stonedboy29 Posted February 3, 2011 Report Posted February 3, 2011 (edited) The Trolley Cops By stimle ( The following story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is strictly coincidental. Please read no further if you are underage or are offended by explicit sexual stories. Michael Sotello and Luis Fritelli were best friends. Ever since Luis had moved to San Diego from the Bronx six years ago, at the beginning of his sophmore year, the two had been thick as thieves. They were roommates, hung out a lot outside of work, double-dated, worked out at the same gym, and even worked together. They were both transit officers on the local transit system. Trolley cops, complete with uniforms and guns. As trolley cops they took a lot of shit from the punks and gang-bangers who tried to ride for free and constantly gave attitude. The worst part was, they knew most of the guys, having gone to high school with some of them (well, those who hadn't dropped out) and knew they were trouble even back then. As luck would have it, though, Luis and Michael were usually paired on the same shift so they knew most of the same scum. Michael and Luis were pretty similar in height and build, about 6'1, 195 pounds and gorgeous. But that's where the similarity ended. Michael had dirty blond hair with blue eyes while Luis had dark brown hair and eyes. They both kept their hair cut short with the latest look. Even though Luis hadn't lived in New York for six years, he still had a pretty thick New York accent. Kind of like the stereotypical New York Italian you seen on TV and in the movies. Michael, on the other hand, was more soft spoken, but tough nevertheless. It was about 2:30 a.m. and Michael and Luis were just getting off work. It'd been a tough night. Rico and some of his crew had been riding earlier and had really riled up the two guys. They were still talking about it as they walked across the parking lot to Michael's truck. "Fuckin' punks," Luis said, shaking his head. "When is that asshole gonna grow up and get a life?" "Seriously," Michael replied. "What a loser. I mean, you can't go through your whole life acting like you're still in high school." "Dude, why do you always park way out in BFE?" Luis asked, annoyed at the long hike to Michael's truck. Michael shook his head and gave an exasperated sigh, as if he'd already explained the same thing a thousand times. "I told you, it's new and I don't want one of these idiots dinging it. It's not that far." "It's not like there's anybody out here, man. I mean, the place is totally deserted," Luis said as he continued walking. "And what's up with the lights out here?" he asked, looking up. "Most of `em are burned out." Michael looked up, too. "They're not burned out. Someone shot them out or busted `em with rocks. Punks." He shook his head. "Who's that next to your truck?" Luis asked, pointing to a beat-up black van parked way too close to Michael's truck. "Shit," Michael said. "The fuckin' lot's totally open and some asshole has to park right next to me. How stupid are people?" They reached Michael's truck and saw that there was barely enough room for him to squeeze between. He fished his keys from his pocket and clicked off the alarm as he turned and slid between the two vehicles, his arms over his head. Michael stood and waited. Just as Michael was about to insert the key into the lock he heard a slight click and felt a rush as the van door quickly slid open. Before he could react he was grabbed from behind, a big arm encircling his waist, pulling him back into the van. His flailing arms and legs were grabbed and pinned down. He started to yell and curse but a strong hand covered his mouth. Another hand thrust a soft, sweet-smelling cloth to his nose. The cloth had been doused with chloroform. Michael tried to turn his head but it was held tightly into place. He had no choice but to inhale the drugging fumes. He tried to hold his breath but couldn't. His head was already feeling light and there was a noise in his ears, like the pounding surf, getting louder and louder. As Michael was grabbed, Luis reacted, leaping forward to his friend's rescue. His hand immediately went to his holster before he remembered that they were required to check out their weapons when their shift as over. He still rushed the van but stopped short when he felt the cold steel of a gun barrel against his left temple. "I wouldn't move, Luis," a voice said. Luis recognized Rico's voice and from the corner of his eye he could see the Latino thug and some of his gang. "Put your hands out where we can see `em." Luis obeyed, craning his neck to try to see what was happening to Michael. He could see several guys holding his friend down and a white cloth over his face. Luis figured it was probably chloroform. He grimaced and visibly recoiled as he watched the guys grope Michael's crotch. "Like what you see, Luis?" Rico asked, a tone of glee in his voice. He ran his hand up Luis' chest. "Fuck off, you faggot spic," Luis snarled, slapping Rico's hand away. Rico smacked Luis' temple with the gun. "I think Luis here needs to be taught a lesson. Come here, boys." Two of Rico's friends, Tony and Rafael approached. "Go get the chloroform from Martin," he said. "I think it's time for Luis to take a nap." Luis wanted to say something but knew better. He had been looking in the van the whole time, keeping track of what was happening to his best friend. It didn't appear as though Michael was completely knocked out... it was like he was being kept just at the edge of consciousness. Toyed with. His shirt and t-shirt had been taken off him and the guys were now lowering his pants. Luis turned his head in disgust. "What's the matter, Luis?" Rico asked, waving the gun. "I thought you liked what you saw. Maybe you'll like it better when it's happening to you." "Fuck off," Luis muttered, clenching every muscle in his body. The van's engine turned over and it backed up. Michael was now stripped down to just his white Fruit of the Loom underwear and some fucker was in there slowly jerking him through his briefs, trying to make him hard. Luis felt a pair of hands grab his arms and saw the white cloth being pressed to his nose. "Mmmppphhhh..." he moaned as he tried to struggle. But the guys holding him were too strong. He felt himself being pushed toward the van and he continued to struggle, but the chloroform was slowly beginning to take effect. As he began to drift in and out he felt hands begin to grope and grab his crotch and ass, the way he'd seen them do to Michael. He was helpless to fight back. Oh shit, what the fuck was happening? He felt his fly being unzipped and a hand reaching in, tightly squeezing his balls. He tried to twist his body, buck away, but the smell. The sweet, sweet smell... The sweet smell that was carrying him away... making him float and drift... His eyes rolled up into forehead. He was almost out. "Oh yeah, Luis baby," Rico cooed. "Breathe it in boy, that's right..." The chloroformed cloth was pulled away just enough so Luis could get some fresh air. He felt himself gaining a little of his strength back. But Rico was smart... he kept dosing Luis with just enough to keep him all fuzzy and fucked up. Luis' head was spinning and he was feeling all warm, but he still knew what was going on. Right there, in the deserted parking lot, he was being stripped. Like Michael his shirt and t-shirt were ripped from his body and he felt his belt buckle being undone. Then he felt Rico's firm hand unbutton his pants and unzip him. "Oh, Luis, Luis, Luis," Rico said, remarking on the Italian stud's tightly packed white briefs and lightly running his hand over the bulge. "Tighty whities? Look guys, just like Mikey. What, do the two of you boys go shopping together? Get dressed together?" "Fuck yooooou..." Luis slurred, his mind fogged with chloroform. He could barely keep his eyes open and needed assistance to stand. "Let's get these pants off you, Luis," Rico said, lowering Luis' tight blue uniform pants over his muscled legs. The white of his briefs stood out nicely against his tanned legs. Rico slipped his shoes off and helped the dazed stud to step out of his pants. Luis noticed bright flashed of light all around him. Someone was taking pictures. The cloth was taken away from his face for a few seconds and he gulped down the fresh air. "Feel better, buddy?" Rico asked. Luis was wearing nothing but his white Hanes briefs and was stumbling around the parking lot like a drunk, trying like hell to keep his balance. Rico and the guys just laughed and laughed as they snapped picture after picture of the amazingly hot, nearly naked stud. "Come on, guys," Rico said, taking Luis by the arm and sitting him on the tailgate of Michael's truck. "I think it's time to say good night, Luis. But wait. Guys, get Mikey." Rafael and Tony pulled Michael out of the van and to his feet and dragged him over to the truck bed. Like Luis, Michael had been kept spinning in a chloroform daze while the boys whored him out. Rico sat the two studs next to each other and leaned their heads on each other's shoulders. Then he put their hands on each other's crotches and held them together as a series of pictures were taken. "Gawd, these fuckers are hot," he said, giving them each a kiss on the forehead. "I checked their schedules. They have the next three days off. I say we take `em home and play for a bit." Tony handed him the bottle of chloroform and two rags. Rico doused the cloths and held them to the guys' faces until they passed out. Tony gathered up Luis' discarded clothes while Rafael and Rico bundled the near-naked hotties into the van. As they drove away, Tony got into Michael's truck and followed them. Michael found himself coming to in a sparsely furnished room, bright sunlight streaming through curtainless windows. He was on a bed with no blankets, entwined in Luis' arms. They were both wearing only underwear. Exposed. He heard a noise like a chair scraping and looked up. All around the bed there were folding chairs set up. Eight guys were sitting there, staring at him and Luis. Some had cameras and two held video cameras, filming everything. Michael felt something and realized that Luis was beginning to stir. "What the fuck....? Where...?" Luis started to say, realizing he was still holding Michael. He suddenly remembered what had happened to him and Michael. "Oh shit... Michael...." "Oh shit, Michael," Rico repeated, in a mocking voice. "You boys look so cute like that." "What are you gonna do with us?" Luis asked as he and Michael looked around for something to cover their nearly naked bodies. There was nothing so they just sat there, hunched over and covering themselves. "Why so modest?" Rico asked. "You guys wanna see some of the pictures we shot of you last night?" He tossed stacks of pictures at them. They had been uploaded from the video cameras and printed on photo paper. They showed Michael and Luis, alone and together, in regular and lewd poses, even sitting posed on Rico's lap. Luis angrily crumpled them and tossed them away. "Fuckers," he spat, itching for a fight. "I'm hungry," Rico said, changing the subject. He knew he had the upper hand anyway. Who the fuck cared what Luis Fritelli said anyway? "Where's Martin with our breakfast?" No sooner had he completed the sentence when Martin walked in, laden with several McDonald's bags. "Mmmm.... I'm starved." He looked over at Luis and Michael. "You guys hungry?" They reluctantly nodded. Rico pulled out a couple of Egg McMuffins and hash browns and tossed them to them. "Did you get them any juice?" he asked Martin. "Yeah," Martin replied, opening a separate bag. "It's right here." He handed the cups to Rico who handed them to Luis and Michael. "Drink up boys," he said, as the guys hungrily wolfed down the food. The greedily slurped the juice through the straws. Michael's face screwed up. "Is there vodka in this?" he asked. "What the hell are you doing? It's morning." "Shut up and drink it. Or you can starve," Rico said impatiently. Michael shrugged his shoulder and continued eating and drinking. Luis had never stopped and was nearly finished. "By the way, I didn't hear you complaining last night?" Rico said, a sly look on his face. "Whaddaya mean last night?" Luis said, looking up. "Today's Sunday, moron," Rico said. "You've been here since Friday night." Luis and Michael looked at each other. What the hell was Rico talking about? Had they lost an entire day? "I see you two rocket scientists are puzzled," Rico laughed. "If you want, I'll show you the video." "Video?" Michael asked, his body tensing. "Oh yeah," Rico replied. "You boys were having fun last night. I take it you don't remember bouncing on my knee. And on Martin's knee. And on Tony's knee...." "No fuckin' way," Luis said. "I woulda remembered doing something faggy like that." "Really?" Rico asked. "Howya feeling right about now? Dizzy? Woozy?" "What are you talking about?" Michael asked. "You still don't get it, do you?" Rico said. "That little sip of beer I gave you yesterday morning? And again yesterday afternoon and last night? Haven't you ever heard of GHB? Date rape drug? Geez, you two are stupid. You just finished up another batch. In your juice." What Michael and Luis didn't know was that in addition to slipping the guys GHB, he had Martin put some ground up Viagra into their juice. In a few minutes Luis and Michael were gonna be as hot and horny and out of control as they were yesterday. Just like Rico liked them. Martin recalled the conversation he'd had earlier with Rico. "Just do it, Martin," Rico had ordered. "You know I like my boys a little fucked up. Loopy. Not all there. Remember that frat guy last Spring Break? Damon? We gave him a little GHB and made him a video star. People are still ordering `Damon's Demise' off the site I set up. Now, I want these two nice and impaired, too. Like Damon. But not too out of it to not remember it later." Martin didn't question Rico. He knew from experience that you didn't question Rico. "Before you two princesses get too ga ga, I wanna show you a little bit of the video we took last night." He popped a tape into the VCR and turned it on. Michael and Luis, buzzing as they were, were shocked at what they saw. They were being passed around from lap to lap, wearing nothing but their underwear, constantly being groped. In the next scene, they weren't wearing their underwear; it was on their heads, like a chef's hat. There were hands playing with their tits, stroking their dicks, and fingering their ass puckers, but not once did they come. Apparently Rico wanted the guys to get them all worked up but not give them any release. "You boys feeling horny?" he asked, looking at the two guys' crotches. Their briefs were hugely tented, courtesy of the Viagra. "You ready to get milked? Give up your fuck swill? Your `love juice'?" He laughed as Luis and Michael began to succumb to their drugged juice. Their eyes were glazed and droopy, their movements slow and deliberate. "I'm gonna kill you, fucker..." Luis slurred, barely able to talk. "Asshole..." Michael added. His face was a blank slate. His eyes were vacant and his mouth was slightly open. Rico glanced at Luis. He looked the same. "Ready for some fun?" he asked laughing. All the guys who'd been sitting around silent the whole time began to laugh with Rico. "You guys ready to fuck like rabbits?" "No way..." Luis said, slowly shaking his head. "No fuckin' way." "Oh, I don't think you're in any position to object, Bitch Boy," Rico said, sitting down on the bed next to Luis and pushing the drugged stud down onto the bed. He tweaked his nipple and then slipped his hand into his briefs, squeezing his balls. "Unnnggghhhh.... ooooohhhh...." Luis moaned, his body thrashing. "Told you... SLUT. Oooohhh, I thought you didn't like this, puta," Rico said to Luis, the other guys in the room laughing. "I have something I think you'll like also. It's some shit I got from my cousin down in TJ. It'll make you so fuckin' horny and happy. Shit, you'll wanna get fucked and you'll wanna fuck any hole you can find. You're dick's gonna drool and get big and hard. Even a little needle dick like yours, Luis." He gave Michael and Luis each a baby bottle and put it to