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Really just love this story it's the kind of story that you can read over and over and over and never get tired of it, hope part 6 is coming soon need more!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...


I'd been sucking them for about 10 or so minutes, and it was a weird thing to say, but my arse was so hungry. It needed to be fucked. "Can one of you fuck me please? My arse needs it so bad...." I pleaded. The two of them shared a knowing smile


"Damn you're right, it is good stuff. You want a piece of this beautiful arse Jerome?" David asked, as I was sucking the pair of them.


"Of course I do, but I wanna make sure you tear it up first," he replied. I wasn't sure what he meant but God, I needed it so much, it felt like my arse was on fire. The two of them both moved behind me and I could soon feel the metal from David's PA pressing against my hole. I moved back towards him eagerly and I could feel his cock slowly opening me up. "Mmmmm...not much I love seeing more than a bumped-up arse wanting a cock in it..." (Bumped-up? I wondered to myself) "Now do what that cock does best David." Jerome said.


Within seconds, David started fucking my arse harder than he had before. It was such a mix of pleasure & pain as he was fucking me I wasn't sure if I was enjoying it...no, who am I kidding...I was being fucked, of course I was loving it! All I could do was moan as he worked my arse over, David pushing my cheeks wide as he fucked me. It felt incredible to be used in this way, I knew I was being used but I didn't mind, it was what I was made for. 


"That should be plenty" Jerome said, and David pulled out of me. David kept hold of my cheeks wide, and I could feel the air going into the gape of my arse. "Oh, looks like our little poof had his cherry popped again...let me get that" and Jerome scooped something (I guess David's precum?) that'd trickled out of my arse. I was gaping so much, it was probably bound to happen! "Now clean yourself up and take a seat, while I take this pussy." Jerome said to David.


David grabbed a beer and started drinking and looking at his phone as he sat next to us. I was a bit surprised that he didn't seem to really care that his new boyfriend was about to be fucked by someone else but oh well. "Wow, what a beautiful gape" Jerome said and he started fucking me with some (three maybe?) fingers. "Nothing better than feeling a nice fresh hole before it's totally wrecked." His fingers did feel amazing but it wasn't what I needed.


"Jerome, can you please fuck me?" I begged. My hole was feeling a bit sore & stretched but I wanted him in me anyway.


"Of course my boy, I was just getting you & myself nice and ready." he replied, God his voice was so soothing. "You really love Daddy cock don't you boy?" I guessed I did, I hadn't really put it together but the thought of cocks of older guys older inside me was much more of a turnon. While I was thinking about that, Jerome pushed his cock deep inside me and it felt so good. "Oh yesssss...what a beautiful pussy you have" he groaned as he entered me.


My groans matched his, it felt incredible. "Pussy......don't you mean arse?" I replied.


"Sorry my boy, I forgot you're so new to this!" He laughed as he slowly began thrusting. "Poofs like us sometimes refer to our arseholes as our pussies, it's the only way we'll get knocked up after all!" I'd never thought of it that way, and the thought of getting knocked up by guys was such an appealing one. It was like he read my mind because shortly after he said, "In fact there's a few friends of mine that would love using a pussy like yours..."


That sounded amazing! But I wanted to keep my cool, "Um...yeah...I'd love that....I can give you my number if you want to pass onto them if you want..."


"Well, you can meet them all at once if you'd like. We're having a survivors party at my place later next week & you could be the guest of honour if you wanted. David's got my details anyway so he can let you know....."


I looked over at my new boyfriend for his approval but he was still checking his phone & drinking what must've been his third beer while Jerome was fucking me. Time flies while you're having fun! "I'll do it!" I said, "It sounds like it'll be a blast."


"If it all goes well, there'll be a few blasts!" Jerome laughed, .."And if all goes well, all of them knocking up that beautiful pussy of yours. Did you hear that David? Are you OK if my young friend here comes to my survivors party?"


