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Have you been caught, or almost caught by police at cruising sites?

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I have only read awesome adventures about these places, how hot, exciting they are. But I'd like to know about the not so good experiences at them.

I have been scared the shit out of me two times. In both, at least, I saw police coming in advance, so I ran as never before in my live, my heart was beating so fast it felt as if it was going to exit through my mouth, and I feel so dizzy and fragile I felt as if I was to collapse to the ground. After that much running, my body hurt for as long as 5 days, as if I was beaten up by 4 guys. Since both times there were other guys around, and few officers, they ignored me. I felt so bad for older and heavier guys who could not do the same and were arrested.

But guess what, I continue going to such places, but I only (or almost always :cool:) choose those where there's plenty of space to run/scape, avoiding those that are small, where if in a car, police could block the way out and easily arrest you, etc.

I'm not traumatized about it, it actually feels exciting, and I don't care much nowadays, if I could run and escape, I'd still do it, but if I get arrested, I don't care much.

It's actually funny, I think of it and really laugh.

Have any of you gone through such bad experience, maybe got arrested? How did you manage the situation, were you calmed? After such bad experiences, do you still go to such places or avoid them?

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I was arrested ~1999 in a park along the Potomac in/outside Washington DC.

For years I loved park sex. It made for a great bike ride down the river to a sex destination. I could take off, get there, fool around anonymously and then ride home to my vanilla bf. Many, many many of my favorite sex memories are from park sex, which at the time occurred in parks all down the Potomac - from the Iwo Jima statue to the Johnson Grove to below Alexandria - literally miles. in fact my one story on here (First Anonymous Bareback, or something like that) was one of my park adventures.

Then one night. My bf was out of town, so I was out late. It was late summer and getting dark. I was in a wooded area crisscrossed with paths, which in this area the woods can be dense with undergrowth. I was walking my bike and passed I guy I normally then wouldnt have bothered with. But it was getting late, seemed no one was left. I stopped literally 18 inches face-to-face with him, and we stared at each other intently. Then I did something I NEVER did back then. I made the first move.

I took my bent finger and slid my knuckle down his (closed) zipper. It wasn't a grope. It was almost dark. Deep in the woods. No one around.

He GRABBED my wrist. "You're UNDER ARREST." He slapped a handcuff on my wrist and one on his. He walked me out, me walking my bike. We got to the parking lot. He made me wait while he called a car. US Park Police (ASSHOLE FUCKFACES PUSSIES!) they locked my bike to a tree, drove me to the park police offices, charged and booked me with a petty misdemeanor "Disorderly Conduct, Obscene Acts". They confiscated a condom I had tucked in my bike shorts. "Evidence," they said.

They let me go. I walked miles and miles back to my bike. My bf being out of town I had all night. I rode home in the dark.

I came clean with him right away. We were 'monogamous' at the time. And I love him for it - he said "Let's fight it." So we did. Well connected and well funded, we hired a top notch DC lawyer. Our case seemed easy. No way did my act come close to meeting the definition of 'obscene'. (If he'd waited . . . !) But as it was - in the woods all alone in the dark him consenting. Nothing about it was 'obscene'. The National Park Service pursued not one case ever against straight people having sex in cars in tents anywhere in the National Park system. I contacted the Blade (the gay paper). I called Lambda Legal and every politically correct gay organization in town. People could not hang the phone up on me fast enough!

We went to before a judge. To go to a jury trial was to risk serving jail time. The judge was Albert V Bryant, the father of my first and only AA sponsor, who had died of AIDS. It was a mockery, a kangaroo court. Legal issues were not considered. The arguments were irrelevant. I was found guilty.

I had to pay restitution and was put on probation for I think it was three months, when I was not allowed on any US park property. I had to write regular letters to my probation officer. I wrote the Judge and told him how important his son had been in my life and that I thought his actions as a judge were a shame to Buzz's memory.

For some damn reason Im too damn honest. I told all my friends gay and straight what had happened to me. I felt ashamed of my punishment and exposing myself felt better. It was not justice. The point being - after that I had not one but two friends come to me - literally years later - when they were arrested. One was caught when a park cop spotted him mid fuck. The other got nabbed for showing too much dick to a cop at the next urinal.

I've since learned hundreds and hundreds of men have been arrested/fined by the US Park Police along the Potomac. Apparently, i got off easy, my friends got much worse penalties, which I understand are the norm. i've also learned that the whole awful experience of arrest/ humiliation is meant to be THE punishment. It's not justice at all. If they wanted to stop it, they'd post signs. Or send a UNIFORMED officer through to scare people off. It'd work. It's a bunch of sad, evil people who like to play cop and bully people without facing any danger. And the name "Albert V Bryant" which was once on the cornice of the Alexandria, VA courthouse has since been chiseled out. I don't know why. Good riddance to bad trash.

