whthole4u Posted August 25, 2013 Report Posted August 25, 2013 The faint, green glow of the lights on my alarm clock said it was 4:10 a.m., and I was wide awake. I lay there a moment, instinctively reaching down and rubbing my hard dick, and then reaching further to finger the wet spot in my briefs where some of the two loads of cum I had taken last night had leaked out of my hole while I slept. Nothing better than going to bed fully loaded, with an aching hole after a deep, rough breeding. My thoughts of the night before were interrupted by the sounds of raised voices on the street. I rolled out of bed, walked to the window, and pulled the blinds back to see what was going on. In front of the building right across the street I could see a woman in a black short skirt, black top, high heels, and bleached out hair slumped against the wall of the building while shaking her head. I slid the window back and could hear more clearly the man’s voice as he was standing near the street, then walking back towards her, then back to the street, his arms flailing about in anger as he yelled at her for some unknown reason. He was a tall, handsome looking black man in a tan button down shirt, tan dress pants, and after a minute of yelling at her, he walked back to the street, lit a cigarette, and seemed to ignore her. Being curious, and now fully awake, I kept watching this little scene and after a couple of minutes I saw the man step into the street and wave at someone. A car soon pulled into view, the man walked up to the passenger side window, bent down and spoke to whoever was in the car, stood back up and motioned for the woman to come over, but she just kept her head down and seemed to slide down the wall a bit further. The man’s voice now got louder, and more demanding, and as he stepped away from the car towards the woman, the car drove off. So, either it was their ride and they didn’t want to wait or it was something else, and being curious I threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, my sneakers, grabbed my keys and headed downstairs. I got out on the corner and the man was still there and at first I did not see the woman, but then while waiting for the light to change, saw she was now sitting on the sidewalk, leaning against the building wall, her head hanging down further. The light changed, I crossed the street, and as I did another car slowed down and then stopped. I walked slowly and watched as before as the guy walked up to the car, spoke to the driver, motioned towards the woman, exchanged a few more words, then the car drove off. As the man walked back to the sidewalk I could clearly hear him now, “Fucking bitch. You work when I tell you to work. You hear me? You don’t say no! You ain’t made shit tonight, SHIT!” My suspicions were confirmed, she was a working girl and he was trying to find her a John, so maybe I should walk a different way. Just as I was deciding to go a different direction, the man saw me, and yelled out, “Man, my man, come here, hey my man, got a light?” I stopped, now unsure if I should respond or just keep going like I didn’t hear him, but I decided what the hell, so I started to walk towards him. “Hey my man, what’s going on with you?” he said as he got close. Now that I was on street level I could see he was tall, about 6 foot 2, maybe 210, maybe in his 40’s, but still young looking and handsome for sure. “Sorry, I don’t have a light,” I said as I stopped in front of him. His bloodshot eyes focused on me, he blew a stream of cigarette smoke my way as he said, “ Fuck what? A light? Oh yeah, a light, right man, no worries, no worries. I umm…” The man now paused, looked around, glanced at the woman who’s head was now resting on her chest, shook his head and said, “Well, it is what it is I guess. You ain’t a cop or nothing man are you? No? Cool, cool. I mean, you know man, I got my girl out here, just trying to make us a little something. Our car broke down, so we got to find some way to get home, so you know man, if you up for a little something, she’s good for it. Whatever you want man, just tell me what you working with.” The man dropped his cigarette butt onto the sidewalk, put it out with his shoe, looked around again, pulled his pack out, lit another, and waited for me to reply. I could not help but stare at him, he was sexy as fuck, and I was still totally horned so I figured what the hell and replied, “I understand, and thanks for the offer, but – and no offense – but I’m not really into her. I’m…I’m...” The man tilted his head a little, his blood shot eyes squinting a little as he looked at me, he nodded and rubbed his crotch as he said, “OK man, OK, Come on, let’s get twisted.” We then walked back towards his girl, my heart racing as images of being beat up for coming onto this straight guy raced through my mind, but my dick was pushing against my jeans and my ass was aching, so I kept following him. He bent down and said something to the woman, lifted her chin, and I could see her eyes were closed – she had passed out. He let her chin drop back onto her chest, shook his head, turned and said, “Dumb bitch can’t handle shit! She always over does it. Come on.” Before we had gotten 5-feet, this large blue and white pickup slowed down, honked, and the guy I was with clearly knew them as he walked over. The passenger window rolled down and I saw a younger guy in the passenger seat and the guy I was with leaned in the open window and spoke with the driver, turning once to motion back at me. I felt nervous and unsure what to do and thought maybe I should just go home now, but just then the truck took off, the guy came back, and we walked to the end of the building then turned right into a dead-end t-bone alley that ran between the building, a fast food joint, and a church. I followed him to the left in the alley and he stepped between two of the trash dumpsters behind the fast food joint, put his cigarette between his teeth, unzipped his pants, fished out a long black dick, and nodded. I got on my knees, too late realizing the alley seemed to be covered in a mix of grease, dirt, and who knew what else, but right then I did not care. He leaned back against the wall as I pulled his foreskin back, inhaled his funk and aroma, and just as I was ready to start sucking him he put his hand on my head and said, “Not until I see that green.” Huh? Oh fuck. I stood up, reached into my pocket and pulled out what cash I had in my jeans and counted it out, $63. I held my hand out, he took the cash, his dick bouncing a little as it had gotten harder, and he said, “It’s a little light