their mouths. Being slightly out of it because of the spiked juice they'd just drunk, they began to suck on the bottles. Rico had put the drug into some sweet juice and Luis and Michael couldn't seem to quit drinking it. Soon the bottles were empty. Rafael and Tony pulled the drugged cops off the bed and sat them down on their laps, fondling their crotches, which, thanks to the new drug, were already expanding. Rico put pacifiers in their mouths and baby bonnets on their heads. After passing them around to each guy so they could get felt up and have their picture taken with them, Tony and Rafael put Luis and Michael back on the bed. They put Michael in a sitting position and laid Luis next to him, putting his head in Michael's lap. Both were still sucking on their pacifiers but their baby bonnets had been removed. After a few more pictures, Rico lowered Michael's briefs and tucked them under his balls. He took the pacifier out of Luis' mouth and they all laughed as his they watched Luis' lips continue to move in a sucking motion. Rico put his hands on the back of Luis' head and guided his lips to Michael's erect, dripping cock. Luis never stopped sucking. They stuck both of Luis' hands down into his briefs, wrapping them around his cock and slowly moving them up and down, making him masturbate himself. It was only a matter of seconds before Luis took over for himself. "Unnnggghhh..." Michael moaned as he was enjoying the best blow job he'd ever had. He had not idea it was his best friend who was hoovering his cock. He was so out of it and horny that he put both hands on Michael's head and held it in place, pistoning his hips and fucking Michael's face. Luis was moaning, too. Suddenly Luis' body shuddered and he yelped. A wet spot began to rapidly spread across his once pristine-white briefs. The guys all laughed and yanked Luis' hands out of his briefs. They were covered with cum. They pulled his mouth off Michael's cock and made him lick one of his cum-covered hands. They put the other hand up to Michael's mouth and made the buzzed stud suck the cum from it. The room was filled with of laughter and the flashes of cameras. Then they switched the guys' positions, making Michael suck off Luis and cream his own briefs. Each of the guys in the room, including Rico, had taken a Viagra a few minutes earlier, not wanting to miss the upcoming fuck-fest. Michael and Luis were pulled to their feet and their cum-soaked underwear yanked off. Instead of being discarded, it was put on their heads like a hat. In addition, Michael and Luis were each given an ordorizer mask, placed around their necks on a long chain. As Luis and Michael were being passed around like a couple of whores at a frat party, the current "owner" would have the opportunity to make them inhale poppers (or take a hit himself). There were eight chairs and eight horny guys with huge erections, all waiting a turn at the two drugged out studlets. Rico went first. He stood up and pulled Luis to him, front to front. He gave Luis a long kiss on the lips and sat down quickly, impaling the handsome Italian's virgin ass. "Aaaahhh.... owwww..." Luis began to cry out, but Rico quickly clamped the popper mask over his face and let the fumes fuck with his head. Luis' moans of pain began to sound more like moans of pleasure as Rico bobbed him up and down on his cock, fucking away. He pulled the popper mask away. Luis' eyes were rolled up and you could see the whites of his eyes. His mouth was hanging open and he was babbling. But he wasn't resisting. Rico continued to fuck him and pretty soon Luis began to cum. Rico aimed Luis' cock at his chest and body and jerked it as the big stud shot his hot, sticky load all up his chest, onto his face, and into his hair. Everybody laughed as Luis was passed to Tony, his chest and face dripping with cum. Tony didn't bother giving Luis any poppers, he just shoved his dick up his ass and began to pump away. Rico took Michael next. Poor pretty boy Michael. He was totally beyond comprehension, but seemed to jolt back to reality when Rico's cock entered his ass. "Noooo...." he screamed as the popper mask was placed over his face. Within seconds the screams turned to moans and his body went somewhat limp. Rico laughed and continued to fuck Michael. He hadn't cum when Luis was on his lap and he decided to keep Michael as his lap fuck until he came up the hottie's tight shit chute. Even after Michael creamed himself, Rico continued to fuck him. Finally the Latino stud's body began to shudder and a whimper escaped his lips. "Oooohhh.... oooooohhh...." he cooed as he shot a huge load up Michael's ass. He laughed as he pushed the fucked out cop off his lap, cum dripping from his ass. Tony, who had by now passed Luis on to Rafael, picked up Michael and began to fuck him. This went on until each guy got his turn to fuck both Michael and Luis. By now the two cops were babbling incoherently and their dicks, raw and red from over use, were barely dribbling. The whole scene had been captured on video from multiple angles. But it wasn't over yet. Rico had one more humiliation planned. He forced Luis down on all fours and stuck a thick, slicked up dildo up his ass. A vibrating dildo. He turned it on and everybody laughed while Luis's head bobbed up in down in rhythm with the buzzing fuck tool jammed up his ass. They put a dildo-shaped gag on Michael and stood him in front of Luis, slipping his long, still erect cock into Luis' drooling mouth. Then they let the two incoherent, drugged out studs go at it. Before long Michael was fucking Luis' face more than Luis was sucking Michael's cock. Neither guy knew what he was doing, and this made Rico even hotter. He couldn't stand it any longer. He shoved down his jeans and boxers and got behind Michael. With one quick thrust, he impaled his 9-inch, uncut cock into Michael's twitching hole. Michael didn't even cry out. It was quite a site to behold. There was Luis, down on all fours, his ass getting reamed by an electric dildo while his pretty face was getting fucked by his best friend. And speaking of his best friend, there he was fucking his best friend's mouth while getting plowed up the ass himself. Still not content, Rico instructed Tony to put nipple clamps and cock rings onto both studs. By now the two had been fucked so much their assholes were stretched and dripping with cum. Dozens and dozens of pictures of all different kinds had been taken with digital cameras and uploaded onto a computer in the room, and more than four hours of video had been shot. It was getting late and Rico knew that both Luis and Michael had to work the next afternoon so he decided to let them go. Rico put their underwear back on them, not bothering to even dress them in their uniforms. The drugs were starting to wear off and Luis especially was beginning to resist and curse. "I'm gonna get you, you fuckin' spic," he said as Rico fondled his dick through his cum-dried briefs. Luis tried to hit him, but Tony and Rafael had his arms pinned. Luis looked over at Michael. The poor blond stud looked like he was in shock. He was practically limp. "You're gonna pay for this, Rico," Luis threatened. "Shut the fuck up, you asshole," Rico said. "You know you're a hell of a lot more fun when you're fucked up. And getting fucked." He laughed at his own joke. Martin took the bottle of chloroform and poured a good amount on to two white cloths. He handed one to Tony and the other to Rico. "Say goodnight again, boys," Rico said, as he and Tony placed the cloths over their faces. With all the drugs they'd ingested and all the punishment they'd gone through, it didn't take long before both Luis and Michael passed out cold. Rico and Tony put them into the back seat of Michael's truck and got in to drive them back to their house. Rafael followed in his car. Fifteen minutes later Rico, Tony and Rafael were backing out of Luis and Michael's driveway. They put the truck into the garage and had taken the two unconscious studs into the house, where they had put them into their beds. The next morning Luis woke up with a splitting headache. As his thoughts began to come together he sat up quickly, relaxing only when he realized that he was in his own bed. It was over. He had been given so much drugs and chloroform that he felt sick and considered calling into work sick. But he didn't start his shift until 4:00 p.m. and it was only 8:30 a.m. He threw back his blankets and got out of bed. His underwear was stained and crusted with dried cum and piss. He stripped them off, tossed them into the trashcan in his bathroom, and hopped into the shower. For the next twenty minutes he let the hot water cascade over his sore body, washing away all the fuck slop from those rapists. He tried not to think of what he did, but he couldn't help it. He had fucked Michael. His best friend. He'd been drugged and drunk but still... he'd fucked a guy! The thought of it made him sick and he vomited in the shower. Right there, as he watched his puke run down the drain, he decided to put the whole incident behind him. It wasn't his fault. There was nothing he could've done. He motive now, was to find Rico and his fuckers and teach them a lesson. He turned off the water and stepped out, grabbing a towel. He looked at himself in the mirror. He looked like shit. He'd been kept awake for God knows how many hours before they finally chloroformed him, and there were dark circles under his eyes. He also noticed that his chest, stomach, arms and neck were covered with hickeys. Shit! He wrapped the towel around his waist and went back into his bedroom. As he dug through his dresser for a fresh pair of underwear he realized just how sore his ass was. How many times had he been fucked? Rico had even raped him with a dildo. Man, if he ever ran into that fucker he was gonna kill him. He pulled a clean pair of briefs on and winced as the soft cotton brushed up against his sore dick. He put on a pair of sweat pants and went to check on Michael. Michael was still sleeping, lying flat on his back, outstretched, his cum-soaked briefs almost transparent. Like Luis, he had also been fucked repeatedly and was covered with hickeys. Luis quietly walked over to where Michael was sleeping and gently shook his shoulder. Michael woke with a start, turning away and cringing at Luis' touch. "Hey, hey, buddy," Michael said reassuringly. "It's me, Michael. It's over, man. We're home." Michael grabbed the sheets and pulled them up over his near naked body. He was clearly (and understandably) embarrassed over the events of the past couple of days. He couldn't even look Luis in the face. "Why don't you take a shower," Luis suggested, speaking softly. "You'll feel better." "Y...y...yeah... I think you're right." He was about to get out of bed when he half-turned to Luis. "Could you go now?" he asked, his voice breaking. Luis could tell that Michael was on the verge of tears and felt badly for his friend. He wanted to put his hand on his shoulder to reassure him or to say something comforting, but what the hell do you say in a situation like that? It's not like Hallmark makes a fucking "Oh, I'm sorry you got gang-raped" card. "Sure, Michael," he said. "I'll see you in a bit." Luis went into the living room and turned on Sports Center. It was about 9:30 a.m. Michael didn't come out of his room until after 11:00 a.m., clearly still shaken up over the whole rape. "You wanna talk about it?" Luis asked. "I don't know what to say, but look, we went through the same thing. We didn't do anything wrong." Michael was fighting tears and his voice was breaking. "It's jus... I've ne... I'm not a fag, man!" "Neither am I!" Luis said. "We were fuckin' raped. Rico and his crew knocked us out, kidnapped us, fed us drugs and fuckin' raped us. There was nothing we could do. Just remember that, okay?" Michael nodded, still unable to look Luis straight in the face. "I'm sorry," he finally said. "What are you sorry for?" Luis said. "I'm sorry that I... that I... that I put my... and that I..." he couldn't continue and stood up to leave. Luis stood up, too. "Look, Michael," he said, as reassuringly as he could. "You don't have to say anything. I know that wasn't you and I know you know that wasn't me. As far as I'm concerned... we're cool. Why don't you go back to bed and get some more sleep. I'll wake you up in time for work." Michael smiled a weak thank you and went back to his room. Luis turned the TV up and tuned everything else out. Like he'd decided earlier: as far as he was concerned it was over. Well, mostly over. He'd caught up with a few of the guys from that night and had kicked the shit out of them, but he hadn't run across Rico... yet. But when he did.... It was about three weeks later and Luis was enjoying another long weekend. Michael had taken a few vacation days and had gone to Vegas with his girlfriend. It seemed like he was finally coming around, too. He hadn't said anything, but Luis knew Michael had been seeing a counselor. Which was good for him. Luis would never see a shrink. Hell no. Where he came from a man just didn't do that. But if Michael wanted to do it, hell, more power to him. Plus, it was doing Michael a lot of good. He was slowly turning back into the old Michael. It was 10:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning and Luis had been to the gym and back, showered and shaved, thrown on an old pair of sweats and had just finished breakfast. He had just turned on ESPN to catch the college football game when the doorbell rang. He got up off the couch and looked out the window in the door. There was some guy, he had to be at least 6'6" and 250 pounds, holding some sort of clipboard. He was wearing a uniform. Luis opened the door. "Can I help you?" he asked. He saw the delivery truck in the driveway. "Yeah," the guy said, looking at his clipboard. "I have a delivery for a Michael Sotello. Does he live here?" "Yeah, but he's outta town for a coupla days. I'm his roommate. You can leave it here if you want." The deliveryman nodded. "That'll be okay. I just gotta see some I.D. Company policy. Sorry." Luis shook his head. "Don't sweat it man. Just let me get my wallet. I'll be back in a sec." As Luis went to get his wallet the deliveryman went back to his van and began to load three large boxes onto a dolly. He wheeled them to the front porch and was about to lift the top box when Luis appeared with his I.D. "Holy shit," he said, "what the fuck did Michael order?" "Don't know," the guy said. He looked at the clipboard again. "Looks like some kinda entertainment center. Do you want me to carry it in the house for you?" "Yeah," Luis said. "But let me give you a hand." Together the two of them carried the three boxes up the stairs and into the living room. "I left my clipboard on the steps," the deliveryman said as Luis bent down to look at the boxes, reading what each was. "I'll be right back." The deliveryman stood in the front hallway and quietly closed the door. He took a small brown bottle of chloroform from his pocket, uncapped it and poured some of the liquid onto a white cloth. He silently crept back to the living room. Luis was still bent over inspecting the contents of the boxes. In a move that belied his height and size, the deliveryman was on Luis in a matter of seconds, kneeing the stud in the gut and knocking the wind out of him. "What the fuck....?" Luis coughed, struggling to catch his breath and crawling to his knees. The deliveryman shoved him on the floor and turned him onto his back. He straddled him, pinning his arms to his sides with his muscular legs. He shoved the chloroformed cloth under Luis' nose and held it tightly in place while the cop struggled. "Mmmmpppphhh.... mmmmppphhhh...." Luis moaned as the fumes began to take effect. He was just starting to slip away when he heard footsteps. He looked up and saw a man walk into the living room. It was Rico. The End. Edited February 3, 2011 by Hotload84 spacing 10
Hotload84 Posted February 3, 2011 Report Posted February 3, 2011 I remember this story from years ago, and I'm very, very glad it has shown up. Thanks for posting it, Stonedboy29. I took the liberty of removing the hard breaks so it fit better on the screen, and, I hope, is easier to read.
