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  On 3/27/2021 at 1:54 PM, pozpopperpig said:

Not Chis!  That is going  to destroy Eric!  Crying my eyes out and need more!


I agree. I had always been hoping that Dr. Nick would find a miracle cure for Chris. Now that won't happen. 

  On 3/27/2021 at 10:09 AM, Navi38 said:

Part 38


Sitting around the table with my brother, father, and the rest of the family was always surreal.  The first time dad entered my hole after mom was gone, I could never imagine we would end-up here.  These men, apart from father and brother, were the best things that ever happened to me.

I wasn’t sure when dad and I decided to move into the condo, it was the best decision we ever made.  I had questions leaving all that behind for this ranch.  I find myself sitting at a large table with a bunch of poz pig men I call family and lovers.  A delightful woman from a small town in the mountain, holding court in the middle of all us pigs.  Given everything has happened and will happen, it’s moments like this are magical.

I worked with dad in managing the construction around the ranch and the town.  I didn’t meet a single person that showed me anything but kindness.  There were several that should lay off the bottle; we all have our issues.

Mrs. Betty was saying her goodbyes, and it was getting late.  Mason walked her out to her car.  Once Mrs. Betty was down the mountain, we all went up to bed.  We left the floodlights on outside and locked the doors.  It was always calming to fall asleep in my dad’s arms.  Regularly I would wake up with his bone buried in my back yard.

I was the first one up the following morning.  I started the coffee.  I was standing in just my underwear I was reviewing the draft plans dad had made for the town's new cameras.  I saw a few minor issues, nothing that would stop the project.  The family had decided that we weren’t going to be trapped on our land.  We made a rule that no one goes anywhere alone.  Mason had to deputize Chris.

Dad had me go with him into town to survey the locations for the cameras.  Doing all the work around the town, I knew just about everyone.  I also knew the ladies didn’t mind me working shirtless, and a few men caught a glimpse as well.  I can’t say I haven’t been raw fucked behind a barn or two in this little mountain town.  Dr. Nick had taken my ass a couple of times when I was running wire in his new clinic.

My role has always been a supporting one, either in my father's construction company or managing The Tom.  I was directing the crew in starting the installation of the new cameras.  We had data cables in the ground already.  I saw a black suburban coming over the rise and into town.  I saw the glint of the tell tail semi-hidden red and blue flashing lights in the grill.  The SUV turned and headed up the road toward the ranch.  I knew Chris and Mason were up at the ranch with Jason.  Any un-invited guests were not welcome.

I jumped in my car and followed the suburban.  The SUV pulled over to the side of the road, and large man got out.  He was over 6’ and a solid build wearing a well-tailored black suit.  He flashed his badge and signaled me to pull over.  He had pulled back the bottom of his jacket, showing his FBI-issued firearm.  He meant business.

I pulled over. He told me to show him my hands.  I still didn’t have a shirt on, and some very short shorts.  It was apparent I had no place to hide a weapon.  I made sure to step away from my car, so he had a full view of my body.  I couldn't see his eyes. Based on the tilt of his head, he was taking a look at my cock ring enhanced package.  He asked why I was following him.  I explain that I lived at the ranch, and considering the recent events, he might want an escort.  I told him I called ahead and said that he looked to be FBI.  He took his hand off his weapon and approached me with his hand stretched out.  He introduced himself as agent Lewis.  He explained that considering who the family had become the target of, heightened precautions were necessary.  I asked him how dangerous was this man.  The agent told me the man had committed several acts of assault and attempted murder across several states.  His stalking of our family was the closest they had come to finally catching him.  Agent Lewis explained he was a criminal profiler and military-trained sharpshooter.  He would stay with the family till the man left the state or made another attempt.  A cold chill ran up my spine, but the blood flowed to my cock.

He got back in his car, this time allowing me to take the lead to the ranch.  Mason came out to greet us, introducing himself as the sheriff.  The agent said he noticed some state troopers in the town providing additional support.  I said, “he should be most afraid of Mrs. Betty. She would kill him on the spot given a chance.”  I quickly learned the FBI was short on humor.  His ass wasn’t short of anything. It was round and in need of deep rimming.

The officer asked Mason if there was a place they could stash his vehicle.  He said he needed to blend in with the family, not drawing attention.  I said, “then the suit needs to go.  I have some clothes you can wear.  I came down with a slightly too small crop top and a jockstrap.  The agent looked a the outfit.  He asked, “You don’t have anything with more fabric?”  I explained our usual attire around the house, but I would find him some shorts.  Those would be a bit tight and show off his ass.


I heard everything that was said by the agent downstairs.  Jake filled me in as he came up to get clothes.  Jake was starting his recovery, and they had lowered his pain medication.  Jason was in pain. There wasn’t much I could do to help.  I never liked feeling helpless.  I kept my focus on Jason and getting him anything he needed.  I could easily carry him into the bathroom.  He insisted on walking there himself.  I saw the clothes Jake brought down for the FBI agent.

I gave it two days before the agent had his cock in a hole or a cock in his hole.  We did keep condoms in case someone did want’ the family sting.  We had yet to use any.  I heard the agent given in and asked where he could hang his suit.  My priority was on taking care of Jason. I could find underwear to show off my assets later.


David and I had got to Mrs. Betty’s to pick up some meals for the house.  I received a text from Jake about our house guest.  I asked Mrs. Betty if she could make a meal for an extra person.  She said she had packed for three additional guests.  David and I walked out of Mrs. Betty’s and got into the SUV.  We were heading up the mountain, I couldn’t wait to see how Jake had dressed the agent.