man, that’s all you got? OK, let’s go, but hang on a minute. I need to hit some shit.” The man reached into his pants pocket, brought out a glass pipe, fished a baggy out, put some rock in the pipe, and leaned against the wall as he heated the end of the glass pipe, and inhaled the thick, white smoke from the rock. His body shook violently for about 5-seconds, he then let out a big sigh, took another long hit, closed his eyes, and I got on my knees as he leaned back against the wall and let me ease the head of his dick into my mouth. His dick skin felt rough, and he had a totally cheesy head, which I slurped right up and loved it. I probably should have been afraid of being caught, but sucking some straight dude in an alley who was smoking a crack pipe with cum still up my ass – fuck this was awesome! As his dick grew larger and I worked down the shaft, I realized that what I thought was just rough skin had turned into bumps and rough patches and what I thought was just sweat funk, smelled like old meet that had been left out on the counter too long. I paused, pulled back, turned his dick a little with my hand trying to see if I was imagining it, and could not really see anything as it was too dark. I looked up, took a chance and said, “I love taking infected, nasty dick.” He just let out an evil little laugh and pushed my head back onto his dick, which seemed to have grown even more, and was now a good 10-inches, broad and thick, and heavy as shit. I assumed he would want to nutt quick and bounce, so I was deep throating him, gagging and choking and sucking fast and furious to pull out his load when he placed his hand back on my head, pushed me back a little and said, “Ease up man. You got a good mouth. Let me enjoy those lips.” I did as he asked and took my time savoring his big black dick, letting him work my throat open so he could go a little deeper with each thrust. After sucking his infected dick for a few minutes more, my knees were getting sore, so I pulled off, stood up and said, “I just need a minute.” He didn’t say anything, just stayed as he was and took another long hit on his pipe again and when he did, the glow from his lighter showed he had a little smirk on his face. I was about ready to get back on my knees when he said, “You like that dick? You like how it tastes? How it bangs your throat?” “Yeah,” I said, “I like that it’s big, nasty, am sure it has made my throat bleed a little in the back, and bet it would feel great ripping my ass up, leaving its mark inside coating my guts.” “And my cock is dripping and ready to rip that ass right now,” a deep voice said from behind me. What the fuck? I about pissed myself as I literally jumped and turned around to find another black guy standing in the alley, watching us. He was bigger than the first guy, about 6 foot 5, linebacker build like a football player, heavy and thick, with a full close-cut beard that was a little longer on his chin. Our guest stepped into the space between the two dumpsters, seeming to fill my only way to freedom as he then put his huge hand on my chest and pushed me backwards until my back hit the brick wall and said, “Where you going little rabbit?” He continued to hold me against the wall as I stammered, “I..uhhh…..was just…you know…I….” The big man holding me laughed as he reached up and lightly slapped my face with his other hand, “Damn Marvin, you’re white whores are never very bright are they? That’s all right, cause their mouths should be full and busy and not able to talk anyways, ain’t that right?” He let go of my chest, reached into his pants, and pulled out a pipe similar to Marvin’s, but bigger. “You ever smoke rock? No? You know what rock is? It’s crack. Me and my boy been smoking all night and my cock’s been hard as shit so I decided we should find Marvin and get us some nice white whore to slob this knob and help me settle my monster down. But since his main girl is knocked out, looks like any whore will do, and Marvin here says you’re looking to get your pussy fucked. Well, my old monster right here can do the job and I don’t care if it’s girl pussy or boi pussy, my monster just needs a hot one to cum in.” I just stood there in a bit of shock as Marvin hit his pipe, watched him close his eyes as the high washed over him, and our guest said, “Open your mouth, now when Marvin here is ready, he’s going to pass his smoke to you and when he does you breath it in deep and hold it, got that?” I nodded and the seconds seemed like minutes and then as Marvin leaned forward, our guest took his mammoth hands and grabbed my head while I opened my mouth and closed my eyes and waited. I felt Marvin’s mouth cover mine and then a weird tickling, warm sensation as he exhaled his smoke into me. “Breathe it in now, deep and hold it like I said,” the guy repeated. The smoke did not seem that bad, but there was a lot of it and after Marvin moved his mouth away I did cough and choke a little, making them both laugh. Marvin was the first to speak as I wiped the tears out of my eyes, “Jay, come on man, I told you he was a newbie. You know I only provide you whore’s I know can take what you are going to dish out – fuck your monster scares them – but this one, I just don’t know.” “I like em fresh sometimes too,” Jay replied, “Especially when they got cock-hungry pink holes that need to be ripped and ridden and a few hits of our rock and this whore will be bucking broncos like a pro. Now here, watch how I hit my pipe, then I will hold it so you can hit it too, and you will keep taking both our smoke as well. Trust me, you’ll enjoy it.” I nodded, opened my mouth like a baby bird for Jay to feed me his smoke, and this time seemed to feel a little rush either from the smoke, or just being scared. After Jay pulled away and I exhaled, I said, “Won’t we get caught back here? What if someone walks down here?” Jay laughed, shook his head and said, “Naw, not gonna happen. I parked my truck up front and my boy is watching, he won’t let anyone down this way, besides, this time of night the only folks out are whores and those looking for em,” which made Marvin lose half his smoke as he started laughing and shaking his head vigorously in agrgeement. Jay then handed me the pipe, guided me through my hit as he lit the bowl, telling me how to roll the stem, breath it in deep, hold it, then he said, “Now get on your knees, smoke out Marvin’s dick, get that shit hard.” Marvin let out a big, “HHMMMMM,” almost a purr, as I blew the smoke out around his dick. FUCK – THAT SMOKE BURNED MY LUNGS as I felt the high hit me like a fist, so fucking intense and