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Staying a Boy


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About a month ago I started my new job and my manager, Stephen, asked if I could go to New York City to the company headquarters with him next week. My manager is also a friend of mine that I have known for a few years. I was excited and Stephen told me that in addition to the work we needed to do he would introduce me to the right people at the company and also show me around the City.

The day we were to fly out I put on my only suit which I had bought just a few months ago and looking in the mirror I frowned at myself. See I am 22 years old but no one believes I am a day over 16 as being a skinny, 5’6”, 110 pounds certainly does make people think I’m still a kid, if only I could start to grow facial hair I might look my age.

Stephen on the other hand is only four years older than me but at 6 feet tall and a body full of muscles and his face always has that one day growth of hair look that is so sexy is pure man. I’m happy he is my friend and the cool job he got me is awesome too. It’s funny that he is so nice to me but unlike other guys has never hit on me but that’s ok because I knew he had sex with lots of guys and that he also drank a lot and I saw him do drugs at parties and I didn’t want to date a guy like that but being friends was ok.

When I met him at the airport he laughed at me for being dressed up as he was in jeans and a t-shirt. We work at an IT company and are casual at work but I figured going to the headquarters might be different. Stephen told me that I looked like a cute little boy going to church on Sunday which made me blush and he laughed again when he saw my face get red. He asked if I had jeans in my bag and I told him that I only brought my nicest clothes and he said well NYC is a great city for shopping and he’d take me to Macy’s after we checked into the hotel as it was nearby.

The hotel was huge and the room or rooms I should say were bigger than my little studio apartment. We had a suite which was like a two bedroom apartment so we had each our own room but also a huge living room area. He put his bag in his room and then walked into my room as I was unpacking. He told me I should change out of my suit as we weren’t going to the office until tomorrow and then he stood there waiting. I felt strange changing in front of him because he seemed to stare at me almost like a lion about to attack. I was happy to have worn big baggy boxers as I started to get hard with him watching me. Once I was down to just my tshirt and boxers he walked out so I finished dressing quickly before he came back. He was sitting down in the living room and when I entered he told me that we were going to Macy’s right away when he saw my starched shirt, pleated trousers and wingtip shoes.

Macy’s is so big, like I guess everything in NYC that I was almost dizzy looking around. He led me to the men’s department and we started to look around and he told me that since I was expecting to need to buy clothes he would buy them on his expense account which was so cool as I was nervous about the cost. He found a clerk and I told the man I had a 26 inch waist and then I was so embarrassed when the man told Stephen that they didn’t have clothes that small and they would need to be altered and they could deliver them to the hotel the next day, but Stephen said we needed them today and the man suggested the boy's department. I again got red and Stephen put his arm around me and walked me away from the man so he couldn’t see me blush. As we entered the boy’s department a clerk came up to us and immediately Stephen said he would like to get a couple of casual outfits for his little brother and hugged me a little tighter and instead of blushing this time I melted into his arm. He seemed to enjoy pretending his was my big brother and ended up buying me three bags worth of clothes.

As we walked back to the hotel he told me that he liked pretending he was my big brother and he always wanted a little brother so it was fun and he then messed up my hair and called me squirt and his little baby. Ever since I was in high school I wanted to be bigger and look older and was tired of people thinking I was a kid but at the same time thinking of being his little brother sounded nice.

Back at the hotel we carried the bags to my room and then he shocked me by starting to undress me and he talked softly as he said that this week he wanted me to be his little brother and I should let him be my big brother, I just nodded. He had my shirt, shoes and pants off but when he reached for my boxers I reached out and grabbed his hands to stop him and said I didn’t need to change those but he leaned into me and asked if I was wanted to be his little brother and I nodded then he kissed me and said if I was going to be his little boy I needed to do exactly what he said. He then asked me if I was his little boy and I again nodded yes and he moved my hands to my side and dropped my boxers as I realized he called me his boy not his brother and I was wondering what that meant but as he grabbed my hard cock I knew he wanted me as his boy and not just as his little brother but I decided to just go with it. Then I realized he was holding my cock and that meant he knew it was small and I tried to cover myself but he stopped me and told me he loved my four inch nail. He then kissed me again and told me that I would never again need to feel ashamed at having a little boy body as he was going to show me all the pleasure a boy could have and that I need never worry about having a little boy cock and as he said that he grabbed my ass and pulled me into him as he stuck his tongue into my mouth as I again melted into him. He pulled a pair of jeans out of the bag and after taking off the labels had me step into them and pulled them up and buttoned them as I felt for the first time clothes without underwear which felt weird but sort of naughty too.