I felt the SUV suddenly pull to one side, and a warning came on the dash.  One of the tires was low.  I could tell it was losing air fast.  I pulled the SUV over; somebody had reduced the tire to bits of rubber and just the rim.  Then I saw the bullet lodged in the rim.  I called the ranch.  Mason was on his way down.  Mrs. Betty had heard the shot, and her headlights were coming up on me fast.  Behind here were men with rifles and dogs.  They estimated the angle of the bullet and headed into the woods.  I was worried they might get hurt.  Mrs. Betty smile, “you don’t know much about mountain hunters.  That man may not see the light of morning.  Let’s get that tire changed and get you back to the ranch.  One of the older men stayed behind to help me with the SUV.  We got the spare on, and we all headed up the mountain, meeting Mason coming down.  He passed us to join the hunt.  The agent was gone by the time we got to the ranch. I assumed he joined the search party.  Jason was asleep while Mrs. Betty prepared food and fresh coffee.

Mrs. Betty:

I knew the men that followed me up to meet Jacob and David.  I knew between their rifles and their dogs. This nightmare would be over.  Those men had tracked several bears and other large animals that had harassed the town.  They would often trap, a few times they had to kill.  I knew tonight they weren’t looking to trap.  I had brought a bottle of the finest whisky in my store to celebrate the ending of this horrific event.  That’s when I saw a man appear out of the forest and into the floodlight-lit clearing.  I called for Mason, and it was Chris who came through the door first.  He was barreling toward the man, faster than I had seen any man move.  Chris knocked the man over with the power of a locomotive.  Chris and the man struggled on the grass, brawled. Mason was next, aiming his rifle, waiting for an opportunity to shoot.  I heard a gunshot rip through the air.  Both Chris and the man stopped moving.  Chris moved, and I breathed a sigh of relief.  The man pushed Chris off of him.  The man was gasping for air.  The man wasn’t breathing when I reached the two.  I watched as the bloodstain growing rapidly on Chris’s shirt.  I knew Chris was shot.  I ran out to the field, the rest of the boys passing by me.  I heard the SUV pull up and slam to a halt.  The rest of the boys piling out of their car and running into the clearing.  Everyone was there except for Mason and Jason.  We all sat and watched as the life drained from Chris.  He smiled, “that fucker will never hurt my family again.”  Chris’s body gave up its last measure of life.  His final act was the protection of his family.  I knew shortly it would be mine to hole these boys together.


We all sat silently in the field.  Mrs.  Betty went into the house and found a sheet to lay over Chris and the man.  There were no words, this my second great loss.  I wasn’t about to let this family fall apart. We needed each other now more than ever.  None of us moved till the coroner showed up at almost dawn to collect the two men.

The blood-stained ground stood as a memorial of where the champion of our family had fallen.

I knew we would rise from this great tragedy. I didn’t know how or when.  Jackson came and put his arm around me.  He said in a fatherly tone, “we will grieve, we will honor, and we will move forward.  He fought hard for this family. We won’t let that sacrifice go to waste.

Mrs. Betty convinced us to move inside.  Then I realized we would have to tell Jason.


Authors Note:  This is not where our story will end, this wouldn't break this family.  Their story is far from concluded.




Part 39


I had dealt with the death of my wife.  Ultimately, my life landed me here with my boys.  I did love that woman, and she did give me two incredible sons.  I couldn’t imagine what Eric was going through.  For weeks he didn’t come to bed, choosing to sleep on the couch.  While the others tried to get him back into his bed, I understood why he couldn’t.  The loss, getting into a cold bed where there used to be another, was a shock to the system.  The entire town held a procession for Chris’s burial, and he was laid to rest on the ranch.  I had to admire Eric. He didn’t run away or cause me to remodel the house.  He would eat, sleep, work, and go to the gym.

Eddy had posted on the website about the passing of Chris.  The never-ending flow of flowers and condolences was shocking.  People that had never been to the ranch but remember him from the clubs sent their condolences.  I knew the only thing that Eric needed was time and space.  Eventually, he would be ready to talk; all of us would be there to listen.


The weight of guilt for introducing this maniac into this family was almost more than Dean, and I could bear.  We would carry that weight, and we weren’t going to run off.  We would not abandon Eric or the rest of the family.  We would find our moments alone to talk about it, cry about it. We were letting it work its way out of our system.  I couldn’t tell you if it helped or not, but it was the only thing we thought to do.


I was awakened from a nap with the sound of a gunshot.  I tried to get out of bed, but it was too painful.  I knew I should push it and risk the delicate repair they had done from that deep wound.  The time it took for anyone to come back into the house, I knew something was very wrong.  It was Mrs. Betty that came up and told me what had happened.  She stayed with me for hours while the tears flowed.


David and I understood Eric and Chris’s deep connection.  They had a unique bond, now Eric’s two great loves were in the ground.  I watched as the entire family stayed together, quietly going about their day. They were giving Eric time to grieve.  I think they were afraid of a repeat performance of when he lost Tom.  I knew that wasn’t going to happen, and I knew Eric would get through this.


We had stopped all the construction projects and closed the ranch for the rest of the year.  I would take calls from the locals for various repairs and other work, and I would send one of the crewmen that made this town their home.

Mrs. Bett would come up every day, sometimes making us all sit and share a meal.  Other days she would drop off food.  I know she was striking a delicate balance of not pushing the family while keeping us together.