amazing. When I finished I stood back up, hit Jay’s pipe again and this time he had his dick out, so I knelt and gave him the same treatment and as I did so I noticed his dick was slimy and coated and crusted in a smelly and sticky goo. His dick was longer, about 12-inches, and thick as my wrist, and I knew there was no way in hell I could take that, but since I figured I was going to suck them off soon I focused on the next hit. I suddenly could not get enough and asked for more, loving how the crack was making me feel and I felt so fucking horny I could barely stand it. This time as I finished smoking Marvin’s dick, Jay reached down and yanked my t-shirt up and over my head then said, “Get those pants off, let’s see what you working with.” I hesitated, but the look on Jay’s face in the dim glow of his lighter as he took a hit, showed me the man was serious, so I took my jeans off, hung them on the back corer of the dumpster, and put my sneakers back on. I then bent over and started slobbing on the head of Jay’s monster dick, while I turned and offered Marvin my hole. This time his, “HHMMMMM,” was deeper and louder and he drove two fingers up into my ass. I jumped forward a little stuffing my throat with Jay’s dick, but Marvin pulled me back with his left hand, while his right hand continued to explore my ass. His nails were sharp and out of reflex I tried to pull away again, but he held me tight as he said “HHMMMMM.” With no way to run, all I could do was take it like the cum whore I wanted to be as he clawed at my ass, mixing last night’s cum in with my ass juices and some fresh blood where his nails had tore up my guts. I sighed as he pulled his fingers out, and felt the blunt head of his dick at my hole. “You ready to be my whore?” Marvin asked, “Ready to take this dick? Ready to be a good whore?” I started to beg and plead for his dick when he said, “Shhh, don’t talk, I don’t want to hear you talk, now shut up.” So now when he started again, “You ready to be my whore?” Ready to take this dick?” all I did was say, “Hmmmm.” Even with my hole pretty wet, it still hurt like hell when he pushed through my ass ring and he gave me no time to get used to it. He grabbed my hips harder, pushed his dick in one long thrust balls deep, pulled all the way back out, and thrust back in. I should say “balls and zipper deep” as he still had his pants on, but had pulled his balls out too, so when he thrust all the way in his balls were smashed up under my hole, and his pant’s zipper rubbed against my upper ass cheeks. Marvin said, “Yeah you’re a whore, damn, got that deep deep hole, just like a whore should, just like a whore who needs this big nasty dick, needs that big nasty nutt, needs that deep deep infecting that pussy, making a NASTY hole, NASTY, NASTY.” Jay said, “Alright, let me open that throat up.” Leaving his dick inside me, Marvin turned me a little so I came face-to-face to with Jay’s monster dick. The sharp pain from Marvin’s first thrusts into my ass were a distant memory as my hole felt hot, the crack making my whole body want him as deep as he could go, so I angled my hips up and out to give him as much access to my ass as I could. I couldn’t hold back any more and begged, “Please infect me, please make my hole nasty, please breed me, please make me your whore.” Jay grabbed the sides of my head and said, “He said shut up, now open that throat so I can see if that mouth can be trained to take this monster right! That’s it, now use that tongue to lick my head, work it in my piss slit, there you go, scoop out my gonno juice, like how that tastes? That’s right, clean my crusty dick with those lips, now open that throat wide so I can bust that neck!” While Jay started slamming my mouth with his infected monster, Marvin took his right hand and made me arch my back while he braced himself against the dumpster with his left hand as he now angled his dick into my ass. He was stretching me deep and wide, his balls slapped my ass hard, and his zipper scraped the skin off my upper cheeks. I felt like I was going to pass out as the high from the crack had me flying and Jay’s dick was blocking all air in my throat. Jay had angled my neck with his hands just enough so that his dick slid past my gag reflex and my neck and throat muscles strained, convulsed, spasmed as Jay held his dick in my throat. Hearing me gag and choke sent Marvin over the edge, “Come on whore, show me you want it, show me you want it, show me you….OH SHIT…OH…SHIT….FUCKIN WHORE!” On his last thrust he slammed it as hard and deep as he could and held it there, his whole body shaking as he unloaded into my ass, giving me his infected cum. He then yanked his dick out in one quick pull, making my guts cramp right up and I grunted and groaned as that pain was worse than him entering me. At the same time Jay yanked his dick out of my mouth and while I gasped for air, he pushed me down on onto my knees and Marvin stuck his dick in my mouth so I could suck him clean. Still sounding like a fish on the deck of a boat, I was gasping as Marvin pushed me away, took two steps back, a big breath, and teased me with his glistening dick. I was shaking now, and a bit disoriented as I reached back and touched my tender ass and my fingers came away covered in cum, tinged with pink and red. Jay smiled as he filled his pipe, took several hits, then handed it to me, “Hit it hard, that’s right, don’t that shit feel good? Get’s that pussy hungry don’t it? Got my monster hungry too, look at that – BRICK! Here hit it some more, good, now for the main event, hand me your t-shirt. I was a little confused, but I grabbed my t-shirt off the corner of the dumpster and handed it to Jay. He spun me around, and to my shock pulled the t-shirt around my face, forcing a chunk of it in my mouth like a gag as he tied it tight at the back of my head. Jay then used both hands to turn me to the side so I was wedged into the corner between the trash dumpster and the brick wall of the fast food joint. I placed one hand on the wall, the other on a metal bar on the end of the dumpster, and pushed my ass back to meet his beefy fingers, which he shoved in my hole hard and deep. “Damn, looks like Marvin got that hole nice and wet for my monster, now little rabbit, time to get whore fucked? You ready?” Nothing could have prepared me for Jay’s 12-inch monster. While his head felt a little smaller than Marvin’s, once it was in my hole it seemed to expand and grow like a K9 knot, or the plow on the front of a snow truck. I tried to pull away, the high from the crack seeming to have vanished as Jay tried