David looked up from his phone, "Not at all, I'm positive. And with any luck..." and the two of them started laughing. "Anyway, I gotta go & take a piss."

"Don't be silly," Jerome replied. "If our guest of honour here's coming to my party, he'll need a taste of what he'll be getting up to. Why use a toilet when there's a perfectly good mouth here to piss into?" David smiled and moved over towards me. I was feeling a bit nervous having never tasted piss before (aside from the head of cocks when I was about to suck them) so I was worried how it'd go.


"Don't you spill a drop mate," David said. "The dry-cleaning at Jerome's place is a bitch for the carpets so you'll be needing to swallow the lot." He rested his cock between my lips & within seconds, my mouth started to fill with warm piss. It was pretty watery thankfully after the beer and I was surprised to find it tasted kinda familiar. I've no idea how though.


"Oh fuck, I love watching young piss sluts" Jerome moaned behind me as I was swallowing. He started pounding me harder and pushed against my arse as he came hard. I kept licking David's cock as Jerome pushed a couple of fingers into my arse, muttering something about "making sure it takes". I was hoping it took too, the idea of carrying part of Jerome inside me sounded great.


Looking around, it was dark now! "Time's gotten away from us!" Jerome laughed, "Guess I'd better head home." 


"Nah, stay in the spare bedroom with Josh, he won't mind."


"Only if it's OK with him," Jerome replied, rubbing my belly that'd been filled with cum from one end and piss from the other.


I leant back, searching for his mouth with mine. I found it & started making out with this old guy, giving him his answer.



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Posted (edited)

Yes, yes fuckin hot can't wait for next chapter, hey not trying to tell you how to write your story but hope next chapter has Josh and Jerome in bed together making out, fucking and taking a load of piss then David joins in later with Josh getting some ass&mouth and dp action. Sometime later the doorbell is ringing and ringing forcing David to go see who's at his door after opening the door David see's Kate and James who's giving him the WTF look Kate says something to David for being naked with his hard cock in front of her and asks where's Josh David says in the second bedroom Kate storms by him with your brother in tow. Once they enter the bedroom, they see Josh kissing and getting fucked by a guy Kate yells at Josh but all he does is keep kissing and moaning while taking cock David comes in and stands by Kate saying bet you didn't know your boyfriend loves raw cock more then your brother see how he's crazy for it. David then walks to the bed placing his cock near Josh's head Josh stops kissing and moves his head and opens his mouth to take David's cock David places his cock into Josh's mouth and pushes it straight down the throat Kate loses it and yells at your brother James I want to go back home now where's the car keys. Kate looks at a nearby table see's them and goes grabs them turns around taking another look at her boyfriend who's getting fucked in his ass and mouth runs out the room yelling at James take me home right now while James is still standing there with his mouth open and a puzzle look on his face David looks at him saying we're finish I got me a new boy and he's way better then you. Kate and James leaves Josh there to his fate leaving nothing in the way of Josh staying the week at David's and being taking to Jerome's survivors party.

Edited by blkcmslt
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys, Part 7 is hopefully coming soon. Thanks for your thoughts blkcmslt, it's not necessarily what I was thinking but it's not too far off the mark...

  • 2 weeks later...



"Let's go then," Jerome said and I unsteadily got to my feet to walk with him. "No need to lead the way," he said. "I've been over more than a few times before!" As we walked side by side, he burrowed a couple of fingers into my well-used hole. "Gosh, if you really were a virgin before David got a hold of you, that's well & truly over now!" I leant forward a little bit as we walked to give him easier access to my hole. "You're an instinctual bottom, the guys at the party are gonna love you". I was so excited to meet them!


"I think it's only a queen, of course, but we'll make do" Jerome laughed as he lay on the bed, looking up at me. I knew where we wanted me, and I gently lay on top of him, my head on his chest. I was still so fucking horny, but I wanted to learn more about him. "Did you go to Mardi Gras with your friends?"


