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The BB bottom code of honor


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The Bareback Bottom Code of Honor

I shall subordinate my own wishes in order to seek the complete satisfaction of my top. My joy is in being privileged to receive his cock, and my fulfillment comes from taking his load.

- Unless my top expressly desires otherwise I shall ensure my hole is properly cleaned and prepared.

- My limits will be fully explained in advance. I shall trust my top to respect my limits.

- If status is important I shall make sure to discuss in advance. Once I have agreed to fuck I will continue to completion.

- I shall trust my top to be truthful about his status and to respect my own wishes. I accept all risks are my own responsibility.

- I shall do my utmost to give maximum pleasure to my top on every occasion, and will constantly seek to improve and refine my skills.

- I shall never ask my top to pull out as long as he respects my stated limits. Once he is in my ass my goal will be to give him the ultimate pleasure of cumming in my ass.

- I completely respect my top's right to drop his load wherever or in whomever he wishes. I acknowledge that if I do not get the load it is my failure, not my top's.

- I will never demand my top use a condom. I have a right to refuse the fuck if my top requires a condom.

There's been quite a lot of discussion of bad bottom behavior like demanding tops pull out. I thought I'd write a code of honor. If we could encourage bottoms to respect a code like this perhaps we would see them act better.

Please build on this.

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You mentioned that "If status is important I shall make sure to discuss in advance. Once I have agreed to fuck I will continue to completion." I would suggest modifying that to say something like "If I have any STDs I will inform my partner and if it matters to me, ask if he has any. Once I have agreed to fuck I will continue to completion." I think it is the responsibility of a good bottom (and top IMHO) to inform their partner if they have anything the other person might catch through barebacking. Especially as a sub bottom, it shows respect for the top to inform them of any risk the top might be taking by putting their raw dick in my ass if I tell them I'm poz or whatever. Always, always, give them the choice to make informed consent!

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I encourage EVERY ONE to get tested regularly -- how often, depends on your risk factors and behaviors. If you bareback with ONLY one person AND you are 100% certain (which we never are) that your One partner has not had ANY sexual contact with anyone else. Then once a year or every 2 years. If you Bareback with a few people every once in a while -- should get tested every year or so. Personally --- I know I am a Major CUM PIG -- just love to take multiple anonymous loads up my ass and down my throat. So my Doc checks for ALL STD's every three months with my regular bloodwork and check-up. He knows that I have done porn and that I have unprotected sex (not how often or how many partners). He of course does not approve and tells me to have "Safe Sex" but we both know how important it is to get Tested and TREATED if needed.

We have to take the FEAR and SHAME out of catching HIV & STD's -- I'm not saying to glamorize it... but 50 years ago you were a FREAK if you were gay .... 20 years ago you were ISOLATED if you got AIDS and watched your friends die. For some people coming out as HIV Positive is as bad as coming out as being Gay. And for some the one Forces out the other. People ned to be comfortable and discuss status "bugs" prior to play.

Open communication is SO important.

But then if we had that, we wouldn't have all the FAILED relationships that we do.

Good luck -- Get Tested -- Be informed.

My San Diego "business card" had my name, phone number and small picture of myself on the front. And a Coastline view on the back that gave the address/phone number of the County Health Department and a phrase, "Be a part of the solution. Take Responsibility.

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