chewwydog1 Posted January 5, 2012 Report Posted January 5, 2012 What a great story. Are you planning to write part 2? Oh the places you could go with it. :-)
cumaddict71 Posted August 27, 2012 Report Posted August 27, 2012 grrrrrrrrrrr, used and fucked up cops! HOT!!!!!!! 1
Party Cum Hole Posted August 27, 2012 Report Posted August 27, 2012 very hot.. yes i do remember this story.. thanks..
EricX Posted July 28, 2016 Report Posted July 28, 2016 I've never seen the story before, but assumed it was old when it mentioned a VCR. LOL.
stonedboy29 Posted August 21, 2016 Author Report Posted August 21, 2016 part 2 is missing part 3: Trolley Cops – More and More By stimle ( Here's where we left off last time: He bent over Luis, his mouth barely two inches from Luis' full red lips. "How you feelin' there puta? You fucked with the wrong people I tell ya. But you're takin' it like the whore you are. Your cunt's gonna see so much action tonight you're gonna have to install a turnstile." Luis could understand what was being said, but his mind was so focused on the itch that was starting up in his ass again that he just nodded. "Boys," Rico said, looking around. "We've got ourselves a cunt boy. Who's up first?" Rafael jumped up. "Oh man, let me. I wanna pay him back for jumpin' me out the other day," he said, walking over to the table. "Oh, this cunt looks ripe for the fuckin'." Luis glared at Rafael but was obviously in no position to fight back. Plus his dick was still so hard and his ass seemed to have a tingly, itchy feeling in it since Michael had fucked him. What was happening to him? He still hadn't noticed the baggie of cocaine sitting next to his leg. "Just make sure you keep him all nice and lubed up, Rafie," Rico said, squeezing a small amount of KY onto Rafael's hand and mixing some cocaine into it. "Luis here likes his clitty primed before it's plowed. And he also likes his teenie weenie stroked." "Fuck you, Rico," Luis snarled. The stupid hottie was letting Rico bait him and was only getting himself in deeper and deeper with every insult he threw back. "Oh, I'll take care of our Pussy Boy nice and good, Rico," Rafael said, rubbing his thumb over Luis' prick tip, basting it with the cocaine and cum mixture. He also had two fingers, coated with the mixture, sliding in and out of Luis' ass. "Unnngggg....!!!" Luis moaned as the drug did its trick. Why were the fingers up his ass making him feel so good, yet making him want more? And his dick was now getting even harder. He ignored his confusion and continued to moan. "That's right, Pussy Boy," Rafael said gently. "Yeah... you know you want my big dick in your tight pussy, don't you?" "Mmmm..." Luis moaned, unable to figure out why his body was reacting in such a way. He was straight. He loved to fuck chicks. He lived to bang pussy. He groaned again as Rafael's cock entered his ass and began to sluice in and out, bumping and grazing his fuck nut. Rafael had also sped up jerking on Luis' dick and Luis knew he was about to cum. "Arrr.... gonna ccc..ccummmm...." And with that, his dick shot several streams of fuck juice straight up in the air, landing on his stomach and chest. As Rafael continued to fuck Luis, Rico turned his attention to Michael. The hot stud was lying on the couch, butt plug securely in place and his erect cock burping pre-fuck. Tony and Vinny were taking turns flicking his rubbery nipples and stroking his enormous cock. Michael, completely drugged up and dazed, was moaning and breathing and smiling. "Ohhh... yeah.... mmmmm... yess...." he hissed. He was so fucked up he had no idea it was a bunch of guys getting him off. "Ohhhnnnn.... I love it when you do that....." he managed to slur. He thought he was being pleasured by his girlfriend. His body was twisting and contorting as the strong hands roamed over it. Rico kissed Michael on the mouth, letting his tongue gently flit in. Michael, in his buzzed condition, returned the kiss. For a full minute the two French kissed while Luis, mouth agape, looked on. What the fuck!? Why was Michael kissing Rico? Luis had been distracted when Michael was being worked over initially and didn't know that his poor roommate was drugged out of his fuckin' mind and didn't have any idea what he was doing or that he had a vibrating butt plug up his ass. All Luis knew was that from where he was, it looked like his best friend was getting it on with Rico and the guys. The he turned his attention back to the sensations in his ass and dick. Oh... shit... why did he feel such relief when some fag's dick was up his ass? What was wrong with him? Rico turned his eyes toward Luis and saw the bound stud staring at him. He broke off his kiss with Michael, who, in his warped state, protested, reaching out his hand to pull Rico's lips to his face, and then began to softly kiss and lick his chest. Finally he reached Michael's rigid dick which was sticking straight up like the Washington Monument. In one quick motion Rico engulfed it and began to bob up and down, lathing the sensitive tip with his magic tongue. Michael went crazy. "Ohhh.... mmmm..... that's it.... yeaahhhhh......" he babbled as Rico suctioned his dick and played with his nipples. The butt plug began its vibrating cycle and Michael's body began to twist and thrash. "Yeah, Mikey, you love this, don't you," Rico said, loud enough for Luis to hear him. "Yesss...." came Michael's reply. For the next two hours Tony, Martin, Rafael, Johnny, Vinny and Rico all took turns fucking Luis, keeping the itch in his ass satisfied. They also took turns pleasuring Michael, sucking him off and playing with his magnificent upper body, all the while keeping the vibrating butt plug screwed up his tight ass. Whenever Luis wasn't glowering their way, they gave Michael more drugs to make sure he stayed out of it. Not only were they physically fucking Luis, they were also fucking with his mind. They were trying to make him believe that his roommate was willingly giving up his body as a plaything while he, Luis, was tied down getting fucked over and over. And it was beginning to work. Luis, strapped down with a dick pumping in and out of each end, didn't know what to think any more. To top it all off, the last fuck of the night was given by Michael. The guys had all been taking turns working him up again and he was so horny and drugged up that he was babbling incoherently. Rico walked him over to Luis, his tongue in his ear, whispering. "Yeah..." Michael said softly, apparently repeating what Luis had been whispering into his drug-addled mind. "More cunt.... yeah... pussy...." As Michael began fucking Luis' ass again, ramming his giant rod in and out of Luis' sloppy asshole, the Italian stud could only stare in shock as his roommate, his best friend, fucked him. Calling him pussy and cunt, smiling the whole time. What the fuckin' hell was going on? And why was Michael doing this to him? Luis didn't know whether to be pissed off or relieved that the itch in his ass was being taken care of. Michael's hips sped up and he began to shoot his seed up Luis' ass. It ran out the cum-filled chute and dripped down onto the floor. Michael collapsed into Rico's arms, still smiling. "Let's clean you up, Mikey," he said as he helped the hapless stud back to the couch and removed the butt plug. He instructed Vinny and Tony to get him some washcloths and a pot of warm water and, as Luis watched, he gave Michael an erotic sponge bath. The drugs in Michael's system had fucked with his brain so much that he had no idea what was going on, only that he as feeling pleasure and sensations he'd never felt before. He felt safe and secure and Rico gently cleaned the fuck slop off his body. When Michael was cleaned up, Rico put a fresh pair of briefs on him, keeping the shredded pair as a trophy. He laid the studly cop on the couch and covered him with a blanket. "Sweet dreams, Mikey," he said, kissing him on the forehead. Michael moaned something unintelligible. He was so tired and drugged up that he immediately fell asleep. "I think it's time to go, guys," Rico announced, going back over to Luis. Martin was in the process of fucking the bound stud's face and pulled out, letting his load of spooge land on Luis' face. "Should we untie him?" he asked, reaching for the rope. "No," Rico replied, shaking his head, staring into Luis' angry eyes. "Let's keep our new Cunt right where he is. But I don't want him screaming out and waking up Mikey or the neighborhood so bring me the chloroform." Rico had Michael's shredded briefs in his back pocket and poured a small amount of chloroform onto them. "Time to go night night, Pussy Boy," he said to Luis as he moved into position. Luis knew what was coming and still fought it, turning his head and straining at his bonds. "Oh, Luis," Rico said, sounding exasperated. "Such a big strong Pussy Boy, aren't we? What's wrong? You don't wanna go to sleep? You want Rico to keep playing with your clitty?" "I'm gonna kill you," Luis muttered, looking Rico directly in the eyes. "I don't think so," Rico said. "You'd miss me. You'd miss this too much," he said, unzipping his fly and hauling out his cock. He rubbed his dick across Luis' face. "You'd miss this up your cunt." Before Luis could reply, Rico pressed the chloroformed underwear onto his face and held them in place. Luis' eyes bulged out as he tried to fight the fumes that he knew would put him into a sweet slumber. Yet, he didn't break eye contact with Rico. He refused to give the Latino hunk the upper hand. Even though he'd been fucked and raped and abused, he wasn't gonna give up. He'd find a way to get back at Rico. He wouldn't let that... the chloroform took over and Luis' eyes slid shut. He was out. "Okay guys," Rico said, pocketing the briefs. "Let's get our stuff and head on out." While Luis lay passed out from the chloroform, still tied to the table and dripping with fuck slop, Michael peacefully dozed on the sofa just a few feet away, all warm and clean. Rico and the guys cleaned up the place, gathered their gear and left. Michael and Luis would be out for at least a couple of hours, considering the workout they'd just endured. As Michael slumbered away, dreaming of Julie, he thought he heard a voice in the distance calling out his name... Michael!... Michael!.... The voice was getting louder. "Michael!" Luis cried out. "Wake the fuck up!" Michael opened his eyes and looked around. Why was he on the couch? He looked at the clock. How did he sleep until 9:00 a.m.? His internal alarm clock usually had him up no later than 6:30 a.m. Then he heard Luis yelling his name again and he jerked his head toward the sound. What he saw shocked him. There was Luis, naked, tied spread-eagled to the table. "What the fu...?" he started to say. "It's about fuckin' time you woke up. Now get over here and untie me you asshole." Michael got up and tried to undo Luis' bonds but they were too tight. "Let me get a knife," he said as he ran to the kitchen. The events of the night before began to float back to him, but just in flashes. He remembered walking in and seeing Luis tied up, but that was it. "What happened?" he asked as he sliced through the ropes tying his roommate down. Luis said up, rubbing his wrists. His chest was coated with drying cum and there was more of the swill dripping from his ass. "Like you don't know," he snarled, a look of pure hatred on his face. Michael put his hands up and stepped back. "Whoah, buddy. I don't know what you're talkin' about. Alls I remember is walkin' in and seein' you. Then.... nothing." "Bullshit!" Luis snapped. "You were right there with Rico, calling me pussy and cunt. And then you fucked me. Twice!" Michael's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "What? No... no... that's not true. I'd never do that to you or anybody!" "Well you did, `Mikey,'" Luis said angrily, not realizing that he'd just used Rico's pet name on Michael. "You and the rest of `em just smiled and fucked me like I was some whore." Michael didn't know what to think or do or say. "Honest, Luis... I don't know what happened. You know me. You know I wouldn't... couldn't do that to you. You're my best friend." Luis slid off the table, stretching his aching body. "Yeah, well... you did." He stomped off to his room and slammed the door. Michael stood where he was, speechless. What had happened? Had he really fucked his roommate? He couldn't believe it, but then again, why would Luis lie about something like that? He just stood there until in a daze until he heard Luis' shower turn on. Then he snapped out of it and started cleaning up the mess on the table and the floor. He was gonna have to rent a steamer or something to get this shit out of the carpet. He got down on his hands and knees and began to scrub at the carpet with a scrub brush when he suddenly felt his own body. His dick was sore as were his nipples. And his butt kinda hurt. He