clothes on for dinner. Before leaving the pool, he hauled out his phone, looked at the display, and swore under his breath. Emails and messages had piled up all day. He’d forgotten to turn the sound back on after he’d switched it off while chatting with his server at breakfast, asking about good places to eat out.

    He headed up to his room and sat down to start working through the backlog. First the emails – several of them were from the college, or from one of his instructors. Then the phone messages. He sat through five or six routine or spam messages, and then heard a voice that shot him instantly to his feet – the voice of the man he was looking for.

    He listened through the entire message attentively, glanced at the time display, and swore again. It was 6:05 in Hawaii, 8:05 in Los Angeles. Daniel’s flight would be in the air by this time. He went ahead and called the number where the call originated anyway and waited while it rang. After the third ring, the call fell into dead air. Two more tries, the same result both times. By this time, Laszlo was on the verge of tears. Daniel must have been using a burner phone, although he couldn’t guess why. That was heartbreaking. So near, and yet so far.

    The worst of it, although he didn’t know that it was the worst: his time in Kauai was up. He was due to fly over to Maui in the morning for two more days before heading back home.

    Daniel finally staggered into the house in an exhausted condition at about 12:30 am that night. Rodrigo was sitting there, waiting for him in a state of high excitement.

    “Daniel, you’ll never guess what happened today!”

    “Are we playing Twenty Questions or something? Cause I’m pretty tired after being on the go for over 24 hours and…”

    “Never mind all that!” Rodrigo snapped, cutting him off. “I saw Laszlo this afternoon!”


    “Yes! It was him, I’m sure of it. I passed him on the beachfront walkway.”

    “Did you talk to him? Rodrigo, did you say anything? Tell him I was looking for him in L.A.???”

    Rodrigo held up his hand and Daniel sputtered to a halt.

    “Daniel, I saw him walking towards me and thought the face looked familiar. He flashed a sexy smile at me and kept on going by. I was trying to think of why that face was familiar, but it took a minute for it to hit me – that it was him. I turned around to look for him, but he was just getting into a car – and then he drove off.”

    “But he was here!”

    “Yes, he was! Would I lie to you?”

    Daniel knew better than to come back with one of his signature smart-ass retorts. In fact, it was the furthest thing from his mind at the moment. Laszlo had been here – right here, walking along the beach walk, barely 20 paces in front of the house. The thought of it made him dizzy – that, and the realization that while Laszlo had been here, and perhaps looking for him, he was in Los Angeles and looking for Laszlo.

    Just as he thought that, Rodrigo framed it in words. “How weird is it that he came by here right the same day that you’d gone over there to try to find him?”




    Laszlo had a couple of good days, checking out the surf guys on the beaches in Maui. The first day gave him a few skipped heartbeats when he saw a man who seemed to have the exact build and size of Daniel. His hair, though, seemed a bit too light-coloured. Laszlo had his camera’s zoom lens trained on the guy at the exact moment he whipped off his sunglasses to pick up his board – and could see for sure that the face wasn’t the one he was seeking.

    On the other hand, when he packed it in for the day and headed back to his hotel for a swim and drink before dinner, his interest level picked up considerably when a handsome young guy with a classic swimmer’s build in a bright red speedo, and nothing else except for sandals, walked out of the hotel, studied the pool area for a minute, and then wandered around and sat down just a few chairs away from Laszlo.

    After a minute or so for him to get settled, Laszlo got up and walked slowly over to the steps down into the pool, adjusting his own tight briefs as he went. He dropped into the water, swam back and forth for a few minutes, and then turned to come out – and noticed that the hottie was now gently adjusting himself in his tight suit. He came up the steps slowly, giving the guy a good chance to check him out, knowing that this yellow suit showed off his assets to advantage. He walked slowly by, picked up his towel and other things, and headed back. He dropped onto a chair right next to the hot guy, and said quietly, with a wink. “I’m Arpad. You didn’t have to sit that far away, you know.”

    The guy laughed and said, “Gary. I’m just going to grab a quick swim too – before….”

    Now it was Laszlo’s turn to watch as this sexy swimmer showed himself off, getting into the pool, doing a few smooth laps with flip turns and a couple of duck dives which showed off his slender but well-rounded ass, and then climbing slowly up the steps and out. His wet speedo was clinging to a good-looking cannon, and Laszlo felt his own getting hard.

    Five minutes later, they were in Laszlo’s room, their speedos on the bathroom floor as they made out and groped each other in the shower. Two pairs of hands were busy exploring two fine asses, and they both could tell that each of them was into playing pitcher and catcher, either way.

    Although Gary’s long, lean body and legs made him appear tall, he was actually an inch or so shorter than Laszlo. Combine that with a cock which stood upright, smack against his abs, and he was in the perfect position to slide his cock right along the length of Laszlo’s ass crack when they were both standing upright – such as in a shower. Gary had his arms wrapped around Laszlo and his cock nestled perfectly, the hot dog between Laszlo’s buns. Just by rising and falling on his toes, he was getting a great rubdown from sliding along between those pillows and enjoying the sensation immensely.

    Laszlo, however, had other ideas. “Come on, Gary, quit teasing and get that thing inside me already.” He hadn’t been fucked in the weeks since Miklos left, as his few hook-ups were all with bottoms who only wanted to take his cock. It was too good an opportunity to miss.

    Gary evidently thought so too, as he whipped out a small tube of lube (Where did he hide that in a speedo? Laszlo wondered), prepped Laszlo’s hole, and spread some on his cock. He then planted the tip on the target, and Laszlo – ever eager to help out – opened right up and let it slide into his tight tunnel. He then dropped his hands lower on the shower wall so he could arch his back and thrust his ass farther out, giving Gary a better angle of attack.

    As Gary began pounding his hole, mere seconds after entering, Laszlo had a flashback to his first-ever bottoming scene with Daniel, and how hard they’d both had to work to get it into him. Now, although his hole was still good and tight, he’d become a thorough-going fuck slut, opening right up on demand with no trouble at all and loving every minute of it. Unlike many of the other sluts he’d met, though, Laszlo also remained thoroughly addicted to taking the top role and reaming out the bottoms who came his way.

    He parked his analytical mind and concentrated on the sensations of the moment. Gary was already moaning and groaning in a very determined way, but Laszlo was nowhere near ready to have it end yet. He took charge, pulling off and turning around to get down and suck on Gary’s cock. As he did, he shut off the water as it was starting to run cold. After a minute or so, Gary joined him down on the shower floor and they sixty-nined for a while, before Laszlo told him to “fuck me again. Fuck me and cum inside me!”

    Gary rolled him over onto his face, waited a second until Laszlo pushed his hips up in the air, and then re-entered, driving deep and pounding fast and hard. After only a minute or so, Laszlo could tell from Gary’s ragged breathing that he was about to explode.

    “Fuck, man, that ass is so… fuck, I’m gonna cum!”

    “Do it. Cum in my ass!”

    After a few more driving thrusts, Gary blew off his load deep inside Laszlo, giving a series of rapid additional thrusts to force his sperm as deep inside as possible. Laszlo groaned from the feeling, satisfied with the full sensation in his hole, but not ready to cum yet himself.

    When Gary pulled out, Laszlo rolled over onto his back, his rod, rigid and red with the strain, standing straight up in the air. “Get on that and ride it with your tight swimmer’s ass until it shoots off in your guts!”

    Gary obligingly took just a second or two to finger some more lube into his hole, and then placed himself over Laszlo’s erection and pushed down. The head popped inside his hole, and he let gravity take over, dropping steadily until his cheeks came to rest on Laszlo’s hip bones. Then he began to ride, pumping up and down as Laszlo thrust his hips higher for maximum penetration. Before long, Gary was hissing from the effort of fucking himself on Laszlo’s tool, and Laszlo could feel his explosion was about to happen.

    Gary started to slow down a bit, but Laszlo wasn’t having any of that. “Keep going, dammit, I’m just about to fucking cum!”

    Gary growled in delight, “Do it! Seed my ass!” and resumed his high speed pumping. Then Laszlo grabbed his hips to hold him steady while he slammed the last few strokes into Gary’s hole and blasted off deep inside his colon. A big load, he realized, so big that it was already squeezing out around his cock before he’d stopped fucking it in.

    When Gary pulled out, Laszlo’s sperm started running out. “Don’t waste it,” Laszlo said. “Swing around and drop it into my mouth!”

    Gary pivoted on his heels and started pushing, a stream of Laszlo’s cream flowing in spurts out of his hole and dropping into Laszlo’s wide-open mouth. Once it was all out, he swung around again and laid down on top of Laszlo so they could snowball as they kissed and stroked each other. As they swallowed the last of the cum, Gary sighed contentedly. “Fucking Straight A!”

    Laszlo chuckled. “I wish I could get grades like that in my courses!” That made Gary laugh too. Then Laszlo said, “Come on, let’s get dressed and go get some dinner.”

    They had a fun meal together, at a casual restaurant down the road. After they’d eaten, Laszlo drove them back to the hotel. As they walked towards the door, Gary was obviously hoping for more. Laszlo didn’t mind; it had been good fun.

    That’s when Gary said, “Fuck, I left my wet speedo hanging up in your bathroom.”

    Laszlo laughed. “Intentionally?” and winked at him. Gary just blushed at that. “Okay, come on up to my room again and get it.” They fucked and came in each other’s ass a second time and then fell asleep, their naked bodies twined between the rumpled and messy sheets.

    In the morning, after breakfast, Laszlo thanked Gary for a great time but had to shoo him away, as he still had another day of the search party to go. This time he was late enough getting back to the hotel that he stopped for dinner along the road and walked in at about 9:00, well past sunset. All he had to do now was to pack up and get ready for his flight home shortly before noon.

    The next night, Laszlo walked slowly into his living room and dropped his bag. As a warm weather holiday, his trip to Hawaii (and particularly the last stop) had been a rousing success. As a search expedition for Daniel, it had been a dead flop. Laszlo didn’t know how close he’d come to crossing paths with his objective. But he did think it was odd that Daniel, who obviously had his phone number, didn’t make any further effort to contact him.




    Rodrigo thought it was more than odd. In fact, he sailed right into Daniel two days later to ask why he’d used a burner phone in Los Angeles instead of his own – and why he wasn’t trying to call Laszlo now. “Look, there’s your phone sitting right there. You obviously know his number. All you have to do is shift your hand about eight inches to the right, pick it up, and call him. So why the fuck are you just letting it sit there?”

    “Easy for you to say. When I came here, I needed to let go completely and leave my former life behind. Coming here and starting over with a new address and new phone number was essential for me to do that. I don’t want to be harassed by calls from agents offering me tempting roles to lure me out of retirement, or any requests for ‘life after porn’ interviews for gay journals. So I’m not using my phone to call or text anyone from my porn career, no matter what.”

    “Even for something that’s this critical for your own well-being?”

    “Even then. End of discussion.”

    “That’s what you think. You could at least go out and get another burner phone to use for the purpose.”


    Rodrigo had just come face to face with Daniel’s mule-like stubbornness, a characteristic which Laszlo could certainly have told him he would likely encounter. But Rodrigo was still baffled at Daniel’s refusal to take even a small step towards securing his own happiness.

    The reality behind the blunt opposition was that Daniel had developed a sudden, severe case of cold feet. He’d been nervous before, but he had overcome it or argued it down long enough to call Laszlo when he was in L.A. After the call failed, and now that he’d found out that Laszlo had been in Kauai the same day, and perhaps seeking for him, his nerve failed again.

    Daniel had always been far too imaginative about things that might go wrong, in all sorts of situations. Now, he was doing it again – fretting that Laszlo would turn him down because of his clumsy misfire with trying to make contact, or that Laszlo would be angry at him for just disappearing without a word in the first place. Bigger than both of those was the nagging fear that the big blond man in the award video was really Laszlo’s love object and that the game was indeed lost before it had even begun. So he kept silent and stewed.

    Laszlo was fretting, too, but for completely different reasons. He’d had that one brief communication from Daniel and then silence again. He still didn’t really know where Daniel had gone. The one new clue he had, the flight time, proved less than nothing. He’d checked into it, and there were flights leaving Los Angeles around that hour for just about every point of the compass except the east coast of North America.

    He also replayed the message on his voice mail, saving it repeatedly so it wouldn’t be lost. Of course, he wanted to hear Daniel’s voice again, but in addition he was trying to analyze the words and the tone of voice. “I have something really important I need to tell you.” That phrasing surely did not refer to any kind of a business matter.

    After several days of going around in circles in his head, Laszlo finally decided to return to Plan A and schedule another visit to Hawaii in two more months, when he had his next break from classes. It was actually the end of his term, and his next term was going to be a work placement, but he had a clear month to worry about upgrading his wardrobe against the chance of being sent to a really stuffy, uptight professional office to work. He figured that this time he could manage the time and the money for a week and a half in Hawaii with no trouble.

    Laszlo’s own innate positivity and go-ahead spirit were coming to his rescue. His plan had to work. He had to have guessed right about where Daniel was hanging out, and the man had to turn up. This time, he decided to bring a photo of Daniel to wave in people’s faces and see if they knew where to find him. He went ahead and made plans on that basis.


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    Chapter 10:  Breaking Points


    The morning after his spill-the-beans confession to Rodrigo, Daniel was sitting in his accustomed seat overlooking the beach, coffee mug in hand. Outwardly, nothing looked different from every other morning he’d sat there since his return to Hawaii nearly a year earlier.

    Inwardly, though, he was a seething mass of raw emotion. It seemed almost as if Rodrigo’s prying had provided him with the final key he needed to unlock the securely guarded inner fortress of his own self and set all of his suppressed feelings free to work their havoc upon him.

    Despair was the prominent feeling. It was, he now recognized, the predominant feeling he’d had for over five weeks, ever since the video had landed in his new and confidential inbox, attached to an email from the one person from his old life with whom he’d maintained contact – Marina. He didn’t know who’d been holding the phone since Marina herself appeared in the video, as did all his old Hawaiian Nine friends and associates. He’d watched with a mixture of immense elation and terrible sadness as his talented protégé, Laszlo, rose to full public prominence on the stage like a bird taking wing for the first time. He’d wept with Laszlo at the emotional final words of his speech. He’d gazed in awe as the entire audience rose to their feet, voices united in an immense roar of approval. He’d looked on with pride and admiration as the whole team crowded around to congratulate Laszlo and love him.

    And then, with a sudden stab of real pain, he’d watched Laszlo hugging and kissing the tall blond man whom he didn’t know, then sitting down with him with their hands intertwined as he nestled his head down on the big guy’s broad shoulder. At that moment, all his uncertainties at last settled, he’d realized beyond any shadow of doubt that what he had felt for Laszlo was love, perhaps even the great love of his life, and he had thrown it all away because of the huge emotional ball and chain which he was forever dragging around inside himself. Nor could he imagine for an instant that he would ever get it back again.

    What the hell was the use of anything if all of his introspection and self-examination of the last months had led only to this shattering heartbreak? Suddenly, even the delicious Hawaiian coffee turned to mud and ashes in his mouth, and with a grunt of disgust he emptied the mug onto the sand, barely touched. Then he dropped his head down onto his folded arms with a weary sigh and just sat like that, unmoving.


    He didn’t turn. Rodrigo’s voice sounded concerned, but that was barely a touch of salve for the immense pain he was feeling.

    “Daniel… how can I help?”

    Daniel’s immediate reaction would have been to snap at Rodrigo to go away, but even in this insane crisis his rigid self-training held good. He beckoned Rodrigo to come and sit beside him, and then took a deep breath.

    “Yesterday – what you said, it broke the dam, unlocked something inside me. Now, I’m suffering. The emotions, the anguish – it’s eating me alive.”

    “I knew there was something very wrong when you threw away your coffee. You never walk away from a cup of coffee without finishing it. That’s why I came out here.”

    Daniel took another deep breath.

    “Here’s the reason why. I want you to watch this. The whole thing. Then you’ll understand.”

    Rodrigo took the phone, found the video play button on the screen and hit it. Daniel sat, unspeaking, unmoving, staring out at the colouring clouds on the horizon as the whole scene at the video awards ceremony played out on the screen yet again while Rodrigo watched, in awe, in shock, in slowly dawning comprehension.

    The video ended, and Rodrigo at last spoke. “So it was him. Arpad Nagy. All along….”

    Daniel took his phone back. “No. It never was – but I know now that it should have been.”

    “Did you just get this now?”

    “No. The awards ceremony was five or six weeks ago. It was sent to me right after that.”

    Rodrigo stared at him, appalled at the thought of Daniel trying to carry all this dead weight of emotional baggage around without showing any outward sign for over a month. He said no more, sensing that words weren’t what Daniel needed. Then Daniel shifted a bit closer to him on the bench, and he draped his arm over his unhappy friend’s shoulders and held him close.

    Daniel did paddle out to ride the surf that afternoon, gave it a few half-hearted runs, and then paddled back in and called it a day. At dinnertime, Arian and Brad both noted that he was not his usual brightly sarcastic self, but they said nothing. After they’d eaten and Daniel had gone to sit outside again, Brad asked the man who would know.

    “Rodrigo, what gives with Daniel? He’s acting like his best friend got killed.”

    Rodrigo hesitated for a second, choosing his words carefully. “He’s at a really tough crisis point in his life and trying to figure out what to do about it. Sorry, but that’s all I’m going to say. He trusted me with his story, and I’m not going to blab it around. Best to just leave it alone and let him sort himself out.”

    Brad immediately put up his hands. “Okay, I’ll back  off. I just wish there was something we could do.”

    “So do I – but there isn’t. He has to do this himself.”