to force his dick up my ass. I squirmed, wiggled, lifted one leg to try to dislodge him, but all that did was open my hole a little more and Jay pushed on. “Fuck that pussy is tight!” Jay said, “You know how they always say this is going to hurt me more than it is you, well they fucking lied – you got about half my monster inside that hole, so push that pussy out cause here comes the rest.” My screams were lost in the t-shirt stuffed in my mouth, and I understood why now he had tied the t-shirt around my head. I reached up to try to pull the t-shirt off, but Jay’s huge right hand snatched mine, squeezed hard and twisted and yanked my arm behind my back. It felt like he dislocated my shoulder and broke my hand at the same time. Jay was now using my right arm as leverage as he raped my ass and my head was banging against the trash dumpster and the brick wall as he fucked me. Just when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, Jay’s voice grew loud and intense, echoing off the trash dumpsters as he let go of my arm, “Pull yourself up on the corner of the dumpster like you doing a chin-up, come on, that’s it – FUCKING CHRIST – that opens that hole, don’t worry, I got you, you won’t fall, let me up in there, – FUCKING CHRIST – let me up in there. GOD DAMN YOU FUCKING WHORE. Open that pussy for me, come on now bounce on it! Ride that monster cock! Ride that cock! Bounce on it you white trash piece of shit, just like that – YES – just like that – fucking worthless whore, gonna make my monster spit. That what you want, make my monster spit? Spit up inside you? Breed that hungry pussy? You fucking white trash whore, want this big gonno infected dick? You like the green cream? You like taking that drippy dick? Fuck yeah, bounce on that dick – bounce on that dick – fucking…..oh fuck….GONNA GIVE YOU CUM WHORE, GONNA SHOOT IT, GONNA SHOOT….FUCK…SHIT……” As Jay slammed all 12-inches in he drove my whole body into the corner of the dumpster and I didn’t have time to react as my face smashed into the edge and I felt hot blood gush from my nose. I immediately let go of my handhold, but Jay had me impaled on his monster black dick, and was still bouncing me up and down like some ride at the carnival. I managed to brace myself with my left hand and with my right, tried to put pressure on my nose to stop the bleeding. Jay finally eased me to the ground and said, “Take your time, I’m fucking up in there, ease off it, go slow, that’s it, I know, I know, I got deep, but fucking-eh!” Still trying to staunch the bleeding in my nose, I slid off Jay’s dick and felt a hot rush of fuck juice run down my thighs and my gaping hole pulse as he finally pulled all the way out. I turned around, Jay flicked on his lighter, “HOLY FUCK, what happened? Here, here, let me do this,” as he untied the t-shirt, “Just lean your head back a little, don’t worry, give it a second.” I looked to the left and Marvin was just standing there, pipe in one hand, smoke trail around his face, his eyes half closed, his left hand stroking his hard dick. I pulled the t-shirt away from my face as Jay offered me his pipe, “Here, hit this, fuck whore! That shit was freaky as shit! Damn – you got some ass for sure. Big phat ass for a white boy, just right for fucking.” While I hit the pipe, Jay walked over, said a few words to Marvin, who stuffed his still hard dick back into his pants and walked away. I then took my t-shirt and rubbed my ass and thighs, and it came away dark and wet. Jay laughed, “Don’t worry, that ain’t nothing. Just the mark of a good whore fuck! Get your pants on and let’s go.” I quickly found my pants, slid my sneakers off, got my pants on, put my sneakers back on and was getting ready to pull my wet, blood stained t-shirt over my head when Jay stopped me, “Fuck no, want folks to think you been shot or shit? Just come on.” I followed Jay’s hulking shadow out of our dumpster hideout and down the alley. As we turned the corner I saw his trucked parked at the end and a tall guy leaning against the hood, the glow from a lighter showing he was smoking too. When we got close Jay said, “Hey boy, look what I found,” and motioned towards me. It was a lot brighter now with the lights from the street lamps casting a hazy glow our way and I imagined I looked quite the mess. The guy set his still smoking pipe down on the hood of the truck and walked closer to me, he reached out and turned my head from side to side, “Shit Jay, what’d you do?” Jay laughed and said, “Our tea party got a little out of hand, what the fuck you think I did?” The younger guy was about as tall as Jay but not quite as thick and he let go of my face and roughy turned me around and shoved his hand down the back of pants, brought it out, and said, “Fuck yeah! You got your nutt and bred him good. Was he a good pussy Jay? Damn I need to get up there.” Before I could protest I was shuffled forward and grunted as my body was pushed against the truck and a nice dick that felt about 10-inches slid right up my shredded hole. “HOLY SHIT THIS IS SLOPPY WET!” he exclaimed. We were only about 15 feet from the street and while still early the occasional car was driving by so I was anxiously eyeing the street and could not enjoy the raw dick up my ass. Jay laughed, “God damn, trust, I know that shit is good, now crawl the fuck off.” The young buck in my hole grunted, swore under his breath, but did as Jay asked. I pulled my pants back up, looked at Jay who had opened the driver’s side door to his truck and as he tilted his head the confusion about what he wanted was clear on my face even in the dim light of the street lamps. “Get the fuck in!” Jay ordered, “Sit in the middle, you’re coming home with us. I’m not done with you whore. I paid Marvin for a full night so you ain’t even begun to pay up yet, so come on now, I ain’t got time to waste. My monster is awake and is he hungry!” As the truck backed out of the alley, I craned my neck to see my building while Jay and his friend pressed me between their bodies. I was not sure where we were going and what was going to happen, but as Jay’s friend handed me a pipe my ass twitched and I knew as long as I was being whore fucked again, I didn’t care. 2 16 1 1
NastyRigPig Posted August 26, 2013 Report Posted August 26, 2013 Nice story. Love huge black cock piercing my shitter.
lookin2play Posted August 26, 2013 Report Posted August 26, 2013 That was fucking amazing! Looking forward to what happens next!
pozpopperpig Posted August 28, 2013 Report Posted August 28, 2013 Fucking HOT HOT HOT>..wish I lived there and ran into them..becoming their new whore!