sat back on his haunches and pulled his briefs away from his crotch and looked down. His dick was red and looked raw. He put his hand on his ass and felt a stinging, tingling sensation. Something had happened. He stood up and looked into the mirror on the wall. His nipples were red, too. He tried to reach back in his mind but all he remembered was being grabbed and sniffing the poppers. They musta drugged him good because he couldn't remember a thing. No wonder Luis was so pissed. Michael threw on a pair of sweats and went back to cleaning. Then he remembered he was supposed to spend the day with Julie, but after last night and the soreness he was experiencing, he was going to have to put it off. He picked up the phone and called her. He told her that he got called into work on his day off and couldn't get out of it. Julie didn't question his lie. Michael was so tired. He'd only had a few hours of sleep and decided to take a nap. As he was going to his room Luis was just coming out of his. He was dressed and it looked like he was going out. "You going somewhere?" Michael asked and Luis brushed past him. "Yeah, I'm gonna go find your buddy and kick the shit out of him." "Hey," Michael said, grabbing Luis by the shoulder. Luis pulled away. "Get you fuckin' hands off me," he spat. But Michael didn't let go. "Luis," he said, trying to reason with him. "I said I'm sorry. I don't remember anything. I've been wracking my brain but I can't remember anything. They musta drugged me or something. Hell, when I came in you were already tied up and I tried to rescue you!" Finally Luis let out a deep sigh. "I know, I know, Mikey," again unaware that he called him Mickey instead of Michael. "It's just that... well..." He wasn't about to tell Michael that while he'd just been showering and washing all the sex swill from his body, his finger had grazed his asshole and he had felt a tingle. He buried the thought. He couldn't let himself think about that. "I know," Michael said. "But going after Rico isn't the thing to do. He's smart. Did you ever stop to think that he's playing with you?" "I gotta do something," Luis said. "Maybe I'll just drive around for awhile. I gotta get outta here." He grabbed his keys and left. Michael heard him drive off and went to lie down. As Luis drove through the streets he became angry again and found himself driving through Rico's neighborhood. Of course, Rico and his pals were nowhere to be found. Finally, after what seemed like hours of driving he pulled up to Trophy's. It was nearly 1:00 p.m. and he hadn't eaten anything for breakfast. The place was packed with sports fans watching football. He found a place at the bar and ordered a hamburger and fries. And a shot of tequila. One shot turned to two and then to three. He was just about to order a fourth when someone slid into the stool next to his. "Is anybody sitting here?" a female voice asked. Luis looked up. Shit, she was hot! "Uh, no..." he said. "Have a seat." He suddenly realized that he was horny and could feel his cock getting hard. Unnggghhh... He couldn't keep from looking at her and he noticed that she kept returning his glances. "I'm Luis," he said. "Hi Luis. I'm Karla." "Can I buy you a drink?" he asked. "That would be nice. I'll have a glass of white wine," she said. Luis flagged the bartender and ordered a glass of wine for Karla and another shot of tequila for himself. After about half an hour of flirting, a second glass of wine for Karla and a fifth shot of tequila for himself, Luis asked Karla if she wanted to go somewhere more private. Karla smiled. "I'd love to." She kept looking down at his ample crotch. "I live a couple miles from here," she said. "Wanna go to my place?" Luis nodded. "Yeah, I do." "I think I should drive," Karla said. "You've had a bit too much to drink." Luis smiled and agreed with her and they got into her red sports car. A few minutes later they were at her apartment. The practically sprinted inside. "Sit down and make yourself comfortable," Karla said as she put down her keys and purse. "Would you like a drink?" "I'll have a beer if you got it," Luis replied. "I'll be back in a sec," she said as she headed into the kitchen. She came back a minute later with two frosted glasses of beer. She handed one to Luis as she sat next to him on the couch, and snuggled up to him. Luis took a drink of his beer and put his arm around Karla. He softly squeezed her shoulder as she ran her hand up his inner thigh to his crotch. It was radiating some major heat. He finished his drink and set down the empty glass. "Should we take this to the bedroom?" she asked. Not bothering to wait for an answer, she took Luis by the hand and led the way to her room, closing the door behind her. Once inside she slid out of her dress and let him remove her bra. "Oh baby, you're so beautiful," Luis said as he pulled his shirt over his head. He took her breasts in his hands and as he fondled them she undid his pants and lowered them. He kicked his shoes off and stepped out of his jeans. They fell down onto the bed and began to kiss and touch each other everywhere. "Mmmm... this feels good..." Luis said. "I don't know if it's the tequila or you, but I'm feelin' great." Karla smiled as she cupped his big balls and gave them a squeeze. "I think it was the beer," she said with a smirk. "The beer?" Luis asked, confused. "Yeah," Karla replied. "Aren't you feeling all nice and relaxed?" She reached into his briefs and stroked his hard cock. "Yeah," Luis said, feeling a little dazed now. He looked at Karla and the smile on her face. "What did you do?" "Just a little GHB I got from a friend. It should put you in the right mood," she said. Luis looked at her again as his head began to spin. "The `right' mood? For what?" "For me," a voice said from behind him. Luis didn't even have to turn around to know it was Rico. 1
stonedboy29 Posted August 21, 2016 Author Report Posted August 21, 2016 part 4 The Trolley Cops – Part 4 By stimle ( To the readers: When I first wrote The Trolley Cops, I had no idea it would become the story it has today. I understand there may be some confusion as to the sequence of the story, so here is a list of the segments, in order: 1. The Trolley Cops (on some sites it was posted as The Trolley Cops, Part 1 and The Trolley Cops, Part 2) 2. The Trolley Cops – More 3. The Trolley Cops – More and More Beginning with this section, I'm re-labeling the segments. This will be Part 4 and the subsequent parts will be numbered in order. Again, I apologize for the confusion. Now... here's where we left off last time: "Mmmm... this feels good..." Luis said. "I don't know if it's the tequila or you, but I'm feelin' great." Karla smiled as she cupped his big balls and gave them a squeeze. "I think it was the beer," she said with a smirk. "The beer?" Luis asked, confused. "Yeah," Karla replied. "Aren't you feeling all nice and relaxed?" She reached into his briefs and stroked his hard cock. "Yeah," Luis said, feeling a little dazed now. He looked at Karla and the smile on her face. "What did you do?" "Just a little GHB I got from a friend. It should put you in the right mood," she said. Luis looked at her again as his head began to spin. "The `right' mood? For what?" "For me," a voice said from behind him. Luis didn't even have to turn around to know it was Rico. "What the...?" Luis started to say, the fact that he'd been set up having not yet entered his mind. He rose to his knees and turned to face Rico. "Where did you come from?" Instead of an answer, though, Rico shoved a white cloth against Luis' face. Luis recognized the fumes as poppers and tried to lift his arms to pull the cloth away, but Karla was holding him firmly by the wrists. Rico cradled the back of Luis' head firmly into his hard six pack, making sure to keep Luis' nose buried deep in the cloth while holding it in place. Luis tried to hold his breath, but with everything he'd drunk and the GHB he'd just ingested, he knew it was useless. His lungs took in the heady mix of the poppers and Rico's cologne and he felt the familiar brain fade. Rico's gut began to feel comfortable. He felt like he was sinking into it. In a matter of moments he was spinning in a drug-induced haze. As he surrendered to the scent he let out a long sigh, and slumped back, his face nestled against Rico's stomach like a baby. The next thing he remembered was his face being pulled away from Rico's strong body and the soft cloth being lowered. He looked up into his tormentor's big brown eyes. "Flying nice there, huh Pussy Boy," jeered Rico. Luis tried to reply but found that the only sound coming from his lips was a low groan. Rico knew he had his Trolley Cop on the ropes. "Gotcha," he chuckled. "Time to parteee, Puta." Rico began to rub Luis' crotch, causing a rise in the straight stud's manhood and making his briefs tent. "Yeah baby," he mocked as Luis squirmed under his hand job, "you're ready." Luis' mind reeled. He was lost in a haze of drugs and sexual urges. Through bleary eyes he watched as Rico handed Karla two pair of handcuffs. He felt himself being pushed down onto the bed and flipped over onto his stomach. He lay there helplessly while Karla clicked the cuffs to his wrists and then to the bedposts. Then Rico re-positioned his body, moving him until he was on his knees, face down on the pillow and ass up in the air. He was completely unaware that Karla was setting up video cameras in opposite corners of the room to capture every move. Luis was still wearing his underwear, which was bulging with his excited manhood and stretched tautly across his ass. Rico gave his butt a firm whack and the effect was electric, sending a sharp yet strangely not unpleasant tingling from his sculpted muscular ass cheeks directly to the base of his aroused dick. To Rico's delight Luis started to slightly buck and wiggle his butt. "I see you like it a bit a bit rough, huh baby?" Rico mocked as he leaned in close and gave his Trolley Cop a few more whacks on his bubble butt. Luis' only reply was a series of soft moans indicating that Rico may be right. "Well, maybe another time, Pussy," Rico replied sharply, "but right now I got other plans for you." Then he gently slapped at Luis' face until the dazed stud began to come back to his senses. "Ungghhh..." Luis moaned as he lifted his head from the pillow to look around. He realized the position and predicament he was in and knew he was trapped. He looked between his legs see Rico cupping and massaging his big balls while pulling his still-erect dick through the fly of his briefs. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Karla, standing in the corner, hand over her mouth, trying to stifle her laughter. "You were right, baby," Karla said, suppressing her laughter. "He is hot for you. Just look at his teenie weenie going all hard." Her words filled Luis with a sudden burst of shame and his face blushed. The embarrassment wasn't lost on Rico. He noticed it right away and knew that having a woman in the room somehow served to intensify the emotional response he was hoping to elicit from Luis. An emotional response that would help to push him more and more to the edge... an edge he would eventually topple over... As he was thinking this he was working Luis' dick, which was now glistening with his fuck sap, rubbing his calloused thumb over the prick tip, massaging a mixture of cocaine, KY jelly and pre-cum into the piss slit. "Ahhh... oooohhh...." Luis moaned as the familiar itch returned. His dick, already hard, was now ramrod stiff, and he began to desperately thrust his hips, vainly trying to fuck Rico's hand. Karla was pointing at him now and laughing even louder, calling Luis a host of names. He tried to push her words out of his mind and concentrate only on his dick and the relief he was craving. But he couldn't, and the intensity of his shame as she taunted him transferred itself to the sexual fires raging inside of him. He was just starting to climax when Rico let up. "Uhhhnnn.... noooooo...." Luis moaned. Rico snickered and began to softly rub the stud cop's smooth hard ass, still encased in the tight white briefs. He snapped the waistband as he joined Karla in her chorus of degrading names. After each snap of the waistband he also gave him a swat on the ass. "Pussy." SNAP! Whack... "Whore." SNAP!! Whack... "Cunt." SNAP!!! Whack... "Puta." SNAP!!!! Whack... "Cock-hound." SNAP!!!!! Whack... Then he ripped the ass panel right out of the briefs, leaving Luis' anal port exposed. He ran his index finger up and down Luis' ass crack, letting it linger on the hot Latino's twitching ass hole. "Ohhhhhh..... unngggghhhh...." Luis moaned as wave after wave of pleasure coursed up and down his body. Rico nodded to Karla and she silently left the room. With his one hand still slowly jerking Luis' fuck stick, continuing to rub in his special mixture, he began to dot