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Is Jerry Sandusky gay? Why not?


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It is in cases like Jerry Sandusky's where the whole concept of Sexual Orientation, being gay or being straight, falls apart.

I've always rejected, definitely for myself, any label associated with sexual orientation. In spite of my liking for sex with men in places like parks, saunas, dark rooms, I still don't consider myself gay. If someone calls themselves "gay" I'll accept it because I believe self-identitities must be respected.

So far, most people would think of myself as being gay when they know that I have sex with men and that I'm not interested in having sex with women. The simplistic rationale is that I like cock and not pussy so I must be gay.

Jerry Sandusky also likes cock and not pussy and that's why he pursues boys. Never girls, although in his talks he referes to boys as "young people". But just like most priests who pursue "young people", they want boys.

Why is it then, that we refer to these men as pedophiles and not as being gay and liking young boys? When is a man who likes younger men gay and when is he a pedophile? After all there are different tastes when it comes to sex with men. I prefer sex with men in their 20's or 30's. I know men who only like older men. Etc, etc...

Isn't this being gay, being straight, and being in-between concept sort of ridiculous?

Ineteresting read: http://twogaybullies.wordpress.com/2011/11/17/just-to-clear-things-up-jerry-sandusky-is-not-gay/

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with sandusky, it's about power. i believe that what really got him off was getting away with exploiting the helplessness and need of the boys.

whatever he believes his oroentation to be, in prison he's going to learn what it's like to get assraped, and i tip my hat to karma for that.

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He is not gay, it offends me as gay man that anyone would try and label a pedophile who anally raped young boys as being gay. Gay men have sex for pleasure, Sandusky was doing it out of some sickness that caused him to want to rape young boys. Hope they shank his ass in prison.

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I agree with einathens and seaguy! Sandusky is a sicko who preyed on little 10 year olds who for no fault of their own where from a fatherless home. They looked up to this jerk and trusted him...he used their trust to take advantage!

Shame on him...I hope he gets what he deserves in prison...where I don't think they take to pedophiles!!!!

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You can have pedophiles who are both men and women and who are straight and gay. We've all seen the stories of adult men abusing boys AND girls, and we've also seen stories of adult women abusing boys AND girls. I think if we are to argue that men and women who abuse children of the opposite sex are straight then we can't turn around and then say, 'but the guys who abuse boys and the women who abuse girls' aren't gay.

The issue isn't their sexuality, but what is screwed up in their head where they have sexual desires for young people who can not give consent.

I know the press, and definitely those folks who do not like gays always try to point out the cases when it's men who abuse boys and try to tie it to ALL gay men. However, there are many, many more cases of men who abuse young girls and yet no one is tossing the 'straight' life style under the bus.

I think Sandusky is gay but is just f'ed in the head and has an attraction to use and abuse young boys. However, I don't then take it step a step further and try to connect the gay lifestyle as being wrong just because some individuals who are gay are pedophiles.

There are gay pedophiles amongst us, just as there are many, many more straight pedophiles out there. The problem is and always will be with the individual, not with the group - either gay or straight.

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Here I'm trying to attack the concept of sexual orientation and I'm not here defending or attacking pedophiles. Sexual Orientation makes no sense to me and as Judge Judy says: "If it doesn't make sense it's not true."

Here are the two the two questions I posted earlier and my comments.

.............(1) Why is it then, that we refer to these men as pedophiles and not as being gay and liking young boys?

I know a guy who's 30 and who only likes older guys, 50+. My friend is considered a gay man who likes older men. Any attempt to digging into anything that may be behind his feeling of arousal for older men is flatly rejected: he's just gay, a gay man who likes older men.

On the other hand, when a man feels atracted to young boys we immediately reject any possibiloity of "gayness", label him as a pedophile, and look for psychological explanations for his behaviour.

..........(2) When is a man who likes younger men gay and when is he a pedophile?

If I were to believe that sexual orientation exists, I would need an answer to this question other than being determined by the law, which varies from country to country.

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The difference is a child isn't in a position to decide what he likes sexually yet so it's not like a younger adult guy wanting a silver daddy or another man who only likes younger adult guys. Even children who are aware what they like sexually should never have sex until they are physically and mentally ready and ideally with trusted non-sexual adult guidance. The child who is sexually abused doesn't have any choice in it and as einathens said its about power for the adult.

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