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In love with brother


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I've read several posts in this forum about sex between brothers, but mostly as a number of "random" encounters that were forgotten (if true in the first place). But what about a romance between brothers, loving and caring about each other. And not about two guys that are horny and fuck with everything, having lost all sense of emotion. I'm talking about brothers that were in love since they existed but are afraid to express their feelings to one another. What do u think about that kind of relatiionship? do u think it's shocking? should they try to leave it behind?

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There's one missing bit of information:  is your brother gay as well ???  Yes, brothers often - oh, what's the word - "experiment?" when they're kids.  Sometimes it's only the first foray into they innate gayness, sometimes it's tried, rejected, and confirms their straightness. 

If your brother actually is gay, and loves you back, then you are a most fortunate guy.  Most of us love our siblings in the familial sense (maybe excluding one or the other for certain reasons), but few are the ones that actually love - in both the familial and sexual sense - their brothers.  It's like exponentially deepening and confirming their life-long "one-ness".

Shocking?  Only in the magnificence of that gift.  It's absolutely wonderful, if the answer to the above comments are "yes, he's gay".  

Afraid to express their feelings to each other?  I'm guessing that you're concerned you may lose the closeness with your brother in the event he turns out not to be gay?  If that's the case, no one can judge how to proceed but you.  That said, if you really think he is, drop a few hints here and there, and gauge the reaction.  Better to have a brother that accepts you for who you are, than have him turn against you.  Take it slowly, and see how he reacts.  On the other hand, if he is gay, and afraid to make the first move for fear of losing your love, make it a more general thing - issues discussed in the abstract - not the personal.

Real Love isn't all that easy to find, particularly in our special community.  If there's a chance you can have it all, go for it, and know you're one of the luckiest guys around.

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On 10/28/2021 at 7:00 PM, hntnhole said:

There's one missing bit of information:  is your brother gay as well ???  Yes, brothers often - oh, what's the word - "experiment?" when they're kids.  Sometimes it's only the first foray into they innate gayness, sometimes it's tried, rejected, and confirms their straightness. 

If your brother actually is gay, and loves you back, then you are a most fortunate guy.  Most of us love our siblings in the familial sense (maybe excluding one or the other for certain reasons), but few are the ones that actually love - in both the familial and sexual sense - their brothers.  It's like exponentially deepening and confirming their life-long "one-ness".

Shocking?  Only in the magnificence of that gift.  It's absolutely wonderful, if the answer to the above comments are "yes, he's gay".  

Afraid to express their feelings to each other?  I'm guessing that you're concerned you may lose the closeness with your brother in the event he turns out not to be gay?  If that's the case, no one can judge how to proceed but you.  That said, if you really think he is, drop a few hints here and there, and gauge the reaction.  Better to have a brother that accepts you for who you are, than have him turn against you.  Take it slowly, and see how he reacts.  On the other hand, if he is gay, and afraid to make the first move for fear of losing your love, make it a more general thing - issues discussed in the abstract - not the personal.

Real Love isn't all that easy to find, particularly in our special community.  If there's a chance you can have it all, go for it, and know you're one of the luckiest guys around.

I really liked the way you put it. I didn't expect that kind of analysis here. I always thought that 99% of the guys here would stick to the sexual part, ignoring everything else.

Finding love is hard indeed. Maybe that's why many people don't even try to find a lover and only look for sex. You can't lose a game you don't play.

About loving a brother.. it's complex. It has to be a secret. Being gay is already difficult enough for people to handle. When you love a woman it's easier for people to take it romantically. You have passion, you have love. When you love a guy you are just someone who cares for sex. And if you love a brother.. you're sinister. You can only hurt him. That's what they will say. There are so many people to love, why him?

And there is really not an answer. Nobody asked you whom you want to love. You can stay in the shadow as I do. Love and caring from a distance. You want him to be happy. To have a lover and watch him be happy. And happy as he will be, you will be sad. You can't have him. You will be an egoist if you do. And it hurts. Not enough to kill you but enough to make you ache in every move. And I do love him. I just can't claim him mine.

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