Luis' ass pucker with the drug mixture. "What're you doin'?" Luis croacked, his voice barely above a whisper. "What do you think I'm doing?" Rico answered, sliding his finger in and out of Luis' asshole. "I'm giving you what you really want." "Nooo...." Luis moaned in a soft whisper. "Yes," Rico countered, slipping three drug-lubed fingers up Luis' asshole, basting the sensitive tissue inside. The drug did its trick and soon Luis was moaning even louder. He tried to pull away but his wrists were bound. He was stuck in that humiliating position, head down, backside up, like some fag waving his ass in the air. "Need some help there, Pussy?" Rico taunted as he watched Luis squirm and gasp as the need slowly built in him. Rico noticed that Luis had now begun to slightly thrust back onto Rico's fingers, in a not so subtle attempt to get them in deeper. His breathing had become more ragged and beads of sweat appeared on his back. As Rico increased his thrusts in and out, deeper and deeper, Luis gave a soft moan. "I think your cunt needs a man inside it, doesn't it?" "Fuck you!" Luis gasped, coming back to his senses for just a moment. But the itch... oohhhh.... that itch... Now both his ass and dick needed relief. Why was it that whenever Rico touched him his body felt so electric. Like it was on fire? "Unngghhh... oooohhh...." "Yesss..." Rico cooed softly has he worked a fourth finger into Luis' asshole and began to stretch it, liberally coating the inside with Luis' own ass juices mixed with cocaine. "If you hate it so much, why are you all hard and moaning?" Luis' head was spinning now, partly because of the GHB, but mostly because of the confusion. Why WAS he moaning? Why WAS he hard? He was straight. He pounded pussy for sport. Why as he now he was grunting and moaning like a virgin on prom night as some guy was fingering his asshole and jerking him off. Fuck! What was wrong with him? But that itch... ooooohhh.... that itch in his ass... that itch that needed scratching... The itch obliterated all other thoughts. He had to find a relief... "I'm gonna fuck you now, Luis," Rico said. He said it casually, nonchalantly, matter-of-factly. He slipped his fingers out of Luis' slicked up asshole, undid his pants and with one quick movement lowered his pants and boxers. He kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his pants. He put on a condom. "I'm gonna fuck you just like you want me to." Luis was shaking his head violently. "No, no... I'm not a fag.... get the fuck off me!" But the itch was back. As soon as Luis pulled his fingers out of his ass the tingle had returned. His dick and especially his ass were craving relief. He moaned again. What was wrong with him? Rico sensed Luis was on the edge and began to egg him on. "What's wrong Puta? Pussy Boy. Cunt Boy. You like this, don't you? You know you need Rico to fill that clit of yours..." "Nooo...." Luis moaned, but less forcefully now. Rico wasn't touching him and it was driving him crazy. How could his big straight cop body betray him like that? Why was his clit... no.... his ass... why was his ass itching like that? "Tell Rico what you want. Tell Rico what you need." He let his finger lazily graze Luis' ass lips and smiled as they twitched and opened. "Yeah.... you know what you need. You need Rico to stuff your pussy." "Noooo..." Luis whimpered, barely able to stand the tingle in his ass. "Come on," Rico hissed, his voice barely above a whisper, yet filling the room. "It's just you and me, Luis. Tell me what you want. Tell me what you need." He pressed the tip of his dick ever so slightly into Luis' asshole. Luis' drug-addled mind raced frantically as he assessed his situation. He was horrified and ashamed at the sensations running through his straight body. It was degrading to be trussed up like he was. But on the other hand he was so turned on. The feelings in his dick... in his pussy... NOOOO!!! his ass... his ass.... the itch... the itch that seemed to be soothed only when there was a cock up his pussy... ass. Rico's cock.... Rico was right... it was just the two of them... no one would ever know... Rico slid his dick in Luis' ass about a quarter of the way and smacked the stud boy on his bare ass. The combined effect of those actions sent an electric shock rocketing through Luis' body. Luis was losing it... the macho Trolley Cop was teetering on the edge and Rico knew it. Just one more push... "Well, if you want me to stop..." Rico teased as he slowly withdrew from Luis, leaving just the tip of his cock inside the cop's chute. "But I think you really want me to fuck you, don't you Pussy?" he whispered softly. "Unnggghh.... fuck...." Luis gasped. His ass... no... his pussy was being filled... being relieved. His pussy? No... his ass.... unnnggghhh.... Rico's dick pulled out and Luis found himself pushing his ass backward, searching for it. Rico moved his hips to avoid Luis' ass and he smiled as he saw Luis' ass swaying and jerking back and forth in search of his dick. He teased the bound cop by letting his prick tip brush up against his twitching, searching hole. Luis ass was on fire and he could take it no longer. "Yes......." he whispered hoarsely, finally succumbing. A smile spread across Rico's face as he looked down at the broken stud. "What was that, Luis?" he asked. "I don't think I heard you." Luis' face was red with guilt and shame, but he needed to satisfy the craving, the urge, the itch. "Fuck me," he whispered again, slightly louder. "Be a good boy and say `please'," Rico said. Unable to stand it anymore, Luis cried out, his voice a deep, throat rasp. "Please fuck me, Rico! Fuck my pussy!" That's all Rico needed. He gripped Luis by the hips and plunged his fuck stick deep into the dazed cop's man cunt. He ripped more of Luis' briefs away, leaving only the elastic of the waistband and the leg holes intact. "Ohhhhh... yesss...." Luis hissed, the itch in his pussy... no... his ass.... magically disappearing. "Yeah... your pussy loves my big dick reaming it... you're nothing but a cunt.... a pussy boy... a cunt boy... a faggot... yeah.... Luis loves cock up his boy-pussy... yeah...." Rico was staring straight into the camera with a big grin on his face. The camera was also taking in every one of Luis' expressions. "Tell me what you are... what you want... what you need..." Rico demanded as he fucked mercilessly and merrily away on his victim. "I... I... I nnneed your cccc..cock in me..." Luis sobbed in a mixture of shame and sexual relief. Getting his itch satisfied was all he cared for right now. All he wanted. Ohhh.... it felt so good.... He found himself babbling. "My pussy needs it bad," he begged as Rico continued his anal assault and drove him further over the edge. "You're a cock whore, aren't you?" Luis asked. "Admit it, Luis... admit that you love cock in your pussy." >From somewhere in his confused and defeated mind, Luis heard himself speak. "I'm a cock whore... I love cock in my pussy." He tried to process what he was saying, what he was thinking, what he was asking... He tried to rationalize what he was doing, but thanks to the drugs and the sexual fires dominating his mind, all he could feel was relief, plain and simple. He didn't know that once the drugs wore off he'd be left only with the shameful memory of his degradation. Of his begging the man he hated most in life to fuck his ass. Rico was screwing his mind as effectively as he was screwing his ass, but Luis was beyond comprehending that... beyond comprehending what the ramifications of his actions would play in his future... how Rico would use and manipulate them... Suddenly Luis' balls constricted and he began to pant heavily. "Uhhhrrrgghhh... gonna cummmm....!" He shot a huge load of stud juice into Rico's hand. Rico laughed and smeared the dick jis all over Luis' face and in his hair. He began to pull his dick out of Luis' ass once again and felt the stud cop's body shiver. "Please...." Luis moaned. "Don't stop..." Luis shook as he heard himself say the words... He was begging Rico to fuck him. His macho image cracked apart and he began to sob in his need and degradation. "Pleaseeee..." he croacked. "I need it..." Rico beamed in triumph. He had succeeded. He had broken Luis. The big bull had finally been castrated, but this was only the beginning. There was more to come. "Don't worry, Puta," Rico cooed as he withdrew his cock. "Rico'll take care of you." He reached into his bag and pulled out an eleven- inch dick shaped dildo. He wiped some of the fuck slop off Luis' face and, mixing it with some of the cocaine, lubed the dildo with the potent mixture. He uncuffed one hand of Luis' hands and placed the fuck tool in his open hand, wrapped his fingers around it and guided it to his ass. He slid it in and then out again, slowly at first, but then a bit faster. Back and forth, back and forth, until the dazed, sex-crazed cop's fucked out mind took over and he began to thrust it in and out himself. Rico watched each inward thrust, watched as Luis plunged it deeper and deeper, fucking his own ass with it. He smiled. Luis had a look of drugged out pleasure on his face and the steady stream of moans, groans and grunts coming from the straight cop's mouth only increased Rico's excitement. "Hey Karla!" Rico called out, laughing. "Check this out!" Luis saw her enter the room, saw her staring at him, saw the look on her face. He knew what he must look like. Lying there, in front of a woman, fucking his own ass and moaning in pleasure. He felt his cheeks flush in shame, but then the relief of getting the itch satisfied flooded in and took over. He was fucking his cunt hole in front of a woman and he was so turned on. A cunt? No... no... But soon even that thought dissolved in the sheer bliss of sexual relief. "Ohh... yeahh..." he moaned, as he repeatedly impaled himself. He was so out of it he didn't even realize that Rico was slowly turning him onto his back. His dick was still hard and standing straight up. "Fuck your pussy, you cunt... you slut," Rico said as he pushed a pillow under Luis' ass to raise it from the bed and expose it to the other camera. His legs were pushed up into a bent position and spread apart. His hard dick waved like a flagpole and he grunted and moaned in pleasure as he fucked himself into delirium. Luis opened a bottle of poppers and held them to Luis' nostril. The dazed stud didn't resist and readily took a snort. "Unnngggh...." he moaned. Rico switched nostrils and gave him another hit. "Whatcha doin', Luis," he asked as Luis looked up at him through drug-glazed eyes. He gave him more poppers. "Are you fucking your pussy? Come on... say it..." "Fucking my pussy..." Luis repeated as he forcefully rammed the dildo up his asshole to continue to satisfy the itch inside him. The room was filled with his contented grunts of pleasure and the young cop's handsome face took on a peaceful look of rapture. "Feels good doesn't it honey," teased Karla as she came in close to Luis' face. The drugged hunk just smiled and nodded. He could barely hear her mocking laughs as she left the room again. Rico unrolled a condom onto Luis' drug-slicked dick and then stood up on the bed over him. He slowly lowered his ass onto Luis' dick and began to bob up and down. "Ohhhhh... unggghhhhh... yesssss..." Luis cried out as his itching dick fucked Rico's ass. Rico bent forward and began to play with Luis' nipples. That made Luis squirm even more. "Oh yeah, you're my good Pussy Boy, aren't you, Luis? You love to fuck yourself and Rico, don't you?" "Yes... yessss... yeahhhh...." Luis babbled incoherently, nodding. His back arched and he screamed as he climaxed and shot his load. When Luis' orgasm subsided Rico lifted himself off of Luis' dick and gave his own hard meat a few tugs. He grabbed Luis by the back of his head and thrust his dick inside his mouth. Again Luis' didn't resist and for the next several minutes Rico fucked Luis' face while Luis' continued to fuck his ass with the dildo. Finally Rico felt his balls churning and roiling. He pulled out and shot a huge load of spunk onto Luis' sweaty face. The fuck slop hit Luis squarely in the face – some in his mouth, some up his nose – and began to drip down his face. Luis' tongue flicked out of his mouth and lapped at the cum. Rico smiled again. He got up off of Luis and went around to the foot of the bed and watched as the dazed cop continued to piston the dildo in and out of his ass. He put his hand on Luis' wrist and gently forced him to stop. It took both hands. He pulled the dildo out of Luis' ass and had to wrestle it from his clenched fist. "Unngghh... nooo...." Luis cried as his free hand flailed in search of the rubber dick that had been taken from him. Rico slid his dick back into Luis' quivering, craving asshole and watched as his fucked out twat cop grinned. Rico smiled and he gripped Luis by the hips and shoved his dick all the way in. He leaned forward and looked directly into Luis' face. That handsome face with the dreamy, peaceful look on it. "Mmmm... yeah..." he whispered. "This feels so good, doesn't it?" Luis nodded. His tongue was hanging out of his mouth, his head was lolling back and forth on the pillow, and his eyes were half closed. "Yeah.... goooooddd...." "Am I as good as Mikey?" Luis' eyes popped open. "Mikey?" 5