    The remainder of the awards weekend after the ceremony had been a different form of sheer hell for Laszlo. He’d had to make at least a courtesy appearance at the supper after the ceremony, and at the farewell brunch the next morning, and he felt as if he was continually getting raked over hot coals by each and every single fan and performer and producer he met. Of course, every person he talked to wanted to:

    [a] congratulate him and

    talk about how amazing that scene had been to watch and

    [c] tell how many loads each of them had whacked out while watching it and (most of all)

    [d] ask about the real dirt on the Hawaiian Nine’s disappearance.

    It had continued, this time with the participants from other award nominees, all through the long and tedious flights home. These were the worst of all, many of them being the kind of pig-headed stubborn gossips who simply couldn’t accept that “No” or “I don’t know” might be a complete answer. Laszlo had emitted what was probably the biggest sigh of relief of his entire life when he’d claimed his bag in Los Angeles and walked out of the terminal to get into his Uber for the ride home to his apartment in WeHo.

    It was now almost five months since the trip to Spain and the awards presentation. Laszlo and Miklos were in bed together. Despite Miklos urging the idea that they should move in together, Laszlo continued to act cautious. Miklos had seen his emotional breakdown at the awards show, and his lengthy tension during the after-events and the flight back to Los Angeles -- and he could clearly sense that the mysterious disappearance of the Hawaiian Nine was at the root of Laszlo’s attitude, although he couldn’t be sure why.

    However, this last couple of days, Laszlo had been even more moody. He’d invited Miklos for dinner and to spend the night.  But, truth be told, Laszlo wasn’t being a very good host. He was preoccupied for long stretches of time. He burned the potatoes, although some of them were salvageable. And now they were in bed, but Laszlo had begged off sex – which was unheard of. So Miklos finally decided to take the bull by the horns.

    “You’re acting very strange tonight, Laszlo – almost how I can imagine a guy might act if he’d just been told he had an incurable disease.”

    Laszlo sighed. “No, it’s not that.” He sat up and swung around so he was facing Miklos. “I’m sorry, Miklos. Things aren’t going to work out between us. I know that now. And I just want you to know, it isn’t anything you did or said. You’re a terrific guy, and you’re going to find a better partner than me with no trouble. But I’m in way over my head with a major personal problem – not medical, so don’t worry! – and I have to be on my own to sort it out. Letting us drift into a relationship was a big mistake – my big mistake. And I’m sorry for that, so sorry.”

    Miklos was floored, to put it mildly. But then, as he thought back over the last few weeks, he could remember all the times when Laszlo set limits, kept him at a safe distance, wouldn’t allow himself to go all in with his partner. True, the sex had been great – but Miklos knew that he wanted and deserved more from a relationship than a man who was a perfect sex fiend in bed but somewhat missing in action out of bed.

    Laszlo asked timidly, “Are you mad at me?”

    Miklos arranged his thoughts for a few seconds. “Not mad, no. Surprised, startled, perhaps a bit shocked, but not angry. I could feel that something wasn’t right, but I didn’t know what it was. And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry you’re having a rough time.”

    Laszlo smiled sadly. It was a smile that Miklos knew well. “If anybody could have helped me to sort this mess out, you’d have been the one I would have picked. But I’m on my own here.”

    Greatly daring, Miklos went right to the point. “Is this something to do with the Hawaiian Nine vanishing?”

    Laszlo thought for a minute, and then sighed again. “Okay, you deserve the truth. But please, don’t tell anyone else about this.” Miklos nodded agreement. “Yes, that’s exactly what it is. You may have already guessed that I fell for him like a ton of bricks. Damn silly thing to do, especially in the porn industry, but I couldn’t help myself. I can’t even say why it happened. The last month or so, during and after our final shoot, I could have sworn that he was starting to share my feelings, although he never said so.

    “Then, the final release party also turned into a huge goodbye fest for all of us as the company had already been sold. When I came to say goodbye to Daniel, I thanked him for everything he’d done to help me, and then kissed and hugged him. When I went to let go, he was still clinging onto me for another seven or eight seconds – long enough for me to think,  Finally! He’s going to say something! But when he finally let me loose, his only words were, ‘Take care, buddy.’ That was it. And I never saw him again.

    “By the way, Lianne and Marina were both convinced that they saw the marks of him falling in love with me as well, so it wasn’t just my idle fancy.

    “Three days ago, I got an email from Marina. She told me that she had Daniel’s new email address, but she’d had to promise him up and down not to share it with anyone. She’d sent him a video of the award presentation, and the only answer she got back from him was, ‘Very nice – Laszlo did a great job with that speech.’ Nothing more. And he hasn’t told her where he is, either. It’s been almost a year now since he vanished, and all I know is that he’s alive.”

    Miklos felt his heart going out to Laszlo. The heartbreak, the sadness, were palpable in his every word. He reached out and hugged Laszlo hard, but then sat back, still holding him by the shoulders, and said, “So what are you going to do about it?”

    “I don’t know. Do I even want to pursue it, when the guy’s such a cold fish?”

    Suddenly, Miklos felt the anger rising in him. He choked it down long enough to say, “Have you even tried? You know, there’s something that comes through loud and clear from your story, and here it is. You never told him how you felt about him! Did you?” Laszlo reluctantly shook his head. “So are you expecting him to do all the work, to be the one to say it first? Any reason why it has to be him? I’m telling you right now, straight out: no, there isn’t. You need to show a little more backbone here, Laszlo – if only for your own sake. Then, if it fails, you can tell yourself that you at least made the effort. And that will make all the difference if it doesn’t work, and you have to move on. So you need to pick yourself up and make that effort. You’ll have to find him, and when you do, you’ll have to be the one to step up and say the scary words – because it sure doesn’t sound like he’s going to go first.”

    “So I have to go first.”

    “I’d say so. Or else you can just give up now and crawl under a rock and stay there, hating yourself for not speaking out, for the rest of your life.”

    Miklos had been a lot more forceful than he’d intended to be, but he’d definitely made an impact.

    “You’re right. He won’t ever make the first move, so I guess I’ll have to do it.”

    Miklos gave him another big hug. “That’s the spirit,” he murmured in Laszlo’s ear. “Laszlo, I’m sorry I snapped at you like that. I hope you can find him and sort it out. I’m sure you’ll give it a good shot.” Then he got up, got dressed, and looked back at the bed. Laszlo hadn’t moved. He was still sitting in the same place, still staring past the spot where Miklos had been at the wall. But Miklos knew that he was really looking in his mind’s eye at someone else who only he could see. He leaned down and kissed Laszlo. “Goodbye and good luck. It’s been fun.” And then he swung out the door, closing it gently behind him.

    Laszlo wept. Hurting Miklos had been the last thing he’d wanted to do, and somehow the fact that he’d taken it so calmly and understandingly – and only got angry when Laszlo sounded like he was going to give up -- made it worse. But his tears didn’t last long. The words Miklos had said finally sank in. “You’ll have to find him, and when you do, you’ll have to be the one to step up and say the scary words – because it sure doesn’t sound like he’s going to go first.”




    Rodrigo was getting frustrated. He felt like the world’s most ill-equipped fraud of a psychiatrist as he struggled to figure out a way to help Daniel. It was well over a week since Daniel had shown him the video of the awards presentation, and during that time Daniel had done nothing but mope. He’d even passed up his sacrosanct daily workouts, which Rodrigo found hard to believe. He’d vanish for hours at a time, and then he’d return, looking even more miserable and down in the mouth. And Rodrigo finally decided that he had to take a gamble.

    The next morning, Daniel was sitting on his bench, staring out at the sunrise. Sure sign of trouble, he wasn’t even holding a cup of coffee. Rodrigo came out and sat beside him, bringing two steaming mugs. Daniel thanked him, listlessly.

    “So, Daniel, what are you going to do?”

    “What is there to do? I’ve lost.”

    “The only reason you’ve ‘lost,’ as you put it, is that you’ve given up. You’ve folded, without even trying. And you don’t know a single damned thing about that big hunk he was sitting with. You don’t even know if he’s Arpad Nagy’s Mister Fucking Gorgeous Right! You’re just assuming the worst about everything! Quitter!!!”

    Rodrigo’s voice had risen to something close to an actual yell as he let his anger blaze. And Daniel fired up in return. “And who made you such a big fucking expert on anything?”

    Rodrigo laughed tightly. “That’s better. You’re finally beginning to fight back. Now, when are you going to carry the fight to… I can’t keep calling him ‘Arpad Nagy,’ I know that’s got to be his screen alias. What’s his real name?”

    “Laszlo. Laszlo Kertesz.”

    “You need to get up off your ass and fight for Laszlo. It’s obvious he loves you.”

    “What makes you think it’s so obvious?”

    “Daniel, have you ever really focused on that video, apart from the ending? Here, get it out and I’ll show you what I mean.” Daniel fished out his phone, unlocked it, and found the video. Rodrigo took it and began playing it. “Now, watch and listen closely.” He zoomed in so that Laszlo’s face, although slightly blurry, filled the whole screen as he dialed up the volume.

    “If he were here, I’d give him this trophy to keep for himself because everything I’ve done in this industry, every break I’ve gotten, every success I’ve had, it’s all due to him – to his mentoring, to his experience shared, and above all to his friendship. Wherever the Hawaiian Nine is, I hope he sees a video of this moment -- so he’ll know just how grateful I am. Thank you for everything, my friend. Love you and miss you.”

    Rodrigo paused the video. “Did you hear the way he rasped as he tried to draw a breath? See that struggle written all over his face? Hear the way his voice is quivering, shaking? The two of you won that award together and he’s going to give it to you to keep for yourself. Nobody does that – but he’s said he’s going to do it, and that isn’t nothing! And that last sentence….”

    Rodrigo backed up the video and played the last bit again. “Thank you for everything, my friend. Love you and miss you.”

    “There. ‘Love you and miss you.’ And then he breaks down and bawls his eyes out, so hard that the presenter has to help him off the stage because he can’t see where he’s going. If that isn’t the perfect portrait of a man desperately and hopelessly in love, I don’t know what would be. And the man he loves sure as hell isn’t that blond hunk. I’d bet that’s just his consolation prize because he feels so empty and lonely right now.”

    Daniel made one more brave try. “How can you be so sure? You don’t even know him.”

    “Do you? Know him? I mean really know him -- as a whole person?”

    Daniel paused for a long moment, so long that Rodrigo began to fear that he was going to shut down again, until he spoke. “No, I don’t know him at all. But I want to. No -- I need to.”

    “Good. Just focus on that want, that need. And then go and get him.”


    “That’s your job. Whatever it takes. Because you do need him. He has to be the one to save you from yourself because I won’t always be here to do it for you.”

    At that, Daniel actually laughed – for the first time in nearly two weeks. “You’re such an asshole.”

    Rodrigo grinned. “There’s my friend, Daniel, back with us again. Come on, let’s go get some breakfast. Save the workout for later when the beach gets flooded with idiots.”

    They walked back to the house together, laughing. Brad saw them coming and instantly felt much better too. So did Arian, when he finally staggered downstairs at nearly nine o’clock with his girl of the moment. She looked suitably baffled at the hilarity in the kitchen at such an early hour.

    Daniel’s newly buoyant mood lasted for the entire day. He worked out alongside Rodrigo, with great energy, cracking jokes in his old manner. They each saved an errant swimmer who got in trouble when the lifeguards were elsewhere preoccupied. Daniel actually enjoyed riding the big surf later in the day for the first time in weeks, zipping up and down the waves with all his old flair and style, and riding one especially big crest all the way in.

    Best of all, from Rodrigo’s point of view, he went to Rodrigo’s room that night, walking in without knocking, and said, “Get on your knees – my balls are fucking aching.”

    Rodrigo bellowed out a hearty laugh. “What do you expect when you swore off for damn near two weeks? Glad to see you escaped from the monastery!”

    “On your knees, pronto!”

    A moment later, he was sinking his hard cock into Rodrigo’s tight hole. He fucked Rodrigo’s butt with all his old, accustomed energy and fired a first load all the way in after just a few minutes.

    “Wow, even for you, that was fast!”

    “I’m still just warming up. I’ll have some more ready for you before you know it.”

    He pulled out and rolled Rodrigo onto his back, then began eating his ass, sucking that load right back out of it.

    “Mmm. That tastes so good.”

    “Well, let me have some too! Greedy pig.” Daniel laughed and slid up to kiss Rodrigo, swapping the cum with him. Rodrigo loved the fresh taste of a load sucked out of his own ass. “Let me suck your cock now.”

    Daniel straddled his chest, and gladly fed his tool into Rodrigo’s mouth, having learned long since that Rodrigo was one of the finest cocksuckers he’d ever met in his life. By this time his cock was completely hard again, and probably leaking a fresh stream of precum into Rodrigo’s eager mouth.

    “Damn, that is so fucking good. You’re amazing.”

    Rodrigo spit his tool out. “Shut up and fuck me again.”

    Daniel was happy to oblige, butt blasting him a second time and shooting an even bigger load into his already saturated hole.




    Laszlo sat at his desk, pondering. It’s all very well for Miklos, he thought, to tell me to go find him because he doesn’t have to figure out how to do it. But where the fuck do I start?

    He already knew that Marina wouldn’t help him. She had his email address – but she wouldn’t give it to him, she didn’t know where Daniel was, and she wouldn’t ask. He’d tried asking her that before. Finally, he decided to start writing a journal, doing his best to recall as many details as possible of his interactions with Daniel and set them down in writing. He was hoping that would give him some kind of a clue.

    Easier said than done. But in another couple of hours, Laszlo had succeeded in filling a couple of pages with recollections. He’d also succeeded in making himself unbelievably sleepy. He shut off his laptop, downed the last mouthful of a hefty glass of wine, and went back to bed, falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

    The next day, he had a full schedule of classes, and a work session with a classmate on a joint presentation that they had to make the following afternoon. The day after they gave the presentation was Saturday, and he was up in good time and back at work. He re-read everything he’d written three nights earlier, and then set to work again.

    After an hour of mining his stream of recollections, he wrote one sentence which brought him to a dead stop, snapping him out of his reveries with a jolt. “It wasn’t the first, or the last, time that we talked about surfing – one of his great passions.”

    And just like that, he realized where Daniel had gone when he vanished and where he himself had to go to search for the Hawaiian Nine. It was just a matter of waiting for his next break week from his courses, a break which was coming up in a month. That would give him time to do his planning and some necessary research. The memoir could wait for another day.

    He closed the text file on his laptop, opened the search, and typed in surfing beaches Hawaii.

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  12. Chapter 9:  New Directions


    Over a period of some five months after the goodbye party, Laszlo gradually set aside his heartbreak and began charting a new direction for his life. Following in the footsteps of his mentor, Daniel (if he had only known it), he took his savings from his nascent porn career and enrolled in a college accounting and business management program. He hoped in time to start his own business (although not as a porn producer) and reasoned that a solid background in financial management would be a signal benefit when he did.

    Once he got well underway with his courses, he let himself accept a few offers for film gigs from other studios. Here again he was unknowingly following Daniel in taking only such offers as could be fitted into his holiday periods from classes, and always trying to hold out for the right to pick his own scene partners.

    Around the five-month mark, he got a phone call from Lianne, who had continued working for Powerdrill Films, the company which had bought out Hawaiian Nine. The call was to let him know that he and Daniel had been jointly nominated for Scene Couple of the Year for their memorable romantic scene in Nine in the Woods. She filled him in on the details of time (the next month) and location for this year’s awards show (Ibiza) and made the arrangements for a hotel room and tickets to the post-show supper and the morning-after brunch for him. After covering the business, he asked her off-hand who else she’d been in touch with.

    “Easier to say who I haven’t gotten. I’ve talked to everyone on the film now, except for Daniel.”

    Something in the tone of her voice prompted him to ask, “He didn’t get back to you?”

    “Not that. His phone’s gone off.” She continued, imitating to perfection the synthetic tone of a canned phone-company voice, “The number you have reached is not in service.”

    Laszlo was at a complete loss for words.

    Fortunately, Lianne went on for him. “If you happen to hear from him, would you ask him to contact me? I need to talk to him about hotel and tickets.”

    “I’ll pass the message, Lianne, if I get the chance, but I haven’t heard from him either -- and from the sound of things I don’t think I’m likely to.”

    Lianne whistled in dismay. “Now, that’s surprising. I got the distinct impression that he was falling for you this last year or so.”

    “I wouldn’t know from anything he said or did, other than that scene.”

    “Well, Laszlo, that’s not nothing. I would have sworn that both of you went far beyond acting in that one.”

    “Wait…? What…??? You actually watched our scene???”

    “Don’t sound so surprised. Damn, I swear young guys today are so naïve. Yes, I watched it – several times. It isn’t only straight men who get wound up by watching two members of the opposite sex get it on. It was so real, actually heartfelt. Smart money says that’s why the two of you are going to win the award.”

    Musing on the conversation later, Laszlo wondered if Lianne’s perception was on point. If so, it made it even odder that Daniel had just disappeared into the wild blue yonder. A similar conversation with Jim and Steve led to an invitation to meet them for dinner on the night they arrived in Ibiza, three nights before the awards ceremony.

    And then it was time to fly over to Spain again, this time adding on an extra shuttle flight from Madrid to Ibiza at the end of an already long and tedious journey. Sign of the changing times, Daniel’s ever-hopeful backer had vanished at the same time Daniel did, and the company had to fly over in economy class this time – the cattlecar, as Laszlo wryly put it to himself. At least, he thought, this time I’m not confined to barracks. There was no need this year to save himself up for a shoot immediately after, and he took full advantage of the opportunity to socialize with all the other hot guys on hand.

    That list began on the night they arrived with Jim and Steve. Their dinner conversation wandered around in circles multiple times, branching off into other directions repeatedly, and then just as often coming back to the strange disappearance of Daniel. Nobody, it seemed, had heard from him or seen him, and nobody had any idea why.

