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[Like A Champ] Outed in Grand fashion


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I was walking through Grand Central Station the other day, which I used to do on a more regular basis but not so much anymore, when I thought I heard someone call my name. I turned around and didn't see anyone I recognized, but there was one guy looking straight at me. I was ready to turn back around when he nodded toward me and asked, "Will? Will Win?"

Busted, lol.

My screen name on Xtube and elsewhere (dudesnude, etc.) is obviously not my real last name but when this guy had both names I knew he had to know me from some gay porn site that I belong to, probably one where my full face pic is actually posted (I keep it off of Xtube). I smiled right away and said Hey, then walked over closer and said something like "How you doin?" so anybody who was still nearby would think we might've known each other. No one paid a bit of attention to us, of course. It was New York City after all.

That was it. We didn't pretend to know each other and he didn't bother me with questions or chat or anything else, thank god. I really wasn't looking forward to talking about the latest hot BBC video I had creamed to, or whether my hole was leaking black man jizz at that moment, and there have been times when I've been in Grand Central and other public places where that was a distinct possibility. He just said he thought he had recognized me from my profile photo (I've given a few guys a Facebook link; otherwise, you can just look me up on dudesnude and use the password naked for private pics). I could tell he was a little excited to have actually met the real Will Win, and that made me feel momentarily more important than I really am. He was older, not bad looking, not tall, not overweight, and not a top (or at least not the kind of top that would turn me on), but he was totally cool.

I mumbled something about having to get going and he had to go too but I smiled the whole time and was probably chuckling about it all to myself as I turned and continued heading to my train. I wish now that I had asked his profile name but didn't want to run the risk of outing him either. (Hey, if you read this, hit me up! And thank you for not stalking me! lol). I sort of looked at other people differently from that point on, just in case I sparked another reaction of Xtube recognition. lol....

What are the odds of this happening anyway? I once bumped into the metrosexual hotness that is Caleb Lane and chatted with him briefly, but he's an international model and he must get that all the time, not just from folks seeing him in my all-time favorite gay-themed short film, "Seeing You in Circles." Has any other regular joe on Xtube or elsewhere ever been recognized in public based on his profile pic?



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Hey Feeder= i am 6'8" and put it on most of my profiles. So- last month I was hitting DC and was cruising Recon, hitting up any top I spotted. Asking questions about the Code XXX party, things like whether they would be there ,or at the FF party Sat, etc. I had some guys reply and be very helpful-- but I never met any of them as far as I know. Skip ahead to last weekend- I managed to get off work early Fri night- raced home, hosed out and showered off and sped over to Ramrod bar- it was Ft lauds Leather Pride weekend. The bar was packed- too many guys head high to my belt that thought announcing "Wow- you are tall" was a new opening line...sigh! I was cruising the back patio bar, when someone called my name- like you- turned and looked and had NO idea who it was. And like you, I approached ( fuck, he had to have a cock, right??) and said hi- he knew I was lost- and revealed he was from DC and had e mailed with me about the XXX party. Small lights began flickering in my brain and Iput the face and profile together. Met his Master/husband and have exchanged a few emails since-- so, no porn fame for me- just the fact that "wow! You are tall !" LOL

Edited by AlwaysOpen
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Hey Will, I had a similar experience a couple months ago. I used to keep my face out of my vids and no face pics on FB either. But I got braver and braver and started showing more and more. I liked the positive reactions I got. But having a stranger walk up to me, wink and say "hey TIger" in a public place was a trip. The fact that it made his day, made mine too. The only thing that makes me uncomfortable still is when I get recognized or "discovered" online by people who know me in my real life, especially professional contacts. Luckily, as an artist, I get away with it. Just this morning I got followed on Twitter by a woman who is an artist who I have shown with and attendended weekend workshops with. She's really talented and very cool. Now she is following me in a whole new light. I wonder what it is going to be like when this takes over my life as an artist. It is a blast is all I can say.

I was in NYC last week and I hooked up and made video with two men who knew me from my videos. It was hot. I really do hope my kids never find me. lol That is why I do not do a Tumbler site. Of course my kids don't watch gay porn so not likely. Even my closest friends don't know about this site.

I'd love to get fucked at Grand Central Station by a bunch of men who recognized me. How hot would that be? Oh, I mean by a bunch of black men who recognize me....

Edited by TigerMilner
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