Docebrown Posted September 3, 2016 Report Posted September 3, 2016 Another great part added to this story. Each part gets better and better as Luis gets more fucked up. 1
flytothespider Posted September 8, 2016 Report Posted September 8, 2016 I think this is part 2.Trolley Cops – MoreBy stimle ('s where we left off last time:.."What the fuck....?" Luis coughed, struggling to catch his breathand crawling to his knees. The deliveryman shoved him on the floorand turned him onto his back. He straddled him, pinning his arms tohis sides with his muscular legs. He shoved the chloroformed clothunder Luis' nose and held it tightly in place while the copstruggled."Mmmmpppphhh.... mmmmppphhhh...." Luis moaned as the fumes began totake effect. He was just starting to slip away when he heardfootsteps. He looked up and saw a man walk into the living room.It was Rico...Rico walked up to where Johnny had Luis pinned to the floor. He wasfollowed by Rafael, Tony and Martin, who quickly closed all theblinds and curtains in the house. Rico got down on his knees andpulled the chloroformed cloth away from Luis' face. "Hello cuntboy," he said.Luis gasped for fresh air, deeply breathing to fill his lungs withfresh air. Even though he wasn't in direct contact with thechloroform anymore, he was still severely weakened from its effectsand could hardly move."Whattaya want?" Luis asked.Rico slowly shook his head back and forth. "You know, Luis, youshouldn'ta come after my boys like that. But, what the hell. Ifthey can't take care of themselves, what use are they to me?Anyway, we just came by to say `hello' and to if you wanted to playsome more.""Fuck you," Luis snarled. "You know the only reason last timehappened was `cuz you guys had me and Michael drink that stuff andsniff that shit. You had us all drugged up and shit. You know I'mnot some fuckin' pansy.""Oh Luis, Luis," Rico said, running his fingers through Luis' thickblack hair. "I don't think you know what you are or what you need."Luis tried to move his head away but Johnny held it in place. "Youdon't know anything about me, asshole.""Well, I know that before today's over you're gonna be beggin' meand my boys to fuck your ass. Or should I say, your pussy?" Ricosmiled.Luis took a deep breath, pumping up his chest. He swallowed hardand was shaking his head vehemently. "No. No fuckin' way. Youused those drugs last time and you know that wasn't me. You knowI'd never beg you to fuck me."Rico just shrugged his shoulders and picked up the cloth. He re-wetit with the chloroform. "We'll see, cunt boy. We'll see. I have afeelin' you're a big pussy deep down inside." And with that, heslowly put the cloth to Luis' face and held it while the buffed studstruggled. After a minute or so, Luis had ceased struggling butRico held the cloth in place a few seconds longer, just to be surethat the stud was completely out. Satisfied, he tossed the clothaway. He looked at Luis' face and lifted his eyelid, watching thedark brown eye roll back. He realized just how handsome the copwas. Black hair and brown eyes, nice lips (not thick, but stillnice), no scar. He lifted Luis' t-shirt and rubbed the stud'schest. For a guy with Luis' Italian heritage, he didn't have asmuch body hair as you'd think, but there was still some hair on hischest and a beautiful treasure trail that snaked down toward thewaistband of his sweats. Rico felt Luis' nipples and pec. He knewLuis worked out frequently and it showed. He had a very welldefined upper body."What's next?" Johnny asked."Let's take him to his room and dress him in his uniform," Ricosaid. "Then we'll bring him back out here and tie him to thetable. On his back." He looked over to Rafael and Tony. "Go outand move the van and then bring in my bag."Johnny, Martin and Rico picked Luis' up and half-carried, half-dragged the knocked out stud to his room, lying him on his bed whilethey found his uniform. Rico didn't bother to pull Luis' t-shirt upover his head. Instead, he ripped it right off and tossed it to thefloor. "We can use it for a gag later if we need it."Luis had a couple of uniforms hanging in the closet and Martin choseone and brought it to Rico. Then he opened Luis' dresser and founda new t-shirt and navy blue socks.As Johnny lifted Luis' ass a few inches off the bed, Rico slid hissweatpants down and off. His long legs were moderately hair andrippled with muscles. But the real prize was his bulge. Rico couldsee why Luis chose briefs over boxers. The stud was so well endowedthat he needed something to keep his big dick and balls in place.Even in his soft state, the white Hanes briefs were packed full.Rico, Martin and Johnny took a few minutes to feel up Luis' hot body.Tony and Rafael came in a few minutes later. "I put your bag in theliving room," Tony said as he and Rafael joined in the group feel-up."Mmmm... he's hot," Johnny said, readjusting his dick in his looseboxers. "I really wanna fuck him, Rico.""You'll get your turn," Rico said. "And it's gonna be sweet `cuzhe's gonna beg for it.""How do you figure?" Johnny asked, smiling."Help me tie him to the table and I'll tell you all about it."Together Rico, Johnny, Martin, Tony and Rafael dressed Luis in hisuniform and shoes carried him into the living room. Vinny and Jameswere waiting for them. They'd been waiting out in the van and hadcome inside now that the coast was clear."Johnny," Rico said, "go back and get the blanket off his bed andlay it on the table. He's gonna be there a while. Might as wellmake him comfortable. Vinny, James... clean off the table, will ya?"Johnny came back with the blanket and they laid the unconscious Luisonto it. They positioned him so that his ass was at the very edgeof the table and rested his feet on a couple of chairs. They spreadhis arms over his head and tied them to the table legs. Then theywrapped another rope around his body and under the table, securingit. Luis was still asleep."So, Rico," Johnny said, "now you gonna tell us how you gonna makeLuis beg us to fuck him?"Rico nodded. "Sit down and take a load off, guys. But someone keepan eye out for any visitors and shit. Somehow I don't believe Luiswhen he says Mikey's outta town." Johnny took a seat near theliving room window where he cracked one of the blinds, giving him aclear view of the entire street."Okay, here's how we're gonna make Luis into a cock beggin' pussy.I learned this a few years ago. When I was younger and not as wiseas I am today. But I don't wanna ever hear that any of yous guysare using this move `cuz it's mine. Understand?" Everybody nodded.Rico continued. "Okay, a few years ago, right after I graduatedfrom high school, I was valet parking at this restaurant in the GasLamp. Anyways, this place got a lot of business from conventionsand tourists and one night they were having a doctors' convention.Well, midnight rolls around and my shift is just about up. Plus,the party had already broken up, except for this one guy sitting byhimself at the bar drinking. So I go up to him and say `excuse me,mister, my shift is almost over and my ride is here so I went outand parked your car right across the street. Here are your keys.'He takes the keys and takes a longer look at me and my buddy. Itwas Shane. You guys remember Shane, don't you? Anyway, this guy isin his 40s or something and he looks just like that guy on that Sexand the City Show. You know who I'm talkin' about. Fuck, he was adead ringer for him."Rafael laughed, nodding. "Yeah, Mr. Big. But I'd take Samanthachick any day. Now that bitch looks like she can party.""So," Rico says, continuing his story, "this Mr. Big says he shouldleave anyways `cuz he's got some meetings the next day. Well, hestands up to leave and practically falls on his ass. And it was anice ass, too! He's all like `geez, looks like maybe I had a fewtoo many.' He wasn't really slurrin' or anything, but you couldtell he was feelin' good. So I offer to call him a cab. He handsme his cell phone as me and Shane help him walk outside. Before Ican even dial, he takes it back and says `look, I'm at the WyndhamEmerald Plaza just a few block from here. I'll give you $50 dollarsif you drive me back to my hotel.' I said I knew where his hotelwas so he hands me a fuckin' $50 bill! I tell him I'm not supposedto be doin' this, but he says he won't tell if I don't. Plus it's$50 bucks and I'd been bustin' my ass to make my rent ever since myroommate bailed. So I said to myself, what the fuck, and I got intohis car. I told Shane to follow in his car, but dumbass Shane had acoupla 40s while waitin' for me and was countin' on me drivin'. Mr.Big overhears me chewin' Shane's ass so he tells Shane to get in tohis car, too. Shane gets in the back seat and Mr. Big gets in nextto me. I started to drive and he says `why don't you show me thecity?' and I says `dude, it's midnight. Nobody's around.' Hehanded me a $100 bill and says `just drive, man. I don't wanna goback yet.' So I say `sure' and I take him down to Shelter Islandand around Coronado, up to Mission Bay. You know, all the touristyplaces. So, we finally get back to his hotel and it's like way past1:00 am. He had a flask in his pocket and he and Shane had beenpassing it back and forth the whole time and I could tell they wereboth feelin' good. Me, I was a little pissed at Shane `cuz now wasgonna have to drag his fuckin' ass back down to the Gaslamp to gethis car. You know what guys? I'm starved. Is there anything toeat or drink here," Rico asked, interrupting his story.James and Tony dug through the fridge and cupboards and found somechips, salsa, cold pizza, soda and beer. They set it out on thecoffee table and started to eat. Luis was still out.Rico took a handful of chips. "Now where was I? Oh, that's right.Mr. Big asks us if we'll help him to his room. I said that the deskclerk could do that for him, but he hands me and Shane $50 buckeach, and shit.... I'm not gonna give away free money! But in theback of my mind I'm thinkin' that this guy has more on his mind thanjust goin' up to his room. I ain't never done no shit with a guybefore. Well, not before that night, anyway. But Shane... know how Shane was. Always a tease... flirtin' with anythingwith two legs. By the way, did you guys hear that Shane's up inWest Hollywood these days sellin' his ass on the street? I hear hemakes bucks. But anyway, Mr. Big's already given me like $200 bucksand that'll totally help out with my rent, so I say, what the fuck.I figure he's too drunk to try anything and even if he does, I'mpretty sure I can kick his ass.""So, what happened next?" Tony asked."Well, shit head, if you wouldn't interrupt me I could finish.Kripes! So, I have the valet park the car and Mr. Big gives me hisroom key and we all walk in. I'm all nervous that someone'll lookat us funny and call the cops, thinking that we're hustlers orsomethin'. But he must be some kinda big spender because we didn'tget a second look from anybody. We get in the elevator and his roomis like on the top floor. I open the door for him and hand him backhis key and he invites us in for a drink. I says `thanks man,you've been real cool, but it's gettin' late and all and I shouldget home.' And then the fucker hands us both another $50! So we goin and the place is awesome! Fuckin' sweetest views of the cityyou've ever seen. And the place is posh. He calls room service andorders up a pizza and a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue. Now thatJohnnie Walker Blue's some expensive shit so I'm not about to say noto a shot. The room service dude brings the stuff up and Mr. Bigpours each of us a shot. But I tell him that all I can do isone `cuz I gotta drive home. But Shane? Shit... one shot turnsinto two and then three and pretty soon I can see that he's feelin'real good. He was already half in the bag, but now he's just beingstupid. And me? Well, I'm feelin' all chilled, too. I found outlater that Mr. Big'd slipped something into our glasses before hepoured the shots, and since Shane drank more, it hit him more.Anyways, like I said, I'm all chilled, sittin' back on a chair justwatchin' TV... to be honest, I wasn't really able to do much else.Plus I'm all dressed in my valet uniform and look like a totalgeek. Mr. Big hands me another shot and instead of sayin' no, Ijust take it. But I sip it. Then he takes another long look atShane. Shane's wearin' a wife beater and jeans... total Marky Markwanna be... showin' off his Calvins and all. And Mr. Big asks himif he can touch him.""And did he?" Martin asked, interrupting