I was standing in the kitchen having my morning coffee.  There was a knock on the door.  I opened the door to find a man in a button-down shirt, slacks, holding a portfolio.  He introduced himself. He had a list of every family member’s name.  He thought I was Jake; he guessed correctly.  He explained because Jason and Mason part of the Sheriff's department, they had benefits when there was a shooting.  He was a therapist.  With such a large family, he thought he would stop by if anyone wanted to talk.  I brought him into the kitchen and offered him coffee and pie.  He graciously accepted.  He was asking questions about what I saw happen.  I told him the story, and he would interject questions or thoughts.  He never wrote anything down. It was just a conversation.  It felt good to talk to someone outside the family.  I could say things I wouldn’t talk about with the others.  He asked if any other members of the family were home and about Mrs. Betty.  I told him everyone was here and Mrs. Betty would be here soon with lunch.  He asked if we ate lunch together.  I told him that Mrs. Betty made us eat together at least once a day.  He asked if he could stay for lunch.  I sent a text to Mrs. Betty telling her we had a guest for lunch.


I heard Jake talking to a strange voice in the kitchen. I went in to check.  The man introduced himself, looked at his list, and asked if I was Dean.  He said, “You are married to Ashton?”  I replied, “yes.”  He wondered if the three of us to talk a walk around the ranch.  There was no reason why not.  I found Ashton, and the three of us went for a walk.  The therapist told us why he was here.  Then he asked how we were dealing with our guilt.  We stopped in our tracks.  He said the FBI keeps detailed records, and he has been doing this for a long time.  Ashton immediately broke down.  The therapist listened, doing a lot more than “there, there, it will be fine.”  He was helping Ashton, and I understand what we felt.  It didn’t feel like therapy. It was more of a conversation with a friend.  When we finally made it back to the house.  I can’t say we were “all better.”  He did put us on the right road to dealing with our feelings.


I overheard Jake’s conversation with the therapist.  I listened only enough to find out who the stranger in the kitchen was.  The man came to my desk.  I stood up, we shook hands, and he introduced himself.  He was asking questions about my work at the ranch, easing into my history with Chris and Tom's passing.  He entered into those topics with the precision of a professional.  I didn’t get defensive, and I was able to talk.  This conversation was the first time I was able to speak about it.  He was easy to talk to, and this didn’t feel like a therapy session.  I had been to enough to know this was a “session,” but he was excellent at his job.

The conversation concluded. He left my desk and talked with every family member.  When Mrs. Betty had arrived, the therapist had spoken to all of us.  He introduced himself to Mrs. Bett, putting his hand out.  “We don’t do that here,” she said.  Mrs. Betty gave him a big hug.  We all sat down for lunch.  For the first time, everyone was talking.  The man had us each tell how we met Chris.  It was somewhere between therapy and a memorial, and it was just what we needed.  We finished lunch.  The therapist said he would be in town for a couple of days, leaving his card with his cell phone number.  He made a gracious exit.

Mrs. Betty:

I hadn’t ever been to a therapist.  I knew some that did a lot of good and others that did more damage.  I could tell by the relaxed faces of my boys he was one of the good ones.  I put lunch on the table; for the first time in weeks, the boys were talking.

Each one told their stories about Chris and some jokes in there as well.  Like Jason’s recovery, it wouldn’t be easy, but they would get through it.


After dinner, I got a call from a number I didn’t know.  I answer the call.  It was the therapist from earlier in the day.  He said he had one quick question.  He wanted to know what was a regular family activity, something that brought us all together.  For us to be together as long as we had, he knew there had to be something.  I figured in his line of work, and he had heard everything.  I told him we would have family orgies.  He said that sounded like a great family bonding activity and brought some normality to the house.  He felt I might be a good one to initiate it.  I had taken on more of a “father figure” since Chris’s passing.  He was right.

I hung up the phone and told the family what the therapist had to say.  Eric was the first to speak.  I was afraid he would have an aggressive reaction to “fucking at a time like this.”  Instead, what he said caught me by surprise.  “I miss the tough of my family, and I think we miss the touch of each other.  We might be a little out of practice, but I miss you all.”  We all headed upstairs for showers and cleanings.  Jason was still on bed rest and light activity.  He could still suck a cock.


It was nice for the family to be back together.  We weren’t having our usual pig poz cum stuffing orgies.  The family had a deep connection through sex and DNA.  The sex we were having was not about “getting off.”  This time it was returning to something fundamental.  It felt like we were pozzing each other all over again.  We were seeding each other with love, rebuilding our foundation.  The night carried on with this slow burning passion we shared. It was ending with everyone back in their beds.  Eric got into his bed. It hurt to see him alone.  He wasn’t sleeping on the couch, it was a step in the right direction.


Part 40


The therapist had come by the ranch a few more times before leaving town.  After a couple of months, I was back on active duty.  I think the family was overprotective; someone was always “needing to stop by the station” while on duty.  I guess Mason reminded the family that I was a trained Deputy Sheriff.

Though the threat was gone, the town voted to install the cameras.  The money raised by the ranch created a new fire department and upgraded the sheriff's station.  Mason and I had new, high-powered cruisers.  Nothing could get past us on those mountain roads.  I think we were the safest and most advanced town on the mountain.  The family was getting ready to re-open the ranch, and general tourist traffic had picked up.  Some wanted to hear the story of the “madman in the forest.”  I am sure it came from some stupid TV show.  No one in the town would tell the story out of respect for Chris.

