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The truth about Poppers and how silly they are

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It's funny how "poppers" better known as isobutyl nitrite (like "Tina" I just call it by its real name- methamphetamine HCL), are the most widely misunderstood substance by basically every gay guy I have ever met. They all say two things both of which are either only partially true and one that is not true AT ALL.

1. Isobutyl Nitrite possesses the chemical abilities to loosen the sphincter muscles in the anus- Yes and no. when inhaled blood that flows to the heart results in an approximate 55 second smoothing of only soft muscle throughout your entire body. but it only relaxes sphincter muscles for about 6-7 seconds before the muscles return to normal. while they return to normal, depending on how thick your penis is and the frequency of penetration will determine whether or not it actually has done "its magic." Sonetimes it does briefly, other times it may actually produce additional discomfort that the brain is not able to recognize but makes everyone i have encountered believe that it tends to work all the time.

2. Isobutyl Nitrite can be taken with Viagra or MDMA and there should be no worries- In fact, taking this alkyl nitrite with Viagra has an extremely severe contraindication problem that has a higher than I'd like to see chance of death. Nitrites and MDMA also don't go very well at all with each other. Using both at the same time does significant damage to your frontal lobe, actually can lead to male erectile dysfunction disorder after a very short time of using it together.

3. Isobutyl Nitrite "relaxes you" yet gives you this great rush. These statements are both true as well as false. All alkyl nitrates do is increase the amount of blood that goes to your brain and your heart very rapidly and it's subjective effects last less than a minute. given the fact that they are alkyl nitrites that are a form of inhalant that has any consistent mechanism of action because these inhalants must cross the blood brain barrier at the precise moment that monoamine oxidase is in effect attempting to kill other neurotransmitters. If you take it during this time you will feel a head rush, increase in sensory perception and lightheadedness. If however the drug does not cross the BBB when monoamine "killers" are working it will cause a feeling that time is moving dramatically slower than really is and could create an anxiety effect that occurs to quick for the user to notice. Still, the anxiety results in memory loss, confused state of mind, and loss of consciousness briefly. Hence, no one is really sure what they experienced and therefore have no real understanding of the drug. As Alexander Shulgin once said, any ..."alkyl nitrate will be an aphrodisiac, but the LGBT community really picked one of the most ridiculous compounds to use for recreational purposes. I would personally recommend a fast acting phenylthylamine if you want to get the best sexual experience possible."

4. Alkyl Nitrates often produce headaches- in reality it damages parts of the brain dealing with GABA-A receptors and Nicotine receptors.

In sum, "poppers" in reality last less than a minute while some claim longer, and it makes your brain confused to the point where you actually lose interest in sex but you happen to believe it makes it more fun. While cheap, it's really a big waste of your money since what you believe probably isn't real.

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I've only done a poppers a little and not very often, but there is something to them. You're focusing on the physical effects. There's more than that going on. There's a bit of a dizziness and you feel out of control. That helps people get over their inhibitions. And the first few seconds of a fuck are the most painful. Maybe 6-7 seconds is all you need to compensate for that.

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Some of this seems a bit off.

It's funny how "poppers" better known as isobutyl nitrite (like "Tina" I just call it by its real name- methamphetamine HCL), are the most widely misunderstood substance by basically every gay guy I have ever met. They all say two things both of which are either only partially true and one that is not true AT ALL.

You should know poppers are one of the nitrites of the alkyl nitrite family, not just isobutyl. If these "problems" are solely with isobutyl nitrite, then your problem should be with governments (the US federal government specifically) preventing individual responsibility and choice by prohibiting drugs.

1. Isobutyl Nitrite possesses the chemical abilities to loosen the sphincter muscles in the anus- Yes and no. when inhaled blood that flows to the heart results in an approximate 55 second smoothing of only soft muscle throughout your entire body. but it only relaxes sphincter muscles for about 6-7 seconds before the muscles return to normal. while they return to normal, depending on how thick your penis is and the frequency of penetration will determine whether or not it actually has done "its magic." Sonetimes it does briefly, other times it may actually produce additional discomfort that the brain is not able to recognize but makes everyone i have encountered believe that it tends to work all the time.

I don't think it matters specifically why/how it helps guys take cock, just that it does. I've felt my boyfriend's hole relax after huffing, and he has told me similar to an analgesic, the pain is muted and all he feels is pressure.

2. Isobutyl Nitrite can be taken with Viagra or MDMA and there should be no worries- In fact, taking this alkyl nitrite with Viagra has an extremely severe contraindication problem that has a higher than I'd like to see chance of death. Nitrites and MDMA also don't go very well at all with each other. Using both at the same time does significant damage to your frontal lobe, actually can lead to male erectile dysfunction disorder after a very short time of using it together.

I don't know about MDMA, but it is pretty well known by a majority of people who use poppers that Viagra and other meds that lowers blood pressure, as well as those who have low blood pressure should be cautious with popper use, if not avoid them completely.

3. Isobutyl Nitrite "relaxes you" yet gives you this great rush. These statements are both true as well as false. All alkyl nitrates do is increase the amount of blood that goes to your brain and your heart very rapidly and it's subjective effects last less than a minute.

Again, like #1, I think people don't specifically care how or why it happens, just that these are the effects that are experienced, and these effects are sought because they allegedly enhance sex.

