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Parties like Cumunion

Guest Sleazystud

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Guest Sleazystud

I just participated in my first cumunion today. SF Dore Alley event. My mind is blown. It was so hot.

Are there other organizations like Cumunion that throw sex parties? I'd love to learn more about this scene.

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6 hours ago, theplayerking said:

Not that all three of these events aren't fantastic, but I don't think that's what the poster was asking. He asked for *organizations* that throw sex parties, not locations where sex parties tend to occur. Not the same thing at all. As far as I know, for instance, MAL does not have any official "sex parties" at all - rather, organizations like Cumunion decide to have a sex party at the same time as an event like MAL, and promote the party to attendees.

To answer the actual question asked: there are other groups that arrange sex parties, but they tend to be local and/or regional at best. In fact, as I understand it, Cumunion itself is more of a federation of local sponsors/promoters of sex parties, operating under a common banner/theme and with pooled resources for promotions, etc. That may not be strictly accurate, but it's not like the same core group of people travel non-stop around the country setting up, taking down, and managing monthly sex parties in 40+ locations (at least, that was the number pre-Covid).

There *are* some traveling sex parties (or again, there were, pre-Covid, some of which may not return). For instance, there's one called HorseMarket, which has held parties in a number of locations around the country. They've been on hold for a year, but are slowly gearing back up. They're organized differently (it's themed, top/bottom roles are strictly enforced, and bottoms aren't allowed to see who the tops are), so it's not as "free for all" as Cumunion can be. They're to be found at [think before following links] http://horsemarketsf.com.

The bigger and more liberal the city, the more likely there are periodic regional parties. Bear in mind that some parties are restrictive (that is, you have to apply to attend, and if you don't fit their "image" for the kind of guy they're looking for, you get rejected). 

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I'd like to know of others as well, and how active those parties are since not all locations are equal.

I have found that Cumunions are great uninhibited orgies in a couple of cities, a total waste of my time in a couple more, and somewhere in between but worth my effort to travel to in many more.  I have not yet been to one in San Francisco, but have been wanting to.

Regular local parties are of interest too.

Edited by NWUSHorny
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