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I am so tired of trying to set up dates and time to suck dick, for the fucker to either back out at last minute or say it's was a joke. I posted up an ad the other night, got about 5 replies and not one person showed up. Even offered to pay for gas! Nothing. The last fucker said he was about to leave, I said let me walk to the park area and make sure the people fishing were gone. It's a 30 minute walk from my house down a huge hill and back up it afterwards. I got to the hill only for the guy to text and say it was a joke.

I've gotten to the point I've resorted to blackmail once, and it worked. I always use their number or email and search Facebook or Google for whatever I can find about them ahead of time, make sure I ain't ending up with some crazy fucker. Tonight I found the guy's Twitter, Facebook, which lead me to his preppy friends and family. I told him to have phone playing jokes because because I knew who he was and sent proof. He didn't say one more word.

The first time I did this was a few months ago. This guy said he would come and fuck me with his 7" cock. I paid for the room and he says was all a joke. I had already knew his name and where he worked. I let him know that and said he would come after all as long as I didn't post his pictures online or his texts. He came but that 7" cock was prob a 4-5 incher. Needless to say I wasn't getting fucked, but I am a trooper and I still sucked him off, in under 15 seconds!! He made me delete his pictures in front of him, which I did. I had no plan on exposing him, or keeping his pics.

Earlier today an older man emails and gets my number, says he wants me to suck him, but his friend wants to come too. I said sure. Then he wants to fuck me. I hope it's true. I told him where I lived and the bar I was across from. He said they would be at a Saturday night auction two buildings down. I have never heard of this, but we will see if it happens. Crossing my fingers. It just has to happen in a bathroom at a fishing area, which I think would be really hot, and it will be completely dark.

There's another guy that replies all the time, that I could blackmail. He owns a local restaurant here, is married with children. Hmm?

So, has anyone else threatened to blackmail someone to get dick? Did it work?


I have been flaked on but never had anyone tell me they were just joking. That is fucked up and childish of someone to joke like that. They really ought to get a life, so that said I think a little blackmail is fair in this case because if they are going to joke and play games like that then they better be prepared to deal with the consequences.


This sounds like it could backfire big time. As in somebody with a mean streak making sure you never do this again. And the worst part is, many would say you got what you deserved.

No-shows are part of the hassle of trolling for sex. Don't inconvenience yourself so much and don't inconvenience them. Maybe your success rate improves.


I agree with seaguy it is fucked up and childish, but I also agree with bbhz be careful as it can backfire seriously. There are some sick guys out there who would stop at nothing to ensure that they are not exposed.


I share your frustration about flakes. But we're in the age of Craigslist and Grindr now. Email and texting make it easier for people to hide. It's just how things are.

Personally, I haven't had a lot of guys choking on me because I usually ask to chat on Skype first, or just a quick phone call (live, so I know the guy is somewhat serious). Sometimes we just text, but will exchange pictures. For anonymous sex, it's obviously more complicated. But in general, I don't waste my time. Guys who really want sex will come to me.


You're going to do it to the wrong person one time and the only thing you'll be sucking on is the barrel of a gun and some dirt.

Good luck with that.


Guys flake out all the time. It is the nature of the beast. But, why stoop down to their level and blackmail. In my opinion if the guy flakes, he is not worth my time or effort. I just move on the next.


I agree with the consensus here. I had a guy once try to blackmail me. When I first met him to hook up, he wasn't ANYTHING like his pics or description, I was completely turned off by him and I told him I was gonna have to pass on hooking up. He used my phone number to find my Facebook and he threatened to expose me to family and friends for backing out on him. I told him that I knew where he lived, his car, etc, and the day he exposes me to anyone will be the sorriest day of his life. I ended that conversation with a polite "fuck off and have a nice day..." He didn't do it.

Flakes and jokers (never had someone say it was a joke) are unfortunately just the shit we have to put up with to hook up. Playing blackmail games though can definitely backfire on you, so I wouldn't recommend it. Just grin and bear it and let it be.

Posted (edited)
  poptronic said:

I told him that I knew where he lived, his car, etc, and the day he exposes me to anyone will be the sorriest day of his life. I ended that conversation with a polite "fuck off and have a nice day..." He didn't do it.

Fully agree with the way you handled the situation. IMHO both elaborate fakers (who really get turned on by wasting your time and gasoline money, not just pic collectors, they're a mere nuissance) and blackmailers fall into the same category:

Pathetic psychos.

It takes a special mindset to even consider blackmailing someone into having sex with you, which is no better than taking joy in sending someone on a wild goose chase. I wouldn't want to touch that kind of guy with a ten-foot pole, let alone have sex with him (first thought running through my head would be: speak about chemistry and bad karma - such a douche must be horrible in bed).

I prefer to have sex with laid-back guys, who just enjoy the game. Obsessive behaviour like stalking, blackmail and other kinds of histrionics isn't sexy.

You win some and you lose some. By just going with the flow I frankly score more prime ass than I could handle.

All one can really do is learn from experience, i.e. develop a sense for bullshit, assess probabilities realistically and act accordingly. If someone sounds too good to be true but lives just a bike ride away, I'll always take my chances, worst that can happen is me getting some exercise. But I won't drive 150 miles for that guy. Or I suggest meeting a the local cruising area where I was heading anyway. Also if you talk to a guy for a few minutes you often get a good sense of his sincerity, whereas obvious fakes usually stick to text messages.

All that means that I'm seldom severily disappointed / frustrated. Instead I just enjoy the adventure.

Edited by GermanFucker
Posted (edited)
  GermanFucker said:
develop a sense for bullshit

If I had to vote for a tl:dr for this thread, that pretty much sums it up!

Edited by jtonic
Guest JizzDumpWI

It takes quite a bit of desperation I think to resort to blackmail to get laid. I wonder the back story here; what was actually said in communication; potential inconsistencies in shared photos, etc? I suspect there is a LOT more that was not shared. Never had a guy claim he was just "joking" on hookup. Flakes? Yup, of course that happens. Something is just not right with the OP. Don't know what it is, and frankly, since he resorts to blackmail to get sex, I really don't care to find out...


I actually get turned on by being blackmailed... a fuck bud of mine wanted me to top him, but I pretty much am only a bottom, so I suggested he force me to top him, by creating a manhunt profile "AIDSWHORE" with all my face pics showing, real name, etc... and he kept it up 24/7... then I realized I was turned on by the humiliation and begged him to keep it up... so I never ended up topping him :) and now I have a couple dozen profiles on manhunt that I have no control of :)









I've "flaked" on occasions, for various reasons, but for ones I kind to be reasonable. Sometimes I have to cancel last minute because I didn't realise I had a previous engagement, or because of a family emergency. Sometimes I change my mind, because I found something out about the other person, or I get the wrong vibe from the person after reread if a few messages. Some call it flaking, but it is all relative to your perspective.

Personally, if someone tried to blackmail me, you better believe I'd be tracking that fucker down hard. Not only would I manage to find them, but I'd get the cops involved. While I hate cops in general, I won't break the law to enact revenge. If there's a will, there's a way; and I've found many ways, in the past, of tracking people better than they did me.

The worst part about blackmail is that there are a good amount of people who won't be nice about it, like I would; they'd get their mates on you, and your plan could backfire. Revenge for a fuck is more childish than someone flaking, in my eyes.

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