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I wonder why it is that bottoms so outnumber tops...

Guest Matias47

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I've pondered this question, more on a personal level (i.e., wondering why I am so drawn to being a bottom). From a numbers standpoint, it would make more sense to be a top because it seems there's a lot more ass available than cock. But it seems our sex drive has little to do with reason. I spent most of my life married (to a woman), so I topped a lot. When I first started having sex with guys, I was pretty versatile in my thought process, but I seemed to evolve into a bottom.


When I was younger, it seemed most of the guys who wanted me were tops. Before I had much experience, sex with guys just kind of happened, without the preliminary discussion about preference that seems standard these days. I'd start to have sex with a guy and he'd seem to migrate to the top position. I remember one of my earlier experiences, not really knowing what the guy was going to do, he just kind of took control. I thought he was just going to blow me. We were in bed and he was going down on me, but then worked his way to my ass and started eating it out and making it very wet. Before I knew it, he was pushing my legs back and sliding in and I realized that fucking me had been his intent all along, the rest was just prep. That stuck with me, the process of being taken was really a big part of sex for me, it was something I consciously missed being married to a woman. 


Most of my sex  I've had later in life has not had much intimacy connected to it, i.e., it's only sex. Really, my call on that. I've just sort of developed method when I'm horny and pretty much fall into a routine that focuses on getting a cock and semen in my ass with little to no consideration of anything else. It's like sex has become a refined process. In that process, it seems easier to be a bottom because I am not concerned with how the guy looks, only about cock and cum, so that opens the field. I think the guys I end up attracting this way are a greater variety (i.e., tops, versatile and versatile bottoms) because I'm just an easy ass to fuck vs. an intimate entangle. I do miss the kind of sex I mentioned earlier, where I am face up and there's some auxiliary passion involved, but I'm a whole lot more picky about who I have sex with that way. I've been fucked by prolly  thousands of guys, but I can count on one hand the number of guys I've kissed. I find myself wondering that if I found romance, I'd migrate and become more versatile?

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