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To quote Rayne: "I believe safe sex education is more along the lines of: 5 parts scaremongering, 2 parts science, 2 parts bullshit to glue it all together, and 1 part personal interpretation of whoever is "teaching" you the "facts" you are given." I don't know what it's like in the USA, but in the UK sex educational is optional (a recent proposal to make sex, health and relationship education was voted down). I used to live in a village 20 miles away from the nearest town of anything but tourist importance. One bus a day and the local kids knew that if asked an honest question, they'd get an honest answer - I was "uncle" to five of them, by way of my friendship with their mother motherwith whom I'd would have peculiarly frank discussions at times, usually after, I'm afraid, a bottle of wine. Consequently everyone in the valley knew about "gay Steve". The ridiculous thing is that I could have those conversations on the bus with the kids, yet the school couldn't invite me in to do a proper job of education (though such question and answer sessions undoubtedly opened the eyes of some of our elderly neighbours!).

It's the fact that they're teenagers: everyone knows that as soon as a teenager knows about sex they're at it like rabbits. No matter that the knowledge might just save their lives. No-one in UK politics (and I presume it's the same in the USA and other countries) dare suggest that, actually, it might be a good idea to teach the kids about sex. I've led seminars for social services workers about HIV, its history and transmission and have heard on the grapevine that my seminar had been voted the best, most informative one of the the lot. Why it is that those organising training/teaching about sex, health and relationships can't involve and learn from those who know most on the topic is, I'm afraid, beyond me...

  bearbandit said:
It's the fact that they're teenagers: everyone knows that as soon as a teenager knows about sex they're at it like rabbits. No matter that the knowledge might just save their lives. No-one in UK politics (and I presume it's the same in the USA and other countries) dare suggest that, actually, it might be a good idea to teach the kids about sex.

Hey Steve,

very good point indeed! In my humble opinion, the biggest problem is adults refusing to acknoledge teenaged kids as sexual beings before they reach the age of consent, whatever that might be exactly in their specific area. But we don't creep out from under a rock the moment we turn 16 or 18 or 21. The moment we get access to a computer we're virtually flooded with sex. And nowadays most of it is bareback. So before we even learn about condoms or STDs at school, we've had plenty of opportunities to see how much fun it can be to have your boyhole bred by a stranger on Xtube or read stories about boys begging to be knocked up here on Breedingzone. So once your teachers or parents muster up the courage to give you the talk about the birds and the bees, it might already be too late, your little boyass having been gangbanged regularly over the last year or two. Actually, I know a boy who got pozzed at the age of 12 without even knowing how you contract HIV or how to protect yourself.


  DarkroomTaker said:
Over 2012/3 I really have put my hole out there for anyone to slide in me and drop their loads; even multiple strangers, been in Washrooms/Darkrooms/bathhouses/steam rooms, basically anywhere I can get cock and cum.

Been feeling under the weather a while ago, decided to test for everything and be examined.

Results came back - All Clear. so I decided to wait a while and become celibate for a period and retested again for everything including Gonno/Syph/HepC etc and got my results back again and absolutely Negative and my HEP result was Highly immune and do not need to have a Booster.

Theres a huge difference between being immune to things and just being a healthy person. For lots of people are are very healthy, and for this definition we mean a person with a highly functional immune system, it is no that easy to get sick.

For example, I know more than a few people that are teachers. Some get sick all the time, and some almost never do, despite being in very similar environments, and having similar habits. For people whose immune system works very well, one or more smaller exposures may not be enough to be infected with anything. People who are resistant to HIV are similar, but that is actually a genetic issue, not just about your immune system.

It also matters a lot about who fucked you, just because you let randoms fuck you doesn't mean they are always dirty. Sometimes its the most clean cut guys you wouldn't expect who never get tested, where as the clean cut guys always assume they are fine.

For you, I would highly consider PrEP for HIV. It just makes sense. You can deal with the other stuff if you are going to continue any of the behavior you mentioned, but HIV is for life, and less than 1% of people of Caucasian decent only have the immunity to HIV. So the chance is remote.

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