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Guest JizzDumpWI

Hmmm, interesting.

So going direct to bottom line PERVERSATILE HIV is no different to younger guys than a paper cut? Easy to manage so why worry? That is indicative of a lack of understanding, the oversimplification of HIV (channeling Yoda there?). I find that more than a little disturbing.

in my hookup site profiles I bring up PrEP in my bio as those sites, as a site, don't do as rawTOP did and have a status selection indicating one is on PrEP.

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I had some guy on Adam4Adam ask me if I'd bareback him. His profile says that his negative. Mine says quite clearly that I'm not. I deleted the message. I don't want to be responsible for seroconverting someone. If he wants to be infected, let him find someone else.



lack of understanding,


a keen sense of entitlement

and an almost manic ambition to experience instantaneous zeitgeistic connectivity;

without effort

without risk

a temporal state of grace

the starvation of the soul-


a HappyMeal w/ a prize

who sre you wearing?

Order by Number


Check List Causalities


Personality Testing -Please Stand By


I Love Living in the Future.

-tho sometimes I do get a little bored

" Yes! Words are useless gobblegobblegobblegobblegobble too much of it dahrling -too much!" -edna mode


so sorry to gives offence,

was it because I quoted a cartoon character or perhaps my over exuberant use of italics?

Oh and BT fuckin W-

How do you know I'm not HARD and turned on right now-

Intellectual Discourse is SEX .

PS Ur Rockin Hot geared up Man

Makes my Dick leak when I can see a blokes Jock strap showwin thru his game pant


I still don't care if he's on PrEP or not; I'm currently chatting with a guy who's already poz. I don't have to worry about using a rubber or pulling out or whatever with him. He's also a really nice guy with a brain in his head and not just looking to fuck. That's the kind of guy I want. I've done enough hookups. They get really old after a while, at least for me.

Posted (edited)
  rangus said:

My query - am I wrong in assuming that all the guys who fucked me were poz??? - or is it that they don't care any more, or that they're ignorant of HIV (in this day and age??) - or that HIV is the new common cold?

You're probably wrong. Depending on the specific location and scene, they might be, sure. But in general the majority of men having unprotected sex are neg, though they most likely wouldn't call themselves barebackers, even though that's what they effectively are.

In the end it often boils down to congnitive dissonance. Imagine a heterosexual guy cheating on his wife. He is effectively asking for a divorce if he were to be found out. Yet during the sex he probably just thinks about pussy. And afterwards he pretends like nothing happened in a effort to continue his normal, everyday family life. He probably loves his wife. And still he philanders. The one and the other aren't exclusive as long as we can ignore the elephant in the room.

I believe information is good. I believe it is important to talk about that stuff. I don't think it spoils the mood. In fact I believe it makes the sex better. Because if you know and accept the reality and consequences of your actions, you are able to make INFORMED CHOICES. What Theo8 is doing is one example of informed choice:

  Theo8 said:

I had some guy on Adam4Adam ask me if I'd bareback him. His profile says that his negative. Mine says quite clearly that I'm not. I deleted the message. I don't want to be responsible for seroconverting someone. If he wants to be infected, let him find someone else.

Knowing the facts and doing what feels right for oneself. Because it's Theo's right to define his sex life himself. On the other side of the pigginess scale there's Efcskin.

  Efcskin said:
There was loads of info about thought id get it anyway as I'm a dirty fucker so searched it out

But at its core, it's the same: Informed choice.

We should all battle ignorance when it comes to HIV / AIDS. Without sugarcoating. But not in a condom nazi way, i.e. moralizing and limiting. Knowing all the facts should be liberating, enabling everyone to approach sex in a mature way with peace of mind. There's nothing as sexy as a guy who knows what he's doing, even (or should one say especially?) if he's a neg guy choosing to have bareback sex. But WITHOUT cognitive dissonance. Because that's what he knows he needs. And because it's fun, of course.

