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Horny while boyfriend is deployed

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My Boyfriends had been deployed for almost 90 days and I have used my dildo's and vibrator but it was not cutting it anymore.  I was invited to a party off base by a coworker and a reluctantly accepted the invitation. The guys I worked with were mostly  nice and a few of they are hot but many have hit on me and they often make me uncomfortable.  Often the guys who hit on you are not guys you would sleep with but sometime I am uncomfortable because I would have slept with them before I was with my boyfriend.  I loved him and we were soon to be engaged. But if  guy is hot,  he is hot

Derick one of the hot guys from work invited me to come to the party, he was a tall blonde 6'3 blonde hair with blue eyes and he was lean and muscled, he had a girlfriend of his own and we have shared stories and said that had we met each other before we ended up in our relationships we would have dated. I felt safe knowing Derick was going to be there.  The party was at 8 PM and Derick text me at 7:30 and wanted to see if I needed a ride.  I told him no and that I would meet him there.

I arrived around 8:20 PM and I looked around for his truck and I could not see it out front. I text and he did not answer so I went in to see if I could find him.  The music was loud and I figured he could not hear the ring of me calling. The party was packed and there were a lot of people I did not know.  David, a tall red head at work came up to me right away.  He grabbed me and told me how great it was to see me and I though oh no, David is one of the guys who puts me off at work.  He is decent looking and he had a nice body but he is always trying to get into bed with the women at work. I quickly pushed through the crowd to find Derick and I saw many guys and a few women from work and finally at the very of the place was the kitchen and there Derick stood with this tall dark haired man he had to be 6'4 and 220 of all muscle.  I immediately had a tingle come across  my body as I continued to walk toward Derick and the beautiful man kept eye contact with me the entire way. 

I was within a foot of Derick and he turned to me and gave me a big hug and almost immediately told me he buddy Ryan was in town and he invited him to the party. I said hello to Ryan who was still locking eyes with me and he put his hand out to shake my hand.  It was awkward since he kept holding my hand but after a minute he let go and Derick and Ryan finished up an old story from High School.  There as a pause and Derick turn to me and said let me get you a drink and he left which left Ryan and myself together. I tried to make small talk with him but he stopped me told me how beautiful I was and I stammered and told him he was a very attractive guy.  I asked him how long he was in town trying to change the subject and where he was from. 

He leaned in and told me he was in town for a few nights and he hoped I was free and then pulled back just as Derick brought me a beer, Then he said he was visiting from Los Angeles. I made a comment on the last movie I saw and he laughed and said he tried out for a part in that movie. It started to make sense this is Derick's buddy the aspiring movie star.  Ryan excused himself and left Derick and I alone and I asked him were his girlfriend was and he told me they were taking a break. That is why he invited Ryan up for the week.  I told him I was sorry and said you never said anything.  He brushed it off and said it was mutual and he was not upset. 

Just before we finished Ryan was back with a beer and Dave was tagging along. I rolled my eyes and Dave went to reach for my ass and Ryan stopped him and Dave brushed it off and wondered off in the crowd.  I had finished my beer and I began to drink this one and before I had finished Derick had another for me.  The guys seemed to be nursing their beer but I now was on my third.  I was feeling a little light headed and felt like I needed to get some air or lay down.  Derick said he had to piss but asked Ryan if he could help me upstairs to the bedroom on the left.  He guided me up to the bedroom and helped me into bed and took my shoes off and told me to lay down and he would check on me later.  I must have passed out because the next thing that I remember my panties were being tugged to the side and I was being eaten out. I started to moan and it felt so good.  The room was dark and I had no idea who was making me feel like this but I was so horny and wet I did not care at the moment. 