    Jim, however, made a shrewd observation. “He’d been getting antsy for a couple of years now. Whenever I saw him, part of his mind always seemed to be somewhere else. I’d guess that he’s been wanting to break free for a while, go back ten spaces, hit the reset button, and start the game over from there, with the aim of ending up in a different place that seems to him like less of a dead-end trap.”

    Steve and Laszlo both nodded at that – Steve because he had good reason to trust his husband’s ability to study people under the skin, and Laszlo because everything Jim was saying squared with his own observations.

    When dinner was all finished, and Steve had paid the bill, Jim casually said, “Big night tomorrow. Time to hit the hay.” The two of them got up, and Laszlo rose too, prepared to say thanks and goodnight. Then Jim added one more word. “Coming?”

    Laszlo laughed. “Not too quickly, I hope.”

    Ten minutes later, the three of them were washing each other down in the shower. At least, there was a bit of washing going on but far more kissing, groping, sucking, and finger-fucking. Finally, Steve shut the water off, and everyone dried off before adjourning the meeting to the bed.

    Laszlo started things off by trying again – and failing again – to deep throat Steve’s massive tower of power. Jim just laughed, watching him gamely struggling to get more than seven inches of that enormous dick inside his face. In another minute, though, Jim had buried his own face deep inside his husband’s ass, and was ferociously tonguing and sucking at the hole, getting it to loosen and open up, preparing it to take cock.

    Even after their history, and their film scene together, Laszlo still had trouble wrapping his mind around the idea that Steve, a.k.a. Rod Rammer, the king of porn stud tops, actually preferred to take cock inside his ass.

    But now he watched eagerly, stroking his own cock slowly, as Jim applied a handful of spit to his tool and slid it into his husband’s eager hole. Steve opened right up as that rigid cock penetrated him and let out a satisfied moan as it sank in all the way. Jim leaned over Steve’s muscled back, planting his hands on either side of his man’s body as he began pumping. After a couple of minutes, he pulled out and barked at Steve to roll over. Steve obediently rolled onto his back and lifted his legs into the air. Then Jim turned to Laszlo and smiled, saying “Your turn.”

    Laszlo eagerly moved forward and slid into Steve’s welcoming man cunt, his cock penetrating all the way as Steve grasped his torso and pulled him farther in. Jim moved in behind Laszlo, massaging his ass and toying with his hole. Laszlo turned his head, and said, “Put that thing in me, Jim.” At once, Jim added another shot of spit to his tool and then entered Laszlo’s butt.

    This three-way fuck train continued for another two minutes. Steve felt almost as if both of these hot guys were fucking him at once – and as he thought that, he suddenly realized that “almost as if” wasn’t good enough for him any more.

    “I want both of you inside me -- together. Double fuck me!”

    Jim asked in disbelief, “You want DP.”

    “Too fucking right. Do it!”

    Jim said to Laszlo, “Pull out and lie down beside him.” Then he turned to his husband and told him to get up and sit on Laszlo’s dick. Once Steve did that, Laszlo pulled him back until he was lying nearly prone on Laszlo’s chest. Then Jim added a generous shot of lube to his tool and slowly began working it in, a bit at a time, until both he and Laszlo were fully buried inside Steve. And that was a historic moment. The legendary Rod Rammer was getting rammed by two cocks at once for the first time ever.

    Laszlo was slightly in awe at being asked to participate in this double penetration, but Steve’s repeated pleas to “come on, guys, fuck me like you mean it” got him over the feeling and he settled right in to give Steve the fucking he deserved. With Jim moving in and out at the same time, the two of them could feel their cocks rubbing up against each other as well, and the sensation was driving Laszlo into a frenzy of lust such as he’d rarely felt before. Even being on the bottom end of DP himself hadn’t driven him this crazy. As for Jim, he’d never participated in a DP in any way, so his heightened excitement was inevitable.

    And it was Jim who first gasped, “Fuck, guys, I can’t hold it! I’m gonna cum!”

    Steve grasped his cock, moaning, “Yes! Me too!”

    Laszlo at once speeded up his fuck strokes into Steve’s tortured hole, wanting to try to cum right with his two hosts if he could.

    It was Steve who shot first, going into a total state of prolonged orgasm as his hole couldn’t contract fully and kept spasming around the two dicks in it. Jim could stand only a moment of that treatment before his tool swelled up and erupted inside Steve’s guts. The sensation of Jim’s dick twitching and pulsing, and the hot cream of his orgasm flowing around his own cock quickly brought Laszlo up to the peak and he erupted in a mind-blowing orgasm just seconds behind Jim.

    Their combined loads slowly oozed out of Steve’s gaping hole around their two cocks, as Steve lay with a blissful, all gone expression on his face. Laszlo’s cock slid out first, and Jim’s followed shortly after, with a tidal wave of cum slowly running out after it as Steve’s hole refused to close up for a good two minutes. Steve’s body had completely collapsed on top of Laszlo, and Laszlo eventually had to push him off as the inert weight was becoming painful.

    The three of them lay in bed, side by side, panting for air, with cream running down three cock shafts and one pair of ass cheeks. Even for a pair of professional porn performers, this was a peak level experience for the record books. Laszlo couldn’t think when he had last cum so hard or shot so much.

    Eventually, he got up, cleaned himself up, and pulled on his clothes. His hosts just lay together in bed, smiling in the aftermath. When he was dressed, Laszlo kissed both of them and thanked them for a great evening.

    Steve replied, “No, thank you! I’ve been wanting to do that for ages, and I’m so glad you could help make it happen. It felt fucking amazing!”

    Jim smiled as Laszlo chuckled and waved goodbye before letting himself out.

    The next day was set aside for a massive all-day pool party for all the attendees. Clear sky, warm breezes, blazing sunshine, a huge pool, tons of food, an open bar, and hundreds of hot guys – the ingredients were all there for a first-rate wild time.

    Laszlo enjoyed just lounging in the pool for a while, chatting with his friends and a couple of other young hotties who were drawn to this famous porn star like moths to a candle. Eventually, he found that his drink was empty, a state of affairs which must not be allowed to continue. He had just climbed out of the pool to head back to the bar, when a vaguely familiar voice called out his name. He swung around and found himself looking right into the face of his volleyball teammate from high school, Miklos. His jaw just about dropped when he took in the way that the scrawny kid he remembered had put on muscle since they’d last seen each other six years earlier. Not only that, Miklos had also put on a lot more self-confidence, immediately wrapping his arms around Laszlo with a hug and a kiss, punctuated by a firm squeeze of his butt.

    In the pool, Jim caught Steve’s eye and gave him a broad wink before they both turned back to watch as events unfolded.

    “Step back, Miklos – let me get a really good look at you.”


    Miklos was definitely a sight for sore eyes, from his broad shoulders down over his big pecs, then following the treasure trail down over the ridged abs towards the tight little brief swimsuit which was having a hard time containing his growing cock. That was certainly due to the way Laszlo’s own hard-earned muscles were shown off by his tan and by his own skimpy brief, with the high-cut sides over his ass cheeks.

    Laszlo’s mouth unconsciously watered as he remembered the day back in high school when he’d clandestinely sucked Miklos off in the locker room – at a moment when they were both supposed to be back on the court for the next game in a tournament. Fortunately, Miklos had been as fast as he was, and he’d swallowed the last mouthful of cum and stood up just as the assistant coach walked in, yelling at them to get their asses back out onto the court.

    That had been Laszlo’s first load, and he instantly found himself getting hard at the thought of a rematch – at a more advanced level, of course. From the looks of the front of his swimsuit, Miklos was definitely primed for action too. Laszlo pulled him in close again, groped him firmly, and said quietly, “My room – come on.”

    They were already kissing and groping each other like madmen in the elevator going up. As soon as the door of the room swung shut behind them, Laszlo immediately dropped to his knees and started pulling the front of Miklos’ tight pink briefs out and down to release his cock. Miklos reached over his head to twist the door lock, and then focused on Laszlo, whose tongue was already taking some very smooth and well-practised swipes up and down the shaft.

    When he peeled back the skin and began tonguing the head, Miklos shuddered with excitement and anticipation. For now, he was just enjoying an expert blowjob, but he really wanted to get his hands and tongue and cock into that sweet ass.

    After Laszlo had spent several minutes bobbing up and down and twisting his mouth around the shaft of that uncut tool on each stroke, Miklos pulled him up to his feet.

    “My turn.”

    Miklos now dropped to the floor and spun Laszlo around, tugging his tight suit over to one side until he could get his finger into the crack. Then he leaned in and began to lick and kiss the sides, while his right hand probed the tight button deep down, and his left hand held that small piece of pale blue fabric out of the way.

    Then he pulled back his right hand and, without removing his mouth, slid the hand between Laszlo’s legs and up over the bulge, squeezing his rock-hard cock on the way, until his hand caressed the exposed head which had pushed past the narrow waistband and was shimmering with juice in the open air. Miklos grabbed that waistband, and tugged it down, releasing Laszlo’s cock and balls as he slid it slowly all the way down his legs. He then shoved his face all the way into Laszlo’s ass, eagerly sucking and eating the hole while his right hand continued to manipulate that dripping cock. In no time he had Laszlo groaning and then saying, “Dammit! Quit the teasing and fuck me already!”

    It was all Miklos needed to hear. He removed his hand, stood up, swiped a couple of handfuls of a mix of his spit and Laszlo’s cock juice over the head of his tool, and then planted it against the hole and gave it a healthy shove. Laszlo cried out as the cock penetrated him instantly, going all the way in on the first stroke. Miklos wasn’t the biggest guy he’d ever taken (that was Rod Rammer’s honour) but it was still a lot of man meat to have driven into him that quickly. Miklos stopped then, knowing that Laszlo needed a bit of time. He waited for a minute or two until Laszlo’s muscle ring stopped fighting him, and then he began to fuck ass.

    Laszlo groaned again as Miklos drove it into him over and over, plunging deep and fast and pulling back all the way until his head was trapped in the ring. As Laszlo began working his muscles to tease and squeeze Miklos, the big blond was rapidly relearning the difference between newbies and reluctant virgins versus a truly experienced bottom who knew how to make the ride all the better for both of them.

    Laszlo was having an incredible time too. He’d been fucked by a number of guys, obviously, but never before in a standing position, and the way Miklos was driving into him was stirring him up and exciting him almost beyond belief. He’d already decided that for his next film he’d love to get fucked this way on camera, sure that his excitement would show in his face.

    Laszlo was giving Miklos such a wild time that he suddenly realized that he was going to cum, and too soon. He started to slow down, but Laszlo protested. “Nooo! Keep pounding me!”

    “Fuck, man, I’m going to cum too soon if I do.”

    “Go for it! We can always go for round two. Come on, blow that load inside me. Fill me up!”

    Miklos willingly revved the throttle up again and was soon pounding Laszlo’s hole like an oil well pump gone ballistic. After only about 30 seconds of that treatment, the moment arrived. Miklos grunted out, “Cumming!”

    Laszlo moaned. “Yes! Cum in my ass!!!”

    Miklos slammed in one last time and held it there as his cock convulsed, flooding Laszlo’s hole with an enormous load of sperm. Laszlo grabbed his own tool, beat it half a dozen times, and shot a blast of cum onto the wall where it dribbled slowly down towards the floor.

    They stood there, with Miklos clinging firmly to Laszlo until his cock slowly softened and then slid out of Laszlo’s hole. Laszlo turned slowly around to kiss him, and Miklos grinned. “Look at that! Super wild round of sex, breeding, and two loads of cum, and we didn’t even wrinkle the bed sheets. Are we good or what?”

    Laszlo had to laugh.

    They lay down on the bed and cuddled for a while, playing with each other’s cocks and asses, but it took a while after that huge orgasm before their cocks began to refill for another round. Then Laszlo took control, straddling Miklos’ chest to feed his cock into the bigger guy’s mouth. Miklos was also an experienced cocksucker, and gave Laszlo the kind of top-notch treatment that brought his cock to full rigidity in no time at all.

    Laszlo then swung around and sat on Miklos’ face, forcing the erstwhile top to eat out his ass while he leaned forward to suck that big uncut cock again. Miklos loved the taste of cum fresh from an ass, so he didn’t object at all. It was another matter, though, when Laszlo turned yet again, grabbed Miklos by the shoulders, and flipped him into a face-down position, then straddled his back and began to eat his ass.

    “Hey,” Miklos protested, “I thought I was the top here1”

    Laszlo laughingly said, “All good things must come to an end and every empire must fall,” as he plunged his finger into the tight hole and began wriggling it around. “So be a good guy and just shut up and take it like a man!”

    Miklos laughed then, but his laughs soon turned to groans as Laszlo’s tongue penetrated his hole and began fucking him with sharp little thrusts. In just another minute or so, he was twisting around on the bed and moaning that he wanted cock in his ass.

    Laszlo straightened up, placed the tip of his rigid tool against the button, and then pushed slowly but forcefully down. Miklos popped open and Laszlo entered, thrusting his way inch by inch until his entire cock was buried deep in the hole. Miklos was gasping for breath. It was evident that he hadn’t been fucked for a while. His hole was tight enough that it felt, to Laszlo, almost like he’d never been fucked before, and that made the action of driving repeatedly into his body tremendously exciting.

    It only took about five minutes before Laszlo felt his orgasm building, and asked Miklos where he wanted the load. Miklos promptly replied, “Inside me. Cum in my ass!” Laszlo speeded up his thrusts and then exploded inside Miklos, drenching his colon with cum.

    But Miklos was nowhere near ready to cum. Laszlo waited a minute until his cock softened a bit, then he pulled out and rolled Miklos over again. His cock was sticking painfully straight up into the air. Laszlo lifted those long legs up, swiped a palmful of his cum out of Miklos’ ass crack, wiped it onto his own ass, and then sat down on that big rigid tool and began riding. Miklos groaned aloud as Laszlo practically raped himself on his cock, ramming himself up and down  as hard and fast as he could go. Finally, Miklos could take no more and let his orgasm come, flooding Laszlo’s guts with another huge load of his seed.

    Eventually, Laszlo detached and flopped on the bed beside Miklos and they both fell asleep. He awoke to find Miklos looking down at him with a wistful kind of smile.

    “What time is it?” Laszlo asked.

    “About 5:00.”

    “Let’s get back out there before everyone eats all the food.”

    “Good plan.”

    They both slid their swimsuits back on. At least, as Miklos observed, they were fitting better now that the tension had been relieved.

    When they sauntered back out onto the pool deck together, they manfully endured some ribbing from members of the crowd who knew one or the other (or both) of them. More drinks, more time in the pool, more hugging and kissing with more hot guys, more groping and squeezing.

    But then Laszlo looked at the food laid out on the buffet – there was plenty of it left -- and groaned in dismay. It was a thoroughly American spread of really heavy foods – burgers, fries, sausages, fried chicken, and over-sauced ribs.

    “What the fuck is the use of this trash? I’m in Spain, I’d like to eat tapas, seafood, paella, veggies, that kind of thing. I didn’t fly all this way just to eat fucking factory burgers!”

    “Agreed,” Miklos responded heartily. “Want to slide out and go get dinner somewhere else?”

    Laszlo looked around. The sun was definitely dropping towards the horizon but the coloured lights around the pool were coming on and the band was warming up at the bandstand. He suddenly thought that he also didn’t want any loud music pounding in his ears today. It had been a fun day, but enough was enough.

    “Deal. Meet me in the hotel lobby in…” and he glanced at his phone “…45 minutes.”

    An hour later, the two of them were walking along a street towards a highly recommended seafood restaurant. The street scene around them was lively enough, but it wasn’t a patch on the roaring noise of the pool party which was slowly receding behind them.

    The restaurant proved to be a quiet, cool hideaway up a narrow lane between old stone houses, with vine-draped trellises arching over the tables on the outdoor patio. The server recommended a tangy, dry white wine from the list, and they ordered a selection of tapas of varying kinds.

    Over the meal, they chatted about their respective careers. It wasn’t surprising that Laszlo hadn’t gotten wind of Miklos being in the industry too, as he was (like Laszlo) using a screen alias but (unlike Laszlo) he now looked wildly different from the way he had looked when they’d known each other in school.

    Miklos had freelanced with a couple of different producers, and he kept Laszlo in stitches with his stories of how he kept getting paired with young twinks whose job was to get fucked but who kept turning out to not enjoy it at all, which meant that he had to be careful not to ram them too hard – and that in turn made it very hard for him to keep hard. His biggest howler was the twink who’d broken the moment when Miklos was winding up to cum by suddenly and loudly saying, “Fuck, I hate these cheap, itchy sheets.”

    “Bet they didn’t sign him for another film in a hurry,” Laszlo choked out between bellows of laughter as he wiped his watering eyes.

    Laszlo in turn shared some stories about the various people at Hawaiian Nine, assuring Miklos that despite what people were saying, Will and Eddie (the camera guys) really had put down their cameras and made an unplanned leap into the scene that day when he filmed his debut scene with Daniel.

    Then Miklos went right where Laszlo knew he was bound to go, given the direction of the conversation.

    “So, tell me, Laszlo: what was it like having the Hawaiian Nine as a boyfriend?”

    “How do you mean?”

    “Well, you two were definitely an item. Everyone said so.”

    “Then everyone was wrong. We most certainly were not an item. Nobody was ever an item with him. You couldn’t crack that guy’s shell. It was harder to break into than Fort Knox.”

    “Laszlo, you sound like you wanted to.”

