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How To Get What I Want


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Moved in with my bf few months ago and it's going well except for sex part. I'm a horny top who travels a lot for work and have lots of sex outside my relationship.my thing is that I love to whore out guys to other tops. But since I m in relationship I haven't done it as much due to bit of guilt towards my bf and so normally have 1-1. I also make sure that my FBs know that it's strictly NSA. I love to whore out my bf to other tops but he seems to be less and less interested in this. I also like to use other bottom guys together with my bf. He has more problems with this as he is more of a bottom. For me it's huge turn on to c my bf service other tops but for some reason most of the time he is not up for this and makes me feel uncomfortable about it for even suggesting it. He is much more inhibited when he uses drugs...then he turns into this cumdump that I love! The problem is that I don't take drugs at all except for poppers. I'm uncut and he doesn't like to suck my dick either as he prefers cut dick. Which is bit frustrating as I know he sucks other guys off and takes their load although he does prefer the loads in his ass. I try to suggest having like dirty weekends with lots of sex with other guys but most of the time he is not up for that. I end up feeling frustrated about it as he makes me feel like I'm some kind of pervert or something. Most of the time when we have sex I end up taking the initiative and sometimes he refuses which is really annoying. Sure I could look for other ass but truth of the matter is that I enjoy breeding him and wish I could be more of a pig with my own bf. What do u guys think am I being unreasonable here or what?

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It sounds like you and the bf are not entirely sexually compatible. If you want to stay with him for social/emotional reasons, you may have to go outside the relationship to have some of your sexual needs met. That isn't necessarily a problem, if you are both ok with that. 

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I agree with drscorpio. And considering your bf let's himself getting bred by other guys (is that always with you present or also without you?) he shouldn't have a problem with you getting what you want outside the relationship. If so, you both get the sex you want while still being together. And some of those occasions could be with both of you if he is in the mood for it. 

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We have open relationship so that's not a problem. But obviously I would like to be more of a pig with my own bf! We play together and seperately. But I seem to play much more alone with others than he does. It's just frustrating when u want to have sex and someone rejects u or when u try to organize a dirty weekend ur own bf makes u feel like a pervert

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Sounds like your bf just doesn't have the high sex drive that you have.


I had the same in my relationship. Bf hardly wanted to have sex, which led me to go stray and which in the end resulted in the end of our relationship. He wanted a monogomous relationship, which didn't give me the amount of sex I wanted.

It's different in yours as you have an open relationship. But maybe he just doesn't need as much sex as you do.

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It's like he is ashamed at times...he can be a total pig though when he uses drugs. I encourage him to go with other guys when I'm away but I'm also afraid that he meets wrong crowd and ends up involved with drugs. Don't understand guys nowadays...there is far too much drug use in the sex scene

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Some guys just need something to overcome their inhibitions. Not using something prevents them to give in to their inner pig. I only need poppers. Tried some type of weed once but it made me totally paranoid. Poppers turn me into a total slut. I don't really see poppers as a drug. Which drugs does he need to give in? If those are hard drugs then I understand your concern he becomes addicted and attracts a wrong crowd of friends. Dos poppers not do anything for him?

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We have open relationship so that's not a problem. But obviously I would like to be more of a pig with my own bf! We play together and seperately. But I seem to play much more alone with others than he does. It's just frustrating when u want to have sex and someone rejects u or when u try to organize a dirty weekend ur own bf makes u feel like a pervert


Hes probably not as into it as you are except when hes high. Dont take it so personally if you want the relationship to last. By hard drugs, Im assuming its either coke or meth. Not cool if hes doing it all the time (once in awhile is fine but its easy to get addicted to that shit). Your options are either dump him or accept things the way they are cuz hes not going to change

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You want him to be a cum slut and whore him out. He can only be a slut when he uses drugs. You don't want him to use drugs.

He will not change. He obviously has inhibitions which he only can overcome by using drugs. Which you don't want.


Unless you love him so much you want to stay together, despite being sexually incompatible, I don't see this going to work.

Why did you move in with him? You must have known this before?

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He smokes meth but very rarely and always motivated by sex. Obviously I'm afraid him becoming addicted but he seems to control it well. But there r lots of scumbags out there that want to trash other people's lives and that's what I'm afraid of...how well can one really control drug use? I love him very much and accept the fact that he is not like me.... He doesn't have to be either... Just don't like the fact that he kind of resents the fact that I do need more sex than him and me always having to take initiative. But once in a while he does surprise me and suddenly he is very much into hooking up with other guys. I love it when he is like that. Big turn on to c him other tops dick and fucking his cummy hole.

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