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Part 70


Bobby and I had been working hard on closing up my condo. It was hard when I had to go though Chris’s stuff. Since we were the same size, I kept his jocks and workout gear. The majority of the house was leftovers from my wife or things I didn’t need or want. Bobby made sure all the sex toys came back to the ranch. I agreed only after our neighbors took what they wanted first.


Mrs. Betty had come back with a date for the town hall. The coming weekend if I could put it together that fast. I told her not a problem and I would have flyers and emails sent out tomorrow.

I called Jackson, asking him to setup the tent and stage in the baseball field on the edge of town. I had talked to Bryce and Steven about their fire safety evaluation, everything was up to code but a few places had fallen into disrepair. I didn’t like the direction of where the town was headed and I could assume neither did the people. They were kind and good rural families on this mountain, they needed to know that I was cared.

The weekend fast approached, I had Damien and Shane working overtime on their respective projects. Damien assembled detailed financials, giving me financial information if I needed to start a new construction projects.

Bobby was out of town, it gave me time to focus on my town duties and put some thought into how to bring more revenue to the town. There was plenty of money in the town accounts, but not enough activity. The ranch held large events four times a year, and several smaller in between. The place had become such a premiere destination that we had to limit capacity for sake of the family and the forest.

The construction crew had built and moved into numerous homes while some made the hotel their home. That created a lot of traffic for the hotel. The owner was happy with the money, I had concerns it wasn’t far from being a bath house. I had some ideas to bring more family friendly places, and build some more adult places, farther back into the town. This might bring some balance back to the town and further increase revenue.

I arrived early to give a chance to talk privately. Mrs. Betty and others in the town brought food and drinks. I enjoyed Town Hall meetings, I didn’t get to spend as much time with the people that I wanted.

I called the meeting or order, I asked Damien to start with a review of the town’s finances. I had Jackson install a projector so Damien could give an easy-to-understand presentation. The town was surprised to see how well the finances were managed. I gave and update on some of the standard projects, upgrades to some of the fire safety, etc. I wanted to get through the presentations to hear from the town.

The town tailor was the first to speak.

The Tailor:

“I have been nominated to speak on behalf of all the business owners. The only exception is Mrs. Betty, we all know she speaks for herself.” Everyone had a chuckle.

“I can say with absolute truth we the business owners have appreciated everything you have done. My business and so many others have gone from barely surviving to thriving. I know that some like myself have either changed our business or expanded with some unique products. We have gained a lot more than we have lost in terms of business, but we would like to see if there is a balance. While I don’t have an answer Mr. Mayor I was hoping you and your family might be able to help.”

“Also, and please excuse me if I offend. Myself, and others have on numerous occasions had to ask people to leave our property inside or behind the building for having public adult behavior.”


“I deeply appreciate your candor, and I have some solutions we can talk about tonight. First let me address the issue of people disrespecting your establishment and the town. I assume it hasn’t been any of the family.” The tailor quickly answered, “no sir, only people here for the events.”

“Mason can you speak to this, then I will propose a new regulation.” Mason explained that the fire department would help with law enforcement during event weekends. This wouldn’t impact business, and enforce the law. I asked the town for a quick vote to raising the public indecency to 5k per-offence. The town had more than been accepting and kind they wouldn’t be disrespected.

“To your second point, what do you think of consolidating all your specialty items into one large store. Nothing changes, the profits from your sales go to you, and you decide what you want to sell. Would keep things more family friendly in your stores along the main road. We can place it somewhere discrete. The people that want your products will have no problem driving an extra mile or two to buy them.”

“I would like to build a boutique hotel and spa, that would be the responsibility of the family to purchase the land and build the facility. This would allow the town’s hotel to have more rooms for guests and less traffic between rooms. In exchange, Jackson will do another full refresh of the hotel. The second the family would like to open a bed and breakfast where couple can come and enjoy the mountain, and the town. Once again the family would purchase the land and pay for the building. I will place heavier taxes on these properties, so the town benefits.”

Another man came to the microphone. He had a heavy muscular build, it wasn’t gym muscle it was heavy labor and good beer muscle.

Family Man:

“I have been nominated by the town to ask for a larger consideration. Me and my husband and so many other have children of all ages. The only school is down in the city. The drive is long but there isn’t anything we wouldn’t do for our kids. It has become a problem with the parents, other kids and a few teachers bullying our kids. They are called names because they live on the mountain and don’t have “traditional” (he said using air quotes) mothers and fathers. Is there a way for us to create a school here on the mountain. We want a safe and happy place for our kids to learn and grow. We don’t want to shield them from the world but we can’t abide them being abused. I knew a few like, Jane and Dan, Katherine and Kimberly have all taken to home schooling their kids.”


This made me more upset than hearing about guys fucking in changing rooms. “Everyone at the ranch and in this community have worked hard to make this a safe and welcoming place. Hell we have an FBI agent living here. We will build a K through 12 school. The family and town will split the cost. We will make it one of the best schools in the state. It should be a public school, with strict no bullying policies.”

The crowd seemed happy with my idea. I looked back and saw Jackson with his head down. I had just committed him to building several new properties and a school. This would require all the construction contractors that live on the mountain and hiring of large groups of temporary ones.

These projects would put a significant dent in the families and towns pocket, but a wise investment.

The town hall wrapped up. I hung about to spend time with the towns people. Mrs. Betty could see that I was tired. The death of Grant’s son, the town social and the memories of my Chris had taken its toll. Mrs. Betty walked up to me with a wrapped plat of food. “Damien and the others are here, you go home and get some rest. The ranch must be quiet.” I thanked her and headed home.

I called Bobby on my drive up the mountain. He answered the phone sounding out of breath or like he was working out. “You are either in the gym or inside some guy.” Bobby replied, “how dare you call Grant some guy, and he is in me.” I started telling Bobby about my day at the town hall. Grant must have heard something that caught his interest. “Bobby put Eric on speaker.” I could hear the slapping sounds of the two men fucking while we talked. Grant spoke first, “Eric did you say something about a school?” “I did, did you have some thoughts?” “I would like to pay for it, if I can donate it in the names of your Chris and mine.” I pulled my car over. I was shocked and didn’t want to drive off the mountain.

“That’s a serious amount of money, it’s a K through 12 school. The town and I want it to be the best in the state.” Grant spoke, “Lets start with 12 million and if you need more that’s not a problem.” I was glad I pulled my car over. “Grant, I don’t want to wipe out your trust.” “12 million doesn’t come close to wiping out my trust. I am the last of my family, its old money that has been well invested. I am part of the mountain and the family. I put my money where my heart is.” I knew there was no turning Grant down. “I will have Jackson and Damien put together the project and funding needs. Stuff my boyfriend full of our family cocktail. I will talk to you guys soon.” Bobby said, “I love you,” and ended the call.


