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Weirdest Thing Being Told During Sex

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A few years ago a guy I was fucking from behind started bragging about being such a great bottom because his 5 older brother started to gang-fuck him on a regular basis since he was 10 years old. Right in line of sight was an old family picture from the early 70's of 6 boys and their parents.

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All that are posted thus far are off the wall in some way, but as Fickloch said, people say the weirdest things during sex. The Streisand concert though has to be by far the funniest so far and that wasn't during that was After.

I can't recall anything weird or off the wall that was said before, during or after sex. But if I don't hook up with them again I generally forget them and what happened during our encounter.

I would have fucking busted up about the streisand concert.  When I was younger I was like why do gays love barbara streisand so much had never heard her music really but then I got her greatest hits from the CD club back in the day and was like damn bitch can sing.  But I think its the guys  a bit older than me  (43) who are hard core Streisand fans I was more Madonna.

OK, I freaked out a little bit tonight.

I am stressed, so I needed to hook up, this guy is a regular, and we never fail to have great sex. He has a small frame, slim, but defined body, I touch him and he's hard everywhere. He's hairy, shaved head, very masculine.

Today, I got in all the way into the second ring, all the way in, not just the tip of my head. And then I started jackhammering him, he was cursing, roiling his eyes, grabbing my buttocks and pulling me to him, then he shouts "OH, FUCK, YES, YOU ARE GODDAMN NAZI! JUST KEEP GOING".

It was really weird. Threw me a little bit off base until I understood exactly what he meant, I was merciless and rough, no rest for his ass, he was loving it, and he did not mean any insult, but it was just weird to me.

So, I ask, what is the weirdest thing that your partner has told you during sex?

Was he like a skin head looking dude?  Otherwise probably just was so into your dick that he slurred his speech and meant nasty.  I am not away of a gay nazi fetish thing.

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