The town had also expanded with people moving in and building vacation homes.  The hospitality and security of our town made it very attractive for people to move too.  There was still a hole that Chris left, and a noticeable scar on my side.  Both were reminders of what we lost and what we still had.

Mason was spending more time in my bed each night.  I enjoyed being the family cum dump for a while.  I didn’t mind if it made them feel better to stuff my hole with family cum.

Mason was out on foot patrol (having tea with Mrs. Betty) when I saw a black SUV pull up to the station.  I recognized the agent from that terrible night.  He wasn’t in the typical, “black suit.”  He wore a baby blue buttondown shirt with the top two buttons open, Slacks, and “dress shoes” with some grip on their soles.  He came in and smiled, telling me he was glad to see me back at work.  He asked if he could have a tour of the station.  I happily obliged.  He did have to lock up his weapon, none allowed in the back except mine and Masons.

We had moved everything on-line. The file room was now just an empty room.  We were still required to keep paper records stored at the courthouse.  The agent asked about the empty office if we had any plans to use the space.  I didn’t know of any plans.  He wondered when Mason would be back.  The bureau had tasked him with a project.  He needed to talk with local law enforcement.  The agent and I made idle chatter while we waited for Mason.

Mason arrived with a glass of tea for me and the agent.  The agent explained that the bureau with state law enforcement wanted to establish more of a presence in these mountain communities.  Our town was situated halfway up the mountain giving easy access up for down.  I asked if there was a threat.  The agent explained, “that’s why I am here, a local resource in case anything crops up.  Some of the reputations of people living in the mountains were warranted.”  The bureau had called the Mayor and had his approval.  However, final approval had to come from local law enforcement, ultimately Mason.

The agent finished detailing what his responsibilities would be and what resources he could bring to our town.  Mason said it sounded like a good fit.  There were two things he would have to do.  First, lose the suit, and second, pass a test.  The agent replied, “I was one of the top graduates in my training at the bureau and a marine.”  Mason smiled, “this test is much harder; we have to see Mrs. Betty.  If she approves of you, you can stay.  If not, you will have to get in your SUV and go back to Washington.”

Mason took the agent to Mrs. Betty’s, I checked out his ass on his way out.


At first, I was skeptical when I got the call the FBI was back in our town.  When I saw it was the agent from that night, I knew he would be a good fit.  He was well trained and willing to put on what Jake gave him to wear.  He had a nice bulge and a great ass.  We got to Mrs. Betty’s, and I introduced the agent.  That when I realized I just knew him as “agent.”  He put his hand out, “I am agent Woods.”  She looked him up and down, “You have a first name, woods?”  He replied, “yes mam, my momma calls me Wesley or Wes for short.”  “You always listen to your mamma?”  Mrs. Betty asked.  “Any time I am under her roof.”  He replied with a smile.  “Let’s have pie and talk.  I am sure Mason has something, somewhere to do.”  I took my queue and went back to the station.

The family had built a firehouse and all the equipment, including a new truck.  The Mayor tasked me with finding a fire chief and one full-time fireman.  I had the same problem with finding another deputy, and no one wanted to work in a sleepy mountain town.  I knew there had to be someone, and it might take some time to find.  Betty’s husband had taken to maintaining the firehouse and equipment till we found someone.

Jason and I were sitting at our desks in the reception area, talking when the door opened, and agent Woods came back in.  Mrs. Betty was right behind him.  Mrs. Betty smile, “he can stay. Just keep him in line.”  I smiled; the man was FBI and a Marine.  I had nothing to teach him.  Jason and I could learn a lot from him.  Mrs. Betty left.

I showed Wes the empty room that was his office.  He said he had a budget for equipment and supplies and upgrades to the station.  Looking at what the family had done, he couldn’t see what those upgrades would be.  I asked him if he had anything more comfortable to wear.  I would take him on a tour of the town.  It would be easier to walk and meet the townspeople.  He said he had jeans and boots in his truck.  He went out to get them.  While he was gone, Jason and I compared notes on his ass.  He came back, and we went on a tour, ending at the gym.  Malik, David, and Ashton were training some local housewives.  They immediately recognized Wes from that ugly night.

We left, heading back to the station.  Wes commented on the gym's quality, the town's beauty, and how modern everything was.  I explained to him the story of when “the family came to town.”  We were halfway back to the station, passing the hotel.  Wes asked if the hotel took in long-term renters.  He was getting relocation money he could use to buy or build a house, but those wheels moved very slow.  Getting reimbursed for a hotel was easy.  I told him I didn’t know and would get him an answer in a couple of hours.  He wouldn’t be sleeping in his truck.

I sent a text to Eric to see if the family would accommodate him at the ranch.  Jacob replied, “absolutely.”  The family had taken on a policy of more group decisions, mainly if someone was coming into the home.  I knew that Jacob responding meant they had all agreed.  The ranch had several guest rooms on the main floor. He wouldn’t have to sleep in the pigpen.  I hoped he might visit it.


When my boss approached me about transferring to the mountains, I had visions of a dirty road and no cell service.  He told me which town I had to hold back my excitement and my pierced twitching cock.  Though I met those men on a most tragic night, the image of these barely dressed studs had become my regular jerk-off fantasies.  When Mason told me I could stay at the ranch till I got settled, I was worried.  I didn’t know if I could maintain my “professionalism” around a bunch of barely clothed men.  I would be doing a lot of quiet jerking off in my room.