As for me - my park sex days are over. The penalties, they threatened, are far worse the second time. In fact, sometimes when I'm fucking if I feel like I'm being watched, I lose the bone. The very idea of getting caught. Too bad. I have lots of great memories of my park sex adventures. The areas along the Potomac are like a park sex paradise, and there are plenty of areas where no one ever, ever just happens by, and might be offended. When I was nabbed, Bill Clinton was in office. "Liberal, huh?" I don't know how they enforce now.

I've seriously fantasized about leaving my money to a foundation for a private park, just for gays . . .


I'm sad you went through all that eightndeep, thanks for being so open about it. Yeah, police, laws, courts are very abusive, sometimes I feel gays caught having sex in public are treated worse than someone who committed murder. Some states have harsher laws than others, but I think being caught and accused of public disorder, sex, prostitution or whatever anywhere in the USA is hell.

In every single state and other countries it's the same, str8s can fuck anywhere anytime and almost always nothing happens, so it's a shame.

I haven't read or personally known of many guys who have been arrested, but all of them have said that it was so hard, they were treated so bad, that they have never been back.

When I go to such places, I take a lot of precautions, I know there's no guarantee I'll be safe, but at least I'm more confident with myself, as most probably I'll keep going until I have a really bad experience. I never, unless I already know the guy or seen him around; touch him, nor show my dick, nor ask him anything. I tend to carefully watch the guy I'm interested in, if he looks nervous, way to dressed/covered when it's not cold, too good to be true, or just suspicious in any single way, could be a thug looking to do bad things or a police.

Besides being arrested, we are exposed to even worse things, so we must always be aware of it. Carefully study the area and the people in it. Take your time, don't rush yourself into having sex with anyone anywhere.

I feel more police presence won't make gays stop going to such places, where I live that's done, and gays continue going, sometimes they arrest a couple of guys, everyone knows about it, but they continue going. I've been to beaches, police drive through the sand with four tracks, everyone stops doing what they are doing, then start again once the cops are far away. Same at rest stops at the highways. This is pretty much as having sex bb, as risky as it is, knowing the consequences, and as un-understandable as it sounds to some, it's something we won't stop doing. So for most it's not about going or not going, it's a matter of doing what your heart dictates and being aware of the consequences, and trying to avoid the obvious risks, for example, grabbing the dick to a guy who looks 100% like a typical cop, or to a guy who is trashier than a garbage can.

Guest ohgodpozme

I witnessed a sex-related park arrest once, but I've never been arrested myself.

...Although I've had some close calls. The best: I was a freshman in college in Utah, walking through the art department one day (I wasn't an art major, it was just the fastest route to my car), and passed a smoking hot dude who struck up a conversation, flirted like crazy, then gave me his number. (He turned out to be crazier than a shithouse rat, but I was 18, so what did I know. And the body he had!) When Friday came, I picked him up for a date in my Bronco. After dinner, I took him to a great spot close to the mountains, great view, total makeout spot. We made out for a while, then got into the back seat and were enthusiastically pulling each other's shirts off. (The body on him!) It was October in the high benches, and the combination of cold outside air and hot breath inside meant the windows were completely fogged up. Still, I had no trouble seeing the headlights when a vehicle pulled up behind us, and no trouble at all seeing the "third headlight", aka the driver's-side spotlight come on.

So there I was, in Utah in the early 90's, clothes half off with another guy in the back seat, windows completely fogged, on the edge of the city and halfway to the mountains, with a police officer walking up to the driver's side window. There was no time to re-dress or get back into the front seat, so I just took a deep breath, reached into the front seat, and cranked down the window.

The officer was a guy, probably in his mid-40's. He shone a small mag light into the back, took in the details, and without missing a beat, deadpanned, "You boys aren't spotlighting deer, are you?"

"No sir." Pause. "Does that happen up here?" He nodded.

"Hunting season starts on Monday. Poachers come up and try to cheat by freezing the deer in place at night with spotlights. It's illegal and not very sportsmanlike."

"No sir, we are not spotlighting deer."

"You boys have a good night. Drive safe."

And with that he walked back to the cruiser, pulled out, and drove off.

Neither of us said anything. Somewhere in the distance, a dog barked.