He then took me by the hand to his room where he told me that for the next few days I was to be his boy and that I should do everything he says even if I was scared and then when we got home we could either go back to being friends or I could stay his boy and then he asked if I understood, and as I started to nod he said that I needed to either say either No Sir, or Yes, Daddy. I was shocked and stayed quiet and after a few moments he told me that he understood that I was nervous but he would help me and asked me if I trusted him and as I started to nod, he stopped me and said I could either say Yes Sir or No Sir and I said Yes Sir. He asked if calling him Sir was easier than Daddy and I said Yes Sir and he then told me to lean over his bed and to stay still. I could hear him open his luggage and then went to the bathroom and turned on the sink and a minute later returned. He then leaned over me and unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them partially down. I started to tremble as I was afraid he was going to try to fuck me and as I turned my head he stopped me and said I already told him I trusted him and I needed to prove it by not moving. He then opened a bottle of lube and I knew then he was going to fuck me for sure and I didn’t know if he had a rubber on or not but I stayed still as I felt his finger push into me a little and then pull out and then I felt his finger again but it felt different, I knew it wasn’t his cock but as I was trying to figure out what it was he stopped and I felt something else that I couldn’t figure out, then he pulled it out and pulled up my pants again and now I was completely confused. He then had me stand and started to kiss me and hold me and tell me how much he wanted me to be his boy and how much he has wanted me since the day we first met. I started to feel strange and soon was kissing him and holding him more than he was me but then he moved away and asked me again if I wanted to be his boy for the rest of this trip but before he could finish asking I shocked myself as I said loudly “Yes! Daddy!”. He then asked me if I knew why I was able to say it and I responded No Daddy which made him smile. That is when he explained what a booty bump was and that even though it was a very small dose was enough to get me to be honest with myself. We spent a few more minutes talking about my fears and how much he knew I needed to be someone’s little boy as I started to squirm and then he asked if I needed to be fucked and I told him I think so but I wasn’t sure. He then figured out my other secret which was I was still a virgin and he then told me to pull down my jeans and to bend over again and now I knew I was going to finally be fucked but he went back to the bathroom and returned with another booty bump and as he was inserting it into me he told me that since I tolerated the small dose that he was giving me a bigger dose that should bring out my true self and then he had me pull back up my jeans again but then pushed me down on my knees as he pulled out his hard thick eight inch cock and without saying anything pushed it into my mouth. As I was sucking his cock the chems in my ass started to make me sweat and made my ass really want to get fucked so that a few minutes later I stopped sucking and looked up at him and pleaded,


He then stood up and put his cock away and told me I was almost ready as he again pulled my jeans down and off and then reached into his luggage and threw a jockstrap at me and told me to put it on and get my jeans on as we are going to a bathhouse. He pulled a small leather case out of his bag and unzipped it and showed me the needles and a baggie of crystals and I again got nervous but he grabbed me and squeezed my ass and asked me how good my ass felt and I told him it felt really really good and he said that when we got to the bathhouse he would inject me and then my ass would take over my brain and the need to be fucked would be all I knew and then he would make me his son. OK Daddy, I replied and for the first time I no longer felt wrong in my own body but understood that I could stay a boy forever and that I trusted my Daddy and would let him do anything he wanted to me.

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i'll throw my voice in with the chorus - i really like the start to this story. it feels different somehow from many of the stories posted on here (which are fucking hot in their own right) and i'm looking forward to seeing how this develops.