the story."Would you just shut the fuck up?" Johnny said. "I wanna hear this!""Well," Rico said. "Back then Shane was a total player. As far asI knew, he'd never done it with a guy, but he was a total cocktease. His body was fine and he knew how to use it to get what hewanted. Hey, if you got it, flaunt it, right? Anyways, Shanesays `give me another $100 bucks and I'll let you touch me.' Andthe fucker tosses him ANOTHER $100 bill! That's where I started towig. I'm like `hey guys, I'm straight... I'm not into this' and Mr.Big comes over to me and give me $100 buck and tells me to just shutup and watch. Fuck, a $100 bucks just to keep my mouth shut andwatch! Yes sir! Shane downs another shot and walks up to the Mr.Big. Mr. Big sticks $100 bill into his front pocket and I cantotally see him squeezin' Shane's dick. But hey, he gave me $100bucks to keep my mouth shut so I just go back to watching TV. Well,sorta. I gotta admit, I was gettin' kinda hot just watchin' `em.So, Shane goes over to the bed and sits down. Thinking back now, Icould tell Shane was feelin' whatever the guy gave us. I don't knowif it was E, GHB or a roofie... but Shane's all actin' like his lapdog. Me, I can't believe my eyes, and I sit back, pour myself alittle more Johnnie Walker and watch Shane flirt with Mr. Big. Hetells Shane to come back over to him and so Shane stands up andswaggers on over. You know how Shane used to play it. That boy hadthe moves! You could totally see his pierced nipples right throughhis wife beater, which was pretty tight, and his pants were ridinglow, showin' a few inches of his Calvins. He's buzzed and all juststands there, posing in front of Mr. Big. Mr. Big's got this biggrin on his face and puts another $50 buck into Shane's pocket andtells him to take off his shirt and shit if Shane doesn't do it!Like I said, there's about 4 inches of his Calvins showin' and Mr.Big puts a $50 bill into the waistband and tells him to undo hisbelt. Shane does and says `wanna see more?' Mr. Big nods and Shanesays `ya know it's gonna cost ya.' Mr. Big grins again and pullsout a roll of cash. I can see it's a bunch of $20s and $50s. Hesticks the wad in Shane's pocket and Shane puts his hands over hishead and says `I'm yours, dude.' I couldn't fuckin' believe it!I'd never seen two guys doin' shit like that before. Mr. Bigunbuttons Shane's jeans and they fall to the floor. His fuckin'underwear is totally bulgin' and shit if I'm not startin' to gethard just lookin' at it! Mr. Big stands up and slowly moves Shanebackwards over to the bed and sits him down. Then he sits down nextto him and gently pushes Shane onto his back and starts touchin' hisnipples and twistin' `em and Shane's all moanin' and shit. Then hepulls Shane's underwear right off. Fuck, but Shane musta beenhorny `cuz his dick was standin' up like a flagpole and dripping pre-fuck. Mr. Big grabs starts giving Shane a hand job. He pulls abottle of poppers outa the drawer and gives Shane a snort. Fuckin'Shane is higher than a kite now and that's when he did it.""Did what?" Johnny asked, rubbing his crotch."When Shane was all flyin' on the poppers, Mr. Big guy took a smallbag of powder outta the drawer where he had the poppers. I can seethat it's coke. Anyway, he let's it mix in with Shane's cum that'son his fingers and hands and he starts to rub Shane's prick tip andass pucker. I guess the stuff absorbs into your body tissue somehowand makes you all excited and horny. Before I know it, he got threefingers up Shane's ass and Shane's all moanin' like some slut!""Oh shit! That's so hot!""Yeah, tell me about it. I finished my Johnnie Walker and Mr. Bigtosses me the poppers and tells me to take a snort. Now, I'd neverhad anything like that before, but fuck, I was buzzin' really goodthen and hey, the guy had just given me a couple hundred bucks, so Itake a big snort and I'm like `whoooooooo!' Fuck! I think I evenblacked out. I'm flying and when I come back down I see that Mr.Big's got Shane's legs over his shoulders and he's fuckin' him, andShane's beggin' for it. I just stood there watchin' him pound theshit outta Shane's ass and Shane's still wantin' more. After Mr.Big blows his load he tells me to take some more of the poppers andI do. When I go to put the bottle down he puts it back to my noseand tells me to keep breathin' it. It was like I couldn't stopmyself. The more I sniffed the more I wanted. I don't evenremember how many hits I took. But I could feel him undoin' mypants and pullin' my dick out and shit and next thing I know,Shane's legs are over MY shoulders and I'M plowin' his ass. I evenhad on a condom and I don't even fuckin' know how it got there! Itwas like I was on fuckin' auto pilot `cuz my hips were just pumpin'and thrustin'. From then on, I've been into chicks and guys.""Shit," Tony said, his jaw practically on the floor. "That'sfuckin' wild!""After I came Mr. Big gave me another hit of poppers and then he wasfuckin' me. Like I said, he musta slipped something into thatJohnnie Walker `cuz I was just spinnin'. I musta passed out, `cuzwhen I opened my eyes it was light out and Mr. Big was gone. Shanewas next to me and he was just wakin' up, too. When I put my pantson there was a buncha cash in the pocket and there was a note on thetable saying thanks and that the room was all paid for and to orderbreakfast if we wanted. Shit.... we got outta there as fast as wecould. Anyway, that's the story."Rico looked around the room. The guys were speechless. Hesmiled. "So, THAT'S what I got planned for Luis. I got me a littlecoke here and before long he's gonna be so fuckin' hot and horny andhard that he's gonna be begging all of us to fuck the shit outtahim! ""Man, I'm so fuckin' horny right now man, I don't know if I canwait," James said."As soon as sleepin' beauty wakes up, his mouth is yours, man. Infact, you can all fuck that pretty face as much as you want."We're gonna film it, aren't we?" Martin asked."You bet," Rico replied. "Let's get that stuff set up before hecomes to. It shouldn't be long now."Martin and Tony got busy setting up video cameras on tripods andmaking sure there were plenty of cameras about for anybody to graband snap a picture.Luis began to come to and as the chloroform fog lifted, he realizedwhere he was and remembered what had happened. He tried to move andrealized that not only was he tied down, he was dressed in hisuniform!"Hey guys, he's up!" Martin cried out."Good, let me at him," Rafael said, unzipping his pants. "Give methat pretty mouth." He crawled up onto the dining room table andstraddled Luis' chest. He pulled his dick out of his boxers andlifted Luis' head. "Come on, bitch, suck it!"Luis cursed and twisted his head but Johnny came over and grabbed itfirmly. Martin and Tony each opened a bottle of poppers and putthem to Luis' nostrils. "Breathe it in, pussy boy, breathe it in."The intoxicating aroma did its trick and all Luis' resistancedrifted away. Rafael slid his cock into Luis' mouth and began tothrust his hips. Luis was so out of it he didn't realize that hewas sucking the fat fuck stick lodged in his mouth, drooling spoogedown his throat.Just then a car could be heard pulling into the driveway. Johnnypeered through the blinds. "Looks like we got company. Ooooh, it'sMikey! And I thought Luis said he was out for the night."Michael sat in his car for a few minutes before getting out. He wasa little bummed as he thought back on the events of the last coupleof hours. Without telling his girlfriend, Julie, he'd cancelledtheir Vegas trip and instead planned a romantic weekend. He wasgoing to take her to La Jolla shores in the morning for a picnic andthen up to Julian to a little bed and breakfast. It'd been threeweeks since he'd touched her and she'd been more thanunderstanding. She knew what had happened to him and was sosupportive. Today he was planning on showing her how much heappreciated her and how much she meant to him.He'd been in counseling for three weeks and it had done him a worldof good. The rape, for the most part, was behind him and he wasready to get on with his life. As Julie opened her apartment doorhe grinned from ear to ear, happy just to see her. They began tokiss and before he knew it, they were on the couch making out.Michael was already totally horny. After all, it had been threeweeks! He hadn't even masturbated and could feel his nuts boilingover with his spunk. He wanted like hell to jump Julie's bonesright there, but he had a plan. He wanted it to be special andromantic and sweet. He was wearing new jeans, rinsed Indigo blueLevis that hugged every curve of his muscular legs and bubble butt,a tight black ribbed v-necked sweater, and black Kenneth Coleshoes. His blond hair was styled and tousled and he looked like arunway model. His pants were bulging and he thought they were gonnasplit right at the seams.Michael knew he should get the day started, but Julie kept kissinghim and now she was grabbing his crotch. Oh shit... he was donefor! She took off his sweater and began to lick and nibble histitties. He groaned with pleasure as he took her blouse off andunhooked her bra, gently caressing her full, supple breasts. As hefondled her tits, she undid his belt and unbuttoned and unzipped hisjeans. She ran her hands over his briefs and felt how big and fullhis balls were. Michael was a well-endowed stud. Hard, he wasalmost 10 inches with a big, plum-shaped head. His whole dick, fromhis veiny shaft to the head, was sensitive and he could barely keepfrom cumming as he felt her soft hands stroking it. She smiled,knowing it was all for her. They continued to strip and kiss andsoon she was down to just her lace thong panties and he to hisbulging white briefs.Suddenly there was a pounding at the door. "Ignore it... they'll goaway," Michael whispered. But they didn't. The pounding got louderand more incessant."Julie, are you there? It's me... Shari," a voice on the other sideof the door cried out. She sounded like she was crying. Juliequickly slipped her clothes back on and opened the door."Are you okay, Shari?" she asked. "What's wrong?"Shari continued to sob and Julie took her by the arm and brought herinside. Michael was in the corner, back to the girls, trying toyank his jeans up over his bulging briefs, get his sock and shoesback on, and pull on his sweater. He finally turned around,somewhat composed, when he caught his reflection in the wall mirrorand realized he'd forgotten to zip his fly. It was all the way downand spread wide open. His face went beet red and he quickly spunaround as he struggled to zip it up. When he finally got it zippedhe turned back around and smiled sheepishly. "Hey Shari," he said,still red-faced, but trying to regain his composure.Shari hadn't even noticed. She was still crying and it was evidentsomething was wrong. Julie was doing her best to calm her down."It's Tilly," Shari sobbed. Tilly was her cat. Shari was theworld's biggest animal lover."What's wrong with Tilly," Julie asked, rubbing Shari's arm."I found her on the back patio. The coyotes must've got her lastnight."Now Julie started to cry. She and Shari were best friends and she'dbeen there the day Shari found Tilly at the animal shelter. Juliecovered her mouth with the back of her hand. "I'm so sorry," shesaid, her eyes misty and her voice cracking. The two girls huggedand cried.Michael put his hand on Shari's shoulder and squeezed it. "I'msorry. Really. Julie, honey? I think you should stay with Shari.""No, wait," Julie whispered. "This is your day. Don't let me ruinit."Michael hugged Julie and shook his head. "No. This is tooimportant.""I'm so sorry," Shari sobbed, sensing she had interrupted something.Michael turned to her and gave her a big hug. "Don't be sorry. Meand Julie are great.""I'll walk you out," Julie said, grabbing her coat.Once outside the front door Michael turned to Julie. "My balls areas blue as my jeans, Jules.""I know, baby. I know. Tomorrow... I promise. We'll spend the dayhere, in bed." She stroked his cock through his jeans. "I've beenmissing this, too, you know."Michael's knees practically buckled at the sensation. "Okay.Tomorrow." He gave her a long passionate kiss. "I love you."As he drove home he tried to call Luis to give him a heads up butkept getting the machine. `Hmmmm.... he must be out.' He had to dohis best not to pull over masturbate right there, but he wanted tosave it all for Julie tomorrow. But fuck! He pulled into thedriveway next to Luis' car.