“That’s it Grant, fuck me hard, seed my hole. Enjoy my family bio-hazard hole. I can’t wait till you go through the change.” Once Grant had dumped his seed in me, I fertilized his neg hole with the family strain.

We were sitting in the kitchen having a light dinner. “If you are looking for investments, I have something that would bring significant revenue for the family, and the town.” Grant was quick to respond, “what do you have in mind.”

“The mountain is largely iron, if we tunnel into it we can create a secure facilities for servers and sensitive information. There are contractors like me, the federal government, and some large companies that desperate for space. Eddy has already run the internet lines. I can secure free money from the fed, we would need to start the initial project.” Grant replied, “Let’s start with 25m and go from there.”

I didn’t tell Grant or anyone, but I knew how much money he really had. It was a staggering amount.


“That’s settled, why don’t we go up and blow out our hole with some of my toys. I can show you some of Chris’ favorites. I would love to see how your hole swallows them.”

Spending time with Bobby was incredible. We had become very close, not like he was with Eric. Our relationship was more like Jake with his bother Jacob.


I saw Jackson talking to the tailor, as I walked up the two finished their conversation. I brought Jackson a new cold beer and slice of pie. “Does Eric know what he just committed to us doing?” Jackson smiled, “Eric is more of the idea and money man, you and I have to make the magic happen. The nice thing, Eric does question my costs, that makes things much easier.” “How about you and me make some magic of our own tonight. I would love to give a nice eating and fucking to your furry daddy hole.” Jackson replied, “I never turn down cock.” “Great, Malik is at the gym, we can go there, he loves to watch.”


Part 71


Shane and I got to the gym where Malik was finishing his working out. His musk thick in the air. He was wearing his compression gear, putting himself through intense training. He looked at us, “I hope you two are here for training.” I replied, “hope we are here so Shane can take my ass and you can watch.” “Can I film it?” Malik asked. “Only if you added it to the hundreds of family fuck videos on the server at the ranch.” Malik pulled out a ring light and attached his phone. Went to a back area that I had built in just for fucking.

I had barely pulled down my jeans when Shane’s face was buried in my hole. “Fuck Shane, eat my daddy hole, slobber all over it. I want my balls dripping with your spit. Show your man how good you are at eating hole. Make his hole twitch with need as your suck hard making my ass lips puffy.”

I didn’t see Malik strip down. I loved the scent of his pubes as he buried his cock in my mouth. Malik standing in front of me gave him a good vantage for Shane eating my ass. I also got some more cock.

I had forgotten what a talented and energetic hole sucking Shane was. Malik looked down, “my man’s tongue know no bounds when it comes to rimming.” I might have to make Shane stop, he would be the first man to make me cum from eating my hole. “Shane you keep that up you are going to make me cum.” Malik responded, “flip over and cum on your stomach then I can eat your poz nectar.” I was on my back legs in the air and Shane working his mouth on my hole. Without touching my cock, it started spewing thick jets of heavy family poz cum all over me. Malik didn’t waste a moment to clean me up.

“I am sure after a load like that you won’t want to fuck.” Shane said. “Remember, I never turn down cock, put that raw monster in my hole. Give your man a show.” Malik moved around with the camera. He wanted a close up view of Shane sinking his hole into my furry butt.


The moment I saw Shane and Jackson walk into the gym, I knew they were here to sweat. We went to the back fuck room, Shane did as I expected. He went to work on Jackson’s hole. I hadn’t told anyone that Shane could make me cum just from his tongue up my ass. Shane love for me to beg him to fuck me before I came from his mouth on my hole. The twisted fucker got off on making me cum once the rough fucking my second load out.

I didn’t know if Jackson knew what he had signed up for Shane. Watch the look on Jacksons face while Shane slurped, sucking and tongued his hole, it was all I could do not to cum.

After the close up of Shane’s cock sinking into Jackson, I switched positions. I lubed Jacksons cock and sat down on his still hard member. I held the phone high, proving a clear view of the scene in the gym. Shane’s fucking was getting rougher by the minute. Jackson was begging him to slow down, he wasn’t ready to cum yet. I knew those were not words to say to Shane. My man laid into Jackson’s hole till I felt his warm load fill my hole. My poz balls were reaching their breaking point. I dismounted Jackson. I lifted and moved Shane out of the way. I immediately sank my entire cock into Jackson. The moment my balls touched Jacksons hole they let loose a torrent of a family seed.

I didn’t see Shave move down, he pushed me over. My softening cock fell out of Jackson’s loose hole. Shane’s cock did the same, the moment his balls reached Jackson’s ass they unloaded.

Jackson knowing his ass fucking had come to an end, “There is nothing like a double family re-charge to make for a good night’s sleep.”


I knew Jacob didn’t want to go back into the bathhouse business, but the though made my cock throb. I knew based on the new properties there would be a re-stack of family duties. We might need to hire some full time staff to maintain the ranch and help with events.


Dean loved driving my BWM, especially up the mountain roads. He wasn’t reckless, but he had some fun. Before we got out of the car, “Dean, what do you think about us running the bed and breakfast?” “I was thinking the same thing. We can talk about at the next family meeting.”

As Dean and I were walking to the cabin after parking our cars, both of our phones chirped. Eric had sent a family group text, “Next Saturday, breakfast, family meeting, orgy. Tomorrow, pig family picnic.”


I missed the pig family picnic. Similar to the town social with the tent, food, and bonfire. The different was, the slings, sex toys, lube and poppers. We would spend the day eating and frotting. The fun would being at dusk. The tent comes down with the sun, Mason lights the bonfire. The gate to the ranch is locked and sex under the stars begins.

Pig family picnics were Mason’s idea, he was the outdoors man. I saw that Eric had included Bryce, Damien, Steve, and Jayden. While they didn’t live in the house they were family. I was sad that Bobby and Grant had to miss it.


Grant and I were loading the last of the things from my apartment onto the moving truck. I put a few pieces of delicate electronics into the SUV. We wanted to be home by Saturday evening, then we would have Sunday to rest before the week started. My handler had asked me several times to see what I could do to get the family to open the mountain. The best entry point was south west of the ranch.

I had stood firm on no, I didn’t come up here to further the government agenda. I had found love and family. The conversations about expanding the town made me re-think my position. If we charged the government for use of the land, then the town and the family wins. I also knew that I would need to made “modifications” to what military staff they placed. I wanted men and women that would enjoy this unique place.

We finally arrived at the Ranch. Grant pressed the button to open the gate, the gate didn’t move. From the passenger seat I saw the red “lock” like on. I pulled out my phone and checked the cameras. I wanted to be sure everyone was safe, then I saw what was happening in the clearing. I showed the video feed to Grant. We both rubbed our rapidly hardening dicks, the plugs in our holes pressing on our butt nuts.