AnonBBottom Posted August 28, 2013 Report Posted August 28, 2013 Damn, man... agree with others, Fucking HOT
fisterm8 Posted August 29, 2013 Report Posted August 29, 2013 id love to bounce on 12 inches or more.......my hole was made for extra large dicks
whthole4u Posted October 4, 2013 Author Report Posted October 4, 2013 Pimp Gets Twisted – The Pass Along: The smoke from the crack pipe relit my high and filled the cabin of the blue and white pickup as Jay steared us towards the Northeast part of DC. I was pressed between his 6’5 linebacker body and a younger, tall guy he called his ‘boy’. The pimp had bred me first, then Jay raped my ass with his 12-inch monster, but even though that shit hurt like hell, the crack had me so horned I was aching for more. Jay had cracked his window a little bit to let some of the smoke out as I glanced down at his crotch and when I looked back up Jay was looking right at me, smiling. “Like I said, I paid Marvin for the whole night, so this is what we call a pass along. He passes his whore to me, now I’m in charge of that white hole. You hear? So we have a couple options on the table. Option 1 - I me got me spot where we can park, me and my boy will tear you up and nutt up that pussy and bounce and leave your ass. No one around, but a little danger. Option 2 – you enter whore boot camp, we gonna open you up, long and strong, maybe get some homies over to teach you how to milk some dick and make a little something back. That’s the fucking dangerous option, cause we play rough, you’re there for our pleasure, you do what the fuck I say, and you catch all that nutt no matter what and we don’t pull out – ever! Pussy is only good to be used and degraded and before the day is done you will have the ‘package’ for sure and that pussy will be sloppy and grimey and gaping.” I wasn’t sure what to say as Jay’s boy handed me the pipe again, I took a big long hit while the guy said, “Yeah Jay, option 2, been too long since we had a phat ass that can really take some dick and I ain’t even got a real taste yet!” Jay laughed as I hit the pipe again, looked at me and said, “Well white rabbit, what’s it gonna be?” I thought a minute and even through the high my common sense took hold and said, “Umm, I think I better do option 1, I don’t really know you guys and well….I….” This time Jay’s laughter filled the truck cabin and he said, “You fucking think you have a choice? I’m just fucking with your head. There ain’t no choice. It’s option 2 all the way, now hit that pipe, we got a stop to make.” While I had a fleeting sense of fear, it quickly vanished back to where it came from as I hit the pipe again, shifted in the seat to feel Jay’s and Marvin’s cum dripping out of my hole, and wondered what was to come. We entered an industrial area and fell in behind a tow truck and followed it turn for turn as I kept hitting the pipe. The sound of gravel beneath the tires made me look up and I saw that we had turned and followed the tow truck into a parking lot beside what looked like an old gas station or mechanics garage. Jay parked his truck beside a couple cars on that still looked drivable, as the rest of the ones parked around the building were in various stages of decay or wreckage. Jay climbed out of the truck, slammed the door, his boy got out too, but I stayed where I was as I was not sure what to do. Jay banged his fist on the hood of the truck and yelled, “Get the fuck out! Come on!” I followed Jay and his boy through the door and in the dim light could barely make out several bays, all with cars in them, the air pungent with the smells of grease, oil, fuel, and metal. Jay whistled as he led us through the maze of the auto shop, back through two more doors, and then down a small hallway. I could see light coming through a door at the end and could hear the sound of laughter and the voices of several men and I began to shake a little in fear and excitement. Jay banged the door open, “Morning you lazy ass mothas – what the fuck’s up!” There was a round of greetings, laughter, nods as Jay circled the room and said hi to each man sitting around a table playing cards. Jay’s boy pushed past me, grabbed a chair, and wedged himself between two of the men and immediately tried to engage with them about the cards they were holding much to their displeasure. I just stood by the door, my arms wrapped around my naked chest, feeling very much out of place as the thick sweet scent of all the pot and other shit being smoked started to fuck with my crack high. Jay then stopped by a big man on the far side of the table, patted his right shoulder and said, “So Griz, you know I’m always good for it but had a little unexpected transaction this morning. I know how much you and the boys like a white snatch – fuck you cuckhold fuck white pussy so much half them babies being born in Georgetown Hospital are yours! Ain’t that right! Well anyways, I ran into Marvin – you know Marvin who runs down off L – well I ran into Marvin and he had a fresh one this morning and I mean fresh. This was his first time whoring and that boy pussy just opened right up and took me in and you know that ain’t no mean feat. So I figured I would swing on by, pick up some stash for the day, maybe get in for a few hands and make a little something if you could front me up a little to get started with while you get a taste?” I was having a hard time following all that Jay had just said, but I thought he had just offered me to the man he called Griz. I looked over, Jay was smiling and Griz removed his shades, looked at me and said in a deep voice that reminded me of Barry White, “What happened to him?” Jay laughed and said, “Hey, you know I don’t believe in slapping whores around. OK, well I do, but not like that. It was just a hazard of a dumpster fuck down. An accident, tell them, tell them it was an accident Rabbit.” I nodded and Griz and the other guys at the table all laughed, a few of them speculating on what Jay had done exactly to bloody up my nose and make me look like such a wreck. Griz finished laughing, “Go wash up. There’s a bathroom through the office