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Is it just me.... ????


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Maybe it is just you, or where you live. I've gotten to know a bunch of younger guys in the past couple of years and while they run the gamut from "you'd-never-guess-in-a-thousand-years" to "sneezes-glitter," most of them are pretty normal acting (Yeah, I know normal is a dirty word to some people) and, I'd say, are maybe a little to the left of masculine compared to other guys their age, but no where near riding the nelly float in the pride parade.

What I have noticed is that straight guys have become less masculine in this generation; that's the really sad part.

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Here! Here! Fuckboy20!

Weren't "queens" responsible for Stonewall?

It is so unfortunate how members of a minority are sometimes the most discriminatory and judgmental. As a member of two--or four minorities--depending on how you want to look at it, I know this very well. There really would be some sexually frustrated people if all gay guys were butch tops.

And, yes, in many ways, I think a bottom is more masculine than some tops. Many tops--and the vast majority of straight guys--are terrified to have anything even come near their hole.

Personally, I'd love to spend some time with an extremely versatile femme guy. I love a soft voice and smooth body.

I'll most likely be shot down in flames for these comments, but so goes it.

"Can't we all just get along?" Live and let live.

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i wonder what offends the OP the most-- that these prancing little minces (to whom he would never deign to speak) dare to ignore his internalized-homophobic idealization of the only thing that a man can be, or that they don't give a shit what he thinks?

every generation disregards the work done by the one before it and discounts the one after it. i personally tend to be drawn to guys in my own age group, byt that's linda by default.

i like older guys so much, i became one. i'm 47 in a college town. i used to ignore the guys in their early 20s who threw themselves at me, but then i decided to catch one every once in a while. i'm glad i did.

most of these boys don't know their history, and that's not necessarily their fault. i'm glad i'm taking the time to talk to them, to listen to them, to show them that rejecting someone because they're older is just as bad as them rejecting you for being young.

and the ones with daddy issues sure are fun to fuck. it's even more satisfying to watch them grow, and to know that you had a part in it.

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What I have noticed is that straight guys have become less masculine in this generation; that's the really sad part.

Ranger Rick,

This is so very true. My youngest sibling is 20 years younger than me so through her I met many straight younger boys and if they had acted the way they did 20 years earlier everyone would have thought they were gay. At a recent high school graduation I sat on the dais and therefore was very close to each kid being handed their diplomas and at least half I would have guessed were gay 20 years ago. And this was a vocational school in a rural area.

Straight boys no longer feel the need to be overly masculine so that no one would think they were gay.

The line between straight and gay is starting to blur. Most young people today do not have the prejudices that our peers had 20+ years ago.

Welcome to the 21st century, the rise of Pansexuality.

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for the record - many of you made some huge leaps into the conversation - I never said that being a twink made someone a bottom - small dicked - or incapable of throwing a hard fuck - I also never said that they didnt contribute significantly to the community both past or present -

what I did say is that the community seems to be short on younger men who are butch - that the younger gay men who are out all seem to be twink types - and I put forward a conversation that does anyone think that its because they didnt have the same amount prejudices growing up - a tougher time...

there is a HUGE difference between what I said and what some of you have accussed me of saying...

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  • 5 weeks later...

I think that in general there is less masculinity...look at the commercials on TV or sitcoms...they portray men as though they are stupid, clueless and less masculine. Now it's women who are smart and all knowing, who can multi-task and take charge!

So I think feminizing men is part of our over all culture...both, homo and hetro! God! I just bought a pair of PINK cargo shorts!

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I think that in general there is less masculinity...look at the commercials on TV or sitcoms...they portray men as though they are stupid, clueless and less masculine. Now it's women who are smart and all knowing, who can multi-task and take charge!

So I think feminizing men is part of our over all culture...both, homo and hetro! God! I just bought a pair of PINK cargo shorts!

Yes, I think we are transitioning into a more matriarchal society. Women are becoming more powerful and influential. Their opinions and choices are gaining influence. "Manly", "butch" traits and behaviors are discouraged or even punished.
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