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Staying a Boy Part 2

Holding my hand he led me back to my bedroom and took a tank top out of one of the Macy’s bags and put it on me. It was a bit small and while not tight on my chest was quite short and stopped about an inch above my jeans which was not something I would ever have worn and then he put a baseball cap on me and he stepped back and smiled and said I looked perfect. I smiled and felt happier than I ever have before and he saw my smile and asked if this felt right and I told him “I have never been so happy before, Stephen”, he frowned and I quickly said “I mean, Daddy, I am so happy Daddy”. He told me I should leave my stuff here but for the rest of the trip I would be staying in his room, hearing that sent a shiver through me that felt almost like I was going to orgasm and my legs started to collapse and he grabbed me as I was falling and looking right into my eyes and told me that he was so happy too and that he was going to keep me a very happy little boy and kissed me gently on the lips. As we were leaving the room I saw myself in the mirror and was shocked to see the same little boy I was when I was in sixth grade, the tank top and cap made me look even younger which is why I never would wear them but now I liked how I looked and wondered what else was in store for me but instead of my normal fear and nervousness I only felt the wonder that I did when I was little and was going to experience something new.

As we walked down the street I could feel guys staring at me and worried that they thought I looked silly but when Stephen/Daddy leaned over and told me he better get me off the street soon as every guy was drooling and if I was alone I’d probably be raped in minutes which made me giggle, wait did I just giggle, I haven’t giggled since I was a little kid but then Daddy tickled my side making me giggle again and I no longer cared who saw. He pointed to the bathhouse when we were across the street but said we were going to grab a snack first and entered a quiet coffee shop where he ordered a coffee and biscotti for himself and told the waitress that his little boy would have a bottle of apple juice and a donut covered in sprinkles. When she walked away he asked how it felt to be called his little boy in public and I said I sort of liked it. He slid his hand across my jeans and as he felt my hard boy cock he said I think you more than liked it, didn’t you? I moaned as I nodded and then said a bit too loud, “Yes, Daddy I liked it a lot” and he pulled me into his chest and hugged me. As the waitress approached with our order I started to move but he held me tight and as she walked away he told me that I should never be ashamed that I was his little boy and that he wanted everyone to know that I was his which again made me shiver.

As we ate our snack he told me that before we went across the street we needed to discuss a few things. He said that the booty bump he gave me lowered my inhibitions and made my ass hungry but I was still in full control of my thoughts and he asked if I wanted to go with him to the bathhouse and I said Yes and he asked if I knew what would happen and I said that he would inject me with more of those crystals and he would fuck me. He asked if I expected anything else and I told him I didn’t know. This is why we need to talk first and he continued by telling me that if I went with him that he would get a private room and then yes he would slam more chems into me and he would fuck me and breed me while we were in the room, he asked if that was ok so far and I quietly said Yes, Daddy and he then said that next he would take me out to the pool area and fuck and breed me again but this time in front of people and would that be ok and I again said Yes Daddy, he said then we could relax some but that next he would slam be even higher and I may not even remember what happens so I needed to agree first that I wanted him to bring me to the sling room and there in front of more men he would fuck and breed me and that once he came in me for the third time he would let all the other men fuck and breed me too. That shocked me and I asked why he wanted other men to fuck me and he said that since I was a virgin little boy I didn’t know it yet but once I was slammed and my ass was bred by him it would need to be bred a lot and he wouldn’t deny what his little boy needed so he would have every man there fuck me if he could get them too. I realized I had so much to learn and thought how foolish I was thinking he wanted men to fuck me but that instead he knew I needed it and therefore he would let them so I again said Yes, Daddy I wanted that too.

He had told me that when the trip was over I could decide then to continue to be his little boy or not but now he said that if we went to the bathhouse together that I needed to decide now what I wanted. He said that if I wanted to be his little boy that I would move into his house and that he would forever be my Daddy and I was forever going to be his little boy and that I would be giving up being an adult who could make decisions for myself and would instead be his little boy and he could do anything and everything he wanted to me and I should expect him to do many things to me. He said to think about it for a minute as he went to the bathroom.

