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Any Tops Like Bottoms Who Don't Clean Out?


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I like to think of my hole as a male vagina, thus fecal matter and ass juices are like lubricants. Thus, I always make sure to have a rectum filled with shit when I go cruising or have guys over. There's just something hot about the smell of cum, sweat and shit when it comes to gay sex, like having sex in a gas station restroom that hasn't been cleaned in weeks. Any tops like getting browned up?

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It's a valid question, given the physiology of male with male sex. 


Going with your "male vagina" comparison, I think it's kind of a funny thing the gods did making all of our sex organs with the double purpose of waste disposal. With a woman, her vagina is a waste disposal canal once a month when her uterus sloughs and she gets her period. So, I guess the comparison you use might involve fucking during her period and her never douching.


I stop at being a 'pig' when it comes to hygiene. I know some guys really like things like felching, smelly pits and crotch, etc.. I don't. If I eat a guys hole, I want it clean. I want mine that way too, especially if the guy wants to keep switching between fucking me and having me suck him. I like clean smells, crotch or skin or pits. 


I might let a guy fuck me if I wasn't cleaned out (never have) if I knew that that was something he really liked, only because I get turned on by my top being turned on, but it's not something I would ever want as a top, or seek out as a bottom.

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i know this may sound bad, but it is kinda hot and funny when a top asks if I'm cleaned out and I say, "Yep, sure am!" Seconds later....sewage gas smell and lots of lols on my end


Well, yeah, it does "sound bad" to me that you think it's funny to purposefully violate another persons trust. It sounds like an invitation for rejection. 

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