I bypassed the lock and Grant turned the lights off on the SUV. I disabled the proximity sensors. We parked the SUV lower on the property making our arrival a surprise. We stripped down before getting out of the SUV. We were in our jocks and plugs. Reaching the edge of the clearing, I re-locked the gate and turned the motion sensors back on.

I saw Eric was balls deep in Ashton, Dean was riding Ashton’s face. Grant homed in on Eddy being impaled on Malik’s arm. We broke apart and headed for our targets.

A few of the family saw me, and noticed me sneaking toward Eric. They didn’t want to ruin the surprise. Timing it perfectly, with Eric’s pumping of Ashton’s hole I easily sunk my cock into Eric. He didn’t miss a stroke. “You think your musk and well over two hundred pound frame were going to sneak up on me.?”

I looked to see what happened to Grant. Malik was pushing an arm into Grant and one into Eddy. Both were able to take past Malik’s elbow. I was confident I would swallow Malik to the shoulder.

Jackson, Jake, Jackob, Steve, Bryce, and Jayden were locked in multi-family incest orgy. Jason’s round ass was sitting on David’s face. Wes was taking a deep dicking by Mason.

Damien was moving around the group looking any available hard cock. He started with Grant, sliding under him while Malik continued to wrest Grant’s hole. He went to Shane, putting his legs in the air for a brutal pounding. Damien was like a sex addicted humming bird moving from cock to cock, getting pollinated.


I was happy when Grant and Bobby came back for the picnic. This would be an opportunity for Grant to get well seeded by the entire family. I pulled out of Ashton, “don’t cum.” I went to the toy chest and pulled out the popper mask. Malik saw what I retrieved and knew what was going to happen next. Grant and Eddy gave a whimper of disapproval as their holes were left empty.

I walked over to Grant, “how much do you like poppers?” “I love poppers, can’t get enough.” “Lets have some fun.” I guided Grant to the sling, and shackled his wrists and ankles. I loaded the filter with fresh poppers. “See you in a bit.” I placed the mask over Grant’s face. His chest flushed red and his body relaxed. He was pumping his hips desperate for attention. Dean was the first in Grant’s hole.


Part 72


The mask was secured on my face, I knew the smell of fresh poppers. I inhaled deeply, letting the poppers fill my lungs, and find their way to my hole. I floated away on a sea of sexual desire, nothing was to much, and I needed more.


A popper masked hole was an amazing feeling. Grant’s hole, relaxed and sloppy. The sound of my going pumping in his freshly fisted hole was wet and sloppy. Ashton was behind me talking dirty. I knew he was trying to make me cum because he wanted in. I was the first to unload a family strain loaded volley of cum.

I extracted my cock and moved so Ashton could feel Grant’s pig slop hole. I loved watching my man drive his cock into a hungry hole. The way his ass flexed and squeezed with each push into a hungry ass. I couldn’t help myself but slip my hardening cock into his already lubed hole. Ashton’s ass was a little surprised by the intrusion of my cock, but instantly relaxed for its invasion. Ashton continued to fuck Grant at the same time fucking himself, it was only moments before he unloaded into Grant’s eager and sloppy hole.

Once Ashton pulled out of Grant Bobby game with a massive long crack stuffer toy. He gave Grant’s hole a few deep pumps with the toy. Bobby said, “I want to drive the family seed deep into his expansive cave.”

Eric removed the popper mask giving Grant some fresh air. He didn’t know Grant’s tolerance to poppers. Eric stayed by Grant with a fresh bottle ready to feed him hits as the family seeding continued.


Shane and I were next to Grants gaping hole. Bobby’s pushing of the loads prevented Grants hole from losing any family nectar.

Shane to position next, lining up his girthy cock. Grant instantly responded to the stretch of Shane’s cock. He looked at Eric who gave him another hit of poppers. Shane continued a rough but not brutal use of Grant’s hole.

I did the same as Ashton and Dean sliding my cock into Shane’s hole. Shane wasn’t surprised, he could smell my musk behind him. Shane driving his cock deep into Grant deposited his load of nectar.

The scene continued with Shane parking his come and lube slicked cock from Grant’s hole into mine while I gave my fertile family seed to Grant.


Couples had arranged themselves to fuck Grant. The same pattern continued with the fucker in Grant’s hole and his boyfriend or husband backing them up. This scene continued until everyone had unloaded into Grant.

Once the fertilizing of Grant with family seed was done we turned off the cameras. Bobby had one of Grant’s favorite plugs to seal the cum stuffed ass. The video of this even would be the background movie of many family fuck sessions to come.


David and I had a good rhythm of running the club. The infrastructure of staff, and technology was far beyond what place like this had. We charged average rates for a first-class fuck house. Eric would come by often, attracting a lot of attention and an equal number of loads. Eric and Adam would put on live sex shows that would drive the men into overdrive. Those two fucking with recharge the entire place, not to mention each other.

The manager of the bath house would come over once a week and see if we needed anything. Every property manager help get us acclimated to running this type of business. We were careful to keep sex to off hours, and we never played the, “if you fuck me you get in free,” games.

Eric sat me and Tom down and told us the story of Adam and how they met. There were so many good men overlooked by the arrogance of others. Each night throughout the month would celebrate some aspect of the gay community with half off. We came up with every category we could think of: twink, twunk, hunk, fat, cub, fem, dom, sub, the list went on. It was a study in human sexuality. Chub night often had more jocks than chubs, chasers that wanted some big ass to fuck. We kept the place busy and open 24/7. Damien had given us an overview of the accounting. We had a call with him once a week to review our numbers.


I decided to post my ass in one of the dark rooms, face down jock strapped ass up. I loved loads, anon weren’t my favorite. I was going for quantity not quality before I started work. It didn’t take long before a nice piece of meat entered my hole, he knew how to fuck. The problem was the rubber on his cock. I reached back and pulled the rubber off his dick. The guy immediately stuffed his cock back inside my hole.

I was able to collect 15 loads in total. I plugged my hole and went to the front office to relieve Tom. The 12-hour shifts made for long days, but we enjoyed seeing how we could make the club more inviting to all. The surprise was the breaking of gay stereotypes. Giving people a place to feed their wants and fantasies with other like-minded was our goal.

Tonight, was simply cum bucket night. It was really a night for chasers and gifters. We didn’t want to put that on the site, “cum bucket” sounded better. When guys would check in we would give them a piece of paper with a picture of a bucket or a cock. The cards with buckets had a chart on the back. Guys could keep track of how many loads and the first name of the guy that gave it to them. We placed containers of short pencils around the club. This was one of our biggest nights.


Going to bed that night with an ass full of family cum made for a deep night’s sleep. Wes had made sleeping in my bed a regular occurrence. We hadn’t spent much time one on one. The last thought before drifting off to sleep would be asking Wes out on a date.


I set my alarm early to start breakfast and coffee for the Monday morning family meeting. There was a lot of topics for review with the numerous new projects. I was about to find out there would be more from Bobby.


