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Reading this site has made me paranoid


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Tony, we got some really weird users a while ago that kept posting very creepy posts, nobody liked those, they were completely off topic and upset the rest of the users.

well, that's what i was trying to clarify...i wasnt sure if RawTop meant devilworshippers, religious fundies, or both...i could certainly see either "side" fetishizing the creation of an Andromeda Strain of Super AIDS for various reasons. like i've written for years, the widespread attempt to pathologize the natural and basic human preference for unencumbered raw sex would eventually lead to some misguided psyches embracing the very idea of pathology as a fetish along with the natural raw sex.

i have argued with some who try to call me a hypocrite for fucking so hard yet for condemning bugchasing, gift-giving and stealthing...i make no pretense of cognitive dissonance as regards my own propensity to violent sex, which i both consider AND configure to be a maximization of the intensity of Life and Experience, versus the erotic embrace of a deadly virus currently finding prey and food in our human species...in the words of some, in an effort to maximize Death, Destruction and the loss of Life and Experience.

while i suppose one might somehow "square the circle" and find a way to fetishize the virus itself without actually wanting to kill millions or billions of people, i can't pretend i've yet seen anyone really enunciate such a particular fetish very clearly. it MAY be in their heads for all i know, but i'd more expect an outright dissonance instead...eg "i know my fetish is internally confused, i dont care. the virus, giving n getting it, n (for some) breeding deadlier versions of it is hot, but i don't actually want to kill Humanity!"

and then there's that minority that would in fact like to do so.

anyway, since my own expression of these sentiments is made more difficult by RT's site-settings, i had to wonder who exactly provoked the original code-tweaking...besides what i just described, one could infer that people of a traditional religious bent would also be a problem on this site (for various n very obvious reasons), or even someone like myself who uses provocative language.

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anyway, since my own expression of these sentiments is made more difficult by RT's site-settings, i had to wonder who exactly provoked the original code-tweaking...besides what i just described, one could infer that people of a traditional religious bent would also be a problem on this site (for various n very obvious reasons), or even someone like myself who uses provocative language.

I think there are people who are messed up and want to kill all humanity, or cause the complete choas to society that a widespread drug resistant strain could cause. Imagine if Europe and North America got wiped out like Africa - the economic collapse of 2008 would be nothing in comparison. It sounds crazy, but no one sane ever imagined 9/11 either.

I do see this as different from someone who is into violent sex - I'm guessing that you want to see the guy live to take it again? Though there are scary guys who might not... Dalmer as an example.

Anyways, checked your profile... cute boyish face with big ass here... which is easy to find on squirt... just how violent are you talking?

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I think there are people who are messed up and want to kill all humanity, or cause the complete choas to society that a widespread drug resistant strain could cause. Imagine if Europe and North America got wiped out like Africa - the economic collapse of 2008 would be nothing in comparison. It sounds crazy, but no one sane ever imagined 9/11 either.

I do see this as different from someone who is into violent sex - I'm guessing that you want to see the guy live to take it again? Though there are scary guys who might not... Dalmer as an example.

Anyways, checked your profile... cute boyish face with big ass here... which is easy to find on squirt... just how violent are you talking?

i'm all about the fuck itself, so we're talking about athletically maxing-out the power of my cock, muscles and sensation-greed as the foundation. some guys who want more abuse from my hands or from implements may be accommodated case-by-case, but everyone taking my fuck should expect to get anally reamed and churned out by my big fat dick to an extraordinary degree.

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i'm all about the fuck itself, so we're talking about athletically maxing-out the power of my cock, muscles and sensation-greed as the foundation. some guys who want more abuse from my hands or from implements may be accommodated case-by-case, but everyone taking my fuck should expect to get anally reamed and churned out by my big fat dick to an extraordinary degree.

OK I wouldn't classify that as violent. And as much as you might be motivated by greed, any bottom taking that is greedier than you are if they are so selfishly chasing pleasure that they are willing to wreck their hole. I don't get fisted since I've already had times where I've just been plowed so hard that the next couple days my hole kept me running to the can all day or desperately trying to find a john before I shit my pants. When I was younger a couple times I did shit my pants the day after a good fuck cause I wasn't able to keep clenched. Maybe that's just me. I take things a bit too far sometimes.

ok WARNING: don't read the rest if you are turned off by a bit more extreme body fluid stuff.

Like last night, this guy was face fucking me so hard into my throat I started to puke a bit, which is unusual for me, but maybe just the position and where he was hitting. After our first go I coughed up a bit of blood. Thinking about it now I probably should have stopped; but he hadn't come and I didn't want to wimp out and let him think he'd been the guy to push me too far. So I went and got some poppers so I could take more without stopping. It pissed me a bit since he wasn't even very long, just the way he held my jaw open so he could fuck into the back of my throat.

My ass bleeding is another matter since that can take so long to heal.

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problematic how? i did notice this group earlier:

999 breeders


A bareback group for those that like ritual 999 breeding for Our Dark Lord

When things are contained in a group they don't bother the average member. But some of the Six Six Six / Devil worship guys are a bit psycho and sound like they're on some other planet - that's not useful, so the discussion is banned (in general discussion).

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problematic how? i did notice this group earlier:

999 breeders


A bareback group for those that like ritual 999 breeding for Our Dark Lord

I saw that group, while I see it as something troubling and something that a mental person would participate it I chose to ignore it. Some people are so fucked up, or their parents fucked them up that they turn to evil, I feel bad for them in that sense.

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To return to the original topic for a moment, I've got small hands. No matter which bar I've been in they've gotten me more sex than my crotch or my arse (you guys don't know what you're missing out on! - but I invite you to find out). I can barely span an octave on a standard piano. I've always considered it simply good manners to keep my nails trimmed and clean(ish) - I have no problems with someone asking me to remove the bike oil from beneath my nails, if it happens to be there. Just wish I could find someone with hands as small as mine - after a while you get tired of topping all the time!

I noticed 999 breeders too: this may well get me hate mail, but they struck me as a group trying to rebel as hard as they can. Me, I self-define as a pagan, and amongst people I trust I call myself a hedgewitch (we find the stuff we need for ritual work literally in the hedgerows, more likely we just use household tools). I will declare myself as a pagan, just as I'll appear on TV (which i've dona number of times) as the "guy who's got it". Who knows? 999 breeders might be completely sincere in their purpose...

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  • 7 years later...
Guest FinalDL2021

I think this site has had the opposite effect on me. I review what other men are doing, and what I am not doing. over the past two and a half years, I have learned what undetectable is all about, and learned about guys on prep. I have come to the conclusion that if I am not actively chasing, I am probably going to stay NEG at present.

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On 9/17/2019 at 10:41 PM, Futile2Resist said:

I think this site has had the opposite effect on me. I review what other men are doing, and what I am not doing. over the past two and a half years, I have learned what undetectable is all about, and learned about guys on prep. I have come to the conclusion that if I am not actively chasing, I am probably going to stay NEG at present.

I assume you mean that you will be on PrEP as well. If not, it would be foolish to simply assume you will remain Neg. As long as there are Poz guys who don’t take their ART regularly (or at all), or are unaware of their seropositivity, and Neg guys who assume they’re safe now because other guys take PrEP, the Enemy Virus is still a threat. Bareback sex is not safe. It never has been.

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