    “Well, naturally, I was curious about what made him tick. But I couldn’t figure him out at all. However, just to satisfy your gay gossip monger curiosity, we did sleep together. To be precise, we had sex together exactly five times – and two of those were on camera. A third one was when he broke my ass in off camera so it wouldn’t take all day to fuck me for the first time on camera.”

    “Shit. He took your cherry? Lucky devil.”

    Laszlo laughed. “I’ll bet a lot of people thought that. But it was like everything else. Whatever the Hawaiian Nine did, it was strictly business all the way. He could be really friendly, affable, even chatty, but that was out of necessity for being in business. I don’t think that man has a clue how to relate to anyone outside of a business negotiation.”

    “So where did he go to? Word on the street is that he’s disappeared.”

    “In this one case, the Word on the Street has got it right. He cancelled his cell phone, sold his condo, and vanished. Out of town? I don’t know. Which direction? No idea. What’s he doing now? No one’s heard. Rumours are flying, but there’s a distinct shortage of definite answers.”

    “Laszlo, you sound like you are worried.”

    “Naturally. He was a likable guy and he really helped me a lot. But he lived so totally for his company, and now that’s he’s sold it, I have no idea of what he might do that would fill that big gaping hole in his life. So yes, I’m worried about him.”

    Miklos changed the subject, with a slightly belated show of tact. The rising edge in Laszlo’s voice warned him not to pursue the topic of the Hawaiian Nine any further.

    They walked back to the hotel together, and Laszlo thanked Miklos for a delicious dinner and a pleasant evening.

    Then Miklos asked, “Can I see you again?”

    Laszlo looked at him thoughtfully for a moment, and then said, “Yes, I’d like that. My treat.”

    The next afternoon, out at the pool, Lianne looked searchingly at the two of them sitting together, a bit apart from the rest of the gang. Marina asked her, “What’s caught your eye?”

    “Those two. Laszlo and that big blond guy, what’s his name?”

    “Adam Orban,” Marina supplied – using Miklos’ screen name.

    “They’re giving me déjà vu. Remember that Icelandic hunk, Johannis, and that little Latino, Miguel? Love at first sight. This looks the same – maybe not as intense, but still….”

    “Good for Laszlo,” Marina said heartily. “Maybe it’ll take his mind off his lost love.”

    Lianne nodded. “Yes, that would be nice for him. But he’s still got to get through tomorrow night. You know as well as I do that he’s going to have to go up there on stage by himself and pick up a trophy that’s meant for him and Daniel together. It’s got to be making him edgy. God knows what will happen.”

    That night, Laszlo took over as host and they ate another magnificent meal in a different, but equally enticing, restaurant – this one up in Dalt Vila -- specializing in fresh fish and spiny lobster. After they’d returned to the hotel, Miklos returned the favour by inviting Laszlo to stay for the night with him. They took turns breeding each other before falling asleep in the early hours of the morning.

    Around ten o’clock in the morning, Miklos came slowly awake to be conscious of a distinct feeling of fullness in his lower regions. After a few moments, it dawned on him that Laszlo had slowly entered him and begun to slide gently in and out while he was still asleep. It felt wonderful. He purred happily, reaching behind him to grasp Laszlo’s hip, and pulling him closer. Laszlo wrapped his arm around Miklos, stroking his nipples gently as he began to speed up his pumping action just a bit. Miklos was as eager and open to his cock as Laszlo was eager to enjoy Miklos’ muscular butt and to breed his hole again.

    Miklos had never played small spoon before, but he was quickly discovering how much he loved doing it in this position. Laszlo, too, was having a great start to his day. The smooth, silky warmth of his partner’s hole was stroking his cock to perfection as he slid in and out. He, too, enjoyed the sensation of being curled around a muscular man’s back, with his arm draped over the broad chest so his hand could toy with the nipples. There was no denying it. Laszlo and Miklos were both enjoying this unique morning wake-up call very much and neither one wanted to bring it to an end.

    Before long, though, Laszlo’s cock cast the deciding vote, overruling the two men’s other sensations. As it began a telltale quivering and started to swell up, Laszlo gasped out, “Fuck – can’t stop it, I’m going to cum!”

    “Yes! Give it me, Laszlo! Breed my ass!”

    That was all it took. He gave a series of quick little thrusts and his cock exploded, drenching Miklos’ guts with his sperm. Miklos had begun beating his own meat without even realizing it and now erupted all over the bedsheets as Laszlo’s orgasm began to wind down.

    The two of them detached from each other, and rolled back together, face to face, cuddling and kissing each other happily. Finally, though, Miklos said, “I hate to ruin the moment, it’s too perfect, but my stomach has started rumbling. It wants to be fed. Let’s get cleaned up and get some breakfast.”

    Laszlo and Miklos enjoyed a long, luxurious shower with a great deal of stroking and caressing each other before going down to breakfast. As they sat down with their espresso, chilled fruit, and fresh rolls with ham and cheese, Laszlo said, “Gotta love a hotel restaurant that keeps serving breakfast right up until noon.” Miklos heartily agreed. After eating, they got changed and spent another lazy afternoon out by the pool. As the day wore on, Miklos could sense that Laszlo was getting increasingly antsy.

    That was hardly surprising. This was the night of the big awards ceremony, and Miklos was just as certain as everyone else that Laszlo would have to cross the stage. He could also make a guess, on the basis of their conversation two nights earlier, at the root cause of Laszlo’s nerves, even though he didn’t quite see the full extent of the issues involved.

    Laszlo was, in fact, every bit as nervous and frightened as Lianne had feared he would be. Miklos came to his room with all his formal gear to get ready. They’d ordered up some snacks from room service by way of a light dinner. Laszlo’s hands were shaking as he put on his formal suit. He had to grip them together to steady them enough so that he could help Miklos with his bowtie, and then stand still for Miklos to put his on. His nervousness had convinced Miklos, without even having to ask, that Laszlo’s feelings for the Hawaiian Nine ran far deeper than he was willing to admit.


    “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

    Miklos hugged him firmly, patting his back for reassurance, and then they headed down to the lobby where a stream of limos were picking up nominees and other prestige guests for the drive to the theatre.

    The car stopped and Laszlo and Miklos got out. Before they headed towards the red carpet and the entrance, Laszlo reached out and took Miklos by the hand, while the fans chattered, and the cameras flashed. As they walked the red carpet, as they took their seats in the auditorium, as the audience seats filled up with a crowd of hundreds of hot guys dressed to the nines, Laszlo kept looking repeatedly around, clinging to the faint hope that Daniel might choose at the last moment to put in an appearance. The lights dimmed, the awards ceremony began, and “faint hope” slowly changed to “no hope.”

    The opening speeches, the entertainment from a dance troupe of barely clad hunks in dance belts and not much else, the outrageous stand-up comedy routine about the industry from a pair of catty drag queens, all served only to wind Laszlo’s nerves up even tighter.

    Finally it came time for the presentations to begin. The first five or six awards were presented, and then it was the moment – as Laszlo knew from the pre-printed programme. The insider chat throughout the day had all been about him and Daniel, and he was taking it as a given that they would receive the award.

    The presenter for this award was Archer McManus. His deep bass voice scarcely needed a microphone as his words boomed out over the audience. “The Scene Couple of the Year award is one that won’t necessarily be presented every year, because it takes a special kind of chemistry to make a pair of models in a scene appear to be truly a couple. If they really are partnered, of course, they have a bit of a head start, but even then their personal chemistry has to translate to the cameras, and that’s not as easy as it sounds. Well, this year, we had a real knockout of a scene that cried out to be given the award. For the slow romantic scene in Nine in the Woods, the award goes to Arpad Nagy and the Hawaiian Nine.”

    A storm of applause and cheering filled the air as Laszlo rose and walked down the aisle to the stage. He went up the steps, still half-hoping he’d see another figure coming onstage from the other side. Archer hugged and kissed him, handing him the trophy, and quietly muttering, “Where’s Daniel?”

    With sadness in his eyes, Laszlo as quietly replied, “No one knows.” Then he turned to face the crowd and began to speak.

    “Anyone who’s ever done this job will tell you that it takes a village to make a really top-notch film and scene. There are so many people I’d like to thank, but I’m just going to take a short cut and say my thanks go to every single person on the fabulous team at Hawaiian Nine Films, a company that will long be remembered for the top-notch quality of the work we all created there.”

    He paused and took a deep breath to steady himself.

    “As you can see, the one person I’d really like to thank, the man who should be standing here beside me, isn’t with us tonight. I’m sure you’re all wondering why, and all I can say is that no one seems to know where he’s gone.”

    The crowd had gone very quiet. It was obvious from the quavering tone of Laszlo’s voice, from the way he was fidgeting with the trophy, that this was something much more than a typical banal thank you speech. Marina and Lianne were sitting with their hands clasped tightly together, silently willing Laszlo to be strong, not to crack.

    He took another shuddering breath. “If he were here, I’d give him this trophy to keep for himself because everything I’ve done in this industry, every break I’ve gotten, every success I’ve had, it’s all due to him – to his mentoring, to his experience shared, and above all to his friendship. Wherever the Hawaiian Nine is, I hope he sees a video of this moment -- so he’ll know just how grateful I am. Thank you for everything, my friend. Love you and miss you.”

    His eyes suddenly flooded with tears, blinding him as he stepped away from the microphone. Archer had to help him down the steps from the stage, and Lianne then came forward to walk him back to his seat. There she hugged him hard, with tears also streaming out of her eyes. The other members of the Hawaiian Nine family all crowded around to hug him and congratulate him. Then Miklos was there, to hug and kiss him before they sat down together, holding each other’s hands once again as Laszlo rested his head on Miklos’ shoulder.

    In the middle of the same row of the audience, an upraised phone was recording the entire moment.



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  13. Chapter 8:  Starting Over


    Roar. Boom. Swoosh.

    The steady rhythm of the tides, the endless pounding of the swells down on the shore, the suction of the water being drawn back out into the sea, echoed in the air. The sky painted a picture in pastels, the soft blue, the pale pink, the even paler orange of a tropical dawn.

    Daniel sat on a wooden bench, gazing out across the sloping beach at the horizon as the sun tipped over the edge and flooded the world with light. He was wearing his new “uniform,” which he called that (as he thought wryly) for lack of a better word: wildly patterned surfing jammers, flip-flops and a thick fleece hoodie with the hood pulled up. He was warming his hands on a mug full of steaming coffee, hot, black, and strong. It might be the tropics, or nearly so, but sunrise down on the shore could still be a bit chilly at any and all seasons of the year, especially here on the windward side of the island.

    It was his favourite time of the day to be out here – the calm before the storm. Out on the sand, absorbing the endless rhythms of the sea as he slowly woke up and mentally prepped himself for another day. Sometimes he’d take his coffee and go for a walk along the beach; others, he’d just perch on the bench and watch the show playing out in the sky and the sea. It was a perfect time to watch the sea birds taking to wing, to gaze out at dolphins frolicking in the waves, sometimes amid the slower, more majestic movements of the grey whales.

    The locals were still asleep, the holiday-makers in their showplace resorts not yet out and about. In a few more hours the beach would become a screaming madhouse of tourists and surfer dude wannabes, with people doing their damnedest to get killed left, right and center. This beach and this surf weren’t any place for the newbie or the novice – not that this stopped the newbies and novices from flocking here, sure that they could beat these waves with no trouble. The understaffed crew on the one and only lifeguard stand couldn’t keep up with the unending flood of idiot know-it-alls, and Daniel and his friends would spend at least as much time being unpaid and unrecognized volunteer lifeguards as they spent surfing themselves, at least in the peak hours of the days during busy holiday periods.

    Daniel didn’t mind. There were still plenty of hours in the day before the fools came and after they left for him to spend riding the waves himself. It felt good to reach back into the earliest water skills he’d learned, to pull them back up, to put them into practice, to improve and hone his board work until he was riding better than he’d ever done before in his life.

    Paddling out into the ocean and taking on the big surf gave him a feeling of peace that he had never known in any other place or time in his life.

    He took another long pull on his coffee. Hawaiian coffee really was something special, such a distinctive taste. You could never get coffee this good on the mainland, no matter how hard you tried or how many places you looked.

    A hand clapped him on the shoulder. “Hey, bud.”

    “Hey, Brad.”

    “All okay?”

    “Yeah. Haven’t had to rescue anyone yet today.”

    Brad let out a bellow of laughter and sauntered over to the rack to check over his longboard. Daniel mused on the way he’d met Brad and his other new friends. He’d come to this beach, looking for a place to settle that was as far from his former world as he could get, a place where he’d have the best chance of not being found. Because he didn’t want his old world to find him.

    He’d seen an ad pinned on a notice board, three guys in a house looking for a fourth as roommate. Own room, shared bath, shared kitchen, and a price that by Hawaiian standards was downright cheap. He’d called the number, met Brad, and started moving in the next day.

    Before leaving the mainland, he’d updated his investments to feed him a small but steady income, and then hired someone to get rid of nine-tenths of his stuff, from furniture to artworks, and to sell his condo. He’d brought just a few things with him to get him started on his new life.

    Even by the standards of this house of footloose surfer dudes, his belongings made a pretty small heap and took up less than half the storage in his new room on the top floor. He had a little more trouble confining his food supplies to his designated one quarter of the refrigerator and freezer, but he soon learned that there were things he could really do without. If he got into the mood for something more exotic, he could always hop into his jeep and drive half an hour to some of the restaurants in the nearest resort district. Nor did such expeditions put too much of a dent in his finances, since the addition of the proceeds from the various sales to his already-solid portfolio meant that he was in a fair way to be considered well-to-do, if not downright rich.

    It took about an hour on the first day for one of the other three, Rodrigo, to recognize him and out him as a big porn star. Brad and Arian had given a huge hoot of laughter but then quieted down to hear Daniel’s response. He took it in stride and with good humour, making sure they all understood that they were talking about his past, and that ended the discussion of that issue for good.

    This was a world where nobody fussed much over questions of sex and sexuality. Whatever you did in bed, it was all cool (if it was at least nearly legal), as long as you could keep up on the waves. Daniel needed a bit of time to polish the rust off his board skills, but the razzing he got from the others quickly turned to respect as he gained his surf style and flair back in a hurry.

    Once Daniel had remastered his board, he also began to meet some of the other surfers in the area – the settlement wasn’t quite organized enough to be called a town or village. They were, as a group, a larger reflection of his housemates: laid back, quiet, non-judgemental guys and girls who took the world and its people pretty much as they were. Daniel could hardly have picked a better environment to help him let go of his past.

    He no longer had to live for the next round of auditions, for the next pressurized shooting schedule, for meetings with backers and agents and applicants and camera operators. His daily meetings now were with the unending variety and limitless surprises of the surf itself, and this he could and did immerse himself in.

    It was a casual lifestyle that took him back in time to his younger days when Kauai had been less populated, less developed, less overrun by tourism. There were some things about that early life that Daniel would never have wished back, but the quieter, easier pace of the life that he remembered had been the best part of it – and here, he had found a place in the islands where that low-gear approach to everything still ruled.

    The only thing wrong with this idyllic life was the absence of sex. For the first week or two, Daniel honestly didn’t miss it. His old life had been filled with sex-as-lust, sex-as-business, sex-as-performance, and sex-as-oiling-the-wheels for his occasionally fractious company of  models. In many ways, it was a positive relief to take an extended breather from it all.

    That is, it was a breather until his balls began to ache, both figuratively and literally. When that happened, he resorted to his right hand. That’s what he was doing one quiet Wednesday night when Rodrigo tapped on his door and opened it, all in one motion, catching Daniel in the act – right hand firmly fastened around his thick, hard tool, and juice oozing out of the head.

    Daniel had grown years beyond any chance of being embarrassed at having been caught jacking off. And Rodrigo simply and quietly said, “I could give you something better than your right hand if you want.” Daniel nodded, and the game was afoot.

    In moments, Rodrigo had shed his shorts and t-shirt, and flopped onto the bed beside Daniel, reaching out to grasp that rigid cock and stroke it gently while his own rapidly inflated into a full erection – neither as big around nor as long as Daniel’s nine-incher, but still a good solid piece of meat. In less time than it takes to tell it, Rodrigo was swallowing Daniel’s cock right to the root, while Daniel had grasped Rodrigo’s piece and begun stroking it. Before long, he swung himself around on the bed so that Rodrigo’s cock was right in his face and inhaled it.

    The two studs sucked steadily on each other for several minutes, each grasping and playing with the ass of the other as they bobbed up and down. Daniel was the first to slide a finger into Rodrigo’s tight hole, but Rodrigo quickly followed suit. The poking and stroking of the prostate glands quickly speeded up the tempo of the encounter. Rodrigo moaned that he was about to cum, and Daniel pulled off his tool just long enough to say, “So am I – let’s go for it.” Their mutual sucking speeded up even more, the groans got louder, and then Rodrigo’s ass muscle contracted around Daniel’s probing finger as his cock shot off a hot load of juice into Daniel’s busy mouth.

    Seconds later, Daniel returned the favour, pushing his cock all the way into Rodrigo’s throat while his load fired off, pumping out spurt after spurt. Rodrigo choked and pulled off for a moment, then dove back on and manfully swallowed Daniel’s entire load as Daniel had swallowed his.

    After the excitement abated, Daniel swung back up to come face to face with Rodrigo, and they shared a series of wet and sloppy kisses, enjoying the mingled flavour of their cum loads.

    At last, Daniel spoke. “Damn, that was good.”

    “You said it. Fuck, man, do you always cum a gallon like that?”

    “When I haven’t gotten off for a while and I’m feeling the need, yeah.”

    “Well, you didn’t need to keep to yourself so much. I’ve been ready for you ever since you arrived.”

    “Is that because you wanted to get drilled by a famous porn star?