Suddenly it stopped and my panties were slipped off.  I went to move thinking I should not be doing this and I could not.  Whoever was eating me lifted my legs and went back to eating me out and it was not long and I came. It had been too long and  withing second he was rubbing his big dick on my pussy splitting my lips slightly, it had to have been nine inches and thick I could see nothing but felt as he pressed and my lips started to stretch around his thick head and I started to moan.  He slowly push deeper in my wet hungry pussy.  I have not had a dick that big since college and he was hammering me for what felt like forever and I came again.  After I came the second time he really started to hammer me and he was moaning and a couple whimpers and then I felt him expand and then heard a grunt and a loan moan and he held his dick there unloading inside me.  It was the first moment I thought omg was he wearing a condom?  Who just came in me? 

He said nothing, he lifted his body up pulling his still hard dick out of me and I hard him dress and walk out of the room.  I could see light when he opened the door and then a shadow come in and undress and climb on the bed. He rubbed my lips and felt how wet I was and slide two fingers in me and then pulled them out after I moaned lightly and  his dick head was right at my lips and he felt really hard but his head was not as thick. Still thicker than my boyfriend and he slowly slide in and he felt great, the first guys stretched me and it hurt a little but this cock felt really perfect inside.  Hit seem to thicken toward the base and he felt amazing going in and then a big stretch at the end and depending on how deep he want it felt different all the time.  I could not believe it was happening, it was more like a dream but I knew it was no dream.  He slowly fucked me making me shiver and tremble and then I finally came and he fucked me for four to five more minutes and then he grunted and shot what felt like a huge load and his dick pulsed and flexed inside me for three minutes before he pulled out and the same thing he left and another shadow came in.  I started to think more clearly and all three shadows were tall.  Could this be Ryan, Derick and who?  I felt a hand on my head and he pulled my head to his dick and rubbed it on my lips and then pried my lips open with his fingers and had me suck his dick.  He was uncut and thick, I had not sucked an uncut dick in forever. His dick grew and it became hard to suck him.  He had his fingers in my pussy the entire time finger fucking my cummy hole and when he was rock hard the pulled out and the pulled my legs apart and crawled on tops of me and insured inside me. He did not take his time and I lost my breath when he slide all the way in me. It hurt a lot but as he  held it there I relaxed and then once he felt me open up he started fucking me. 

He had no interest in making love to me, he just wanted my pussy and he dripped me and it was only a few minutes that I cam for the first time and then three times before he shoved deep in me and blew what seemed to be a huge load.  He held there letting his dick drain and then slowly for the first time pulled out.  He got up felt my tits, pussy and legs and then got dressed and left. 

I tried to get up before anyone came back or someone new came in but I could not, I dozed off again and could only have been thirty minutes and it all started over again and it felt like the same three guys but after they were done four more fucked me. I woke up and the sun was up, I was naked in bed and I had cum all over my pussy and the bed.  I got dressed and quickly found my way out of the house.  I turned on my phone and I had a ton of text from Ryan and my boy fiend.  I answered my boy friend first telling him I was sick and had the flu and would text him later and Derick and Ryan had text asking me if I was okay and where I was.  I still do not know if they were the tall guys or  Dave and some of his buddies used me.  I know I came a lot that night and if Ryan and Derick had be inside me I really wanted to do it again. I was really afraid Dave had been the third guy but if he was was he the really thick dick at the end, the one that make me cum the most?

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Part two:

It is now 10 AM, I answered the text and sat in the kitchen and tried to make sense out of what had happened the night before. There sipping on a cup of coffee I reflected on the sense of sexual gratification of having cum so much, the disappointment in myself that I had lied to my boyfriend, the dismay that I had no Idea who had fucked me last night and really how many but I think there were seven of them and I took ten loads and  I was sick to my stomach all at the same time.  I sat in my clothes from the party and my panties were soaked with cum.  I bet cum was still leaking from me. I finished my coffee and tried to take my mind off of it and went to the bedroom to take a shower.

I slowly pealed off my clothes as I looked in the mirror and when I took off my bra I noticed that one of my nipples was all swollen and much bigger than my other nipple.  I went to touch it and it was sore and I noticed little bite marks all over it.  I had not even noticed that one of my anonymous fuckers or more than one had sucked and bit my nipple so much it seemed to be dislocated somehow.  It looked like a belly button that was pointed out instead of in.  I always thought guys who were lean and had one of those were hot but I was not a fan of it on my nipple and I tried to push it back in and it did not seem to pop back in.  I hoped it would work it's way back in eventually.  I had no idea how I would explain this to Cory  if it never did.