They closed up the station at night.  All emergency calls were routed to Mason’s cell phone overnight.  I could take shifts with Mason, give him some nights off.  I followed Mason and Jason up to the ranch.  I got out of the car, the smell of slow-cooked brisket hit my nose.  I saw Jackson come around the back of the house in an apron and tight jeans, his nipple piercings on full view.  He waved hello, and dinner would be ready in less than an hour.  Mason brought me inside.  The familiar smell of home cooking was intoxicating.  I hadn’t had a meal like this since my last visit to my mom’s house.  I looked around, none of them had a shirt on, and most were in tiny shorts or underwear.

Jackson came in the backdoor, “hey, you pigs.  We have a guest, at least put pants on.”  They all headed upstairs like a stampede of sex.  I guess all the bedrooms are upstairs.  Mason took me to a nice bedroom with its own bathroom just off the main floor's living room.  I put my stuff down and headed back out to the dining room to offer any help.  I had decent skills in the kitchen.  Being a former Marine, sitting around was not something I liked to do.

We sat down to dinner. I was peppered with questions about my history with the bureau, the marines, and if there were aliens.  I was happy to tell them how I went from the Marines to the bureau, some stories I couldn’t tell.  Concerning aliens, that was far above my clearance level.  Someone asked about “anal probing,” and I got nervous.  Maybe they noticed my eyes drinking in their bodies and my nose catching the musk of the men beside me.  I was an agent, and there were protocols.  I knew the probing question was a joke.  I didn’t want to let on that getting railed and eating the holes of these men were my on-going fantasies.

We had a nice dinner, and everyone went up to their bedrooms.  I went to my room, took a hot shower, and went to bed.  I needed some water. My rock-hard cock wasn’t going to let me leave my room.  I turned the shower on cold and got in.  That took care of my cock, at least for the moment.  I put on shorts and headed toward the kitchen.

I saw a jockstrap on the couch, and I knew they had plenty.  The guys wouldn’t miss one.  I picked it up and lifted it to my nose.  This jock hadn’t been washed in some time. It was stiff with dried cum and heavy with musk.  My cock instantly responded by blowing a week's worth of cum into my shorts.  I had to hurry back to my room before any dripped onto the floor.  I was sitting on my bed, using my shorts to clean all the cum off my body.  I stuff the jockstrap under my pillow and slept naked.  I woke with my cock stuck to my leg from a wet dream.  I hadn’t had a wet dream since I was a kid.  I could smell eggs and coffee.  I needed to remember to talk to Eric.  I needed a bill for my room and board, and the family could be paid.  I came out of my room, Jake offered me a cup of coffee.  When he handed it to me, “agent, we have to have a family meeting.”  I asked if they wanted me to leave, “you are the subject of the meeting. You should stay.”

We ate breakfast. I stayed quiet.  Keeping my attention on my phone, “waiting for an email.”  I was the center of attention.  I looked at Eric, “I need to get a bill for my room and board. The bureau will pay the family for my stay.”  Eric replied, “that’s fine, but we have a more important matter to discuss.”


The family could smell a hungry sex pig a mile off.  Jacob left the family jockstrap/cum rag in the living room.  He snuck down after we had all got up to bed.  We only had cameras in the public areas of the house and our bedroom.  I set the system to start recording any motion.

The family got up early to see if we had any footage.  At best, we hoped he might go to the kitchen shirtless.  What we got was much better.  We watched as the agent found the jock, sniffed it, and blew a load in his shorts.  Watching him hurry off to his bedroom with the jock and trying to keep cum large load in his shorts.  I sent the footage to the TV in the living room, and it would be our post-breakfast show.  In the video it was clear the agent loved the family scent.  This morning we all clean out insides, leaving our outsides ripe with musk.

While we were all eating, the agent was very intent on his phone.  I didn’t know if he was worried about the night's events.  Jacob and Jake were sitting on either side of the agent, airing out their pits.  I was worried that Wes might pull a marine maneuver and launch out a window.

Eric started the family meeting, tell Wes how grateful we all were for him that night.  We were happy to have him stay at the ranch as long as he liked.  We had plenty of space.  Eric went on to explain there was a problem; we couldn’t have a thief living under our roof.  I watched the color drain from Wes’s face.  Jacob gave me the queue, I turned on the TV.  The image of an empty living room appeared with the date and time at the bottom.  I knew the agent was smart. He would know what time he was in the living room.


When I saw the living room's image with the date and I, I knew what was going to happen next.  I didn’t need to watch it.  Before they could hit play, I owned up to my crime.  I apologized for stealing the jockstrap, stood up to retrieve it from my room.

Jacob was on one side of me, Jake on the other.  Each had one arm across my back.  The scent from their pits was making my cock drool.  When I went to stand, they pushed me down.  I took the hint and sat back down on the chair.

I told them how embarrassed I was.  Malik spoke up, “why, you gave us all almost unmanageable morning wood.  Besides, if you wanted a jock, you only needed to ask.”  Malik stood up, letting his shorts hit the floor, his cock snot wet jock in full view.  “You can have this one. I only use it for the gym, and never wash it.  I have had it a couple of weeks, and it’s all yours.”  He tossed me the jock, I caught and instinctively brought it to my nose.  I got lost in the scent of the warm jock.  A moan resonated in my chest, and I grabbed at my cock.  Ashton stood up, dropping his shorts.  “What do you think of mine?”  My pig sex brain had taken over.  I caught Ashton’s jocks took a deep sniff.  “I told you he was one of us!” Eric said in an excited tone.  Jake, to my right, put his hand under my chin.  He turned my face toward him.  What do you think of my scent?  He brought his damp pit to my nose.  This time I licked it, I needed to taste his musk.  Jacob leaned over, whispering in my ear.  “Want to see our bedroom?”  I didn’t know what was so erotic about a bedroom.  I was happy to lick pits all day.