When he returned he picked me up and put me on his lap and held me for a minute and asked if I thought about what he said and I nodded and he said there is a little more I want you to know first and then told me that he was HIV positive and some of the other men that would fuck me would be too and if I was his boy that I would eventually become pozzed and did I know what that meant and I nodded yes and started to get scared again and shook but he held me tighter. He then finished by telling me that he would have all hair on my body (what little there was) permanently removed and that if I said yes that I was saying yes to staying a boy forever but not just a boy I would be his little boy and then he said it was time to decide and it was quiet for a few seconds until I started crying and he held me tight and said it’s ok Bobby we can wait until later to do this. I wiped my face and said, “No Daddy, I’m not crying because I am scared but because I am no longer scared. I am your little boy and you are my Daddy and I finally have found what is right and I want you to do everything you said”. Just then the waitress came over and asked if everything was alright and I stood up and held my Daddy’s hand and told her that everything was perfect and then turned to Daddy and said “Daddy can we go get started now” and he smiled as he got up and we walked out the door together and crossed the street.

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you did not disappoint BabyBobby - another great installment! and while i am really looking forward to the bathhouse chapter, i'm hoping you continue the story further and we get to read of the full transformation of the boy into a forever boy.

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Part 3

I still can’t believe after three years I finally have Bobby where I want him. The first day I saw him I knew I had to have him. The doorman at the nightclub reviewed his ID for a few moments as he couldn’t believe that the boy was 19. As I watched Bobby walk around the club I could smell his innocence and it made me hungry. After about an hour I got his attention and he sat next to me at the bar. We spent a couple of hours talking and then I gave him my card and told him to call me later and I left.

The next day he called before lunch and so I invited him to out to eat. We met and he continued telling me his story. Bobby knew he was gay nearly his whole life but came from a strict religious family and his church scared boys like Bobby with stories about how gay men would rape them nonstop if they ever got their hands on them so he stayed in the closet and last night was his first time at a gay club. He wanted to stay away from bigger and older men and also said he thought a few boys at his college were cute. I knew now wasn’t the time but also knew that one day I would have my boy Bobby and I decided for now to be his friend and mentor.

When I planned this trip to NYC I had every intention of finally getting him but assumed I would get him drunk or high and then have him the way I wanted although I was also nervous that it would destroy our friendship but I was about to break and needed to use him hard. At Macy’s it was in a completely selfless way I pretended he was my little brother to help him though the situation but when he melted into my chest I nearly lost my load as I realized I could have him tonight and if I played the cards right could have him forever. So now I am bringing him into a bathhouse and tonight he will start to learn that having a little smooth boy body can bring him, me and many other men so much pleasure.

I got us a room and also a locker so that I could stow my stuff as I expected to leave the door to the room open most of the night. What Bobby doesn’t know yet also is that no one is actually expecting us at the office until Monday and this being Wednesday we have a lot of time to play. Bobby’s eyes were so wide open he looked like one of the shota anime boys and that in addition to looking so young and innocent had half the men staring at him as we entered. I told him we would go straight to the room first to change and get comfortable then I would show him around and we could have some fun together.

He clung to me which made him seem even younger and innocent but once we were in the room and the door was closed he held me and again started crying. I held him even tighter and he started sobbing out how scared he is and also how sorry he is.

He said “Daddy, I’m sorry I was so afraid these past years and didn’t tell you the truth. I have been in love with you since the night we first met. I was afraid that if I told you I liked you that you would want to have sex with me and you would hurt me like I was told in church. For three years I have dreamed of you hurting me but then afterwards I could fall asleep in your arms and be loved by you. I’m scared still about being hurt but I want you to do everything you want to me and I love calling you my Daddy. Will you forgive me and can you love me too?” And then he pushed his face into my chest and started to cry again but more softly.

