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[Billy Twee] Syphilis Treatment a Pain in the Ass


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Hey, hi, shit, I've been out of circulation, yeah, thanks to my latest fuck-up with an STD. This time it was syphilis and my life changed last week when a buddy texted me that he had tested positive and so I made the trip to my local VD clinic the next morning. For those of you have regularly read this blog, you know this is not the first time. I should feel lucky, as I've had sex with probably 200 guys since my last STD infection, but it's still a pain in the ass...literally.

Treatment for sif is thankfully quick and easy. It's a couple of shots, one in each cheek delivered during the same visit. The technicians don't mainline the medication when treating sif. Instead they administer a shot deep into your butt muscle, and it's not over in a nanosecond...it's a shot with a needle stuck in your ass for about five seconds, and it seems like an eternity. You can leave right away and there's no follow up or additional medication required, but here's a heads up: your ass might experience some severe soreness. I mean, severe, as in having to lie down. And in my case it was a delayed reaction. I didn't get that soreness in my cheeks until about 12 hours later, and since the shot went into muscle, I'm guessing my whole muscular system was effected, which would explain the stiffness and need to take a rest, i.e., stay home from work.

So the point here is this: if you have the luxury to choose, select a Friday (or whatever day happens to be the last before your weekend) for your treatment (the shots), and take the rest of the day one hour at a time, because if you need to sit down to work at your desk or computer, your ass is going to be so sore and it will mess up your concentration. Even a pillow won't help, so take note. Or maybe you'll be lucky and not have this problem, but be advised. By the way, the penicillin will not necessarily kill any other STD you might have been exposed to. You'll still get tested for the clap or chlamydia...ah, well, such are the wages of sin.

Of course, as before, I'm now a little gun-shy about getting back into circulation, but as we all know, time heals all wounds, er, a sore ass.


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Thank you for being a responsible fuck. I worry with every raw cock that I take that I will end up having to do the STD clinic routine - if the process was quicker and not such a sit and wait process maybe more guys would just casually drop in for regular testing and the cycle could be broken. At least my GP knows me well enough to run a RPR ( syph) test with each quarterly blood draw- but that still leaves 89 days of possible exposure , and in my case as a bottom, exposing others , to it.

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I've had syphillis twice. Once when I was 21 and then just last year. You are so right. The shots hurt like a bitch but the soreness the three or so days after is unbelievable. I remember the first time, I lived on a second floor apartment and I could barely get up the stairs the next day my ass was so sore. This is why I don't get guys who say they want any and all bugs. Why on earth would anyone want that? Luckily it is all it takes to clear it up completely. That is the good news.

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That's if you can take the shots. If you're allergic to penicillin it's 14 days of pills. If you don't catch it in stage one it can mess with you. Had a friend who progressed to stage 2 and it attacked his kidneys, do to Emer Rm error (don't take red contrast dye for an MRI if you are having kidney issues) before he was diagnosed. He had a 4day hospital stay and lost a month of work. Don't get bug chasers either.

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Guest mspchaser

I'm allergic to penicillin and it was 6 weeks of a pill twice a day. But didn't bother me. I just took it with my multi-vitamin that I take twice a day anyway. I also have only one kidney, so if I'd waited, I could have been in worse shape.

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Guest JizzDumpWI

Buddy of mine didn't detect nor treat syph... Went blind and that is when they discovered syph. He since has had a related brain anurism not from syph directly but related to extree treatment by not treating early when it would have been two shots, or pills.

Yeah i don't understand the chasing mindset. I do understand taking raw loads but have become friends with my STD clinic. Ev 3 months get my series and every couple of years a bug shows up. We treat and the march goes on. I wonder how much "chasing" is false bravado to appear macho???

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