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About kinkyfucker

  • Birthday 03/31/1986

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    gay poz transguy, post op chest, on testosterone a few years, very masc, no bottom surgery yet
  • Looking For
    friends, sex buds, a relationship if the right guy comes along

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  1. I love ass to mouth. As someone who takes care to be sure I'm squeaky clean before a fuck, I have no problem sucking a cock after its been in my hole. In fact, after a guy has fucked me and cum, I feel bad if the guy tries to clean up using a towel or something. I always offer to clean up the mess myself with my mouth. On the occasions I play with a rubber, after the guy takes it off I like to suck the cum off his cock too!
  2. For me, its kinda a mixed bag. Sometimes I like the almost completely anonymous one time only meet and fuck and never see you again type deal, but I find that can leave me feeling empty inside. So what works for me is to find fuck buds that I can develop an emotional connection with, even if it is just on a casual friendship/chatting online and fucking level, which makes me feel less empty. Of course, when I do have a boyfriend, which I've only had one in my life, I have sex with them too. But most of the guys I've had sex with in my life have been NSA types.
  3. For cleaning out for a regular fuck I would just use a bulb syringe, however I've recently wanted to get into the realm of fisting, so I purchased a Streem Master when Adam Male was having a fifty percent off sale. Its like a shower shot only a lot better. I recommend everyone check out their site and see if it would be of interest. And no, I don't work for them or get a commission or anything, I just think its way better than a shower shot, and its totally portable.
  4. Totally not cool. Stealthing is never cool. He should have never lied about not having any diseases, or if he wasn't sure, he should have told you so you could have made an informed decision. Honestly though, considering what happened with him, I think you should seriously consider the possibility that he might of had something more serious than gonorrhea or chlamydia. He might have HIV and have given it to you. Make sure to get tested within the appropriate testing windows. And sorry to hear this happened to you!
  5. Good lord man, are you some kind of paranoid person? Seriously, why on earth would it be an illusion. I've seen this video maybe 10 or more times, and there is nothing in it to indicate it is not authentic. The only part of it that is not real is the scream at the end, which was edited in. And why would the glass of the jar be any thinner than a regular jar? Do you seriously think they specially make thin jars just for guys to break with their asses? This is not a magic trick, this is a guy filming himself jerking off and then getting into a really bad situation. Stop with the conspiracy theories already!
  6. Okay, a couple questions for you as you seem to know this man very well. 1) How do you know he's a pain pig and that this wasn't just an accident? 2) How on earth would someone stage a glass jar breaking in their ass? As for the physics involved, he was leaning to much on the edge of the jar, and it shattered. Hit any jar on the edge and that'll happen. Try putting your whole body weight on it, and you'll get the same results I imagine. Not rocket science.
  7. Don't feel bad, sexuality can be confusing and take awhile, even a long time to figure out. In my own case, as a transguy, prior to transitioning, I was attracted to women. However, once I transitioned and started feeling more comfortable with my identity as a man and okay with my body as a man's body, I realized I was a gay man. Talk about confusing! I guess my point is, worrying about not doing it right as the reason you didn't figure it out isn't the end of the world, we all have our own reasons for our journey leading us where it has. kinkyfucker
  8. Must have been on some bad drugs then, because who seriously confuses a hard glass jar for a hard cock (or two)?
  9. Hmm... Darwin Award nomination in order perhaps? Seriously, who the fuck sticks a glass jar up their ass? That's just crazy and asking for something to go wrong!
  10. Excellent point rawTOP! Not to mention, if there isn't funding for meds for people already infected with the virus, why do people think there will be funding for PrEP?
  11. I'm not telling anyone what to do or not do. I'm just wanting to be sure everyone has the correct scientific information on which to base their choices. It'd be like handing someone a gun and telling them it wasn't loaded. Not a very responsible choice. I'd rather make sure people knew the risks so they could make informed decisions about their sexual behaviors. If people want to risk HIV transmission anyway, then that is their prerogative.
  12. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. You feel that encouraging people to do something that is proven to be unsafe is a good idea, whereas I am standing by the science which shows it is not. Fine. I respect your right to disagree.
  13. I cited that source because that was the one we've used on the HIV support website I belong to. I realize it was authored by only a single man, and that he wasn't one of the original authors of the Swiss Statement. He was however, not referring to his own research, but referencing a study conducted by others, many of whom were authors of the original statement. I believe this is the study he is referring to: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21034200 Another study which you might find interesting related to being undetectable and having unprotected sex is this one: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18657710 This article refers to semen being infectious despite an undetectable viral load in the blood: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20929678 This study refers to women with UD blood levels and the persistence of HIV in their genital tracts: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20736815 Another study stating UD in blood does not equate to no virus in semen: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20485526 I could go on and on, but I don't feel like it. These are only some selected studies from the past few months of 2010. I have no other agenda other than to disseminate accurate scientific knowledge to everyone. I'm certainly not making up motives. Perhaps I misunderstood what I read in the follow-up to the Swiss Statement, but I think having read all of these other bits of research, it is pretty clear that most science does NOT support the outcome the Swiss Statement came to. Best wishes everyone! kinkyfucker
  14. I hope I didn't imply that it was a full retraction, but rather a revision of their statement. Maybe it was a poor choice of words on my part. Well, here is the link to the latest study out of Switzerland. Hope it helps clarify things! http://aids-clinical-care.jwatch.org/cgi/content/full/2010/1115/1
  15. rawTOP- You're wrong that barebacking with a poz top on meds is safer than having sex with a condom who isn't on meds. I believe what you are trying to do is take the Swiss Statement and distort it for your own purposes. Originally, the only thing the Swiss Statement was intended to do was to address whether a neg woman could safely be impregnated "naturally" by a poz top who had an undetectable viral load. Yet from there people have gone and extrapolated so far as to say it is safer to have sex with someone who is UD raw than someone who is NOT UD with a condom. This is simply not true. In fact, pretty much all other studies have shown otherwise. In fact, recently the authors of the Swiss Statement came out and recanted much of their original work after finding it did not apply much further than the laboratory and was leading people to do unsafe things. So, rawTOP, be careful what you post, people are relying on you for accurate information as the moderator of the board!
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