I told him that I loved him already and that he doesn’t need to cry or be scared as I will protect him and he is now my boy forever and that I will hold him in my arms every night. I am your Daddy and you are my boy. When he heard that he squeezed as tight as he could and then looked up at me and we kissed softly. The kiss went from gentle to much rougher over the next few minutes. I told him that his fears would soon be all over. That while he may still have the body of a boy that he will become a man tonight. I then undressed him and let him undress me. He was so cute as he was trying not to touch my cock which almost made me laugh but I didn’t want to hurt him so instead I told him to get on his knees and lick my balls.

As he was licking my balls I asked if he could still feel the booty bumps I gave him and he said he didn’t think so and I told him that it was now time then to start and I picked him up and sat him on the bed. From my bag I started to take out some stuff. First I grabbed a bottle of poppers and he said he knew what they were and he did them a few times when he used a dildo on himself and he told me that when he bought a bigger dildo and he couldn’t get it inside his bum he would pour poppers on a pair of briefs and then would cover his nose with them so that he would breath them continuously until the dildo was finally in him.

I then sprinkled some T powder into a shot glass and also dribbled a little water in and then using a lube shooter sucked it up and told him that this was just a little stronger than before and that he would enjoy it and remember later the fun we had. While I was doing this I noticed he picked up the poppers so I reached into the bag and tossed him a small cloth and told him to get it soaked and to cover his nose with it. I lifted his legs like you would when changing a baby and then slid the lube shooter into him and shot the liquefied T into him. Next I told him to breath deeper as I lubed a large butt plug and slowly but firmly pushed it into him. He squirmed and I could tell it hurt him but I knew he was prepared already for some pain and I told him this would open his ass so that he would soon be ready to become my pussyboy and as I said that the plug popped in and his cock started to spew his load. And what a load it was. Not sure when he last came but this was a huge load and it took him several minutes to finally start breathing normal again.

“Bobby you must really like that butt plug in you”, I said, and Bobby replied, “I like it but I came because you called me your pussyboy. When I would use my dildo and dream about you using me I always dreamed that you would call my bum a pussy”. As he said this I using the lube shooter collected most of his load and then I brought it to his mouth and told him, “Yes Bobby you are my pussyboy and what you call your bum is soon going to become your boypussy and once that occurs you will start to understand what your life will soon be like. You have many things to learn and the first is you never ever waste cum” and then I shot his cum out of the lube shooter onto his tongue and said “you will swallow every load of cum that doesn’t go into and stay in your soon to be boypussy. Another rule is you do not cum again unless I tell you it is ok.” I then reached into my bag and pulled out a CB6KS chastity device and told him that I expecting him to not touch himself and that this would help prevent his from jerking off.

“Daddy, I will do everything you say but you don’t need this because I do not masturbate and now that I have you I will never need to start.” This surprised me and I asked if he ever jerked off and he told me that his church told him it was a sin and since puberty started so late he was able to get through the early teen years as he couldn’t cum anyways and when he finally could he didn’t want to. “But what about when you use the dildo and poppers?”, I asked him and he replied, “Why would I masturbate then? I would dream about you using me and you cumming in me, I don’t need to masturbate to do that plus I read that when a boy masturbates and cums he loses interest in sex and you’ll probably think I’m a freak but when I would use my dildos I would normally do it for at least a few hours and the thought that if I masturbated I would want to stop playing kept me from masturbating.”

This boy keeps getting better and better! I told him he didn’t need the cock lock and that instead the rule would be that he wasn’t allowed to jerk off but not because it was a sin but instead because I do not want him to. He started to wiggle his ass so I knew the bump was working and told him it was time to walk around.

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Part 4

I yanked the plug out of Bobby’s ass and squirted some lube into him and since he pushed back on to my fingers I knew the fun was about to begin. As we walked towards the sauna room I noticed he didn’t look shy and nervous walking around in just the jockstrap and when I lowered my arm to his ass and pushed a finger inside he leaned into me and purred telling me he liked it, wanted it and didn’t care who knew.

