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On 1/26/2022 at 4:45 PM, PendragonSpirit said:

And now for something a little different.

I've started seeing a lot more LGBTQ+ people in gaming spaces, which is honestly a pretty big relief. I always felt kind of like "the only gay" who would rather spend their weekends playing Dungeons & Dragons than going to a bar or club (unless I'm out cruising, of course.) 

So I'm kind of curious if any of my fellow pigs/sluts/however you define yourself here are also gamers. Tabletop, video games, card games, board games? What are your favorites? 

I do play one historical text RPG, then PS4- War Thunder, World of Warships, Gems of War, as well as non-multiplayer PS4 games, sometimes cards (Skat type), once in a while card games like Bang! or Settlers. There also was this Lord of Rings parody card game which was hillarious, but I forgot its name.

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Wow, yes!  Been ages (longer than I even care to mention) since I did RPGs - tabletop through secondary school, then LARP all the way through college (enough that my grades suffered perceptibly for it, though sex might also have had something to do with that). Just recently rediscovered board gaming and having a blast with old friends on Boardgamearena.com.  Would definitely be up for some of any of the above - PM me if you want to set something up!

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