    “No, just because you’re a fucking hot stud, and – like you – I’m frustrated.” At that, they both laughed – but then Daniel reached down to adjust his cock, which was already filling up for another bout of sex. Rodrigo stared at it. “Look at you, ready for Round Two just like that. Are you always that fast?”

    “Believe it. You ready to get drilled now?”

    For answer, Rodrigo rolled onto his stomach, pushing his pale white buns into the air and rolling them from side to side. Daniel immediately plunged his face into Rodrigo’s crack, sucking and licking on the cheeks and tonguing the hole. That hole began to loosen and twitch, showing that Rodrigo was every bit as ready as Daniel. He took a few more minutes to dig right into that ass, tongue-fucking Rodrigo until Rodrigo was moaning and muttering, “fuck, fuck, fuck.”

    Then Daniel got up on his knees, planted the tip of his cock at the opening, and began to lean, pressing down and in until the ring gave way. Rodrigo let out a loud moan as Daniel slowly pushed the entire Hawaiian Nine all the way into his quivering fuck tunnel.

    Rodrigo moaned again and twisted around on the bed as Daniel began to fuck ass, slowly building up from an easy start to full ramming speed. His hole was struggling to cope, feeling the massive shaft pulling half of his ring out on each stroke, and then shoving it back into place as that huge cock plunged deep inside him again.

    Then Daniel leaned right down and wrapped his arms around Rodrigo’s body, as taut and muscled as his own, before rolling over onto his back. That brought Rodrigo up on top and he instantly began heaving up and down, fucking himself into a frenzy on Daniel’s thick pole. Rodrigo was taking it all the way to the root on every stroke, his hole stretched almost as wide as if he had two dicks inside him, and still moaning and chanting, “fuck… fuck… fuck….”

    Daniel grunted, “Gonna cum soon – gonna breed your hot man hole.”

    “Fuck, yeah. Fill me up, stud – give it to me!”

    Daniel grasped Rodrigo’s hips, holding him still in the air, arched his back, and began pounding hard and fast, straight up into that welcoming hole, driving himself towards another huge orgasm. Rodrigo got hold of his own cock, and began jerking it like a madman, slamming his hand up and down as Daniel worked his hole harder and harder.

    Then it happened. Daniel came first, with a loud groan, as his cock convulsed and pumped another big load of cream up inside Rodrigo. Just as he slammed all the way inside and held it there, Rodrigo yelled, “Yes! Fucking cumming!” and shot a fountain of cum clear up to splatter across his face, then a series of shorter jets which smeared themselves across his straining abs while Daniel groaned as the last of his load pumped out.

    Rodrigo rolled off, then, desperately trying to clamp his hole shut so that Daniel’s load wouldn’t leak out. He loved falling asleep with a man’s cream inside him. But Daniel had other ideas, pushing Rodrigo’s legs up into the air so he could suck and slurp his load out of that gaping hole and then share it with Rodrigo in an ecstatic snowball kiss.

    Finally, Daniel rolled away, still breathing heavily. After a few minutes, he said quietly, “Fuck, that was terrific.” His answer was a gentle snore. He smiled, pulled the sheet up over both of them, and settled down for the night, curled up behind Rodrigo in the big spoon position.

    In the morning, the two of them awoke late, having been sated by their two wild rounds of hot sex at bedtime. They were the last two to appear in the kitchen. Arian winked at Brad as Daniel and Rodrigo dragged themselves in, aiming for the coffee maker. His first words were, “You two look well rested. I had a lot of trouble getting to sleep – all the background noise.”

    Brad innocently added, “Yeah, me too. Sounded like a couple of wild animals mating in the bushes outside.”

    Daniel growled, and Rodrigo chuckled and flipped them the finger. Then all four of them laughed.

    From then on, Rodrigo spent most nights in Daniel’s bed. Neither of them would have said it was a relationship, though. It was purely and simply a sexual connection, a couple of hot guys helping each other to scratch the itch – nothing more.

    But it was definitely hot. There was the day when Rodrigo steered Daniel to swim around and  into a small cove some way to the west of the main beach, an isolated little enclave which could only be reached by rock climbing or by water. They spent the afternoon replaying From Here to Eternity there, finally returning out to the open ocean and back to headquarters with sore asses, sore cocks, and a severe case of scratchy sand in every little nook and cranny that sand could get into.

    Or take the calm, moonless night when they ran down to the shore in the shelter of the big rock pile at the east end of the beach and fucked each other full of sperm in the placid ocean backwater with the light of the stars blazing overhead.

    Rodrigo was no fool. He loved having hot sex on tap whenever needed, and didn’t want anything more himself, but he could tell that Daniel was deliberately putting up a barrier, holding himself aloof from any kind of emotional response at all whenever they got it on. At first, he took that as simply the practised response to sexual activity during a scene shoot – and he wasn’t wrong in that. What set him wondering whether there was something further about it was a short trip to the mainland, a trip during which he met and fucked with a buddy who’d been involved in the porn biz for a while.

    Back in Hawaii again, he decided to try prodding Daniel a bit and see what came up.

    They were sitting on the bench one morning with their coffee, looking down across the sand at the sunrise. Rodrigo carefully said, “You know, Daniel, when I was in L.A. last week I met an old buddy who told me you were quite the heartbreaker back before you came here.” Daniel tried to laugh it off, but Rodrigo persisted. “According to him, there were a couple of guys who fell for you pretty badly but couldn’t make any headway cracking your shell.”

    Daniel laughed again. “You seemed to crack it pretty easily.”

    “That’s not what I mean, and you know it. Getting you into bed isn’t difficult, but you’re a hard man to get to know – really get to know. What’s the deal?”

    Rodrigo asked, even though he fully expected resistance, evasion, diversion. To his considerable surprise, Daniel not only considered the question but then actually responded. “I don’t know how much you know about my life, but even the bigger rumours should tell you something about me. I was eighteen when I first went to L.A. and got involved in the porn business. A few months later, my dear mother, that good Christian family woman” -- and he said the words with a sneer – “found out and banned me from her life, told me never to come home. When my dad tried to speak up for me, she threw him out too. My brother and sisters sided with me and my dad, and that ripped the whole family apart. After taking my part against my mom, my dad ended up blaming me for the whole mess and now my brother and my sisters won’t talk to me either.

    “Then there was my boyfriend.” Another sneer. “A sleazy porn producer with a real weakness for big cock but no notion how to treat people well. He got me involved in the business by filming us together and using it, without my permission, in a video he was producing. Class A manipulative asshole – a real slime bucket. Next thing you know, I’d been pretty much blackmailed into being a porn model, without even planning it that way. My only lucky break was the size of my dick – that, and the fact that I could always cum on demand, multiple times. That led to my screen name, made me a valuable asset in any video, and soon enough it let me write my own ticket.

    “The last film I made for that creep, the guy he paired me with gave me something more than just a good tight hole to breed. That’s how I found out that his shithole company was taking samples from the models but wasn’t even bothering about actually getting them tested or anything. I went to the doctor, got it treated, and it cleared up, fortunately.

    “But that was the breaking point. As soon as I could swing it, I used my reputation, got a gig in someone else’s video, and walked out of that asshole’s life for good. I might have been the top, but he was the one who really fucked me over. Before long, I’d gotten my own company going, and managed to make him eat dirt when his business dried up. From then on, sex was business and nothing but. And that’s my story. Not a life where any real human emotions would ever get you anywhere or become rewarding in any way. Does that answer your question?”

    Rodrigo sat in stunned silence. His friend in L.A. had told him the bare outlines, but he hadn’t expected it to be as rotten as this. At last, he managed to speak. “Daniel, why are you telling me all this in so much detail?”

    “Well, you wanted to know.”

    “My friend gave me the impression that you were famous for keeping everything to yourself.”

    Daniel sighed. “You’re right. I was and I did -- and look what it’s done to me. It’s been like eleven months since I came down here, and it’s taken me that long just to figure out that I’m too fucked up for words. You can’t go through that kind of shit without having some pretty intense emotional reactions, but I just bottled them all up. All that hate and despair and rage that I was compressing inside had built up in me to the point where I had to start spilling it out and somehow manage to let it all go before it destroyed me.”

    Rodrigo could see and hear that Daniel was on the verge of cracking. He put down his mug, and wrapped his arms around Daniel, pulling him in close while the big guy exploded in heart-wrenching sobs, sobs that were heaving up almost from the soles of his feet.

    Brad and Arian spotted them from the house, but the two of them realized that whatever was going on between Daniel and Rodrigo was serious, not a subject for joking, and something they’d better leave Rodrigo to handle.

    Finally, Daniel pulled himself together, dried his eyes, and sat up straight again. He gave Rodrigo a wan smile, and finally said, “I haven’t told you the worst of it yet.”

    Rodrigo was almost scared to ask, but he figured from the look on his face that Daniel needed to spill this more than anything else. “Go on.”

    Daniel said slowly. “I’ve finally realized that I fell in love with a guy, and I’m pretty sure he fell in love with me. I couldn’t figure it out when it happened, because I was too messed up to recognize my own feelings for what they were.”

    “So what are you going to do about it?”

    “Nothing. It’s too late. He’s found someone else.”




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  14. Chapter 7:  Exit, Stage Left


    Once again, Laszlo was sitting in Daniel’s office. A few more months had elapsed, and Daniel had messaged him that the financing was in place, and it was time to talk about casting for Hawaiian Nine Films’ final production.

    Nothing more had happened since the memorable weekend of the wedding. In fact, the two hadn’t actually seen each other in person since that morning-after to end all mornings-after. But neither of them had forgotten how they’d felt: Daniel, still amazed and baffled – more than a little scared too -- at the intensity of the experience, and Laszlo, still disappointed that Daniel had simply snapped out of the mood he’d created with such care and gone on his merry way, apparently unaffected by what had happened between them.

    The meeting between them was a little awkward at first, but they soon settled into an amiable conversation about the video. Laszlo wanted to work with Archer McManus, and while Daniel knew that he’d have to do some negotiating to get this renowned top’s top, he was sure that the man would come – for a fee. It was mainly a question of how big a fee he wanted. Besides him, Laszlo named Diego Lopez, one of the twinks from Twink Heaven that he’d love to top.

    Laszlo also suggested that he and Daniel do one final scene together, to be the bonus extra for the film.

    “What did you have in mind?”

    Laszlo moved carefully onto the difficult ground. “I’d like to do something like what we did the last time we slept together. The high-speed powerfuck, and then the slow, gentle, quiet one after it. Sort of thing you just never see in porn, but I’m sure it would turn the cranks of a lot of guys who would never admit publicly that they have a romantic streak in them.”

    Daniel’s initial reaction at one time would have been a blunt “No.” But Daniel had long since trained himself to mistrust his first reactions to everything that happened to him. As it happened, he had been silently berating himself for breaking the mood so quickly that morning -- and wasn’t at all averse to the idea of trying it again.

    He also knew that Laszlo’s sharply intuitive mind was onto something unusual, something rare, and he’d developed a healthy respect for the younger guy’s intuitions. It would be something of a marketing coup to have the big, tough Hawaiian Nine show such a different side of himself in bed.

    “I like it, Laszlo. But I’ll raise you with an improvement. Let’s reverse roles so you do the quick power blast into me, and then I top you for the gentle sequel. What do you think?”

    Laszlo didn’t have to think twice.


    Daniel added a note of caution. “You realize that doing this scene for the public will probably fire up all the rumours about us all over again.”

    Laszlo laughed. “Fuck them. It amuses small minds to talk. I don’t give a damn. Do you?”

    Daniel laughed. “No. All right, then, that’s what we’ll do. I’ll get in touch with McManus and see what sort of price I can talk him into. By the way, he is exclusively top in his private life too, so you’re not going to get a piece of his ass.”

    “So I’ve heard. Ah, well.” This with a sigh. “Okay, gotta get going now.”

    “Hang on, hotshot. We didn’t talk about location yet. Anywhere you’d really like to go to film this one? The usual backer will foot the bill. Just don’t get too extravagant or impractical. No camera jaunts to Antarctica or anything like that.”

    “Damn. I’d have loved to film a scene with a bunch of curious penguins standing around and staring!” They both laughed. “What about some place up in the mountains? Rustic lodge, fireplace in the room, that kind of thing.”

    “I like it. I know a good place, and I’m sure I can talk the owner into letting us have it to ourselves over three or four weekdays for the shoot. Great outdoor hot tub too, so we can include that in a scene if we like.”

    “Sounds ideal. Okay, now I really do have to go. Got a hot lunch date.”

    “Oh? Do tell.”

    Laszlo pulled a face. “My big sister. She’s in town for a medical conference.”

    “Haha! Enjoy your ‘date.’ We’ll be in touch.”

    Laszlo was decidedly happier as he sauntered along the street after leaving the office. He couldn’t see that Daniel was also looking much happier at the thought of having another slow romantic interlude with Laszlo, even if there was going to be a couple of cameramen roaming around while they were doing it.

    Two months later, Laszlo was lying on his face on the king-size bed in a suite of the Alta Vista Sierra Lodge, facing the warm, gentle light of the fireplace while Archer McManus was busily eating and tongue-fucking his ass. Although there was no special spark between them, their initial meeting the week before had gone smoothly. McManus was a famously tough top, but he proved (at least in private) to be a considerate one as well, helping Laszlo to work out some hidden signals for when his cock became too overwhelming.

    Actually, by this time Laszlo was such an experienced bottom that he had really enjoyed feeling the pain-pleasure mingled as McManus pounded his hole more ferociously than anyone else had ever done. He’d particularly enjoyed the fact that Archer had laid right down on top of him to drive his final thrusts and his load deep inside. Laszlo loved feeling the muscular body of a top stud stretched out all the way along his back.

    Now, he was getting loosened in readiness for another sensational Archer McManus fucking, and he was loving every minute of it. They’d begun with a warm-up scene in the outdoor hot tub outside the suite, already steaming up the camera lenses with their groping, stroking, squeezing, and stretching of their tight swimsuits. Marina had put Archer into a very snug white string brief, totally see-through when wet to show off his rigid erection, while Laszlo had a bright orange one that also went see-through and had a tight back seam to cut right up between his ass cheeks.

    The scene went from steamy to scorching when Laszlo bent over, thrusting his orange-clad ass up into the air above the bubbling water while his mouth went to town on the twitching white bulge which barely contained Archer’s cock. In less than a minute of his eager sucking, that cock had burst out of its prison, the tip sticking a clear two inches above the waistband as Laszlo licked and kissed it. Then Laszlo grasped the cock and pulled it down, like a slot machine handle, and the slender side of the white G-string gave up the unequal struggle, ripping apart and flopping uselessly away as the rock-solid McManus cock emerged, ready to do battle.

    For the next few minutes, Laszlo gave Archer one of the hottest blowjobs he’d ever gotten. By now, Laszlo had mastered the trick of dropping his jaw farther than far to accommodate even the biggest, thickest cocks, so he was able to give Archer’s eye-popping erection a thorough tongue bath, sucking it into his mouth and stroking it with his tongue even as the head pushed farther down into his throat.

    Then the cameramen cued them to move. Laszlo pulled off that massive hard-on and took Archer’s hand, leading him up out of the hot tub and through the door into the bedroom. As they went, Archer paused for a minute to slide the door closed, and then followed Laszlo eagerly across to the super-king-size bed. He wrapped his arms around Laszlo’s body, rubbing his cock into the crack between the younger guy’s lush buns, then pushed Laszlo face-down across the bed and proceeded to eat his ass. Laszlo moaned frequently as Archer licked and sucked at his hole, then started thrusting his tongue inside the tight little opening.

    Laszlo began rolling his hips around, to keep changing the angle of attack for Archer’s tongue, but also to signal that he was ready to get fucked anytime. Archer got the signal with no trouble at all. He pulled his face clear of that enticing butt, gave a couple of quick shots of lube to his tool, then planted it against Laszlo’s hole and leaned forward.

    Laszlo had warned Archer that he tended to vocalize more on camera than off, so Archer wasn’t caught off guard when Laszlo let out a yelp of “Fuck!” as Archer pushed his way in. That big shaft stretched Laszlo as far as any cock he’d ever taken, and kept sinking into him, and still there seemed to be more of it coming. He squirmed around and did his best to relax, and finally the head nudged some part of his insides out of the way and came to rest, buried all the way into his hole.

    That was the moment when Laszlo realized that Archer had never given him the full length of the thing during their previous practice fuck. Now, the Archer had buried every last bit of his arrow deep inside the target, and Laszlo was feeling stuffed more than he’d ever felt before. Nor was Archer complaining. There were precious few bottoms, either in the business or out of it, who had ever managed to take the full length of his tool before.

    For the next twenty minutes or more, Archer took Laszlo through every position in the standard book, plus a few exotic extras. These included Laszlo standing flat on one foot on the floor with his other leg stretched as far up the door frame as he could get it to go, giving Archer a clear shot at his ass, and an angle in which the camera could see everything clear down to the rim of the hole with no trouble at all. Another was when Laszlo was lying on his side, and Archer reverse-spooned him, coming in from behind, but with his feet next to the back of Laszlo’s head. That move gave Laszlo some sensations he’d never had before.

    At last though, Laszlo moaned that he was about to cum, and Archer pulled him to his feet, standing behind with his cock buried in the target, ramming slowly but firmly until Laszlo’s face screwed up and his cock erupted, shooting a load straight up in front of him. His dick kept pulsing for five or six more clear shots, and by that time Archer McManus was releasing his long-delayed load into Laszlo’s ass. He fired in so much cum that it was already squeezing back out around the cock that had delivered it before Archer even finished cumming. Then, when he pulled slowly out, the resulting stream of white cream would have done credit to a six-top orgy. Once again, Daniel’s “no sex, please” policy for his models had brought home the ultimate prize – two epic cum shots for the ages.

