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Yes !!! There IS a way ...


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Thanks to one of our members - NLBear - there IS a way to donate to a GLBT(and all the rest of the initials) to assist our Ukrainian Brothers and Sisters in their hour of need.  I just checked the website Allout.org again, which NLBear suggested, and as of this afternoon the first banner to appear is how to donate specifically to the Ukrainian Tragedy unfolding there, and specifically to the gay crowd.  I'd never heard of it before, and shame on me for that.  Every day we learn something new is a good day, right?

I have not done any exploration of the organization yet, but apparently there are offices world-wide.  

Please go to that website and familiarize yourself with their services.  Then, dig a bit into your pockets and give what you can.  They are us, and they need our help.


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11 hours ago, NLbear said:

GLBT (+)

One more round of thanks - instead of trying to get in all the various letters, I'll use the plus sign from now on too.  I don't want to exclude anyone, but also don't want to have a required "checklist" to refer to either.

Thanks again.

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