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What was I thinking?

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I was on a trip to New York and having a heck of a time sleeping without my wife.  I needed to have her in the bed next to me in order to be able to sleep.  Then I got an Idea to get someone to take her place, not to have sex with but just to sleep.  To have someone to take the place of my wife in the bed.  I thought it was a great Idea but, my thinking was out of wack for lack of sleep.  I figured that I could go down to the bar and find some one that would be willing to help.  

I went in to this bar that the concierge told me about he said you will definitely find someone that will help you out.  The bar was down about two blocks from the hotel and at this time of night there were a few people in there.  There were no ladies in the bar all I saw were men and they were friendly enough but they were guys.  I figured I would never find someone that would take the place of my wife.  I sat at the bar and ordered a coke, the bartender gave me a mixed drink and said that the guy at the end of the bar bought it for me.  I did a Cheers to him by holding up the drink and I guess he thought that the would come over.

He sat down on the stool next to me and told me his name was Ted and he said that I looked out of place in this bar.  I said I usually don't go to bars, and he said not usually ones like this I bet.  I didn't know what he meant. We started to talk about what I came down to the bar about and I told him I cant sleep without someone in the bed next to me.  

Ted: Wow

Me: now you know my problem.

Ted: well the solution is easy Ill come over and sleep in the bed next to you.

Me: you would do that for me.   

Ted: of course I would what are friends for.

Me: [I thought to myself but we just met]  Okay.

So we left the bar and headed to the hotel.  When we got in the hotel the concierge gave me a look that was unsettling and I wondered why.  He didn't know that I planed to sleep with this guy just to get sleep.  At least I didn't think he knew, as I was getting into the elevator he ran over and said that my wife had called and that she wanted me to call her back, and then he said hi to Teddy. The elevator doors closed and I asked if he knew him, and Ted said that he throws business his way now and again.  Yeah, what kind of business?  Ted said that every so often he has people that need to be relieved of the worry of getting sick and he asks me to help them.  What are you some kind of psychologist.  Ted said lets just say I know what they are going through. When we got to the room all I wanted to do was sleep and I told ted that once we lay down I going to be out like a lite.  He said that would be fine with him.  He also asked if it would be okay if he rubbed my back.  I said what ever gets him off to sleep is okay with me. 

Ted was on his side of the bed and I noticed that he was taking all his clothes off.  He said that he sleeps in the nude it gets him off to sleep faster.  he asked me if he could put some incense on the night stand so that we would have great dreams.  I said sure and he handed me a little brown bottle and said just open it and put it on your night stand take a big whiff of it.  I put it up to my nose and it smelt like rubber cement almost.  He said that it will change the way you dream of things in a little bit.  About 5 min later it started to get really warm in the bed under the covers so I took them off.  Ted said that I could take my clothes off to if it was too hot.  I said no I'm okay.  The smell that was now in the whole room was making me dizzy and very warm.  I had to take my clothes off and try to get some sleep.  So I asked him if he minded and Ted said no go ahead, its just like going to the camp outs I had when I was a kid.  I noticed the tattoo that ted had on his penis when I turned to get my clothes off, and I asked him about it.  He said as he grabbed his cock and showed me closer that it was a Bio-hazard  Tat, "its cool isn't it" I said that yeah but why would you get it on your penis that must have hurt.  Ted said not as much as its hurt others, and again I did not know what he meant by that, but I was tired and laid down to get sleep. 

A little while later I woke up and I felt something on my waist and I looked down and Ted was blowing me, I was hard and all I could do was moan.  He was giving me the best blowjob I have ever had and in the last 20 years I had not gotten any from the wife.  The way he was holding my hips and thighs was so gentle it made me feel like I was being made love to not just having foreplay.  He rubbed my pelvis and then my hips, and slid around to my but and cupped them feeling them like he was wanting something more.  It was hard to think because of the smell that was everywhere and I was as horny as I could be with my wife even more so.  He was sucking my cock so deeply then he circled my hod with his finger and I was being electrified.  I was holding his head and running my fingers through his hair like it was my wife's head.  Then I felt the finger poke its way into my hole and I was frozen in a way I had not ever been, he was still circling my insides, and inching his way deeper and deeper.  The all of  sudden he pulled it out and said I sorry he didn't mean to over step his boundaries.  I asked him what was he doing that for,  He said that it had been a long time since he had done that to anyone and he was just getting heated up because we were both naked.  He also asked if I enjoyed it.  I told him that it felt okay not wanting to sound like I was gay.  

Ted: would you mind if I continued?

Me: well you know I'm not gay or anything. 

Ted: Oh yeah me neither.