back there,” put his shades back on and Jay waved me towards the back. As I walked past the table I paused and looked at each of the men, all of them tough, very masculine, smoking, drinking, and I couldn’t help but wish I was laying on my back on that table with my legs up and each one of them taking turns fucking me. I found the bathroom, which was as dirty and broken down as the rest of the garage, washed my face and was glad to see my nose had not really swelled or bruised, so it looked like it would not be bad although I did have a pretty good gash on the bridge. I was dabbing at the edges of the gash to make sure it was clean when I heard a deep voice say, “Here, put a little of this on there and then a band aid at least for a few hours.” I turned and there blocking the door was Griz. He was probably bigger than Jay, who at 6”5 I felt towered over me, and Griz was built thick and big too, but he seemed more muscular as the definition in his chest through his partially unzipped overalls clearly showed, as did some big prison looking tats. I’m sure my mouth was open as Griz reached over, dabbed some Neosporin or something on the gash on my nose and then put a bandaid on it. “Thanks,” I said. I was not sure what else to say and really wanted to try to use the bathroom as it felt like I had to go, but Griz did not seem to be moving. I then noticed the patch on his overalls had the initials W.M.D., so I asked, “Jay called your Griz, so what does W.M.D. stand for?” Griz looked down at his name patch, then to me, and replied, “Weapon of Mass Destruction. Jay was right. I’ve knocked up so many damn Georgetown housewives it ain’t funny, but you know what? I’ve found they can never really take me, but whores like you can and not only can you take, you crave it and beg for it, ain’t that right? You just can’t get enough big black dick inside you can you?” Griz was now standing close to me, pressing me back against the sink as he looked down. His body odor was wicked strong, but intoxicating like animal musk. Two blood shot eyes focused on me, and little piles of spit lodged in the corners of his mouth as he spoke and his breath reeked. I noticed his beard partially hid a deep scar on the right side of his face and instinctively reached up to touch it. My fingers had barely touched his coarse beard and the mottled skin underneath when Griz grabbed my shoulders, spun me around so I could see myself in the dirty mirror as he leaned over my back and said, “You feel that? Feel how hard I am? Wait until I’m creeping up on you. That hole will be stretched! I’m going to be on you like a bear on a picnic basket – get it – Griz – bear! Ha ha ha - Pull your pants off, let me taste that fucked hole.” Griz released his grip so I could get undressed. Griz worked two fingers in my ass, pulled them out – licked them – “Jay?” he asked. I replied, “Yes, and Marvin too.” Griz asked, “How many times has Marvin fucked you? He doesn’t often get down like that so the fact you made him nutt, well, hhhmmm. Did you like it when they cummed in you? I love fucking a cummy hole, tell me about it.” While Griz was eating my ass out as I bent over the sink, I started to tell him the story of how I heard Marvin on the street, went to see what was up, went to the alley and he started fucking me. Griz stopped me, reached into his overalls, pulled out a dirty baggy, jiggled it and said, “You ever had a booty bump? I like a sloppy hole, so this will relax you, I don’t want my dick squeezed and it will burn like hell for a few, but once it melts – whew!! You been smoking with Jay too I see. No worries, this will send you flying. Here, I’ll give you some extra to be sure.” I grunted as Griz worked his fingers back up my ass, shoving the crystal shards in deep as he could. I sighed when he pulled his fingers out and started to continue the story but he stopped me, “No, wait, don’t tell me the rest yet. Here, I want you to lick my ass, get down in there, makes me fucking horny as shit and then when I am nice and wet I’ll stick some crystals up there.” I laughed and said, “Isn’t that for bottoms?” but Griz shook his head, “My nose has so many holes in it from snorting shit, this works just as well and I like my hole being fingered. I don’t get fucked, hell no, ain’t no bitch, but a couple fingers in my ass while I’m fucking or being sucked makes me shoot like a fucking donkey. And don’t worry, my dick stays rock hard and this only makes me harder, so come on, let me feel that pink tongue.” The crystal was kicking in, so I did as Griz ordered. His ass was thick and meaty and his cheeks flexed and twitch as I pulled them apart. Griz was too tall for me to kneel, so I had to stand and bend over to get at his ass, which was funky and the first thing I tasted was little wads of toilet paper caught in his ass hair. I spit them out then ran my finger up and down his crack and around his hole to get rid of the rest before trying to lick him again. Griz moaned loudly as I pulled his cheeks apart as far as I could to get at his hole, which looked like a small fist shut tight. I spit, tongued, and blew on his hole as it opened up and I gagged a few times from the smell, but Griz just pushed my head back until my tongue found his sweet spot again. After a few minutes Griz stood up, grabbed the baggy, reached around and using a couple of his own fingers pushed some crystal up his ass and I watched in fascination as his hole seemed to swallow it right up. Griz growled, “Use your fingers, shove it up there!” so I did. After a few seconds I got my first glimpse of Griz’s bear dick as he spread his legs a little and pushed his dick back between his legs, “Suck on the head.” I adjusted position a little and began sucking his dick head, which was much bigger than Jay’s all the while still getting a face full of Griz’s ass. Griz turned around, beads of sweat pouring off his head as he slapped his now hard dick back and forth like a disobedient child. “Look at that. What’d I tell you. Grab that tub of hand cleaner and come on.” On a shelf next to the sink was a big plastic tub of Goop Hand