They took me upstairs.  It was a single large room, almost the same size as the bottom floor.  There were multiple bathrooms, chests at each bed's foot, and sling hanging from the ceiling.

Mason moved in front of me, lifting his arm.  I tasted his musk.  One by one, they each fed me their distinct yet somehow similar scent.  I was in hog heaven.  They all stood around. Jason asked, “what would you like to do.  There are hungry holes and drooling cocks all around.  What is your fantasy? I think you have a few.”  I didn’t know what to say. I was still in shock at how this morning was unfolding.

Jason walked up, kissing me on the lips.  He turned around, rubbing himself on my precum-stained shorts.  “You have a pierced cock?”  Jason said with a grin.  “Do you want some ass?”  He guided my hand to grip his firm cheek.  “Do you want some cock”  Jason moved my hand to his drooling cock.  Jason felt my cock lurch.  “Ok, family we have a winner.  Mr. Woods here would like to get stuffed.”  Jason looked back at me, “do you want one cock, or the entire family to gang up on your hole.”  My cock lurched again.  Jason announced, “he wants to get gang banged.”  Jason looked back to me, “one last question, raw or wrapped.  There is something you should know…”  I cut him off.  “That your family has a unique sting that needs to be planted in my hole.  I work for the FBI. We know more than people think.”  Jacob pulled my head forward in a deep kiss.  “go into that bathroom, get yourself ready.  When you come out, we will be gone.  There will be a blindfold on the sling.  When you are ready, get into the sling, put on the blindfold.  We will come back, and you will get the family stuff you have needed for so long.”  I shook my head and walked off to the bathroom.


Agent Woods is about to get some wood in his arse.  🐷
I feel another fuck pig will be added to the family in no time. 

  On 3/28/2021 at 12:36 AM, Skanman said:

Agent Woods is about to get some wood in his arse.  🐷
I feel another fuck pig will be added to the family in no time. 


Yep. Maybe someone to help Eric heal.

  On 3/28/2021 at 8:04 AM, Txvers said:

Not good!!


You don't like it?  Where do you think I took a wrong turn.  Love to hear anyone's thoughts.

  On 3/28/2021 at 4:35 PM, Cdexter said:

This is your story you tell it the way you want to tell it. Personally i think you are doing a great job 


I agree completely.  This story is incredibly captivating. 


Part 41


I finished my preparations.  I made sure to be thorough. I knew the family would be through with me.  I had more experience with the family than I have told.  I was assigned to evaluate their properties.  They had a growing business in the adult space.  We made a habit of doing quiet investigations making sure they weren’t a front for drugs or human trafficking.  What I found was a group of men running a successful business.  During my surveillance of the properties and the family, I spent a significant amount of time at the bathhouse.  I indulged in some light play with patrons, enough so I wouldn’t stand out.  It was there I was introduced to chasing.  I made some well-placed inquiries and found out about the unique strain the family had carried.

I had been through enough in my life, faced wars and sociopaths.  There wasn’t much left that left me uneasy.  I kept being gay under wraps, where I parked my cock had nothing to do with my job.  When I first heard and researched chasers and gifters, I couldn’t understand why anyone would do it.  I wasn’t making a value judgment; I didn’t understand it.  I registered on a few sites for my education, reading forums, chatting with gifters and chasers.  I wanted to understand what drove these men, possibly because I had the same drive.  Everyone’s answer was unique.  However, a constant undertow was always freedom.  I had been thinking for some time about retiring from the FBI.  I had served in the Marines straight out of high school, then the FBI.  I was in my mid-thirties, while not retirement age, I was ready to get out of “the game.”

When they offered me a mountain assignment, then found out it was here.  I thought this might be an excellent way to evaluate civilian life without committing to it.  My mind continued to wander, thinking of what I wanted to do next, then a hard cock sank deep into my guts.  I loved nothing more than a good rough fuck.  There was something about a sore hole to tell me I had a proper fuck.  There hadn’t been a man yet to break my ass.  I could take a brutal fucking without making a sound or moving a muscle.  I hoped these boys could break my iron hole.

I could tell when I got a different cock or a repeat. I knew that everyone in the family had fucked me.  No one had loaded my hole yet.  I assumed they were enjoying my military ass.  I wanted to see how rough these pigs could get.  I took off my blindfolded, looking around the room of pierced cock poz pig.  “You guys throw an ok fuck, but if the sting is worth the fuck then I can leave now.”  They knew I was taunting them.  I saw Jacob get a glint of fury in his eye at what I said.  I looked at him, “you, let’s see how you represent your family.  I haven’t met a cock yet that could break my hole.  I doubt you can, but let’s see you try.”  Jacob roared toward me. I had pushed the right buttons.

Jacob went into overdrive. He was pounding me without mercy.  It felt like he was trying to shove his entire body into my wanting hole.  With each slam of his cock, my hole would get more pummeled, and I wanted more.  Jacob was keeping up this fuck, showing no signs of slowing down.  I continued to fule this furious fuck, telling Jacob he needed to do better.  He couldn’t break my Marine ass.