>From his vantage point at the front window, Johnny could see Michaelparked. "He's just sittin' there. Okay, wait, here he comes."Luis' eyes widened, but Rafael's cock in his mouth kept him fromcrying out. Rico fished through his bag and found a poppers maskand tossed it over to Johnny. "As soon as Mikey walks in, get himwith this and keep him all fucked up and woozy. I got a plan."Michael walked up the front walkway and tried the door. It waslocked. He inserted his key, opened it, and stepped inside. "HeyLuis' you here? Whe..." He stopped mid-sentence as he saw thesight in front of him. There was Luis, tied to the table with someguy's dick in his mouth. Michael furiously lunged forward. "Whatthe... mmmppphhhh...."Michael never saw Johnny. The 6'6" lug smothered Michael's facewith the poppers mask and wrapped one of his big arms around hiswaist, pinning his arms. He lifted the struggling stud completelyoff his feet.Michael tried to fight, but couldn't get any leverage since his feetweren't on the ground. The fumes of the poppers had wrapped aroundhis brain and he felt his body getting hot and going limp. Hemoaned as he inhaled more and more of the fumes. He saw Rico andhis boys around him but for some reason didn't care."Okay, that's good," Rico said, pulling Rafael's cock out of Luis'mouth. He shoved Luis' ripped t-shirt into it to shut him up andwalked over to where Johnny was holding Michael and removed thepoppers mask. He looked into Michael's hazy eyes. "Hey there,pretty boy," he said softly, fingering Michael's lower lip. "I seeyou're back for round two. Put him down on the couch, Johnny andgive him some of this." Rico pulled a baby bottle out of the bagand put it to Michael's mouth, squirting some in. Michael began tosuck on the nipple. "That's a good boy. Remember how good ittastes? Yeah... go for it big guy."The stuff Michael was drinking was the same stuff Rico had given himand Luis the last time; a designer drug that would make him horny,giddy, rock hard, and dick-drippy. Rico looked over at Luis, stilllying on the table. "Uh, hello... people? We got a ripe stud onthe table there with no takers. Come on, guys... fuck that face!"Vinny immediately pulled the gag out of Luis' mouth and shoved hisdick in."Let's get these clothes off you," Rico said, pulling Michael'stight sweater off. "You work out, dontchya? Nice six-pack andpecs. Nice shoes, too," he said, slipping them off. "Kenneth Cole,right? I think I'm gonna keep these." He picked up a switchbladeand sliced the seams of Michael's jeans. Sorry about the jeans,Mikey. Holy shit!" he exclaimed, catching site of Michael's bulgingbriefs. "Damn guys! Check this out! I think he's even bigger thanLuis! Dude, we're gonna have some fun with you!"Michael was now stripped down to just his tighty whities and Ricowas groping and fondling him up and down. "Tony, Martin," hesaid. "Come over here and get Mikey all worked up. But don't lethim cum. I want him hard and horny and ready to go."Vinny's sizeable cock was still stuffed in Luis' mouth and he wasslowly rocking his hips back and forth. Rico walked over and withhis switchblade sliced through Luis' pants and briefs, tossing themaside. "Now it's play time, Luis," he said. "In a few minutesyou're gonna be begging for me to plug your cunt with my dick."Luis had a look of pure hatred on his face. "Ffhhkkk uu..." was allhe could manage, since Vinny's dick was still in fucking his mouth.Rico gently took Luis' dick in his hand and ever so slowly jerked ituntil it began to get hard. He had a baggie of cocaine on the tablebetween Luis' spread legs, ready to go. Luis' cock was hard now andstarting to ooze pre-cum. Rico made sure to get his hand andfingers all wet with the fuck sap and dipped them into the baggie tocover them with the cocaine. Then he worked the drug into the cum,making sure it dissolved. He nodded for Vinny to take his dick outof Luis' mouth. Then he took Luis' dick in his hand again androiled his palm over Luis' prick tip, making sure the druggedmixture worked its way down his piss slit to the sensitive tissuethat would rapidly absorb it. Luis was completely unaware. All heknew was that his dick was getting even harder and was now supersensitive to the touch."Ohhhh...." Luis moaned, against his will. "Unngghhh...""Want me to fuck you yet?" Rico asked, as Vinny withdrew hisdripping cock."Fuck you," Luis gasped, finally free of Vinny's monster dick. Hespit, trying to get the cum out of his mouth."You're looking pretty hard there, pal," Rico teased, slapping Luis'rigid dick. "And look... no drugs." He did an Austin Powersaccent, "Do I make you horny?" Everybody laughed. Luis didn'treply. He just glowered.Making sure his finger was wet with the cocaine/cum mixture, Ricoslowly ran it up and down Luis' asshole. Luis bucked his hips butVinny and Rafael were there to hold him down."Put a pillow under his ass," Rico directed. "When he startsbeggin' I wanna make sure we got easy access.""I told you I'd never beg, you faggot," Luis sputtered."Blah, blah, blah," Rico said as he wormed his finger into Luis' nowtwitching ass pucker. He wanted to get the cocaine/cum mixture ontoLuis' prostate, to let it absorb in and stimulate him, but Luis wasjust too tight. Rico got down on his knees and started to lick thestud's pink ass crack."Unnggghh..." Luis moaned as Rico's tongue flickered over his analport. Rico kept licking, gently at first and then a little harder,trying to loosen up the stud's tight asshole."You like this?" Rico asked, poking his head out. "I knew youwould. Pretty soon your little clitty is gonna be open nice andwide for Rico. Hey, James, I think Luis wants to taste your cock.""Fuck you, Rico," Luis spat, his voice a low growl. "And quitcalling it a clit.""But that's what it is, Luis. A clit. A cunt. A pussy. And look,it's Just begging for cock."Luis turned his head away but James crawled up on the table andlifted it up. "Oh, poor baby... " he said, patting him on thehead. "You want some of this? Yeah.... baby needs some of this."He slid his dick into Luis' mouth and smiled as the bound cop wasforced to suck, unable to resist.Rico continued to eat out Luis' ass, forcing his tongue further andfurther in, sucking away. Luis, against his will, was moaning, andRico could feel his pucker giving way ever so slightly. He tried towork his finger in and this time was successful. He moved it aroundin a circular motion, slow and tight and then wider. He inserted asecond finger and then a third. He dipped the fingers of his freehand into the baggie of cocaine, took out a healthy pinch andsmeared it over the cum-slicked fingers he was sliding in and out ofLuis' ass. He felt Luis' back arch and he knew the cocaine hadfound his prostate and was being absorbed. It was now just a matterof time before Luis's ass would be itching for something to fill it,to make the tickling sensation go away. And the only thingavailable to him would be cock. Lots and lots of cock.Meanwhile, back on the couch, Michael was being felt up like a pieceof meat. The drug he'd been given had hit him quick and hard and hewas completely dazed and the poppers being thrust under his nosedidn't help, either. Two fingers were busy sliding in and out ofhis mouth while his nipples were being tweaked and balls gentlysqueezed. Someone had their finger up the leg band of his briefsand was working it into his clenched hole. Someone else was cuppinghis big, cum-filled balls with one hand and stroking his hard shaftwith the other, letting his finger lazily drift over the sensitivehead, making the soft white cotton of his briefs chafe the prick tip."Iiiieeeee... ooooohhh...." Michael moaned, helpless to doanything. Every time his body began to shudder and he was about tocum, the guys backed off and waited for his hunky body to calm backdown. Then they'd go at it again. Shit, he was so fuckin' horny!Why wouldn't they just let him cum? He begged and whined but stillthe guys just toyed with him. He knew he'd been drugged, but is wasthe poppers the guys kept putting under his nose that was drivinghim over the edge. All he wanted to do was shoot his wad. Tofuck. To fuck something. To fuck anything. He didn't realize hewas babbling all this out loud.Rico slid his fingers out of Luis' ass, rubbed a little more cocaineinto the cum, and shoved them back in. He could feel Luis'sensitive prostate and gently massaged it. Even with James' cock inhis mouth, his moans were getting louder and louder."Pull out, James," Rico instructed. "I wanna here what out littleputa has to say.""Ohhhhh..... shitttt.... gawwwwwddd.... fuck... fuck... fuck..."Michael babbled."You wanna get fucked?" Rico asked.Luis' ass was itching. It felt so empty. What was wrong with him?Why was he so hard? He knew he was being assaulted, but no one hadgiven him any drugs. Why was he so hard all of a sudden? The otherhalf of his brain was no starting to take over, telling him louderand louder that he needed to satisfy that itch he was feeling, thathe needed to find some kind of solution to satisfy the crazyfeelings he was having down there, no matter what.Rico smiled. He had Luis right where he wanted him. Lying on hisback, practically begging to be fucked, to have his itching, hot boycunt filled. And Michael. Poor, horny, hot Michael was so workedup he was ready to fuck anything. And he was do drugged out hewould. Rico nodded to Martin and Martin took one of the videocameras off its tripod.Rico walked over to the couch and took Michael by the hand andhelped him to his feet. The stud's briefs were obscenely tented andRico couldn't help but squeeze Michael's throbbing rod as he walkedhim over to where Luis was lying and moaning. Michael smiled agiddy smile and moaned as Rico felt him up. "You need it, don'tyou, Mikey," he asked the drugged young man. "Dontchya? You justgotta shove that big dick into some cunt.""Yeah... a cunt," Michael repeated, all dazed. He didn't know wherehe was any more or what was happening to him. All he knew was hewas hornier than he'd ever been and he wanted to fuck. He had tofuck.Rico stood Michael between Luis' spread legs and looked into Luis'eyes. "You need it, too, dontchya, Luis? You need to have that hothole filled... you want your cunt filled."In his fucked-out, horny condition, Luis just nodded. "Fuck me,fuck me... PLEASE....."Rico ripped Michael's briefs right off him. His rock hard dick,released from its confines, bobbed up and down, droplets of pre-cumsplattering on his chest. Rico guided the young man, by his dick,closer to Luis' quavering hole. "There is it... a big pussy justwaiting for you... yeah...."Michael, in his lust-filled, drug-induced condition looked throughbleary eyes at Luis, not recognizing him. "A cunt... yeah... I needcunt." And with that, he rammed his cock into Luis' asshole.Luis, relieved that the itch in his ass was finally subsided, moanedhis relief aloud. "Yes... yes... yes..."Martin continued to videotape the two hot cops as the fucked eachother, Michael pumping his horny dick into Luis' ass and Luisarching his back like some $2 whore. Michael fucked and fucked andfucked and fucked, cumming buckets into Luis' pussy, completelyunaware that he was fucking a guy's ass. His roommate's ass. Hejust thought he was pounding some pussy. He came so much that therewas cum dripping everywhere.Luis couldn't believe that his roommate was fucking him, but on theother hand he was just relieved that the itching in his ass wasbeginning to subside.With Michael now completely spent, he could barely stand. Tony andRafael walked the naked hunk back to the couch and let him flopdown. They pulled him forward until his ass was just hanging overthe edge and spread his legs. His naked asshole was exposed. Tonypicked up a black butt plug and inserted it into Michael's ass,screwing it in. He hooked it to harness and fastened it toMichael's waist. The butt plug was on a timer and would throbperiodically. Whenever it did, Michael would start to moan andbabble and his dick would either dribble or it would shoot a load uphis chest and onto his pretty face. Soon his sculpted torso wascovered with fuck batter.Rico knew that Michael had no idea that he had fucked Luis, but thatLuis knew that Michael had fucked him. Rico was hoping Luis wouldhold some sort of unspoken grudge against Michael and maybe try toexact revenge on him some day. That's why he was using the buttplug on Michael. By the time the night was over, Michael's dickwould've shot so many loads and be so raw he would never be surewhether or not he'd actually fucked anyone.Rico turned his attention back to Luis and walked over to where hishead was. Rafael and Tony had both just finished shooting theirloads all over his face and Rico patted them on the backs. "Nicejob, boys," he said. "Let me have a word with Luis, if you don'tmind."He bent over Luis, his mouth barely two inches from Luis' full redlips. "How you feelin' there puta? You fucked with the wrongpeople I tell ya. But you're takin' it like the whore you are.Your cunt's gonna see so much action tonight you're gonna have toinstall a turnstile." Luis could understand what was being said,but his mind was so focused on the itch that was starting up in hisass again that he just nodded."Boys," Rico said, looking around. "We've got ourselves a cuntboy. Who's up first?" 1 3
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