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Male Sexual Hierarchy


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I don't think Woodstock was in the Chicago Arch Diocese - it's at least 50 miles - maybe more - NW of the city.  I remember there was a very decent man named Bernardin who was Arch Bishop (thank you for clarifying), who really did try to clean up some of the mess; a good and decent man.  At some point he was also the Cardinal - maybe when the Pope came to visit Chicago.  There was another Chgo cleric* - highly placed - that became head of the Vatican Bank, and - in typical Chicago tradition - got caught at all kinds of payoffs, financial mischief.  I also remember doing a concert at Holy Name Cathedral -(I think it was the Seven Last Shrieks, DuBois - a wretchedly romantic exercise in guilt-inducement) and little pieces of the red hats would come floating down.  Apparently, when one of them dies, their hat gets hung up in the rafters, and finally they start to fall apart.  I didn't see it, since my back was to the audience, but I knew something was up when the singers started to look up there, and not watch !!!  That's one piece of music that - if done juuust right - can require a re-varnishing of the pews.  

One more:  our group sang in an RC Church out in Rolling Meadows (aka Ghettos) once, and the church organist was an old lady who - this is actually true - played the organ in high heels !!!  I couldn't believe my eyes (but I definitely could believe my ears).

*Marcincus, or something like that?

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21 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

I don't think Woodstock was in the Chicago Arch Diocese - it's at least 50 miles - maybe more - NW of the city.  I remember there was a very decent man named Bernardin who was Arch Bishop (thank you for clarifying), who really did try to clean up some of the mess; a good and decent man. 

Chicago Archdiocese covers only Cook and Lake Counties. If it's outside of those, it's outside the diocese. It's probably Rockford Diocese. Here's a link to a map.

[think before following links] https://www.ilcatholic.org/map-of-illinois-dioceses/

Not trying to usurp the conversation into advocating religion, but the priest I referenced was defrocked many years later. In fact, he was arrested taking a student to his vacation trailer and diddling him there. They released him, then sent him around to other Dioceses, one after the other, and when his behavior became known and raised issues, they'd pawn him off elsewhere. That was how the RC Church for too many years handled its 'minor attracted person' problem. Eventually, they'd exhausted the goodwill of the other dioceses, and he was defrocked. I'll DM you a link if I can find it. Point is that they could have dealt with their issues head-on and sent a message but they just let it fester like an infected wound, and by the time they did something, it was out of any other choices and bowing to public pressure.

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Here's another one:  Close to downtown, there's a magnificent old RC church - Old Saint Michaels on or close to North Ave, (with an original tracker in it) where some boy got diddled by the priest.  His dad found out about it, and drove up to the Cardinal's mansion, went in, and found the Cardinals office.  The father pulled a gun and said something like:  "If you (the Cardinal) don't get that priest out of town by tonight, I'm going to shoot him.  And then, I'll come back and shoot you too"  

Once word got out, so did that priest.  Only Rome itself knows where that priest got sent ... and the father made the local news channels, and didn't get arrested.  

I'm guessing that Woodstock would be out in McHenry County, but definitely one of the Collar Counties.

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If you downloaded and filled in the assessment form and your C-index (middle value) score was an "A", you may wish to re-download the form below and take it again. I found a minor programming error that might have resulted in anyone scoring above a 4.00 on the C-axis receiving the wrong values for the C and G axes. Especially if you noticed that the colored three-letter return on the form page was missing the second letter when you finished, you should re-take the assessment with the corrected form below.

If you are one of the men who has sent me your values to receive your score, you don't need to re-send them. I calculated those correctly. Anyone else who has difficulty accessing the assessment due to computer (mainly Apple product apparently) issues is welcome to send me a message with your answers as 1-8 for each question, and I'll be happy to run the assessment for you.

Here's the corrected assessment form:

Male Hierarchy Assessment Form - Use This One


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Here’s an ancillary question to this topic - what do you think when you see a man wearing a collar? A collar is a symbol of submission, of servitude, an acknowledgment of a disparity in the level of power between one man and another. While undoubtedly there are those who may put on a collar simply as a form of play or even (one cringes) as a ‘fashion’ accessory, there are others for whom the collar represents something very real and palpable.

A Dominant male does not wear a collar. He may collar the male he breeds as an expression of control, but would never suffer himself to wear one. I have worn the collar of another man, but for the most part I have collared myself, and wear one as a symbol of my service position to other men.

Even those who don’t consider there to be any hierarchy among males must have some view of what a collar on a man means - it isn’t meaningless, and it can’t be brushed off as just play or roleplay, because for some men, it’s not play. It’s a commitment, an acknowledgment, and an acceptance.

So what do you think of a man in a collar?

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