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If you could own a sex slave...would you?


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Let me qualify this question. I mean, if you could possess the right to control another man sexually, to use his body for your pleasure at will, to share him or not share him with others, and he have no right to deny you any use of him, that would constitute ownership. (This does not entail owning the whole person, just his sexual function - you don’t have to feed, clothe or shelter him.)

But total control of another person’s sexuality carries responsibility - sexual outlet and expression is a basic human need identified under Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, so if you are the absolute controller of that man’s sex, that means you control whether and to what degree his basic human need is met. In other words, you can’t own a sex slave like some guys own exercise equipment - it’s in the house but never used - the man whose sex you control would begin to suffer. You would have to ensure that the property was used, at least in some way, on a regular basis even if you had no desire yourself at that time.

You also couldn’t just use him when you wanted and then cut him loose to fend for himself the rest of the time like a free-range chicken. That’s not actual ownership because you’re not in control of the property.

So, given that the coin has two sides and it wouldn’t all be just the fantasy everyone thinks (almost nothing ever is, when you actually start to think it through), if you had the chance to actually own a sex slave, would you?

 I don’t ask this idly. There is a Deed to my body. My sex has been owned before. That owner ultimately relinquished his ownership, and now the Deed belongs to another Man who currently uses me at his pleasure. Although under our modern system of laws, such a Deed would not carry weight in any court, to me it is as binding as a Title to a plot of land. Another man owns my sex. When he tells me to come and be fucked, I go and am fucked. If he decides to have another man fuck me, I am fucked by that man.

But both men who have held my deed have also gone extended periods without using me, and have left me with increasing need unmet. Their solution has been to turn me loose to seek sex on my own elsewhere, but as pointed out above, this really isn’t in keeping with their ownership - if they had no immediate use for me, they ideally should at least give me instructions about where to go, how to perform, how many acts at a minimum, etc. It is, after all, their property other people are going to be using.

 I’m not complaining. It can be very rewarding knowing that a Man who summons me understands his rights and freely takes advantage of them. My whole purpose seems fulfilled at that moment. I guess I just wish that feeling would never stop.

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Good morning, ErosWired

When I read your earlier posting, with the enumerated subject matter, the more I read the more I knew that it was crafted by a superbly trained Leatherboy.  After replying, I checked your profile, and found the evidence that I was correct.  May I point out that whoever your Mentor/Daddy/Master is / was, you reflect nothing but honor, excellence, and pride back upon that man.  Unfortunately, for some reason I don't understand, I was prevented by this site for responding until now; my apologies.  

To my mind, your statements reflect the LeatherEthic quite well.  While no person can lawfully be "owned" by another (thank God), within the parameters of the LeatherLife, there are "contracts" which enable each man to codify and know his place, know his responsibility, Given that the first law of the LeatherEthic is to never ever do another human harm (that is not subject to the "negotiation" prior to any Scene), I well know that some men hold a somewhat casual viewpoint regarding Responsibility.  For that, and on behalf of many Leathermen that consider their own requirements First, and that of their Leatherboy (i.e. "Collared" boy) secondly, I am sorry to know that your experience - however endemic - has been unfulfilling at times.  No LeatherMaster worth the name would do that to so rarified Leatherboy such as yourself.  More, the status of "LeatherMaster" is never a self-appointed one - it is earned by one's peers - and granted in recognition of the Respect, Duty, Care, and Responsibility any LeatherMaster owes not only to his Collared boy, but to his Leather Community.  I didn't miss IML for 25 years, and I ran into a number of men that called themselves a "Master", without so much as in inkling of what that entailed.  It really pissed me off sometimes. 

All of this said, I have held "contracts" twice through the years (one for 6 years, one for around 1 year), and here's what that means in the context of the LeatherLife:  I accepted the responsibility to see to the boy's needs, whatever they may be, whether physical, emotional, and (obviously) sexual.  The boy, in turn, accepted the responsibility to honor my instruction, in all aspects of his life.  Since the first Law of the LeatherEthic is to never, ever, ever do harm to others, but to live a life of Service to others, whoever they may be, I have found that Law to be a wonderful way to structure my Life for decades.  It's almost a "Belief-system", akin to religiosity, but without all the intellectually-insulting magic bullshit that standard, run-of-the-mill organized religion forces upon it's adherents.  While few hear the Call to the LeatherLife, each man who does grows, improves, lives a richer life within the context of the LeatherEthic.

You mention a "free-range" chicken ... lol !!!  There is no such thing within the context of a caring, nurturing partnership-in-Leather.  If the boy needs to service Cocks, then it is the duty of the Master to supply him with Cocks.  If the Master needs Hole, it is the joyful duty of the boy to supply him with it.  If that means "fresh" Cock / Hole, it is still the duty of each man to honor his contracted responsibility. If that means attending orgies, great.  If that means calling other Leathermen to come over for a night of wanton Leathersex, great. If that means one wants to go out separately, and it's within the contract, great.   If the two want to go get lunch, and one wants a burger and the other wants Chinese, then they go out for lunch twice (hopefully on different days!)  The duty and responsibility goes both ways.