Cleaner that was opened, the stuff looked a little yellow, crusty, and had stains in it of black grease on top, but I grabbed it and followed Griz back into the office. We could faintly hear the guys laughing and playing cards, but Griz paid them no mind as he unzipped his overalls all the way, dropped them around his ankles, and laid on his back on the worn out carpet on the floor. Griz patted the floor, “Set the tub here, straddle my chest with your ass towards me and suck my dick.” He was a big man and it was not entirely comfortable straddling his chest and with a few adjustments I was able to suck on Griz’s dick while he licked at my cummy hole. The crystal had fully kicked in and all I could think about was getting that dick and I made myself gag and spit as I forced as much of it down my throat as I could. Griz was not nearly as long as Jay – close though – but he was much thicker and just the thought of him inside me made me shiver. I pulled off Griz who started to say something, but then his eyes got wide as I grabbed the tub, took three fingers and a large glop of Goop and shoved it up my ass and fingered it in. I then dipped in the bucket again and took some more Goop and slathered up his rock hard dick and wiped what was left of the stuff off onto the carpet. I straddled Griz again, this time facing him, and inched my ass back towards his dick as I angled it down and towards my hole. I smiled as Griz opened his mouth in awe while I slowly inched back, working my hole against the end of his dick, smearing the Goop around, teasing him, ensuring his natural juices were flowing. Griz tried to grab my hips but I pushed his hands away, said, “No, please, let me,” and continued my slow-motion dance. His dick was pulsing now at my hole, I closed my eyes and my whole body shuddered as his head pushed my ring as far as it seemed like it could stretch. Griz moaned, laid his head back, and I gritted my teeth and inched back further onto his dick and once I had a couple inches lodged inside me I paused, relishing the feeling of his hot dick stretching me out. The moans coming from Griz were louder now as I started pushing back again sliding inch after inch of his dick up my cummy ass, enjoying the big raw dick now filling me. With one last push I was as far back on his dick as I could go, so I then angled back and sat up as straight as I could impaling myself and could not help but moan and whine as Griz’s dick gutted me. I was on the edge of either not being able to take it, or being a true slut, so I started to ride him. Not slow, but as hard and fast as I could I started bouncing up and down on his dick making Griz say, “HOLY FUCK – YOU NASTY WHORE! YEAH RIDE THAT MOTHER-FUCKER – RIDE IT DAMN YOU – RIDE IT! YOU LIKE THAT BLACK DICK UP IN THAT PUSSY, LIKE HOW IT FILLS THAT HOLE?” I responded by placing my hands on his abdomen, pulling up almost all the way off his dick then dropping back down making Griz grunt as I fucked the breath out of him and rode him like a bronco. I suddenly stopped, laid forward onto Griz’s sweaty chest, nestled the thick patch of hair hearing his heart thump thump strong and hard in time with the pulsing in his dick up my ass. “You want to hear how Jay fucked me like a whore? How he cornered me in the alley, used Marvin’s cum and slammed that big black horse dick up my ass? How he shoved me against the dumpster so I couldn’t run and told me he was going to tear me up with his gonno filled dick? You want to hear about that? Would you like watching Jay rape fucking my hole with his monster dick? Using me as a total whore?” Griz just replied, “HHHMMMMM,” as he wrapped me tight in a bear hug and using his hips and leverage of his feet on the floor began slam fucking me as hard as he could. “That’s it, destroy my ass, show me what you’ve got man, give me that big black bear cum, give me those cubs, I want those cubs, you got some cubs for me Griz, huh?” Griz was tearing my ass up as he got closer and closer and I rocked my body back as hard as I could to meet his thrust as Jay exclaimed, “FUCK, HERE I CUM, HERE I CUM, YOU WANT THIS CUM? YOU WANT THIS CUM? OH SHIT – OH FEEL IT – TAKE IT – TAKE IT ALL – TAKE IT!!!!” Griz eased his grip on me and I pushed myself back up and rode him hard again making him squirm and twist as I milked every little cub out of those big furry balls. “Stop, stop, stop. AAHHH, OK, stop,” Griz pleaded, so I leaned forward, arched my ass up and inch by inch slid off his sloppy dick, which came out of my ass with a big PLOP and smacked down on his stomach. I eased myself onto Griz’s left side and snuggled up next to him with my head on his arm. Griz pulled me tight, looked down at me and said, “Fuck! Jay was right. You got a good hole on you. Like I said, no one can take me like boy pussy can, Jesus.” After a minute Griz sat up, then stood up, his dick still hard and dripping with Goop so I turned around and begged, “Please, just push your cubs in a little, please.” Griz laughed, grabbed my hips and slammed his dick balls deep making me yell out and my knees crumble, but he held me tight while he growled low and deep, “Like that? Is that what you wanted? Huh?” Griz pulled all the way out and slammed back in again making me yell louder this time as he hit my gut walls. “That what you want? Big dick opening that sloppy hole up nice and deep? DAMN!” Several more thrusts of Griz’s dick had me trembling, then Griz pulled out leaving me panting hard while he walked into the bathroom, ran the water in the sink and washed his dick clean. He came back out, tossed me some dirty rags and asked, “Think you can take some more? I know some of my guys out there would not mind sitting out a hand to bust a nutt in there now that I got you all opened up. Wipe your ass off a bit and bend back over, this will set you right up.” Griz shoved four fingers up my cum filled ass along with the crystal, worked them around, pulled them out, wiped them off on a rag and before he walked up to me, hugged me tight to his body, took a step back and tied one of the dirty rags around my eyes and said, “Just bend over