I felt Eric get out of bed and the smell of fresh coffee helped me find the courage to get out of bed. I went downstairs and helped set the table. I could barely boil water, helping Eric in the kitchen would only make things worse.

I had sent emails to key contacts about opening the mountain. I sat at the table reviewing the responses. They were the typical, “we would love to partner with the family…” I knew they really wanted to take over the mountain, that wasn’t going to happen. I had more pull than some of these self-important administrators realized. I also wanted to talk to Jackson about expanding the cabin to include an office for Eddy and myself. While attached to the house it would need to be a secure room. I had quietly secured Eddy a basic security clearance. I would need help on the mountain project and Eddy was excellent at what he did. We would keep a strict nudity policy in the room.


I had order the family new tablets to help keep the coming chaos manageable. I had loaded them with software and information sharing to keep everyone on-track. I had one sent down to Mrs. Betty as well. The explosion of workers into the town would mean her dinner was going to be very busy. She had sent a request to evaluate an expansion of her restaurant. I handed out the new tablets as everyone got their first cup of coffee.


I waited a bit while everyone got through their first cup of coffee and food before starting the meeting. Once the table was cleared and more coffee started I opened the meeting. I gave Jackson the floor as he would be the orchestrator of these projects.


I had been in construction my entire life. These many projects happening at the same time was daunting. I would steal Grant from Jacob to help project manage. Bobby asked if he could start.


I sent the proposed plans to everyone’s tablet along with eye-watering amount of money the government would pay and potential private-business revenue. Jackson was the first to comment.

“I am not sure I have the resources that could get a job like this done. Carving into the mountains iron is far beyond residential and most commercial construction.” “Don’t let that be a problem, the Army would be in charge of bringing in contractors and their own engineers.” Malik spoke up, “I would be concerned about a significant military presence on the mountain, they may have problems with our way of life.” I replied, “I can help quietly guide the selection of contracts and personnel. We would have military and contractors that would appreciate our way of life. Think about all the military ass we could have.” I forwarded an email to the rest of the family. The government for some time had been working on the family strain. They had developed two medications, one that could prevent us from gifting. We would have to take it daily. If you chose a day not to take it then you could gift. Someone that was gifted could have a shot to prevent the fuck flu. The point was not to have the entire mountain come down with fuck flu and give more choice on the gifting.


I didn’t mind the idea of the medications, we never wanted to force the strain on anyone. However, that much new ass and dick, no one at this table could control themselves.

I let everyone have a turn to ask Bobby questions. The conscious was reached that we would support the mountain project. However, as mayor I would need the town to support the project. The amount of money this would bring to the town would make it an easy sell.

“Bobby, I assume they would want to use the ranch to setup facilities for construction.” Bobby replied, “I would assume so, we just need to give them a price.” I was stunned that was covered in the staggering money they were paying for access to the mountain. “We have to understand that would require us shutting down the ranch for events for almost a year.” Jackob spoke up, “I wouldn’t mind the break. That would give me time to re-tool and have some new events for when we re-open.” Jackson, “with those funds I could upgrade the property, adding more housing for those without campers and didn’t want to do tents.” Mason, “looks like they would need reinforce the trails. I am fine with that, to prevent future accidents. I don’t want them to destroy the wildlife on the mountain. I have a friend that was a fish and game warden that could help with that. If there is room in the budget.” Mason sent out a picture and resume of his friend. I could almost hear every cock at the table begin to drool. “Oh, he wants the family strain as well.” “I will make room in the budget. We will need to expand the fire department.”

“This is a lot to digest. I know Jackson will need to work with Shane on the town approved projects. I will setup a town hall for the mountain project.”


“Jackson, Shane, I have one more project.” The two looked at me with fear. “Eddy and I are going to need an office, with some specific requirements. Can we attach it to the ranch then the town doesn't need to know about it?” Jackson smiled, “I can do that with the guys that have taken residence in the town. You do know what bringing tradesmen up to the ranch means.” I shook my head. The rest of the family had huge smiles, “Lots of steaks, beer, and pig fucking. All those guys are horny fuckers and I think all have the family strain.”


“Jackson, knowing the guys that live here and the ones you hire we should order some lube.” Jackson replied, “yep and probably by the pallet.”

“I will have Grant and his brother meet me at Mrs. Betty’s for late morning coffee. I know she will want to be the first to hear about all the new developments. Eddy can you put a notice on the town website and send emails about a town meeting. Schedule it for Friday evening.”

“Before we close this meeting we all know what this means.” Jason had been quite through most of it. It was his turn to speak, “That there will be lots of new cock to stuff up my hole?” That was the correct answer.” Anyone else have anything. Malik raised his hand, “we going to need to expand the gym, there are the open lots behind and beside our place.” Shane replied, “I will get plans drawn up. Stop by my office and tell me what you need.” Jackson added, “I have enough guys to start on that right away.”

“Grant, I will need to propose your offer to the town. I don’t see a problem.” David looked at Grant, “What offer?” Grant looked around the table, “I want to donate the new school in the name of my son and the family’s Chris.” That made a few eyes water with joy and remembrance.

“Ok, we all have work to do. Dean is this mornings cum dump, drop your loads and get to work.”


I got up before Eric and cleaned inside and out. The family could spit roast me before their showers. Everyone would be in a hurry. I loved a family pump and dump.

Guest WelshBBCigarFuck
  On 7/12/2021 at 4:41 PM, Navi38 said:

Thank you for your support.  The numerous times you have posted on my stories means a LOT!


I think you find a lot of us love your stories but we often just leave an emoji instead

  On 7/12/2021 at 6:22 PM, WelshBBCigarFuck said:

I think you find a lot of us love your stories but we often just leave an emoji instead


I appreciate any feedback I get good and constructive.  I had forgotten how much I loved my pig family.


Part 73

I called Bryce and asked him and his brother to meet me at Mrs. Betty’s. Bryce offered coffee and fruit at the fire station. That sounded like more fun. I knew the brothers were never fully dressed. I rang the bell. Bryce hit the lock release on the door, and told me to meet them in the kitchen.

I was right both hand pants, jocks, and no shirts. I noticed that Steven had his nipples pierced. I love big pecs with pierced tits. Steven noticed me staring, “You like them, got them over the weekend. Bryce got his cock pierced. But my bother is a bitch when it comes to pain. He said it still hurts to fuck me.” I remembered mine it took a couple of weeks to heal and wasn’t fun to fuck with till I got a larger gage. I also knew Bryce shouldn’t take the starter piercing out till it had healed. Steve was irritated. “I need someone to drop a load in my hole, it’s been days. Damien keeps milking Jayden dry.