I could see that my mental games were affecting the rest of the family.  Each member of the family eyeing me like a piece of meat.  This was the conversion that I wanted and needed.  Each one took their turns, pounding on my hole without mercy, each fuck rougher than the last.  Each cock was doing its renovation of my guts.  I wasn’t looking for them to love me. I needed them to pound the poz me.  This fucking went on for some time.  Once each had a turn brutalizing my hole, they started over again.  Each repeated assault was ending with a load of the family toxin gound into my guts.  Once the event was over, Eric gave me a plug for my hole.  I asked for a larger one to keep a stretch and seal on my hole.

I didn’t know if I would ever tell them about my journey to becoming a chaser.  I didn’t end up in this town, back with this family through any effort on my own.  For now, I would let their seed breed in my body, go through the fuck flu, and do my job.


It was fun having some neg meat in the house. We hadn’t knocked up a poz hole in a while.  I remembered when we converted Chris and how his hole converted Malik.  Chris’s legacy would live on well past all of us were gone.

We finished our brutalizing of Wes. He asked why we were all heading to the shower.  He told us he loved his own and other men’s musk, as long as it didn’t get in the way of work.  I knew Mrs. Betty would be coming over, we all decided to wash off the fuck smell.  Thing started cleaning the room.

We all took showers, getting ready for the day.  There hadn’t been a day gone by when I didn’t have to meet someone or go into town.  The family had also decided that we would re-open the ranch for the next summer season.  We liked the work and the events.

I wasn’t yet sure to make of Wes. He was a dick pig.  I don’t think him joining the family was going to happen. I wasn’t sure we were ready for a new addition.  Typically we didn’t add everyone to the family that we fucked, I could see how it might feel that way.  Wes was a hardened man.  He had seen things that most only saw in nightmares and horror movies.  He was a good man, and I was looking forward to having him around, both in the town and in our home.  He could move into the house. I wasn’t ready to order any new beds for the pigpen.  I had was just barely used to sleeping alone.


The Monday morning after the Saturday fuckdown, I was back in my office in the city building.  I had taken the job of “city planner,” responsible for issuing licenses and reviewing plans for renovations and new construction.  The influx of people moving into the town kept my office very busy.  There was a mix of Jackson’s crew and other outside contractors for building the new homes and some new stores.

The one downside of living in a more rural area was access to new talent.  The new firehouse hasn’t been staffed in months, I knew it wasn’t for lack of trying by Mason.  Jake had just filed plans for expanding the gym, which meant hiring new trainers.  The reasons and money were there. The hiring pool wasn’t.  I knew Eric was stressed about it as well.

I had various contractors running me ragged to expedite their final approval for all of the new projects.  I would not sign off on any plans unless I were sure it was up to the town and my code.  The worst offenders were Jackson and Jake.  Just because I plowed them didn’t give them priority or special treatment.  If they were working on one of the Mayor’s projects, that would get priority.  I took my job seriously.  I was working twelve-hour or longer days, much to the disapproval of Mrs. Betty and my fiancé.

I hadn’t been to the gym in a while. Chris was always my trainer.  I knew Malik would do it, and we were in a good place.  I wasn’t ready yet. I did plan on going back soon.  I would get to spend time with Malik other than passed out in bed.

There was a knock at my office door from a furry stud.  The man had a beer gut surrounded by muscle from some quality time at the gym but not watching his diet.  I thought it was a sexy look.

I looked up from my desk. He asked if I had a moment.  I made sure to take time for everyone that came into my office.  Jackson and Jake had to pay a fine for bothering me.  They would have to drop a load down my throat.

The man asked me to do a cursory review of some plans for a new building in town.  It wasn’t a formal submission, and I could give my opinion without the official rejections and approvals.  I assumed it was for a home; it had that typical look from the outside.  The inside was a very different layout.  It was closer to a brothel, with lots of bedrooms, and large main area, and only a small kitchen.  I said, “this looks residential on the outside, but more of a commercial office space on the inside.  He said he was moving a small family business up here, and he needed an office building.  His design was to help keep the town aesthetic by not creating a steel and glass structure.  It was an interesting idea.  I asked if I could have them for an informal review.  He agreed and left my office.  From a structural standpoint, it seemed fine, but something didn’t sit well.


I hadn’t been on the streets long.  I lost a well-paying job at a financial company in the heart of the city.  Working in high-finance, I should have been smarter with my money.  I used every dime of my salary on an overpriced house, expensive cars, women, and lavish vacations.  I worked my way up in the company into an executive position.  I didn’t know that the CEO wasn’t playing by the rules.  The fed’s raided the company and shuttered its doors immediately.  I wasn’t involved in any of the backroom deals that caused the companies downfall, but I was close enough to the top to taint my image.  When the paychecks stopped, I had no cash reserves.  The banks would only wait so long before they took the house, cars, and my boat.  I had a suitcase of expensive jewelry and watches, that was the last of my funds.

You hear a lot of stories on the street, most bullshit.  An escort told me about a family that ran the local bathhouse and the surrounding businesses.  He had met one when they threw him out for escorting on their property.  From what the escort said, they had moved to a small town in the mountains.

I took my treasure stash to a local pawn shop. The pawnshop owner gave me a fair price for the lot.  It was enough to get a hotel for the night, some cheap but decent-looking clothes, and a bus ticket to the small mountain town where this family had opened a ranch.  I was good at my job, honest, and worked hard.  I had made some dumb mistakes that put me on the streets.  If they could find a new start, maybe I could too.

I spent the night in the hotel, cleaned-up, and caught an early bus for the two-day long trip to the town. Usually, it would be a six-hour drive, with having to change busses along the way would take me a couple of days.