I slide down my skirt next and my panties had were so wet I could not believe how soaked they were.  I slowly pealed my panties off and they moved slowly since they were saturated and they finally fell to my ankles making my inner thighs, knees, calves and feel wet with cum. I stood  in front of  the mirror after kicking them off and looked my my labia, they were extended and cum was right at the opening and I could not believe I still had cum in me.  I rubbed  the cum with my finger thinking it was the last of it and more replaced it.  I slowly walked to the shower hoping it would not drop everywhere and got in the shower and pulled my labia apart and cum just dropped out onto the shower floor.  I quickly started the shower and watched as the water washed any evidence of the cum on the shower floor but there was more inside me I could tell.  

This made me horny and mad at myself; I was so conflicted. I loved what had happened but never wanted it to happen again.  This was a one time event and I would be more careful in the future and not allow anything like this to happen.  I finished my shower and got out, drying off with the towel made my extended nipple really sore but once it was dry I slowly put on a bra that would not irritate it. The third one I put on worked and started to get dressed.  I slipped on some comfortable work out panties that were made to absorb sweat and hoped they would absorb some of the cum and I might stop leaking and took a little nap.  It was 11:30 in the afternoon but for some reason I was really tired. 

I heard my phone go off and I popped up and it was Cory, he was ringing me again.  It was now 3 PM I grabbed the phone and slipped on my robe and answered as I usually do.  "Hi Babe, I really miss you."  We jump into conversation and he tells me how horny he is and needs me and I do that same. I hoped that it sounded real since I was completely satisfied and actually had cum inside me.  He wanted to have phone sex,  we often would get off together over the phone but this usually started with me sliding my panties down and showing him my pussy. I really could not do that  so I told  I was still was not feeling great since I had told him I had the flu earlier so I went with that and said I could not stay on the line long as I need to run to the restroom and get back to bed. He believed me and we both said I love you and hung up. 

Now I had lied twice in less than 24 hours but what was I going to tell him, I can not talk to you because I cum deep inside me and I have no idea who it is from.  No way, besides it was a one time thing and he did not need to know about it.  I went back to my phone and read the text from Ryan, hey beautiful hope you slept well.  I have no idea where you ended up as I went to the room you feel asleep in and you were gone.  I text and called and so did Derick.  Lets catch up for lunch and then I reread my response - I can not do lunch but how about dinner.  Seems like he and Derick were not part of this anonymous gang fuck that took place.  I text Ryan and he hit me right back.

There you are, hope you are well Ryan text. He said he could not talk long since he was with his parents but I should meet him and Derick out for dinner at around 8 PM if I were up for it since we really had not had a chance to talk. I agreed and said it would be great to see both of them.  I ended with - Text me later where I should meet you both.  Seriously I thought to myself, here I am having been fucked all night and carrying around anonymous cum meeting up with two guys I fought the urge to fuck for dinner.  I swore I would not drink and be on my best behavior.  I love Cory and as hot as Derick and Ryan were I was committed to my BF.

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I started to watch the clock around 6 PM waiting for Ryan to text and by 7 PM I grabbed my phone to text him and I wrote three different text and kept erasing them.  Here I was texting this tall hot guy I had just met about meeting up and I could not find a way to say I wanted to meet up without sounding like I wanted him to fuck me.  Before I could try for  a fourth time Derick text.  Saved, I deleted this text also and flipped to Derick's text. 

Derick wrote, " Hey, Ryan said you want to do dinner tonight, we are heading to a buddies place to for a cook out you should meet us there."  Then he sent the address.  I was disappointed.  Here I thought we were going out and would be in public but we were going to be another house party of sorts.  I text him back I would see them there even though I did not want to the same thing to happen.  I told myself I would be stronger and I would not drink.  