With that I got back into the spooning position and he did too.  I heard him open a tube of something and put it on his finger, then he said oops got to much let me wipe this off and I looked a round and it looked like he rubbed it off on his dick.  but that didn't matter the room was still spinning from that smell and I was so horny I told him to hurry and put his finger back inside me.  He did as he was told and was circling my anus and deeper and deeper till he hit a bump inside me and started to rub it.  That's that spot he said, do you feel that.  I said that yes, but that was about all I could say.  Because the pleasure that I was feeling was amazing.  He started to tell me about why he got a Bio-hazard tattoo on his cock.  That he had treated so many sick people.  That so many of the people that he treated to his cock were stuck in their fear.  With that he pulled out his finger and I asked him to put it back in.  He asked if I was ready for more and I said I'm so  horny that he could put all his finger in.  With that I felt something poking my hold and it slid very deep into me.  The pain was unbearable but he reached around and was covering my mouth with his hand.  He stayed right there and did not move for awhile, then slowly started to pull all the way out brushing that bump making me see stars. 


very slow at first pulling all the way out a pushing all the way back in.  he asked if I liked what he was doing.  I told him I was confused but it felt good.  He said all my fears and worries will be over soon and that I will be part of him, or something like that, I will carry it with me.  I didn't know what he meant but the pleasure that I was feeling was amazing.  He told me that it was about to get better and he started to push into me and pull out of me faster and harder, in out in out deeper and deeper and deeper till he whispered in my ear that he was about to cum and I would be free and changed forever.   Once he finished telling me that he pushed all the way in deep as he could and I felt him twitching and pulsing and the warmth spreading through my whole body was wonderful.   We slept the whole night and I woke up in the morning wit his cock still in me and he said that we had done it three time last night and that I had a smile on my face all night.  We got up and showered and he left giving me his number and said if and when you get the flu give me a call.    I didn't know what that meant and why I would call him when I got the flu he was not my doctor but I said okay and we parted ways.   


About two months later I had gotten as sick as a dog I thought I would die from this flu and I remembered the number in my wallet so I called.  Ted answered and said that I was free that I should go get tested and that I was probably positive.  I thought that I was positive that he was crazy.  About a month later I had gone to the doctor for a check up and he said that something looked funny and was I having sex with a lot of partners.  I said to him "no" that my wife was the only one that I had sex with but its been a while.  He said let me do some blood work and we will see whats up.   That was a week ago and the phone is ringing and it my doctors office.  


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It had been a week from the results from the doctor and I was okay with the results there really wasn't anything I could do about it.  I was steering clear of the wife because I was not really interested anymore, since I had that experience with Ted, and I was so horny still.  I needed to go back to New York and  feel that all again.  Even though I still did not consider myself to be gay I wanted to fell his cock brushing what must have been my prostate.  I think I know now what that little brown bottle was on the night stand.  I had gone out to buy some at the exotic book store, because I could not find them online.   Had to try them and see how It felt again.  I was home alone the wife went shopping and would be gone a couple of hours, so I went to the bedroom and opened the bottle and took a sniff.  It smelled like a mix of nail polish and rubber cement.  I felt nothing from the first hit, so I called Ted to see what I was doing wrong.

Ted: Hello.

Me: Hi Ted you know who this is?

Ted: Yes

Me; I'm trying out these poppers to see if they have the same effect.

Ted: You don't know what you are doing, your going to get really horny and your going to have to do something to satisfy that feeling.  Does your wife have a Dildo in the house your going to need it.

Me:  Yes she does but i'm not feeling anything except being a little warm.

Ted: Just get it out trust me.

Me: okay I have it.

Ted: okay your sure you want to do this alone?

Me: yes there's no one I know that can help.

Ted: Alright, then put the bottle up to the right nostril of your nose and breathe deeply three times, then do the same to your left.

Me: wow its really warm now.  I my that is really itching you know, Let me try something.

Ted: don't Try anything yet do it again and put the cap on the bottle and then pick up your wife' member and insert it in your anus.

Well I did what Ted told me to do and the room was spinning it was all I could do to pick up that dildo and put it in my ass.  When I got it to the edge I told Ted I had to put down the phone for a min.  He started to say something but I didn't care that itch started again and I had to itch it.  I started to slide this rubble dick in and out faster and faster trying to itch the itch but it wasn't working. Lucky thing my wife had more then one of these things.  I had to go to the longest one and slide it in slowly as I could.  It was bumping up against something in me that I figured was a oh ring but it was itching on the other side of this thing.  I knew that the Poppers  would relax your butt so that a cock would fit in it, I was getting frantic to itch it more so I took a really deep sniff in the right and the left I was turning that bottle inside out.  When I felt the ring let go and I was pumping that cock so deep hard and fast that I thought I would start a real fire not just the one that I had inside.  This went on for twenty minutes and all of a sudden I felt as though I had to cum or pee.  I was screaming in an orgasm, it was the biggest one yet.  I think I took a pee and cummed all over myself.  I laid there for about an hour before I realized that Ted was screaming at me on the phone to pick up.  I did pick it up and all he said was come back to New York let me fuck you again.  I said Ill be there Sunday.  I had to clean up the room and myself before the wife got home.  I put everything back to where I found it opened the windows and even vacuumed up the floor and made the bed.  Made it just in time for the wife to get home.  She said good your home Let me try on the clothes I just bought and do a little fashion show.  I said okay that would be nice.  She took all the bags up to our room and I heard her say "oh whats this little brown bottle, smells funny" "oh honey"...?



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