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as a sub bottom, i get the appeal of hypnotism, and the idea of being hypnotized by a Dom i trust is a total turn on for me. But causing harm is never "a good idea." Chasers might argue that that is what they want, and if they purposely go out seeking infection, that is their choice, but it's not  choice someone should make for another.  in a D/s relationship, both agree to the dynamic, i.e., the sub is using his volition to submit, it isn't unkowningly taken from him.  

If i suggested i want to sneak into your house and steal everything you own, does that sound like a good idea?  you are talking about sneaking in and stealing someones health.

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Hypnosis is a widely misunderstood discipline. People are often impressed by stage hypnosis demonstrations in which participants are induced to cluck like chickens or do other outlandish and uncharacteristic things that might make you think that a skilled hypnotist could "program" another person's mind to make him or her do anything at all. While hypnosis can be a powerful influence over the suggestible conscious and subconscious mind, there are limits.

One cannot, for instance, "hypnotize a person to death" by hypnotizing him to point a gun at his head and pull the trigger. The instinct for self-preservation proves too strong. It is, however, possible for a skilled hypnotist to cause a susceptible subject (not everyone is a good subject) to experience sensations that do not exist.

As it happens, I am a particularly good hypnotic subject, and have been taken under by a handful of different "tists", as they say. Some of these men were ethical... some were not. I will address the unethical ones because a) the experiences are significant to the topic, and b ) the ethical ones are boring.

Both unethical 'tists had an erotic motive that was known to me at the time we began, but what I had not been told was that both intended to quickly undermine my sense of self, self-control, self-determination, and self-worth by establishing an ego persona of their own as dominant within my psyche. The first of the two was more clumsy and less sophisticated; he simply had my ego (to use Freudian terms) lock my Superego away in a cell. Later, he would talk of murdering the prisoner as unnecessary. With my own mental controller absent, he was free to replace it with his own custom-made one, issue instructions, and do a lot of perusasive talking.

Now note this: A lot of persuasive talking. Hypnotism is about suggestibility. Keep this in mind as we go.

The second unethical 'tist also immediately began by drawing me down layer upon layer of progressively deeper falls into trance, stripping away layers of self until we arrived at the point at which he asked if we were at the layer where I had my defenses erected. When I said yes, he told me he swept them away, and he was now in control of that layer, and took me one layer deeper, and then began issuing instructions... and a lot of persuasive talking. Like the one before, the persuasive talking had a lot to do with building him up, making everything he said seem more and more reasonable, making all my thoughts seem more and more questionable. Then he began little demonstrations of how he could make me feel things by drawing upon my own memory of feelings, like wind, rain, sun, touch... a hand on my cock... my cock being stroked... the feeling of an orgasm... now what would that feel like ten times as hard? I could make you feel that a hundred times as hard... etc.

Have you ever seen the Jim Henson movie Labyrinth, in which a young girl named Sara must find her way to the Goblin King's castle to take back the child that he has stolen? The pivotal point of the film [ s p o i l e r s ] occurs when Sara realizes that for all that he has put her through, for all the illusions, he has no actual power over her.

That is the secret of the hypnotist. The power he leverages over your mind is its own. That second hypnotist had me spreadeagled, in shock, on my bed undergoing massive forced orgasm torture of my own making bound by manacles that existed only in my mind. I don't know how long I was in that condition, because at the peak of it, when he thought he had me fully captured and under his control - I overthrew him.

Remember that level where I said I had my defenses up? Not entirely true. I'm not an idiot. I know that some 'tists are unethical motherfuckers, so I've spent a long time setting up a kind of firewall in my head. The place I allow 'tists to play is set aside for that purpose, and they don't go outside of it. This guy almost did, but when he hit the wall, I just collapsed the whole partition in on him and closed it down. God, he was furious (this was done over the phone) and he finally hung up and left me like that.

Yeah, yeah, cool story bro, I know. the point is, a good hypnotists can get into your head and fuck around, and depending on what you're willing to allow yourself to be persuaded to do, you could end up doing self-destructive things for bad men. It depends on what your brain is willing to let you do. They have no actual power over you.

Therefore, Slipperyott, even with the best hypnotist, you will have no actual power over your friend, especially if he is not under direct trance, to do something that he really, really doesn't want to do. Besides, setting someone up to risk getting a disease is a dick move, especially if it's your fantasy and not his (wtf?). And, forget the whole "when I snap my fingers you will remember nothing of what just happened" bullshit. He'll know what you tried to do, or he'll remember it eventually. Then he'll come for you with an icepick.

Or he'll hire a hypnotist to make you believe you're a chicken.

Either way, best not try.

Edited by ErosWired
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  • 3 months later...
Guest FinalDL2021

This topic always intrigues me, one its a control thing, and the other, would it help me get over some mental barriers that I have, regarding my sexuality? I know that hypnosis will not make you do something against your will.  Like quitting smoking or losing weight, could it also help you get past some mental emotional barriers?

I love the experience of having gay sex with other men, yet I feel I have to get into a role or a mood in order to do so. Often times I relay on Alcohol or weed/poppers to overcome these barriers, yet that is not always reliable; I would like to be more uninhibited naturally, during gay sex.



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@BiTakenItBare - I don’t know that I would rely on hypnosis to overcome cognitive issues. Your time would be better spent working out your issues with a psychotherapist, who could help you get past the thoughts that are holding you back and causing you distress, once and for all. Then there won’t be a need to rely on anything to get you in the mood. You can just do, and be, what is natural to you without fear, indecision, stress or guilt.

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