Part 42


I arrived at the mountain town.  The place looked like the epitome of a quaint country town.  Except for the cameras on the street lamps and everyone having new phones and tablets.  I hope that I didn’t pass a sign that said, “Welcome to Deliverance USA.”  I saw the only hotel and checked in.  The man at the front desk didn’t mind. I paid cash up-front.  I asked if there was a place to get something to eat.  He told me where the local diner was and to ask for Mrs. Betty.

Walking down the main street, I took in the quaint mountain feel.  This place was a pretty town, well maintained.  I was getting a lot of looks and smiles. I assumed because I was the new stranger in town.  I finally got to the dinner. There was a woman behind the counter.  She had a cold glass of sweet tea and a piece of cornbread.  She smiled, “you look tired, sit for a while.  The tea and cornbread are on the house.”  I wasn’t sure if I should be looking for a clown in the sewer or a snow-covered hotel at the top of a mountain.  Mrs. Betty seemed nice. She was interested to know what brought me to the town.

I didn’t have any reason to lie. I told Mrs. Betty my story.  I told her that I heard about a family that chose this town to make a new home.  I asked Mrs. Betty if she knew them.  She smiled, “let me bring you another piece of cornbread; you look hungry.  She disappeared into the kitchen.  I had a feeling I made a cataclysmic error in asking about the family.  I start to think this may be a cartel situation, they paid for the town, and the town kept their mouth shut.  I was beginning to sweat.  Mrs. Betty came back with another piece of cornbread.  This piece was fresh from the oven.

I heard the diner door open.  The heavy footsteps coming up behind me, the man sat down next to me.  I imagined some no-neck guy with a large gun under an expensive suit.  It was the deputy sheriff.  I guessed he was in his late twenties, solid build and a friendly smile.  Mrs. Betty put a glass of tea in front of him.  He put his hand out toward me, “name’s Deputy Jason, what’s yours?”  I said, “Damien.”  Mrs. Betty said to the deputy, “he was asking about the family up the mountain that purchased that old ranch.”  Jason looked at me, “we don’t like to get into anyone's business.  They moved onto the ranch away from the city some years ago.  We see them from time to time.  Nice people.”

I could tell that they knew more than they were willing to share.  Something told me, showing up and immediately asking questions was not the best idea.  I had enough for a week at the hotel, and I didn’t have any time to waste.  The diner door opened again. I could feel the hot air from outside, in walked, what I could only assume to be a muscle and fitness cover model.  The deputy turned to the model, “this is Damien. He was asking about the family that moved into the ranch.”  The model replied, “I don’t know much about them, I heard they are a bunch of queers.  I moved up here to train the desperate housewives of a small town.  They can’t get enough of men like me.”  This guy had a lot of macho bullshit, and it was offensive, calling them queers.  I didn’t want to pick a fight, but I did have some dignity left.  “Please don’t call them that.  I don’t know if they are gay or not, but call them ‘a bunch of queers’ isn’t right.  I know I just got here, but I have to stand up for what I believe is right.  They have as much a right to who they are as you have to do, whatever you do with the ladies of this town.”  The man got up to my face; the closer he got, the bigger he looked.  “You come up here because you one of them?  We don’t need any people causing trouble in our town.  That family up there been enough trouble.”  Mrs. Betty said, “here is your lunch, Malik.”  She giggled like some school girl with a crush.  This “Malik” gave her a wink and blew her a kiss.  I didn’t know they still made assholes like this guy.

Mrs. Betty:

I got a call from the hotel about a stranger paying cash and asking questions.  I told him to send him to my place.  I put a well-cleaned glass of tea without ice on the counter.  I hoped if I gave it to him for free, he wouldn’t notice I forgot the ice.  He didn’t, and he drank it down fast.  I was careful when I picked up the glass not to touch the outside with my hands.  I gave it to Wes, who was waiting in the kitchen.  He lifted the man’s fingerprints from the cup.  Wes would wait a few minutes before coming in.  I fixed lunch for Malik. He usually came in about this time.

The way Malik was talking, I assumed Jason called him.  The town was protective of our own.  They had been through enough on the mountain.  I wasn’t about to let anyone else get to my boys.  Malik was playing an interesting character, I would follow along.  It was fun to be “undercover,” even if I was playing myself.


I took the stranger's fingerprints off the glass to run them through the FBI database.  It was odd for someone new to come to town, specifically asking about the family.  There weren’t any records of the man that killed Chris having a partner, but I have seen stranger things.  The man’s prints did come up. He had worked in finance. We kept fingerprints of all licensed financial advisors.  He worked for the company that the bureau had closed.  He wasn’t listed as one of the conspirators.  Everything seemed to be ok.  Watch him for a day and see what happens.  I could always pull him in on his association with his previous employer.  That would let me question him.  We would give him till tomorrow night, see what he does around town.


I was having a conversation with Jackson.  Jackson was fucking me while I talked to him.  Working bent over my desk with my well-trained ass sucking on family cock was second nature.  The Mayor was planning on retiring. He wanted me to put my name on the ballot.  I asked who else was running; it was just me.  I didn’t know if I wanted to take on any more responsibility.  We weren’t quite a year away from Chris’s passing.  I knew Chris would be pissed if I were putting my life on hold for him.  Jason was encouraging me to take the job, spent some time away from the ranch.  He promised to bend me over the desk at the Mayor’s office if I took the job.

We had gotten a call about the stranger asking about the family.  Mason, Jason, and Wes would figure the guy out.  The town had become protective of our family since we lost Chris.  My mind was busy with the Mayor's question and the poisonous cock sliding in and out of my constantly hungry hole.

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