I made it there and I saw Derick's jeep right now front..  I walked in and Derick was telling a joke and I looked around to see if Ryan was in the room and he was not.  Derick nodded to me as an acknowledgement that he knew I was there.  I was standing alone and a guy introduced himself. I am Justin he said, Justin looked to be 28 or so and he was 5'11 and 200 pounds with big arms and this beautiful eyes.  Baby blue, I could not help but stare into them.  I am a friend of Derick I said and he thought for a minute and said I think I saw you last night at the party.  I lost my coloring or so it seemed as I said yes I was there. He grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen and told me had wanted to introduce me to some friends and as we entered I saw a group of guys all around his age and one female who looked to be ten or so years older than I was.  He introduced me to his buddies and in walked David. That guy is everywhere. This time he did not grab my ass but come by and grabbed a beer and said it was great to see me two nights in a row and he asked me if I had a good time last night. 

What did he mean by that, I got the feeling David was on of the guys who fucked me and I blushed. He continued to talk to some of the guys but never broker his line of site with me. I kept talking to Justin and his buddies and I was getting wet even tough I was blushing and I could not tell if it was David or Justin who was making me wet and horny.  I hoped it was Justin.  Just then Derick walked in and he grabbed me and told me how good it was to see me and that he missed hanging out last night and he handed me a beer.  I told myself i was not going to drink but I felt safe all of a sudden and my nerves were a bit raw with David undressing me with his eyes.  I drink it pretty fast and Justin replaced it almost immediately and put his hand on the small of my back.  I was a little put off but at the same token I did not move and I started to feel tingly again.  I recognized this tingly feeling from the night before when I was dreaming about Ryan.  Had Justin triggered the same hormones in me that Ryan had.  Justin took his hand off my back and wondered off for a few mutes and I felt naked.  I was fully clothed but I was convinced that Dave had seen me naked and he was looking at me across the room remembering what I looked like naked.  Was he the one who broke my nipple, dislocated it?  I was feeling very vulnerable and Justin walked up behind me and slipped another beer in front of me. His arms were wrapped around me and I felt safe and he had his check against my back for a minute and then he returned to standing next to me.  He replaced his hand on my back and I drank my beer.  Derick wondered back over and he whispered in my ear, seems like you are having a great time.  Glad you came out tonight.  I giggled and he wandered off and I started to lean into Justin a little.  

It was weird, I felt safe but I needed to lean on him in order to keep my balance.  He grabbed me from around and held me and we walked out of the kitchen.  He grabbed a beer and said lets go talk.  It seems like you need to talk to someone. I did not say anything and he helped me up the stairs and into a back room and we both sat on the bed.  He looked at me and told me I was really beautiful and he wanted to know what I was thinking.  I did not want to tell him what I was really thinking, my body kept screaming fuck me, please fuck me.  Cum in me, I want you to cum in me.  Instead I told him he was a really hot guy and he had the most beautiful eyes.  He leaned in and kissed me, I kissed him back and I could not believe what I was doing.  It was almost involuntary. I was making out with this hot guy and his hand slowly went from my hip to my lower back and then I heard my bra snap.  He had just unhooked my bra.  I grabbed it and pulled it out from my blouse and tossed it. Then he grabbed my right tit and breast and squeezed it and it felt great.  It is a good thing the left tit was the wrecked one and hit was getting erect from the blouse rubbing on it but my right breast make me break off the kiss and moan a little.  He kissed my neck and worked his way back to kissing me and then he let go of my breast.  

He was a great kisser but I am not sure that is why I seemed to be going in and out of it.  He was holding me in place and I felt like if he let go of me I would fall back on the bed. It was just a couple minutes late rand that is just what he did. For the second night in a row I had ended up in bed almost helpless. What the fuck was I doing I thought. I felt one leg being lifted and my heals were take off and then the other. My skirt was pulled off and the panties were pulled off and then I felt myself being pulled all the way on the bed and my blouse taken off.  I was naked again and I heard Justin say, you are right she is hot as fuck. I tried to lift my head to see who he was talking to but I could hardly move.  Then I faintly heard a whisper. " she is all your for 20 minutes and then you have to pass her on. 