"No, they all did but I didn't. I don't really like going to the Mardi Gras."


"I'm sorry to hear that, I had a great time!" I replied, as I kissed his chest.


"I'm sure you did! It's a wonderful time of year, and you'll go to some more perhaps."


"I certainly plan to!" smiling up at him, as I kissed around his belly. "Why didn't you go?"


"Just brings back too many memories for me of people that aren't here any more."


"Oh, is that why you have the survivors party?" his hardening cock was under my chin now as my kisses went lower & lower.


"That's exactly right, to remember the friends we've lost but also to bring some joy back into the group." Even though I could see some sadness in his eyes, his dick was rock hard.


"Well I certainly hope I can do that" as I started to straddle him, looking into his eyes as I began to guide his cock into my hole.


"Given what an insatiable slut you are, they're going to love you!" he laughed and he pulled me into a deep kiss as his cock started to fill up my eager hole. God, I remembered the times when I used to say someone was a slut in a derogatory way, now I took it as the greatest compliment! The thought of pleasing a whole bunch of guys like Jerome made me feel like I was on heat.


I'd lost track of time while Jerome & I were kissing but I could feel someone move onto the end of the bed. I guess David was coming into say goodnight to us both. Jerome gently pulled me up a little further & I could feel two pairs of hands on my arse, both sets pulling hard on my cheeks. Not long after, I felt something pressing both against my hole, and Jerome's cock. Looking back, I could see David slowly trying to inch his dick inside me.


"I don't think I can...I need the amyl!" I moaned, looking back.


David slapped me across the face, "Shut the fuck up, if you want to go to Jerome's party you need to be able to do this without them."


Jerome stroked my reddening cheek, "I know you can do it my boy, just open up for the two of us..." Looking into his eyes, it was like I was hypnotised. While I enjoyed David's roughness I did enjoy Jerome's tenderness as well. "I can feel him...he's almost there..." he whispered in my ears while I was almost blacking out from pain. I let out a scream as David gave one final thrust. "THERE he is! What a good boy...." 


The feeling was an incredible mix of pain & pleasure as I rocked between the two men. I knew my hole was being totally wrecked but I didn't really care now. I knew my role was to bring joy to men, as Jerome said, and that would be my purpose in life from now on. David grabbed my throat hard with one hand, and my arse clenched instinctively with the pain. Both men groaned in the pleasure my tightened arse gave them, while I passed out between them as David choked me.



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  • 1 month later...



I woke up again with an incredibly sore head and an even worse pain in the arse with an awful lot of cum on the sheets and a little bit of blood too. Worse still, I had no idea what I'd been up to the night before - I guess David must've fucked me again. Something in my head was saying that another guy had been around too but that can't have been coz we were in isolation. 


I staggered out of the bedroom, it must've been around lunchtime coz the sun was well & truly out. David was making himself a coffee and turned around & smiled, "Well, how's my favourite little faggot going today? Nice of you to finally get up!" His sunny disposition was cute, but it only made me feel worse. 


"I feel terrible, like a truck hit me from all sides.." I groaned. "Did we have a big session last night or something?"


"LAST night?!?!" he laughed, "Sleeping beauty, you've been asleep for over a day! I just checked into make sure you were alright but you were dead to the world. You really don't know what happened before you passed out?" He asked with a smirk.


Fucking hell, what happened?!?! I barely even knew what day it was. I had to get in touch with Kate to let her know I was OK. "David, do you know where my phone is?" 


"Haven't the foggiest, it wasn't in your pants was it? It'll be around somewhere, anyway I've got an important Zoom meeting in 5 minutes that I've got to go to the study for. See you in a bit."


Fuck, just what I needed. Actually what I needed was a coffee, but David's machine was one that I had no hope in hell of operating. I opened the fridge hoping there'd me a Coke or similar to drink but it didn't look like David had any time for that. I did see a jug of that tea from the other day, which even though it tasted & smelled terrible did make me feel good so I grabbed the jug & a glass and made my way to the balcony.