More than happy to offer my services, “I did use the cum dump this morning, I can drop a load in you.” Steve looked at his brother, “finally someone here that understands a man’s needs.” Steven walked over to me and dropped his pants, “it’s lubed fuck it hard.” I loved my entire cock into Steve, he pushed back causing me to slam into him even harder and deeper. His hole was milking my cock. I didn’t last long, I dropped a considerable nut into Steve. “That should hold you through the day.” If you guys want your boy back for a bit I can take Damien to the ranch. The entire family should be able to quench his thirst.

Steve pulling up his pants, “what’s this about a family cum dump?” I explain every morning one member would volunteer or take everyone’s load before they went off to work. The brothers asked if they could be put on cum dump rotation. There was no hesitation in my “yes.” “You mind adding my boy as well, I know he would enjoy it.”

I gave the brothers their new tablets, I went over all the major points from the family morning meeting. Bryce thought for a minute, “I will need two more guys maybe three.” I replied, “once the issue with school is settled, there is enough in the budget to hire you three guys. These guys, I am assuming they are qualified fire fighters.” Steve replied, “and total sex pigs.” “I figured, can’t wait to fuck them.” I will need start holding formal town operations meetings. That would probably end in some raw sex orgy.

“Tonight, I will take Damien to the ranch for a serious family dick down. You guys can have a nice family evening. Now you two kiss and make up.” I loved watching the two hunky brothers making out. My cock came to life again. “Bryce, you want to suck this load out.” He immediately dropped to his knees and started gagging himself on my cock. He used the throat slim coating my balls as lube. Bryce worked my butt nut while Steven watched. The three of us came at the same time. Bryce would have to change his pants.

Mrs. Betty:

Eric asked if I had time to talk. My daughter could work the restaurant, we had finished the breakfast rush. I poured two cups of coffee and got the last two bear claws. We went to a table in the back. He gave me a new tablet and showed me how to use it. I knew Eddy would have some tricks to manage the workload.

I was surprised to hear about people wanting to drill into the mountain. I was more surprised about the money it would bring into the town. Eric estimated the number of military personnel and Jackson's contractors the town could expect. I would need that addition to my humble restaurant. I was relieved to hear that he was having a town hall to put it for a vote. I knew there would be some that wouldn't like it, but you can’t please everyone. I would have a pie talk with anyone I knew would put up a huge fuss.

“Eric, can I ask you a question.” “Mrs. Betty you can ask me anything you want. I owe you the world.” “It’s about my boy, I am worried about him. He has been reclusive, and rebellious. I think he is having an identity crisis and doesn’t know what to do with his life. Is there a job opening anywhere. He doesn’t want to work for his mother.” Eric thought for a second. “I need to put an administrator / dispatcher into the sheriff station. He would get all the call for the sheriff, and fire departments.” That sounded perfect. Eric went on, “I will have Mason call him for an interview.”


Afternoons at the gym were booked with ladies from the town looking to get in shape. It also gave them a chance to get out of the house. Everyone at the gym would change into tighter workout clothes, these ladies wanted the eye candy.

I was excited about the addition to the gym. I knew the military had a good share of gym queens and many of Jacksons crew were also power lifters.

I was helping the lady that made and sold organic honey. She would always bring me a big comb to take to the ranch. During events her stocks were always clean out. I was halfway though her workout when an average height but well stack man entered the gym. Looking at the bulge in his shorts he was packing serious heat.

David was free and gave the man a tour. He had heard about the town, and was looking to start a new life. He had been through a rough divorce that took most of his money. He bought one of the run-down houses on one of the back streets. His vocation was interior design, he was hoping he might get some work in the town and neighboring cities.

I heard David say, “since you are a new town resident the first six month membership is free.” We had no such rule, that was David wanting six months to flip the straight hunk.

Before the stud left I introduced myself, “name is Malik.” The man gave me a firm handshake, “nice to meet you Malik, names Drew”


Jackson had tasked me with the interior design of the new properties. I had done most of our properties. The bed and breakfast would be a challenge. I could design and bathhouse hotel in my sleep.


It was good to have purpose, my own office and work I enjoyed. There was magic on this mountain, and I wasn’t going to miss any of it.

Eddy had loaded my laptop with every application that I would need. The family supplied the technology for the entire town. Eric had tasked me with outlining a time tables and resources for the new properties, and the mountain. Bobby had sent me all the information he had on what the mountain project could become. It would all take a year and the town would be crawling with horny men.

I hoped there would be some open-minded straight men. There were some wonderful single ladies, that were desperate for Malik.


When I got home, I saw Damien’s car. That meant there would be good family fucking at the firehouse tonight. I walked in the door, hearing a strange noise come from upstairs. David saw me, “you should see what they are doing to Damien, that boy’s hole is never going to closed.” “I don’t think that would be a problem for him,” I replied.

Turning the corner to the pig pen, Damien was mounted in the sling. A large dildo attached to the fuck machine. The machine was going hard and deep on Damien’s hole. I watched as several family members stayed to supervise and enjoy the machine destroying Damien’s hole.

Mason was getting plugged by Bobby. He waved me over. I started to undress, “no I need to talk about work, I am already having sex. Keep your clothes on so I don’t get distracted.” The absurdity of Mason’s statement was lost on him.

“I called Betty’s son, he came in for an interview. He is a smart kid, needs some structure. I can use him on phones or send him to the academy. I am going to need another deputy soon.” “I will leave it to your and him to decide. Then you deal with Mrs. Betty if you send her son off to the sheriff academy.”

I moved around behind Bobby, found a large plug in his hole. I gave it a slight tug and his hole quickly gave up the plug for something better. I lubed up my arm and slid it deep into Bobby’s guts. Bobby loved fucking a nice hole while I was arm deep in his ass.


The fuck machine was pounding on my hole. The guys kept the toys and me well lubed. Suddenly the machine was turned off. I was about to get upset when I saw it was Eric. “A man can’t live on cum alone, its dinner time.”


We fixed our plates and sat down for family dinner. There was a folder being circulated around the table. Each family member commented on which guy they wanted first. “When did we start bringing porn to the table?” Wes replied, “it’s not porn, these are the two firefighters and the game warden I did background checks on.” “Was there a problem,” I asked. The folder was handed to me. I looked over their resumes, all in their forties and excellent credentials. They were all extremely attractive. “Look at their seasonal places of employment,” Wes said. “Oh, they had all worked for various bare back porn studios.” I was happily surprised. “Nothing came up, they are good for hire. Would be nice to finally get a few guys that are willing to put out. I am getting blue balls living on this mountain.” Wes said with crooked smile.

The family agreed to meet every desire Damien had, and a few of their own. I decided to sleep in the guest bedroom. I was exhausted and did not want to be a downer.


After dinner I bounded back upstairs and parked myself in the sling. Bobby was the first one up. “Daddy Jackson said, you are to be locked to the fuck bench.” The bodybuilder easily lifted me from the sling and carried me to the fuck bench.