What also sucks..these days you get put on a sex offender. list, that followes you forever. Hows that gonna fly at the next job background check.?..ugh. I did rest areas for years (90's -early 2000's...but then the rest stops were and are under constant survielience. Better off getting into a semi, cant fuck with you there. But they will tow your ride if u stay hidden. Touching a cop gets u busted just the same as swearing at one..assault on officer


It was late, after the bars had closed. I was getting my hole fucked raw in the cab of a pickup truck. We were parked on a side street near a gay club. Mid way through the fuck we noticed a cop car had parked directly across the street from us. We took a close look and saw the two cops in the squad car were eating their lunch and weren't paying attention to us, so he kept on fucking my hole until he shot his load in me. We put our jeans back on and drove away. The cops never seemed to motice us at all.

  HotSeed said:
It was late, after the bars had closed. I was getting my hole fucked raw in the cab of a pickup truck. We were parked on a side street near a gay club. Mid way through the fuck we noticed a cop car had parked directly across the street from us. We took a close look and saw the two cops in the squad car were eating their lunch and weren't paying attention to us, so he kept on fucking my hole until he shot his load in me. We put our jeans back on and drove away. The cops never seemed to motice us at all.

You guys were playing hide the baloney, they were eating it.


ohgodpozme--> you were more than lucky, maybe that's an experience you can laugh of today.

kodiakCub--> I had no idea it was like that, isn't that sex offender list intended for those who play with underage ones? I do know it goes to your criminal record for some time, not sure how much where I live, maybe 2 years, so yeah, to the traumatic moments one must add to that when trying to look for a job when that is on record. Maybe that's why I ran so much and fast I felt I was going to die, but kept running, I don't fully know the consequences, but I know they are really nasty.

HotSeed--> you are brave!


I forgot to say. NEVER ever wear flip flops at cruising sites, if I were wearing them the two times I ran, I'd be telling you a different story with a very sad ending. I always wear running shoes, they are practical and look good. Also, don't get naked (I've done it, but when in totally isolated places you can see miles away someone is coming, or finding you is like finding a blue grain of sand in the sea), just put your pants on your knees and start fucking, and don't get too distracted, be aware of any noise, constantly look all around, etc.


When I was about 19 and still living at home with my parents, I used to cruise parks for men... One time, I met a guy, and we decided we would fuck around in my car... But we wanted to find a quiet place... so went to an area filled with roads for a future development, but not many houses... As I had my cock up the guy's ass, all of a sudden, a BRIGHT light lit up the insides of the car, and there was a knock on the window...

We stopped, grabbed some clothes to throw over us - as if that was going to help - we had been naked and my cock was in the guy's ass about two seconds before... I opened my window, and the cop standing there said, "Do you guys have any booze in the car?"... I told him "no", he said, "Have a nice night", walked away, got into his cop car and drove away...

We were totally freaked out and amazed, but the guy finished me off by sucking down a load, and we took off....


musta gotten a important call if he just left..bigger fish to fry?

as far as the sex offender lists go...its not just digglers anymore, the law has been broadend quite a bit. It might depend on your state, but there are now varying degrees of sex offender.. from lets say : child diggler to the guy caught with his cock in the wind (or in a another guy). nothing to fuck around with. BUT thats why there are bookstores and bathouses


A few years back, I was in a bathroom at college. This bathroom was known for its adventures by the locals. Even on the weekends it could be busy with sex, but less with its true intended use. Well one weekend, I noticed a hot guy in the stall across the way and to the left of me. We could see eachother if we leaned forward and slightly to one side as the stall had the doors removed from them. Well the main door opened and heard the heavy foot steps of boots come in and to the end of the bathroom where the stalls are located. You could also hear the echo of voices from the walkie talkie he had on him. He stood there at the end of the row for about 5 minutes. In my mind I knew this is it. I am gonna get arrested. This must have been the longest 5 minutes of my life. Just the anticipation was nerve wracking. Then the foot steps moved to the main door and was out. I waited another two minutes and left. No cop in sight but I still felt that I was being watched.

I did go back to the bathroom during the week and when school was in session for the hot sex but I never went back on the weekends.

Guest ff-whole

Almost... a couple of guys were hanging around when a cruiser stopped. The female and male cop just stared at us intently and we all scrambled. I don't think they were keen on making arrests, but we weren't waiting for it.


I had my dick in a guy's ass around the corner from the old Eagle in NYC, back in the late 80s. There were usually clusters of guys up and down the block having sex at 2 am. But that night we were the only ones. Cab came by, and stopped. As we separated, three plain-clothes cops got out. They gave us summons for public urination just to scare us. They said the block was going condo and the yuppies were complaining. My bottom split in a panic. I went back to the Eagle and got sucked off in the hall by the john.

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