    Laszlo’s hole wasn’t ripped from the beating it had taken, but the muscles were sore enough that he asked to have time off for each of the next two days. He still did his fuck scene, breeding Diego Lopez the following morning, but then went into R&R mode for the rest of Wednesday and all of Thursday. That meant that the grand finale, of the film and of Daniel’s porn career, had to be shot on Friday morning, before they checked out at noon to make the four-hour trek back to the city in their private luxury vans.

    All the participants were up for an early morning start, so the scene began at 7:00, just as the sun was beginning to gild the surrounding mountain tops but hadn’t reached down into the valley yet. With all cameras running, Laszlo swung easily into his fast breeding of Daniel and did it with so much verve and energy that Will wondered if he’d sent in his twin brother, who’d laid off sex for an entire week.

    As soon as Laszlo released his load (pumping into Daniel, pulling out to wipe it on the outside, and then plunging back in again – Hawaiian Nine’s signature cumshots style), the energy began to shift. When Laszlo rolled off to the side and laid on his back, Daniel climbed on top of him, they began to kiss – and the magic was afoot again. As this slow-motion romantic encounter gathered a little momentum, Will and Eddie were riveted by what they were seeing, unlike any porn scene either of them had filmed before.

    The stakes got raised even higher when Daniel slowly entered Laszlo, and the two of them wrapped their arms around each other, kissing and stroking each other’s bodies as Daniel moved in and out of Laszlo’s hole at a measured pace. The charge of erotic, romantic energy between Daniel and Laszlo grew so quietly powerful that Will and Eddie just looked wide-eyed at each other, and then spontaneously put down their hand-held cameras in a couple of spots around the room, in between the tripod cameras, leaving them running. Daniel and Laszlo were murmuring and talking to each other quietly as Daniel slid gently in and out of Laszlo’s welcoming ass – and Will was almost certain he’d heard them say to each other, “I love you.” At that, Will headed quietly for the door, with Eddie right behind him.

    Outside, Marina gave them an enquiring look. Eddie said quietly, “Wait till you see what’s going on in there and getting caught on video – those two porn studs are doing a full-on romantic love scene.” He shook his head in amazement.

    Marina chuckled. “You’re surprised? It’s been obvious for weeks – months, even – that Laszlo had a serious case for Daniel, and it’s not just the hots. And I kind of suspect that Daniel is falling for Laszlo too, although that’s not nearly as easy to see.”

    They sat down, and Eddie in particular kept shaking his head as if he just couldn’t believe what his eyes and ears had told him was happening between the scene partners. After another twenty minutes, the two cameramen were just about to go back into the room and check when a booming voice from behind the door shouted, “Where the fuck are my video techs when I need them?” This was followed by a raucous outburst of laughter from the two voices behind the door.

    Life moved on quickly, and Daniel supervised and managed the post-production stages of Nine in the Woods in record-quick time. It took only a few months for this film to move through all the stages of this work and be ready for release.

    Meanwhile, Daniel had also been pursuing top-secret negotiations about the sale of Hawaiian Nine Films. Although he never actually said so, it wasn’t hard to guess that the major company he had approached would suspect his imminent departure from the industry. He had a bit of a struggle due to the unusual terms he was demanding, but the purchasers stopped complaining when he shared the sales and rental statistics for each title in his inventory. At that point, the deal was done, since the buyers could see that, even with the royalty payments, the Hawaiian Nine back catalogue was and would continue to be a massive cash cow.

    When the time rolled around for the release of Nine in the Woods, the release party in Daniel’s luxury condo also turned into a farewell celebration. By this time, all the employees and most of the models with Hawaiian Nine had been notified that the company was being sold off, but not what its founder would be doing. Nobody knew that, not even Daniel.

    The party got both rowdy and emotional, since everyone wanted to hug, kiss, and give best wishes to everyone else. Even Steve and Jim showed up, as did Johannis and Miguel, although both couples had finally and definitely exited the porn business. Throughout the evening, there were toasts with loud cheers, photos by the score taken on dozens of phones, numbers and social account information shared around, and more than a few tears shed. The company really had come to feel like a family for its staff and for the most dedicated and frequent stars of its films.

    Everyone wanted above all to say goodbye and thank you to Daniel. He’d given so many people a start in the business, one way or another, and a couple of them were even making the leap into theatre or indie and mainstream films on the strength of their experiences. One of these was Marina, who’d gotten a gig as costume and makeup designer for an indie film from the gay producer who liked her colour sense – what little he’d gotten to see of it.

    For Daniel, the entire night was a long parade of goodbyes. He was both surprised and touched by all the obvious affection and respect shown to him, by the way that so many of the guys spoke, not about the industry, but about life lessons that they’d absorbed just by watching Daniel at work, and the ways he interacted with people. It had never even occurred to him that he might be regarded as any kind of role model beyond his ability to perform well in porn.

    Near the end of the evening, Laszlo nerved himself to approach Daniel, knowing this was going to be his toughest goodbye of the night. Much to his own surprise, he managed to hold himself together as he thanked Daniel for giving him his start, and for all of his help in learning how to navigate a career in the industry. Then it was time. He hugged Daniel and kissed him, then parked his head on Daniel’s shoulder for a few seconds. When Laszlo went to let step back, he realized that Daniel was still hanging onto him. At last, Daniel released him, and Laszlo said, “Well, time to go.”

    “Take care, buddy.”

    Just that and nothing more.

    Outside on the street, Laszlo finally let it all out. He crumpled up in a heap on an anonymous doorstep and let the tears pour out like a river. Why the fuck did I have to go and fall in love with a mechanical guy who can simulate feelings but doesn’t really feel a damn thing? Fuck! After letting his thoughts flow on those lines for a few minutes, he finally pulled himself to his feet, dried his face, and moved slowly, wearily away down the sidewalk, ignoring the few curious stares from bystanders. At least, he thought to himself, now I know what it feels like to have my heart broken. Another fucking first.

    After the last few of the crowd had said their goodbyes and left, Daniel remained sitting by himself in the living room of his condo. He had a strange feeling of emptiness in his mind and heart. He tried to tell himself that this wasn’t surprising, that he’d devoted his entire life for over a decade to the gay porn business and was now faced with setting an entirely new direction for himself – and had no real idea which direction to turn.

    But he knew that he was kidding himself. There was more to his feeling than just worrying about his future. It was gradually dawning on him that there was one person, more than any of the other people he’d met during his nearly two-decade porn career, that he was really going to miss. That person was Laszlo.

    Right from the get-go, when the young Hungarian had first walked into his office for an interview, Daniel had felt that, unlike his other finds, this one was special. Being the man he was, he always framed his thinking about Laszlo in terms of star quality, screen charisma, vivid visual presence, and other such desirable qualities for a performer. He was not only proud for picking this undoubted winner out of the pile of applicants, but actually felt good that he had helped to launch another spectacular career besides his own. And Laszlo was spectacular, on camera or off, and in bed or out of it.

    Now, Daniel was faced with the distinct possibility that, as his life moved on in whatever new direction he took, he might never see Laszlo again. That, he realized, was not a pleasant thought – but he was completely at a loss to account for it.

    There was one likely explanation for his feelings that Daniel wasn’t taking into account – but his failure to do so wasn’t really all that surprising. Given the distinct lack of affection in his upbringing, the harsh anger which had led his mother to cut him off for good, the way the porn magnate had casually used and manipulated him in his younger days, it was hardly to be expected that he would have any idea at all of what this abstraction called “love” might look, or sound, or feel like.

    In any case, Daniel had other and bigger problems to face as he thought of where his life was going to turn next. Right now, he felt as if Los Angeles was a place that ought to recede into his past, since it was so connected in his mind with the porn biz. Now he needed, in the worst way, to go somewhere else where he could feel comfortably “at home,” wherever that might be, as he worked at charting his new direction. This problem, though, he did know how to solve. It was time for him to return to the sea.





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  15. Chapter 6:  Cummings and Goings


    Laszlo’s guess had been right on target. About a week after his afternoon with Adam, he’d gotten a phone call from Johannis and Miguel, advising him that they were planning to get married and that Johannis would like Laszlo to be his best man. Miguel was asking Ryan.

    They’d already found a couple of agreeable dates with Ryan, and they had an automatic bye for any Saturday they wanted until June, The space which they planned to use was “officially” closed for renovations, but the hotel was prepared to open it for a weekend for them. It helped that the assistant manager of the banquet facility was Miguel’s aunt.

    Laszlo confirmed the date with them right then and there, and then clicked off, grinning smugly at the accuracy of his prediction.

    Three months later, he arrived at the wedding venue with the happy couple and Ryan, and they proceeded to run over last-minute details with the celebrant and the grooms. As the seats filled up towards the official start time of 5:00 pm. Laszlo was pleased to see that the entire Hawaiian Nine Films gang had showed up. Daniel, wearing his smartest clothes and most polished manners, was squiring Lianne to the party, while Marina arrived on Paulo’s arm, basking in the handsome Brazilian’s chivalrous attention.

    The ceremony was not long, but it was certainly heartfelt. Johannis and Miguel looked stunning in matching midnight-blue tuxedos with light greyish-blue lapels. The pair had written their own vows, and each had managed to build in some explanation of why the two of them had come together so quickly and thoroughly when they first met.

    That theme got covered in more depth during speeches after dinner. Laszlo and Ryan had themselves a grand old time roasting the happy couple, their snappy cracks drawing gales of laughter from the audience, and especially from the grooms’ families. After the speeches, the floor was cleared for a dance and the DJ got busy. From then on until the bar closed at 2:00 am, there was hardly anyone to be seen sitting down. The entire assembly was on the floor, dancing up a storm for hours.

    The climax came when Laszlo and Ryan undid their ties, wrapped them loosely around their necks, and then tied the loose ends to each other to create an impromptu limbo bar. Everyone present took a turn at trying to slide under the “bar”, and the laughter mounted as the bar sank lower and the competition became more intense. To the surprise of many of those present, Daniel was the last one standing. When asked later, he said simply, “Surfing forces you to be flexible.”

    Ryan had a better explanation, which drew another big laugh from all present, including Daniel. “When you’re the boss, the models let you win.”

    Lianne and Marina actually left together fairly early, just after midnight, and that gave Laszlo the opening he was hoping for. He closed in on Daniel, and asked him, “After the happy couple leaves, do you want to come back to my room?”

    Caught off guard and cornered by surprise, Daniel agreed. Half an hour later, the two of them slid out together.

    Once they were into Laszlo’s room in the hotel, they quickly locked together in an embrace, mouths seeking each other eagerly as they began kissing each other. In five more minutes, Daniel was nestled neatly in between Laszlo’s legs, his cock sliding into the younger man’s hole as they continued making out. Laszlo wrapped his legs around Daniel’s back, using them to pull the big guy’s cock deeper inside him. His arms were also wrapped around Daniel’s body, letting him feel the straining muscles of Daniel’s back as he began driving deep inside Laszlo. Daniel was really excited, and a bit proud of himself, to feel how Laszlo just opened right up and took him in, giving his thick nine-inch cock full access into the deepest recesses of his man cunt. He was also amazed at how easily and smoothly they moved together. They’d only had sex together four times before, and one of those had been while they were filming so it hardly counted – and yet they were coupling as neatly and precisely as if they’d been doing it like this for a decade.

    Daniel held on tighter to Laszlo and rolled over onto his back, bringing Laszlo up to sit on top and ride him. Laszlo demonstrated that he’d quickly gained a great repertoire of different moves in this position, giving a virtuoso demonstration of cock-riding techniques that soon had Daniel groaning that he was going to cum. Laszlo didn’t even slow down. He wanted Daniel’s load, and he wanted it now. Daniel groaned again at the delicious torture Laszlo’s talented ass was inflicting on him and then suddenly realized that he was about to let go. He grasped Laszlo’s hips firmly, and began driving hard and fast, straight up inside that wonderful hole. After just six or seven ferocious thrusts, he slammed it in and held it there, hips arched into the air as his cock convulsed and spewed his seed deep inside Laszlo’s body.

    Laszlo held on for the ride. When Daniel’s hips dropped back onto the bed and he gasped for breath, Laszlo speeded up his riding motions, arching his back to get the Hawaiian Nine to tickle his prostate. In just another minute, he cried out, “Fucking cumming!” and his cock began spitting cum all over Daniel’s abs. Finally he slowed to a halt. He lifted slowly up until Daniel’s big tool plopped out of his ass. Then, he let a stream of cum flow out of him and onto Daniel’s muscled body. Finally, he lay down alongside Daniel, wrapped his arms around that beautiful bronze-skinned torso, and the two of them drifted off to sleep together.

    In a deluxe suite on the top floor, Johannis and Miguel lay snuggled up against each other. One might think they’d be tired out after the frantic activity of their wedding day, but they weren’t too tired to relax themselves properly. Johannis had given Miguel a signature ferocious fucking, dropping two big loads inside his hole before slowly, regretfully, pulling out. Now, as they cuddled, Johannis had a pensive look on his face.

    “What is it, mi amor?” Miguel asked him.

    “Just thinking. In many societies, it was traditional to ensure that the bride was a virgin before the wedding so that the groom took her virginity.”

    Miguel chuckled. “We a pair of virgins?”

    “Well… nooo, but….”

    “But what?”

    Johannis kissed him and then looked right into his eyes, as he fastened his hand once again onto Miguel’s semi-hard cock.

    “Miguel, you’ve never fucked me. I’d love for tonight to be your first time to eat my hole and to cum inside my ass.”

    As he said those words, Johannis felt Miguel’s cock swiftly harden right back up to full erection. No more words were needed. He rolled onto his back, lifting his legs up to give Miguel access to his butt and his hole.

    There was no question that Miguel wanted to do it, but he looked a little scared. “I no fuck a guy before. Always they fuck me.”

    “That’s okay – I’ll tell you what to do.”

    Johannis was rock-hard again himself at the thought of feeling his love, Miguel, sliding and cumming inside him, and knowing that this would be his first ass breeding.

    “Just start eating my hole. You know what I do to you. Do the same.”

    Miguel was certainly an eager student. In no time, he had Johannis twisting and moaning all over the place as he slurped away at the big guy’s ass, sucking on his hole and thrusting into it with his tongue. After a few minutes, he added a finger. It became obvious that he really had been paying attention whenever he and Johannis had sex before, because he started twisting the finger around in the hole. Almost by accident, he bumped into the prostate and Johannis let out a sudden loud “Oh, fuck!”

    “Is good?”

    “Far more than just good, my love. Keep doing that.”

    Miguel glanced up as he fingered the hole, and saw a long, clear stream of nectar dropping slowly from Johannis’ erect cock and pooling on his belly. Without even thinking, he slid up and began licking up the fluid, then took that beautiful cock in his mouth to clean it all up.

    Johannis groaned aloud. “I can’t take much of that without cumming. I’m ready. Use it to lube up your cock, and then slide it inside me.”

    Following directions to the letter, and adding a couple of spits for good measure, Miguel placed his painfully hard cock against Johannis’ tight hole and pushed. In a few seconds the opening stretched wide, and he slid inside, gasping at the incredible sensation of a tight ass gripping and stroking his cock.

    “How does it feel, Miguel.”

    “Amazing. So tight, so hot. I never felt this before.”

    “Just wait, it gets better. Now, fuck me!”

    Miguel began sliding in and out of the muscular ass under him, and Johannis reached up and pulled him down so they could make out while he was fucking his first ass. After only a minute or so, Miguel’s breathing began to get ragged and Johannis knew what that meant. But he also knew that he didn’t want this special joy to stop too soon.

    “Whoa! Steady, take it easy. It’s not a race. You’ll learn how to hold it off. For now, take it out and I’ll roll over.” When he’d done that, he added, “Lie down on top of me and slide your cock up and down in my crack.”

    He reached back and up and grasped Miguel’s slender hips so he could control the pace at which Miguel slid back and forth, keeping it nice and slow. Then Johannis reached down, grasped Miguel’s cock, and planted it against his hole once more.

    Miguel slid back in and began to thrust again. Within only a minute or so, he again began snatching at mouthfuls of air – and then cried out, “I no wait – going to cum now!”

    Johannis pushed his ass up, letting Miguel get even deeper, and roared, “Yeah, go for it. Slam fuck me and fill me up. Cum in my ass!”

    Miguel began rapidly jack-hammering Johannis and then slammed his cock in hard. Johannis could feel the shaft pulsing in his hole, so he squeezed on it in time with the pulses. Miguel started giving him sharp little jabs with his cock to force the cum as far inside as possible. After a minute, his orgasm finally ebbed and died away, but Miguel didn’t pull out. He knew that it was perfectly possible to keep fucking and cum again – Johannis had done it to him often enough. In moments he was pounding into the blond Viking’s hole, working up to a ferocious tempo and slapping his balls against the taint with every stroke. It took only a couple of minutes before he erupted, spraying a second big load into Johannis. Finally he calmed down, and his cock softened and slid out of his man.

    Johannis rolled over, with a broad smile spreading across his face, and pulled Miguel down into his arms. “That was incredible. Well done, husband.” Miguel smiled too, and they kissed each other for a while longer until sleep finally took command.

    “Buenas noches, mi esposo,” Miguel murmured sleepily, drifting off into slumber as Johannis gently kissed him one last time, and then pulled the duvet up over them and followed his lead.

    Sunrise came early, but wakefulness came later. It was somewhere past 8:00 when Daniel slowly stirred and opened his eyes. What followed was a real moment of déjà vu for Daniel. He looked to the side and got a sudden jolt of memory on seeing the sleeping figure of Laszlo, still cuddled up against him. He thought of waking Laszlo up but decided against it. Instead, he eased his way out of bed and began setting up the coffee maker. Just as he was pouring the water into the top of the machine, he felt two hands slide around his waist and a head nestled down against the backs of his shoulders.

