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Poz Tops


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Neewbi here,

Just wondering, do the poz tops know when/who pozzed them?

Theres a lot of discussion from the bottoms on this page but not much from the poz tops. i recently BBd someone (for the first time) and think i might have been pozzed. Does this sound likely?

I still new to the game and don't want to become hiv+ but i really liked the feeling of bb.

Im waiting out to get tested and am a bit worried - should i be, or is it just anxiety?

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Hi fella, welcome to the forums!

Erm, cricky. Where to start!?

Why do you think you've been pozzed? Was your partner hiv+? If he is positive, and you had bareback sex, then yes, it's a risk, but a small risk and the risk is so varied and dependant on what sort of sex you had. Ie were you top/bottom? Did he cum inside you? Did you use lots of lube?

Get a test, but remember you need to wait 3 months for a proper result from the GUM clinic. Some private organisations offer the P24 test which is accurate up to about 2 weeks... but they're not widely available around the country.

If you enjoy bareback and want to do it without condoms, then you need to accept the risks that one day you will catch something, and inevitably you will become HIV+. But it's also worth remembering that being poz isn't the end of the world as it once seemed.

If you ultimately can not accept the risks associated with bareback, then you must rubber up each and every time. Don't go into it naively, barebacking with randoms, then cursing when you get infected..... as there's no going back on this one.


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Thanks for your reply.

I was topping. The bareback part only lasted less then a minute - before that we used a condom and lots of lube.

I don't know the guys status, he said he was neg and that he tested less than a month beofre. But he was a real slut and i think he was saying that because it was what i wanted to hear.

I'm booked in for a p24 test next week which will be 3 weeks after the sex. So far i havnt developed any ARS symptoms (or any other STD) but its still only been 12 days.

I just don't think I am cut out for BBing at the minute but really don't want my first experience to be the one THAT one.

What you think my chances of comming out of this OK are?

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I can relate to the worry you feel. While it is not unknown for the first time to be the unlucky one, there is a lot of evidence which seems to indicate it is not as easy to catch as the hype would have you believe. I've topped known poz guys and bottomed for a poz guy too, and topped and bottomed for some I don't know the status of and am still neg. From what you say with plenty of lube and the amount of time then while there is statistically a small risk, I will be very surprised if you were not heaving a huge sigh of relieve after your test. I think your chances are good. Good luck fella.

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to be honest, i think you should have nothing to worry about, firstly, as you were topping, that instantly reduces the risk and as the bare part was so short lived, the chances that you picked up anything, even the more contagious diseases like the clap, would be incredibly low

i personally wouldn't let it worry you - easy for me to say, but hiv is pretty hard to catch, hence why you get chasers, they wouldn't need to chase if it were actually easy to catch...

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Thanks for the replies guys, making me much more at ease.

Just hope i don't come down with the fuck flu (i hear the vast majority get it 2-3 weeks after).

Theres always that chance though

I would go as far as to say you're going to be negative. Whilst there IS a risk, it is so small.

I've taken tens of thousands of loads in my arse, thousands of them confirmed poz... i've had my hole torn up with toothbrushes by tops who had aids, who weren't on meds... and then filled with their spunk...

And despite all this, i'm still negative.

I am however the exception which proves the rule. Don't worry yourself... but, if you're tearing yourself up that much about one encounter bareback... then i would seriously rubber up each and every time from now on in.... bareback is great, but it's fucking dangerous. If you do not accept the risks totally, then you shouldn;t do it.


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