Jake came up to me, he had a blindfold in his hands. “We are going to play a game. We want you to get to know the family better. I am going to put this blindfold on you. One of us is going to start fucking you. You have to guess who. You get it right you get the load, you get it wrong and the cock leaves. We will keep going till all cocks have been drained. If I feel you are “gaming” the system and guessing wrong on purpose, there will be consequences.

The moment the blind fold was over my face, I was given a hit of poppers as the first cock slid into my hole. The guy was trying to fuck me to death. “Shane, I know your cock and power fucking anywhere.” I heard a moan and felt Shane’s warm load fill my guts. Shane then brought his thick cock, placing it on my lips I sucked the last few drops from his member.

The next cock I did not know. It was thick like Shane’s didn’t have the curve of Malik’s it was straight and long. The rhythm was steady. I flipped through the Rolodex of family members. “Jake?” I felt another load pressed into my hole. Jake brough his cock to my mouth. I tasted the mix of his and Shane’s seed in my ass. The next cock felt similar to Jake’s but pierced, and un-cut. The only thing that came to mind was “Jackson?” The cock was taken out, no load.

This circle fuck when on for hours. It was a while till the un-cut pierced cock came back, “Malik?” I was rewarded with a warm load. It was just a process of elimination. I was trying to commit the feel of each cock to memory.

Once I had collected each load someone plugged my hole. I cuddled into Eric’s bed with Bobby and fell fast asleep.

  On 7/12/2021 at 10:59 PM, Navi38 said:

Part 73

I called Bryce and asked him and his brother to meet me at Mrs. Betty’s. Bryce offered coffee and fruit at the fire station. That sounded like more fun. I knew the brothers were never fully dressed. I rang the bell. Bryce hit the lock release on the door, and told me to meet them in the kitchen.

I was right both hand pants, jocks, and no shirts. I noticed that Steven had his nipples pierced. I love big pecs with pierced tits. Steven noticed me staring, “You like them, got them over the weekend. Bryce got his cock pierced. But my bother is a bitch when it comes to pain. He said it still hurts to fuck me.” I remembered mine it took a couple of weeks to heal and wasn’t fun to fuck with till I got a larger gage. I also knew Bryce shouldn’t take the starter piercing out till it had healed. Steve was irritated. “I need someone to drop a load in my hole, it’s been days. Damien keeps milking Jayden dry.

More than happy to offer my services, “I did use the cum dump this morning, I can drop a load in you.” Steve looked at his brother, “finally someone here that understands a man’s needs.” Steven walked over to me and dropped his pants, “it’s lubed fuck it hard.” I loved my entire cock into Steve, he pushed back causing me to slam into him even harder and deeper. His hole was milking my cock. I didn’t last long, I dropped a considerable nut into Steve. “That should hold you through the day.” If you guys want your boy back for a bit I can take Damien to the ranch. The entire family should be able to quench his thirst.

Steve pulling up his pants, “what’s this about a family cum dump?” I explain every morning one member would volunteer or take everyone’s load before they went off to work. The brothers asked if they could be put on cum dump rotation. There was no hesitation in my “yes.” “You mind adding my boy as well, I know he would enjoy it.”

I gave the brothers their new tablets, I went over all the major points from the family morning meeting. Bryce thought for a minute, “I will need two more guys maybe three.” I replied, “once the issue with school is settled, there is enough in the budget to hire you three guys. These guys, I am assuming they are qualified fire fighters.” Steve replied, “and total sex pigs.” “I figured, can’t wait to fuck them.” I will need start holding formal town operations meetings. That would probably end in some raw sex orgy.

“Tonight, I will take Damien to the ranch for a serious family dick down. You guys can have a nice family evening. Now you two kiss and make up.” I loved watching the two hunky brothers making out. My cock came to life again. “Bryce, you want to suck this load out.” He immediately dropped to his knees and started gagging himself on my cock. He used the throat slim coating my balls as lube. Bryce worked my butt nut while Steven watched. The three of us came at the same time. Bryce would have to change his pants.

Mrs. Betty:

Eric asked if I had time to talk. My daughter could work the restaurant, we had finished the breakfast rush. I poured two cups of coffee and got the last two bear claws. We went to a table in the back. He gave me a new tablet and showed me how to use it. I knew Eddy would have some tricks to manage the workload.

I was surprised to hear about people wanting to drill into the mountain. I was more surprised about the money it would bring into the town. Eric estimated the number of military personnel and Jackson's contractors the town could expect. I would need that addition to my humble restaurant. I was relieved to hear that he was having a town hall to put it for a vote. I knew there would be some that wouldn't like it, but you can’t please everyone. I would have a pie talk with anyone I knew would put up a huge fuss.

“Eric, can I ask you a question.” “Mrs. Betty you can ask me anything you want. I owe you the world.” “It’s about my boy, I am worried about him. He has been reclusive, and rebellious. I think he is having an identity crisis and doesn’t know what to do with his life. Is there a job opening anywhere. He doesn’t want to work for his mother.” Eric thought for a second. “I need to put an administrator / dispatcher into the sheriff station. He would get all the call for the sheriff, and fire departments.” That sounded perfect. Eric went on, “I will have Mason call him for an interview.”


Afternoons at the gym were booked with ladies from the town looking to get in shape. It also gave them a chance to get out of the house. Everyone at the gym would change into tighter workout clothes, these ladies wanted the eye candy.

I was excited about the addition to the gym. I knew the military had a good share of gym queens and many of Jacksons crew were also power lifters.

I was helping the lady that made and sold organic honey. She would always bring me a big comb to take to the ranch. During events her stocks were always clean out. I was halfway though her workout when an average height but well stack man entered the gym. Looking at the bulge in his shorts he was packing serious heat.

David was free and gave the man a tour. He had heard about the town, and was looking to start a new life. He had been through a rough divorce that took most of his money. He bought one of the run-down houses on one of the back streets. His vocation was interior design, he was hoping he might get some work in the town and neighboring cities.

I heard David say, “since you are a new town resident the first six month membership is free.” We had no such rule, that was David wanting six months to flip the straight hunk.

Before the stud left I introduced myself, “name is Malik.” The man gave me a firm handshake, “nice to meet you Malik, names Drew”


Jackson had tasked me with the interior design of the new properties. I had done most of our properties. The bed and breakfast would be a challenge. I could design and bathhouse hotel in my sleep.


It was good to have purpose, my own office and work I enjoyed. There was magic on this mountain, and I wasn’t going to miss any of it.

Eddy had loaded my laptop with every application that I would need. The family supplied the technology for the entire town. Eric had tasked me with outlining a time tables and resources for the new properties, and the mountain. Bobby had sent me all the information he had on what the mountain project could become. It would all take a year and the town would be crawling with horny men.

I hoped there would be some open-minded straight men. There were some wonderful single ladies, that were desperate for Malik.