    “Leave that alone and come back to bed. The coffee can wait a bit – can’t it?”

    As Laszlo said that, Daniel felt something rigid prodding at the crack of his ass.

    “Oh, so that’s what you’ve got in mind, is it?”

    “Fair’s fair. You helped yourself to mine at top speed and then passed out without even giving me a chance to return the favour.”

    “I can hear you pouting. Don’t do it. You can never improve your looks by pouting.”

    “I know I can improve my looks by having my way with you. Come on back to bed.”

    Daniel sighed, then chuckled, and then turned around and let himself be drawn back to the tangle of sheets and pillows. Laszlo nudged him around until his back was to the bed. Daniel was half expecting a shove to send him flying onto his back, but Laszlo had something more subtle in mind. He began kissing Daniel, steadily increasing the urgency and passion of the kisses, and as he did he was slowly easing Daniel down onto the bed, and then onto his back.

    Laszlo was now lying on top of Daniel, stroking his body with smooth caresses as they made out for some minutes. By now both of them were rock hard, but Laszlo was not in a hurry. He had another agenda. Sliding and kissing his way down Daniel’s body, he enveloped the Hawaiian Nine in his mouth for a couple of minutes, and then released it, sliding his busy tongue and lips down under Daniel’s balls and down the taint towards his crack. As he went, Daniel instinctively lifted his legs into the air, without any conscious thought. Laszlo’s tongue snaked into his crack, seeking the hole and prodding into it. It took a few more minutes of slow but steady tongue work, but at last Daniel’s hole was opened and twitching.

    “Pull yourself up onto the bed.”

    Daniel slid obediently back until his head landed on the pillow, and then pulled his legs all the way over until they were resting on his shoulders. Laszlo got up on his knees, placed the wet head of his cock against Daniel’s hole and pressed inwards. Daniel opened right up and yielded to Laszlo, and he took in the entire cock as it entered him in one slow slide.

    Laszlo fitted himself in between Daniel’s muscular thighs, lying right down on top of his body, and caressed Daniel with his hands as he began a slow, gentle fucking motion. His cock was sliding all the way home, and pulling right out until only the tip was grasped by Daniel’s hole, then sliding in again.

    “Slow motion fucking?” Daniel asked, in a slightly ironic tone.

    “I’m in no hurry. Are you?” With that, he varied the angle and his next thrust brushed against Daniel’s gland. Daniel  emitted a sound that was half moan, half sigh. “I’ll take that as a no.” And Laszlo resumed his slow, easy motion, varying the angle and depth, but never speeding up. It gave him plenty of spare energy to use in stroking Daniel, in toying with his nipples, and in  covering his mouth with a nonstop stream of gentle kisses.

    As unusual and unexpected as this kind of sex was, it was having an effect. Daniel slowly drifted into a deep erotic trance, his mind disconnecting from the outside world as his sensory input narrowed down to Laszlo and Laszlo’s cock. Without any conscious thought, he put his hands up and began to caress Laszlo’s body, then wrapped his legs around Laszlo’s back to pull him closer.

    Laszlo sighed deeply as he felt Daniel beginning to respond in the same fashion. He’d so much wanted to find a way to tell the boss how he was feeling, and he’d figured that making love to this man he loved and wanted so badly was the way to go. And it was working. Daniel was moving into the same headspace – and responding in the same gentle, meaningful way.

    It moved Laszlo deeply to see the brisk, ironic, distanced Daniel of everyday life slowly vanish before his eyes. Here instead was a Daniel he’d never seen before, a vulnerable man, open to his partner, free to express all kinds of emotions and feelings that he dared not set free in the sight of the wider world. And Laszlo continued working his cock gently in Daniel’s ass, making love to this man who had given him so much and meant so much to him.

    At last, though, the inevitable could be postponed no longer. Laszlo whispered in Daniel’s ear, “Are you ready to take my load?”

    As if in a trance, Daniel as softly replied, “Yes… yes… give it all to me… cum inside me.”

    Laszlo broke his rhythm just long enough to give six or seven rapid thrusts, and to stop dead as his cock erupted and convulsed inside Daniel’s body. As the convulsions died away, he resumed his gentle kissing, and Daniel responded in kind. At last, his cock softened and slowly slipped out of the hole. Laszlo watched as Daniel slowly emerged or wakened from his tranced state. The look he turned on Laszlo was wide-eyed, amazed, unlike any expression he’d ever seen on Daniel’s face before.

    “Holy hell, what did you just do to me?”

    “The same thing you just did to me. We were using sex as a means to an end, not just as an end in itself. That’s what it’s like when you’re making love, not just fucking.”

    Daniel laid there, puzzling over and absorbing the amazing experience. Laszlo lay beside him, gently stroking and caressing his body.

    At last, Laszlo spoke again. “Ready to move to the next stage?”

    “What’s that?”

    “Coffee, of course.”

    Suddenly, Daniel shook himself with a laugh, jumped off the bed, and set the coffeemaker going.



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  16. Chapter  5:  Turning Points


    On Wednesday afternoon, Laszlo walked into the Hawaiian Nine office suite just as Jim and Steve were sauntering out of Daniel’s private office into the reception area.

    “He’s free, Laszlo, just go on in.” Jim sounded like a man on a mission.

    But Steve put out a hand and stopped Jim from leaving, then spoke. “Hey, Laszlo, I’d like to keep in touch. Let’s swap numbers.”

    Jim raised his eyebrows. “What, suddenly I’m not good enough for you any more?” he asked mockingly – then chuckled.

    Steve, though, replied in an unusually serious tone. “Jim, I think it would be a good idea for us to keep in contact with Laszlo.”

    The numbers duly exchanged, the two of them hugged and kissed the younger man, and then went on their way. And Laszlo went in.

    Outside the building, Jim said, “Well?” in a curious tone of voice.

    “Well, what?”

    “You know what, Steve. Why did you want Laszlo’s number?”

    “Just a sixth sense. I get the feeling that Daniel is about to do something big and make some sort of major change in his life. If he does, I just have a feeling that he might let Laszlo know what he’s up to. I’m sure it’s not love, but there’s some sort of special comfort zone there for him. I want to know where to locate Laszlo if we need to ask about Daniel.”

    Jim nodded. “That’s good thinking. I didn’t pick up anything particular about them myself, but I sure as hell trust your judgement.”

    Steve laughed. “You’re just saying that because I thought it was safe to confide in you with my feelings. So I did -- and look where it got us!” The two of them laughed and kissed.

    On entering Daniel’s office, the first thing Laszlo noticed was a facial expression that he’d never seen on the boss before. Daniel was staring off into space, almost as if he was off on another planet or something. His elbows were propped on the desk, forearms pointing up, fingers linked together, and his chin was resting on his linked fingers. Who knew where the rest of him had gone to?

    Laszlo gently cleared his throat. “Ahem, Daniel.”

    Daniel shook out of it. “Hi, Laszlo. Is the door closed?” Laszlo nodded. “Have a seat.” He got up and poured a pair of scotches out of a decanter, handing one to Laszlo, and then sat down again.

    “So, what’s this about Daniel?”

    “A couple of things, Laszlo. First of all, and most important, I need you to promise me absolute secrecy about everything I’m going to tell you. These are things no one else knows yet – not Jim and Steve, not Lianne, no one.”


    “Right. Here it is, then. I’m planning to retire and sell the business.”

    Laszlo stared at him in shock. Finally, words returned to him. “Are you mad?”

    Daniel chuckled. “Hardly that. But I’m also damned if I’m going to be like Mark the Meatman” – and here he referred by nickname to a once-popular but now over-the-hill porn star and producer – “and keep going until I’m so old that I can only attract viewers by appearing in cradle-robber scenes. I want to go out when I’m on top of my game and on top of the business.”

    Laszlo studied him carefully. Perhaps he was young, but he was also uncommonly perceptive and sensed that there was more.

    “Is that all?”

    “No. I’m also getting bored with the whole routine. Running around raising money, sucking up to ageing queens with deep pockets, screening applicants for scenes, holding the loads in, swearing off for days at a time just to get a good money shot. I’m fed up.”

    “So what’s your timeline for that.”

    “That’s the second part of what I want to tell you. I’m going to finish off the film we just shot, then film one more – and call it quits after that one gets released. I wanted to tell you now because I’m going to bill you as the star in that final film, let you pick where you’d like to film and work with whoever you want to work with.”

    “For reals?”

    Daniel nodded, smiling at Laszlo’s obvious eagerness to get going.

    “Wow, I’d love to do another scene with Steve – I mean Rod.”

    “Sorry, Laszlo, that’s the one that’s off the list. He’s told me twice now that he’s retired again and this time it’s for good.” Laszlo’s face dropped. “Hey, don’t look like that. You got a chance to work with him and breed him, and have him breed you, and that’s something only the two of us have ever done on video.”

    “How could I forget? My ass was still sore when we got to the orgy scene.”

    “I thought you were acting a bit – ‘restrained’ – that day.”

    They both laughed. Both men were familiar with the aftermath of a ramming from Rod Rammer. But then Daniel went on.

    “Anyway, like I said, that’s only a planning-stage item for now. But give it some thought and get a preliminary list ready.”

    “So, Daniel, what’s going to happen when you sell out?”

    “I’m going to include a condition of sale that the buyer has to keep our videos in circulation for a minimum period of 5 years, under the Hawaiian Nine name. And there’s going to be another condition. Just let me find the envelope. I already gave Steve his package.”

    Daniel sorted through a pile of stuff on the desk, fished up and envelope, and handed it to Laszlo.

    “Go ahead, open it.”

    Laszlo ripped off the end and pulled out a payment notice.

    “Three hundred forty-seven dollars and fifty-four cents. What’s this for?”

    “Your royalties. Our last film was such a huge success that I decided to give everyone a royalty on sales and streaming rights. Two cents per streaming, ten cents per full sale. That’s your first payment, based on all the income so far. You should see it land in your bank account today. We’re going to use the same system for the last two films. And the buyer of the company has to keep up the royalty payments as long as they keep the films in circulation.”

    Laszlo got up, walked around the desk, and gave Daniel a huge hug and a kiss. “Thank you, Daniel. Not just for this, but for launching my career, and for giving me the lead position in your final film production. You’re the best!”

    Daniel smiled as he patted his enthusiastic young star on the back. But then he returned to business. “And remember, all of this is confidential. Everyone is getting an email with the royalty notice today, and the payments are being deposited, but that’s all that anyone except you knows.”

    Laszlo gripped his hand firmly and looked him squarely in the eye. “I promise.”

    And after a few more final words, he went his way. Out on the street, Laszlo fingered the payment notice in his pocket. The whole thing – the royalty payment, the offer of a starring role, the news that Daniel was going to slide out the door – it had all become surreal to him. The one thing Laszlo realized, loud and clear, was that in a year or less he was going to have to say goodbye to Daniel – and might well never see him again.

    Now, there was a depressing thought. Daniel had been a good mentor, and Laszlo had felt instinctively that special comfort zone with Daniel which he hadn’t felt with too many other guys – certainly not with his ex.

    What Laszlo hadn’t clued into at all was the significance of the statement that nobody but him knew about Daniel’s plans for the future.

    Laszlo wandered along the street, the vibrant life of WeHo flowing all around him, but he wasn’t really noticing it, immersed as he was in his thoughts. Then a voice spoke to him -- and he snapped out of his preoccupation.

    “You’re Arpad Nagy, aren’t you?”

    The speaker was a tall, lean guy, wearing a tight tee shirt and very short shorts. Well worth a second look in any company, Laszlo thought. Then he took that second look.


    “Yes, it’s me all right.”

    “So why didn’t you call me by my real name?”

    In a slightly sarcastic accent, Adam replied, “I thought you might have gotten a name change when you went in for the enhancement surgery.” They both laughed and Adam went on. “You didn’t waste any time snagging a new guy for yourself after we split.”

    “What new guy?”

    “Give me a break, Laszlo. Word on the street all over town is that you and the Hawaiian Nine are shacked up together.”

    “Twenty-four years old and you still believe everything you hear from that no-name myth, the Word on the Street. In this case, the Word is dead wrong.”

    “Okayyy.” But Adam sounded doubtful. “But tell me one thing. How did he get you to open up and give him your ass? I tried for the best part of three years, and you were all ‘No – strictly top only.’ And my hole still aches, just from remembering.”

    “To answer your question, he told me that he hoped I’d be willing to switch up on camera, and I thought about it and decided to go for it. I warned him that I was still a bottom virgin, and he took an afternoon to break me in gently before filming time.”

    “Damn. I’d love to have you demonstrate your new talent for me.” Adam reached down and “adjusted” the basket of his shorts. “Want to come – up?”

    “Well, you’re sure not wasting any time, are you? But fair warning – I’m strictly verse now.”

    Five minutes later, they were naked in Adam’s apartment. Adam had has arms wrapped around Laszlo and was busy kissing him with plenty of tongue while his hands kneaded Laszlo’s firm round ass cheeks. Laszlo had his hand fastened on Adam’s cock and was squeezing it, feeling the growing wetness in the palm of his hand. He remembered how he’d used to wonder what it would feel like having Adam inside his ass, but he’d been too scared to try. Now that he’d experienced multiple fuckings from the Hawaiian Nine and the redoubtable Rod Rammer, among others, he wondered why this long but much more slender tool could ever have scared him.

    Dropping to his knees, Laszlo went to work on Adam’s cock, sucking it deep into his throat and then pulling back and working on it with lips and tongue before deep throating it again. Adam gasped and moaned with pleasure and surprise. He plainly hadn’t expected Laszlo’s technique to have become so much more advanced in the two years since they’d split.

    And Laszlo went right on surprising him, coming up for some advanced tongue work on Adam’s nipples, then licking all the way down his ridged abs and back to the cock, which he proceeded to swallow. Laszlo had learned a special torsion trick from Eddie during a private session, working his head around in a circle while sucking as he rocked it from side to side. Adam was groaning nonstop, never having experienced such a virtuoso professional blowjob and starting to be scared that he was going to lose his load before he finally got to experience Laszlo’s asscunt.

    Finally Adam grabbed him and pulled him up for some more kissing, then spun him around and pushed him face down across the bed. Laszlo bent his hips just enough to make his ass lift into the air at a perky, enticing angle. Adam quickly took the hint and pushed his face into the crack, kissing and licking at the sides and at the hole as Laszlo moaned and twisted around on the bed from the sensations.

    Adam had come a long way from the days when he’d begged, in vain, for a shot at Laszlo’s ass. He’d fucked a number of bottoms since then, all of whom liked the way his long thin dick could tickle their prostates without shredding the ring while slamming in and out of their holes. As his tongue dug into the target, worming its way ever deeper inside, Laszlo yelped aloud, caught by surprise at the realization that his ex-boyfriend had become a real specialist in the fine art of rimming. Laszlo also realized that he was probably in for a memorable fucking to follow.

    He wasn’t wrong. When Adam finally felt the hole open up and beg for it, he swiftly got into position, spat in his hand and rubbed it on his painfully rigid cock, and pressed the head against Laszlo’s hole – which readily gave way and invited him in. Laszlo let out a drawn out “Ohhhh… fuuuuck…” as Adam’s long shaft slowly pushed all the way into him in a single continuous slide. A moment later, Adam was lying down full length along Laszlo’s back, slowly rocking his hips to make his cock stir around like a mixing spoon inside the newly-opened ass.

    With his head next to Laszlo’s ear, Adam quietly purred, “You like that?”

    “Ohhh… yeah… feels so… ohhh… you’re rubbing me so good….”

    Adam moved his hands away from Laszlo’s shoulders to press down on the bed on either side, and then reared up into a push-up position and began pumping his cock slowly, but with full-length strokes, in and out of Laszlo’s supine body.

    “Ohhh… fuck, yeah… give it to me harder!”

    Adam obligingly speeded up, gradually working up to full-throttle pounding into the now-totally-opened ass underneath him. His hips were smacking out a rapid tattoo of slaps against Laszlo’s firm round ass cheeks as his cock pounded faster and faster into the hole. Laszlo was giving out a steady stream of “oh, yeah” and “fuck” as Adam worked him over.

    It was more than anyone could keep up with for long. Going nonstop at this furious pace was bringing Adam closer and closer to the moment of truth, and as his breathing got faster and more ragged, Laszlo sensed it.

    “Come on, Adam, fucking pound me!”

    “Gonna… gonna cum!”

    “Yes! Let it fly – fill me up. I want that load. Cum in my ass!”

    Suddenly Adam groaned aloud, slammed all the way in, and held it there as his cock convulsed, blowing a thick stream of juices into Laszlo’s cunt. After the first three bursts, he repeatedly punched his cock in to force the further shots as far inside as possible. “Fuck!” Adam cried as his cock continued firing bolts of cum. At last, his orgasm trailed off and his cock gave its final twitches inside Laszlo, the last few drops of his load slowly dribbling out.

    Finally, he withdrew, slowly, and watched in awe as Laszlo’s hole hung open, with Adam’s seed slowly sliding out and dripping down his taint to land on the bed underneath him. Adam wiped his cockhead on Laszlo’s cheeks and continued to gaze on his handiwork.

    At last, Laszlo slowly rolled over onto his back, bringing his still-erect cock into view. Laszlo had what Adam thought idly was an almost demonic grin. There was also an unmistakable smirk to be heard in his voice when he spoke.

    “Damn good – for the first act.”