You used the term "sex-slave", but that might be altered to "Mentor-mentored", within the parameters of the contract.  Obviously, each man's Lusts must be sated, but that's only part of the responsibility.  If the "boy" enters a contract without understanding his carnal Lusts, then they must be expanded upon, which is the duty and responsibility of his Master. The Master owes every aspect of fulfillment to the boy's education, refinement, security, wellness, and emotional health - not just to the boy's (worse, his own) Lusts.  You also mention that your Lusts have gone unattended to for "extended" periods of time.  Within the context of a "collared" boy, that is inexcusable.  It sounds to me like one of the men in the contract has either lost interest in, or simply abrogated his Responsibility, and I very much doubt it was yourself.  Sadly, this happens all too frequently, and requires what's called a re-negotiation of the contract. If each man - for whatever reason - isn't finding the fulfillment he needs and deserves, then it may be time to wonder if one man has done all he can within the contracted-for Service.  Contracts in general (business, whatever) usually carry a term, after which the service (whether from the Top or the bottom) can be either renegotiated or terminated.  It is the responsibility of both men to honestly and forthrightly deal with questions, since both are equal partners in the sense of the contract.

Finally, while a productive partnership within the confines of the LeatherEthic can continue for many years, sometimes that is not the case.  If the original purpose of the contract has been fulfilled, it is natural for men like us to venture forth, secure in the knowledge that they have become better Leathermen.  This applies to both the Master and the Leatherboy. I hear fairly often from both of the boys that I Collared, and I'm pleased that they're doing well.  One has taken care to introduce me to his current Master, whom I like and respect, and we occasionally have a Scene together. The other went on to live a very Lust-filled life, has accepted his in-born cravings, and that's all he needed from me.  All of the above said, I very much hope that you will find fulfillment, contentment, and plenty of Lustful mating as your life progresses.  You're an estimable Leatherboy, and I am very pleased to have read your writings.  On this site, it's almost always about Cock/Hole/Sperm, but this reply is to acknowledge a very fine Brother-in-Leather as well.  Thank you.

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@hntnhole - Thank you for your insightful reply, and for your kind compliments. It is always my hope that my qualities are evident to those who observe me, but one can never tell, especially in an age when most assume that everyone misrepresents himself. I do not, and for that reason it is all the more important that I act as I speak, and strive always for excellence in duty and service.

To be fair to the two Men who have possessed my Deed, neither has been a Leatherman who would have understood and appreciated the matter in the way you have so well expounded. The first was a Dominant Sadist, and an experimentalist - he approached the arrangement viewing me more as a scientific specimen of sorts, and I did not object to that as I shared his curiosity regarding the potential of his experiments. The ‘contract’, as you might put it, between us was of that specific nature, and although we developed a bond (we are still good friends) it was to be expected that his engagement with me would diminish outside the confines of the experiment.

 The current owner is simply an excellent Top who enjoys use of me semi-regularly, and treats me well in that limited context. He appreciates, I believe, the significance of his ownership, but not its implications; he seems to know that he could avail himself of me more greatly, but he doesn’t do it. He continues to be deferential, asking if I mind, if I’m available, what I would prefer, if something’s okay, etc. - it’s really quite frustrating. I keep emphasizing the concept of You own me, you get to do what you want, but it doesn’t seem to sink in. I think there’s a certain mindset that’s lacking, a certain pleasure in control that select Leathermen and (genuine) Dominants and Alphas possess that enables them to put a submissive male like me to my best use.

My training has come at the hands of several Dominants, some of whom did have Leather bona fides, but my service to them was transitory and internship-like. I learned much from each of them, but in the end, actually, I have simply never encountered a Man who wanted to have me for his own.

Self-collaring can be a very lonely state of affairs for a truly committed submissive. The imperative to uphold principles of discipline and self-denial, the need for reinforcing humiliation, the sheer hunger for a word of command, are all a challenge in self-application because the natural source normally comes from a Man of power.

Frankly, I’m somewhat uncertain about what I would become if such a Man did appear who would elect to take full advantage of his right with me - I am so eager to serve, so hungry to serve now that I know very well that he could take me to a debased state of whoredom even more devolved than I have arrived at now, and I would go willingly for his sake.

But that will likely never happen. I can’t even find a Top with the patience to open me up to take his fist.

So I will continue to serve as I may, in the best way I can, and even if the Man who currently owns my sex doesn’t fully utilize it, at least on occasion I get to hear him say, “That’s mine.”

Your reply does give me heart that there do at least exist Men who could conceivably appreciate what I’m trying to give. I asked this question in the hope of getting an idea just how rare men like you are.

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