When I got home, I saw Damien’s car. That meant there would be good family fucking at the firehouse tonight. I walked in the door, hearing a strange noise come from upstairs. David saw me, “you should see what they are doing to Damien, that boy’s hole is never going to closed.” “I don’t think that would be a problem for him,” I replied.

Turning the corner to the pig pen, Damien was mounted in the sling. A large dildo attached to the fuck machine. The machine was going hard and deep on Damien’s hole. I watched as several family members stayed to supervise and enjoy the machine destroying Damien’s hole.

Mason was getting plugged by Bobby. He waved me over. I started to undress, “no I need to talk about work, I am already having sex. Keep your clothes on so I don’t get distracted.” The absurdity of Mason’s statement was lost on him.

“I called Betty’s son, he came in for an interview. He is a smart kid, needs some structure. I can use him on phones or send him to the academy. I am going to need another deputy soon.” “I will leave it to your and him to decide. Then you deal with Mrs. Betty if you send her son off to the sheriff academy.”

I moved around behind Bobby, found a large plug in his hole. I gave it a slight tug and his hole quickly gave up the plug for something better. I lubed up my arm and slid it deep into Bobby’s guts. Bobby loved fucking a nice hole while I was arm deep in his ass.


The fuck machine was pounding on my hole. The guys kept the toys and me well lubed. Suddenly the machine was turned off. I was about to get upset when I saw it was Eric. “A man can’t live on cum alone, its dinner time.”


We fixed our plates and sat down for family dinner. There was a folder being circulated around the table. Each family member commented on which guy they wanted first. “When did we start bringing porn to the table?” Wes replied, “it’s not porn, these are the two firefighters and the game warden I did background checks on.” “Was there a problem,” I asked. The folder was handed to me. I looked over their resumes, all in their forties and excellent credentials. They were all extremely attractive. “Look at their seasonal places of employment,” Wes said. “Oh, they had all worked for various bare back porn studios.” I was happily surprised. “Nothing came up, they are good for hire. Would be nice to finally get a few guys that are willing to put out. I am getting blue balls living on this mountain.” Wes said with crooked smile.

The family agreed to meet every desire Damien had, and a few of their own. I decided to sleep in the guest bedroom. I was exhausted and did not want to be a downer.


After dinner I bounded back upstairs and parked myself in the sling. Bobby was the first one up. “Daddy Jackson said, you are to be locked to the fuck bench.” The bodybuilder easily lifted me from the sling and carried me to the fuck bench.

Jake came up to me, he had a blindfold in his hands. “We are going to play a game. We want you to get to know the family better. I am going to put this blindfold on you. One of us is going to start fucking you. You have to guess who. You get it right you get the load, you get it wrong and the cock leaves. We will keep going till all cocks have been drained. If I feel you are “gaming” the system and guessing wrong on purpose, there will be consequences.

The moment the blind fold was over my face, I was given a hit of poppers as the first cock slid into my hole. The guy was trying to fuck me to death. “Shane, I know your cock and power fucking anywhere.” I heard a moan and felt Shane’s warm load fill my guts. Shane then brought his thick cock, placing it on my lips I sucked the last few drops from his member.

The next cock I did not know. It was thick like Shane’s didn’t have the curve of Malik’s it was straight and long. The rhythm was steady. I flipped through the Rolodex of family members. “Jake?” I felt another load pressed into my hole. Jake brough his cock to my mouth. I tasted the mix of his and Shane’s seed in my ass. The next cock felt similar to Jake’s but pierced, and un-cut. The only thing that came to mind was “Jackson?” The cock was taken out, no load.

This circle fuck when on for hours. It was a while till the un-cut pierced cock came back, “Malik?” I was rewarded with a warm load. It was just a process of elimination. I was trying to commit the feel of each cock to memory.

Once I had collected each load someone plugged my hole. I cuddled into Eric’s bed with Bobby and fell fast asleep.


Can't wait for the next chapter each one gets hotter!

  On 7/13/2021 at 1:09 AM, ricohio said:

Can't wait for the next chapter each one gets hotter!


I appreciate that, I will have some more out soon.

  On 7/11/2021 at 2:47 PM, pozpopperpig said:

Never get enough of this!  


I am honored that you haven't gotten burnt on my story yet. Let me know if you feel that it becomes too much of the same thing, or if any of my story lines are getting stale.


Part 74


I had my crew setting up the ball field for the town hall meeting. It was a warm night. I large fans designed to hang from the ceiling of the massive tent. That would at least keep the air moving. The entire family would be in attendance, and all the town staff. The stage was expanded to accommodate Damien, Bryce, Bobby, and Mrs. Betty.

I ran enough power for the large presentation screens and food refrigeration. Mrs. Betty said, this would be a long town hall. Knowing the town there would be food and drink for all.


Damien, Jackson, Shane, and Bobby were doing a final review of the presentations and voting initiatives for the town. These projects would be financially advantageous, but not at the expense of the quality of life in this little mountain town.

We wrapped our meeting with the boys giving me a quick pump and dump. I always held town halls while holding a butt full of family cum. I found having a seeded hole relaxing.


I received a call from Jason at the station, there was a Ryan asking for me. I told Jason there was a uniform for him in the back. Have him change and come to the town hall. I wasn’t expecting Ryan till next week. However, this would be a good place to introduce him. I would need to ask Damien about the order for his Ryan’s truck.


I opened the town hall. Bobby gave his presentation, Damien showed how it would impact the town. I had Jackson and Grant available for questions regarding time frames and disruptions to town life.

I gave Grant the floor to talk about the school. He explained that he wanted to donate the school in the name of both my Chris and Chris his son. Both taken on the mountain.

There was a low murmur moving around the tent, people talking to each other but not saying anything to us. Mrs. Betty in her way took control of the room. I asked the town if they wanted to vote by show of hands or we can do traditional ballet voting.

One of the senior men of the town stood up and came to the front. Mason handed him a microphone.

“I have lived my entire life on this mountain. These boys are the best thing that ever happened. Look at what they have done for us and are doing for your children. Everyone here knows they have and always will do right by us. I am a simple man. If the boys think it’s a good idea and they are willing to run it, I am in favor.”

Silence fell over the crowd. Slowly everyone stood and applauded. Mrs. Betty, “I take it the motion carries?” The crowd responded with a resounding yes. I explained that my office and on the website were always available to residents for concerns or questions.

Mrs. Betty pulled me close, “you see that arrogant bald man in an overpriced suit, that’s the governor. He grew up here, decided he was too good for us. When he won office, he left this place to rot.”

I told the crowd there was food and music for the evening. Staff and I would be available for any questions. I pulled Bobby to the side, “you know anything about the governor?” Bobby replied with a slight chuckle in his voice, “you mean like the ass he gets that’s not his wife’s. His name is Braddy, a little muscle boy that like men to buy him pretty things.” I kissed Bobby on the cheek.

I decided to ignore the governor, let him come to me.