OMG, it was all about to happen all over again. Was I really going to be full of cum again tonight?

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I lay there feeling warm and wondering why it was about to happen again and I felt fingers on my pussy, my clit and then a warm tongue.  He licked and tongue fucked me while rubbing my clit, I was moaning and thinking he is eating me out and he has to taste cum from last night and before I knew it I was cumming and I moaned and my pussy was flooded. He pulled off and I kept whimpering as he kissed his way up my stomach to my right Nip and sucked it and lightly bit it.  I thought is he the one and while I was distracted his cock head pushed up in between my wet lips and slide in me and bottoms out I an make a deep moan and I felt really full.  It did not seem like any of the three dicks I remember from last night but it was supper thick but not deep. He started to slowly pull out and then shove it back in and I felt his pubs against me and then slowly again and slammed it into be and this continued and then he started to go faster and I would loose my breath with each slam and then he would pull out.  He stopped and held in me and pulled off my tit and kissed my neck and the worked up and kissed me on the lips again.  He started to slip his tongue in me and we make out and he started deep fucking me and then while we were french kissing he gave a huge moan and bit my lip a little and shot his load into me.  I almost came again but he pulled out and whispered that his time was up. There was a lamp on in the corner and I could see him get dressed in front of it.  His body was really defined with huge pecks and a six pack. That thick dick of his was still rock hard and he put his clothes on and turned the lamp off and came back to the bed and whispered that he needed to go for now but he would be back a little later to put another load inside me. 

He could not see me but I know I had a look on my face like, really.  Did he just say he would come back to put another load in me,, does he think that is what I want? Then the door opened and he traded spots with a shadow. Much taller than him and I thought, fuck is this David?  I felt a hand rub up my leg and come to my used wet pussy and one finger slide in me and then two, now three fingers inside me.  I started to moan and then he started finger fucking my cummy hole. He pulled his fingers out and brought them to my face and parted my lips with one hand and stuck them into my mouth and whispered clean them off.  I have never done anything like that but I did what he said and Justin's cum tasted so good, sweet and thick.  He pulled them out of my mouth and then slide them between my legs and into my wet pussy but this time with four fingers. It was really tight and he whispered open up slut.  I thought, I am no slut.  I have a boyfriend and I never asked for any of this.  He finger fucked me more and before I new it with his for fingers in me I came hard for the second time.  He again pulled them out and parted my lips with one hand and I thought fuck, he is not going to put them back in is he.  He did just that, then whispered again but a bit louder and gruffer.  Suck my fucking fingers slut and clean them off, I did what I was told and now he was being a little scary. 

Once I had sucked them clean he told me I was a good whore and then slapped my face with this long dick. It was no where as thick as Justin's but had to be 10-11" He again parted my lips and slide his cock in me.  He was leaking precum and his cum did not taste like Justin's it was kinda strong and a bit sour.  He then straddled me and began to fuck my mouth.  I choked and gagged and after about five minutes he pulled out and did not say a word and then got between my legs and slide in, one long fast stroke and my insides felt like they were going to double over. He fucked me for about ten minutes and said that next time I better deep throat him and with that he spit on me and shoved his cock deep and I felt him pulsing and then he was done. He pulled out and said I was a better fuck the second time.  Wow, so he had fucked me before. He had to be one of the four guys that I barely remember. It seemed to take him longer to get dressed.  Maybe he wanted his big monster cock to go down.  I was really glad it was over and thought hopefully I was done for the night. 