    “The first act?” Adam sounded puzzled. But before he could ask any questions, Laszlo reared up off the bed, grabbed Adam and flung him down onto his back on the covers, and seized his legs, pulling them up in the air to expose his ass. Laszlo promptly dived down and began to rim Adam at full speed, working his tongue all over and around the hole and along the sides of his crack while Adam gasped in surprise and then began moaning as the sensations hit him.

    He moaned even louder as a finger worked its way inside his hole and began to rotate. “Oh, fuck, Laszlo, keep doing that!”

    “You’re tight.”

    “Haven’t been fucked for months. But I want it!”

    “Coming right up.”

    Laszlo pulled away, drooled some spit onto his cock, spat into Adam’s crack, and worked it in, then planted his cock at the opening and began to lean.

    “You want it?”


    “Beg for it.”

    “Please! Quit teasing me, Laszlo, I want that dick inside me. Give it to me now! Please!”

    Laszlo pushed harder, popped through the ring, and then slowly slid the rest of the way in. Adam rested his muscular legs on Laszlo’s shoulders, and Laszlo pushed farther forward until Adam was bent double, and Laszlo was lying right down on top of him, face to face.

    This was his favourite position for fucking. He loved watching all the expressions on a bottom’s face as he plowed in and out. Now, as he began working Adam over, he could see that old familiar blissed-out look which meant that Adam was enjoying himself. Laszlo was too. He had forgotten just how well Adam’s hole could caress and squeeze him as he slid back and forth.

    But he knew he wouldn’t last long. He’d already gotten far too wound up from being fucked by Adam for the first time, and he could already feel his load climbing up the shaft and moving into firing position.

    “Fuck! Can’t hold off… gonna cum….”

    “Yeah! Give it to me. I want to feel your sperm inside me! Knock me up, Laszlo! Breed me!”

    Laszlo was moving faster and faster, his hips turning into a blur as he slammed down repeatedly onto Adam’s powerful thighs doubled up under him. His cock was racing in and out, faster and faster, and then all at once the moment was there.

    “Ohhh… fuuuck…!”

    He jammed his hips down, shoving his cock all the way inside Adam’s tight butt, and let the jizz fly, his muscles pumping shot after shot of cream deep into Adam’s hole, which kept right on working on his cock, squeezing and releasing, as his own orgasm peaked, and he shot all over his own pecs and abs. Then they lay there, still joined together, kissing and stroking, as their cocks slowly deflated and Laszlo at last slipped out of Adam’s ass.

    After they’d laid there together for a few minutes, Laszlo got up out of bed and began to dress, while Adam watched him with an expression made up of equal parts quizzical, ironic, and disappointed.

    “Just Mr. Fuck and Run now?”

    Laszlo turned and fixed Adam with a serious gaze that stopped him dead in his tracks. He’d never seen Laszlo looking so determined, and so sad at the same time.

    “Adam, I spent over two years with you, and I can tell exactly where your mind is going. You’re obviously hoping that we’re going to get back together.” Adam said nothing. There was no point. Laszlo really did have his number. “That’s not in the cards. I’m not the same guy I was when we were together, not at all. Experience has changed me – and I don’t just mean the experience of fucking on video for money.”

    “Well, what do you mean?”

    “I’ve gotten to see real love in action. And if you don’t know yet who I mean, the Word on the Street is sure to get the bulletin soon enough. It’s going to be the shortest two careers in porn history. Two scenes each in one film, and I’d say it’s a 99% certainty that they’re both going to call it a day at that point. Not quite as certain, but I’d still give 70% odds that there’s going to be a wedding there before too long.”

    “Hmm, not you and the Hawaiian Nine, then.”

    “That’s right. As I told you before, we are not an item. Anyway, he’s so screwed up inside that I don’t think he’d know love if it jumped up in his face and slapped him upside the head. But after seeing – well, just call them A and Z for now – together, I can begin to sense what the real thing looks and feels like. It helped, too, when I read this quote on my socials: ‘If you have to ask yourself if you are in love, the answer is always no.’”

    “I get it. You were asking yourself when we were together.”

    “Yes. I was. Sorry, Adam, but that’s the reality. We had two good years in spite of ourselves, but we can’t go back. It was fun playing together again, but it has to end here.”

    With that, Laszlo – now fully dressed – walked over to the bed, kissed Adam goodbye, and went.

    Moments later, out in the street, he found he was crying. He knew exactly why. He’d been completely truthful with Adam, but the truth had to have hurt the guy, and hurting other people hurt Laszlo – badly. He was the kind of person who was all man, but he had a strong motherly streak in him that made him want to kiss everyone on their sore spots and make them all better.

    But Laszlo needed someone to kiss him and make him better too. And here he hadn’t told Adam the whole truth, only part of it. The truth, as he finally admitted to himself, was that he was in love with Daniel and didn’t know what to do about it.



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  17. Chapter 4:  Life’s a Beach


    Shooting continued for the next few days, but with plenty of downtime for everyone in the company to relax and enjoy the sun, the pool, and the sand.

    Early afternoon was the chosen time to film the scenes, and both Paulo’s pairing with the tiny Irish lad, Ryan, and Laszlo’s sizzling scene with Rod Rammer passed Daniel’s personal hotness-meter test. Ryan turned out to be the kind of bottom who squirmed around, twisting every which way as a top drove into him, and it gave the scene an extra erotic charge as the viewer could easily imagine Paulo’s hard cock bouncing off every side and angle of Ryan’s tunnel in turn.

    In the scene with Rod and Laszlo, it was a difficult task (Daniel called it a “hard” one) to sort out which of the two successive ass breedings was the hotter one. Rod may have managed to hold off longer, but Laszlo certainly gave full value for money. From the moment when Laszlo went for the big shot inside Rod’s ass until the end of the scene with Rod pumping his load into Laszlo was a good solid 25 minutes of video, and Daniel was sure that the entire action could be used without any cutting of the time sequence.

    As for Daniel, he’d had a great old time getting to breed Eddie in a hot little mini-scene which Will filmed for them, as well as saving up a couple more huge loads for the big orgy scene.

    Before they went for that grand finale, the entire crew relaxed for two full days of downtime, with any sex once again forbidden. The boss wanted the biggest collection of giant cumshots ever for the orgy scene, and he’d made his expectations very clear. Every top was to shoot several times inside the hole and then pull out and squirt some more over the backs of their respective bottoms. There was some grumbling from a couple of the novices who’d never worked with Daniel before, but Will and Eddie explained patiently to them that Daniel’s methods, although they might sound a bit savage with so many hot men around, got the results he wanted in no uncertain terms.

    So everyone spent the two quiet days on lounge chairs or on beach towels, swimming in the pool or the ocean, soaking up the hot Spanish sun, and cracking an endless stream of sexual puns to try to let out their frustration.

    One thing everyone couldn’t help noticing was that Johannis and Miguel walked out of the hotel practically glued to each other. They pulled two lounge chairs by the pool extra close together, and there they lay, looking at each other, stroking each other periodically, and conversing quietly together as they stared – as far as you could tell through the mirrored sunglasses – deep into each other’s eyes.

    Daniel was particularly intrigued. He realized that he’d had a sense of something special between the two during the casting meetings, but he had to admit that he’d never expected it to go this far, this quickly. He also noticed that Laszlo was looking, if not jealous, at least a bit put out as he studied them. Daniel wondered idly which of the two might be causing his Hungarian beauty’s case of the hots below the belt and under the collar.

    Not that the boss was completely idle during this downtime. When preparing an orgy scene, he always wanted to figure out the first pairings ahead of time and arrange a signal for when the camera men should call “time” and have everyone switch. After that, he was content to let the guys wander where they would and play with whom they wished. Now, though, he realized that he was probably going to have to read the riot act to Johannis and Miguel, just so they wouldn’t simply gravitate back to each other and drop out of the larger scene.

    For now, though, he just wanted to relax. He had his scene plan all worked out in his head, and that was, after all, only a starting point, a kind of first play of the game. He was quite content to lie here in the sun, on a lounge chair, and enjoy the scenery. But that was a problem in itself, since the scenery was itself very distracting. True, he’d seen all these guys naked before, at one time or another, but Daniel still enjoyed the thrill of the chase, and he still found a minimally-clothed man more fascinating than a nude one.

    All the guys in the company had dressed down into either tiny, short shorts or some form of bikinis or thongs. Miguel’s lovely ass was best shown off by a bright orange thong which allowed his curvy brown buns to pop right out. Paulo’s flame-red speedo had the kind of built-in front pouch which thrusts the hardware forward and up. Laszlo’s tight blue briefs used a back seam to accentuate the crack of his ass, while the front didn’t neglect his perfectly respectable cock. Johannis was wearing blue and white shorts, with the white lying in a slightly curved vertical stripe right up the middle. Ryan’s blazing red hair and pale skin was set off by a shamrock-green brief with side clips, and his hand kept wandering down there to fiddle with the clips suggestively. Steve and Jim had on matching pride-patterned speedos.

    Daniel glanced down complacently at his own shorts, now bulging enticingly. He taken a pair of standard Hawaiian-patterned board shorts and had them cut down to crotch length, then fitted with angled hems so the bottom edges pointed in a vee right at his package. The tool there was making a decided lump in the front of his shorts, not surprising after he’d been taking such a detailed inventory of his troupe of models. He stood up and dived into the pool, urgently needing to cool himself off a bit.

    After that swim, Daniel laid back flat on his lounge and let himself drift off into dreamland. He was woken by a hand shaking him, and a voice calling his name. He came back into waking life to find Laszlo leaning over him, one hand on his shoulder, and the crotch of his speedo bulging. Daniel guessed that Laszlo had been staring at him for a few minutes, and perhaps rubbing himself, before he’d finally acted to wake up the boss.

    “Daniel. Hey, Daniel.”


    “Sun’s going down and we’re all heading inside to get ready for dinner. Join us?”

    “Yeah.” He swung his legs around, planted his feet on the ground, and looked up to see all these prime slabs of muscle from his company staring him in the face. Shaking himself fully awake, he stood up, slapped a high five with two or three of his cast, and they headed back into the hotel.

    Dinner was a friendly, funny meal, with people teasing each other over things that had happened during the last week, both at the awards party and during the filming sessions. As always, for the night before a shoot, Daniel kept himself down to just one glass of wine, and then ran on Perrier for the rest of the evening. Steve and Jim sat with him and got him laughing with Jim’s story of how Steve, as Rod Rammer, had first gotten to know him -- Perrier played a role in that tale too.

    On Friday, the entire crew and cast assembled in the filming suite. The guys helped each other with little last minute details. No showers were taken. Daniel knew that with this many men, the showers would take up most of the filming day, so everyone had been given strict instructions to shower in their own suites before coming up to the penthouse.

    Once the men were all in position, Will and Eddie turned on the lights and cameras, and Eddie then called “action.”

    Johannis and Ryan were quickly locked in a passionate embrace. Paulo was already pushing Miguel’s face downwards towards his bulge. Rod was holding Laszlo close in his arms while he slid his hands downwards to cup those enticing cheeks. Daniel was standing over against the wall, watching Paulo and Miguel and squeezing his own bulge as he watched.

    The scene heated up rapidly. Johannis quickly pushed Ryan down onto his back on some cushions, coming down on top of him and stroking and licking his body all over. Ryan, in his typical fashion, was already twisting around like a snake under the Icelandic stud and moaning up a storm.

    Eddie had moved in a circle around Rod and Laszlo, letting his camera watch the two of them playing with each other’s asses. For the viewer, it would be anyone’s guess which of the two was going to fuck and which one would get fucked.

    There was no guesswork involved in the third pairing. Paulo had both hands clamped onto the back of Miguel’s head and was steadily pumping his erect cock in and out of Miguel’s mouth. It was easy to see that Miguel was finding Paulo’s tool a challenge, but he kept on giving his best shot at deep-throating the Brazilian stud. Now Daniel worked around and got down on the floor, starting to eat at Miguel’s ass while Miguel was busy at the other end.

    Meanwhile, Johannis had begun eating out Ryan’s ass, and that left Ryan’s mouth free to take a first go at Daniel’s tool, the famous Hawaiian Nine, since he found it conveniently close to his eager mouth. Ryan had gotten that cock entirely into his mouth when Johannis planted his cock against Ryan’s hole and began to push. The cute Irish twink opened up and let him in. Now there were five guys locked together in a chain of fucking, sucking, and ass eating. Soon enough, Paulo got Miguel to turn around and bend over, and Paulo changed places with Daniel, letting Daniel have the cock while he worked his erect tool into Miguel’s tight hole.

    The scene kept evolving and changing, with almost as many changes of partners as a country square dance. After another half an hour of steady fucking and sucking and rimming, Paulo had moved on to have a go at Laszlo, while Daniel had found Miguel’s cute little ass close at hand and well opened up, so he slid right in and began to pound. Johannis had shifted over to Rod and took a first turn at his ass, while Rod himself had begun fucking Ryan.

    All of the guys had already cum once and were still rock-hard and winding up to another epic blast-off. This time, Rod was the first one to gasp that he was going to cum. Johannis started to pull out, but Rod reached back and pulled him in deeper, yelling, “No! Pound me, stud!”

    Johannis responded with a will and that was all that was needed to send Rod Rammer over the edge, his legendary eleven-incher quivering and pulsating as he delivered a healthy blast of his jizz inside Ryan’s fuck tunnel. As soon as Rod’s hole began spasming from the cum shots, Johannis drove harder and faster and fired off inside the famous porn stud. Both men pulled out while they were still cumming, and added several spurts across Ryan’s ass cheeks, which looked good enough to lick.

    The noisy soundtrack of their orgasms gave Paulo the impetus to drive deeper and harder into Laszlo, who quivered, yelled, “Oh, fuck,” and shot six huge squirts of cum onto his face, chest, and abs as Paulo fired off inside his ass, before pulling out and adding a cream garnish across Laszlo’s sexy body.

    That left Daniel, who was driving Miguel into a quivering mass of bottom joy, thrusting his thick cock all the way down into the Mexican’s spasming butt over and over. Suddenly, Miguel forced his ass up, and blasted bolts of cum onto the floor under him before collapsing flat on his face. Daniel followed him down, slamming harder and harder until his cock began to jerk. He yanked out, shot some cream across Miguel’s milk-chocolate coloured ass, drove back in and pumped some more cum inside that beautiful hole, and then pulled out again and shot two more jets across his ass before letting the rest slowly drizzle out as he wiped his dick across those brown cheeks.

    After a few more seconds, Will announced, “Cameras off,” and all seven of them sprawled out on the floor, gasping for air. The action had certainly been intense. Eddie walked over to where Paulo and Laszlo were lying side by side, grinned down at them, and said, “See what I mean about the time out, guys?”

    Paulo, too tired even to speak, only nodded. Laszlo gasped, “I’ve never cum like that before. Yeah, it’s intense, but it’s still fucking unfair!” Across the room, Daniel chuckled.

    After taking a quick look at some of the footage, Daniel was thrilled and knew that he had another epic, award-winning film on his hands. That night, he treated the whole company to dinner in a gourmet restaurant along the street from the hotel. With the limits off, it was a rowdy, raucous party.

    The next day, the gang all enjoyed a last day of sun at the pool and beach, while Daniel sat inside with Will and Eddie, going through all the footage to make sure there weren’t any bad spots they would need to patch up before flying back to L.A. When they finally appeared on the beach at 4:45, they endured a lot of ribbing from the others about what they had really been doing all day. Before that, the teasing had all centred on Johannis and Miguel who were now behaving exactly like a married couple.

    Daniel just smiled and waved the teasing off. Truth be told, though, he had fucked both of the camera guys by way of a breather during the afternoon, before dumping yet another load inside Will’s compliant ass.


    On Sunday morning, during the flight back home, most of the guys were dozing or outright sleeping in their individual bed-cubicles. Daniel blessed his good fortune in having attracted a backer who was both well-stocked with money and intensely turned on by the thought of being fucked by famous porn tops. The bonus of this multi-millionaire buying first-class tickets for everyone wasn’t lost on Daniel, or on any of the rest of the cast. Several of them had never flown first class before, let alone actually flying at all.

    The spectacle of all these prime slabs of man flesh lying back and sleeping all over the cabin was also causing a bit of a stir among the flight attendants, two of whom were plainly attracted to the bigger guys present. One of them all but rubbed his firm chest across Daniel’s face when leaning across “to refill your coffee.”

    A couple of the members of the team, though, were watching Daniel carefully. Lianne was one of them. She’d handled the business end of Daniel’s venture ever since he’d set it up, and she knew his mind and moods probably better than anyone else there. She flagged down Laszlo as he walked by towards the washroom, then beckoned him to lean down for a second.

    “Laszlo, you notice anything about Daniel today?”

    Laszlo glanced at him for a moment.

    “Yeah,” he murmured back. “He looks kind of antsy.”

    “That’s what I thought. Antsy, and a bit worried with it. And that makes me worried. Can you maybe talk to him, see if you can find out what’s eating at him?”

    “Me? Why me, Lianne?”

    “Because this is personal. I can’t ask, he’ll just think I want to talk contracts and video rights. And I’m asking you because he seems more comfortable with you than with some of the others, more laid back and less defensive. I think you might be able to get him to talk.”

    Laszlo sighed. “Well, I can try.”

    His effort didn’t go very far. Daniel did, however, unbend enough to say, “It’s not something I can really talk about here. But there’s something else, something I’d like to discuss with you in some detail. Can you swing by my office on Wednesday at, let’s say, 3:30 in the afternoon?"

    “No problem,” Laszlo replied. He was a bit chagrined, but he hadn’t been shut down outright and maybe he could get under the surface of Daniel’s nerves at that time. Daniel and Laszlo both entered the appointment in their phones, and Laszlo went back to his seat. He’d report to Lianne later, during the long stopover at New York JFK, but for now he just wanted to sleep.


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