The woman flocked to meet the new man in uniform. Mason introduced Ryan, explaining why the town needed a fish and game warden. The influx of people we wanted to protect the wildlife and what made the mountain a haven for fish, game, and nature lovers. The look in the women’s eyes was clear they wanted time alone with Ryan “out in nature.”

Eric came over and introduced himself, Ryan did an obvious once over. I knew Ryan would have his legs up or someone else’s before the month was out. The two seemed to get along well. Mrs. Betty made her way to meet Ryan. “I know you don’t technically start for a week. I am sure you will have time to come to my place for pie.” Ryan started to respond that he wasn’t much of a pie person, Mason elbowed him in the ribs. Mrs. Betty, “I look forward to some time with you Ryan.”

Ryan asked me about Mrs. Betty. “She caries as much if not more weight than Eric. I suggest you make time and soon for pie.


I knew assembling the right government resources would be critical should the mountain project get approval. Since the motion carried, and the governor knew I would work fast.

I had become comfortable working naked with Eddy. Jackson made us custom office chairs. The seat cushion could be changed allowing the attachment of special “ergonomic devices.” Eddy and I keeping our hole stuffed, kept us working rather than stuffing each other. However, we always went to dinner with sloppy fisted holes.


I wasn’t sure what to make of this town. Mason and I had been friends a long time. He said this was a good place with good people I trusted him. He also knew how much of a cock hound I was. Meeting all the family my hole was twitching and my cock in danger of making an obvious stain on my pants.

Mason had offered to put me into the hotel till my start date or I could move into the Firehouse. He explained that when the family built the Firehouse, they created a large dorm space. Hopefully, I would be comfortable living with a bunch of men. Wasn’t the first time I lived with straight men, silent jerk-off sessions in the bathroom were a specialty.


Wes took the opportunity at the town hall to let me know my candidates had passed their background checks. I would need final approval from Eric before I gave the two a formal offer. I wanted to promote my brother to deputy fire chief, but I didn’t want it to look like I played favorites. I will schedule a meeting and fucking with Eric on Monday. My ass needed some Eric dick.


The governor was finally able to catch me. “Son, you mind if we have a word?” I hated being called “son.” It was a southern thing, I knew he didn’t mean it in a derogatory way. “I wanted to let you know that the resources of my office are available to you any time.” I thought of all the repairs and infrastructure the family had happily given to this town. “This school you are starting, is it going to be a public school? I could use another good school for this great state.” He had run the states education system into the ground. I was planning on making it a public school. Realizing it would allow the governor to get his claws into it, I would make it a private school.


A couple of the single “DL” farmers asked if some of the family members had time to talk. I knew what they meant. They wanted need a warm hole to unload in. We snuck of to the fuck shack behind city hall. They did want to talk they wanted to unload. My hole was always hungry for loads.


“Eric, would you have some time after this to come to the Firehouse. I have a couple of things I would like to go over.” Eric walked up to me and whispered, “you meant to say ‘Eric, I want that big, pierced cock up my hole’” A rumble of sexual lust escaped my chest. “Steven can sit and watch after that show the other day.”


The event was winding down. I asked Dean and Ashton to go with me to the Firehouse. I saw Bryce leave after our conversation. He probably went to prepare for my cock. My cock wasn’t the only one coming to the Firehouse.

I knew Bryce hiring three new Firefighters and Ryan moving into the Firehouse, the place would become a den of man sex. Jayden would never get left alone. I would need to move Damien up to the ranch.

I should have Eddy change the website. “Welcome to fuck pig mountain, where no hole go unseeded.” I knew the women loved all the hot guys on the mountain and their husbands liked not having competition.


My hole was twitching the entire way back to the Firehouse. I parked my truck. I heard Steven and Jayden fucking in the dorm upstairs. From the sound, Steven was giving Jayden a good pounding. Makes a father proud to know his son is good in bed.

I waited by the fire engine till I got a text from Eric. “We are on our way.” I don’t remember inviting anyone else. Looks like I was taking more than one cock.

I was happily surprised to see it was Dean and Ashton. It had been some time since I had played with those two. I stripped to my jock, held onto the fire truck, arched my back offing my hole to the three studs. Ashton wasted no time eating my ass while the other two stripped down.

I turned to see David naked, pierced cock, tits and tongue working over on Eric’s heavy pierced cock. The sight of David working his nipples and the sound of his tongue piercing hitting Eric’s PA made my cock drool a puddle into the fire engine. Ashton stood up and pushed his cock deep into my needy ass. The piercing in my cock felt incredible as I fisted my shaft. The smell of sex and sweat was beginning to fill the large space.

“This is the Firehouse where,” Mason sentence cut short. We all stopped, Ashton’s cock parked in my hole and Eric’s cock in Dean’s throat. “This is the Firehouse where pigs come to fuck.” Mason said to Ryan. “Mason, you didn’t tell me the fire chief and Mayer are gay.” Mason replied, “we don’t advertise it. They fuck down here while the others are asleep. Bryce doesn’t want his brother to find out.”

Mason obviously left out a few key details. Ryan had a rapidly growing wet spot. “did you want to continue to tour or watch the show.” I looked at the two, “this is a full contact event, no observers.” Mason replied, “ok,” as he started to undress.


Walking into an orgy in a Firehouse on a fire engine was something I had done in porn. The fact the real thing was happening in front of me was more than my cock could handle. I watched as Mason started stripping down. He picked up the lube bottle and greased his cock. The ease his slid it into the guy fucking the chief was impressive. My hole needed time to warm up for fuck down.

The mayor looked at me, “my hole is hungry too, come feed it Ryan.” I didn’t need to be asked twice. “you guys play raw or wrapped.” We play raw, if you want a condom that’s fine but there aren’t any at in the Fire House,” Bryce replied. I lubed my cock and easily slid into the Mayor. I didn’t ask any of the guys status, didn’t want to bring the room down. I was topping, the chances of me catching the bug were minimal. The mayor had a velvet hole.


It was fun when I had some new dick. Ryan was giving my prostate a good beating. I started skull fucking Dean. Dean’s gagging on my cock drove Ashton’s lust. He started fucking Bryce harder, consequently fucking himself harder with Mason’s cock.

I happened to look up. In the shadows Steve and Jayden were watching the fuck pig scene unfold.


My balls pulled up, “take my poz load.” Bryce replied, “fuck yea feed me.” I heard Eric warn Dean he was cumming and the grunting of Grant and Ryan told me everyone was dropping their loads. Masson encourage everyone to quickly get dressed and Bryce would take Ryan to the dorm. “We don’t want Steven to find out what happened. He would get upset.” Mason left out “Steven would be upset because he was left out of the orgy.”


Jayden and I heard what was said. We moved quickly and quietly back to the dorms. We threw on shorts and shirts and went to bed. My brother didn’t sleep with me, choosing another available bed.

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