Then I realized why it was taking a long time, he was placing restraints on my ankles and wrist and  heard a rope as my legs go pulled out and he rotated me around with another guy. Had someone been in there the entire time or did they slip in without me knowing?  Suddenly my head was laying off the side of the bed and my legs were pulled forward toward my head so my pussy was fully exposed and my legs spread wide.  The mean guys said that should work and he walked out and I could see the shadow of two guys walk in and thought where did the other guy go?  Was this really how I was going to spend the rest of the night? I must have said that loud enough to be heard, I felt breath on my face and then lips against mine and a deep kiss and then a dick slipped into my wet pussy and began fucking me.  He was not huge but he had a nice dick somewhat like my boyfriend.  Shit I have a boyfriend and I am letting all these guys fuck and breed me.  The guy kissing me tongued me and grabbed my nipple the left one and twisted it.  It sent shock waves of pain through me and I must have tightened up my wet pussy and then I hard the guy fucking me grown and plant his cum in me.  He kept his dick in me till he softened and then he slowly pulled out.  I felt him rub his finger along my slit and shove into me.  The guy kissing me broke his kiss and I took a deep breath as another dick slide into me. This one was rock yard and supper thick.  He long dicked me and from what it seemed had to have nine inches.  I started to cum and as I did the guy who had been kissing me slapped my tits and  as I moaned and gasped she shoved his dick down my throat. I lost my breath and I could not think.  He held it there for the longest time and then slowly pulled out and shove it back in and I caught a little air and he did that three to four more times and I passed out on his big dick. 

It must have been hours and I came to. I was not tied up or restrained but I was naked under a sheet and covers and  but it looked like the same room.  In walks Justin and he said rise and shine beautiful.  You had  a big night last night. I pulled the covers up and make sure I was covered.  He laughed, I have seen all of you babe and there is no need to be shy. He had a tray with breakfast on it and said he had plans for us today.  I thought what the hell is going on, did I hook up with Justine and the rest of this was a really wild dream?  Did Justin even know I had a boyfriend.  I looked at Justin and his beautiful eyes and melted and he said eat up and take a shower and we can get started on our day.  It was Sunday morning and I should be in Church or anywhere but in Justin's bed  OMG I have no idea who I am anymore. 

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Sunday Part Five, 

I turn the shower on standing on a shaggy bath rug and wait for it to warm up standing looking at myself in a full length mirror.  I felt sexually satisfied but personally defeated. I had always thought I was more substantial and that I would not let my sexual desires or hormones rule me. I reflected back to what that one guy said, either in my dream or in the dead of night. What a beautiful slut or was it good little slut?  He also said I was a real whore.  I think that may be true, here I am naked in a guys bathroom about to get in the shower and I have cum inside me.  Either lots of his or his and others, what he said must be true. 

I shake my head and stop in the shower and try to clean off the sex smell and how dirty I felt.  I never realized it was possible to feel completely fulfilled and dirty like a whore at the same time. How could feeling so wrong be so right all at the same time. I was fully under the water cleaning myself of a man or men and I heard the door open. I did not lock it. I see a shadow, the steam has fogged up the mirrors and I can not see thru the glass but I see him go over and take a wiz at the toilet.  He drops his shorts or boxers and and pulls of his shirt and walks towards the shower.  It must be Justin. The door opens and it is Justin. He gets into the shower and starts to help me clean myself.  He washes my hair and fondles me.

Before knew what was nest he had me lifted on a ledge tiled into the shower and he held me up with one hand and started to finger fuck me with the other.  One and then two fingers and three and I was moaning.  Before I came he pulled out and slide his thick dick in me and fucked me. and this went on for ten minutes and he leaned in and kissed me and shot inside me. He pulled out and helped me down and he turned to the water and cleaned up and his back was to me and his cum was beginning to drip out of me. Then he turned and kissed me again and stepped out of the shower.  He had said nothing, but stepped in and taken what he wanted and then stepped out.  Once out he said babe, we have an appointment at 11 AM, I have a surprise for you.  I wondered what his surprise was, I have had so many surprises over the last 48 hours.  Why was he acting like we were together, It was all odd but I seemed powerless to his confidence, and will to get me to do what he wanted. It all started last night with his beautiful blue eyes and then the kiss.  