Although it tasted terrible, by about halfway through my first glass I started feeling good again, between that & the sun on my naked body, it was an instant pick me up! Looking at myself, I did look like I'd lost a bit of weight but I was really tanned, and tanned all over. I couldn't really remember having eaten anything the past couple of days, but I did feel great & that's what counted. It was funny, I was starting to feel really horny again, like REALLY horny. I'm not sure what it was about staying at David's place but I could barely contain myself.


It was then a naughty idea came into my head, what if I gave David a distraction during his meeting? I could hear his sexy voice coming from the study and leaving the jug & glass at the door, walked in bare-arse naked. David's laptop faced away from the door so there was no danger of me being seen, but I was so horny I didn't really care. 


David's eyes bugged out of his head when he saw me come in so I knew he must've been excited. Invisible to the camera and the others in the meeting, I slid under his desk and slowly unbuckled his pants, pulling them & his briefs down. I'd just taken his cock in my mouth when I heard him say, "Look everyone, I've just got to use the bathroom...back in 5." 


"5 minutes?!?! I'd thought we'd take longer...."


"What the fuck are you doing? These are very important people...it's a work day!!"

"But I thought..."


"You're too fucking dumb to think! Here, if you're so horny take this tablet & go to the bedroom & watch Pornhub or something..."


 I was a bit surprised to hear him take that tone, and walked out of the room disappointed & still so horny. I crashed on the bed and thought it was probably best to watch some Pornhub & jack off, hopefully it'd make me feel better. As I put my glass & jug down, I could see a bottle of poppers on the bedside table and tried to find some good videos with poppers in them. The search bar automatically filled out "poppers trainer" and I found a bunch of hot vids, clicking on one with gangbangs. I was so high & horny after watching half a dozen or so, I needed to find something to put in my arse. My fingers weren't doing the trick.


Rummaging through the side table, I found the mother lode. It was a massive dildo with some lube as well! As I was getting my arse & the dildo ready, a little Skype icon popped up for a video call. Some guy called Jerome was wanting to talk to David. "Hello?" I answered, trying to seem as composed as possible. 


"Who's that I'm speaking to, that's not David. I know his chest anywhere!" 


I lifted the tablet to my face, "No no...he's in a meeting I think..."


"Ah..you're his new friend!" I guess word must've gotten out about me. "I also know that look....were you in the middle of something?"


"Yeah...kinda" if I had any inhibitions now I'd have blushed.


"Well don't let me keep you, please continue. Show me what you were getting up to!" There was something about his voice that was so reassuring & familiar, plus I was so horny I wanted to give him a real show!


Laying on the edge of the bed, I spread my legs wide, aiming my hole directly at the tablet. ("Mmmmm...what a divine pussy") and I slowly started to ease the massive dildo in. ("I bet you won't be able to take all of it...") I wanted to show this guy what a good slut I was & before long I was totally filled. ("What a pleasant surprise....I've asked some friends to join the call....I hope you don't mind")


"The more the merrier!" I moaned and started fucking myself hard with the dildo. I could hear the "dings" as other people joined the call, they all sounded roughly the same age as the first guy but I loved hearing them moan as I fucked myself. I started showing them different angles too as I worked it in & out of me. ("He'll be just perfect...." "Best we'll have had for a long time...") Guys kept joining & then dropping out after they came, I didn't really care, I was in my own heaven anyway moaning "Yes" to anything they said!


I lost track of how long we'd been doing it for but it just ended up just Jerome & me. I was close & when he whispered, "What a beautiful whore you'll make" that was enough for me & I shot all over myself. I think that made him cum too coz he let out a huge groan & hung up shortly after. I passed out pretty much straight away, my cum over my chest & the dildo deep in my arse.


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