4. Alkyl Nitrates often produce headaches- in reality it damages parts of the brain dealing with GABA-A receptors and Nicotine receptors.

You've been pretty consistent about chemical names and perhaps it's a mistype, but you wrote alkyl nitrate. On the slim chance you didn't mistype, alkyl nitrites and alkyl nitrates are two completely different chemicals that cannot be compared. And if you did mistype, could you please link to the studies/reports where these adverse effects are seen?

In sum, "poppers" in reality last less than a minute while some claim longer, and it makes your brain confused to the point where you actually lose interest in sex but you happen to believe it makes it more fun. While cheap, it's really a big waste of your money since what you believe probably isn't real.

This really comes off as judgmental. If poppers are not your cup of tea, then don't use them. Some people think they are enjoyable and add something to their experience. I don't think people think poppers, or any drug, are completely harmless; even as someone who thinks drugs are "harmless" provided responsible use, damage still may occur. It is up to the individual to determine whether or not it is worth the (risk of) damage for the trade offs. If you could link to the source I requested in the response to #4, that would be great. That would be of great interest to many people here.

I'm all for educating people of the risks and dangers of drugs, but this entire post feels very preachy.

Edited by ncl27
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Judgmental? I was trying to do two things here

1. Inform about some issues with poppers that some people may not be educated about

2. Present the latest findings by various groups such as the NIDA, NIMH, APA, etc., about what we are learning about poppers use, lol. That's not completely out of line is it?

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2. Present the latest findings by various groups such as the NIDA, NIMH, APA, etc., about what we are learning about poppers use, lol. That's not completely out of line is it?

If you could link to the source I requested in the response to #4, that would be great. That would be of great interest to many people here.

I'm not saying you're wrong, I am asking for a source for what you're saying.

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i remember when viagra was first hitting the market, every gay bar i went to had fliers warning people not to use poppers while taking it. and viagra itself has a clear warning 'do not take viagra if using nitrates...'

i have questions about your final assertion.

"...you actually lose interest in sex but you happen to believe it makes it more fun. While cheap, it's really a big waste of your money since what you believe probably isn't real."

if you believe it's more fun, isn't it more fun?

and if it's something as subjective as fun, if you believe it's real, it's real, isn't it?

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All very intersting and a good conversation. Now, I want to know more about phenylthylamine. Do you have any information on this? If there's something that enhances sex even more than poppers then I want to get some. Poppers turn me into a real pig. I love to chomp on butt and cock. Kissing is amazing with a popper rush.

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i remember when viagra was first hitting the market, every gay bar i went to had fliers warning people not to use poppers while taking it. and viagra itself has a clear warning 'do not take viagra if using nitrates...'

i have questions about your final assertion.

"...you actually lose interest in sex but you happen to believe it makes it more fun. While cheap, it's really a big waste of your money since what you believe probably isn't real."

if you believe it's more fun, isn't it more fun?

and if it's something as subjective as fun, if you believe it's real, it's real, isn't it?

No not in this context, what im trying to say here is that similar to certain drugs of high abuse potential like methamphetamine, Poppers prevent Glutamate from binding with the NMDA-Receptor, in turn it doesn't send the message over to the seat of Dopamine's "loop" which causes what we know now to be a greater mental problem than we thought before. Basically when we have fun doing something dopamine gets released, which makes you feel pleasure, dopamine then tells Glutumate to store the memory of what you really enjoyed because Glutumate deals with our memories. Then when something in the environment triggers you to want to have fun again, Glutamate sends the stored memory to Dopamine where Dopamine will be "told" by Glutamate that this was a GOOD memory, so dopamine will activate your pleasure pathway. Now your direct question would have to be answered by a Philosopher. But here's the thing- Poppers fuck with the brain and cause an amnestic moment if you will. In reality you don't know what the fuck you feel, so GABA which if it binds with its receptors will reduce your anxiety. Each time you do poppers your brain can't function normally and you really are completely dazed but GABA compensates by relieving you of stress. But it can't connect what's going on with making you feel good or any shit like that. So actually when someone says they feel good they don't understand in that moment anything and remember this is the peak concentration which lasts 6-7 seconds, so when you think about it you're wasting money on a drug that has VERY low potential for abuse, only really lasts a few seconds, why bother?

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These are not links to information. These aren't even good references. Boring and non factual. The whole thread.

Oh ok, DSM IV-TR



"Neurons, Neurotransmitters, and Neruopeptides"

NIDA latest findings

NIMH latest findings

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These are not links to information. These aren't even good references. Boring and non factual. The whole thread.

No bro I'm just not gonna waste my time looking up every source I used, put it in APA reference style format and fuckin type it in for you guys. I'm not doing a paper. Don't like my forum get the hell off instead of critiquing the inequity of taking an hour to give you guys the exact means to extract this information which none of you would understand anyways, lol

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No bro I'm just not gonna waste my time looking up every source I used, put it in APA reference style format and fuckin type it in for you guys. I'm not doing a paper. Don't like my forum get the hell off instead of critiquing the inequity of taking an hour to give you guys the exact means to extract this information which none of you would understand anyways, lol

Oh dear...how old are you? 17?

Calm down Mr Caulfield.

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