I shut the water off and grabbed a towel.  Got dressed in the clothes from last night as I picked them up off the floor in the bedroom.  Grabbed my purse and did my make up and put my hair back.  He was dressed and waiting, he leaned in and give me a kiss and grabbed my ass and said lets go.  On the right over he was quiet but held my leg with his right hand and grab my leg every now and again and I would jump a little in my seat. The music was play, country music it had been a long time since I had listened to it and we must have driven about 20 minutes to a small down I had only passed through.  It had one stop light and a small downtown and none of them were open. I finally spoke up and said where are we at? Justin said we are here, and that is all he said.  He got out and walked to my door and opened it and put his hand out.  We walked to a door and the sign said closed but it was unlocked and he closed it behind him and locked the door.  We sat in a sorta dingy lobby and our came a woman and a man.  They welcomed us and Justin pipped up and said he bought us a couples massage.  I smiled and thought that would be nice.  The woman came over to Justin and said come with me but before he did he leaned down and whispered in my ear to have fun!  I paused, he had been so sweet up till the whisper and I thought what had I gotten myself into yet again.

The man came over and told me his room was right this way.  inside was a table and he said I should get undressed and lay on the table. He would be back in a few minutes.  I had had several massages in the past and this all seems to be normal. Five minutes later he came in and started to rub me down and I was in heaven.  I was sore after all the sex I had over the past few days and it felt amazing. He worked my body for 20 minutes and then he stopped.  I heard him pour into a glass, mix it and then suddenly he presented a straw to me and told me to drink. The worst thing anyone can do is to not stay hydrated during a massage, I had heard that before but no one had ever given me  drink while I on the table with my head in the cradle. He had been so professional up till now I followed his lead and sucked up the juice.  Cherry or something with a slight after taste.  He filled it up and did it again and I drink that too. 

Afterward he said he would hold the towel I should turn over. I did and he placed the towel back and began to massage my calves, thighs and then under the towel and up to just about my vagina and then stopped.  He then went back to my calf and then my thigh and back to my vagina but closer this time.  The third time he landed right on my vagina and the pulled away quickly, The fourth time he landed and his hands stopped and he rubbed my lips and then my clit and a moan escaped my lips.  I still had my eyes closed and I felt the towel fall off me and but his hands were still in the same place.  I did not open my eyes even then and suddenly there were two other hands. grabbing and fondling my breast and a finger slipped into me. Oh, I should open my eyes and see but I was afraid to. I thought maybe this will end soon and I can go back with Justin and wonder back to my life. 

I started to dose out but would come to and moan and whimper and then doze back off and then it happened, I felt the largest pressure I have ever felt inside me. What was this and and without warning I came really hard and arched my back. but the pressure persisted. I would feel twisting and a hand on my breast and twisting of my nipple and greater pressure inside me and more twisting and then it really hurt, a hand rubbed oil all over what ever was inside me and and my pussy and then a minute later I pop and I came harder then I have ever cum and I felt so full. The twisting stopped but I felt so full and then small tug and I lost my breath and another tug. What ever it was it was so big, could that be a dick inside me?  If so was it human?  After ten to twelve tugs it was intense pain and then another pop and I felt empty. I was relieved and then he started again. This went on for four time and then I heard him grunt and shot what must have been his load all over my pussy.  I felt wet.  Thank god that was done.

Then hands left my bread and two more were put on my breast and I felt pressure again. This time it did not take as long and that pop sound and some twisting and then out with a pop and it took him three  times before I came again and then a repeat of cum shooting on my pussy lips and then I was empty.  I think there were five guys who were doing this but there may have been more.  I started to come to on the way to what I realize was my place.  I was put to bed and someone set my alarm.  I have these fuzzy memories of the car right and it seemed like I was in this old green Ford Pick up.  That is what Dave drives, an old 1970's ford pick up. 

I wok up and went to work and when I got to my locker I had a note,  you are one of the hottest sluts who ever let me fuck, fist and breed her pussy and then share her with my buddies. Your cunt needs lots of attention and I am just the guy to help you with that while your boyfriend is deployed.  He signed it D.

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