We entered the sauna room and I held his hand and led him to a bench as the steam was thick enough at first to make seeing difficult. Within a minute the steam either lessened or we got adjusted to it and could now see other men in the room. Bobby was staring at another young guy that was on his knees blowing a much older man and as we watched the boy then moved to the next guy and started sucking him. I told Bobby he should get on his knees and suck me too and without a word he got up and dropped to his knees and started his new life. The older guy that the other kid was first blowing got up and sat next to me and I knew immediately that he wanted to try my boy’s mouth and I wasn’t about to disappoint him so I told grabbed Bobby’s head and guided it to the guys thin but long cock and pulled Bobby onto it.

The guy leaned back and moaned and mumbled something about how good his mouth felt. I let him enjoy Bobby’s mouth for a few minutes but then moved Bobby’s head back to my cock. The guy got up and left and I leaned back and enjoyed Bobby discovering his cocksucking talent but it wasn’t really his mouth I was interested in tonight and soon I pulled him up onto my lap facing me so we could kiss and I could finger his cherry hole. He moaned into my mouth as I slid my finger in and wiggled it around inside him. This went on for a about ten minutes as I moved up to three fingers and the hunger in his ass was starting to overwhelm him and he was quietly begging me saying, “please, please, Daddy, please”. I removed my fingers and said it was time to walk around. I wanted the first time to be in front of a larger audience and I knew this place had a great room with slings, benches, and even a picnic table for guys to get fucked on and I wanted the table as that was the most visible spot. And as usual it wasn’t being used because most bottoms wanted the more comfortable slings or the padded fucking/spanking benches.

I picked Bobby up and sat him down on the edge of the table and told him that now and here he was going to lose his cherry. Several of the guys heard me and moved over towards the picnic table. I laid Bobby down and lifted his legs and as I lined up my cock I saw at least a dozen guys watching as I entered Bobby.

“Bobby”, I said as I firmly pushed into his very tight and extremely hot ass, “with all of these horny men watching you are no longer a scared little virgin boy but instead you are a hungry pussyboy”. As I said that I pushed fully inside him and just as when we were in the room his hard little cock shot forth its load as he screamed out, “Yes, Yes, Daddy, Yes” over and over again at least twenty times he repeated it and as he finished I told him “Bobby, these men just saw you shoot your little balls off when I called you a pussyboy and they all know that without any doubt that you are a true pussyboy and need man cock in your boypussy as much as possible and now you know it too” and Bobby said “Yes, Yes, Daddy, I am your pussyboy!”

“Good boy, Bobby, now in front of these men I want you to tell me if you want me to make love to you or do you need me to fuck your boypussy so hard that you’ll cry in pain and then fill you with my seed and make you my boy forever.”

“Daddy, please fuck me as hard as you can and make me feel it in every cell of my body and then change those cells by filling me with your seed so that I will be your boy forever”

At that I leaned down and kissed Bobby and told him I loved him very much and that I was going to fuck him and he would never forget it and that my seed was going to forever change him and he is mine forever. Then I pulled out and plunged in and brutally fucked him like I have never done to any boy before. He started screaming and I had a couple of the guys hold him down as I rammed him over and over again. One of the guys told him that he should let go and feel the pain and let it take him over because as a pussyboy this was what it was about, giving yourself to a man and letting him use you as hard as he can because this is what you want and need. I didn’t think Bobby could actually hear let alone comprehend what the guy said but then Bobby told the guy that it hurt so much but he would take everything his Daddy could give him and that sent me over the top and I yelled to Bobby and the entire world that I will cumming in him and that he is now mine forever. Then I collapsed on top of Bobby and he wrapped his arms around me and cried how much he loved me. We staying like that for just a minute and then I got up and thanked the guys for watching Bobby lose his fears and become my boy. Then I carried Bobby back to the room with the plan of resting a bit before I sent him flying and watched him take loads from men the rest of the night.

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so when i first saw the title to this story, before i started reading, the words immediately brought to mind a body modification that would aid in keeping bobby a boy, and i wondered.....

regardless, this was another fucking hot installment and i look forward to the next.

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