Edited by GermanFucker
Posted (edited)

Once again-


I am in awe.

You are intelligent

You have a code of honor

I admire

Your total lack of bellicosity,

the preciseness of your observations,

the conciseness of your arguments.

Your use of "cognitive dissonance"

makes me humble.

I bet you're a "sehr guten Fick"


Hey JizzDumpWI-

was there some football guy on here recently quacking about the lack of erotic content in this particular thread,

criticizing us/me/you/the world for being a buzz kill, too preachy and overly biased?!?!

I don't think I imagined it- 2 reasons.

1) my snarky response to his criticisms

2) He would have been a CowBoy or a Viking

Now he seems to be gone-

and I'm left as,

"Angry Man shakes fist at clouds".

Did you happen to notice him too?

  • Administrators
Hey JizzDumpWI-

was there some football guy on here recently quacking about the lack of erotic content in this particular thread,

criticizing us/me/you/the world for being a buzz kill, too preachy and overly biased?!?!

I don't think I imagined it- 2 reasons.

Did you happen to notice him too?

The whole conversation was off-topic for this thread and we moved into it's own thread.

Guest JizzDumpWI
Posted (edited)

PERVERSATILE, perhaps "angry man shakes fist at clouds", but you do it with such style who complains....?. :rolleyes:

Theo8, just cuz you and playmate are both poz doesn't necessarily mean no consequence. I think that is a big upshot of this thread. Informed consent considers at its core understanding of cause and effect. Then one might accept the consequence with no surprise (unless of course surprise is the objective). What troubles me at times are the posts that reflect total ignorance, and how that translates into other areas of life and living. If one is ignorant of their most personal and intimate self, wouldn't they be ignorant of the other areas?

Sunday I had the pleasure of blowing a young guy who I had been "dancing" with for some months. He works at the local auto parts store. But on meeting him, he is uninformed about nearly everything. No direction... Sure I enjoyed play with him, but concerns me if he votes. He is disconnected from life around him.

yesterday I had the pleasure of blowing a total hot stud. Our conversation leading him to come over included discussion of testing. (Yeah this makes it seem like I only suck. In truth I definitely wanted guy #2 to fuck me). But he hasn't researched PrEP yet which for him took bare fucking off the table. But I bet he will.

we are here because we bareback. Ideally it would be cool to talk risks, even when we choose to take them.

Edited by JizzDumpWI
  JizzDumpWI said:
we are here because we bareback. Ideally it would be cool to talk risks, even when we choose to take them.

Not ideally, but essential... even for a five minute cum'n'go the HIV risk may be present and each participant has to be aware of it and to accept it. We've each got individual limits of the risks we're prepared to take (if not, how come the popularity of PrEP?). The point isn't consent, but informed consent.


Thank you RawTop-

I genuinely appreciate all the work that goes into this site.

May the New Year bring



and Prosperity

in all Your endeavors!

as always,

i am your humble servant


Most of the guys I have fucked lately are always made aware that I am Poz, I also inform them that I am a hardcore barebacker and will NOT wrap it up. Then I leave it up to them to decide. Usually, what follows is them asking my stats and once they hear them, they are on their back with their legs up in the air. I am very healthy and have not had so much as a cold in going on a decade. So to them it's like I am not even POZ. I fuck them and usually I get a few guys who come back for more. Never heard any of them tell me that they regret it or that they are in fear or even poz. Whether or not I am indeed toxic is irrelevant as I love seeing their faces when I unload in them each of them always has an expression of release.

Guest JizzDumpWI

Mascraw, I follow you. And indeed at this stage pretty unlikely you would pass on HIV. Concern I have is not you. But rather the understanding the other fellows have, or not. Before PrEP you were exactly the guy I looked for. You are poz and treating it. The majority of "neg" guys really don't know. Moreover they don't know they don't know...

BTW, you are still the sort I like to have top me, but now on PrEP I open up to more...

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