the end of the desk here. I want to see how nasty you are, know you in here taking dick you can’t even see.” My heart started beating faster as I obeyed, my ass throbbed from the fuck I just took and the crystal was making high as shit and I couldn’t wait for the next dick and tried to remember what the other guys looked like. I could hear some whoops and laughter as Griz rejoined the game and a few minutes later the office door opened and I got goose bumps as I listened to someone walk closer towards me, unzip their pants, and start telling me how they were going to breed me. The first guy was ready from the second he stepped in and slid his dick balls deep. He was not as big as Griz, but decent size, and grabbed my hips and power fucked me, the only sound in the office being his grunts and my sloppy hole talking back as he put his raw cock as deep as he could and then shot. He was immediately followed by two others who had me suck one, while the other fucked and vice versa until both shot in my ass. Four loads so far and I wanted more! After the last two left I stayed bent over the desk for several minutes, but no one else came. Goop and cum were streaming down my legs, so I took the blindfold off and using the dirty rags began to try to wipe myself off. The office door opened and Jay’s boy swaggered in, opening up his pants before the door was even closed. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he said. “Bend the fuck back over, time to get me some.” I started to say something when Jay’s boy hauled off and slapped me, making me see stars, “My whores don’t speak, BEND OVER!” My nose had started to bleed a little again as Jay’s boy drove his dick up my ass and as he did he started punching and slapping my body telling me a whore has to learn to obey her pimp, the only good whore is a bruised whore, got to learn to obey. As his punches and slaps got harder I started to push and fight back and then started to yell. The door banged open, Jay stormed in, “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? I can hear that shit all the way out there? Shit boy! That ain’t no way to treat someone! Dumb youngin punk!” Jay grabbed his boy, pulled him off me and tossed him against the wall then looked at me and said, “Grab your pants and go hang with Griz a few. Me and MY BOY here need a word.” As the door closed I could hear Jay now screaming at his boy and the sound of things getting physical. I made my way back to the table and it was just Griz and one other guy sitting there and though most everyone was gone, the place seemed full of tension now. Griz pulled a chair closer to him and said, “Come sit here, want a drink? How about a smoke? Bud here’s got some good bud – ha ha. No smoke? Some more crystal I think then, here let me just dab your nose a little, nothing at all, now bend over, oh don’t be shy now, old Bud here sampled what you are selling – giving away – whatever the fuck. Anyways, here Bud, you load him up.” Bending over the chair looking up into Griz’s smiling face and with Bud’s fingers shoving some more crystal up my ass I could hear the fight in the office get louder, the boy screamed loud, Bud and Griz both laughed, then I sat back down, took the drink Griz offered me and watched them play out their hand as things got awfully quiet in the office. Several minutes later the office door banged open, Jay came stomping out, followed by his boy who was holding a dirty rag to his nose, his pants half off. Jay sat down, the boy came up to me and said in barely a whisper, “I’m… I’m… sorry. I didn’t mean nothing. I….” Jay interrupted him and spat, “Get your sorry ass home.” Once Jay’s boy left he turned to me and said, “That shouldn’t have happened. Don’t misunderstand, you will get slapped and bruised and used how I want to get me off, not just for the hell of it. Right Griz? Fucking kids these days have no sense. Anyways, he won’t bother you again. I had to remind him that he ain’t nothing but a bitch to be fucked too if that’s what I decide.” At that all three men laughed, the tension now gone as I sat between Jay and Griz, my pants now getting stained with the cum and Goop that continued to leak out of my ass. Several hands later I was feeling pretty whoozy and having a hard time focusing and it seemed like a blackness was creeping in around my eyes. Why did everyone’s voice seem so far away? I didn’t think I had drank that much, maybe I was on my third drink that Griz had gave me, so maybe it was the mix of crystal too. I didn’t know. I hazily recalled that Bud folded and called it a night or morning as the case was, loudly complaining how Jay had taken all his fucking money. Griz then said it was time to wrap the game up anyways as he had to open the garage up in a bit. I started to doze a bit and could hear Jay and Griz still speaking, what did they say? What about Rabbit? That’s me. I then remembered my pants being pulled down, Jay holding me while Griz slammed my ass rough and hard while slapping my ass cheeks saying that was the way to bruise a whore up right and my mumbling, begging to be fucked. I opened my eyes and Jay was standing over me pulling a shirt down over my head, then nothing. Fuck the light was bright, was I outside? Cars are going past us, no I’m in the truck, am I with Jay? Is that his voice? “Come on little rabbit. Time to get see your new hutch.” My mind asked, Jay is that you? I tried to speak, only a mumble came out. Where was I? What was going on? My mind faded back to black. Stay Tuned for the next part –Whore Boot Camp 1 11 2
AnonBBottom Posted October 4, 2013 Report Posted October 4, 2013 Fucking Awesome part 2... thanks... can't wait for Whore Boot Camp
pozpopperpig Posted October 5, 2013 Report Posted October 5, 2013 Excellent! What a trip so far, wish that was me going to Whore Boot Camp! Would never want to leave!
joboy_xxx Posted October 5, 2013 Report Posted October 5, 2013 Looking forward to the next part....hot
Party Cum Hole Posted October 8, 2013 Report Posted October 8, 2013 fucking hot.. cant wait.. thanks..
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